I FIGURED IT OUT - Tumblr Posts
i figured it out
you know this image? (after i deleted a bunch of stuff to make space)

i deleted hsr to download zzz
which was enough.
and now theres space to also download hsr
i just have no clue how my laptop is going to respond to starting it up h a h a
and also just realizing this means all my settings have reset hfuisdhfis
in any case this wont last long once one of them has an update lOl tbh i just wanted to play the game as it is cause it seems like fun, i wanna go through the events and get the stuff for the pulls. maybe get the character i want and then dip
im. gonna go do other stuff first. like. uh. idk. eat. before i lock myself in for hours into a game im never playing again (not to say that its a bad game, but i really only have the storage to commit to like one hoyo game. and thats hsr.)
(and if youve seen my other post about like. idfk being able to play genshin now cause i was deleting a bunch of stuff for zzz and still didnt have enough space but had enough space for genshin. uh. yEAh. genshins deleted. maybe ill bring it back after i get rid of zzz. idk.)

i should probably show how much space i have left after downloading hsr but im lazy and dont wanna go back to this post. maybe in the future ill add it when its done but not rn
i probably shouldve shown before downloading it cause it tells you how much space it needs and how much space you have
and to be fair its like double the actual size so it can like. fuckin decompress(??) am i saying that right idfk idk this stuff
so its like
zzz needed 100, so getting rid of hsr gave it enough space
but then it actually only took like 50 gb, which gave like enough for honkai star rail's like. i think it mightve been 80 something? idk i forget things easy
which was kind of just barely enough. blessings. woo. anyway gtg
(if i made a typo or said the wrong word anywhre. um oops.)
not as bad as i worried it might be

fr dude
Finally figured out Rook lore for my AU, who cheered?
Rook's childhood was better than most. He was an A+ student in school, and had minimal bullying. With a bit of pushing from his parents, he persued a degree in law. While he was there, he met a girl and they fell in love.
Or at least, he thought they were in love. When you're so blinded by hearts, it's hard to notice the signs.
She started to become colder
Made him feel stupid
Made him hate himself
And did things to him that... He still regrets to this day.
Even after he finished law school and started working, it felt like she always had a grasp on him. He couldn't escape her, no matter where he was or how far away, she was always there.
That was until... The accident.
His parents were hit by a drunk driver. His dad was killed and his mother was put into a coma.
It was like life decided to play a sick joke on him. He lost his parents, then his job, and finally, his girlfriend.
Her leaving should have been a relief, not being under her constant gaze and judgement. After she left, thought, life felt suffocating.
He began to drown in debt while trying to pay for his mother's hospital bills. He was desperate, in need of a job, he didn't know what to do.
That was till a recruiter came to him, and offered a life-changing opportunity...
Jigsaw, but instead of hurting people he forces them to read Tuesdays with Morrie so they develop a new appreciation for life.
not me panicking over previous post because I’m a newbie
the japanese “-ne?” particle and the british slang term “innit” serve the same function