Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
993 posts

...my. my notes...!???? i put ALL my notes in the summary so they don't crowd the main text area. i dont use the comment thing
(you have to go to google drive now and look at file information and scroll. gee thanks. i put it in summary because it was easy to look back to while i was writing instead of switching tabs. guess thats fucked now.)
..now im glad i write down my notes on discord first lmFao. so i can STILL avoid drive (i barely even use drive as it is..). with the exception of notes i wrote down there instead of on disc. at least its usually story-related notes that i write down as a part of the fic so it doesnt matter that much... haha.
(spoilers for jjk shibuya arc)

and that i decided to put my notes in the main writing area for once because. because! (idfk my reasoning)

anyway while im here take another wip excerpt!
continuation from my previous wip excerpt
Book 1 and 6 spoilers, slight novel spoilers (havent read it myself but ive seen ppl talk about parts of it, which is where the embrace and umbilical cord comes from)
the lack of honorifics on trey after he used his UM (thats the right abbreviation right?) is what cater actually does to trey in book 1 (and is intentional. in the novel its mentioned that cater only uses yobisute with trey when he's being serious)
also this is a mix of canon dialogue and non-canon dialogue
also i cant remember what honorifics teachers use with their students. or what crowley uses. i know he uses last names, but idfk if he uses kun or, say, san. shrug. teachers in general use like kun and chan tho i think so.
-ryocho means like. dormitory leader, or dormitory director, i think. ive seen fan translations use it so im taking it.

anyway thats a lot.
i dont know when cater ended up as one of my favorites (i wanted to write him to get used to writing his character cause he and idia were the ones who i admittedly struggled with the most. but now im here with this super long cater-centric fic.)
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enchanted-nerd liked this · 11 months ago
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[Belphegor: I had a weird dream.
I dreamt about wanting to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and make you melt into a puddle whenever I saw you.
I kept whispering corny pickup line after pickup line like some kind of broken record...
...so eventually, my brothers got spooked by it and stopped letting me see you.
I was in the middle of writing you a letter to express my feelings when I woke up.]
jaehee best route presentation
this is just me jokingly dunking on mysme's other routes and pointing out the weird and wacky shit that happened in comparison to jaehee's significantly more tame route (because i love her route. we stan jaehee in this household.)
meant to make a presentation cause a bunch of friends were getting together to make some dumb af presentations but im procrastinating
anyway ive never played deep story or another story mode. and the only routes ive actually played are jaehee's and yoosung's. i cant be bothered to do anyone else's (the notifs get so annoying. im the type of person who sometimes spends whole days in a row desiring me time and being all alone. so guess what when you give me a game thats basically like a messenger in which you have to actually interact by then? its like. actually socializing! which no. it hit my social limit and i just stopped trying after multiple bad endings trying to actually get to zens lol)
since im not gonna be showing off my presentation (because ah.. socialization.. and two, now im kind of scared i might trigger someone..?)
so. here.

its a gif..

[ Content warning: Swears, possibly triggering content, uh. Mention of bombs, death (faked su//cide), possible implied in//est thoughts (he doesn’t harbor those thoughts I don’t think, but it can still be the impression he gives off), ..mention of s*x maybe?, kidnapping, held captive, weird shit that’s meant to be kinky but actually comes off as really creepy, INACCURATE PORTRAYAL OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES, cringe, false reporting / negative media, captivity, yandere ending sob??, and ill add more if i can think of more - and torture. I wont go indepth but ill mention it. …beastiality? Just remembered headbang. I dont think its said but ppl kinda see the implications of it i think. ..ive never played his route so i have no clue | is cucking a trigger??? I dont..>>>????? / sexual implications probably | mentions of S/A. It doesnt happen but a character falsely accuses another to ruin their reputation, toxic relationships ]

thats it lmfao
what i was going to continue with:
jumin. so. you know that bad ending where you're basically kept in his house and he puts trackers in your shoes so you can only walk as far as like the kitchen away from him and doing so alerts him and shit?? and its played off as being some kinky shit i think but like hello? (also i think. it was either him or saeran, but we fuck in the basement he has trauma in??)
(i mean theres also the thing with his cat. the 'i'll treat you like my pet' or something like that line?? i dont remember. or zen having a dream that elizabeth his cat was running away so he locked her up even worse so then when he opened the door she ran??)
707 is the most story-depth i think, the one ppl consider canon. in which. crazy shit probably happens there with the obligatory kidnapping and bomb threat. i honestly cant remember i didnt even go to his page to check . altohugh i think theres an ending where saerans is like 'give me a hug'. 707 does. then saeran kills him. which. oof…. poor guy. or its revealed who their dad is and basically bad things happen i think?
saeran/ray/unknown. inaccurate depiction of mental disorders or something like that (not meant to offend with wording, but i can never remember the names of shit). it was like.. we first get to know ray whose the nicer one. and then there's saeran whose an absolute asshole. there was something like 'if you dont listen something bad will happen' (which is apparently something his mom said to him or something like that?) very sucky situation
V. cucking??? IDFK wtf

