fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
Fherys Targaryen

The Dragon Emperor

32 posts

Fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago


fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
fherystargaryen1991 - Fherys Targaryen
1 year ago

Love this 😍🥰

Imagine being the little brother of Tommy Merlyn (Oliver Queen x Male Reader)

Imagine Being The Little Brother Of Tommy Merlyn (Oliver Queen X Male Reader)

Imagine Being The Little Brother Of Tommy Merlyn (Oliver Queen X Male Reader)

Fandoms: Arrowverse/Titans

Being born into one of the most prominent families in Starling City ensured that Y/N was blessed with the kind of life many could only dream of.

Wealth, prestige, influence... What more could anyone ask for? Y/N had always been extremely close with his older brother Tommy, whom cared deeply for him.

Y/N would eventually learn that Malcolm conceived him in an affair he had with another woman, a powerful sorceress who was a member of the elusive Homo Magi people and dropped him off at the Merlyn estate as a baby when she became afflicted with a lethal curse.

Y/N exhibited magical abilities from an early age, though usually uncontrollable such as setting things ablaze or moving them with his mind, causing rampant plant growth so thorny vines overtook the house and summoning snow during the height of summer.

With his mother out of the picture, he had nobody to teach him to harness his gifts so Malcolm urged him to keep them secret and used his money/connections to cover up the incidents where Y/N lost control.

This created further tensions between the father and son who never quite saw eye to eye. But Y/N had an unbreakable bond with Tommy who supported him no matter what.

Because he's the youngest of their inner circle/friend group, Y/N was viewed as the little brother everyone was protective of especially Oliver and Sara. They would swoop in to interrogate any guy that displayed interest in Y/N, usually scaring them off.

Life wasn't perfect but it was great. He was surrounded by the best friends anyone could ask for and he was top of his class (he had always been the more studious Merlyn brother). Then disaster struck...

When the Queen's Gambit tragically sank and Oliver, Sara and Robert were presumed deceased. Y/N and the others were devastated, mourning for their loved ones. His volatile powers conjured a rainstorm indoors and withered nearby plant life upon receiving the news.

Upon turning 18, Y/N came into the inheritance his mother left for him consisting of an ornate trunk filled with mystical objects including books, crystals and talismans along with a handwritten letter from her to him. It was deeply moving and gave him the strength to pull through adversity.

Longing to understand himself and finally gain control over his magic, Y/N made the decision to leave Starling City behind. Tommy was sad to see him go but they promised to stay in touch.

That summer before his freshman year of college, Y/N traveled the globe and studied the mystical arts. It was as if a whole new world had been opened up to him and things finally began to make sense.

So that's how the next few years passed, with Y/N attending university during the school year as a pre-med student and traveling in the summers to further hone his magical skills, though he was always practicing tirelessly in his free time with varying degrees of success.

It was an Odyssey like journey taking him from enchanted forests to underwater kingdoms, traversing dimensions and realities that would boggle the mind, and meeting fellow Practitioners. Y/N overcame many challenges from fairytale curses to eldritch terrors and grew stronger every day, a palpable change his loved ones noticed. He was more confident than ever yet still incredibly kind.

Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Enchantress, Jason Blood, Swamp Thing, Doctor Fate, Madame Xanadu and Jinx were just a few of the people he befriended over the years, having many adventures with them as Y/N made a name for himself as an extremely powerful sorcerer.

Y/N was undergoing his first year of medical school when Tommy called him urgently to say that Oliver had been found, alive and whole despite everything. He had seen many things he once deemed impossible but this took the cake.

He was overjoyed, heart skipping a beat as he leaped into his open arms for a hug and allowing Oliver to spin him around. It was surreal being reunited with the friend he thought he'd never see again and unlike most others, Y/N didn't treat him like he was fragile which Oliver appreciated. He was amazed yet a little sad to see how much Y/N had grown in his absence.

"Look who's back from Gilligan's Island!" "The amenities were subpar but the staff were top-notch." "Hopefully you left a glowing review. We'll see if the chef can whip up squirrel and seaweed stew, or whatever else you were eating." "Please, you're making me hungry."

There was so much that Y/N wanted to tell Oliver: how terribly he'd missed him and it was ironically only after that Y/N began realizing he had more than platonic feelings for him, what all he had been through whilst he was missing, that he was capable of things that would get him burned at the stake in a bygone era. But he didn't tell Oliver about his magic and just enjoyed having him back home.

Though Oliver put up a facade of still being the same carefree billionaire playboy, Y/N understood him better than most and sensed something beneath the surface. But rather than pry, he respected his privacy. After all, he was hiding a big secret himself.

He caught Oliver up on his studies and travels (minus the mystical aspects). Oliver was immensely proud that he was on track to be a doctor and they stayed up all night talking while eating ice cream.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, Y/N...." "What are you apologizing for, you dolt? It was out of your hands. You're here now, that's what matters."

The days went by with Oliver acclimating back to life in the city and not long after, rumors began spreading about a mysterious vigilante dubbed The Hood.

Initially, Y/N didn't pay it much mind as he was busy with his course load of biochemistry, pharmacology and anatomy to care that there was apparently a new vigilante in Starling City.

As one corrupt official or businessman after another was brought down by The Hood and criminal groups were quelled, crime rates began plummeting. A very welcome change as the citizens felt safer than they had in a long time.

As more stories circulated about the The Hood's deeds, Y/N admittedly became intrigued. The crimes he fought were always of a supernatural or mystical nature, so it was interesting that there was a vigilante dealing with more mundane injustices.

Y/N's relationship with his dad had been cordial up until he finally cut-off Tommy for his irresponsible behavior. His brother held him back from turning Malcolm into a toad and Y/N happily invited Tommy to move in with him to his penthouse.

It became the unofficial hangout spot for the three men since Tommy wasn't welcome at the Merlyn estate and Oliver felt cooped up at the Queen estate, ditching his bodyguard Diggle at every opportunity.

Y/N often helped him and they'd be laughing breathlessly as they escaped. He felt butterflies seeing Oliver's bright smile.

However, things took a turn when Oliver and Tommy were abducted when they were planning to meet up with Y/N, who found the abandoned car. Using a locator spell, he tracked them down to a desolate warehouse.

The masked kidnappers were astonished when a swirling plume of cerulean smoke struck down and Y/N appeared from it, transforming their guns into confetti. He spots Tommy laying unconscious and he summons enchanted chains to ensnare the men, suspending them from the rafters.

He checked on his brother, using a combination of his magical and medical skills to scan him to make sure he wasn't seriously injured. But there was no sign of Oliver, which concerned him.

With Tommy awake now, the brothers hear heavy gunfire in the vicinity and Y/N transported the two of them in another torrent of mystical smoke that arrives just in time to witness Oliver brutally taking down the last kidnapper.

They couldn't fathom this was their Oliver, the one they grew up with. The way he moved and fought was like the new vigilante, The Hood.

Oliver was clearly startled by the inexplicable appearance of his friends, right as he was prepared to snap the neck of the killer to protect his identity.

"I can explain..." Oliver swore, looking Y/N and Tommy in their eyes, hoping they understand. Fortunately, Y/N recovered quickly and snapped his fingers so the kidnapper fell unconscious like a sack of potatoes.

Y/N was nervous too. He had never used his powers in front of Oliver before but explanations would have to wait until later.

"We need to get our stories straight. The cops are gonna be here any second since I called them."

So the trio settled on a story, of The Hood and a second mystical vigilante working in tandem to rescue them. Quentin Lance was clearly skeptical but the media siezed onto their account of events.

Y/N was still processing that the man he knew all his life and secretly loved was The Hood. Arrogant yet caring Oliver who would do anything for his loved ones had clearly undergone 5 years of Hell.

Once Oliver was assured by Y/N the criminals had their memories wiped so his secret was safe, the three got together at the penthouse so they could finally talk in privacy.

Gathered in the living room, none of them spoke as they struggled to sort their thoughts or were unwilling to break the silence. Y/N eventually had enough however.

"Well somebody say something!"

That encouraged Oliver to divulge everything he endured after the Queen's Gambit sank which made Y/N and Tommy's hearts break for their friend.

Y/N went next, revealing to Oliver that he and his mother were members of the Homo Magi, his journey to master his magic and Malcolm pressuring him to hide it. Tommy admitted he helped his brother keep it secret.

Y/N felt Oliver's eyes on him as he told his tale, looking at him with emotions hard to decipher. Disbelief? Wonder? Years ago, it would make him fidget and squirm but he held his head high, showcasing more of his magic by briefly changing the apartment into a lush forest teeming with animals.

The trio were now bound together by recent events and vowed to keep each other's secrets. Oliver explained his mission and The List. Y/N and Tommy aided him in every way they could, including with the construction of the Arrowcave.

Eventually, Diggle discovered Oliver's secret and later Felicity. Both were highly skeptical of the existence of magic until Y/N demonstrated his powers.

Y/N and Oliver made a surprisingly good team. On their own, they were formidable but together they were unstoppable.

They loved competing to see who could take down the most enemies or make the coolest entrance.

"That round goes to me!" "Easy to say when you can bibidi-bobidi-boo your way in."

Everyone noticed the flirtatious undertones of their witty banter but chose to let the two men figure it out on their own.

Oliver was often still overprotective of Y/N despite being aware of what he was capable of now.

"Ollie, please. I've faced vampires, werewolves, demons and other things that go bump in the night. A few thugs with guns doesn't faze me."

Y/N became an integral (and the most powerful) member of Team Arrow that everyone greatly respected for both his magical and medical knowledge.

When Y/N finds out about Malcolm being the Dark Archer, he and Tommy are devastated. Oliver comforts Y/N and they grow closer than ever.

They ultimately ended up sleeping together for the first time at Y/N's place after a successful night of crime fighting, high from adrenaline and their sexual tension finally spilling over.

It was perfect though Oliver had a mini panic attack that Tommy would kill him for sleeping with his little brother.

(Tommy was actually happy for the now couple but warned Oliver he had better treat Y/N right or he'd regret it.)

Oliver is actually an amazing boyfriend. He's attentive, gentle and loves giving gifts. He always sets aside time for dates.

Constantly hyping up his powerful magical boyfriend, especially when he does something epic

"That's my boy!" "We get it, Oliver..."

Not to mention their sex life is fantastic

Much to the annoyance of teammates who often walk in on the lovers and complain about it, not that Oliver or Y/N are ashamed

Best believe he is the loudest and proudest audience member (aside from Tommy) when Y/N graduates from medical school. He also brings him the most comically huge bouquet of flowers along with a diamond watch and kisses him in front of everyone.

