Wttt Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Loaded question, what’re your state ships, and which are your favorites? Also do you have fic recs for those ships :)))? (Last thing what are your favorite headcanons for some of those ships?)
Omg hi what a convenient excuse to rant excitedly about this!!!
I’m a multishipper so tbh if you gimme any cute and/or interesting pairing, group, or dynamic there’s a good chance I’ll like it!
Rn I’ve been really into TexaCali bc I’m basic lol. I love me a repressed cowboy and I want to study both of these absolute disasters! Texas and Cali are both horse girls btw & I like to imagine they go on little horse adventures like in the old days. I like how people write/characterize these two in such a way where they balance each other out it’s VERY interesting to me heheh!
I also am finding myself kind of partial to Vermont/New Hampshire as well. They give off MAD married for tax purposes vibes idk. Coming from someone from New England, Vermont and New Hampshire really don’t hate each other as much as it’s joked mainly bc people go back and forth through each state a ton, so I like to headcanon that at some point their old rivalry ended when they actually TALKED to each other alone for once and realized they really weren’t that salty and now they fight as a bit just to keep gov on edge.
There’s so many more, and even just singular characters or platonic pairings I could write a whole thesis on, but hopefully that’s good for now!
Thanks for asking below are some fic recs <3
How Texas Lost His Shirt (by SSSSEEEEVVVVEEEENNNN)
This Old Thing? (by WhatAboutIndigo_65)
- Texas/California
Your Stupid Face (by jasontoddluvr69)
- Texas/California
It Gives You Chills (by WhatAboutIndigo_65)
- Alaska & Arizona & also dogs!
backchanneling (by Anonymous)
- Maine & New Hampshire & Vermont
Going to the F*** Fair (by guessimdemoms)
- New Hampshire/Vermont, Massachusetts/Virginia
MuffinRoll ship (CocoMass) opinions?
omg the i can't get over the name that's incredible.
Never really thought about it but they're vibes are so different I bet they'd be a pretty weird but fun couple. idk why (probably bc I lived in Boston lol) but they give off huge stoner boyfriends vibes.
Mass rants A LOT and Colorado is a good listener
The only thing they fight about is hockey. They get HEATED, but it's all in good fun. They like big strong men whack stick on ice
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Colorado: ur my ideal blunt rotation <3
Massachusetts: bro wtf does that even- oh... awe thanks ya friggin' weirdo (⸝⸝⸝O﹏ O⸝⸝⸝)
guys who wants texcali angst hcs ::evil::
give us the evil headcanons brother in arms go go go (no pressure)
TexCali angst HCs!
CW for : internalized homophobia, toxic relationships, and transphobia under the cut!
California and Texas have always had a complicated relationship. Due to Texas' internalized homophobia, their romantic relationship is extremely complicated. It fluctuates from romance, to hatred. It is in no means healthy, and they both know it.
Due to Texas being more conservative, he forces the two of them to hide their relationship from the public out of fear of backlash from the rest of the states.
( not angst ) California was the first, and only person that Texas has come out to. With the nickname 'safe space', Texas assumed that he could talk to him after a lot of back and forth debating.
California had BPD ( Borderline Personality Disorder )
Adding onto the last one, California splits on Texas constantly. ( That's just the disorder ) It typically doesn't escalate because California knows how to handle his disorders well, but there will be the eventual time where California just loses it and shouts at Texas. Times like this don't come unwarranted though, there will be an obvious cycle of Texas' neglect and consistent arguments that cause the outbursts.
Texas' internalized homophobia causes him to act out against California. Even in loving moments, he'll find himself pulling away, becoming disgusted with California.
I personally headcanon California as transgender. Texas uses this as an excuse for dating a man because he still sees him as a "woman".
Adding onto that, it obviously has affected California a lot, having his lover not truely see him as a man, and dating him simply because he's transgender.
In the wild west, they called each other "Tejas" and "Alta". Now, when they are angry with each other, they call each other those names.
During the Californian Gold Rush, the two of them had been separated. California had been with many people during that time, and was used and left as soon as the Gold Rush ended. Now, California is constantly paranoid that Texas will do the same thing.
During the 1920s, the Hollywood era, the two of them were separated again. During this time, California and New York had found themself in a relationship, and bonded over the two of them being actors. Texas would find himself constantly watching the movies that California was in, and when news had spread of New York and California, he had broken his mirror, because he was unable to look at himself.
