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LGBTQ+ Headcanons (MHA)
Please remember that these are only headcanons, if you disagree with me then that's all chill.
Shigaraki Tomura: AroAce spec. He's just entirely disinterested in sex, primarily due to the fact that his touch can literally kill someone. However, when it comes romance, he will typically describe himself as gay. This is due to his logic of, "I have been attracted to 0 women and 1 (3) men, so the math says gay".
Spinner: Biromantic (no known preference) and ace spec. He doesn't really want to do the horizontal tango primarily due to body insecurities, but outside of said insecurities he'd need to have a rather in-depth relationship with someone to feel sexual attraction.
Kurogiri: AroAce spec, mostly just indifferent towards both sex and romance.
Mr. Compress: Panromantic asexual. I'll be honest, this is primarily just projection lol. Still think it fits him pretty well.
Dabi: Bi, with a preference for men.
Toga: Bi, no known preference.
Uraraka: Bi, no known preference.
Twice: Straight. He'll sometimes say some sus stuff, but he is ultimately straight.
Magne: Trans, also bi-curious.
Oboro: Panromantic ace spec. Again, lowkey projection lmao.
Aizawa: AroAce spec, has been attracted to one person.
Mic: Gay.
Midnight: Straight.
Overhaul: Biromantic (without his knowledge) and asexual.
MT Lady: Bi, no known preference.
Kami: AroAce spec, he needs to actually know someone before feeling romantic or sexual attraction.
Momo: Ace. She can feel romantic attraction, but she's 'accepted' that it's unlikely for her to find someone who would be okay with her asexuality.
Bakugo: He's just attracted to strength. Their gender isn't relevant, only whether or not they could kick his ass is relevant!
Kirishima: Gay.
Denki: Pan.
Shinso: Gay.
Jirou: Bi.
Iida: Biromantic asexual, he can only feel sexual attraction once he really knows the person.
Deku: Bi, no known preference.
Todoroki: Confused Bisexual. He's pretty confused by romance and the stuff that goes into it, but that has less to do with his sexuality and more to do with his upbringing (Endeavor you little shit-).
Fuyumi: Lesbian.
Natsuo: Straight.
Rei: Straight.
Endevour: Unknowing bi, he confused the feelings of a crush on All Might for a rivalry of some kind. Said crush died long ago, though he did keep up the behavior which led to the mess that is the Todoroki family.
Hawks: Bi, with a preference for men.
Mirko: Bi, with a preference for women.
All Might: Bi-curious.
AFO: He's really just into the feeling of having power over someone. Sometimes it's in a sexual context, other times it's not (it depends on the person he has power over).
To add to this a bit, what exactly does him being sorry actually do? Like, what fuck ups can being sorry legitimately solve here?
He still abused Rei, causing her to have a mental break and end up in the mental hospital. He still treated Dabi (yes I am using his chosen name here) as a tool and discarded him when he realized he wasn't as "useful" as he had hoped. He still neglected both Fuyumi and Natsuo, causing Fuyumi to act as the parent of the household and Natsuo to resent him. He still abused and isolated Shoto to the point that he had the emotional intelligence of a brick. He still viewed and used his family as a means to an end.
Yes, him being sorry for what he's done is the first step to actually fixing the damage that he's done. But that's just it, it's the first step. Him being sorry doesn't magically fix anything, that requires actual work and therapy. And to be honest, I think it's to late for that. He's done to much for to long for his family to ever let him into their lives again.
the amount of ppl bashing me on twt bcs i said endeavor finally apologized... i keep getting "what else do you want him to do?? he knows what he did is wrong, and he feels bad! that's why you apologize!"
it took 20+ years for an apology...
when everyone is severely hurt...
his eldest is dying...
and he didn't get what he wanted...
that man can fucking die and let rei and the kids live peacefully without him. i do not care.
You can’t find a single Endeavor criticism post over there without someone being like “but he said he was sorry and he feels bad now” “also you only feel this way bc you wanna fuck dabi” “also also the league are murderers” 😢😢😢
Me wanting to hop on Dabi’s dick and me disliking Endeavor can be mutually exclusive. I disliked him from the moment he was on screen, before I even knew Dabi existed 😤
And yes. The league are murderers. I’m not shocked when people hate them. Still somehow, Endeavor stans are shocked when people hate their favorite abuser.
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
I love this, I love this very much.
My Hero Headcanons: Spinner

Is lactose intolerant. (Reptiles can't digest dairy products.)
Geckos shed their skin. They also eat it for the nutrients. League members have caught him chewing bits of dead skin off himself.
Reptiles don't need vaccinations, so Spinner has never needed a flu shot.
In addition to being a gamer, he's also a decent artist. Probably could have been a graphic novel illustrator in another life so Deku's comment about making his book a comic wasn't too far out of his wheelhouse.
Can use a crossbow. No one in the LoV is entirely sure why he has this skill or why he doesn't use it.
Deal Making (Part/Chapter 2)
Shigaraki was going over his corkboard worth of information, he was more specifically going over all the information he currently had on Endeavor. Until suddenly the world goes black and white. Shigaraki looked around quickly, trying to find out what exactly was happening. Did a hero find them and do this? The cause of this quickly revealed himself.
“Well, it's been a week. When am I actually going to be able to possess your body?” Bill questioned, seeming to be annoyed at how things are going.
“Oh, hey Bill. Sheesh, warn a guy next time, okay? I was about ready to throw a right hook.” Shigaraki said, leaning against the wall and taking a breath. “Now, when it comes to possessing my body…well, how about right now? I'm honestly just doing busy work; it can put it on hold.” He offered, which seemed to immediately please the demonic triangle.

