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Asexual, Tired, And Sick!
Asexual, tired, and sick!
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More Posts from Firey-passion
Yes, please, please get to 20! I'm desperate for more Spinner content! T-T
Should make one of those "Spinner panel every day" blogs ngl
I love this, I love this very much.
My Hero Headcanons: Spinner

Is lactose intolerant. (Reptiles can't digest dairy products.)
Geckos shed their skin. They also eat it for the nutrients. League members have caught him chewing bits of dead skin off himself.
Reptiles don't need vaccinations, so Spinner has never needed a flu shot.
In addition to being a gamer, he's also a decent artist. Probably could have been a graphic novel illustrator in another life so Deku's comment about making his book a comic wasn't too far out of his wheelhouse.
Can use a crossbow. No one in the LoV is entirely sure why he has this skill or why he doesn't use it.
The thing that's makes this so much funnier for me is that Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shouto will probably be fine due their, assuming with Natsuo and Fuyumi, iced based quirks then heat ain't gonna be that bad. Meaning that the only one who really suffers here, is Endeavor.
The league on an extremely hot day.
Shigaraki, laying on the floor: “Spinner, I think I’m dying.”
Spinner: “That’s a little dramatic. You’re the one who insisted we stay here.”
Shigaraki: “That was before I knew it was a hellscape.”
Mr. Compress: “Perhaps next time we choose a hideout, we don’t base it off of how close it is to the nearest arcade.”
Shigaraki, glares.
Mr. Compress: “Just a suggestion…”
Twice and Toga walk into the base carrying a window AC unit.
Twice: “Look at what we got!”
Spinner: “Seems like you’ll live.”
Shigaraki: “Shut up. Where did you get that?”
Toga: “Dabi helped us find it!”
Mr. Compress: “How?”
Dabi: “I have my ways.”
Endeavor, walking out of his office: “Where the hell is my AC unit?!?!”
Natsuo: “As if you even need one, you’ll never be cool.”
Fuyumi: “Natsuo!”
Shouto, high fives Natsuo.
Endeavor, leaves.
Big mood. Just, giant mood.
Deal Making (Part/Chapter 2)
Shigaraki was going over his corkboard worth of information, he was more specifically going over all the information he currently had on Endeavor. Until suddenly the world goes black and white. Shigaraki looked around quickly, trying to find out what exactly was happening. Did a hero find them and do this? The cause of this quickly revealed himself.
“Well, it's been a week. When am I actually going to be able to possess your body?” Bill questioned, seeming to be annoyed at how things are going.
“Oh, hey Bill. Sheesh, warn a guy next time, okay? I was about ready to throw a right hook.” Shigaraki said, leaning against the wall and taking a breath. “Now, when it comes to possessing my body…well, how about right now? I'm honestly just doing busy work; it can put it on hold.” He offered, which seemed to immediately please the demonic triangle.

“Fantastic!” Bill exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake. Shigaraki raised an eyebrow.
“I’m still not really a fan of handshakes.” Shigaraki said teasingly, offering his pinkie in a “pinkie-promise”. Bill didn't complain and accepted the “promise”, pulling Shigaraki out of his body and moving into it.
Shigaraki looked at himself in this new form. He couldn't help but notice a shade of blue encompassing him, along with the lack of consistent pain. It was actually kinda nice, freeing. Bill, on the other hand, seemed to not be doing well with his side of this agreement. He quickly fell to the ground, gritting his teeth as a way to cope with the immediate all-encompassing pain.
“What…the hell is this?!?!” Bill asked angrily, Shigaraki noticed that his voice hadn't changed much despite possessing his body (though it did sound as though his throat was a bit sorer).
“What-” Shigaraki started before stopping, noticing how his voice was suddenly much lower and clear, apparently his body was the cause of his kinda crummy voice, he shook his head and continued on, “What do you mean?”
“Why the HELL can't I use your body properly?!” Bill elaborated, even more pissed that he has to even explain what he meant.
“Uhm, I don't really know? Might be the chronic pain…” Shigaraki started, somewhat thinking aloud.
“You have chronic pain?! Why the hell didn't you tell me!?” Bill snapped angrily.
“I didn't think it would be an issue! I figured that since my body would be used to it by now that you'd be fine.” Shigaraki answered defensively, putting his hands up in a “I surrender” way.
“Yeah, well, that's clearly not the case now isn't it!!!” Bill continued to snap, causing Shigaraki to roll his eyes.
“Oh please, it's not that bad. This is just how I feel daily.” Shigaraki said indignantly.
“Yeah, speaking of, how?!?! This sucks, how the hell could you even get out of bed like this?!” Bill integrated, finally trying to stand up…he wasn't really succeeding.
