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filopay illustrations


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sixteen | he/him | Human | Nord

Oh I'm not scared mother Can't you hear he calls my name Oh boy, the sky's not speaking And the wind will never learn your name Oh no you're wrong mother And the wind and I, I think we'll run away

— Finnegan Tui

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ~Hatred

"I know it's not ideal." 

She says that every time you both set up the small little camp built out of twigs and leaves somewhere in the woods. As if it would change the situation, make it more bearable.

"I still remember the first blanket I made you." Her smile was weak, but her eyes glistened with fondness, as she tried to cushion the floor beneath your shelter, "You were so small back then, it swallowed you whole, but eventually you grew into it. You could never fall asleep without it." 

Her smile dropped then, as if realising that everything you have ever owned, every story behind it, was lost.

"I remember." Perhaps a small condolence, but for a moment her strained smile returned.

She laid out her coat on the wet wooden floor beneath the makeshift shelter, she never asked you to take off yours for the both of you to lie in. You noticed everything she had ever done, she did for you. Even if it meant, leaving everything behind. She never hesitated.

Sometimes you wonder if she regrets her decision. If she regrets having you. When will she realise that you are a mere burden to her?

"That should do it. You go in first, munchkin." 

"Where are you going?" She always leaves to make sure you are both safe. You know she barely sleeps to keep an eye on you too, you can see it in the shadows beneath her eyes. 

So far she always returned to you, you always found each other even amidst the chaos, but what if she can't find you? What if one time, she does not return?

"Don't worry." She smiles and draws a warm hand over your cheek, as if sensing your worries, "Make yourself comfortable. It won't be like this forever. Soon we'll be back in a cozy and warm bed, behind the safety of the walls and there will be no need to run anymore. I promise."

"When?" You ask despite knowing the answer.

"When we manage to have you do the proper ritual. When the God of Mountains will accept you."

"I have to perform a great hunt for that. All I do is hide."

"All when the time is right. Sleep now. I will be back shortly."

That too was something you have heard her say a lot since you both had been forced to flee into the woods. You're no longer certain that there will ever be a right time. How can you prove yourself, when she won't let you?

“You always pretend like nothing is wrong, but they took our home from us and now want to kill us. You don’t even hate them for it. Like we deserved what happened.” You scoff, not understanding how she can remain so positive despite it all not being your fault.

She halts for a moment, the smile from before is replaced with worry. “Don’t- Arn, look at me.” You begrudgingly tilt your head to meet her gaze, “We did not deserve any of it, Fate was playing against us. The people had chosen, they are afraid and think that the new ways are giving them more security, but it's not the system that is wrong. Not only.”

“So you do hate the scholar too.” 

“It’s okay to be angry, but don’t let your heart darken from it. They won, fair and just. I agreed to the rules and we would be a bad loser if we do not respect their win. So, no, I do not hate them for it. I think it was the right time for a change.”

“Why would the people like them better than us? We have been ruling over the North for generations. The scholar just arrived a few weeks prior to my coronation. It is just not fair.”

“I know the timing makes it look even worse.” She says with a tired sigh and you realise only now, that she must have been trying to appear strong for you, hiding her own frustration well, “I can’t promise you that it will all get back to how it was, that we will reclaim the throne, I think our time is over, but I can promise you, that we will no longer need to hide. That we do not need to be afraid for our lives and hide in the trees. You will sleep in safety. I will promise you that.”

You drop your head with a heavy heart. “I still hate them.” They took your big day from you, they ruined it all. How can she so easily forgive?

She hums, a sad look in her eyes. “It is your right to do so. Yet, you should try to sleep. We will discuss our options tomorrow.”

You watch as she gets up with alert eyes before disappearing into the darkness to lead any pursuers astray. She didn't even take her coat with her.

You try to do as she said. You try to make yourself comfortable, but her absence and the fear riddled with the growing hatred within your heart was making it difficult. If only you could do something to help. Make a difference yourself. But you couldn’t. You were nothing but a burden to her and powerless in a world that was ruled by power. You were only a child in the eyes of the adults around you. How can you change that?

You close your eyes, try to quiet the voices in your head. That the coat was smelling of her sweet and calm scent did help a little and soon you found yourself slowly drifting off. Afterall, it had never been about the blanket she had made for you, it was about having something of your mother close.

Even if she herself, seldom was.

[ 967 words ]

Next Part ➜

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More Posts from Filopay

1 year ago


[ 1 ] [ 2 ]

~ Weapon

Aegon had never been a fighter but he can respect a good made weapon if he sees one. Perhaps it was that or sheer curiosity that brought him down towards the lower district where it was said, the best blacksmith of all Skaeld resided.