“Fantastic!” Bill exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake. Shigaraki raised an eyebrow.
“I’m still not really a fan of handshakes.” Shigaraki said teasingly, offering his pinkie in a “pinkie-promise”. Bill didn't complain and accepted the “promise”, pulling Shigaraki out of his body and moving into it.
Shigaraki looked at himself in this new form. He couldn't help but notice a shade of blue encompassing him, along with the lack of consistent pain. It was actually kinda nice, freeing. Bill, on the other hand, seemed to not be doing well with his side of this agreement. He quickly fell to the ground, gritting his teeth as a way to cope with the immediate all-encompassing pain.
“What…the hell is this?!?!” Bill asked angrily, Shigaraki noticed that his voice hadn't changed much despite possessing his body (though it did sound as though his throat was a bit sorer).
“What-” Shigaraki started before stopping, noticing how his voice was suddenly much lower and clear, apparently his body was the cause of his kinda crummy voice, he shook his head and continued on, “What do you mean?”
“Why the HELL can't I use your body properly?!” Bill elaborated, even more pissed that he has to even explain what he meant.
“Uhm, I don't really know? Might be the chronic pain…” Shigaraki started, somewhat thinking aloud.
“You have chronic pain?! Why the hell didn't you tell me!?” Bill snapped angrily.
“I didn't think it would be an issue! I figured that since my body would be used to it by now that you'd be fine.” Shigaraki answered defensively, putting his hands up in a “I surrender” way.
“Yeah, well, that's clearly not the case now isn't it!!!” Bill continued to snap, causing Shigaraki to roll his eyes.
“Oh please, it's not that bad. This is just how I feel daily.” Shigaraki said indignantly.
“Yeah, speaking of, how?!?! This sucks, how the hell could you even get out of bed like this?!” Bill integrated, finally trying to stand up…he wasn't really succeeding.
“I don't know, I just have been. The pain has kinda faded into the background, for the most part anyway. Some days are worse than others of course but-” Shigaraki started to explain, before being interrupted.
“THIS COULD BE WORSE!?!?!?!?” Bill practically screeched, causing Shigaraki to cover his ears.
“Yeah, it could? I haven't even had any recent injuries, not even a stab from Toga.” Shigaraki explained a bit, confused by the reaction.
“How, the hell, are you alive? How do you even function like this?” Bill asked, finally toning his voice down.
“I don't know, I just have? I wasn't exactly given many options.” Shigaraki answered bitterly, he always hated those types of questions. He didn't like thinking about how his mind or body worked, all things considered.
There was a knock on the “door” that got both of their attention.
“Uh, boss, you okay? Never heard you scream like that before.” Spinner asked on the other side of the door.
“Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine.” Bill lied, getting an eyebrow raise from Shigaraki.
“You can't even walk, why would you lie about being okay?” He questioned, a little confused about this decision.
“Shut. Up.” Bill muttered angrily.
“I…don't believe you. You don't typically scream unless you have a damn good reason for it. I'm coming in.” Spinner replied, moving the sheet that was acting as a door out of the way. Coming in to see Shigaraki's body on the floor.

“Uh…why are you on the floor?” Spinner reasonably questioned, very confused.
“No reason, no reason at all.” Bill muttered bitterly.
“Is this…is this what's going to happen when Bi- you possess boss's body?” Spinner asked, instantly catching on.
“What? No, what makes you think I'm possessed?” Bill asked, trying to play it off. Shigaraki got even more confused by this.
“They, they already know about this part of the agreement. Why are you lying about this?” He questioned.
“Well for starters,” Spinner started, squatting down to Bill's level, “even on boss’s worst days, he doesn't typically writhe on the floor. He also doesn't have some odd voice echoing effect. And finally, he doesn't have yellow eyes with cat eye slits.” He continued, stating each fact as though it was immovable as the sky itself. Shigaraki couldn't help but laugh at how well Spinner was able to read the situation and how he instantly cornered Bill with all the information.
“...Okay yeah, it's me. It's Bill.” He conceded, clearly finding that lying would get him absolutely nowhere.
“Would you like me to pick you up, so you can get to the living area and converse with the other league members?” Spinner offered empathetically.
“...Yeah, yeah that would be best.” Bill mumbled, really bitter about the situation he's finding himself in.
Spinner scooped him up into his arms, with Bill instinctively gripping onto his shoulder with the sudden action.
“Woah, okay! That's something.” Bill said, clearly flummoxed with the situation.
“Careful!” Shigaraki panicked, focusing on his quirk and what could happen. He was so happy that he was wearing gloves that day.
“Uh, you good to be moved?” Spinner asked, wanting to make sure that he wouldn't start squirming when he got walking.
“Yes, I'm fine! Just, not used to being held.” Bill answered, taking a few breaths.
Spinner went into the living area, with Shigaraki following behind, and set Bill in Shigaraki's body (Billaraki) onto the couch, with Toga having to move to allow this to happen. She went ahead and sat on the table instead, seeming a bit concerned.
“Is he alright? What happened?” Toga questioned quickly, worried about the situation at hand.
“He's fine, it's just…well, Bill's possessing his body right now and apparently the chronic pain is really getting to him.” Spinner explained, seeming concerned himself.
“The pain is enough to get him to collapse like that?” Mr. Compress questioned, seeming confused about how the pain could be this bad. He was currently on the plush chair.
“Yup, literally collapsed when I possessed this body.” Bill explained, seeming to be rather happy to no longer be on the floor.
“That's…concerning, to say the least.” Mr. Compress said, “Uhm, on a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your pain?”
“Uh, 7 I guess.” Bill answered, getting an eye roll from Shigaraki. As far as he was concerned it was like, a 3 on most days. “Don't roll your damn eyes at me, your body's shit.” He hissed out, clearly pissed.
“Can you still see Shigaraki when he, presumably, out of his body?” Kurogiri asked, causing Bill to jump a bit. He wasn't used to Kurogiri's odd ability to just, appear wherever he felt needed.
“Uh, yeah, I can. He's currently in the mindscape right now, just the realm between the waking and the resting. He's basically a ghost, besides the whole being dead thing.” Bill answered, Shigaraki couldn't help but feel like he was making a few references to things that didn't fully click for him.
“Honestly, I don't get what your issue is with being in this place. This is great!” Shigaraki said quite happily, floating about as though he didn't have a care in the world.
“Easy for you to say when your body is absolute trash.” Bill snapped, not appreciating his motives being questioned.
“Maybe we should start making it a note to try and steal some ibuprofen for the pain?” Mr. Compress suggested, clearly worried about how bad the pain seemed to really be.
“Wait, hang on, no! Pharmacies have decent security, there's no way we wouldn't be caught quickly!” Shigaraki panicked, not wanting to take unnecessary risks.
“Yeah, not that great being in the mindscape now is it!” Bill laughed, giving a grin to finally cause some stress here.