The two of them watched Brokeback Mountain together when it had first came out, and Texas had found himself overly relating to Ennis Del Mar. But, if anyone had asked him, he watched the movie because it was about cowboys and ranching. He "Wasn't a queer." as he would have said.
Texas cannot show his emotions whatsoever, it all turns to anger. Along with California, his emotions all turn into sadness and jokes to try and play it off.
California cannot accept any help. He knows that he is the "Safe Space" for all of the states. If he asked for help, who was he? He's not allowed to have feelings, it would make everything hard. He finds himself not having anyone to talk to, not even Texas. He bottles things up to the point that the smallest comment sets him off. This happened once during a meeting, when Texas had called him 'safe space', and he shouted at him, telling Texas that he had a name, and it wasn't "Safe Space", nor "Alta", it was California.
When upset, California only speaks Spanish.
of course love :3 (i totally do not know who this is at all.... sarcasm)
Maine HCs!
One of the shortest of the states. I see him around 5'2 ish!
Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't like seafood too much! I feel like the meat would cause texture issues for him.
His hair is a mix of blond, and ginger!
Seeing as Maine is a cold state, he's constantly wearing long sleeves, but the moment it gets to 50°F is when he whips out the shorts and tank tops.
Maine is one of the only states that can actually cook, besides the southern states. The midwest can't cook shit other than brats.
Seeing as Maine is home of L.L Bean... he wears so much L.L Bean it's not even funny.
Maine is the first state that sees the sunrise in the US, so naturally he's more of a morning person! He surprisingly gets up, and cooks breakfast.
He loves blueberries and donut holes! Seeing as Maines the largest producer of blueberries in the country... be adores them! And the donut hole was invented in Maine!
wisconsin x alaska if you would
omg yes!! i'm a wisconsinite, so he's my absolute baby! i adore him so so much!! :3 this will probably be wisconsin centric... love that guy...
WiscLaska HCs!
Seeing as they're both colder states, they're constantly bundled up. Alaska's got his signature trapper hat, whereas Wisconsin has a stocking cap!
Adding onto that, they're usually found cuddling. Typically with Wisconsin laying on top of Alaska like a puppy.
Wisconsin wears shorts in the middle of winter (like 15°F) and constantly gets sick from it, and Alaska always scolds him, and cooks him soup when he's sick.
Wisconsin and Alaska both have autism. Alaska is more of the quiet, semi-verbal around most people, whereas Wisconsin is a yapper.
Wisconsin loves telling Alaska about trees and nature, seeing as Wisconsin has some of the best natural resources programs!
Alaska is...extremely tall, he absolutely towers over Wisconsin, and all of the other states. When you look at it, their height difference is hilarious, like the "He asked for no pickles" meme.
Wisconsin knows how to play the electric guitar! It was invented where I live, so it's a little personal to me! But he's that awful campfire guitar guy, he'll whip it out and start jamming!
Whereas Wisconsin can play guitar, Alaska can sing really well. He'll spend nights softly singing Wisconsin to sleep when tornados or other disasters hit his state.
flocali headcanons?:3
rubs my grubby little hands together... goldensunshine my beloveds!!!
FloCali HCs!
They use the most disgusting petnames just to piss people off. Florida would call California his 'Sugar Boo Honey Bear Shnookums' and GOD it enrages the statehouse.
California is a good 8 ish inches taller than Florida. Florida is like.. 5'8 ish!
Florida gives California small rocks and items he finds that remind him of him! California thinks it's really sweet, and has a whole box of it in his closet!
California gives the best hugs ever. Thats it.
Florida steals California's glasses and wears them allll the time, and it always annoys California. But Florida loves how his face looks without (and with) his glasses.
California crushes Florida when he lays on him for warmth. Their height difference means... crushing cuddles
They both absolutely love the summer, as soon as it hits like 70°F they're both out in tank tops or shirtless.
Florida is a chronic jort wearer....
California cooks for Florida because no one.. absolutely NO ONE trusts Florida in the kitchen. Do NOT let this man cook 🔥 But California often makes him large meals, and its always so sweet.
When the wildfires hit California, Florida is always there, holding him. He'll kiss his burn scars, and tell him how pretty they are, and that they'll never change his love for him.
