Like BSD//Mostly draw a DOA trio// Any pronouns//Sometimes I can draw horny stuff, but sometimes dark//Knows English and Russian
86 posts
- ? - ?? , , -
УСЛЫШТЕ МЕНЯ- Подождите… если Кафка Асагири русский? Если он сейчас находится в каком-нибудь чертовом ролевом чате соукоку или фёлай и роллит за пассива?? Извините, я виноват, ЭТА САДИСТСКАЯ СУКА НИКОГДА НЕ БЫЛ ПАССИВОМ-
Wait… if Kafka Asagiri is Russian? If he is currently in some fucking soukoku or fyolai role chat and being in the bottom?? Sorry, my fault, THIS SADISTIC BITCH IS NEVER BEING IN THE BOTTOM-
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More Posts from Flanfuk
Спойлеры/теория/новая глава bsd. Подождите… Мы все прочитали новую главу, не так ли? Когда Дазай и Чуя пошли искать труп Федора, Николая там не было; может он что-то задумал? Что, если бы он знал, что Федор может вселиться в его тело? Николай мог придумать способ воскресить его; тем самым отдав ему свое тело. Возможно, Николай так и останется заключённым в собственном разуме, по-прежнему чувствуя эмоции, но не тело… Кандалы могут удерживать его до тех пор, пока Федор находится в теле. Будет ли Николай счастлив и произойдет ли это в новой главе?
Spoilers/theory/new bsd chapter.
Wait… We've all read the new chapter, haven't we? When Dazai and Chuuya went to look for Fyodor's corpse, Nikolai was not there; maybe he's up to something? What if he knew that Fyodor could move into his body? Nikolai could come up with a way to resurrect him; thereby giving him his body. Perhaps Nikolai will remain imprisoned in his own mind, still feeling emotions but not his body… The shackles may keep him as long as Fyodor is in his body. Will Nikolai be happy and can this happen in the new chapter?
(Sorry for grammar mistakes and English!)
Fyolai // Part - 3
Have you ever thought about any AU for this pairing? In my AU, Nikolai is either an artist or a photographer. Fyodor in my AU is either a musician or a fucking porn star-
My crazy theory again, yupiii
I am waiting for only one person in the BSD, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. In his life he was addicted to drugs for 5 years: just imagine a doctor who is fed up with life and is addicted to drugs.
Let him have “The Master and Margarita” ability, since it was his most famous novel. Also, the writer had a wife whom he constantly called “Margarita,” thereby she became the prototype for the main character of the novel mentioned above.
In the novel, a certain “demon” was mentioned that killed them both. MEANS, the anime version of Bulgakov will have a beloved from whom he ran away, and then let’s say Dostoevsky (let him be a demon) kills Bulgakov and his beloved.