“Let me guess, boss is objecting to us getting him pain meds?” Spinner asked, getting a nod from Bill, “Yeah, that sounds about right for him. He's always so damn stubborn about being fine even when he clearly isn't.”
“Shiggs, listen, if you get pain meds, you'll be able to function better because your body isn't screaming at you.” Toga explained, hoping that Shigaraki would listen to reason. He just mumbled angrily, knowing that Toga was right but still not wanting to take such a massive risk for something that was “unneeded”.
“Plus, I am one of the best thieves! It'll be fine, we'll get enough to last us long enough that we won't need to return in months.” Mr. Compress reassured. Shigaraki sighed and conceded defeat about this, not like he could communicate his objections right now anyway.
“In the meantime I'll go ahead and make some tea, in the past it seemed to help. I am unaware if this will work here, but it's worth a try.” Kurogiri stated, heading towards the area that they designated as a “kitchen” (it had a few pots, pans, kettles, and some ingredients for cooking, it had a little device that uses gas to make a controlled fire).
“Soooooooooo…what's it like possessing someone else's body?” Toga asked, clearly excited.
“It's…interesting. I tend to get all the downsides of their body and their mind, if that isn't clear with my current condition. Most of the time it is negligible but…well, as you can see, not this damn time.” Bill explained, not going for his typical inflection. Apparently being in pain can suck a lot of energy out of you, who would've thought?
“Well that's rather neat! Gives us a better idea of how illnesses and disabilities that tie into the mind really works. What's your body count? In possession of cour- well…you can share kill count as well if you want!” Toga asked, keeping the conversation going.
“Hm, well, that's a rather large count. First there was the shaman, he got antsy when seeing how my pals like to party. Exact order gets fuzzy but there was a pharaoh, someone attached to the Aztecs, the easter island statue people, there was a dark warlock, he actually succeeded in fulfilling his end of the deal, but he did it to trap me in some orb! Sooooo, I possessed his phoenix and burned the castle to the ground for the betrayal! Spent some time around Europe and trying to make deals with Vikings and royals. Wasn't able to succeed often though. I possessed some goats to convince those accused of witchcraft to really have that fun! After all, if they were going to suffer either way, might as well have some fun and really do the thing!” At this, Bill let out a manic laugh, with Toga nodding along.
“Makes sense. Similar boat really. If everyone was going to see me as a monster, I might as well be one!” She cracked, let out a laugh of her own.
“Any-who, I went on to make deals with the founding fathers of America. They didn't really like my first draft of their silly constitution. I possessed a corpse for a while and started a cult with that one! Then I moved on to animators, musicians, computer scientists, and a mini sculpture. None of those worked out how I planned, an unfortunate reality with working with humans. There was…Sixer…” Bill became quiet for a bit, staring off before coming back to reality and continued on, “He was quite the subject, really! He was absolutely fascinated with me, and why wouldn't he be? I am incredible!” He said with a confident laugh, while Toga tilted her head to examine that statement mentally.

“There was Pine Tree, he was desperate to get some information and I offered him a deal! He didn't seem too pleased with how things turned out, I told him I wanted a puppet, it's not my fault he didn't ask which until the deal was made! And finally there's Shigaraki, and here we are. So, while not exactly a count, I don't think I can legitimately count the amount of people I've possessed and bargained with! I can't even list everything going on with my kills, there are just far too many!” Bill finished, seeming rather pleased with this. Spinner looked at him with an eyebrow raise.
“How long have you been at this whole…murder, thing.” He asked, wishing to know just the amount of experience this demon had.
“Eh, a thousand years give or take.” Bill said with a hand wave, Shigaraki let out an impressed whistle at that. It was always good to have someone so experienced on your side, until they get too arrogant and you have to kill them.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're old and powerful, great job.” Toga said dismissively, causing Bill to sputter a little bit, “Tell me more about this ‘Sixer’ character.” She said while leaning in, clearly invested in what this meant.
Shigaraki quickly clocked what Toga was thinking and started wondering about it himself. With everyone else he was content to give a descriptor or an insult and move on to the next person. Whoever Sixer was important enough to Bill to pause and think, he was also the only one that he gave even the slightest hint of a compliment in all this. Just who was this guy and how was he important?
“Well, what is there to say really? We had a great thing going with our deal! I'd be his muse, his star, his everything, and in return he'd build the portal needed to get me and my henchmaniacs out of the nightmare realm! He was both a genius and an idiot, with only a genius being able to figure out how to get the portal right and only an idiot would fall for all my flattery hook-line-and sinker! He sadly got cold feet when his science buddy saw something he shouldn't have and started trying to get out of fulfilling his end of things. Shame, it could've been great if he wasn't chicken shit.” Bill elaborated, Toga nodding along with a grin on his face. Mr. Compress seemed to catch onto the same thing Toga did halfway through the explanation, with Spinner and Shigaraki being the only ones out of the loop.
“So, you'd say that you and this ‘Sixer’ had a…special bond with each other?” Mr. Compress asked, leaning in as well.
“I mean, any bond with me would be special! But yes, I suppose you could call it that.” Bill answered, he seemed to be adjusting to the pain. At least well enough to sit up now and not take up the whole coach.
Kurogiri came back with the tea and set it down on the table near the Bill possessed body, going to stand by the couch to keep an eye on him.
“Please do be careful, it is hot.” He said in the polite manner he takes up with everyone, or at least everyone who isn't an enemy.
Bill took the cup of tea up to the mouth of the body, while normally he'd play the ‘not knowing how the human body worked’ bit but considering the parameters of their deal he figured potentially causing a bunch of panic in these flesh bags for a laugh would not be a wise decision. He found that, surprisingly, the tea actually did make him feel better. How the heck does tea do that? Whatever, it's not important. Dabi entered the room, pulling tinfoil out of his hair and the smell of hair dye filling the room.
“Yo, what's up?” He asked, leaning against the back of the coach.
“Oh hey Dabi! Bill's currently possessing Shiggy's body and we're talking about his ex!” Toga answered with a giggle, causing Bill to choke on his tea.
“Careful, rather not have my body expire out of something as silly as surprise.” Shigaraki chuckled, getting the stink eye from Bill.
“I'm sorry, what?! Sixer is not my ex!” Bill snapped angrily, turning a bit red. It was unclear if it was from lack of breath, embarrassment, or rage.
“Ohohoh Bill…don't try lying to me.” Toga said, starting off with a chuckle before switching to intimidatingly serious. Bill was rather reasonably stunned by this, it's not every day that someone can even slightly see through him after all.

