Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
993 posts
Crying These Are All Ao3 Emails
crying these are all ao3 emails

i havent gone through it in a year how the fuck do i even begin to tackle this im !?!?!?!? and my problem is ive got into so many different fandoms that i genuinely dont remember what ive read before (cause ive subbed to works, series, and accounts)
so its like. i have to check each work because if ive subscribed to it i need to get rid of that since im not gonna read it anymore (also because awhile ago i think i had too many subscriptions so then i just stopped getting emails so i had to trim the list down but idk if thats happened in the span of a year because i havent been checking)
im just. om. like LOOK this is from the oldest

i dont know how to get rid of the yellow arrow i dont remember what i did that made it appear
anyway if there are any weird fics in here. know that i have no recollection of wtf i did a year ago.
also the retry later screen when you open up too many different tabs is scary :(
like. id like to think that im not as attached to ao3 that i cant handle taking a break from it (..this is a lie i read on ao3 all the time everyday) but theres just something about not having access to it that gets me so stressed fisudhfs
man. i remember i used to check my email obsessively with no emails waiting for a new email to arrive
now im left with this mess what the fuck
any tips?
i dont wanna just get rid of them all at once but im not too sure how to tackle this
More Posts from Fictionfixations

Hanya: Could it be that the signal from the Shackling Prison is still blocked? Hmm... they proposed maintenance last year, but it's been delayed in the approval process...
i sure hope thats changed now (2.4-2.5 go brr)
OH MY GOD thats a huge wall of text. i was just clicking to speed up the texts and i just get hit with walls upon walls of texts and then it kept going and im like OKAY HOLD ON I CANT READ THAT FAST and trying to speed it up so i can scroll back and read it and theN BRRRR like holy fuck 😭
anyway context: hanya wrote this for her sister (who likes thriller novels). apparently its her first attempt. its called Seawater

Hanya: Judges have forever grappled with the burden of excruciating decisions. Among them, few weigh on their conscience as heavily as the relentless pursuit of the betrayer. Motivated by greed, disdain, or the intoxication of danger, comrades can swiftly transform into enemies. And when the moment arrives to dispense justice upon a former ally in the name of the revered Ten Lords, the torment becomes unbearable. The place I now journey towards bears witness to a heart-rending spectacle. Long ago, I meticulously constructed a trap to ensnare the perpetrator who conspired with the Denizens of Abundance. This elusive criminal, known only as "Seawater," peddled invaluable secrets, unraveling the intricate tapestry of the Alliance within the Ryansnaut Sector. Engaged in an unyielding battle with "Seawater" for an extended duration, I now find myself poised to tighten the noose. As I hasten towards the scene, a vivid tableau unfolds within my mind. A greenhorn Cloud Knight, a spirited street performer, a guileless foxian girl, and one enigmatic Nameless... Which among them could be "Seawater"? And when the truth is ultimately unveiled, how shall I confront the inevitable, merciless denouement...? Without warning, an arrow, launched from the shadows, pierces my heart. I collapse to the ground, I find my gaze locked onto the countenance of the assailant... Trailblazer: Wait, hold on a sec! Are you seriously planning to send me the entire novel through text messages!? Hanya: Sorry. I'm not done yet. "Seawater... It is you!" It ends here. That's all I've managed to write so far. I'm a bit stuck and need some advice.
im so sorry if there are any typos or if i typed the wrong word but thats a lot of text 😭 i usually write the texts together but separating it for each text sent. i dont know if that makes sense, but since she was sending a novel i thought itd be a better idea to actually put space in between the paragraphs so its not just all clumped together in a difficult to read block of text (also its a personal thing because i for the life of me i struggle so bad keeping track of where i am reading SUPER long blocks of text cause i keep accidentally losing my place or reading the wrong sentence in combination with another)
the reason we are suspects is because xueyi told her its easier to write characters based on familiar faces