Oh yeah, they're the power couple of Starling City, attending high society events and raising/donating millions to charity.

Oliver proposed on their anniversary later at the restaurant they had their first date and Y/N is crying with joy as he says yes.

Oliver loves introducing Y/N as his husband and using his title of doctor, referring to him as his better half

When Damien Darhk sets his sights on Starling City, he quickly comes to regret it when Y/N engages him in an epic magic battle and defeats him.

The rest of Team Arrow simply took cover as they duked it out and Felicity recorded it on her phone, in awe about how cool yet terrifying it was as Y/N demolished Darhk

Sara also enlisted help from Y/N during the war against Mallus, so he temporarily joined the Legends and had adventures with them.

He befriends Nora, Astra and Lena. The four of them form a magic club where they get together to study and practice the mystic arts, eat good food and drink great booze, watch movies and make fun of the inaccurate portrayals of magic.

... which doesn't stop them from attempting to see if it'll work, though results vary.

Could probably also form a club with Koriand'r for heroes with boyfriends/husbands that worship them

@inhumanshadows @thebisexualdogdad @iliumheightnights

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1 year ago

I love gay Jax Teller 😍

Philosophy don't bother me, with your lies

Jax Teller x Male Reader

Warning: Smut

Request- Sons of Anarchy: - Jax Teller x Male Reader smut: Set in Season 7, where Jax does not make connections with Ron and withdraws from everyone in grief over Tara’s death. He meets you having just moved to Charming, and a love slowly blossoms.

Philosophy Don't Bother Me, With Your Lies

Jax Teller doesn't deal with grief very well. When Tara died, he shut down and shut everyone out. He doesn't speak to his friends, his mom or Ron. He doesn't show up to the club anymore now he mostly drinks and smokes cigarettes.

Everyone is letting him deal with grief on his own. He doesn't have anyone to talk about it.

You just moved into Charming. You live alone and you moving the boxes alone too. Jax just watched you dropped your box and heard you curse. He walked towards you and he starts to help you pick your stuff.

”Thank you,” You said.

”Do you need more help? I don't mind. My name is Jax and I live across the street” Jax said.

”Mine is Y/N. I will appreciate of you helping me” You said.

Jax did carry the heavier boxes and you told him where to put it.

”What made you move from the city to a small town?” Jax asked.

”What makes you think, I used to live in the city?” you asked.

”The way you speak,” Jax said and you smiled.

”Yeah, I’m from the city. I needed a fresh start and I got out of a bad break up so now I’m here. I don't know how to repay you back for helping me” You said.

”You can thank me with beer” Jax said.

”That I have,” You said.

You ordered take-out food. Now you and Jax are eating Chinese food and drinking beer. The conversation was simple, you and Jax talked about the basics and he told you about his motorcycle club but didn't go into details.

✧ ✯ ✬ ✧

Weeks have gone by you and Jax developed a friendship but Jax starts to question that. When he is alone he starts to think about you and he finally accepted that he has feelings for you.

Jax has been drinking all night and he is very drunk. He left the bar and he can't walk straight now he tries to get on his motorcycle. You see him and you ran to him and he smiled at you.

”Y/N!” Jax yelled.

”Woah, did you bathe in liquor? And you can't drive your motorcycle!” You said.

”I had like one and ten of something. You make me happy now I can take you on my motorcycle...” Jax said.

You walked him to your car and you start to drive home. You had to help walk into your house and it was a hassle to take him to your bedroom. Jax is sitting on your bed and you sit next to him.

”I miss her,” Jax said and he starts to cry.

”Who Tara?” You asked.

He nods and he wipes his tears away.

”Have you spoken to anyone of how you felt?” You asked.

”No. I mostly drink until I can't feel it anymore. The motorcycle club isn't the type to share feelings. I’m not on good terms with my mom... I just shut everyone out” Jax said.

He starts to cry again and you rub his back. He told you more about how he felt about her death and how he has been drinking a lot. You listened to him and tried to comfort him. Eventually, he asleep on your bed.

~The next day~

Jax wakes up because of the smell of food you are cooking in the kitchen. He has a bad hangover and he starts to rub his eyes. He sat up and pushed his hair back and his head is pounding. He walked downstairs towards the kitchen and he made you jump.

”I didn't mean to scare you,” Jax said.

”How are you feeling?” You asked.

”My head is fucking killing me. What happened last night? I remember parts are a blur” Jax said.

He starts to eat the food and you give him a pill for the headache.

”You were about to drive your motorcycle drunk and I had to stop you, and I took you here to my place. You talked about Tara’s death and how you felt” You said.

He avoids your eyes and you wait for him to reply.

”Thank you,” Jax said.

”Anytime,” You said.

✧ ✯ ✬ ✧

Jax took you a ride on his motorcycle and it's your first time, he can tell. Your grip around his torso tightens and he drives a little faster.

After the ride, he took you to his place. He just smiled at you and he lights up a cigarette.

”first time?” Jax asked.

”Yeah. That was too fast but I kinda liked it” You said

”After a while, you will get used to it” Jax said.

Jax is checking you out and he adjusts his jeans. Jax went to pick up dinner then went to your place.

You don't mind him spending most of his time at your place. He slowly starts to open up even more, about his family and the club.


Days later, Jax tried to show you how to ride a motorcycle. It did scare you a little bit, you tried to get the hang of it. Jax is really patient and he starts to smile.

”I’m guessing you will never buy a motorcycle,” Jax said.

”No, I won't. I have you and you can give me rides” You said.

You and Jax smiled at each other.

✧ ✯ ✬ ✧

You are in the kitchen and Jax is kissing you. And you didn't stop him and he didn't stop. He has you against the counter, you moaned while kissing him. He starts to kiss your neck and you will him closer.

”I want you” Jax whispered into your ear.

You and Jax head to the bedroom, he starts to take off your shirt. Then you start to go unbuckle his jeans. He takes off his shirt and you pushed him onto the bed. You touch his chest and he starts to stroke his cock.

You kiss him and you take off your pants. You get down your knees, you opened your mouth and start to suck his cock. He starts to moan, you wrap your hand on his shaft and begin to move your hand up and down while sucking his cock. He starts to moan again and he smiled.

”Fuck yeah. Make my dick hard” Jax moans.

You start to suck on his balls. You start to lick his cock fast every inch of it. You start to suck again and he starts to push your head down and you start to gag. Next, you lie on your side and he lies on the opposite side and he starts to suck on your cock. His hands are on your ass and he starts to suck your cock faster. You start to suck his cock again, he is making cock your hard and you start to moan.


Jax is on top of you and he is kissing you hard. You moaned and he bites your bottom lip.

”Turn around,” Jax said in a raspy voice.

”You are fucking hot with hot abs,” you said.

When you said that Jax smirked. You turned around and he lowered himself, he bites your ass and you moaned through your teeth. He starts to eat you out and he is holding your ass hard.

”The lube is in the nightstand,” You said.

”Good” He said.

He grabbed the lube from the nightstand, he pours the on his cock. Then he starts to tease you by grinding his cock on your ass.

”Jax, please fuck me. Don’t be a tease” You said.

”Say it louder,” Jax said.

”Fuck me!!” You said really loud.

”Oh, I will” Jax said.

His cock goes inside you slow at first, you start to moan. He wraps his forearm and your neck and he starts to fuck you harder.

You get on your hands and knees, he is holding your hips hard. He starts to move his hips fast and you start to moan loud. He pushes his hair away from his face, his cock feels good. He pulled you closer to him and he starts to kiss your neck and bite.

”I dreamt about this for a long time” You moaned.

”Now we can fuck whenever we want,” Jax said.


You are on your back, your knees are bent. His balls are hitting you hard and you don't stop moaning loud. You are jerking off and Jax moaned through his teeth. Next, you are holding him. Your hands are on his ass, you squeeze it. You and Jax are breathing hard and sweaty. He starts to kiss your neck and leave many hickeys on your neck and chest.

”Your fucking cock feels amazing! Fuck me!” You moaned.

He smirked. Now, you are starting fuck, Jax. He starts to moan loud and he is tight, you pulled his hair hard.

”Jax” You moaned.

You start to cum inside him and you keep moving your hips. The cum starts to go down your cock, you move your hips faster. You cum once more then you take out your cock, he turns around and you start to cum on his body and his face.

”Suck my dick,” Jax said.

You start to suck his cock, he starts to push your head down. You start to gag, his cock is deep in your mouth and he starts to cum. You start to swallow his cum and he lets out a loud moan.

✧ ✯ ✬ ✧

You and Jax are lying in bed naked.

”Y/N, no one can't know about us,” Jax said.

”Because they won't understand?” You asked.

”Yeah. I will understand if you don't want to be with me” Jax said.

”I really like you a lot. I get it they won't understand and the relationship has to be a secret” You said.

Jax kissed you and he gently touches your cheek.

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1 year ago

Can I get some gay action fan fic!!! I love Charlie so much I fell I love with him watching green street hooligans as a kid!

Hey! Ahh I loved Charlie in Green Street Hooligans too (and I saw that you’re planning to read my Green Street fic, hope you enjoy it!)

So my personal preference, at least for the moment, is to write M/F fics, as that just works best for my smut writing process – I really imagine myself as the reader (while of course trying to remember to avoid descriptions of specific physical characteristics) – BUT I have written a few gender-neutral reader x Jax fics:

Jax Teller x GN!Reader Fics

The Prospect & The President •  Part 1: Suck It Like You Mean It •  Part 2: Ride Me Like a Harley

Make It Rain •  Part 2 (suuuper kinky)

I think two of my tumblr loves @kesskirata and @rayslittlekitten may(?) be writing some M/M action in the Brothel Boy Arthur fics that they’re planning which I’m sure will be hot as hell, so you can stay tuned for those as well! ✨

There’s also at least one Jax x male reader fic written by my friend @malethirsty

Happy reading!! And hopefully you’ve seen our boy in QAF – I haven’t actually watched the series, but I’ve seen some of the gifs (like these) and they’re AMAZING seriouslyyy 🤤

1 year ago


Concealed love (Male!Bridgerton x Male!lover)

Requested by: @thedarlingdandy, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex–awesome–22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco @idkwhatmyusernam,  @subjecta13-thefangirl,  @kazbekkarluvbot, @freyathehuntress​, @m-rae23​

Concealed Love (Male!Bridgerton X Male!lover)
Concealed Love (Male!Bridgerton X Male!lover)

“What am I to do?” – you said to yourself, pacing around. Silence was not promising. It only left the door wide open for your prickling mind to take over. Hesitating and debating. Whether it should be right or wrong. Well of course you knew in some way it was unsuitable. It was a very easy set of rules. Yet you despite everything failed, very hard. A man should love a woman, that is the very base of this earth. 