“Yeah…Toga's pretty good at reading people, it's kinda useful if not a little creepy.” Shigaraki explained with a shrug. Billaraki set his head in his hands and let out a breath of frustration, rather annoyed at being confronted with the…complicated, nature of his relationship with Sixer.
“I suppose one could call him my ex.” He conceded, not really wanting to give the situation too much thought. This was enough to cause Toga to grin again, going back to being rather joyful.
“There we go! Hopefully you won't try to lie to me again about these types of things, I'm very good at telling!” She said in an extremely chipper tone.
“So, how often do you think you'll be doing all this?” Dabi asked.
Bill hadn't really thought about that, he also figured that Shigaraki didn't either since they didn't talk about it. Guess they had to figure this out now.
“Eh, once a week should be good. Every other week if we're dealing with busy work.” Shigaraki offered, acting as though he didn't need to put much thought into it.
“Okay then, once a week apparently.” Bill echoed, since he was the only one who could hear Shigaraki at the moment.
“That should be fine. Nothing should come up that could cause that to be an issue.” Kurogiri stated.
“Though if every time you do possess his body, you're going to be screeching like that, I think I'd rather you not possess him at all.” Dabi laughed.
“Hahahahaha, shut up.” Bill snapped bitterly, finishing his tea and setting the cup on the table.
“Yeah, yeah. Heard that one before.” Dabi laughed again, rustling Billaraki's hair and then walking off to do his own thing. Bill had to heavily suppress the urge to uppercut.
“Don't mind him, he's like that with everyone.” Spinner offered, though he doubted that it gave any comfort.
“Well, except with me.” Mr. Compress bragged, coming off a bit smug but he was primarily just happy.
“Yeah, yeah. We know, you're the exception.” Toga said with an eye roll.
Bill sighed and laid back down, finding himself being tired for the first time in a rather long time. Considering the sudden burst of pain, dealing with social interaction, and being read easily for once made everything seem so damn exhausting. Shigaraki looked over at him.
“Yeah, the league can be exhausting sometimes. That's not even mentioning the sudden spike of pain that you're dealing with now. Maybe we should use the mindscape thingy you have access to give you some practice rounds while interacting with them. I know them well enough to create a project of them in my mind, probably.” Shigaraki offered, hoping to have things go better next time.
Billaraki just nodded to give his blessing, too tired to deal with much else today. This certainly seems like it was going to be much more difficult than he originally thought.
(Author's Note: Hello again! Finished this fic yesterday but needed some rest before posting it so here it is! I do hope that y'all enjoyed the fic! If you did, go ahead and check out my AO3 account to see more of my writing.)
(Part 1)
Holding onto to this, thank you!
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you're welcome
Wait...you mean to tell me, Spirit Halloween is an American thing??? Y'all don't even have, like, an equivalent with a store opening up only about once a month in a year??? This feels crazy.
are you telling me americans have stores that open up SPECIFICALLY for halloween and just. dont exist any other time of the year. you people are insane
I love this, this is justnso damn cute. I love how she reacts to Spinner, it’s just so damn sweet. I also love how confused he looks, can't tell if that's because he doesn’t know what she's saying or if it's because he's not used to people liking him lol. She loves her dad so much, lmao.
And, of course, Dabi's being a little shit. I wonder if he fully understands how important she is to him, or if he just views it as Tomura having a "weird attachment to a toy".

If he can't have a dog...
Also, yes, these are translations from the official Furby wiki 😅
Reblog to find this again! :>

I finally did the thing
The 2" LOV charms are baaaaack
Pre-orders open until 5/25!
Asexual, tired, and sick!
Reblog if you're asexual and tired
The thing that's makes this so much funnier for me is that Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shouto will probably be fine due their, assuming with Natsuo and Fuyumi, iced based quirks then heat ain't gonna be that bad. Meaning that the only one who really suffers here, is Endeavor.
The league on an extremely hot day.
Shigaraki, laying on the floor: “Spinner, I think I’m dying.”
Spinner: “That’s a little dramatic. You’re the one who insisted we stay here.”
Shigaraki: “That was before I knew it was a hellscape.”
Mr. Compress: “Perhaps next time we choose a hideout, we don’t base it off of how close it is to the nearest arcade.”
Shigaraki, glares.
Mr. Compress: “Just a suggestion…”
Twice and Toga walk into the base carrying a window AC unit.
Twice: “Look at what we got!”
Spinner: “Seems like you’ll live.”
Shigaraki: “Shut up. Where did you get that?”
Toga: “Dabi helped us find it!”
Mr. Compress: “How?”
Dabi: “I have my ways.”
Endeavor, walking out of his office: “Where the hell is my AC unit?!?!”
Natsuo: “As if you even need one, you’ll never be cool.”
Fuyumi: “Natsuo!”
Shouto, high fives Natsuo.
Endeavor, leaves.
Yes, please, please get to 20! I'm desperate for more Spinner content! T-T
Should make one of those "Spinner panel every day" blogs ngl
Cherry pie and it's joy.
i hope that one day i will finally be ok….i’ll make a cherry pie when it is all over
Deal Making (Part/Chapter 1)
Shigaraki ran through the woods as fast as he could, each muscle that goes into such a thing pounding away with pain scattering across his body. He was so damn careful, he was sure that he wouldn't get caught at the supply run for some food with sustenance but things just had to go down hill! First there were three different hero groups patrolling the area, then he found that one of them had the current number one hero, and finally he got spotted by said number one hero and chased into the woods. Good news was that it was pretty easy to spot where he was due to the fire and he was clearly gaining some space between the two. Apparently being a six foot tall giant did not give way for being partially nimble, which was what was needed more in the woods. Once far enough away Shigaraki ducked behind a tree to hide, doing his best to slow his breath down to not give his position away. Endeavor eventually caught up but wasn't able to see him.
“Where the hell did he go?!” He nearly shouted, fire burning brighter than it was before in his rage.
“Relax Endeavor, it's not like he could get that far away.” Hawks pointed out.
Shigaraki was mentally glad that he tried to fly through the woods instead of running since his wingspan slowed him down a bit, he was also glad that Mirko stayed behind to see if there were any other villains around. There likely wasn't but if they were they weren't a part of the LOV so it didn't matter to him. He finally took in his surroundings a bit more and noticed something a bit odd. In front of him was a black book with a red triangle man on it.