Hanya: My sister mentioned that it's easier to write a novel when the characters are based on familiar faces. I've been thinking about it. Maybe it's because you guys are always too kind for me to imagine you doing anything evil. No wonder I'm stuck now. Perhaps I should draw inspiration from the criminals I usually deal with.
also she hasnt decided on who seawater (the criminal) should be


the gacha gods have looked down on my love for riddle and thought lets bless this persons pulls
GUYS???? I
i saved so many pulls for him and now i dont know what to do
i. should probably save??? but like. i. i was expecting to use everything to get him so now im not sure what to do exactly.
like. theres some main story cards i want for because duo and because cool but i can also manage without them? cause i do have a working team anyways
do i keep pulling or?? Idk what to do
i set it as mature because im kind of vaguely referring to it but just in case.
Since I talk about anything and everything on this blog, here are my opinions over live action shows. Note that I am very biased in the sense that I prefer animation over real life stuff, but also live action stuff has stupidly good sound design that it just hits that satisfying part.
But anyway I don't watch them that often. That's partially my fault because I don't keep up to date with news regarding that, however reasons I don't really like to watch them that much is kind of just.. the drama??
Like uhh, let me talk about How to Get Away with Murder. It's kind of crazy that you can have something with that title, but then again there's like a book that's like.. Lol(complete this word) something. I can't remember now but I think it's about uhh a pretty bad thing? (I found it in the wild and was like 'huh I think I've heard of this' and googled it to see if it'd be something I'd like to read. Haha no.) I don't really wanna google to make sure anyway but uh under the assumption that it's kind of over a really bad thing (and probably fiction because I think it's in the POV of the person who is doing the bad????)
So I guess anything can really exist tbh, including a title like that. But so. I got into it cause I had an interest in law and crime stuff. And the beginning part where it shows a thing that's happening, then we rewind back to how we got there. That was really cool, but maybe it's my bad for not knowing what's going on anymore, but with later seasons it felt like it was just plot twisting because without any actual reason besides 'ahh the other seasons did this'.
Anyway. I hate relationship drama. Like there's just this gay guy I think? And he got with someone. And then he cheated and he gets dumped and sad times and I'm just like WHY D ID YOU DO THAT ??? I mean iirc he did it to get like information but om
or like. So there's these pairings. I generally can't remember age difference but I'm pretty sure.. I think her name was Bonnie...???????? It's been awhile so I can't remember any names actually. But so it was I think the main lawyer teacher person's assistant or something? and i think she got into a relationship with a student. Now I think they're all 18 at least but like OM. WHY. Like. It just felt like they were doing the naughty because. with no actual reason?? like ohh lets all put them into relationshipss because. i dont know???
and again i might be completely biased but this is how i felt watching it and so thats what i remember. maybe there is a reason. i dont know. i just feel iffy with the probably age difference. or at least power difference
or maybe i just dont like work relationships turning into romance or sexual ones like om
And then there's this guy who I think is older but I can't remember what his position was. ANd there's this girl whose like also a student? Like okay so basically there's this lawyer teacher person and there's a bunch of students in her class. and she chose a bunch of them to help her with managing cases
But so there's this guy who is NOT a part of that. but pursuing a relationship with the girl despite age gap probably??? I swear there was something something during the show about it that made conflict but im just like what the fuck why
Like okay ignoring all the dark and fucked up shit in like some of the cases iirc, can we not have everyone getting into a relationship for some unknown reason?
and then there was the thing about the lawyer teacher persons husband???? or no ? person she has a thing. with? but i think he has a wife??? but like he basically did a lot to help her win the cases (and also meant he like lost his job or got demoted or something) so that fucked him over a lot
blah blah blah.
also his wife who was like dying or some shit was like to her 'pull the plug' and she did it and then the guy found her and his wife dead and he thought she did it maliciously and im just like CO.MU.NI.CA.TI.ON. PLEASE. and like he might not believe her but also NOT saying it means that its a 0% chance of being believed anyway because you dont propose the idea??
maybe im just like. being. super confused. also i stopped somewhere during like this weird hallucination baby part and i dont know what the fuck happened??? and its like the baby isnt real but the teacher lawyer person thinks theres a baby
and im pretty sure i missed something because i have no idea when that became a thing
anyway i got too off topic. what i mean about my general dislike of live action shows is