It wasn’t that you tried, God, you tried so hard. It just wasn’t ever a success. Ladies simply did not amuse you or aroused you like some men could. You had been conflicted with these feelings for a while now. Drawn to men instead of women. You never imagined to fall so deep down the rabbit hole, but you had. What was supposed to be a casual hook-up in secrecy ended up as so much more. 

Seguir leyendo

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1 year ago

I Love Dylan ❤️🤤

DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03
DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03

DYLAN O'BRIEN The Other Two 3.03

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1 year ago


Archie having a crush on Malachai's younger brother


Part 2

Request: Yes or No

Archie was hesitant on looking for you on the Southside

Your brother could very well attack him without needing a reason

But he did it anyways

With Jug and Sweets

Cause he's not that stupid

He stopped by Whyte Wyrm, seeing your brother

Malachai eyed his car

Archie got out, letting Malachai approach him but not get too close

"Where's (Y/N)?"

Suspicion flashed in his eyes before he huffed

"You're the little bitch he's been seein'?" Malachai rolled his eyes.

"He's always had bad taste." He mumbled afterward.

"Haven't seen him since this morning, why?"

"I haven't seen him in a while, I was getting concerned." Archie replied. Malachai didn't need to know that you and Arch weren't on good terms.

"He hangs at the skatepark and Sweetwater River." Malachai said, shrugging. Archie nodded, getting back into his car and driving off.

He dropped Jug and Sweets off at Pop's before heading to the skatepark. Lots of teen Ghoulies were there but no sign of you

He went to Sweetwater River afterward

You were there, trying to light a blunt but it seemed like your lighter wasn't working

You looked at him, sighing softly and looking back at the river

"(N/N)..." He sat down by you.

"Veronica wanted to get back together but... I didn't. We were having lunch so we could talk and I could explain that I had fallen for someone else." Archie said, reaching out and touching your knee



You looked at him, studying his face. Archie squeezed your knee, offering a small smile.

"We can go to Pop's and chat." He offered. You nodded, standing and dusting yourself off. You grabbed him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"If she ever calls you that fucking nickname again, I'll run you over." You whispered.

You were Malachai's brother afterall

Archie chuckled, pecking your nose and going to his car as you went to yours.

You drove to Pop's, getting a booth, a knowing look from Pop shot your way, and some yummy food served.

The date went by smoothly and you were in a much better mood

"Invite your friends to the skatepark tonight." You said. Archie tilted his head.

"I wanna get to know them." You shrugged lightly, pecking his cheek. Archie nodded.

"I'll text them."

You had a plan to make his ex jealous

Because of course you would

That night, you met up with Arch and his friends at the park

You greeted him with a deep kiss

Arch kept his arms around you, even after you pulled back

"Hey." You greeted his friends cooly, grinning.

His ex avoided eye contact, arms crossed.

Mission accomplished

Arch was yours and everyone knew

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1 year ago


Archie crushing on Malachai's younger brother


Request: Yes or No

Archie had tagged along as backup with Jug when he went to meet Malachai for a treaty

There, he saw you

An attractive guy

When Malachai noticed Archie staring...

He didn't seem happy

He nudged you towards the car

Archie blinked

Malachai was too old to be your boyfriend but too young to be your father

"Hey, Cheryl, who's that?" Archie asked the redhead.

"That's Hobgoblin's brother." She replied, arms crossed.

Archie shifted his attention back to you

You stood a bit behind Malachai

Malachai was clearly protective of you

Archie didn't want to get on his bad side again

You glanced at Archie every so often

He just...

Didn't fit in

He looked like a baby rabbit among wolves

You often visited the Northside cause of Pop's

You apologized to him about all the destruction your older brother caused

You never had a father figure so having Pop's around helped

Northsiders who saw your jacket stayed away and Serpents often confronted you

One boy did neither

Archie Andrews

He chatted with you whenever he saw you

You two eventually became good friends

Until one day

"So, this chick, Vanessa?"


"Right, Veronica." You laughed, taking another swing of your beer. Archie smiled widely, watching you. It was one of those days where you two had snuck out to meet up at Sweetwater River.

"She drags this poor girl, Betty?"


"Into the boys lockerroom and doesn't get in trouble?" Archie nodded. You scoffed.

"Wow. Rich kids get away with everything." You mumbled. Archie put his can down, facing you. You turned your head, looking at him as the sound of crickets and rushing water filled the air. You smiled softly, putting your can down as well.

"We should probably head home." You said softly as the both of you slowly leaned in.

"Yeah.." Archie nodded, continuing to lean in. You pressed your lips against his, hands cupping his face. Archie kissed you back, being as gentle as always. You easily pushed him back onto the grass and things escalated.

You got an earful when you got home at 5 am considering you had snuck out at 1 am Mal had every reason to be annoyed and concerned

You didn't give a straight answer but the hickies gave you very much away

Malachai didn't care who you fucked as long as you used protection but he didn't like not knowing where you were

When you sighed and said Sweetwater River, he narrowed his eyes


"Who what?"

"Who was with you?"


"You fucked the air then?"

You snorted, shaking your head.


"I'm asking for a name, (N/N)."

"He's not a.." You remembered the Serpent tattoo Archie had and swallowed.

"You fucked a Serpent?!"

"As if you haven't before! Plus he's not a full Serpent!"

Malachai groaned.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"I'm going to bed." You quickly went to your room before Malachai could open his mouth again.

You knew Mal was gonna keep a close eye on you

You still went to Pop's and told him about your.. Issue at the moment

He assured you he would tell Archie that you weren't avoiding him on purpose

It took two weeks before Mal gave up

You went to Pop's, getting an order that one of your friends had called in. Pop motioned over to a booth with his head and you glanced over.

Seeing Archie and some chick. Laughing and talking.

It seemed like his ex too.


You usually played people like that

Karma had her ways

"I don't care." You assured Pops. He hummed.


"(Y/N)?" You turned around, looking at Jughead.

"Hey, dude." You greeted. Jughead had been loud enough to get Archie and the girls attention.

"I didn't know you came here."

"Had to make up for what Mal did." You shrugged, taking the to-go bag from Pop.

"See you around." You winked, walking out without looking at Archie.

Your nerves spiked up when you heard rapid footsteps behind you. You opened the car door but someone grabbed your arm.


"Andrews! I didn't see you in there, how ya been?" You asked, putting the bag safely inside and looking at him. Archie frowned when he heard his last name.

"I should get going."

"Is Malachai still mad?"

"He got over it like a day ago." You chuckled, playing it cool and unbothered. Archie smiled.

"Can we hang again? And maybe talk about-"

"Archiekins?" The chick from before called out.

"Archiekins?" You repeated, a laugh leaving you. He said he hated that name yet she still called him that. Funny.

"Veronica, not now."

"Oh?" You laughed again, jaw clenching. Not only was he allowing his ex to call him that, he also was dating the entitled rich girl. So funny.

"You're funny, Andrews, you really are." You patted his chest with a smile.

"What's going on?" Veronica asked, brows furrowed.

"I- Just give me a moment, okay?" Archie glanced at her before looking back at you.

"(Y/N), I can explain."

"You don't need to, Andrews, I get it. If I were you, I wouldn't wanna be seen with a delinquent in a gang either."

"What? No, that's not it!" Archie grabbed your hips, trying to keep you in place so he could explain.

"Me and Veronica are strictly friends, okay?"

"Don't look like it." You glanced at the girl who's eyes watered. She quickly went back inside. Archie sighed.

"I get being friends with your ex.. But only if you both know that you're just friends." You pushed him back with ease and got into your car, driving away.

Archie knew he needed to fix things

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1 year ago

"Andrews, ummm... You doing anything tonight?" Reggie asked as he looked at his roommate shaving his face in the boys' locker room mirror.

"Nah, no plans." Archie said, washing the shaving cream off his face.

"Right on. In that case can I borrow your car? I've got a date tonight. Hopefully a date with Y/N."

Archie looks shocked as he puts his razor down and looks at Reggie in shock. "Excuse me?! A date with Y/N?"

"Hopefully a date." Reggie said. "I still need to ask him out."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I was kind of a jerk to him. And I want to take him out to apologize." Reggie explained.

Archie looks at him. "Sorry, Reggie, but Y/N's not your type."

Reggie frowned. "What the hell does that mean, Andrews? Are you saying I ain't good enough for him?"

"Of course not. It's just... He... I.... I mean..."

"Do you have feelings for him?"

Archie looks shocked, but he nods. "I do."

"Well, either you tell him how you feel, or I will." Reggie warned.

"Andrews, Ummm... You Doing Anything Tonight?" Reggie Asked As He Looked At His Roommate Shaving His
1 year ago

Hearts Divided - A Nine Part Benedict Bridgerton Story (Masterlist)

Hearts Divided - A Nine Part Benedict Bridgerton Story (Masterlist)

Benedict Bridgerton x GN!Reader *sometimes might allude to a more feminine character, but no pronouns besides they/them are used (if you spot one I may have accidentally used, let me know!)

Story Synopsis:

Years ago, Edmund Bridgerton and Charles L/n, friends and equals, suddenly clashed and became enemies for unknown reasons. This caused a rift between the children of both families, who were then forced to never see each other again. Charles L/n took his family out of London not long later, and nothing had been seen of the family since.

Years later, Y/n L/n, their two siblings and their parents return to London. Even though Edmund Bridgerton is now deceased, Charles L/n, refuses to let go of the past.

Y/n is the opposite of their parents, they are kind, compassionate, and never understood the hatred of the Bridgertons. Once back in London, Y/n befriends Henry and Lucy Granville. And after attending one of his soirees, runs into a long lost friend, Benedict Bridgerton.

Once reunited, their friendship is rekindled, but not long later, difficulties arise. Not only because there were sworn enemies by their own fathers, but because their old friendship returns with a growing attraction between them now that they are adults.

What will they do when their attraction becomes an unbreakable bond? When the hatred of the Bridgerton's is still held strong by Y/n's father. A secret friendship turned romance, painful decisions and broken hearts may be all that lies in their future.

*Takes place between Seasons One and Two.

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Chapter One: A Bitter Separation

One day, after the sudden discovery that the long-held friendship between Edmund Bridgerton and Charles L/n has come to a sudden and abrupt end. Y/n is heartbroken when forcefully separated from the Bridgerton family, who unlike their own family, accepted and gave them love they knew nowhere else.

Years after being forced out of London by their father, Y/n learns they are to return for the season. Plagued by the thoughts of what will happen while they are there.

