forever-eternal - Call Me Eternal
Call Me Eternal

She/They/He/Xe/Ze, 19I do not know what I’m doing 👍🏻

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Random Dragon Slayer Headcanons So My Brain Will Let Me Get Back To Writing A Fic

random dragon slayer headcanons so my brain will let me get back to writing a fic

bite. monchity cromchity. its their way of hugging. or it was before erza beat it into natsu that that was a No. the others learned through others, too, except for erik. he still bites. the dragon slayers dont hug each other though they only bite. not enough to break skin but enough to leave an indent for a few minutes.

stare. stareeeeeeeeee. stares so much that people wonder if they even blink. they do. but if theyre staring its that weird membrane thing that wets their eyes without obstructing their vision too much. not many people realize it and even fewer arent freaked out.

the raised slayers view the lacrima slayers as true dragon slayers. the lacrima slayers do not view themselves as true dragon slayers. the raised slayers do so much random shit trying to convince the lacrima slayers that they are, in fact, true dragon slayers.

they can tell emotions. generally. if someones sad they stick around as a shoulder to lean on or a wall to vent to. if someones angry they either get prickly too or stay far away. its like a pet.

can also tell if someones low in calcium or potassium or something similar. like a service pet. they almost never point it out, but they do bring like milk or bananas over or even drag people out into the sun and stare at them until they accept their new position.

sunbathe. they all sunbathe. yes even rogue. its not so much the brightness (except for sting and sometimes natsu) its the heat. yes even gajeel. they wouldve dragonized if they didnt view themselves as completely and wholly human. dragons are big lizards. lizards are cold blooded or somethin. need heat to function. sunbathe.

natural aversion to other slayers like god and demon/devil. has to work with the other slayers to get past the fight or flight instinct. took wendy a bit to view sherria as human and not an actual god. took everyone a bit to warm up to gray and not think he was going to pull pranks or shank someone in their sleep. the other slayers do not have this issue with anyone, even dragon slayers. no one knows why the dragons are like this.

have a draconic language. written and spoken. the raised ones spoke “human” only with their parent dragon and only at the beginning. the lacrima ones dont know draconic until the raised ones start to ‘bring them out of their shell’ or whatever makarov tries to say about it. laxus doesnt know nor does he care, and hes the only one that cares about this sudden language bit in his brain at all. not even erik was freaked out.

half-draconic forms, even after theyre not in danger of dragonizing. typically has claws, and more sharp teeth than just fangs, and different colored eyes, and scales, and wings, and maybe a tail. wings might be scaled or feathered. porlyusica hates them.

if they eat any fresh meat like they didnt drain most of the blood before cooking it has to be well-done. for natsu and sometimes laxus it has to be nearly burnt. cause they get the impression of the last emotion felt before the animal died and its a real appetite killer to suddenly be hit with pain and sadness yknow

yknow how they dont break skin when they bite? most of the time. sometimes they just want to taste some blood. only done to each other or family or loved ones and is kinda rare but it really helps them all calm down

alcohol doesnt work on any of them. almost any drug doesnt work actually. high metabolism or somethin. needs a lethal dose like three times over to even get a small amount of like pain killers or somethin

theyre all allergic to chocolate. like eating a regular sized brownie will have them in bed for two hours. erik was already used to that because whatever is in fiorean chocolate does not sit well with isvanians. speaking of isvanians after gray got that demon/devil slaying magic he could eat fiorean chocolate and rubs it in the slayers and lyon’s faces. theyre all so damn jealous

after tartaros the average s-class quest became normal quests and shit bordering 10 year quests became average s-class quests. even though everyone on tenrou got s-class near tartaros they all still hold onto the “true” s-class people (laxus mira erza gildarts) as ones qualified to run them. laxus is pestered so much by the slayers to pretty please go on an s-class quest please they would oh so like to check out this area and oop theres a quest just for that area would you oh so kindly take it so we can even get a bit of money pretty please

whenever erik’s around they all go on an s-class quest and pay erik his cut afterwards since he’s not in a fully legal guild yet

read more for lists of hcs instead of just bullet points:

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More Posts from Forever-eternal

1 year ago

To fully explain the Cryptidness of a Country/Government Personification; such as Gov and Assistant, we need to break it down into four parts.