drama. because like they have to get some conflict to continue the story?? but it either feels like it comes out of nowhere or makes one of the characters or both characters assholes and really shitty to each other. and like getting good relationships breaking up and getting back together and being toxic and im just like BRUV stop hurting each other?? PLEASE????
often said but MISCOMMUNICATION. the bad kind. like not tcf miscommunication of haha funny, but the kind that breaks relationships??? like yknow the frustration of itd all just be solved if they TALKED TO EACH OTHER
like. i dont know, maybe its just me. but like the first few seasons of a show tend to be like really good? and then it kind of feels like it degrades over time because they're trying to keep it going and so theyre dragging it out, adding bits and pieces here to try and keep the audience hooked.
and dont get me wrong its okay to like those kinds of shows, its just not my cup of tea and probably even more considering age difference relationships are kinda not something i like to see. i mean irl if its like something that makes you happy, and youre old enough to make your own choices and you know what youre doing and being with your partner makes you happy, then all the power to you.
and i honestly might be irritated by the amount of stories where character falls in love with like someone who they work with, generally in a higher position so im more against it.
tbh though it might just be that what i dont like about more darker or like adult shows tend to include doing the thing? because it becomes something dark because thats the kind of show they're in so it inevitably gets dragged down with it ?? like it becomes less 'im doing it because im in love' or 'im doing it and im genuinely enjoying it' and becomes something else that makes me not able to enjoy it. and idk a lot of feels like 'impulsive lets do the thing, wake up the next morning how the fuck do we act'. and thats not to be like you cant do that because you can, but it feels like its generally kind of done to run away from problems or deal with stress without thinking of how they're going to handle it later? so its like doing it with (implied??) consent but not really actually thinking about like consequences so its kind of muddy
or like. doing the thing just because they can? to which its just there because uh plot without actually meaning anything.?? like theres no point and it makes everything more complex and like it brings about a kind of relationship that i dont like and hhh
actually while im thinking about this
can we talk about how like squid game. i think that had a scene where two characters did the thing. and how the fanbase is kind of made up of kids who probably assumedly watched it..? like cause it got really trendy and so on. which is kind of wtf
anyway i dont remember why they did it because i havent watched that in awhile either. who knows maybe they had valid reasons, idk i forgot it even happened until now.
anywayyy theres probably plenty of shows that have none of that (honestly i should probably just find shows with no romance because the few ive seen have probably tainted how i think of them in general). but ive never seen them so womp womp.
to be perfectly clear though theres very few shows ive watched. like theres..
How to Get Away with Murder (idk what season I stopped at) Supernatural (idk what season i stopped at..) Lucifer (idk what season i stopped at) Squid Game The Umbrella Academy (idk what season I stopped at? i cant remember if there was any romance in this one, but I think I watched it to its recentest point at one point. and then like I think next season the one character whose name I cannot remember's actor became of the opposite gender? which good for them and i think their character changed genders too? but that was before next season came and then i didnt keep up with news so had no idea until i went to like the shows wiki tbh) Crazy Ex Girlfriend (honestly it was more me watching it with a friend. there was generally some crazy shit tbh and then we stopped cause watching it was stressful to them. i dont really fully remember what happened but it was weird)
so like really not big enough of a pool for me to really know if theres shows that are different and better. and it might be also because that i watched it my recommendations are then filled with stuff like that
so yeah. shrug.
anyway i just like talking so i wanted to get that out there. i might be totally wrong but if i dont get it out its just gonna keep bothering me to think about it
As hilarious as it is to watch Floyd boredly swim across the screen, this is actually so devastating…
Floyd’s dream essentially involves him always winning, succeeding, and being the strongest at everything he does, which, as we know, is what he came on land to avoid. Life is more interesting for him when he isn’t able to achieve everything with ease.
Idia explains, in gamer terms, that if this were a video game one would simply be able to turn it off, walk away, and say “Not for me.” But Malleus has quite literally trapped Floyd in this dream, alone, without growth or enrichment, for all eternity.
And now Floyd’s given up on playing at all, reduced to swimming in circles like a goldfish in a bowl.
(partial GloMas and book 6 spoiler)
twitch streaming from mobile be like:

i dont know how it decides when it is and isnt laggy as hell cause earlier it looked fine (it just hates interacting with story 💀)
like. see??? it was so much clearer earlier

or like now

like. okay well free advertising tbh lmfao but earlier i streamed the optional ptms (cause i didnt actually read all of them, since i was too busy trying to beat the battles tbh)
but like like epel wheres your mouth 😭

edit: 😭 ??? om