- - - -

Chapter Two: Reunited Hearts

Now back in London, Y/n awaits the moment they might once again see the Bridgerton family and in particular Benedict. After making the acquaintance of Sir Granville and his wife Lucy, Y/n is unaware of just how close they are to seeing her long lost friend again.

- - - -

Chapter Three: Resentment

During the first ball of the season, Sir Charles L/n comes face to face with the Bridgerton's for the first time. And to no ones surprise, remains resentful for the same unknown reasons. Y/n and Benedict steal a moment during a dance, but it does not end as they wish. And Y/n's night only ends with more questions and anger.

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Chapter Four: Rebellious Hearts

After sneaking out in the middle of the night to another Granville party, Y/n and Benedict are able to continue rebuilding their friendship. But as they talk throughout the night, they realize, what they have now, is much more.

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Chapter Five: Discovered

After a month of secret rendezvous, Benedict and Y/n's feelings have developed into a strong love. But as careful as they've have been, it seems that neither of them can keep their secrets from their parents for long.

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Chapter Six: Sacrifice for Love

After Y/n and Benedict's relationship is uncovered, Y/n is left to make a heartbreaking decision to save Benedict and his family from scandal and disgrace. The result? Sacrificing any chance of happiness they might have.

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Chapter Seven: Fate Unknown

As Y/n grows closer to losing their happiness forever, they send Benedict a message. One last goodbye in case they are separated forever. Refusing to give up hope, Benedict reignites Y/n hope there would be a happy ending to this story.

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Chapter Eight: Secrets Unraveled

After one last secret meeting with Benedict, Y/n learns of the information he discovered about Edmund’s discovery. With one last attempt at saving their future, Y/n finally discovers their father’s long hidden secret.

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Chapter Nine: Hearts United

What Y/n set out for has been finished. The secret that plagued their mind for years has finally been revealed. But will knowing it allow them to be freed from their punishment?

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1 year ago

The light of the senate

Character: Anakin Skywalker x male reader

Universe: Star Wars

Warnings: None

Walking down the wide prestigious halls of the senate on Coruscant, alone was a challenge in its own right. Only two guards of your home world, following you.

Their armor was forged out of golden crystals, reflecting any sort of laser weapon, including the lightsabers of the Jedi. Those armors existed only for your royal guard, because the metals and crystals needed for it, are rare and almost vanished from all planets your people had colonized.

The senate was exactly like you remembered it, as you came there with your father almost ten years prior. Where the senate offered your empire to become a part of the republic. Up until that point, you were neutral, fighting against the republic and the separatist alliance. Holding both out of your massive empire with ease.

Your father then declined the offer and remembered the republic, that our people will fight, if they come too close to our borders. Since then, they have never come back. But things changed. Not that we could not protect ourselves anymore but other changes happened.

Something that your people thought long forgotten return to your kind.

„Master Obi-Wan,“ you greeted the older man before your eyes laid upon his apprentice, „Anakin.“ Nodding your head slightly to the younger man. Who looked flabbergasted at you.

„It is so good to see you here, your majesty. But without your father?“, Obi-Wan asked concerned.

A soft smile came over your lips, at his concern. „My father is reigning over our empire, while I’m here to represent us, in the Senate, maybe forever, as long as no Jedi tries to kill my father, he will not vacant the throne at any point.“

For a moment it was silent, until the older Jedi Master, remembered about your kind, and why you would say such a thing. „I forgot that your kind, can’t naturally die, I’m sorry your majesty.“ As the older man bowed down to you an apology, you hastily got him back up. 

„No need for such things, my friend. But we should get going. Master Yoda is already waiting, I hope?“

The moment you got confirmation, your steps became increasingly fast, and the Jedi had their problems keeping up with you until you finally arrived at your disc. 

„Anakin, remember I love you and what I have to do is only for your good, okay?“ You turned to the younger Jedi, before entering your disc.

A soft smile on his lips, as his eyes began to shimmer. „I almost thought you were mad at me.“ His voice was silky smooth, like always. His slightly longer hair was perfect for him. Before Obi-Wan could interject, you grabbed the back of his head and kissed the younger Jedi.

At first reluctant, but as he lost himself in the kiss, he became more forceful. Completely forgot, that you two weren’t alone. Which came back quickly, as you separated the two of you.

„Did I miss something? Anakin, you know that this is illegal!“, he tried to build an argument, but you shut that down quickly. „No, it wasn’t until Yoda became a grandmaster. He is a wise man, but bitter, he could never leave his feelings of pain behind, which was why he banned it. Yes love, can be hurtful and utterly destroying but also enlightened.“

As the sound that the senate was beginning sounded, you hastily looked back at Anakin, „We talked after this meeting further. You are not leaving here Anakin, I don’t want anything bad happening to you, after what I have to do.“

The man was more confused than ever in his life and he had to meet your family, which were a bunch of tens of thousands of old people, making fun of everything and anything.

Under normal circumstances, he would’ve told everyone, that he could read you like a book, but not at this moment.

After the senate began and you left in your disc, your guards, stood directly beside Anakin, almost holding him captive.

Chancellor Palpatine talked and talked, until he finally came to the reason for the meeting, him getting full power over everything. You could hear clapping and happy cheering voices. Before the vote began though, you came forwards.

„Good people of the galactic republic. My name is (Y/N), I’m the crown prince of the Numerian Empire. After long discussions and negotiations, we entered this republic a year ago, mostly to observe and what we found, was disastrous. Corruption on all levels, mismanagement of ships and troops, but the worst, a Sith Lord right under your noses.“

A murmur could be heard at the beginning of your speech, but as you mentioned the Sith, it became dead quiet. The force all around you began to move erratically.

„I accuse Chancellor Palpatine, of being a Sith Lord.“ From the dead silence, erupted a loud laughing sound. Even the Chancellor smiled at you. He knew the truth, just as much as you do.

„If you don’t believe, let me show you. Master Yoda, would you come forward.“ And he did, together with two other members of the Jedi council. „You people do not know this, but my species once had a special ability, gifted to us by the force. It is called „The Numerian light of truth“, it shows the true self of a person. Let me demonstrate that on Master Yoda.“

You formed your hands together into a ball, eyes shimmering in gold, as light surrounded you completely, engulfing you in its warmth. As the light reached Yoda, it showed his past, thoughts, and everything that happened to him. For everyone to see. As it came to the present, your eyes glowed and the light around your glowed in a bright white. Meaning he was on the light side of the force.

„And now to the Chancellor.“ Before the same could happen to him, his guard, destroy the ball of light, coming in his direction. „Either you stop it, or I will force the light on him and will cut your way to the force off in the same moment!“, you warned his guard. But he seemed determined to not let the light to him. But you used the light on yourself to get your own light to the Chancellor, forcing him to its judgment.

Just as it happened to Yoda, it showed the Chancellor’s past. Where he willingly became the apprentice of a Sith Lord and later became one himself, after killing his old master. And as the final part came, the light became black as the night.

The chancellor now furious, that he got exposed, tried to force choke you, and as this did not have any effect on you, he shot lightning in your direction, which also had no effect on you.

„A sight lord, so old an powerful and still no idea of the force or its children. I assume, I can let the Jedi Order do the rest?“, I asked Yoda, as was already almost on his way over to the chancellor. You did not wait for an answer, but let your disc get back into its base, grabbed Anakin, and walked out of there. „What happened there?“, Anakin asked panicked. His world crumbling, something you did not want for him. „Your friend the Chancellor wanted to use you, to get the most powerful force user to become his apprentice. I had to save you from the dark side. Just as much as I will save you now from the light side.“

Your words did not help his confusion, it made it even worse. „Why do you need to save me from the light?“

He pestered you and petered you, even as you walked down to the ship landing plot. Where you finally snapped. „Because the light side is the reason, why you turned to the dark side after the chancellor killed me!“, you screamed in his face. „What?“, he meekly asked. Hoping he misheard you.

„The force showed me the future, at least the one I had to prevent. Three years from this day on, if the Chancellor would’ve been still in power, with all the power the senate once had, he would’ve done an offensive against the Numerian Empire, just so getting onto our home world and killed my entire family, ripping my heart out and ate it, to get my force powers.“

You desperately wanted to protect Anakin from the rest, but he could feel that there was more and he wanted to know it. So you did. „My death broke you, the love that once lightened up your being, was gone and only bitterness and hate were left. You turned to the dark side, fought Obi-Wan, lost half of your body, in a volcano, and got built up by the chancellor who took you as an apprentice. Which you accepted, not knowing that he was the cause of your dismay.“

„Then why do I need to leave the light side, if the chance of me changing to the dark side isn’t there anymore.“

Finally, you softened up again, seeing him trying to keep being a Jedi, everything he always wanted to be. So you cupped his face in your hands. „Not only, because our love would be illegal, but also because the light already suffocates you. You are a being in need of both sides. And only my people can show you the way. Just as we show Ashoka her way. As a Grey Jedi, balancing the light and darkness. You two are alike.“

„Ashoka?“, he asked out of breath. You knew from their shared past, her being his Padawan.

„She is still angry with you. But I believe with time, even that could be healed. But we need to leave now before Anyone can follow us.“

Finally, Anakin had no further questions. He only kissed you a final time, before taking you by the hand, pulling you with him. „Does that mean, we finally can get married?“

„Whatever you want Anakin, whatever you want, as long as you stay at my side.“ The smile you received, lit up your whole world. You were sure, with the help of your people, he could become grandmaster of the gray Jedi, building up a new better Order. One that does not stand on one side, but keeps the universe in balance.


1 year ago

Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 Series

A/N: So this series manifested from the Writer Wednesday and Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 during the month of June where @autumnleaves1991-blog and @flightlessangelwings collaborated and provided word and photo prompts for interested writers each week. I’ve been doing Writer Wednesday for a bit so I took up on this challenge and wrote a mini series. Because the challenge was for Pride Month, I kept it GN!reader although I initially wrote it with M!reader in mind. I had a blast exploring this universe and even though it was short, I very much enjoyed spending the time I did with Will and reader. The fics are listed chronologically.

- The Kiss (no smut, GN!reader) - When It Feels Right (no smut, GN!reader) - This Christmas (no smut, GN!reader) - Would You Ever? (no smut, GN!reader) - Manhattan (no smut, angst, GN!reader) - Taking Another Chance (no smut, GN!reader) - Let’s Do This (no smut, GN!reader)

1 year ago


Seclusion | A.B

Seclusion | A.B
Seclusion | A.B
Seclusion | A.B

Summary - With his duties as Viscount, he has a reputation to uphold, although knowing of the risk he can’t help but stay away from you…

Seclusion | A.B

A man of such position should be more careful…but how could he be? You were just what he needed, you were his get-away, his escape.