DRUGGed. from. RAY's. TORTURE. okay. okay.
(someone explain to me whats going on in that ending where we're cucking, im so confused)

so. yknow. jaehee's route is significantly more tame. and relaxing. and stress relieving imo.
the end
a nrc dorm tier list imo would be like..
(based on compatibility, besides preferences)
….why is thinking about it making me suddenly blank out on what every other dorms name is. wtf.
After a second option which idfk what dorm it is, would be Octavinelle. Ish cool. I'd probably be one of the sea creatures that'd die in the ocean tho.
..I've completely left the ranked by order of favorites option. So now I'm just saying what I like, with heartslabyul uncontensted.
I like Pomefiore's dorm uniforms, although I'd probably combust trying to remember everything when im as scatterbrained as Kalim
I took a test to see what dorm I'd be in and got Savanaclaw. Which sucks because I'm not the biggest fan of athletics (running can be fun but i just. hate being outside.), but im, well, as stubborn as an ox. which is funny cause thats my chinese zodiac sign
A dorm I'd probably want to be in instead would be Ignihyde because fuck yeah. introverts. indoor people. game people. anime people… these are my kind of people man >:D (but im horrible at technology stuff. a lot of its probably more memorization but if its not interesting me i dont focus. i swear most of my brain is stuffed to the brim with information about fandoms im not even in anymore and are completely useless to me. and i just. cant forget.?? ITS STUCK THERE. like. uh. dream smp. the existence of c![creator] and cc![creator] for clarification. because iirc, twitter trending was posts of 'DREAM ABUSED TOMMY AND CAUSED HIM TO KERMIT SEWER SLIDE' when it was all minecraft exile arc?? so they had to clarify NO it is not real and is roleplay. or like, this one post i read once of this person making like an essay about the dream smp, so the teacher just thinks its this really elaborate story. and then the last bit is sharing actual images about it, and how they're going to be shocked when they see pixels LMFAO. but like. im not int his fandom anymore, and i think it ended anyway??? so im just. huh??)
if only you could have the option to intentionally forget things and intentionally remember others..
actually clarification on heartslabyul but i ran out of characters on discord since thats where im writing my notes. uhm. i love heartslabyul, everything about it, and the characters and story-- but. in all honesty. if you put me in heartslabyul id do HORRIBLE. i wouldnt get along with riddle at all even though hes my favorite.. id just. get really pissed off. like, cause im really stubborn?? so i do this thing where the more someone tells me to do something the more i dont want to. even when i probably should :'D
anyway. um continuing on. I'd hate Scarabia. me and heat do NOT mix. ive once fainted (well. i was feeling really hot so i was seeing colors. and at one point i just couldnt see anything anymore. but i kept moving cause i was in a line. ..it didnt occur to me to talk to someone bout it??? i just wanted to get to where i knew some cold water awaited me. and then i walked right into a wall and then everything went blank for 10 seconds, thats apparently how long i was out, huh.) also im the type of person who focuses more on literal meanings instead of between the lines..
diasomnia. i honestly dont know that much about it. diasomnias just., nowhere on the list. i cant really put it anywhere can i? honestly id probably cry being yelled at by sebek LMFAO
zoomed in

what the--
help??? whyd it do this im so confused???
i mean it'll prob fix itself by just re-opening the app but whyd it happen?
that moment the browser crashes and removes all your progress. thank god i had the foresight to screenshot.
yeah thanks. wow.
remember that time i said i was gonna write poems daily
well i forgot
anyway this is from that time i forgot

What do you know? It's all just for show. The skies are a blight, upon the almighty eye.
Now though.
Bring me to sleep, within a web of your dreams. Where I lay in slumber, of your fairest schemes.
(With manipulative snakes, who wish to be freed. Of eternal servitude, for that is their decree.) And the roses painted red, with the sun a shining hue. Of fish who think of flight, and bots who feel they're true. Tell me again, the tales of your reality. Of the twisted turns, in a cycle of morality. This wonderful land, in which you were chosen. By a mirror who picked, the most noble who blossom.
In a world not your own, but a world you belong. Follow your heart, for that is your song.
Take my hand, and show me your power. Of them, and yours, and beasts who devour.
Now on a time limit, I must bid my adieus.
No matter what happens, do not surrender your grasp. (last line is weak but idfk what to replace it with. it's meant to be like 'Don't let go of that hand, no matter what' in a reference to the mirror intro in the game)
edited it in. and then edited the heartslabyul and savanaclaw part so its not too repetitive with the beginning word