Shigaraki reached out and picked up the book and looked more clearly at it. It wasn't really anything of note, other than the fact that it appeared to just have been abandoned in the woods. He sat there waiting for about half an hour before Endeavor and Hawks decided that Shigaraki had double backed and was back at the store so they ran back. He waited another few minutes before leaving his hiding place and taking a different route to get back to the League's hideout, deciding to bring the book with him. It may not be very useful exactly but it would be interesting at the very least. At least this run wasn't a total bust, he got enough supplies to last them for a few days and he got an interesting book.

When he got back to the league he set the supplies that he was able to get his hands on at the table that they got their hands on from someone throwing it out. The table had stains, scratches, and a leg that had been broken (they used a few bricks to keep the table up). Shigaraki went back to staring at the book a bit trying to figure out why someone would try and get rid of it.
“Hey Shigs! Glad you're back, whatcha got?” Toga asked, coming into the room and taking a seat on the plush chair they'd gotten alongside the table. It had a few holes and tears in it, with it also missing a leg that they worked through with a random book none of them read.
“I got some canned food and microwavables, plus some fruits and vegetables we'll have to eat quickly to make sure they don't go bad. I unfortunately wasn't able to get my hands on much, got chased by the number one hero and his buddy.” Shigaraki explained, not looking up from his examination.
“A-huh, and what's up with the book?” Dabi asked, leaning over his shoulder and looking at the odd book.
“Unsure, I found it in the woods. It looked like it was just abandoned there.” Shigaraki explained, nudging Dabi away from him.
“Oooooo, mysterious!” Toga exclaimed with a giggle, seeming to be rather excited about the potential from the strange book.
Dabi let out a laugh and backed up a bit, “Pretty weird that you decided to grab a random book you found, for all you know it was there for a reason.”
“Yeah, and a good chunk of our furniture was probably thrown away for a reason and yet we're still using it.” Shigaraki replied with an eye roll.
Dabi let out another laugh and he jumped onto the couch and started lounging, which was another item they grabbed on trash day. It was absolutely covered in stains and holes that had fluff sticking out of it. Shigaraki couldn't help but think about how he was proving his point.
“Are you sure it was a good idea to take the book though? I mean, you got no context on why it was left in the woods instead of just thrown away.” Spinner pointed out, feeling a bit nervous about the risk that was potentially brought into the hideout.
“Oh don't be such a worry wart Spinner! I'm sure that it'll be fine, it's not like he answered the question of some lady with a face mask on!” Toga said with a giggle.
“If you say so…” Spinner said awkwardly, clearly not fully believing it.
Shigaraki decided to head into his ‘room’ with the book in order to take a close look, he'd rather not be annoyed by the league while trying to understand things. His room was less of an actual room and more like a box. He had a bed in the corner that was absolutely covered in stains from being thrown out and was worn-out through years of use from the previous owners, a desk that was a patchwork of different types of wood that he used to keep his electrics (laptop and Nintendo devices), and a pin board on the wall that he used to keep all the information he found important in order. He had two piles of clothes off to the side of his room, one full of clothes he needed to get clean and the other were good to be worn for longer. He took off his jacket and tossed it into his “can still be worn” pile and toed off his shoes and socks, he took a seat on his bed and opened the book to see what was in its pages.
He got hit with the ramblings from someone named “Stanford Pines”, he went on about how he believed some guy named “Bill” was dead, how he had checked his brothers mind and some statue to see if he could possibly come back, how he had gotten rid of all momentums of him (including all one dollar bills), how he he had found this book and tried to get rid of it but it kept coming back, how the book had some odd properties (such as changing itself based off the reader), and pleading to not read the book and to not trust it's contents. Shigaraki thought for a moment, if this was true then this could be a rather big risk with unknown reward. He decided to continue on just to see what would happen, finding a page about ‘summoning Bill Cipher’. He thought a little bit more about what he should do before going for it; he opted not to put his name in the book though. He put his hand on the right page, took a deep breath, and said “time to get weird”, and turned the page.

He didn't know what he expected, but what he found was definitely odd. The words weren't coming into view properly, some sentences started and ended abruptly, everything seemed to be trying to put itself together in a way that would be interesting but it didn't know what to do; he silently wondered if wearing the gloves messed with the book. He decided that he was just tired and that's why things weren't looking right so he set the book to the side, keeping it open so as to not have to reopen it in the morning, and went to sleep.
Shigaraki “awoke” to a black void with some transparent blue objects floating about, he could tell rather easily that he wasn't really awake because he wasn't in pain like he normally was. He looked around the area to try and understand what was happening and saw a rather stylish yellow triangle with a few cracks in his body. He didn't seem to exactly seem to be paying attention, more so mumbling to himself.
“What is with this guy, why is his mind so damn jumbled, I can't believe out of everyone who found my book it had to be someone whose thoughts are moving so fast.” The triangle mumbled to himself.
“Uh, hello? Where the hell am I?” Shigaraki questioned, already mentally prepared for a fight.
The triangle seemed to have snapped out of whatever angry thoughts he was dealing with and quickly seemed to pipe up to give some sort of speech or something.
“Why hello there! I'm Bill Cipher, great to meet you Shigaraki! As for where you are, you're in the dreamscape, in other words my playground!” The triangle man exclaimed, seeming to intentionally making himself over the top.

“Huh, so you're the guy that he was trying to warn me about.” Shigaraki said dismissively. The mention of “he” caused Bill to immediately scowl.
“Yeah, yeah. That would be me. Clearly it didn't work if you summoned me!” Bill continued, trying to push past the warnings that were given.
“I suppose not. So, what's your deal?” Shigaraki questioned.
“Well whatever do you mean?” Bill asked, trying to play dumb.
“What, do you, want? I know that no one’s that upbeat when meeting you unless they want something, so what is it?” Shigaraki pushed, not willing to sit through the pleasantries that commonly came with social interaction.
“Well it's simple really! I want to regain my physical form and bring some fun to your boring world!” Bill explained, clearly holding some details back.
“And by “fun” you mean “chaos”.” Shigaraki pointed out nonchalantly.
“Well aren't you a smart one, yes that would be the case. But it won't be that big of a deal! You'll be fine in all the mayhem as long as you help me out! You'll be on top of the world, ruler of everything, be the one in control!” Bill exclaimed, clearly trying to tempt him into some type of deal.
“I don't really want any of that, it's not like I would know what to do with myself anyway.” Shigaraki replied, getting Bill to clearly panic a bit.
“Well that's fine as I can give you anything! Fame, money, knowledge, power, absolutely anything!” Bill continued to try and tempt, which Shigaraki found amusing.
“Well I don't want fame, I absolutely hate people so people acting as though they know me would piss me off. Money would be useful but it's not like I can buy things normally, difficult to forget this face after all, plus I could always just do what I do already which is steal. I’m already tired all the damn time so having more knowledge would just be more exhausting. And when it comes to power, anything you could offer me I could gain on my own with enough time.” Shigaraki replied with a smirk, he was enjoying making this guy sweat a bit.

