Fun - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
Little Sebastian Is Mad Now Lol #snapchat #lipix #fun (at Eastridge Mall,San Jo)

Little Sebastian is mad now lol #snapchat #lipix #fun (at Eastridge Mall,San Jo)

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9 months ago

Bags Pt.2

Bags Pt.2

Finished another one! I’m making a blue one rn 💖

sorry about the lighting 😭

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6 years ago


Hi guys my name is danielle and i really dont know how to use tumblr and i also dont know why i download this app when i dont know what to do with it. I can just delete this but i came up with the idea that i'll make random stories. I really really love reading i love books i love writing stories. So im just going to write random stories here like romance? Comedy? Horror etc. Whatever. And i hope you like my stories if i made one.


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8 months ago
Close Up Of Velcro

close up of velcro

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1 year ago
Now I Want Long Hair -_-
Now I Want Long Hair -_-

Now I want long hair -_-

Tags: @snowyishere @heppiejippie

Tag game!!!

Do this quiz

And this picrew

Tag Game!!!
Tag Game!!!

And tag people(obviously)

@anartistwithamask @gummy-axolotl @shadowthegay @auseryoumayknow @copper-ichor @moonysfavoritetoast @alexthescaredenby @invaderxeya @fungal-boy-witch-yay @artists-void @hazbin-hotel-lucifer-simp @ka1-the-pr0ot @theautumnalcat

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11 months ago

1. Starbucks is freaking expensive (never went to it) and we don't have Dunkin Donuts in my country (I think). But I love donuts.

2. Huuu... the big sister syndrome?

3. I have a not-acorded guitar :)

4. I heard many didn't like Teen Titans Go? I find it hilarious

5. I don't even know who's not liked? Ah yes, Aya Nakamura (french singer), many french racists oldies don't like her and her slangs

6. Secret story

7. Kung-fu Panda 4

8. La la by Cab

9. Kindergarten wars (manga but I guess that counts)

10. I guess Melanie Martinez, Geoxor, Bebe Rhexa, Marina Diamandis and Alan Walker

11. Does 4 drops count?

12. Nope :^

13. Eat-in. I like to cook and it's usually cheaper (but Subway is so good)

14. Medieval ages. I'm a witch, burn me alive (also I would have loved the big dresses, and live with no buildings and all, and many more things)

15. I don't know many of them?? The only ones I know the name of are those I like

16. I'm french and I have a very good English, I can also talk a bit of Spanish and a tad bit Japanese. So I guess, many things.

17. Heterochromatic. I have a greyish green but I have a big spot of brown in one. I love my eyes.

18. Nope! 10/10 perfect sight!

19. XD yes I just said it.

20. Nope T^T

21. Yes!! Would love to have a three headed Aries/Cerberus (I have my reasons) and maybe more later!

22. Two on each ears

23. Maybe more on my ear, one in the middle of my nose, maybe more

24. Cooooooold. Hot is annoying and you can't refresh yourself! Cold is easy to fight with a fireplace, a blanket and a cappuccinno (and I love feeling cold)

25. Cats before dogs. I like dogs but I'm not quite the overly sweet person. I need a roomate with fur, not a kid with fur.

26. Comfortable over trendy all the time. Trendy is not my thing but classy is cool times to times

27. My boyfriend is a Scorpio xD

28. Physical book forever, but fanfics are so good

29. I don't like hot tea, but why not trying with some milk

30. The most knowns, yes (thanks Mario Bros mini games)

31. Eldest sis of 3 baby siblings ♡♡

32. Dabi of MHA. I know the feeling of "I'm the eldest perfect but not so perfect and my younger siblings are so much better than me without really trying when I keep failing while giving my all". More or less that :)

33. "Dans mon champ, j'ai 3 beaux présents et 3 cerf-volants". It's the french version of the sentence Yuki says to calm herself in "The wolf kids, Ame and Yuki"

34. Aaaaah the devil question. I love shoes and I find a lot of pairs with very low prices! But right now I have 8 pairs.