“Are you sure my lord?”

Anthony shook his head upward before taking a hold of the hand you were offering, clasping them together. Taking off toward the crimson-red door at the end of the hallway, you twist the gold metal handle.

He took your figure in, his breathing uneven once his hazel orbs settled on your naked thighs which glistened underneath the candle-light of the room. They looked slick, lathered up in oil was his only guess but they were alluring, so so alluring.

Licking over his dry lips, his brows furrow once he takes notes of the over all clothing that littered across your body. The thin white material covered you, draping across the front of your body keeping you slightly concealed from his warming glare.

Failing to notice the satin red material covering most of the walls, Anthony practically stumbled into your back, his hands grabbing at your waist, pulling you further into him, his touch.

Melting into the warm body, you mumble incoherent whispers, his lips lingering against the crook of your neck.

“I’ve thought about this, about you…I can’t stop-“

His words were thickly filled with lust, his cock heavy in his slacks, obvious against the back of your oily thighs, this, all of it, Anthony questioned why he stuck by society’s rules, why he followed in his farther’s footsteps, he wanted to be happy just as much as the next person.

Confusion filled his head, fuzzing him up slightly. Hands seek the dip of his back, the thin white shirt the only thing keeping you from his damp chest.

“A-Anthony, you are my only thought, day in day out-“

A finger creeps underneath your chin, tilting your head slightly, enough to allow his lips to attach to your own. Your words alone encourage Anthony to press you forwards into the thin crimson sheets of your bed, the mattress dipping once his settle into the soft, spring-filled block.

It’s desperate between the two of you, more so on Anthony’s part. His hands cage your body between his own and the mattress, pressing most of his weight into the arch of your back.

His face contorted slightly, mouth agape once he settles his hips, rolling them harshly against your clothed backside. To busy focused on keeping the kiss going you failed to notice the unlooped brown-leathered suspenders that hung freely against his sides, his slacks easily slipping away from his hips, eventually pooling around his ankles with the effort of his touch.

“I haven’t been able to control myself, the past weeks have been havoc for me, you vex me so-“

The kiss was broken, his hot breath fanning across your dampened cheeks. His stare had lingered shivers journeying along your spine, how could he be so infatuated?

His breath was laboured, quicker then your own which suggested deeper depths to his desire then you previously imagined, it reached depths that had him lose all control, like a rocky ocean, the waves cascading, rolling over one another, his brain muddied, stained by your needy body.

The slap of his cock breaks the silence between you both, the heavy member settled upright against his well-structured stomach, the contour of his abs shadowed underneath the ambient-dim lighting.

He continued to roll his hips, pressing each splurge of pre-cum he had to offer on the back of your whitened slacks, each damp spot growing in size with each thrust.

“Anthony- I forget just how…” you shy away from him, gripping onto his thick brunette locks. You couldn’t think straight, not with Anthony’s presence pressed against your back, between your slightly parted cheeks.

Bringing your face to meet his own again, a thumb snakes under your chin forcing you to face him.

“I want you to say- I want to hear it my love…”

Anthony would never risk his reputation for anyone but somehow, for you, he’d give the world, he worships the ground you walk on and it was obvious, judging by the slowing roll of his hips, he was ready for you.

Lowering yourself into the textured covers, it gives Anthony space to move backwards, enough to sink his needy finger tips into the white slacks that secured you away from him.

“May I?”

It’s hardly an ask, he words were more, had a meaning for his wants. You merely nod, giving him the answer. He makes quick work of the thin materialised trousers, pushing them past the globes of your ass, just enough to crumple around your calf-lengthed boots.

You push back into him giving him the chance to lower himself, just enough to rest his thick member between your cheeks.

The moment was surreal, feeling his touch again, it felt like fire breaking out against your delicate skin, the heat practically leaked from him, wrapping around you thickly like a blanket. His soft chest hair tickled the space between your shoulders blades once his muscled arms wrap around your front, holding you against him.

“You are the bane of my existence-“

He whispers low, low enough for only you to hear. Your weakness shows once you sink lower, slightly further away from him and back into the mattress. He’s won…

“I can’t help but think…how do I affect you so?”

The tip slips in, past your entrance, edging each drawn out moan lingering on the edges of your lips, ready to break the cursed silence that clouded the room heavily.

You gasp, giving Anthony courage to push forwards, just an inch at a time, he didn’t want to overwhelm you. Anthony grasped eagerly at your hips, pawing at them like a dog in heat, nails scraping along the now broken skin.

“This, this is how my love-“

Settling into you, he bottoms out allowing most of his body weight to rest on your round globed muscles, his balls snug against your taint, it felt dirty and wrong which drew your attention closer to the Rake.

Stilling, you allow Anthony to get comfortable, the rustling of the silk sheets whispering inaudibly once he shuffled, moving his hips slowly, dragging his member backward, just enough to angle his hips correctly.

“Be quiet, I can’t risk my reputation”

Anthony quickly remarks, his whispers sturdy once he settles into a pace, one that had you mewling, pushing back at his toned chest.

“My lord- that’s the last thin…thing on my mind”

Already you had managed to start jumbling up sentences, Anthony found joy in watching you crumble, especially in these very circumstances, he couldn’t help himself but move quicker, pacing the slaps of his pelvis against your rippling cheeks.

The urgency was evident in his movements, although his body caged you against the mattress, forcing you to arch, he couldn’t last much longer which he found nothing but bliss within…it was heaven, the cost of his reputation was a mere thought, second to you, always.

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1 year ago
1 year ago

He found his Peggy

Before Steve passed away he told (y/n) to “Find your Peggy.” Only after Steve’s funeral did he finally understand what he meant by: “Find your Peggy”.

Relationship: Bucky “James” Barnes X male!reader, Sam Wilson X male!reader (platonic)

Request: NO

Warnings: Mentions of grief, loss, broken hearts, mentions of wounds. Main character Death, surgery, mentions of ED, using sex as a form of coping (unsafely), mentions of homophobia

This one has a bit of a set up. I will not apologize for there the background though mainly angst with very little fluff.

He Found His Peggy

(y/n) grew up alone. Never looking back or relying on people. Not once in his life did he think things were ever going to go his way. Lost his mother and father at a young age, lost his grandparents shortly after, being disowned by what was left of his family for being queer after they promised they would always stick together. (y/n) knew disappointment and resentment like that back of his hand, so he enlisted into the US Air Force to hopefully find something to do with his life. He hid who he was behind tattoos and a bulky front act for his “Military Family” as he liked to say. 

During his time he met Sam wilson. Sam broke his walls down and helped him heal. (y/n) told him about his issue and Sam responded in kind. This was the first time he could be real with someone and he felt like a person. Sam never got upset with him or condemned him for his emotions. It was quite the opposite and a lot of “Hey man, it's ok to have emotions. I’m here for you man. Whenever you need me, you know where to find me”. 

When (y/n) heard about Sam leaving due to personal reasons he cried, Hard. (y/n) felt like he was losing another brother. This shut down (y/n) again. He became a hard and solid soldier (not that he wasn't already.), quickly rising to the top of his class (for a lack of a better word). He sharpened his senses and stopped putting his trust in the people around the base and once again fell back into the cycle that was cynicism. 

The moment (y/n) got the notice he was being discharged he packed up his stuff very carefully. He was injured in the air and was forced to crash land the jet he was in. He was told by the Doctor that did the surgery that his heart stopped twice and he was very lucky to have made it though. After he made it back out into the work he moved to Washington DC to look for work. He found a pretty cheap apartment and settled in. He never really unpacked much, just some basic necessities. It looked like he never lived there, but if you looked closer you could see the small remnants of a military man. The bed was made a specific way, apartment always clean, bag stuffed under the bed, the shades always drawn closed to block the outside world out and keep him inside. He almost never slept on the bed, it was either the floor or the couch on an easy night. 

(y/n) suffered from his wounds. Physical and mental. It didn’t matter, it started to take a toll on him as he suffered from night terrors and paranoia. Once he was cleared by his physical therapist he started going on runs in the morning to clear his mind from the terrors that plagued his mind in his sleep. One morning he came across an Ad on a cork board outside of a shelter he frequently passed on his routine. It was an ad for group counseling for Veterans. Pushing aside the distrust for therapist and counseling he pulled a slip off the weathered and slightly crisp yellow paper and slipped it in his jacket pocket then went about his routine for the day. 

A few days later he stood in front of a builder that held the address that matched up with the one on the slip of paper he pocketed a few days before. A shiver ran down his spine as he took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, making his way inside. He slowly sat down towards the back and kept his head low before the session started. He was startled out of his daze when he heard a man speak up, a man he hadn’t heard from in 6 years. Sam Wilson. His head shot up in alarm as Sam started speaking to the group of veterans in the room. 

The session consisted of basic introductions and some people talking about how their experience in the service was. (y/n) kept to himself for most of it, only talking about how he had to force a land and ended up being discharged due to injury. After the session was over, (y/n) shakily rose to his feet and turned to leave. He heard Sam call out to him and jog over. 

“Hey man, nice to see you, it's been a while. How have you been?” The question caused (y/n) to freeze. Shit had gotten hard, not just hard but almost unbearable. “Honestly Sam, I just missed my best friend.” (y/n) retorted and pulled Sam into a bone crushing hug, silently wincing at the faint pain in his shoulder. (y/n) and Sam spent the day making up for the 6 years of absence and reconnecting over beer and greasy bar food. 

Over the next few months (y/n) and Sam fell into a routine. Morning jogs, lunch, afternoon counseling then went about their days. One morning went a bit differently. As Sam and (y/n) were out on their morning run they heard quick footsteps approaching them and a quick “To your left” as a man sped past them. This continued their whole run and (y/n) found it extremely annoying but he kept it at bay. When they finished the run Sam walked over to the stranger, (y/n) following closely behind. He stayed silent during the conversation (other than introducing himself). 

A few days later he was kicking it with Sam to pass the time after his shift at the music store by his apartment. He heard a knock on the door and hollered for Sam to get the door. He bristled when the door opened and he saw Steve Rogers and the redhead woman that picked him up standing in the doorway, looking rather banged up and exhausted. Sam let them in and told (y/n) to close the blinds. (y/n) did as Sam asked and grabbed towels for Steve and the Woman, Natasha so they could clean up. After they cleaned up and talked for a while they were filled in and told about Shield and Hydra (Which (y/n) had some knowledge about due to his military background). When they asked if they could help Sam immediately said yes but (y/n) was more apprehensive but eventually said yes. 

