folklore-fantasy-and-sci-fi - Folklore, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Folklore, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

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How I Picture Grant And Company Figuring This Out Tbh

a screenshot of text convo between Grant Emerson and Jesse Chambers: P1: Jessp P1: Jesse I have a problem P2: Are you okay?! P1: So you remember how Vandal Savage injected me with DNA from like.  50 different ppl? P2: yes, Grant. That was a pretty big thing. P1: And you remember how Pieter mentioned I might eventually get some of their powers? P2: oh boy P1: also how a few of my donors fly?
A screenshot of the continuing conversation: P2: I don’t like where this is going.  Where are you??? P1: I’m P1: I’m in a tree

How I picture Grant and company figuring this out tbh

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More Posts from Folklore-fantasy-and-sci-fi is an easy to navigate website run by two palestinians which breaks down common myths about palestine and provides a reading list organized by a wide variety of categories ranging from history and culture to media and censorship. it’s a good starting point to use if you want to learn more about the modern day situation in palestine and understand the truth behind myths that have been perpetuated about israel’s occupation of palestine.

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I do not know when we will publish about what is really happening here. Life has begun to narrow around us. My children are calling on you from Gaza😔 for help to escape from this unmerciful world. Please participate and donate, even if a small amount of money. Make the world see what these children are suffering from hunger, disease and homelessness. Are these children to blame for what? gets here😭😔

Thank you for listening

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i think all quiet on the western front and the lord of the rings are in direct conversation with each other, as in theyre the retelling of the same war with one saying here’s what happened, we all died, and it did not matter at all and another going hush little boy, of course we won, of course your friends came back

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why haven’t I seen anyone posting about that giant fucking baby penguin in Melbourne that’s bigger than some of the adults already

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It's Very Clear That A Significant Sector Of The Liberal Anti-trump Brigade Don't Actually Oppose Him

it's very clear that a significant sector of the liberal anti-trump brigade don't actually oppose him based on anything such as morals, principles, values or even opinions, because they hold none of those. they're slavishly loyal to their fantasy of what the democratic party is and to this cult of anti-personality they've constructed around trump. it's pure brainless kneejerk reflex and they feel so proud and brave about stubbornly holding that party line they'll do the reductio ad hitlerum to themselves and think it proves grit and pragmatism. you'd probably get pretty close to the truth if you said at the core of it they hate trump for being fat and fem

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