1 - Human Forms

2 - Casually Monstrous

3 - Comprehensible Horror

4 - Incomprehensible Horror

Of course, examples and comparisons (usually between Gov, Assistant and the States) will be necessary to explain to my best abiltiy. And what Personifications actually are will be explained in a different post.

Let’s start with something simple; Human Forms!


Human Forms

So, a Government’s human form is similar to a States’; uncanny and wrong in every possible way, but there’s an undertone of…something. It feels as if you’re looking at something you shouldn’t, something your eyes should just glide over because your mind can’t comprehend it.

However, because of their strong Do-Not-Notice-Me aura, this is only ever recognized when they want it to be.

Unlike other personifications Do-Not-Notice-Me, which drops and fades when they’re weak/sick or when they cause enough of a ruckus, Government’s aura’s get stronger when they’re weak/unable to control it (no matter how much of a scene they cause, no one will see through it). This can result in no one even seeing them, let alone comprehending they exist. Photos and videos are ill-advised unless the government personification is willing and informed beforehand, lest your camera system implode on itself.

Otherwise, they function pretty much the same as any other personification.


Casually Monstrous

This is more common when they’re pissed off or trying to threaten someone.

As seen in ‘Under My Protection’, Robin’s teeth get incredibly long and sharp, mouth growing wider than should be possible (like a snake), and her nails grow into claws. Her eyes become black irises on white seclera and white pupils.

Her environment shifts to be dark, not without light but as if the shadows are corporeal and blocking the way. Many eyes of different sizes, but all the same black iris and white pupils, open along the shadows.

Gov grows scales along his arms, nails also turning to claws, and his already prominent canines lengthen and curve, like venomous snake fangs on the top and bottom rows. The bitemark he leaves has four fang holes, with the top two being larger and deeper, but the rest of the bite looks like pinpricks.

He gains four extra eyes, incredibly small to the point no one really notices until he looks directly at them. Both sets are next to each other beneath his regular eyes. His eyes are bright green, with a similar pattern to a snake, but his pupils are more eagle-like.

These forms are usually only done when they don’t plan on leaving someone alive, but there are certain situations where killing them doesn’t give them what they want.

Seeing these forms with their Do-Not-Notice-Me dropped even slightly can start to fracture someone's perceptions. This mental fracture can be healed overtime with care, but leaves them more susceptible to further physical deterioration and mental decay. Of the two, Robin is Casually Monstrous the most.


Comprehensible Horror

A taste of the gods in human bodies, a small piece of a greater whole molded to fit their own needs. They are massive, horrific, but with the Do-No-Notice-Me they can be seen and comprehended in small doses by whom they choose to be.

Adam takes the form of a snake, burrowing close to the core of the earth beneath the heart of the America. Six eyes catch every movement as his massive form blends into the shadows, fitting and hiding in places he should not fit. Able to change his size, but can not get longer than than 5,800 miles (the approximate length of the USA). He remains coiled and slightly smaller, in order to move around a little easier, but he is still enormous most of the time.

Robin gets tall–a little shorter than Hyperion, she can’t fit most places, but can force herself into a smaller body— minimum of 20 feet tall. A total of eight arms, the ‘human’ set remains clasped in front of her for the most part. Her two main eyes are shut, with one on her forehead and several on the backs of her hands, as well as the ones in the corporeal shadow walls. Extra limbs may extend from the shadows as well, usually elongated and bony. Her body is made entirely of shadows and light. She doesn’t take this form often, but when she does come out Adam likes to shrink and coil around her shoulders like a feather boa.

They may be horrifying and inhuman creatures, but they are still in love.


Incomprehensible Horror

When every Government and Assistant personification merges, you get the incomprehensible horrors that are Infinity and Eternity.

A mix of Everything and Nothing, their true forms cannot remain on Earth for long– far too large and imposing, too dangerous to look at. To look at their true forms is deadly, your atoms split and burn into nothing.