(y/n) had gotten severely injured during the battle in the helicarriers and was admitted to the hospital. Sam and Natasha regularly checked in with him, keeping him up to date about Steve’s condition and the news. After (y/n) was discharged from the hospital he packed up what little things were around his apartment and went over to Sam’s to let him know he was leaving for Brooklyn. (y/n) said it was for a change of pace but Sam knew better. They shared a hug and Sam promised to keep in touch. (y/n) over the next 2 years led a steady and quiet life, staying in the shadows and off government radars the best he could. That changed the day 50% of the Earth's population disappeared into thin air. After that he roped into helping hold meetings with Steve to help form a community and a safe place in the new and scary world that was so suddenly thrust upon them. (y/n) helped out around Avengers HQ where he could. During this time Steve and (y/n) got close while mourning Sam and Steve Mourning Bucky and Sam. They became as close as brothers. 

There was a day that (y/n) was getting a drink in the compound kitchen area and he heard a loud rumbling noise, Looking over at Steve he sent him a nod then booked it for the lawn area to see a ship (in rough shape) landing and a skinny, malnourished Tony Stark come fumbling out the ship. (y/n) heard Pepper gasp and ran to Tony to help him up and get him inside to receive medical attention. After Tony’s outburst at the table (y/n) excused himself and went to his apartment. (y/n) spent the night drinking and sobbing about all the people who had disappeared. 

Over the next 7 years (y/n) was in and out of the compound to keep Steve company or work. One day when he was at the compound he Heard Tony storm in saying that he figured out time travel and that they could reverse what had happened. That caused (y/n) to perk up with interest and he helped Bruce the best he could to get something set up so they could do it properly and retrieve the stones. (y/n) stayed behind and monitored the area and kept an eye on the screens. Everyone came back, except Natasha. He watched in horror as Clint broke down in silent sobs. (y/n) felt his stomach drop, Natasha wasn’t quite a sister but they were close in the last 9 years since the mission in Washington. Bruce took charge and snapped, reversing the Blip.

The next thing (y/n) knows he is standing side by side with Steve on the battlefield, across from Thanos and his army. A handful of monsters and a power hungry alien that was trying to get the stones. (y/n) sent a silent plea for strength and help before looking towards Steve, who sent him a stoic look. 

“To your left” said an all too familiar voice into (y/n) and Steve’s earpiece as thousands of orange portals opened, thousands of people came out of the portals. The only one that mattered to (y/n) was Sam who came flying next to him before landing. “Are you really here?” (y/n) asked, his voice quiet and choked. “I am here brother. I’m here.” Sam said before hugging (y/n), something the two didn’t do regularly before turning back to Steve to await the call to rush into action. Steve made the call and the battle commenced. 

They ended up winning, but at the cost of Tony. Everyone on the field took a knee and a violent hush fell over the chaos that surrounded him, cut by sniffles and the cries from loved ones. They held a funeral at Tony’s lakehouse and Steve volunteered to take back the stones. (y/n) had a bad gut feeling about it but waited with Bucky and Sam by the lake side. As Bruce looked in confusion when Steve didn’t return, (y/n) saw Bucky’s shoulders fall slightly. (y/n) then realized that Steve never planned on returning to the present day. (y/n) turned towards Bucky and placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder in sympathy, Bucky glanced at (y/n) as he pointed to the lake side. There was an old man resting on the bench and Bucky looked down with a soft smile but a pained look in his eyes, something (y/n) was all too familiar with. (y/n) and Bucky looked over at Sam who was walking over to Steve who was sitting on the bench. The two were in deep conversation. (y/n) watches with Bucky as Sam picks up the shield and finishes his conversion with Steve. (y/n) looked over at Bucky, who sighs and looks down in contemplation. “Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to.” (y/n) whispered then nodded to Steve, who sent him a small wave. 

Over the next few years (y/n) kept in touch with Steve who consistently asked if (y/n) had found anyone who only got back a snarky “now that you're old, you are so nosy” and a laugh. Steve always told (y/n) to look out for Bucky and Sam, which he did. He and Bucky became closer. Not as close as Sam or Steve but they became friends. In this time (y/n) slowly took notice of things he never did before. The way Bucky’s eyes lit up when talking to Steve, the nostalgia that overtook Bucky’s features when Steve told him about The Howling Commandos, the way Bucky's eyebrows furrow when he was in deep thought, how Bucky bites his cuticles when he thinks no one is looking, it was little stuff but it meant something to (y/n). During one visit with Steve, (y/n) was talking about something and Steve looked at him as (y/n) told him about some story that happened last week with Bucky. 

Steve chuckled and (y/n) stopped mid sentence. “What was that about?” (y/n) asked as he returned focus to Steve. “You’re in love with him.” Steve said with a soft smile. (y/n) choked on air. “I am sorry? Me? In love with Bucky?” He said. “I know that look and the way you talk about him is how I talk about Peggy. You have to find your Peggy.” Steve said, leaving (y/n) dumbfounded. This soon became sort of a catchphrase for Steve. It was always “find your Peggy. Life is short, make the most of it.” and (y/n) took it to heart. 

When Bucky got the phone call that Steve had passed he rushed over to (y/n)’s apartment to tell him. (y/n) had heard the news already and was asked to be a paul bearer. He said yes and looked to Bucky for emotional support. The two of them grieved together and helped plan the funeral. (y/n) openly cried at the burial while Bucky was more put together, but (y/n) knew Bucky was just as torn up as he was. 

(y/n) was asked to speak at the funeral. He told the story of how he met Steve and he was a good man and an even better guy. “When I would visit Steve he would always, without fail, pry into my love life, or lack thereof. He noticed the small things y’know. I would sit differently and he would notice. He also always told me to ‘Find your Peggy, and to always cherish them because life is short. Make the most of it’.” (y/n) said as he started to break down again. After the crowd had dispersed, (y/n) stayed and talked to the casket that held Steve’s body. He cried and told him that he would miss him, then he talked about how he finally understood what he said about finding his peggy. (y/n) told the Casket that he loved Bucky and he would always keep him in his heart even if he didn’t love him back. He laid a small white Chrysanthemum on the casket and turned to leave, only to see Bucky back by a tree, talking to a younger girl who was consoling him. 

(y/n) felt his heart rip in two when he saw Bucky slip an arm around her waist and walk away from the grave side. His head was fuzzy and he felt like the wind was knocked from his lungs as he took cautious steps towards his car. When (y/n) got his head together he drove away in silence from Bucky and the grave sight. (y/n) choked down tears the whole way home, only allowing himself to cry after he got the door locked and laying on the floor, not even making it to his own room. The next morning he felt sore from laying on the floor, his mouth dry and head pounding from crying. He slowly got up and made his way to the kitchen to get some water and pain killers to alleviate his headache. He checked his phone to see a few texts from Bucky and a missed call from him. The texts were asking where he had disappeared off to and one saying goodnight.

(y/n) checked the voice mail from the missed call. “Hey (y/n), it’s Bucky. I was just wanting to check in and see how you were doing. You seemed pretty shaken when you left. Call me back when you can. Remember we have lunch tomorrow. See you then, Take care” Bucky’s voice played back through the phone. (y/n) sighed and deleted the message. He went and hopped in the shower, washing off the grime from yesterday and to recenter himself. He slipped on a pair of jeans with boots and a plain cotton T-shirt. Grabbing his keys and phone. He locked his apartment door and left. 

(y/n) went to the diner they planned on meeting at for lunch. When he walked up to the door he saw Bucky and the girl from yesterday sitting at a table, talking about something. She said something that caused Bucky to laugh, (y/n) took notice of how Bucky threw his head back and the way his lips stretched into a smile as he laughed. (y/n)’s body shook a little as his feet practically glued himself to the pavement outside the diner. Taking a deep breath (y/n) made his way inside and over to them. When Bucky saw him, he stood up and gave him a one armed side hug and motioned for him to sit. (y/n) sits down and Bucky falls into a natural conversation with the Woman across from him. Bucky looks over at (y/n) and furrows his eyebrows. “I forgot to introduce you, this is Ellie. My girlfriend. Ellie, this is one of my close friends, (y/n).” Bucky said as he took a drink from his cup. 

“It's nice to meet you, (y/n).” Ellie said, shifting in her seat. “Likewise” (y/n) responded before ordering water. (y/n) felt his heart crack a bit more as he saw the way Bucky was interacting with Ellie. (y/n) ordered his food and ate, making the occasional comment then going quiet and eating. (y/n) felt out of place, he felt like a third wheel. When lunch ended he quickly left. Only when he got home did he start breaking down again as he felt his soul being crushed. 

Now he understood why Steve said to “find your peggy.”. He waited too long and now He was gone. 

(y/n) spent the next few months in agony. At night he went out and partied or went to whatever bar was close to his current location. He took  whatever girl or guy that showed any interest in him back to their place and hooked up with them, only to leave in the morning before the other person woke up. (y/n) ate less and ended up losing some weight. He wasn’t rail thin but he didn’t exactly look physically healthy. He always went and got checked to make sure he didn’t catch anything. This became his new routine. He was trying to force his feelings for Bucky away. 

One night as he grabbed his keys to go out for the 4th time this week he heard a knock on the door. (y/n) huffed quietly then made his way to the door. When he answered it he was not expecting to see Bucky, tear stained face and eyes rimmed red that made the blue in them more prominent. 

“Ellie left me” was all he said before breaking down, leaning on (y/n)’s shoulder. (y/n) felt his heart crack again for the first time since he started going out. (y/n) sighed out and let bucky in, guiding to the stools in his kitchen and making him sit down. (y/n) moved fluidly through the kitchen and grabbed a couple beers from his mostly empty fridge and opened one before passing it to Bucky then turning away to the sink. With shaky hands (y/n) opened his own beer and took a drink from it for courage, then he turned to face Bucky only to meet his eyes. Bucky was studying (y/n)’s body language. 

“Stop that.” (y/n) snapped as he leaned against the counter. “Stop what?” Bucky said as he looked back to the counter. “You’re analyzing me, my movements, and probably how I breathe.”  (y/n) said as he pulled himself up on the counter, not looking away from the man in front of him. “You haven’t contacted me or Sam in months. I was worried about you.” He said and sagged his shoulders. 

“Yea well a phone works both ways. Sam has been busy and you had Ellie. I didn’t want to interrupt them. She didn’t like me very much when you introduced us so I backed up and stayed out of it.” (y/n) said and ran a hand through his hair then picked at the hem of his own shirt. (y/n) leaned back, resting his back against the cabinet  behind him and looked over towards Bucky. “Why did you come here? Other than Ellie?” (y/n) whispered. “I missed you man. Isn’t that enough. Not everyone has ulterior motives. I just wanted to see my friends. Is that an issue?” Bucky said, his voice breaking and looking down. 