35. I can have trouble being understood because I speak too fast. I also got too used to say Aréoport instead of Aéroport, and I'm struggling to get out of the habit

36. Earbuds most of the time but headphones at home (too scared to break them outside of my room, but I love dancing with them on)

37. Shower 24/7 but baths can be good (it's rare for me)

38. Both! I hate sleeping. But I guess more of a night owl, because if it means I can sleep in the morning to avoid the sun, it's better

39. Candles. It's classy and spells better (I have a sensitive nose and scented sprays smells way too strong)

40. Depends. I have pyjamas in and clothes for outside. I change them every 2/3 days with showers, or earlier if they are dirty with mud or sweat

41. Chess. I like the diversity of the pieces and type of plays

42. Choosing the bananas that are always flawless inside. I do the same with people ;)

43. None ♡ sensitive nose and I don't use those. But one or two times per year I use the perfume my bf bought me

44. Floating ballons

45. I would love to have LED lights, but right now it's dimmed room light (not the main one), and sunlight is lame

46. I'm not that special you know ^^'

47. Style it, very rarely. But I put them into a messy clamped ponytail everyday

48. Nail polish but not that often. I have wonderful fast-growing resistent nails, and the other stuffs are not my things at all

49. 27 for now

50. Only ones I have are "Elo" (my name shortened) but it's rarely used (mostly by my best friend), and "Baby" by my bf

51. Monopoly and Uno for life, ever-lasting classics (I have a MHA Monopoly)

52. Hand spinners, pen, my hair clamp, my hair in itself .. Technically everything can be a fidget toy for me. But the only official one I have is the hand spinner so I guess that

53. I wish but I don't even have a license yet

54. Hyperpop Metal. I love every single genre but I just discovered that this was the best for me.

55. I'm an eldest sister. Nothing more to say.

56. I have 3 siblings xD background noises + music are a must to do anything

57. Hamilton (need to), Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, Star Wars

58. I would love to do gym but whenever I find an accessible spot, I don't have the time

59. Yep

60. It is readable basically, but I'm use to write fast and in those situations, this is not readable by anyone but me

61. Markers because they smell good

62. 9, in a very specific order

63. One, and two if I'm cold

64. Yeup, me and my bf talk a lot about it (He's not on Tumblr so I can say it here, but I'm very jealous about the people like "Two years together, one year married and a baby on the way!" We have been together for almost 5 years but we were 14 and 16 so we're still quite young, but it still doesn't make me less jealous)

65. Yeup! Two would be good, because I don't want an only child, and three if we feel like it.

66. (Subscribe xD) but no. Though learning about every religion is so interesting!

67. My couch. We put it in my room before building it. We built the room around the couch. There is no way to ever get it out of there without breaking the walls.

68. Kinda all?? But Twitch streamer is something I've been really considering. And why not switch on Youtube at the same time

69. Not at all, and I've been at it a few times. What helped me was to have my mom with me and have a really nice dentist. I'm more scared to go to the grocery store than the dentist

70. Rarely. I used to hate it but I've been wearing eyeliner times to times the past 2 years

71. Hum.. Dabi?? XD Or someone like Kirishima, I know his pain (poor tainted hair ( just kidding I know more than just that)).

72. I'm an perv- ambivert

73. XL sized boy clothes in my pillows. Why is it weird? I wear S/M sized girl clothes. Context : I have a boyfriend

74. Lots of them.. but Wakfu was crazy

75. The saturday and sunday mornings with my sister when we put the tent in our room (barely passed) and were watching disney tapes

76. English. Really easy for me to have good grades without even looking for it. Music was also incredible because the teacher was the school's best teacher (every student had him and loved him)

77. The temples of Japan in big rainy forest. Or like, and places in Japan

78. Wayyy too many. Black Mirror, Stranger things, and so many animes. I just don't have the time

79. (I love the specification for our trans babies ♡) but obviously no, Raspberry isn't my real name

80. I can understand that some can have, but no. My confident (almost twin at this point), my brother and my baby. One is my lungs, one is my brain and one is my heart.