“Then what do you want?!” Bill questioned angrily, clearly getting pissed about how his normal tempting tactics weren't working. He was quite literally turning red with.
Shigaraki thought for a few minutes. He never really thought about what he wants, like at all. His destiny was set in stone after all, what he wanted never really mattered. But his teammates? Their destinies were flexible, they could still do so much when it comes to their “carries” in villainy. So while he didn't want anything, he was certain that his team would want more out of this than he ever has. It clicked in his mind what he “wanted” out of a deal with Bill.
“How about this? If you can play nice and be a team player when it comes to my team then I'll help you regain that physical form of yours, with the caveat of you fulfilling your end first of course.” Shigaraki explained.
“Deal!” Bill exclaimed, seeming to not think to ask follow up questions, and extending a hand engulfed in blue flames for a hand shake. Shigaraki thought for a second.
“Sorry, I don't really do handshakes, personal hang ups, will this work?” He asked as he offered his pinkie in the same manner one would for a pinkie promise, it was a little embarrassing to have to do something so childish but with him handshakes could be deadly.
“Yep, yep! That'll work!” Bill exclaimed, taking Shigaraki's pinkie finger to seal the deal.
“Fantastic.” Shigaraki said with a grin, happy to see things going his way for once in life.

“So who are your teammates anyway?” Bill finally asked, clearly not prepared for the answer.
“Well there's Spinner, who is my favorite. Hurt him and I will find a way to kill you a second time. That may sound like a joke but it isn't, I will actually kill you. Then there's Dabi, he’s an absolute prick. As long as you know how to stand your ground in a verbal sparring match things will work out just fine. There's Kurogiri, my other favorite. Can't imagine what you can do to piss him off. There's also Mr. Compress, a rather respectable fellow. Only downside is that he'll steal your stuff just to prove that he can, personally I let him get away with it because it annoys Toga. Speaking of Toga, she's rather insane and obsessive. She'll stab you just for some blood but she's good enough at what she does that she won't hit an artery, though that doesn't really hurt as much as her emotionally dissecting you. And finally there's Twice, the embodiment of being incapable of making up his mind. He's incredibly confusing to be around but once you figure him out he's actually rather pleasant to be around.” Shigaraki explained, counting up on his fingers as he explained each league member. Meanwhile Bill just stared off, as if it's just now setting in how difficult this will be.

“Okay, okay. I can work with this! I've dealt with much weirder and much more fucked up!” Bill said, Shigaraki was pretty sure that he was half lying to himself.
“Whatever you say pal.” Shigaraki said with a smirk, which Bill did his best to ignore. “Now, as for how the league can really interact with you, hm…you can communicate through that book of yours right?” He asked.
“Of course I can! It's what allows me to really make a deal with someone!” Bill answered.
“Well that could be used as the primary form of communication, but that does lead into an issue of getting attention to talk. Hm…” Shigaraki said, trying to think this through.
“I mean, I could always possess your body to talk to them!” Bill suggested.
“Oh, well that makes things a bit easier. Alright, I'll allow you to possess me from time to time in order to talk to them in a more typical manner.” Shigaraki stated.
“Alright! Well, it appears as though you're about to wake up, you'll be seeing you again rather soon, Shigaraki!” Bill exclaimed, trying to let the situation at hand roll off of him.
Shigaraki actually woke up this time and looked around. He rubbed his head and let out a yawn. He started wondering if it was all a dream until he looked over at the book, which now had the sentence, “Great doing business with you!” with a drawing of a triangle next to it. He grinned at seeing, now knowing that it was all real.

‘Well, things have certainly gotten a lot more interesting.’ Shigaraki thought as he got up, putting on his jacket and shoes, grabbing the book, and heading into the league's makeshift living room.
“Good morning Tomura Shigaraki, how did you sleep?” Kurogiri asked politely.
“Great actually! Much better than I have in years. Gonna need you to collect the others for a team meeting, got some stuff to talk about.” Shigaraki answered, setting the open book down on the table.
“This early in the morning? That's a bit unusual of you.” Kurogiri questioned, already heading off to do as asked.
“Eh, what can I say? You can discover some rather fascinating things through dreams.” Shigaraki said with a grin.
It only took a few minutes for the league to assemble in the living room. Shigaraki sat in the middle of the couch, Spinner was to his right, Dabi was to his left, Mr. Compress was sitting in the plush chair, Kurogiri was standing to the side of the couch, Twice was sitting besides Dabi, and Toga was sitting on the arm of the couch.

