flanfuk - Time is a prison and I am a prisoner
Time is a prison and I am a prisoner

Like BSD//Mostly draw a DOA trio// Any pronouns//Sometimes I can draw horny stuff, but sometimes dark//Knows English and Russian

86 posts

Fem Nikolai

Fem Nikolai

Fem Nikolai

Yes, I am a dirty minded.

Да, я извращенец.

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    vincentognev liked this · 9 months ago
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More Posts from Flanfuk

10 months ago

New Characters theory

And so, we all read chapter 114.5 and now we are all completely screwed. So, I have an idea: what if Asagiri Kafka returns Ivan and Pushkin to the arc? Also, he can add new characters, such as: Albert Camus, Leo Tolstoy, Bulgakov.

(I mentioned Bulgakov’s ability in my last post)

Moreover, it will be an arch similar to “hell.” As we know, Ivan rules the earth; Pushkin with poison; but what abilities do Albert Camus and Tolstoy have?? Okay, Camus' famous book was The Stranger, the main character doesn't care + he killed a man without emotion and then he started to care. So the name of his ability is “Stranger” and I think it will allow Camus to imprison people in their own mind: letting them think about their life and sins.

Leo Tolstoy will have the ability “War and Peace,” thereby giving him the ability to keep a balance between people; otherwise you can say "God of War." Leo Tolstoy was very friendly with Fyodor Dostoevsky, he would probably agree to help his friend. Tolstoy will hold some “scales” where “war” and “peace” will be located.

ALSO, I want to mention Turgenev - the man whom Dostoevsky hated in his life. Maybe Turgenev was his enemy in the anime? or will it be?? New theory!!

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10 months ago

Это может быть опасно…

Итак, я сделал недавно этот пост.

Представьте себе, что Лев Толстой согласится сдвинуть одну из сторон чаши весов по приказу Федора: Толстой сделает тяжелее войну на весах.

Начнется большая война, даже детективные агентства будут враждовать друг с другом. НО ПРЕДСТАВЬТЕ, ЧТО ВЕСЫ СЛОМАЮТСЯ: миром будет править война, но мира не будет. Это будет полный пиздец…

Тогда Дазай сможет прикоснуться к весам и остановить это дерьмо; но дело в том, что ЭТО НЕ СРАБОТАЕТ, потому что весы полностью перестанут работать и человечество потеряет смысл жизни.

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