If they wish to have a bit more class, to be able to converse even slightly with the Earthly Personifications they represent, they will take the form of something earthly– animals, humans, natural monuments–, goliaths in the astral plane between Empty and Full. They always look like a shifting universe, endless stars and color and darkness. Their eyes are always glowing white and pupiless, their mouths a black hole.

Their eyes project a million rebirths and a million deaths of the universe, a cloud of genesis and ending in their gaze. The sound like every voice in every language all at once– unless they purposefully try to communicate in one language–, but they sound like nothing at the same time.

They are things the human mind can’t comprehend, let alone attempt to describe. Their presence fills the air with a pressure that rips you apart at the seams.

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1 year ago


Can you draw a scene from the story you wrote about Colorado breaking some bones, I have no clue what scene to choose from tho-

Of course! Sorry it took so long, Lovely!



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1 year ago

Physical Headcanons of Dragon Slayers

Dragon Slayer Magic, and slayer magic in general, changes the User’s physiology in ways other magic types do not– though the element they correspond with does play a major factor in what changes occur, there are some that affect all Dragon Slayers: (Hiro and Tsuki are OC’s who only sort of exist in the same universe, but are both Dragon Slayers)

Indent Text = Mainpoint

Bullet = Subpoint

Number = Subpoint of Subpoint

All Dragon Slayers have enhanced senses, more so than their God and Devil Slayer counterparts– where only one or two of their senses are heightened

Their senses are nearly triple that of a normal humans, and often leads to sensory overloads (Hiro and Erik having stronger hearing than most dragon slayers, Erik due to the nature of his magic- able to hear thoughts and movements of the body- and Hiro due to her magic and a genetic defect- able to hear all the way to Fiore’s farthest border with her mufflers turned up to 10 [10 is the strongest setting on mufflers, allowing the most sound to come through, but still blocking most of it]. Without her mufflers, she can hear all of Ishgar)

Their sense of taste is also increased. To protect their nervous system and body from damage caused by certain flavors, dragon slayers have a thicker, viscous saliva that covers their mouth as a shield, which ends up blocking a lot of flavor

This means they can eat the hottest peppers in Fiore with little fanfare, fire dragons in particular are prone to such snacking habits.

It also means their food will have more spices than most humans can handle, because they want to taste it

Their magic forms a thin barrier around their vital organs, though the actual purpose is unknown, it is believed that it’s to guard against internal attacks – poison, illness, etc.

The thickness of the barrier depends on age and element, with Wendy having thicker barriers than someone like Erik (who is immune to toxins), but not as thick as Gajeels.

Natsu and Tsuki’s magic burns through toxins, though Natsu is still vulnerable to a few. Tsuki’s internal temperature, being a White Fire Dragon Slayer, is far to high for normal toxins.

This means that, if Tsuki gets sick, the bacteria has evolved to survive her body temperature long enough to effect her. She will be under quarantine, as some bacteria would die with the body temp lower than they evolved to handle, while others will spread even further.

Dragon Slayers are able to roar, though their age, gender, and element do play a part in what it sounds like:

Tsuki and Natsu’s pitch shifts and changes with their mood, but it’s always extremely loud

Tsuki’s is, by far, the loudest naturally– she’s had plenty practice– and it often causes the ground to shake (There have been a few fallen buildings as a result, she doesn’t roar often)

Tsuki sounds most like a dragon, as she’s the only one who really remembers being taught how to roar like a dragon and not a slayer. Hiro would have been similar if she were old enough to learn it.

Wendy and Hiro are able to twist their vocal cords to create such a high pitch, that it can’t be heard–but still bursts eardrums

Due to their age, they have to force louder volumes, and usually need several minutes to let their voices rest afterwards

Hiro’s is more draconic simply because of the nature of Storm Dragon Slayers.

Laxus’ is loud, and incredibly deep, sounding like ongoing thunder with an echoing higher pitch– and is the second naturally loudest overall

Hiro, due to being a storm dragon slayer, also has a bit of this effect– like rolling thunder and lighting aftershocks. It’s a lot quieter than Laxus’.