May I request New York hc's? :3
*not forcing ofc!!*
uhmm yes of COURSEEEE !!! i'll do more ny hcs when i get BACK from new york
New York HCs
He is unfortunately a theater kid. Broadway is in NYC, and god this boy.... tell him to stop singing jesus christ.
Surprisingly a true punk. He has crust pants, and they.. they smell but it's okay he's an icon.
He has a thick accent, and hates when people mock him for it. One more "I'm walkin' 'ere" and he'll genuinely kill a man. It pisses him off so so much.
He owns a few rats! He picked 'em up from the streets, and they're his best friends. Their names are; Shithead, Martin, Trash Boy, Rob, and Asshole!!
With what goes on in the subways... nothing fazes him, not even Florida's bullshit anymore. This man has literally seen it ALL.
May I humbly request some NY hc’s?
**it’s fine if not dw**
idk if they'll be terribly interesting? but i'll try lol!
He has an affinity for all of the animals, plants, just nature related state symbols (e.g. beavers, eastern bluebird, nine-spotted ladybugs, sugar maples, etc. etc.), and probably loves learning about all of them.
He loves horses, and while he likes watching horse racing occasionally, he doesn't find the sport too terribly interesting. He probably talks about horse racing with someone like Kentucky though sometimes. He gets his mild interest in it from the horse racing in his own state (such as in places like the Saratoga Race Course as an example).
Is relatively decent at keeping plants alive, all things considered. The only person he really trusts to take care of them if he's not there is New Jersey. No one else gets to go near his plants. He likes to name them, too, sometimes.
Despite how much he makes fun of New Jersey's state nickname, he still trusts him the most when it comes to plants and gardening.
Not very original, but he has some pet pigeons.
He used to have a black cat named Void that would perch on his shoulder all the time.
Has snapped at multiple others to remind them New York state is not just the city. Sometimes though, he seems to forget this himself, much to his own dismay.
His answer on when 'upstate' starts seems to change semi-frequently, if someone asks for his personal opinions about it.
He gives Vermont Stewart's cards (gift cards you can only use in the store and those 'one free ____' ones) sometimes.
Adding on to that, he also sometimes will have a milkshake from them with him when he goes to the table. It got snatched once by Florida who then drank it and he still holds a grudge about it.
Occasionally swaps books with Washington, but will anxiously wait the entire time it is not in his possession.
There are times where he finds California extremely pathetic (can have different meanings, though. There are times where it's the 'soggy, sad kicked looking puppy' kind of pathetic or the 'you literally fucking suck, wtaf is wrong with you' kind of pathetic, among others).
Sometimes he'll make very spicy food and before he goes to eat it, walk up to others that don't like and/or can't tolerate spice and ask them to smell it, just to laugh at their reactions.
He likes playing sports. Ones he like are tennis, air hockey and volleyball, among (some very obvious) others.
He gets self conscious sometimes playing more active sports, or doing active things like running if he knows people are watching him.
He doesn't like swimming, be he does know how to.
He likes to go out into less populated parts of his state just so he can sit down and listen to nature.
He'll try to 'forage' in forests upstate sometimes, just so he find plants to take pictures and video of so he can show them to New Jersey to see if he likes them and ask what they are.
He used to skateboard because he knew it pissed other personifications off. He doesn't as much anymore, but he still has a decked out looking skateboard (it's black with things all over it. He decorated it himself and is very proud of it).
He knows multiple languages.
He finds the fact that it only snows for about a day or two in November and December in certain parts of his state now very depressing. He hates the fact sometimes it doesn't even snow until January. He doesn't like snow much, but he misses it when he doesn't see it as much as he used to.
His favorite drink is water. Cold, preferably.
He likes old/vintage stuff. He doesn't like calling them that though, because "It felt like this was the newest shit just last [speaks New York] week!".
Canada is a canon character. Since the states are personified, does that mean her provinces are personified?
Since Canada is personified, is America personified?
Is America just Gov?
Floridas dad is canonically Spain but New York’s family is seemingly human and can physically age?
Utahs kids aren’t cities, they’re people… the states can have people kids so they can have people families which opens up another can of worms
If Texas’s dad IS Mexico then Mexico’s dad would be Spain then Florida is Texas’s uncle
When did the states appear? Florida is his states age but Spain is his dad… did they appear when they became land mass? When indigenous people settled? When they were colonies? When they were states? When the series started
Did Virginia birth West Virginia?
