Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
993 posts
MCC Island Void Glitch??
MCC Island void glitch??

i finished a game of TGTTOS and then when the time ran out I appeared in the void instead of the lobby thingy
and it wouldnt let me leave or use anything?? also the timer isnt moving
so i was just kinda stuck there
but then eventually it brought me into the hub so then i went back to the main lobby adn then apparently the server is glitched again? people arent seeing resource packs, they dont have the items, adn literally cant do anything
when i jumped into the hole of a minigame it turns to black and then i appear back in the same main lobby
mimikyuvelcro liked this · 2 years ago
ai-chaneko liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Fictionfixations
Interlude: The Hotel / SCU x DSMP Fic [Part 3]
Tommy tries to figure out where to start, before finding a certain hotel along the way.
PART 3 of the SCU x DSMP Crossover Series
Future Fic [WIP] Excerpts because yes
Tommy woke up to Tubbo shaking him. He groaned, but Tubbo didn't relent until Tommy batted away the brunette's hands in annoyance, slowly sitting up. "What?" He nearly hissed at the other, really not being a morning person, if only just barely restraining himself.
"Dad's made pancakes but I can't eat them until you're up too." Tommy raised an eyebrow before falling back onto his mattress. "I don't care."
He closed his eyes, though too tense to actually fall back asleep.
Tubbo went unnaturally silent, and Tommy almost wanted to open his eyes again to see what was up, but next thing he knew he was being grabbed and picked up????
Tommy's eyes snapped open, screeching as he found himself no longer touching the floor, and in fact, in Tubbo's grasp, who was currently holding him above his head like he weighed nothing. "WHAT THE FUCK-"
Would Dream look at it that way? No.
So a new plan. Avoid Dream, because he seems like a fucking sucker for loopholes. But if he did that then he'd have to avoid the prison, but that meant avoiding Sam too. Why does there have to be a likable and a hateable person in the same building? It wouldn't be worth it to avoid Sam. Sam was helpful anyways. Dream though? Not so much. They were almost complete opposites.
..He hoped though that Dream wouldn't manipulate Sam, not like Sam had much of a reason to visit the other though besides a check-in. He wouldn't have to stay and listen, but did Sam know that?
But! Sam was an adult. He shouldn't be thinking of him like a kid who can't protect himself. ..But that didn't mean that Sam would be able to last against Dream.. He doesn't know enough to make a decision just yet though. Who knows?
..He missed Sunny, though. Maybe that was selfish. Ever since the accident, he was always more closed off- he hadn't left in a while either, no one had seen him, not even Kel, who he knew had always been checking. Maybe that made him a bad friend, not to wait everyday in front of that door that would never answer, but he wouldn't have known.
Tons of blurred out photos,
His hands shook as emotion shook his body- he choked out a sob, dropping the book and curling up, shaking his head. It made him want to cry. What was he even doing? He almost wanted to laugh, then. Maybe he wasn't so different. He could hardly face the others anyway. What would they even think? Aubrey, Kel- even Hero, if they knew what he had done? If they knew how much of a coward he truly was? He slowly raised his head, taking in the state of his room.
all of over my room.
Tommy let out a relieved breath, turning around while running, slowing down a little as he shot the annoying dickheads who had given him chase moments prior the ultimate fuck you sign, the middle finger- not that they'd know that of course, as they had gone the opposite direction of him after being called in to deal with some other threat- which was BULLSHIT!
Who the fuck would be more important then him, the biggest man of all men? Not that it mattered anyway though, so he didn't even bother trying to conjure up a name. It was a little funny. The overgrown theater kid had the best reactions, anyways- He's pretty sure they all (theater kid, winged prick, and mythology nerd) thought he was joking about not remembering their names. ... ..Well he can't be blamed- But they don't need his attention anyways.
They steal all his clout! And being a poor, poor vigilante, it's hard to get fame, to get credited for shit because those hero fuckers always steal it all! Like when they arrive on scenes he's already taking care of, the news acts like he was never there, and that he didn't even exist!-
..Well he's just ranting at this point, but he had some pent up frustration, and it wasn't like he could find a punching bag, those things are expensive! .. Well maybe he could use the overgrown theater kid cause that prick looks weak as hell! Tommy could probably take him, in fact.

It only took the whole weekend :’))
Ah fuck school
Btw they’re giving free merch out to positions 1-10 and 69 and 420
utmvnightlight is my main
or well was- i cant actually switch it so like..
anyway-- since i use this blog more often should i just move gacha edits here? i dont do them often- or do i keep utmvnightlight for my gacha edits???

I got carried away
100 Years / A Post-Passerine SongFic
After the events of Passerine, there sat Wilbur, sitting next to Tommy's grave, and singing him a song he made, reminiscing about the past. ☽✦☾ Passerine by blujamas 100 Years by OR3O
another songfic lol
uh. funny story- so I started this oneshot on the 8th of August, and then procrastinated until today where my playlist played 100 years and I was like 'oh yeah I have that WIP-' and then speed ran it and cried because im emotional as fuck
woo we all love passerine dont we