Gajeel’s sounds like grating, creaking metal; it’s very deep, and has a medium volume- though it does cause slight vibrations in a thirty meter radius

Sting and Rogue have a medium volume, and no one really knows what their actual roar sounds like

They mimic each other and others, like light reflections and shadows

Erik doesn’t really roar, it’s more of a loud, ominous hissing sound

The sound causes a primal sort of fear in all who hear it, though dragon slayers are more immune than average humans. It does not affect Tsuki, who was raised and trained around many slayers, and Hiro, who lives to spite her body and instincts

Dragon Slayers also purr, much like cats do, though the same factors apply

Tsuki purrs the second most, and does it especially when around those she considers hers

Her’s in specific has a soothing, and calming effect. It tells you everything will be alright, and that she’ll take care of it. It comes with being the oldest and most intune with her instincts

Natus also purrs quite a bit, usually while eating or sleeping

Since he’s still young, it’s more of the effect of a kitten on Tsuki, though non-dragon slayers don’t really notice the difference

Wendy and Hiro purr like it’s second nature, though Wendy only really does so to calm Hiro. Hiro purrs the most out of all of them

They are very noticeably kitten purrs, giving the urge to protect and nurture to the older dragon slayers that hear it

Laxus has deep rumbling purrs, and he doesn’t purr often

So far, Tsuki, Erik, Wendy, Hiro, and his kids are the only ones who have ever heard him purr

Though, it’s more like they feel him purr

Gajeel also has deep purrs, though rather quiet

Again, it’s more of something you feel than hear, his entire body shakes with the force

This is all according to Tsuki and Hiro, though some believe Wendy and Levy have heard them– neither will reveal anything

Sting and Rogue are much like Natsu, though they have more control over it– due to the trauma inflicted by Jiemma

With Tsuki, Laxus, and Erik, they are near constantly purring

They do purr around Hiro as well, its almost infectious

Erik is more similar to a snake than a cat, and his draconic sounds reflect that! So, while he doesn’t exactly purr, he also kind of does.

It sounds more like a quiet, content hissing though, but is described as more of a churr

Purrs are very infectious, if one purrs, they all purr, even if they’re doing so for different reasons

Stick em in a room with Tsuki and/or Hiro purring, and soon they’ll all be doing it without realizing

It’s a form of nonverbal communication for dragons, usually meaning happiness or contentedness

Dragon slayers have sharp claws, though their length depends entirely on the individual slayer

Some keep them filed down as not to accidentally scratch anything, but it does cause a strange, burning-itch in their fingers

The claws grow faster than an average human’s nails

Tsuki doesn’t cut hers beyond a certain point, cutting them down to the same length of the average nail is what causes the itching, almost like declawing a cat, very uncomfortable and not the usual

Natsu and Hiro don’t cut theirs down either, and it’s up to Tsuki to make sure they actually take care of them– though Hiro is generally very good at keeping them short enough to be able to do things, but long enough to defend herself if she can’t access magic

Gajeel also keeps his a certain length, and so does Erik, but Gajeel does it for max Bad Boy Effect and Erik does it because the tips can excrete poison if he wants them too, and if he cuts them too close it gets into his bloodstream and it’s really annoying

Laxus keeps his claws short because long nails make him uncomfortable, and the electricity in his body already causes itchiness. What's a little bit more?

Wendy keeps her short, but not super short, and also files them into more a square shape

Wendy likes to paint all their nails and once she and Hiro use the Puppy Eyes, no one can decline, it’s against the law

All kinds of Slayers have two magical cores, where their magic energy is stored, while other Wizards only have one.

No one knows entirely why, but it is believed that the first Slayers evolved the second core to manage their magic easier, as it is a very volatile magic genre

Dragon Slayers are hypoglycemic, mostly because of the volatile nature of their magic eating up at any sort of energy their body has– including their blood sugars.

Tsuki is the only one who is aware of this, but thinks the others are aware even if they’re not.

They know their body feels weird and they get tired, and that Tsuki makes sure they all eat after every fight and will shove food in their mouth whenever they feel that Weird Discomfort in their bones, but they don’t know why and don’t really care. That’s it.

It’s very annoying to deal with

They suck at taking care of themselves, all in different ways and all for different reasons.

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