A lot of the states complain about Californians moving to their states but they live in California now

You sent in two, so they’ll all be here!!
🔴 (Angsty/Sad)
Colorado’s one of the few States that gets attached to humans. He sticks by those he sees as friends for decades, always around to see them age and eventually die. The end for all mortal creatures, but it still hurts.
Colorado’s biggest fear is those he loves dying, and seeing so many of his friends— mortal human friends, people he knew would die long before him— pass upsets him more than it would other States, States who get used to people they know dying. States who can grieve for a day or so and move on.
Every time, he goes back to Mom and Dad’s house, he stays there for days. He brings his dogs, because he knows they’ll leave him too, one day, and wants to spend as much time as he can with them.
At Mom and Dad’s house, there are no expectations. He doesn’t have to work, can just curl up in his childhood bedroom and grieve. If it hurts too much, he’ll even lock his Mom and Dad out of the room. They won’t force themselves in. Just remind him to eat, and leave food at the door. They don’t quite understand, they’ve never really cared about humans, but they do their best to comfort him.
Sometimes, he and his human friends will grow apart before it gets to that point, but they still pass away all too soon. It still hurts, but it’s not as bad.
It hurts more when he looses a pet.
He’ll grieve pets for years, has kept all their collars and favorite toys, even when he eventually finds another stray and takes them in.
...He has a lot of pictures, all the way back to when he was a child himself, playing in the streets with the human children while his Mom was in the markets. He has hundreds of photo albums full of friends and pets, and they all have one thing in common...
They’re all someone he lost.
🌑 (Sleep)
When he was younger, he slept horribly. Always too hot or too cold. It was always too loud or too quiet. Definitely one of those babies that kept his parents up for hours before they finally figured out how to get him to sleep.
Thinner shirts, thinner blankets, but combined they were warm enough to keep him from getting sick. A quiet music box he still has to this day, and even used with his own Cities.
As he got older he grew out of his pickiness with sleeping conditions, and can pretty much sleep wherever. He can’t nap though, he just can’t sleep during the day.
The marijuana definitely helps, though.
👔 (Clothes)
Very much a black cargo pants man. He loves the pockets. Perfect for holding everything the local weed dealer needs…not that he’s a dealer (Don’t tell Mom or Dad—).
Hiking boots, he may love to ski and snowboard, but he loves to hike in the warmer months— he’s often invited to join Oregon and Washington with his dogs.
Puffer vest, one with a hood. I love vests and he seems like the type. It’s his State flag colors and the funky little ‘C’ and circle they have. I love it, it such a weird (affectionate) flag to me.
In colder months, he’ll wear a white sweater, a thicker black beanie, and his ski goggles.
In the warmer months, he’ll wear a white t-shirt underneath the vest. He also has one of those thinner beanies made for summer, also black. In place of his goggles, he’ll have those sporty sunglasses.
He also has a silver chain necklace, and all his cities have a matching one. He also wears a watch to keep track of time, he’s very time blind— probably made worse by the marijuana. It’s an older model of watch, he gets a new one every few decades. But the first one he ever got was his Dad’s old watch, and he keeps that old thing in a drawer of his desk.
(Gov has tried to get him to throw the old watch out; “Joshua, it doesn’t even work anymore. It’s taking up space.” “I don’t care.”, he’s very sentimental)
🏡 (Home)
All the States have several homes throughout, usually apartments in major cities and homes in suburbs.
Then they have their Main House, usually wayy bigger than the others (most being manors) somewhere in their State.
Colorado has a rustic-style, manor-ish (not as big as a manor but close) home in the mountains, pretty far away from other people.
He likes humans, more than he probably should, but he likes having the big open space-- his doggos love it too. It’s perfect for when all his kids come visit, enough space for them all to have their own thing, yet close enough for them to be meshed together. He can’t have them all over at once, unless some want to share beds, sleep on couches, and camp in the yard.
There are plenty of natural trails he likes to take around, and its just a pop away from anything else!
🟣 (Romantic/Sexual/Shippy)
Panromantic Demisexual, not currently in a relationship.
He’s not really looking for a romantic relationship right now, but if it happens naturally...