“So, what's this meeting about?” Dabi questioned, doing his best to seem like he didn't give a shit.
“Well, as most of you know I found this book abandoned in the woods yesterday,” Shigaraki started while gesturing towards the book, “and I found something incredibly interesting about this book. It is apparently hosting a deal making being known as Bill. So, I set things up in such a way that we basically have a new teammate, with us having a deal that if he acts as a team player then I'll help him regain his physical form. He'll primarily be communicating through the book, but I have made the offer that he'll be able to possess my body sometimes to make communication easier.” He continued to explain.
“Wooooah! Well isn't this an incredible turn of events, we have a new friend!” Toga exclaimed with a laugh, clearly rather happy about the possibilities here.
“You sure you didn't just eat some of Spinner's gummies by accident? Seems a lot more likely than what you're talking about.” Dabi joked, not taking this seriously.
“First, I don't keep those lying around so unless he was digging in my room he wouldn't even be able to find them let alone have some. Second, Weed doesn't cause hallucinations, prick.” Spinner pointed out exasperatedly.
“Plus, if you don't believe me, check out the book.” Shigaraki suggested.
With that the book changed a bit with the words, “Hey flesh bags, Bill Cipher here! Everything he said is true!” with a few triangle drawings also appearing.
“Holy shit-” Dabi started, clearly startled by the book changing.
“It was true! This'll be so incredible! Demon, burn the book!” Twice exclaimed, the startling revelation leaving his thoughts scattered more than usual.
“Do not burn the book, I'm pretty sure it'll just come back.” Shigaraki said calmly.
“Well okay, we now have…a possessed book as a teammate?” Spinner couldn't help but question.
“Eh, more like a demonic triangle that's currently possessing a book.” Shigaraki explained.
“Well, okay. Guess this is what we're dealing with now…” Spinner said, clearly unsure on how to feel about the situation at hand.
“Well at least we got one more teammate to assist in our goals, even if it's a little out of the realm of normal.” Mr. Compress stated, trying to make things make sense in his head.
“Plus a new friend!” Toga exclaimed happily.
“Are you sure that this decision will end well Tomura Shigaraki? Last I checked, deals with demons do not normally end well.” Kurogiri questioned.
“It'll be fine, don't worry! I've got this all figured out.” Shigaraki answered, he wasn't completely telling the truth but close enough.
“If you insist.” Kurogiri nodded.
“Hey, I'm right here you know! Quite rude to be talking about me as though I'm not here!” Bill said through the book.
“Right, right! Sorry about that! So, do you already know who we are or should we introduce ourselves?” Toga offered.
“Yep, already know who each of you are! Kurogiri, Spinner, Toga, Dabi, Twice, Mr. Compress! Benefit of being an all seeing entity!” Bill explained, showing a ‘photo’ of each of them next to their name.

“Wooooooah! You can see everything?” Toga asked, clearly fascinated by this detail.
“Of course! It's a rather incredible thing if you ask me!” Bill explained.
“Ohohohohohoho! Well ain't that an interesting power!” Toga exclaimed excitedly.
“Okay, okay. Glad that you're able to adapt to this situation so well.” Dabi said with an eye roll.
“Oh come Dabi. Let's be real, we'll all warm up to this eventually. After all, we warmed up to you.” Mr. Compress cracked, getting an annoyed huffed in response.
“Yeah, guess that's accurate.” Dabi muttered angrily.
Shigaraki let out a sigh and relaxed a bit. He was rather happy with how things were turning out so far. All Bill has to do is play nice and they'll be getting along just fine, then he just has to figure out how to get Bill that physical form. Though he did know very well that it takes a while for the league to truly warm up to anyone, even if Toga was excited about all this and Mr. Compress was being polite. He didn't know how long it was going to take, but hopefully it will be in his lifetime.
(Author's Note: Hello people, I hope you enjoyed this fic! This has been the first time that I've tried to combine my art with my writing, I hope that it turned out well! For the sake of full transparency, I will say that for the characters I use Gacha Life 2 as a base while I draw the backgrounds by hand. It's mostly that anatomy is my least favorite part of drawing, so I prefer to take short cuts when it comes to drawing them lol. Anyway, if you like my writing, you can check out my AO3 account, I may post this there as well not sure yet. You'll primarily find Spinaraki fics there as it's my main OTP, but you'll find some stuff where that's more of a side thing. I have a ton of WIP that I'm sure I'll get through (someday) so maybe keep your eye out for that!)
(Part 2)
And here is your friendly reminder that humans, especially the young ones, are very emotional beings who will pack bond with literally anything. What do you expect, a young girl who has not fully grasped the concept of death and is currently trying to deal with multiple tragedies where they've permanently lost multiple important people wouldn't get emotionally attached to a living being who she can't fully distinguish from "live stock" and "pet"? If so then, to be rude and blunt, you may be at least a little bit of an idiot. Shame one everyone in this situation that thought this was a good way to "teach her the importance of keeping a promise", because I can assure you that is not what she learned here. I'm not sure what exactly was learned here, maybe that authority figures will break the rules if it benefits them, but it certainly wasn't anything about keeping a promise.

Well uh, this is akward. Never thought I'd encounter one of my fics being shared around lmao. I am, insanely flattered my god. Thank you for my dopamine hit for the day!
Collection of Spinneraki One-Shots
by Firey_Passion
Shigaraki is having a difficult time sleeping, apparently Spinner was as well as he asks to hang out. Ends in the two cuddling peacefully.
Tags used: Fluff, Established Relationship, Cuddling & Snuggling, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is an insomniac, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is nervous, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko and Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner are awkward.
Words: 21140, Chapters: 24/24, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Toga Himiko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, League of Villains Mentioned (My Hero Academia), Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Bubaigawara Jin | Twice
Relationships: Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Cuddling & Snuggling, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is nervous, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is an insomniac, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko and Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner are awkward, Touch-Starved Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is not cold blooded, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Drunk Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is clingy, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko and Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner are sleep deprived, Work Space AU, League of Villains Are Not Villains (My Hero Academia), Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Toga Himiko is a Little Shit, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress is a Little Shit, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Defensive, First Kiss, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Slightly Soft Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Little Shit, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is Easily Scared, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Gives Zero Fucks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Easily Flustered, Love Confessions, Alternate Universe - Civilian, Soft Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Stressed, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Dork, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is a Dork, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner is Very Affectionate, Birthday Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Workaholic, Tired Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, slight angst, Slightly Out of Character Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko (...)
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37001665
devastating realization… hes not urpl

Big mood. Just, giant mood.
A general cane guide for writers and artists (from a cane user, writer, and artist!)
Disclaimer: Though I have been using a cane for 6 years, I am not a doctor, nor am I by any means an expert. This guide is true to my experience, but there are as many ways to use a cane as there are cane users!
This guide will not include: White canes for blindness, crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs as I have no personal experience with these.
This is meant to be a general guide to get you started and avoid some common mishaps/misconceptions in your writing, but you absolutely should continue to do your own research outside of this guide!
This is NOT a medical resource!!! And never tell a real person you think they're using a cane wrong!
![[Image text] Arm bends a little. Cane height at hip joint. Many canes have adjustable height. Cane sits within the natural center of balance. Causes stress on: Triceps, upper back, wrist (pressure) fingers (grip). Helps with: Joints (lower back, hip, knee, ankle, foot), weakness, balance, pain.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0c8731401f496885dc8d4309a7dbe7ee/f831b3159e1d7635-e7/s500x750/6e5fe00081a6ce3b64cbe1a648f0c967f9f601e9.jpg)
The biggest recurring problem I've seen is using the cane on the wrong side. The cane goes on the opposite side of the pain! If your character has even-sided pain or needs it for balance/weakness, then use the cane in the non-dominant hand to keep the dominant hand free. Some cane users also switch sides to give their arm a rest!
A cane takes about 20% of your weight off the opposite leg. It should fit within your natural gait and become something of an extension of your body. If you need more weight off than 20%, then crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair is needed.
Putting more pressure on the cane, using it on the wrong side, or having it at the wrong height can make it less effective, and can cause long term damage to your body from improper pressure and posture. (Hugh Laurie genuinely hurt his body from years of using a cane wrong on House!)
(some people elect to use a cane wrong for their personal situation despite this, everyone is different!)