81. Ellie for a girl I guess. And no idea for a boy xD

82. If the person wants it, yeah. I was raised in a family were it is, but since my 18 b-day (last in date), I don't want to celebrate it anymore

83. Switch, Wii, DS and PS forever (mobiles can be good too)

84. Yes I do, I'm not sure they exist but I believe in them

85. Suri! She was a Cat, standing like a Suricat and Souris means Mouse in French

86. Short sleeves + pants. The opposite itches me a bit (on myself). Depends on the situation.

87. Temmie from Undertale.. a lot of Undertale

88. Ooh, just talked about it, it was Undertale! Then Steven Universe, The Owl House and now MHA!

89. Womens are classier on health products, but more expensive for no reasons. Women clothes in normal clothes stores are usually so lame like "Believe in you dreams", "Brunch with the friends", "Cute but got nails" etc.. while men tend to have so many anime and class stuff!

90. Scrunchies are so cute! But clamps, because Scrunchies and ties are too annoying to put and hurt my hair

91. If it became an obligation, I would be okay with it. But I love to be independant and to provide for him so I'd rather stay like I am

92. Plain black. The catchy colors are for my bestie (she dresses in sun and lavender and bright pink stuff)

93. Never been on dates. Or one single date with my bf a year ago while eating my favotite food ever so can't say it's a bad one

94. Movie, but I'd rather stay in

95. Depends. He wins much more money so either we each pay or part, or he pays for us two

96. Subway!!! I could eat there all my life. Tuna, cucumber and pickles for life

97. With a filter and some coffee in powder, and a coffee machine that puts hot water in it. Then I put a bit in a cup, add a sugar, milk and chovolate powderand we have a homemade Cappuccinno!

98. The music first. Then the lyrics. I only listen if I like the music. And I might stop listening if the lyrics are unpleasant (but that rarely happens)

99. Energetic. When I'm tame, that means my social battery is very low

100. I'm getting better at it! But it's not that easy for me, I still can be but depends the context

Random ask game asks

Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

What's one thing that's stereotypical about you?

Play any instruments?

A show everyone criticizes that you like

A music artist everyone criticizes that you like

Last show you watched

Last movie you watched

Last song you listened to

Last book you read

Your top five most listened to artists this month on Spotify (if you don't use Spotify just say the artists you listen to most)

Ever drank alcohol?

Every smoked anything?

Do you prefer to eat-in or take-out?

If you could time travel what decade would you go to first

An actor everyone loves that you don't like for whatever reason

Something not in your regional dialect that is in your vocabulary

Color of your eyes?

Do you need glasses?

Speak any other languages?

Have any tattoos?

Want any tattoos?

Have any piercings?

Want any piercings?

Do you prefer the hot or cold weather?

Cats or dogs? Or some other pet?

Trendy over comfortable or comfortable over trendy?

Say one thing bad about something you love

Do you prefer to read digitally or from a physical book?

Do you put milk in your hot tea?

Do you know how to play any popular gambling games?

If you have sibling(s) are you the oldest middle or youngest?

A character you relate to for whatever reason?

A quote (from anything) you really love

How many pairs of shoes do you have

Do you have trouble saying any words because of your accent/speech problems?

Earbuds or headphones?

Showers or baths?

Early bird or night owl?

Candles or scented spray?

How often do you change your clothes?

Chess or checkers?

Something you can do that you think is cool?

Perfume or body spray?

What's something that genuinely scares you

LED lights, the room light, or sunlight?

What's something you do differently than everyone else?

If you have hair how often do you style it in some way?

Nail polish, press on nails, or acrylic nails?

How many pets do you have

What's a nickname everyone calls you?

A card/dice/board game you love?

Do you have any fidget toys? If so what's your favorite?

Do you drive?

Your go-to genre of music?

Are you a good multitasker?

Silence or background noise?

A famous movie/show that you've never seen

Any sport you would like to play?

Can you write in cursive?

Is your handwriting neat or at least easy to read?

Colored pencils, markers, or crayons?

How many pillows do you sleep with?

How many blankets do you sleep with?

Do you ever plan to get married one day?

Do you ever plan to have kid(s) one day?

Do you subscribe to any religion?

Something in your room that you think is funny for whatever reason

Would you rather be an actor, singer, comedian, or would you do something on YouTube/twitch/some other site

Are you scared of the dentist?

Do you wear makeup?