🍜 (Food)
He’s a stoner. He’s got the munchies. He will eat pretty much anything edible thats placed in front of him.
But if Mom or Dad makes cinnamon rolls...he has to be held back from eating all of them. Like, literally restrained.
It’s ONLY if Mom or Dad makes them. He will not do it with anyone elses cinnamon rolls.
It’s not that strange, we’re pretty sure everything Gov and Assistant make is laced with something...the lab results have shown nothing weird, but we can’t be too sure. It might be magic.
🧵 (Hobbies)
Skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing...of course, those are expected. He will try everything outdoorsy once! Its fun for him and his dogs, and his kids often join him.
He also has a synthesizer and plays grand piano, though he usually only does the grand piano at Mom and Dad’s house. He also has a portable beatmaker. He likes the flashy buttons.
He does yoga and other exercises, and likes jigsaws.
Mom taught him to crochet, and he often does it when he’s stressed.
Most States know how to sew, Mom and Dad taught them so they could fix their own clothes if needed, but Colorado is one of few that wanted to crochet too.

Oh, Maine 💙 I have a little bit on him;
Maine is the 23rd State and the 10th State to be raised by Adam and Robin; Gov and Assistant. Granted Statehood March 15, 1820.
Now, despite him being raised by a younger Gov and Assistant, he’s still very much a Northeastern State. He’s just better about talking through his feelings than the Oldest of Old Men, the OG 13.
Like most of the older children, he can get protective of the younger ones when they form, because they’re all incredibly small children when they form as State personifications.
This does not mean he sees them as siblings, it’s more like…the bond kids raised in a tight-knit community have. Not to say some States don’t have sibling-like relations, Gov and Assistant just never forced them to see each other as family.
The only ones who are by blood are the Carolinas and Dakotas. It’s why they always say ‘the other kids’ instead of ‘my siblings’ in my stories. Gov and Assistant are their parents, but that does not mean they see each other as family.
They aren’t human nor are they ‘born’, there is only blood relation between the Dakotas and Carolinas.
For a long time, mostly his youth, he didn’t really have any form of contact with the OG’s; especially since the younger States usually stick around Gov and Assistant until they’re at least 15-in-body. This is the age they usually attend their first meeting, as well.
The thing about the Northeastern States is that they’re very protective of their loved ones, and Maine came around after the OG’s pulled back from Gov and Assistant, and, by association, the younger States and Departments. Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio are really the only States who got the Grandparents the OG’s are. Louisiana, too, but he was really young and barely 2-years-a-State when the Ultimatum went into effect.
Maine is very much that one kid who doesn’t want anyone near his parents.
They’re too nice to be friends with you, so shove off! — Little Maine to nearly every human he’s seen his parents interact with. Not swearing because it makes his parents upset when he does.
Maine was one of the few who took the change from Optimistic Congress and Forever-Smiling Assistant to the ever-exhausted pair of Stoic-but-caring Gov and Always-Worried-but-hiding-it Assistant the best; it took the rest awhile to get used to, but Maine got used to it quick.
They were still his parents, after all. He loves them and knows they love him.
A few more little extras about him!;
—Congress and Assistant made each of their kids a stuffed toy based on any animal of their choosing, even stitching the doll’s name somewhere on the toy. Maine’s is a blue lobster named Ebenezer, because he was an old man even at five. The name is stitched in red on Ebenezer’s left pincher.
—He most definitely owns a lighthouse and uses it to hide when he’s done dealing with people.
—He has a Maine Coon named Persephone and she’s Satan in disguise. She will eat your socks while they’re on your feet. He will hear no word of her wrong-doings.
—Maine, Louisiana, Hawai’i and Alaska have fist-fought bears together. It is not good for Gov or Assistant’s health. They don’t do it as often anymore, but they do hang out a lot.
—Massachusetts is Maine’s favorite Grandpa and Maine is one of the favorite grandchildren.
—Do not believe the OG’s when they say they do not have favorite grandchildren. They are liars.
—He’s very ‘Maim First, Ask Later’. He gets it from his Mama, except Robin is more likely to murder as a warning.
—One of his Cities got him a shirt with ‘Maim First, Ask Later’ printed alongside a Moose. It’s one of his favorite shirts.
—Very much has that ‘lumberjack’ aesthetic. Alaska would too if it wasn’t almost always freezing. The cold doesn’t bother him but it’s become habit to bundle up for the cold weather.