Surprising enough, the people still looked up to stare at him, but that could also be because of his well-made clothes Elora had provided for him. And as quickly as they had looked up, they were looking elsewhere again.

He was starting to like it down here. Why does everyone always say to avoid this place? The market was held down here too. Everyone seemed to enjoy that.

Then suddenly someone bumped into him, due to his tall frame it barely made him stumble, but the moment he wanted to see if the person was alright, they already vanished into the next alley.

They seem very hurried down here. He thought.

"The weapon you described is expensive. I usually only add embellishments for the crown."

"Not a problem. That is why I brought…" it wasn't there, he was sure he put his purse right inside his inner vest pocket, but it was empty. Just in case, he checked the other side but there was also nothing to be found. 

Looking a bit embarasses he met the blacksmiths solemn face. "I must have dropped it. I am sure I put it in here."

"Robbed." He said, snifling once, before continuing hammering on his anvil.

"What?!" Aegon had to shout over the loud noise the man was making.

"You were most likely robbed. Happens." They shrug like its the most common occurance.

"Oh, I didn't notice." Then he remembers the person running into him, it must have happened then. He let his shoulders hang, that were all the earnings he has gotten from Elora. Now it was all gone. 

"I'm afraid I have to come back another time for my request. Is there anything you can tell me to prevent it from happening again?"

The man mumbles something under his breath, before meeting Aegons gaze beneath bushy eyebrows. "Eyes sharp. Weapon at the ready. You're tall also. Keep valuable things high up where they can't easily reach."

That makes sense. "Thank you. You are a very kind soul, sir. I shall recommend you to my friends. Then I will come back to pay you for your good services."

The man just huffs as an answer. Not much a conversationalist, but Aegon didn't mind that.

"I heard there are other things that one can do to entertain oneself here. Any suggestions?"

The man hummed and Aegon understood it as the sign for the man thinking.

"My son likes to go to the market often. Helps them out. Othertimes he visits the dwarven tavern at the very outskirts of the district. Its cheap. But I wouldn't recommend you going there. They eat you alive."

Aegon blinks at the vivid image the man was painting for him. "Then if I were to go there would your previous advise apply to it too?"

"Absolutley not!"

Aegon raised both eyebrows surprised about the mans sudden outburst.

"If you show up with a weapon into the dwarven district, you better know how to use it. Because you will need to use it."

"Oh." Aegon scatches his chin in thought, "You said your son would go there often. What would he say about inviting a few other people over."

The mans steely gaze suddenly turned ten times more darker, if that were even possible and Aegon shivered underneath it.

"Listen here, rich boy." He lifted the smeltering hot iron and Aegon takes a careful step back, "You came here to make business with me. Don't ever drag my boy into your affairs, treat me all you like, but leave him out of it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you. I will drop it, never going to mention it again."

The man huffs again, seemingly a common way of dismissing Aegons words.

"Why do you want to go anyway? Don't you have enough stuff up at your own fancy district?"

"Well, a dwarven tavern sounds like a good time."

"Not if it costs your life."

"Then, do you know where I could possibly learn to wield that weapon you are going to craft for me?" Aegon smiles, hoping to not having bothered the man too much yet. He was just the only one willing to talk to him down here.

"Once you pay me. I ain't working for free."

"Yes, of course." Aegon nods.

"Well, then." He seems to be thinking, "The guards around the walls are still recruiting. They can teach you."

Aegon frowns, before lowering his voice, "Aren't they awfully violent?"

The man looks at him, his patience visibly running thin.

"Never mind." Aegon waves the question off. "I already have a job anyway. Can't really leave it. I'll figure out how that weapon will work another way. Thank you for your patience, good man. You will hear from me again when I have earned back the money I lost."


"Well, we don't know that for certain."

"I do."

Aegon presses his lips together at the stubborness of this man. He doesn't even seem to like to humour a different mindset, a possibly more creative conclusion. How to know anything at all, right? Maybe they are all just guessing.

Yet, he kept his phylosophics to himself, knowing he had taken up enough of this mans time already. "I will see you again in good time for my weapon."

With that he bids his farewell. He truly did not know why so many avoid this place. There hadn't been one person asking to touch his ears since he was here.

He felt a little bit lighter.

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1 year ago

There it is!! Go have a read everyone.