(an animated GIF of a cane matching the natural walking gait. It turns red when pressure is placed on it.)
When going up and down stairs, there is an ideal standard: You want to use the handrail and the cane at the same time, or prioritize the handrail if it's only on one side. When going up stairs you lead with your good leg and follow with the cane and hurt leg together. When going down stairs you lead with the cane and the bad leg and follow with the good leg!
Realistically though, many people don't move out of the way for cane users to access the railing, many stairs don't have railings, and many are wet, rusty, or generally not ideal to grip.
In these cases, if you have a friend nearby, holding on to them is a good idea. Or, take it one step at a time carefully if you're alone.
Now we come to a very common mistake I see... Using fashion canes for medical use!
![[Image text] 4 Major Handle Shapes (significant variation and uses). Tourist/Crook/Hook. Classic shape, fashion and medical, easy to hook on things (arm, door, chair, etc), generally solid wood (stronger, heavier). Offset. Newer design, not a fashion handle, only handle for quad-bases, generally better balance, usually aluminum (light + cheap), soft handle, adjustable (rattles/clicks when swinging). Derby/Fritz/Anatomical/Contour. Classic medical shape, many fashion variants, some fashion + medical, varies in many ways, sometimes contoured to hand, comes in foldable styles, many aluminum styles, many customizable styles. Knob/Decorative. Fashion exclusive, knob shape hurts the hand after prolonged pressure (especially with designs), tend to be heavy, "sword canes" have the same issues.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/102d2e5f13a88817eaa44974bc5a7486/f831b3159e1d7635-e2/s500x750/887023dbcfc758db12a7fcf3f258bca52eba2d53.jpg)
(These are 4 broad shapes, but there is INCREDIBLE variation in cane handles. Research heavily what will be best for your character's specific needs!)
The handle is the contact point for all the weight you're putting on your cane, and that pressure is being put onto your hand, wrist, and shoulder. So the shape is very important for long term use!
Knob handles (and very decorative handles) are not used for medical use for this reason. It adds extra stress to the body and can damage your hand to put constant pressure onto these painful shapes.
The weight of a cane is also incredibly important, as a heavier cane will cause wear on your body much faster. When you're using it all day, it gets heavy fast! If your character struggles with weakness, then they won't want a heavy cane if they can help it!
This is also part of why sword canes aren't usually very viable for medical use (along with them usually being knob handles) is that swords are extra weight!
However, a small knife or perhaps a retractable blade hidden within the base might be viable even for weak characters.
![[Image text] 4 Major base shapes (significant variation and uses). Adjustable base. Aluminum, standard modern medical, adjustable height, rubber base, wears down over time. Tripod/ quad base. If you need extra balance. Terrain attachment (varies, this is for ice). Removable, helps stop slipping on ice/snow/sand/etc, some canes have a retractable tip for ice. Classic base. Non-adjustable, custom only, modern standard still has a rubber base.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/78d350cfac4077376b7ce521a9a7d929/f831b3159e1d7635-ab/s500x750/4b4a6b8062c06686baf17c83c28b793bfb89e05b.jpg)
Bases have a lot of variability as well, and the modern standard is generally adjustable bases. Adjustable canes are very handy if your character regularly changes shoe height, for instance (gotta keep the height at your hip!)
Canes help on most terrain with their standard base and structure. But for some terrain, you might want a different base, or to forego the cane entirely! This article covers it pretty well.
Many cane users decorate their canes! Stickers are incredibly common, and painting canes is relatively common as well! You'll also see people replacing the standard wrist strap with a personalized one, or even adding a small charm to the ring the strap connects to. (nothing too large, or it gets annoying as the cane is swinging around everywhere)

(my canes, for reference)
If your character uses a cane full time, then they might also have multiple canes that look different aesthetically to match their outfits!
When it comes to practical things outside of the cane, you reasonably only have one hand available while it's being used. Many people will hook their cane onto their arm or let it dangle on the strap (if they have one) while using their cane arm, but it's often significantly less convenient than 2 hands. But, if you need 2 hands, then it's either setting the cane down or letting it hang!
For this reason, optimizing one handed use is ideal! Keeping bags/items on the side of your free hand helps keep your items accessible.
![[Image text] Where to put your stuff. Purses/bags. A lot of size range, Can mess with balance, Zippers are too hard with one hand, Handheld means you have no hands, over the shoulder only. Fanny pack. Accessible with one hand, Limited space, Good for balance. Backpack. Very physically comfortable, evenly weighted, holds a lot (medicine, foldable cane, emergency supplies, etc) can't access without fully stopping and putting cane down/hooking it on arm/dangling on strap. Pockets. Can only use on free side, many outfits don't have good pockets.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/de0f85e864c0ac470fb08900d78d8375/f831b3159e1d7635-21/s500x750/dbc646d95d144bb9c097f220361f074cc4b59584.jpg)
When sitting, the cane either leans against a wall or table, goes under the chair, or hooks onto the back of the chair. (It often falls when hanging off of a chair, in my experience)
When getting up, the user will either use their cane to help them balance/support as they stand, or get up and then grab their cane. This depends on what it's being used for (balance vs pain when walking, for instance!)
That's everything I can think of for now. Thank you for reading my long-but-absolutely-not-comprehensive list of things to keep in mind when writing or drawing a cane user!
Happy disability pride month! Go forth and make more characters use canes!!!
I cannot get over the fact that Mabel legit threatened to EAT BILL CIPHER!