—He enjoys hiking and camping, and takes at least two months every year to just vibe in the woods.
—He was a lobster fisherman in the mid-1800’s to and everyone on the docks adored his Ma whenever she came by, even if they never really remembered her face. Most likely because she made the best blueberry pie any of them ever had.
—He’s not entirely sure, but any food his Ma and Pop makes is more delicious than anything else he’s ever had. Other states agree and so do the few humans they make friends with. At this point, the consensus is either magic or a blood deal.
—He’s sure it’s probably because they grow and make most of their food by hand, no matter how busy they are, or buy from local farmers. They once said its relaxing and they always seemed to have fun, so even Baby Maine didn’t make a fuss like he usually did when they were overworking themselves. (Probably because they bribed the toddler with homemade blueberry jam. They taught him how to make it when he was older. His never tasted as good as his parents.)
—He doesn’t do the fishing much anymore, but he still goes out on his own boat once in awhile for fresh fish, crabs, oysters and lobster.
—He, like all states, can play instruments. Most States know piano, taught by Gov and Assistant, along with whatever other instrument they chose. Maine chose the acoustic guitar as his second favorite.
I’m still doing these 😅 for my WTTT AU
~ Headcanon Asks ~
Send me a character’s name and an emoji and I’ll share one headcanon I have related to the emoji’s topic.
🟡 - Happy
🔴 - Angsty/Sad
🟣 - Romantic/Sexual/Shippy
🏡 - Home
👪 - Family
🍜 - Food
👔 - Clothing
🧵- Hobbies
🌑 - Sleep
🗣 - Social
🐈 - Pets/Animals
🎼 - Music
🗡 - Fighting
Do you have any headcanons to spare about California?
Californiaaaaaa~ Brooklyn Jones~
I have a few!! Not many though :)
-California is one of the few States to have a seperate name to what his parents gave him. Brooklyn ‘Brook’ Jones with family, Cal Goldacre as a sort of stage name.
-A big Hollywood Star in the 50’s through to the 90’s.
-He decided to go by Cal Goldacre, mostly due to his own internalized guilt that made him think he was unworthy of using the name his parents gave him in order to be famous.
-He can balance on flat surfaces, but any sort of slope and he Can Not. Part of the reason he quit acting, with sets getting more and more complex.
-Fat Cat Alfonso for the win, Brook loves the fluffball. He loves all animals, but not all animals love him :(
-Tall and Lanky. The same height as Texas, 6’6, but not as heavy built. About 210 to Texas’ 360. This does not stop him from arguing with Texas, and he can hold his own.
-His favorite sports are surfing and horseback riding, though he doesn’t do the latter that often.
-He’s dramatic and builds a lot of false confidence to hide his insecurities. It works. Mostly.
-Does not work on everyone! The OG’s are Masters at Emotional Repression and his parents are Very Observant. He will be found out.
-Touch Starved, Alfonso helps. Not the same as getting the affection from a family member, but it helps.
-Adam and Robin say ‘Absolutely Not’ and make sure to hug him or pat him on the back at least once a day-- if they can’t, they call him.
-Difficulty talking to new people. Most States had that when they were young because, y’know, Humans, but it’s stuck with Brook through his life.
-He/Him but in a ‘He’s just a little skrunkly, he’s just a little guy!’ kind of way
-Just a Little Guy
Do you have any Texas headcannons?
Texas— Gabriel Jones! The Mama’s Boy :3
I have a few!
-He goes by Gabriel, he’ll answer to ‘Texas’ but he doesn’t like it as much.
-Sometimes he won’t even answer to it, unless its one of the Government humans. They don’t get to call him ‘Gabriel’.
-Maybe you can tell, but he’s a Mama’s AND a Papa’s boy. He loves both of them very very much.
-If you asked him to pick when he was a little boy, he would cry. If you ask him now, he’ll ignore you and go hug his parents instead.
-Speaking of when he was little, it was very easy to make him cry. Very, very easy. Sensitive little boy turns into a sensitive man (who hides his emotions because he doesn’t know how to deal with them anymore).
-For many years, he hid in his Ma’s skirts or Pa’s coats when they went out. He still tries to do it despite being 6-12 inches taller than them.