“I don't know, I just have been. The pain has kinda faded into the background, for the most part anyway. Some days are worse than others of course but-” Shigaraki started to explain, before being interrupted.
“THIS COULD BE WORSE!?!?!?!?” Bill practically screeched, causing Shigaraki to cover his ears.
“Yeah, it could? I haven't even had any recent injuries, not even a stab from Toga.” Shigaraki explained a bit, confused by the reaction.
“How, the hell, are you alive? How do you even function like this?” Bill asked, finally toning his voice down.
“I don't know, I just have? I wasn't exactly given many options.” Shigaraki answered bitterly, he always hated those types of questions. He didn't like thinking about how his mind or body worked, all things considered.
There was a knock on the “door” that got both of their attention.
“Uh, boss, you okay? Never heard you scream like that before.” Spinner asked on the other side of the door.
“Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine.” Bill lied, getting an eyebrow raise from Shigaraki.
“You can't even walk, why would you lie about being okay?” He questioned, a little confused about this decision.
“Shut. Up.” Bill muttered angrily.
“I…don't believe you. You don't typically scream unless you have a damn good reason for it. I'm coming in.” Spinner replied, moving the sheet that was acting as a door out of the way. Coming in to see Shigaraki's body on the floor.

“Uh…why are you on the floor?” Spinner reasonably questioned, very confused.
“No reason, no reason at all.” Bill muttered bitterly.
“Is this…is this what's going to happen when Bi- you possess boss's body?” Spinner asked, instantly catching on.
“What? No, what makes you think I'm possessed?” Bill asked, trying to play it off. Shigaraki got even more confused by this.
“They, they already know about this part of the agreement. Why are you lying about this?” He questioned.
“Well for starters,” Spinner started, squatting down to Bill's level, “even on boss’s worst days, he doesn't typically writhe on the floor. He also doesn't have some odd voice echoing effect. And finally, he doesn't have yellow eyes with cat eye slits.” He continued, stating each fact as though it was immovable as the sky itself. Shigaraki couldn't help but laugh at how well Spinner was able to read the situation and how he instantly cornered Bill with all the information.
“...Okay yeah, it's me. It's Bill.” He conceded, clearly finding that lying would get him absolutely nowhere.
“Would you like me to pick you up, so you can get to the living area and converse with the other league members?” Spinner offered empathetically.
“...Yeah, yeah that would be best.” Bill mumbled, really bitter about the situation he's finding himself in.
Spinner scooped him up into his arms, with Bill instinctively gripping onto his shoulder with the sudden action.
“Woah, okay! That's something.” Bill said, clearly flummoxed with the situation.
“Careful!” Shigaraki panicked, focusing on his quirk and what could happen. He was so happy that he was wearing gloves that day.
“Uh, you good to be moved?” Spinner asked, wanting to make sure that he wouldn't start squirming when he got walking.
“Yes, I'm fine! Just, not used to being held.” Bill answered, taking a few breaths.
Spinner went into the living area, with Shigaraki following behind, and set Bill in Shigaraki's body (Billaraki) onto the couch, with Toga having to move to allow this to happen. She went ahead and sat on the table instead, seeming a bit concerned.
“Is he alright? What happened?” Toga questioned quickly, worried about the situation at hand.
“He's fine, it's just…well, Bill's possessing his body right now and apparently the chronic pain is really getting to him.” Spinner explained, seeming concerned himself.
“The pain is enough to get him to collapse like that?” Mr. Compress questioned, seeming confused about how the pain could be this bad. He was currently on the plush chair.
“Yup, literally collapsed when I possessed this body.” Bill explained, seeming to be rather happy to no longer be on the floor.
“That's…concerning, to say the least.” Mr. Compress said, “Uhm, on a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your pain?”
“Uh, 7 I guess.” Bill answered, getting an eye roll from Shigaraki. As far as he was concerned it was like, a 3 on most days. “Don't roll your damn eyes at me, your body's shit.” He hissed out, clearly pissed.
“Can you still see Shigaraki when he, presumably, out of his body?” Kurogiri asked, causing Bill to jump a bit. He wasn't used to Kurogiri's odd ability to just, appear wherever he felt needed.
“Uh, yeah, I can. He's currently in the mindscape right now, just the realm between the waking and the resting. He's basically a ghost, besides the whole being dead thing.” Bill answered, Shigaraki couldn't help but feel like he was making a few references to things that didn't fully click for him.
“Honestly, I don't get what your issue is with being in this place. This is great!” Shigaraki said quite happily, floating about as though he didn't have a care in the world.
“Easy for you to say when your body is absolute trash.” Bill snapped, not appreciating his motives being questioned.
“Maybe we should start making it a note to try and steal some ibuprofen for the pain?” Mr. Compress suggested, clearly worried about how bad the pain seemed to really be.
