weirdo with bad eng and likes to draw sometimes/still pls don't use my artwork without credits or permission pretty plsss--....I'm obsessed with cartoons(/ε\〃) https://fialukaffee.carrd.co/
445 posts
Wow She's Change A LOT(most Hair)
wow she's change a LOT(most hair)
I always imagined her like readhead with green eyes, buttt when I colored...yeeah, I didn't really like it:X so I tried to combinate orange wiiithh peachy pink? and eyes turquoise- also bangs changed aand her ears will be down now...like FOREVER
So yeah, I like this drawing more than the previous one(with oc Eira) so far, cos I experimented here more with the shadows and will learn further:'3

Name's Tesha
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More Posts from Fialukaffee
first one first one- I LIKE THE FIRST OOONE--!!

Monkie Kid: Macaque Ears Referene So, I started this like, forever ago and I finally forced myself to finish it! I just drew over Macaque’s ears reference sheet, but larger, so I’d have a better quality reference for myself, but since so many people love my Rainbow Ears design for him I thought to share as well! Speaking of design… Who designed his ears??? Why do they look like that???? Why are they layered from top to bottom????? Why would you do that?????? It’s so cursed I just wanna talk PLEASE Monkie Kid belongs to Lego Rainbow Ears by @mexcraziness-art
now I'm really freaken SCARED

CH 5 (Pendulum) - Page 42 Previous || Next
A proud monkey dad as his sons first demons traits come in

Because I am all for mk slowly getting more monkey gestures the more powers he gets
....I don't know if my art style has become better or...not
(laughing and crying)