Glad to be working on another great project with such an amazing author <3

Beyond The Mist: Beginnings (Demo) by Intimidating Puffin Studios
A visual novel/interactive fiction game set in a world of magic, horror, and intrigue!

You are a young adult adrift in life, suffocating under the yolk of your oppressive parents. Feeling out of sync with the rest of the world, you yearn for freedom and life beyond the bounds of your prison.

You find it in the form of a ravishing stranger and a long lost city, calling out to you across space and time. Something is beckoning underneath the ancient city's glimmering white tiles, something old and powerful. Someone.

Will you resist the call beyond the veil and the promise of belonging it brings, or will you let yourself go and embrace the path destiny has set before you?

The choice is yours. Magnustor is waiting for you.


2 romance options that can either be male or female (player can choose the gender of both).

3 different romance routes; 2 monogamous ones or 1 polyamorous one  (a triad between the player and both romance options).

Romance and customization focused narrative; you can play as straight, gay, or bi and as cisgender, transgender, or nonbinary.

(4?) different endings.

Set in the same universe as The Soul Stone War.


Filopay Illustrations for all art  @filopay

Feniks for Inline Conditions


The Ren'Py demo is live, folks!!!!



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1 year ago
Prompt From:@oc-tober2023
Prompt From:@oc-tober2023

Prompt from:@oc-tober2023

[ I am not following the same order ]

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

~ Mask

"Can I count on you, Herald?"

"Always." Elora nods, dipping her head lower in respect.

She thought to hear her goddess smile.

Iesis or Uwila | the goddess of wisdom, knowledge and healing | Animal: The Owl | Symbol: Open Eye

Sometimes she appears as a fair maiden, with long white hair and owl wings on her back. On her forehead a giant eye. Othertimes she is dark skinned, wrapped entirely in scrolls scribbled texts on body and paper. Owl wings and one giant eye for a face. Its usually her I- can't- be- bothered- to- dress- up look. She changes her look fairly often, based on whatever new powerful knowledge she consumes. The eye and the owl wings the only prominent feature that stay. Thus they became what people associate with her.

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1 year ago


Prompt from @oc-tober2023

[ I am not following the same order ]

[ 1 ] [ 2 ]

~ Fun

"They seem important. Are they our trainer?"

Merko, the young recruit next to him, shook his head, "That's the new Sovereign. You remember the tournament held in the city? No one expected it, but they were the one competitor that won the throne. People call them the foreign scholar."

"Don't they live in the castle?" Ralof asks, confused.

Merko laughs: "That doesn't mean they can't leave. Despite, if we become guards, we'll be under their command. I guess they just want to inspect the new recruits. Get a better picture to decide who is worth coming back."

"Oh, so they will decide who can come back?" Ralof stands straighter, trying to catch the Sovereign's attention with a wave of his hand, "I could ask them, tell them of our ambitions and maybe get a good word in for the three of us."

"Are you mad!" Merko pulls him back, making him stumble. "You don't just go and approach someone like them!"

"Why not?" Ralof frowns.

"You have to be careful with whose attention you grab. I heard they are a real snob, just look at all the jewelry. They think themselves better than us and I don't want to know what they'd do with your enthusiasm. Better to stay down, friend."

"Merko's right." It was Salek that joined them, a close friend of Merkos, all three seemingly the only ones here today coming from the lower districts, "I heard they even yelled at the merchant's guild for making their floor dirty. Made them run back out with their tails between their legs. The scholar is daring and cunning and they don't understand no fun."

Ralof frowns. "That sounds stressful."

Merko laughs, clapping Ralof on the back. "Don't break your head over it. Trust me, they don't care one bit about us either."

Ralof couldn't quite believe that. After all, they were training to become their guards, they must care about that. Otherwise, why would they be here?

He takes another look up to the walls, the Sovereign stands tall, hands clasped behind their back, speaking with the older man, their Commander, beside them. They did not smile once and maybe Salek was right. They hadn't had any fun in awhile, hadn't smiled in a long time. Ralof wondered how anyone could want to live like that. He's certain that it can't be by choice.

"Hurry, Ralof." Merko shouted, snapping Ralof out of it only to realise that everyone was gathering to line up. Damn, he was late again.

"Coming!" He ran as fast as he could, seeing Merko and Salek have saved him a spot next to them.

[ ~ 400 words ]

As a blacksmith he was used to only working with his dad and at times alone too, but he had to admit, training together was already alot of fun. If working together would be the same, he might have just found his callig. If he makes it into the recruitment that is.