“Of course not. I just had plans tonight.” (y/n) said and Bucky’s head snapped up in anger. “Yeah like what? Going out and fucking the closet person avalible? You know you aren’t as careful as you think you are. I have seen you leaving clubs and bars with people, I have seen the hickeys and the marks left by people who don’t even know your name.” Bucky snapped and Stood up suddenly. 

“Oh, you’re my mother now? Look. James, not that it’s any of your fucking business but its how I cope. Don't like it? Leave.” (y/n) said, anger building in his chest. Bucky made his way around the counter and stood between (y/n)’s legs, caging him in his spot on the counter. 

“What are you so scared of? What are you running from? Why didn’t you think to talk to me or Sam? We could help you, but you have to let us help you.” Bucky said and locked eyes with (y/n). “This issue isn’t yours to fix” (y/n) growled out. “Try me (y/n). I’ve been through more shit than you can imagine.” Bucky said as he grabbed (y/n)'s wrist. “Not this one. isn't your problem, Believe me.” “Then tell me. Please, I can’t lose you.” Bucky said, his blue eyes softened as he moved closer to (y/n), his face inches away from (y/n)’s. 

‘Fuck, this is bad. If I don't say something Bucky won’t give up. Make something up for fucks sake.’ (y/n) thought as he reached out, gripping Bucky’s shirt. “I am in love with you.” (y/n) whispered, barely audible. ‘You fucking idiot. Out of all the things you could have said you chose that one?’ (y/n) thought bitterly as he looked away from Bucky, mentally preparing for rejection. 

Bucky felt his face heat up and stumbled over his thoughts for a second, his head and tongue not agreeing on what to say. “I’m sorry? Repeat that?” Bucky stammered out and turned (y/n)'s face to look at him. “Fuck! What else is there to say James? I am in love with you. These past few months I have been trying to get over my feelings for you and got lost.” (y/n) repeated, on the verge of tears. 

(y/n) went to push Bucky away from him until he felt Bucky’s lips touch his in a fury. Their teeth clashing, Bucky’s stubble digging into (y/n)’s face. (y/n) kissed him back, gripping Bucky’s shirt and wrapping his legs around his waist to root Bucky to his spot in front of him. After they break for air (y/n) looks at Bucky. “Bucky, stop. You are upset and going through a break up. You don’t understand what you’re doing” (y/n) says goes to move, Bucky grips (y/n)'s arm harder and prevents him from moving. “You will not be the person who tells me I don’t know what I am doing. I am not the one who is drowning in loveless hookups. You are. You can’t even come out of your haze long enough to see that people are worried and care. That I care.” Bucky said before he let go of (y/n) and stepped away. At that moment (y/n) started crying and looked away from Bucky in shame. 

Just as he was able to maybe bury his feelings for Bucky, he had shattered that possibility. “Then prove it, Buck.” (y/n) said as he pushed himself off the counter and leaned onto Bucky’s chest. Bucky sighed and looked down at (y/n), wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. “I will. I promise” He said, pressing a kiss to (y/n)'s head.

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1 year ago

Hi Sarah! I’d love some more backstory to the fic where Eddie broke the reader’s heart and we married Jax Teller. Honestly I’m just looking for you to write Jax Teller😂😂 love you❤️

Hiii babes!! I am dying at y’all wanting more Jax Teller(even tho in the fic his name is Charlie we can just call him Jax at this point then lol) so to be nice I will give you a few little conversations between you and him when he kept coming into your coffee shop before he finally asked for your number😂💖

This goes along with THIS story✨

*He may look like he’s a badass but you intimidate him and he loves it*

Hi Sarah! Id Love Some More Backstory To The Fic Where Eddie Broke The Readers Heart And We Married Jax
Hi Sarah! Id Love Some More Backstory To The Fic Where Eddie Broke The Readers Heart And We Married Jax

“What can I get for you?” “Uh Hi…yeah uhm shit what’s the drink that’s green and caffeinated?” “Hi! Oh a matcha? Do you want it iced or hot?” “How would you…drink it?” “I like everything iced.” “Let’s do that then.” “Perfect. So one iced matcha coming up.” “Thanks sweetheart.” “No problem. You can wait over there and I’ll call your name when it’s ready.” “Oh uh okay…you didn’t ask my name?” “I just assumed you liked to go by President since that’s what’s on your vest.” “You can call me whatever you like.” “Okay…you can still wait over there.”

“Back again? Want another iced matcha?” “No thanks darlin that was a little too green tasting for me.” “Understandable. What can I get you today then?” “I’ll just take a large coffee with three sugars and two creams please.” “Ohh no flavors or anything to keep it interesting?” “What can I say I’m a man of simple taste.” “What a shame.” “What? What’s that supposed to mean?” “I’ll call you when it’s ready.” “You’re trouble. I can just tell.” “Says the one in a leather vest that says men of mayhem on it.” “Damn…got me there sweetheart.”

“Large coffee three sugars two creams?” “I think I might add in some vanilla today.” “Oh yes way to really spice it up.” “Baby steps…I’m new to this whole coffee thing.” “Oh trust me…I can tell.” “So…if I let you pick my coffee order do you think I can get your number?” “You think letting me pick what kind of coffee you have is worth giving you my number?” “I think it’s a fair trade.” “Let me think about it.” “Fine I’ll come back tomorrow how’s that sound?” “Sounds…fine I guess.” “Oh come on darlin I know you enjoy our little chats.” “Oh yes they are just the highlight of my day.” “You really know how to deflate a man’s ego.” “It’s one of my many talents…enjoy your coffee.” “See you tomorrow.” “Looking forward to it.”

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1 year ago

"Y/n Mitchell"

Hello Bears! this is part 2 for the Hangman x Maverick's son reader! Hope you all enjoy!


🛩 "Y-your his dad!" Jake's mouth is wide open in shock. Theres no way in hell hes your dad. Hangman couldn't believe it. No way you are from the same blood.

🛩 As Jake's mind race with full of questions and wonder Maverick pulls out his phone and wallet from his pocket. First Maverick opens his wallet pulling out two pictures of you and him. One was you just got born and he got to hold you for the first time. The second one was you when both were covered in cake. You had to be around four in the picture because you looked so sweet and innocent.

🛩 Hangman stares at the pictures with his eyes wide open. Maverick puts the pictures back in his wallet before showing a picture that currently looks like you now having his flying helmet on throwing a peace sign at the camera.

🛩 "Y/n M/n Mitchell. Or his nickname N/n. Aka my son." Maverick turns off his phone putting it back inside his pocket.

🛩 "Hangman. I will make your life a living hell if you do anything remotely to hurt my sons heart."

"You know hes not a kid anymore. He's not your little boy. He's not daddy's little man." Jake says with his signature smirk trying to strike a nerve.

"I know he isn't. But I am his father and nothing's gonna change that. To me hes still my little boy. Like I said nothing is gonna change that. Even you."

🛩 From that day forward Hangman and Maverick has so much tension you can see it in the air.

🛩 Hangman always tries to bring up you to Maverick trying to be slick about it to. Always telling Coyote a bit loudly about what "Y/n and him have been doing". Bragging to Phoenix when Maverick is around about "How good of a couple Y/n and I are." Just always finding an opportunity.

🛩 One time Hangman asks you to leave hickey's on him where its so noticeable even a kid can see them. You agreed and gave him what he asked for. Not knowing hes walking around like a peacock showing his neck off.

And ultimately the marks catch Mavericks attention. The second Maverick stares a bit too long Jake is smirking and saying something. "You know Mave. Your son is one hell of a guy.~" Maverick catches at what hes suggesting very fast and it makes his blood boil.

🛩 Every time its one of those practice drills for a mission and Jake does something would gotten him killed Maverick will do a low blow. And it makes Jake become dead silent. "What am I supposed to say to Y/n?" "How am I gonna tell him that you died doing something reckless and can easily be avoided."

The comments make Jake just stop and overthink. He hates how much Maverick words get to him and always tries not to let it get to him, but each time he hears that it stings.

🛩 Of course Jake tries to keep Maverick out of the relationship romantic wise not family wise. He almost tries to prove to you and himself plus Maverick that he is right for you.

🛩 One time it took Maverick quite a long time to comeback for a mission and you were first person at the runway everyday waiting for him. You'd stand there for hours until they have to kick you out. But that doesn't stop you from coming. While you always wait Hangman always is with you while waiting holding his arms around you waiting with you in trusting and kinda tense silence.

By the time Maverick finally makes it back he sees the team and you and hangman all waiting for him. Maverick carefully exits out of the jet with a few bruises on his face before you run out of Hangman's arm basically tackling your father in a hug.

The whole gang watches the son and father's beautiful moment. They see your eyes that are basically filled with tears as you hug your father like a koala with a tree in fear if you let go of him he'll disappear.

Maverick runs his fingers through your hair giving you forehead kisses with a few words. "Don't worry baby i'm here. Daddy is here don't cry." Hearing that makes the gang's heart swell. Here you are a grown man who is crying onto his father like you're a little kid. It's a sight for sore eyes.

🛩 When Maverick finds out Hangman was with his son the entire time he was waiting for him he gives Hangman a smile. It was more like a "thank you" type of smile than anything else. After him and Hangman are alone Maverick goes up to him.

"Thank you Jake. Really thank you."

"No need to thank me old man I only did it for Y/n. Kinda what great boyfriends like me do." Jake says back with his usual cocky tone. Causing Maverick to roll his eyes.

"Don't get too cocky. But really thank you for being with my son when he needed someone the most." Maverick says with one more thank you before leaving Hangman alone with his thoughts.

🛩 After that moment Maverick gives Jake some of his trust to date his son. BUT not all of it. Of course you notice that your dad doesn't scowl anymore when you mention Jake's name. He doesn't even argue about him anymore to you making you smile.

🛩 Anytime your working at the bar Hangman and the gang would just show up out of no where just having fun while Jake sneaks off to talk to you. "So~ Y/n." "Yes pretty boy?" "I was wondering if you'd like to----" "Back off my son Hangman." Maverick would just appear out of nowhere pulling him away like he was just some random dog.

"Am I your son in law now?" A drunk Jake asks Maverick.

"No way in hell you're gonna marry my son. So don't even try to think about it."

THE END! Let me know if I should add some more headcanons with it!

Here are some who requested a part 2 so they can read it without searching far and wide for the fic!

@starkleila @rasberry-jupiter @abditory-writes @guardkeywolf

1 year ago

hi I just found your blog and it’s amazing!!! Could I request a hangman from top gun story were he is crushing on mavericks son who works at the bar but maverick goes hard on him because he doesn’t know it’s his son

Hello and welcome to my blog! And thank you for calling it amazing! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy the fic!