If you could be any character of the opposite sex, who would you be?

In the literal sense, are you an introvert or extrovert?

What's something in your room that makes no sense without context

Favorite show as a kid?

Something you know you liked as a kid that you don't remember much from?

Favorite subject in school?

If you could visit any place in the world where would you go?

A show/movie thats been on your watchlist forever but you for some reason keep putting off

Is the name you use online your real name? (Real name does not mean deadname)

Do you have a favorite sibling?

If you were to have a kid what names would you have in mind?

Do you think things like anniversaries are a big deal?

Mobile games or PC/console games?

Do you believe in things like ghosts?

What was your first pets name?

Long sleeve + shorts or short sleeve + pants

Can you do any voice impressions?

What was the first fandom you were genuinely into

Do you prefer womens or mens products?

Scrunchies or ties?

would you be fine having your partner completely provide for you?

Plain clothes or vibrant and eye catching clothes?

Worst date youve ever been on?

Movie date or restaurant date?

Do you split the check or expect only one of you to be paying it?

Favorite fast food place?

How do you make your coffee?

Do you pay attention to the music or the lyrics more?

Are you more energetic or tame?

Are you witty?

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ski Jumping RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Stephan Leyhe/Andreas Wellinger Characters: Stephan Leyhe, Andreas Wellinger, Karl Geiger, Markus Eisenbichler, Severin Freund, Pius Paschke, Constantin Schmid, Philipp Raimund Additional Tags: Idiots in Love, First Time, First Time Blow Jobs, I actually dont know what to put here, I wrote this my first time, Smut, funny at the end, Willingen, Visiting parents, telling, Fluff, Adorable Summary:

After Andi won in Willingen, Stephan takes him home to his parents. Things develop interesting.

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6 years ago


I tend to forget.

I should be grateful.

For those, I have met.

Each person taught me a lesson.

Good and bad.

One taught me to how to love,

As well as heartbreak.

A friend taught me bitterness,

As well as forgiveness.

Another taught me comfort,

As well as trust.

One friend taught me how to let go,

And have fun.

Another friend gave me comfort

When I needed it.

I’m so grateful for everyone I met.

I don’t say it enough.

They all taught me to be happy.

Even on my bad days.

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2 years ago

I dunno if this is already a thing, but I think we should start a trend where someone writes a short story but leaves it open ended then someone reblogs it with a small continuation and we just let it keep growing and see what happens…

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9 years ago
When Half Of Your World Is Covered With Clouds....#holiday #is #not #that #fun

When half of your world is covered with clouds....#holiday #is #not #that #fun

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10 years ago
I Think He Went To The Sun. :T

I think he went to the sun. :T

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9 years ago
Just One Art Adventure Awaffleiron And Arrows-nock Had Done In One Night Few Days Ago Because Why Not?
Just One Art Adventure Awaffleiron And Arrows-nock Had Done In One Night Few Days Ago Because Why Not?
Just One Art Adventure Awaffleiron And Arrows-nock Had Done In One Night Few Days Ago Because Why Not?

Just one art adventure awaffleiron and arrows-nock had done in one night few days ago because why not?

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9 years ago
"Aura Of Old." Late Night Water Color.

"Aura of old." Late night water color.

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9 years ago
Happy Birthday To The Mod Of Tdcolony With This New Comic I Wooped Up For Him In Insane Time!
Happy Birthday To The Mod Of Tdcolony With This New Comic I Wooped Up For Him In Insane Time!

Happy birthday to the mod of tdcolony with this new comic I wooped up for him in insane time!

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9 years ago
Just Making Work A Bit More Interesting With My Own Designed Safety Vest With Nothing But A Sharpie Marker.
Just Making Work A Bit More Interesting With My Own Designed Safety Vest With Nothing But A Sharpie Marker.

Just making work a bit more interesting with my own designed safety vest with nothing but a sharpie marker. :3

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9 years ago

Eddy's Fun Hell Trailer. New animated series coming soon!

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8 years ago
Just Decided To Draw My Dog In All Honesty Because Why Not?
Just Decided To Draw My Dog In All Honesty Because Why Not?

Just decided to draw my dog in all honesty because why not?

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