Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
993 posts
I Figured It Out
i figured it out
you know this image? (after i deleted a bunch of stuff to make space)

i deleted hsr to download zzz
which was enough.
and now theres space to also download hsr
i just have no clue how my laptop is going to respond to starting it up h a h a
and also just realizing this means all my settings have reset hfuisdhfis
in any case this wont last long once one of them has an update lOl tbh i just wanted to play the game as it is cause it seems like fun, i wanna go through the events and get the stuff for the pulls. maybe get the character i want and then dip
im. gonna go do other stuff first. like. uh. idk. eat. before i lock myself in for hours into a game im never playing again (not to say that its a bad game, but i really only have the storage to commit to like one hoyo game. and thats hsr.)
(and if youve seen my other post about like. idfk being able to play genshin now cause i was deleting a bunch of stuff for zzz and still didnt have enough space but had enough space for genshin. uh. yEAh. genshins deleted. maybe ill bring it back after i get rid of zzz. idk.)

i should probably show how much space i have left after downloading hsr but im lazy and dont wanna go back to this post. maybe in the future ill add it when its done but not rn
i probably shouldve shown before downloading it cause it tells you how much space it needs and how much space you have
and to be fair its like double the actual size so it can like. fuckin decompress(??) am i saying that right idfk idk this stuff
so its like
zzz needed 100, so getting rid of hsr gave it enough space
but then it actually only took like 50 gb, which gave like enough for honkai star rail's like. i think it mightve been 80 something? idk i forget things easy
which was kind of just barely enough. blessings. woo. anyway gtg
(if i made a typo or said the wrong word anywhre. um oops.)
not as bad as i worried it might be

jaynceyy liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Fictionfixations
can i just say
ive never gotten why people call other characters mommy or daddy before? like. i mean i can agree that theyre hot but i just
never understood
then jade trailer dropped and holy fucking shit 😭 ???
it feels like its something i shouldnt be watching its
they KNOW what they're doing oh my god
like like hello 😳

like oh my god shes whipping him and and i already knew thats what she did but holy fucking shit ii am NOT normal about this 🙇♀️

it very much reminds me of during like one of yelan's trailers (i think it was in her character demo, but i cant remember if it was also her animated trailer) cause ppl were like 'god i wish that were me' but she had like those strings that she pulled iirc

theres just something about being pulled (whether its hair pulling or like. a LEASH LMFAO)
like like heres yelan

yelan also steps on neck although a lot longer lol

ah heres the teaser

whoever i talked to who told me i wasnt doing as well because i had like two kinda main-ish damage dealers (well i dont know the actual term but cause i had 5 star dan heng and ratio in the same team i wasnt like doing the most i could do basically)

i think i actually get it now like HOLY SHIT thats a lot of damage

(..do people even reference this anymore? do you know what im talking about?)

this is dan heng with just basic attack. no using skill. (idk if thats a lot. but its a lot to me.)

it killed one of the goons instantly. i want to take a screenshot of hp but im SLOW

well its the most most because its both robin and ruan mei ult but holy shit
this is ult damage

*screams* i lagged so i didnt get the img. but. doing the 3 skill for dan heng got like 60 something
heres 2-skill (theres prob an actual name to it but its what im calling it)

now i need to see what its like normally
this is ult damage

maxing the skill

what the fuck its such a huge difference my mind is blown
i. holy shit??? ii
i i wanted to pull for jiaoqiu cause FOX. EYES CLOSED. bruhs like my dream character. but uh. i have like 5 days left to pull for ruan mei hhjuiosfjdi
genuinely just didnt think i needed her cause i already had a harmony so i was trying to get her lightcone for robin 😭
i dont know if sparkle also works well but im not waiting that long (by the time penacony reruns come im getting aven anyway)
birthday bloom deuce
i.. i was thinking too that sebek might... 😭

if it were anyone else id worry about such a high goal leading to hopelessness because it seems so far away that it seems unattainable. but i really cant see him giving up at all
also if his grades are low even though he's working really hard then there's probably something else that's the problem. i mean. for all i know he could be zeroing in on something and focusing so much on it that everything else hes meant to do gets forgotten about, or isnt that great thus lower grade even if he was really into it, y'know? idk.
like. like you ever have like an essay to write but you can choose the topic? and then you just get so focused on talking about your fixation that you forget that its meant to center around something??