I'm going to make it headcanons!


🛩 Him and the gang went to the bar and when he saw you in the distance his mouth immediately fall.

🛩 He watches you from afar making up different scenarios how to get your attention. Phoenix catches him staring at you and she smirks to herself knowing Maverick is gonna give him a hell of a time.

🛩 Jake told coyote to play for him during pool as he leaves the group to go get your attention. He sits right where you're working and gives you his signature Hollywood smirk with a wink. "Hi handsome~"

🛩 "Why the hell is he flirting with Y/n?" Rooster says watching him wink at you. "Whos Y/n" Fanboy asks. "Mavericks son..." Bob answers his question watching you two from afar.

🛩 When Jake spoke to you for the first time you knew who he was. You knew the whole group just didn't make an effort to go up to them and talk. Since this may be the last time he ever talks to you why not play along with the flirting. "Hey there pretty boy."

🛩 Wait your flirting back with him? And you think hes pretty? His heart feels like it's gonna jump out of his chest. He wasn't prepared when you called him pretty or really flirted back. He leans in on the bar ordering a drink.

🛩 "So pretty boy. Why are you here at this lovely bar?" The way you call him a pretty boy makes his heart do back flips. His face becomes a beat red as he stares down at his drink. To fixated on you calling him pretty he doesn't answer your question.

🛩 "Hey pretty boy, I asked you a question." You hook your finger below his chin raising his head up so he can look you in the eyes. "I---uhm to celebrate yeah! Celebrate" His answer was a bit shaking until he got himself together and back to his cocky self.

🛩 From afar it looks like you two are about to kiss. Him looking submissive at you with lovely dovey eyes. While you have a smirk on your face moving your hand to his cheek caressing it while you stare at his lips and eyes.

🛩 Sadly that moment is ruined when Maverick walks in the bar.

🛩 Time feels like its frozen. Rooster and Coyote try to signal Hangman to stop flirting and come here. Bob and Fanboy are sitting down together on a couch mouth wide open after realizing Maverick is here. Phoenix and Payback laughing and clapping knowing this is gonna be good.

🛩 Y/n and Hangman are in their own little world laughing with each other and flirting. Everything is perfect with the little dirty remarks or the longing flirty touches. Y/n writes his number on a napkin and hands it to Jake. "You know... I haven't caught your name yet?" Jake says taking the napkin putting it in his pocket. "Y/n. Nice to meet you Jake. I gotta get back to work, so call me." Y/n gives Jake one last drink on the house and a sweet kiss on the cheek before going in the back room.

🛩 Jake watches Y/n leave with love in his eyes smiling dreamily and holding the cheek you kissed like a teenage girl. He is way to bust thinking how you two will be the greatest couple on this planet. Not even thinking that he never told you his name.

🛩 Jake downs his drink turning around seeing the gang's shocked face and Mavericks pissed one. "Oh lord what did I do." Jake mumbles to himself.

🛩 "Everyone outside.Hangman you stay." Maverick orders everyone. They all give Jake "good luck" smiles and "You fucked up." Looks on their faces not giving Jake any who did what he did.

"Why were you flirting with the bartender?"

"Because I thought he was hot and I went to go shoot my shot. And plus I knew I could get him." Jake answers truthfully with false cockiness because in reality he was a mess when he was talking to you.

"Don't talk about him as if he's just some desperate boy who you needed to save."

"I'm not trying to talk about him like that... I'm just saying I knew he would be perfect for me. I mean cmon me and him are practically made for each other."

"Stop being so cocky. I know he can have a lot better than you."

"Oh yeah? We both know that's a lie. I'm going to be the best thing ever for him."

"Leave him alone. He doesn't need to deal with your antics." Maverick tries to plea getting annoyed from the young adult trying to date his son.

"Says who?"

"His father."

"Well I don't see the guy arguing with me. Who is he?"

"Me. His father is arguing with you because he knows you're gonna get his son in a troubled relationship that's most likely gonna end up in heartbreak."

"His name is Y/n M/n Mitchell. My son."

And that caused Hangman cocky smirk to drop. No fucking way your his son.

THE END?! Unless y'all want a part two!

2 years ago

Love Gay Kisses 🥰💕



Garrett Hedlund in On the Road (2012) deleted scene Douglas Booth in Mary Shelley (2017) Arsher Ali in Remainder (2015)

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2 years ago

Wow 🤩 amazing 😻💓

Fed and Warm | Jax Teller x m!reader

@satan-incarnate-666 asked: can i req

"I didn't think I deserved you"

"Oh, great, he's gonna kill us both"

"C'mere, we can cuddle for warmth"

for jax teller x m!reader 👀

summary: both you and Jax have had a long day, there's only two things on both of your minds and thankfully it's not hard to achieve.

tws: swearing, smoking

The night was stunningly cold, almost to the point where two blankets and a dressing gown and a thick hoodie was not enough, and although your hands were far from warm when you finally got into bed, they found their way to Jax's body; he flinched, a grumble coming from the back of his throat as he shifted away from the icy feeling, but when he opened his eyes, tired blue meeting the soft gaze of the dull gold lamp, and realised it was you, he dared to crack a little smile as he moved closer. He could deal with ice if it was from you. So he relaxed, a soft grumble coming from the back of his throat as he smiled a little; rolling onto his back, Jax sighed as he properly opened his eyes, swallowing thickly and clearing his throat.

"Long day?"

You nodded, groaning softly as you snuggled down, pulling the duvet up to your shoulders as you yawned softly. "Extremely. What about you?"

"Yeah," he admitted with a nod. He wouldn't explain, he never did, he didn't need to explain what went on when you were off at work and he was with the Sons. "Got home about an hour ago."

"You have anything to eat?" You couldn't stop yourself, putting your ice cold hands just below his waistband, on his thighs so that you could steal a bit more warmth. The sudden cold made Jax flinch as he clenched his jaw and let out a soft groan; the sudden cold bit through him, tearing him apart from the thighs up for a moment.

But he nodded, trying to think what he had had earlier when he went out with Juice and Clay; it was some cheap family run place, good food and ever so filling, it had made him feel content and warm until he had stepped outside and been hit with the harsh cold air. Even with mostly leather on his back, he had been cold.

"Yeah, we went out... did you? Eat, I mean."

You wanted to lie and to say that you had, to tell him that you had had a nice big meal and that you were more than content and your stomach was more than full, but you couldn't bring yourself to; you knew Jax would see through it anyway, he always could tell when you were lying.

Even back when you were just teenagers, he could always tell when you were lying; even back when you were joined at the hip and so close that you even went to the bathroom together, he could tell when you were lying. So you forgot about lying, and instead pulled yourself a little away as you sighed. "I had dinner, but I haven't had tea."

Jax growled softly, gently pushing you towards the edge of the bed as he made his own way out, standing up in just grey jogging bottoms and a pair of thick fluffy socks. They were yours, but just as you had stolen his black hoodie, he had stolen your blue socks. He licked his lips, furrowing his brows as he swallowed thickly. "C'mon, I'll make you something."

You followed, biting your lip as you thought about how many times you had done this; even before he had asked you to be his old man, to be his boyfriend, you had been following him to the kitchen in the middle of the night for food for years. The night when you first told him you were queer, and had followed him out in floods of tears, only for him to press an energy drink into your hand and to stick a cigarette in your mouth; a silent reassurance that he still loved you, a slight smirk on his lips when he told you that he was, too. He still loved you.

"You ever think about the past? Y'know, our past?"

He still loved you even now, as he let you sit up on the counter and smoke his cigarettes, your hands shaking as you felt the biting cold begin to creep in all over again.

"I didn't think I deserved you," Jax admitted as he raided the cupboards for something, anything, to eat. "Back when we first got together. I always thought you'd end up leaving me."

"Well, Clay never exactly liked me much," you admitted with a soft laugh. "Even you gotta admit that."

Finally, Jax stumbled upon something; the bits and pieces needed to make a quick and easy load of spicy macaroni and cheese. Relief washed over him as he started to get it all together and make it. "Clay always said you were an asshole... y'know, the first night we spent together, I did think, oh, great, he's gonna kill us both."

You couldn't stop the laugh that escaped you, smiling as you shrugged. "At least your mum likes me, though."

"Yeah, she does," he hummed. "She did ask if we're gonna get married... told me not to fuck it up with you first."

You could see the goosebumps on his arm when he went to reach for the cayenne powder, making you frown a little as you tapped his shoulder. "C'mere, we can cuddle for warmth while everything cooks."

Jax nodded, standing between your legs and pressing his forehead to your chest, sighing heavily when you ran a hand through his long blonde hair, scratching those spots on his scalp that made him try and pull you closer; he would try not to fuck it up, try and keep you safe from rival gangs as well as the Sons as best he could. He would try, but he was more concerned with making sure you were fed and warm, first.

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2 years ago

Love this fanfic 😍🥰

Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 Series

A/N: So this series manifested from the Writer Wednesday and Jey’s Pride Celebration 2k21 during the month of June where @autumnleaves1991-blog and @flightlessangelwings collaborated and provided word and photo prompts for interested writers each week. I’ve been doing Writer Wednesday for a bit so I took up on this challenge and wrote a mini series. Because the challenge was for Pride Month, I kept it GN!reader although I initially wrote it with M!reader in mind. I had a blast exploring this universe and even though it was short, I very much enjoyed spending the time I did with Will and reader. The fics are listed chronologically.

- The Kiss (no smut, GN!reader) - When It Feels Right (no smut, GN!reader) - This Christmas (no smut, GN!reader) - Would You Ever? (no smut, GN!reader) - Manhattan (no smut, angst, GN!reader) - Taking Another Chance (no smut, GN!reader) - Let’s Do This (no smut, GN!reader)

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2 years ago

Love Salem in Halloween 🎃

Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)

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2 years ago

Happy Halloween 🎃

Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.
Im Not Gonna Let You Spoil My New Attitude. Im Going To Celebrate The Witchs Holiday With Enthusiasm.

I’m not gonna let you spoil my new attitude. I’m going to celebrate the witch’s holiday with enthusiasm.

CHARMED (1998–2006) S03E04: All Halliwell’s Eve

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2 years ago
My Name Is Fernando.

My Name is Fernando.

I am Mexican.

I am 31 years old.

Gay boy 🏳️‍🌈

Fan of Marvel, DC Cómics and Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them/Hogwarts Mystery World.

Fan of Game Of Thrones and House Of The Dragón. 🔥 🐉

toast to your health.🫣

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