“Wait, hang on, no! Pharmacies have decent security, there's no way we wouldn't be caught quickly!” Shigaraki panicked, not wanting to take unnecessary risks.
“Yeah, not that great being in the mindscape now is it!” Bill laughed, giving a grin to finally cause some stress here.

“Let me guess, boss is objecting to us getting him pain meds?” Spinner asked, getting a nod from Bill, “Yeah, that sounds about right for him. He's always so damn stubborn about being fine even when he clearly isn't.”
“Shiggs, listen, if you get pain meds, you'll be able to function better because your body isn't screaming at you.” Toga explained, hoping that Shigaraki would listen to reason. He just mumbled angrily, knowing that Toga was right but still not wanting to take such a massive risk for something that was “unneeded”.
“Plus, I am one of the best thieves! It'll be fine, we'll get enough to last us long enough that we won't need to return in months.” Mr. Compress reassured. Shigaraki sighed and conceded defeat about this, not like he could communicate his objections right now anyway.
“In the meantime I'll go ahead and make some tea, in the past it seemed to help. I am unaware if this will work here, but it's worth a try.” Kurogiri stated, heading towards the area that they designated as a “kitchen” (it had a few pots, pans, kettles, and some ingredients for cooking, it had a little device that uses gas to make a controlled fire).
“Soooooooooo…what's it like possessing someone else's body?” Toga asked, clearly excited.
“It's…interesting. I tend to get all the downsides of their body and their mind, if that isn't clear with my current condition. Most of the time it is negligible but…well, as you can see, not this damn time.” Bill explained, not going for his typical inflection. Apparently being in pain can suck a lot of energy out of you, who would've thought?
“Well that's rather neat! Gives us a better idea of how illnesses and disabilities that tie into the mind really works. What's your body count? In possession of cour- well…you can share kill count as well if you want!” Toga asked, keeping the conversation going.
“Hm, well, that's a rather large count. First there was the shaman, he got antsy when seeing how my pals like to party. Exact order gets fuzzy but there was a pharaoh, someone attached to the Aztecs, the easter island statue people, there was a dark warlock, he actually succeeded in fulfilling his end of the deal, but he did it to trap me in some orb! Sooooo, I possessed his phoenix and burned the castle to the ground for the betrayal! Spent some time around Europe and trying to make deals with Vikings and royals. Wasn't able to succeed often though. I possessed some goats to convince those accused of witchcraft to really have that fun! After all, if they were going to suffer either way, might as well have some fun and really do the thing!” At this, Bill let out a manic laugh, with Toga nodding along.
“Makes sense. Similar boat really. If everyone was going to see me as a monster, I might as well be one!” She cracked, let out a laugh of her own.
“Any-who, I went on to make deals with the founding fathers of America. They didn't really like my first draft of their silly constitution. I possessed a corpse for a while and started a cult with that one! Then I moved on to animators, musicians, computer scientists, and a mini sculpture. None of those worked out how I planned, an unfortunate reality with working with humans. There was…Sixer…” Bill became quiet for a bit, staring off before coming back to reality and continued on, “He was quite the subject, really! He was absolutely fascinated with me, and why wouldn't he be? I am incredible!” He said with a confident laugh, while Toga tilted her head to examine that statement mentally.

“There was Pine Tree, he was desperate to get some information and I offered him a deal! He didn't seem too pleased with how things turned out, I told him I wanted a puppet, it's not my fault he didn't ask which until the deal was made! And finally there's Shigaraki, and here we are. So, while not exactly a count, I don't think I can legitimately count the amount of people I've possessed and bargained with! I can't even list everything going on with my kills, there are just far too many!” Bill finished, seeming rather pleased with this. Spinner looked at him with an eyebrow raise.
“How long have you been at this whole…murder, thing.” He asked, wishing to know just the amount of experience this demon had.
“Eh, a thousand years give or take.” Bill said with a hand wave, Shigaraki let out an impressed whistle at that. It was always good to have someone so experienced on your side, until they get too arrogant and you have to kill them.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're old and powerful, great job.” Toga said dismissively, causing Bill to sputter a little bit, “Tell me more about this ‘Sixer’ character.” She said while leaning in, clearly invested in what this meant.
Shigaraki quickly clocked what Toga was thinking and started wondering about it himself. With everyone else he was content to give a descriptor or an insult and move on to the next person. Whoever Sixer was important enough to Bill to pause and think, he was also the only one that he gave even the slightest hint of a compliment in all this. Just who was this guy and how was he important?