oop. 2. its an interesting pairing actually. hey where are my malleus training deuce (friendship go brr) fics /hj

i fucked up the spelling so bad 💀 it cant even be autocorrected cause it doesnt recognize it

corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures /hj
(from this post translating the departure ova, or basically the prequel to world heroes mission bc idk where to find it normally)

screenshot from this video cuz i cant replay cutscenes lmfao
like. okay so i started thinking about hawks and aventurine in the same thought train and i just. couldnt let it go. and then i remembered that departure ova where he had those sunglasses(?) (IDK The name of stuff. im just gonna call them glasses.)
didnt realize that they're kind of doing similar poses. thats because hawks had the glasses on his eyes but he pushed them up, and here aventurine is about to remove his glasses during the cutscene
MAJOR MHA & HSR spoilers
(if it gets confusing im begging you to read parts of it with the other character's part because im trying to connect them but it might get confusing reading it first)
no but listen me thinks of two boys with not great childhood in greedy corporation who h as. probably wronged them-
well in all honesty i dont remember shit about if the hpsc has done horrible things. scratch that they have because literally nagant. sorry ive forgotten so much mha story its been awhile (i was gonna go on a rant about how its just another thing the fandom considers canon because yes. like. i dont think tsukauchi has ever been confirmed to have a lie detector quirk, its just that his sister who appears in the vigilantes(?) manga does)
hawks cozying up to the league to get secrets (i almost said league of assassins im crying. batman go brr.) backfires
forced to reveal shit (remember dabi revealing in like his video in Dabi's Dance Hawks' backstory?? also portrays him in a negative light, viewing him as a murderer)
he also tries to make himself seem righteous like 'i couldnt let these injustices stand!'

(from wiki. also his wings get damaged, they can regrow but not to what it was before) ALSO fakes death (temporarily. LMFAO tokoyami)

also this is kinda weak but gets hit while hes down

(technically) hawks is still alive but his quirk is still kinda gone forever i think

anyway i think he appeared in the latest chapter. he seems to be doing well. tbh i have such a shit memory. uhm spoilers for that chapter but i just got so distracted by the todoroki family and dabi like holy shit
FHSOIfh i think hes the HPSC president now.???? DAMN good for him ?
bACK ON TRACK. aventurine cozying up to the family to find out the 'truth'
sunday does his weird shit to force aventurine to say the truth or get punished (asks him about his past and personal shit like 'do you love your family more than yourself' or something, asks about him being an avgin, if hes the only survivor, if he wants to destroy the world) (also sunday thinks of aventurine as like a liar?? like. like. i forgot what it was but he viewed him as like an ill-intentioned person he needed to get rid of. thinking of him in a negative light and probably partially because he was associated with the IPC.)
he calls him a villain. i. DAMN (from the wiki) so like. you see what i mean? also acts righteous acting like aventurines the bad guy while hes the one in the right

bruh gets told he has seventeen system hours to live
cheeses through it (nihility able to cut through it if you were confused during the story on how he lived) but fakes his death (temporarily. he can come back out around 2.3 lOl but it still took a strain on him)
gets threatened while hes still recovering from the aftereffects of the nihility and everything

genuinely dont remember hawks getting hurt during afo fight (and toga) but i also got so confused on what was going on reading the manga cause it was a lot. i dont think he got saved tho
aventurine survived but the cornerstones gone forever

also while im here since yall probably dont know

also he bet that he'd get a promotion but we dont know whats going on about that (and it doesnt seem like we will. or. theres implications that that the xianzhou(?) war dance is connected to the IPC cause of the special program where owlbert said he was gonna quit and that he got a better offer for the wardance. and it was revealed that actually it was them who gave him that better offer?? so maybe we'll see in next update(?))
like. like. hah ha hawks getting promoted? eh?? eh?? you see????

tbh i didnt think i could connect them at all but here i am now finding more and more
also off topic
i thought this was a mistake or jab at mineta im CRYING his names GRAPE JUICE???

your brain when you want to go to sleep because you have something you're looking forward to to do tomorrow (or today because its THREE AM) but you need to not be tired for it but then it pulls this thing out of nowhere to fixate over knowing you cant ignore it because they're characters you love and that the idea wont go away until you express your thoughts so you get the keyboard out to make a short post but then you keep thinking about it and it gets longer and longer cause you keep remembering more shit to add:
Do you think "Riddle me this, Batman?" has become a common lexicon among Gothamnites for when they don't understand something?
I like to think it has. I like to think they've heard The Riddler say it one too many times, and now it's just ingrained into their collective psyches in much the same way as "No shit, Sherlock" is.
I also like to imagine Bruce Wayne making a rare appearance at a corporate meeting, and the latest Gen Z hire, a generation that infamously doesn't fuck with formal office corporate speak, just leans over the table and says, "Okay, I hear what you're saying, but riddle me this, Batman," and Bruce tries not to choke on his coffee.