flatpocket - en2ks

he/him (it) - 19 - im a little fucked up (=v=)

542 posts

Flatpocket - En2ks - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
flatpocket - en2ks
5 months ago
flatpocket - en2ks
5 months ago
Stop Staring At Me With Them Big Old Eyes

Stop staring at me with them big old eyes

5 months ago
'mutual Pining'

'mutual pining' 💤

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5 months ago
flatpocket - en2ks
5 months ago
flatpocket - en2ks
5 months ago


male reader x deidara

i was going to write a smut but i wasnt really in the mood for that so... yeah, get some fluff <3

you and deidara have been dating for a couple months, because of his flirty and laid back attitude one would think you've had sex by now but in reallity it never happened, you dont know exactly what goes wrong but everytime things start escalating he backs off with some excuse, at first you didnt mind but it was starting to annoy you so you decide to finally have a talk with him and get what you want.

you two were on a date one day on the woods, it wasnt exactly a date, more like a opportunity that came for you two to be alone together. you were holding him on your arms playing with his hand, it took a lot of convincing for him to let you hold him like that but you knew he liked being held and you loved holding him even more.

"you're so pretty dei"

he humfs and looks away embarassed, you always complimented him but he still got red everytime, you thought it was adorable and chuckled at it.

he turns back and gives you kiss roughly, you take a moment to react but you kiss him back.

"shut up" he says when he pulls out

you chuckle again and he looks annoyed at it, you kiss his neck as an apology and he flinches.

"you get embarrassed so easily dei, are you a virgin?" you tease him

what you didnt expect was for him to turn his head away from you again without saying a word, from the position you're in you can see his face is red. does that means what you think it means?

"you are a virgin!" you say in a half shoked tone to wich he responds with another huff

"what if i am uh?"

you grab his face and turns it so he's facing you then you kiss him and hold him closer. he strugles on your arms to pull you away and rolls his eyes. you free him from your grip but he doesnt leave your lap only looking annoyed at your actions.

"are you embarrassed? you dont have to be, i find it quite cute!" you tease him a bit more

he responds by ignoring your words, you didnt mind as you were used to him giving you the silence treatment when he was mad. you hug him close to you again and kiss his cheek.

"you know.. i'd like to be your first" you say

he takes moment to look back at you but when he does he kisses you again turning on your lap so he can fully face you now. you keep sharing kisses, the actions getting hotter as your hands explore eachothers bodies then he pulls on your clothes to take them off and you do the same to his. he takes a moment to admire your body ans you admire his, brushing your fingers through the skin of his belly making him huff quietly.

you notice he might be unconfortable so you kiss him again brushing your hands on his sides to soothe him, he relaxes under you touch and buries his head on your neck, you chuckle and pet his hair softly. he sighs and looks at you.

"i dont really wanna do it today" he says

"ok" yous say with a smile, you're plenty happy just to have him in your arms.

he hums and buries his head onyour shoulder again taking a sniff, you try not to laugh at his actions and grab one of his hands giving it a kiss.

"you taste like clay"

he rolls his eyes but doesnt say anything you laugh and taps his back conforting. you spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and talking.

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5 months ago

i guess i'll have to do it myself sigh..

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5 months ago

whatever man. check this out 👇🏽

Whatever Man. Check This Out
Whatever Man. Check This Out
5 months ago
5 months ago
I'm Still Drawing Manga In Russian I Share Small Processes Of Working On Storyboards. I Am Already Drawing
I'm Still Drawing Manga In Russian I Share Small Processes Of Working On Storyboards. I Am Already Drawing
I'm Still Drawing Manga In Russian I Share Small Processes Of Working On Storyboards. I Am Already Drawing
I'm Still Drawing Manga In Russian I Share Small Processes Of Working On Storyboards. I Am Already Drawing

I'm still drawing manga in Russian… I share small processes of working on storyboards. I am already drawing the fourteenth page in the fourth chapter… How do I find a translator who agrees to work on translating manga for free and not for too long? 😂

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5 months ago


Here's to a year filled with art & obscenity 🥂😩

I kept seeing the bath scenes from that ova & needed to draw them after the war... because reasons 😭

Shikachoji judging ft. Lee just enjoying himself CaUSE hE dESerVeS iT 😤❤️

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5 months ago
This Is A Mess

This is a mess

5 months ago

I have gone too soft. I need to become horny and evil again

5 months ago

Obito's late ass during the rainy be like

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5 months ago
flatpocket - en2ks
flatpocket - en2ks


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5 months ago
>The Initial Guilt Versus Gai Like YOU LOOK SO MUCH LIKE YOU DID ON THAT DAY I MET YOU" @egregiousderp

>The initial guilt versus Gai like “YOU LOOK SO MUCH LIKE YOU DID ON THAT DAY I MET YOU" © @egregiousderp as always

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5 months ago

so slutty when a man stretches and exposes his lower tummy. you know what you're doing.

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5 months ago

YES I get hard from kissing it's called being an ALPHA MALE

5 months ago

before anything ask yourself: who cares? do i care?

then decide if you want to proceed