“Well, what is there to say really? We had a great thing going with our deal! I'd be his muse, his star, his everything, and in return he'd build the portal needed to get me and my henchmaniacs out of the nightmare realm! He was both a genius and an idiot, with only a genius being able to figure out how to get the portal right and only an idiot would fall for all my flattery hook-line-and sinker! He sadly got cold feet when his science buddy saw something he shouldn't have and started trying to get out of fulfilling his end of things. Shame, it could've been great if he wasn't chicken shit.” Bill elaborated, Toga nodding along with a grin on his face. Mr. Compress seemed to catch onto the same thing Toga did halfway through the explanation, with Spinner and Shigaraki being the only ones out of the loop.
“So, you'd say that you and this ‘Sixer’ had a…special bond with each other?” Mr. Compress asked, leaning in as well.
“I mean, any bond with me would be special! But yes, I suppose you could call it that.” Bill answered, he seemed to be adjusting to the pain. At least well enough to sit up now and not take up the whole coach.
Kurogiri came back with the tea and set it down on the table near the Bill possessed body, going to stand by the couch to keep an eye on him.
“Please do be careful, it is hot.” He said in the polite manner he takes up with everyone, or at least everyone who isn't an enemy.
Bill took the cup of tea up to the mouth of the body, while normally he'd play the ‘not knowing how the human body worked’ bit but considering the parameters of their deal he figured potentially causing a bunch of panic in these flesh bags for a laugh would not be a wise decision. He found that, surprisingly, the tea actually did make him feel better. How the heck does tea do that? Whatever, it's not important. Dabi entered the room, pulling tinfoil out of his hair and the smell of hair dye filling the room.
“Yo, what's up?” He asked, leaning against the back of the coach.
“Oh hey Dabi! Bill's currently possessing Shiggy's body and we're talking about his ex!” Toga answered with a giggle, causing Bill to choke on his tea.
“Careful, rather not have my body expire out of something as silly as surprise.” Shigaraki chuckled, getting the stink eye from Bill.
“I'm sorry, what?! Sixer is not my ex!” Bill snapped angrily, turning a bit red. It was unclear if it was from lack of breath, embarrassment, or rage.
“Ohohoh Bill…don't try lying to me.” Toga said, starting off with a chuckle before switching to intimidatingly serious. Bill was rather reasonably stunned by this, it's not every day that someone can even slightly see through him after all.

“Yeah…Toga's pretty good at reading people, it's kinda useful if not a little creepy.” Shigaraki explained with a shrug. Billaraki set his head in his hands and let out a breath of frustration, rather annoyed at being confronted with the…complicated, nature of his relationship with Sixer.
“I suppose one could call him my ex.” He conceded, not really wanting to give the situation too much thought. This was enough to cause Toga to grin again, going back to being rather joyful.
“There we go! Hopefully you won't try to lie to me again about these types of things, I'm very good at telling!” She said in an extremely chipper tone.
“So, how often do you think you'll be doing all this?” Dabi asked.
Bill hadn't really thought about that, he also figured that Shigaraki didn't either since they didn't talk about it. Guess they had to figure this out now.
“Eh, once a week should be good. Every other week if we're dealing with busy work.” Shigaraki offered, acting as though he didn't need to put much thought into it.
“Okay then, once a week apparently.” Bill echoed, since he was the only one who could hear Shigaraki at the moment.
“That should be fine. Nothing should come up that could cause that to be an issue.” Kurogiri stated.
“Though if every time you do possess his body, you're going to be screeching like that, I think I'd rather you not possess him at all.” Dabi laughed.
“Hahahahaha, shut up.” Bill snapped bitterly, finishing his tea and setting the cup on the table.
“Yeah, yeah. Heard that one before.” Dabi laughed again, rustling Billaraki's hair and then walking off to do his own thing. Bill had to heavily suppress the urge to uppercut.
“Don't mind him, he's like that with everyone.” Spinner offered, though he doubted that it gave any comfort.
“Well, except with me.” Mr. Compress bragged, coming off a bit smug but he was primarily just happy.
“Yeah, yeah. We know, you're the exception.” Toga said with an eye roll.
Bill sighed and laid back down, finding himself being tired for the first time in a rather long time. Considering the sudden burst of pain, dealing with social interaction, and being read easily for once made everything seem so damn exhausting. Shigaraki looked over at him.
“Yeah, the league can be exhausting sometimes. That's not even mentioning the sudden spike of pain that you're dealing with now. Maybe we should use the mindscape thingy you have access to give you some practice rounds while interacting with them. I know them well enough to create a project of them in my mind, probably.” Shigaraki offered, hoping to have things go better next time.
Billaraki just nodded to give his blessing, too tired to deal with much else today. This certainly seems like it was going to be much more difficult than he originally thought.
(Author's Note: Hello again! Finished this fic yesterday but needed some rest before posting it so here it is! I do hope that y'all enjoyed the fic! If you did, go ahead and check out my AO3 account to see more of my writing.)
(Part 1)