He looks up one last time and noticed the Sovereign was watching them now. As if they were feeling his gaze on them, their eyes meet and with a kind smile and a little wave of his hand, Ralof greeted them. No smile from the Sovereign however. Then the Commander roared for their attention and Ralof had to look away.

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1 year ago


Twenty-four | She/her | 170 cm | Human | Ghlaesian

Love, it will get you nowhere You're on your own Lost in the wild So come to me now I could use someone like you Someone who'll kill on my command And asks no questions — Muse

Prompt from:@oc-tober2023 [ I am not following the same order ]

CW: Torture, blood She is a little crazy. It's fine.

~ Charm

"He's not coming."

Thamaya ignored the woman now dangling upside down from the trap she had set up for someone else. A minor setback. The boy was her target but having his mother would surely lure him out of his hiding spot.

She started to pace, waiting wasn't one of her strengths.

"I don't know why you're doing this, but he is just a boy. He did nothing wrong. Let us go and nothing will be lost."

Thamaya spinned the knife in her hand skillfully. One foot tapping impatiently on the wet forest floor. The words of the Queen did nothing to sway her, the boredom was more pressing. Whenever she gets bored, she does something rash and then there was no stopping her. A gleeful smile crept over her lips. My, it wouldn't be the worst losing control now. No one said anything about keeping the former Queen fully intact. Barely alive is still alive.

"You're getting paid for this, aren't you?" The former Queen keeps on talking, "I have valuable belongings hidden away. They can be yours, if you let us-"

With one swift movement Thamaya throws her knife. It hit the tree only inches away from the babbling woman's head.

"Bla bla bla." She leans down to retrieve her knife, close enough so that their noses touch, "I'm not interested in your riches. I do this for the thrill."

She rips the knife from the bark, returning to her pacing, knife swinging in her hand, "It's most fun if they run, the fear in their eyes, their careless little feet. When they think they have a chance, think they can get away."

She laughs, a deranged sound echoing through the dark forest. "Their screams when I let my knife do the talking. Mmh. Music to my ears."

When her dark eyes snatched onto the former Queen she saw the onsets of the fear she had described only moments ago. Her bravery was waning. Thamaya grinned excitedly.

"That dagger." The woman starts, putting on a brave front, "It looks like something special."

"Just a tool." Thamaya shrugs, "I don't need it to rip you open. I could use my bare hands too."

The former Queen swallows, "It's got a pattern on it. Does it have a meaning?"

"We shit-chatting now?" Thamaya stared at her blankly. "Save those charming words for your servants, Queen."

She drags the last word out mockingly. Then she halts, inspecting her nails, "Besides, I was told to be quite charming myself and if not for my personality, then I still have my Lucky Charm that can convince anyone." She grins, looking at the captured woman, "Do you want to see it?"

"I-" The former Queen had no time to speak, as Thamaya suddenly sprinted over, pushing the woman against the tree, knife pressing against her nose. 

"Can't you tell how lucky it is? Look at it real close, you will feel pure Luck touching you. You should feel honoured." She pushes her knife closer, drawing blood deliberately, but the captured woman didn't even blink. 

Annoyed, Thamaya steps back, licking her knife, she tastes her blood. 

"You're working for the old gods? I've met Fate once, they are fickle, you shouldn't trust in their motives."

Thamaya groans, loud enough so the woman will get the hint. Does she never stop talking?

"I stole this dagger off of a fat arse who said it was blessed by Luck." She turns the knife around in her hands, "He called it a Lucky Charm first, but to me, it's just a knife. It does the job as good as any other would. If you don't believe me, why not test its Luck and see if it would hit you when I throw it your way. Dare to wager?"

The woman shook her head, words all so nicely left her. What a waste of time. This was turning into a real buzz kill. She had been hunting these two for weeks and this is what she gets for her efforts? Waiting? Talking?

"It looks like…" she steps to one side, "That your little boy…" she steps to the right, "No longer needs his mommy."

She gives the former Queen a mock pout, "Have you been a bad mother?"

"I have taught him to keep himself safe first. He won't come for me, because he knows it would endanger us both."

"How boring." Thamaya walks over to the tree behind the trapped woman, "Then you have to entertain me until he learns that you should never listen to your mother. I already have a few ideas on how we can pass the time."

She cuts into the tree, cracking the bark open, piece by piece. "I think we should test the theory. See if this truly is a Lucky Charm. I always wanted to know. Come on. A little Luck won't hurt no one."

She grins sinisterly. "Oh, but silly me. I guess this one will hurt badly."

[ ~1387 words ]

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