-They let him hide! They’ll hold him but act like he’s not there to everyone around them.
-He has the most subconscious trauma from Before he was the State of Texas, back when he was the Texas Republic and when he was a colony of Spain.
-Which is part of the reason he hid from strangers and cried easy, he was a little man with big fears and big emotions.
-He is a BIG man, 6’8 with tree trunk limbs and a chest the size of a barrel. Easily 300+ pounds, able to carry everyone in his family with ease.
-He gets it from Georgia.
-Has a Blue Lacey dog. Her name is Buddy, because she’s his little buddy!
-She helps him around his ranch with all his animals and such, which are mostly cared for by his Cities since he’s been in the Statehouse.
-He still goes to check in on the ranch at least four times a week, he just don’t live there all the time anymore.
-He has a bay and white colored Clydesdale horse, his name is Ford.
-He drives a bright red, four-door pick-up truck. No one remembers the brand and it probably shouldn’t work as well as it does.
-They no longer make the truck or the parts used for it, he still gets his hands on replacements anyway. The truck is a little banged up but clean and works like its new.
-He has a Texan flag bumper sticker, and thats it. If someone sticks a new sticker on his truck, he’s out there scraping it off until theres nothing left of it.
-Cities don’t always look like their State’s personification (aka, their parent) but sometimes they are incredibly similar. Houston looks exactly like him, just an inch shorter.
-He does REALLY bad with cold weather. Most Southern States do, but he gets BAD.
-He and all his Cities pack it up and go to the Jones house when it gets too cold. Ma and Pa always have enough rooms for everyone.
-If he’s still freezing because of his State’s temperature, he’s buried in 20 blankets. He may be lying on top of his parents, or in a pile with his Cities in front of the fire place. He may just be dressed warmer than usual.
-His main house is a farmhouse, with several rooms for his Cities to stay in (several still live with him). It’s on a large plot of land he built his ranch on.
-All in all, he tries to act tougher than he is. I love him, I want to throw him out a tenth story window. I want to wrap him in blankets so nothing hurts him.
May we pls have some Louisiana hc’s?? It’s completely fine if not lol 😅
Louisiana~ Gustave ‘Gus’ Jones~
Anything for you, Lovely! I have a few!
-Goes by Gus or Loui, don’t call him Louisiana.
-Don’t. Call. Him. Louisiana.
-Killed his gender a long time ago. He/Him in the ‘No thought behind his eyes’ kind of way. He and Flo both.
-Has an alligator named Missie, and she thinks she’s a small dog instead of being 13 feet long. He can walk her on a harness and everything.
-Her harness is sparkly purple with gold detailing, she loves it.
-Gus is very much the Guy Everyone Likes.
-If someone doesn’t like Gus, everyone around them gets very confused.
-In addition, he’s the Guy Who Knows Everyone. No matter where you go, he knows someone there (For entirely different reasons than the NorthEast).
-Has been arrested, several times, for something he has done and things he didn’t do. He gets out everytime.
-If he doesn’t smooth talk his way out like he’s leaving a family barbecue, his parents will show up to bail him out (by just walking out, no money paid).
-Great cook! Learned from his Mama who learned from her Poppa! They make minor changes throughout the decades and make changes to suit their palatte, and they each have something they’re best at!
-New York makes the best Cinnamon Rolls (have caused fights to get one, just don’t fight jn his kitchen)
-Robin makes the best Hot Chocolate (no fighting or you won’t get any!)
-Loui makes the the best bread pudding (makes it regularly, uses it as a bribe!)
-The Alibi, no matter what, when, or where– he’ll be your alibi.
-Chill and Relaxed, but Will Do Dumb Shit.
-He very rarely comes up with said Dumb Shit, but he will go along with pretty much anything.
-Knows how to use a sword, doesn’t enjoy it
-Reminds him of being a French Colony a Bit Too Much
-He will if he Absolutely Has To
-One of the more Magically Inclined States
-He has books and a ritualistic type room in each of his homes
-He passively sees spirits and ghosts
-That’s not always a good thing
-Has fought a cop
-Most States have fought cops, to be fair. Gus just takes more joy in it.
-More neutral view of humans. Few States have that type of few.
-Most States don’t like humans or enjoy being around them, very few States don’t care either way.
-His main house is pure Swamp Witch vibes, and is right next to a small swamp.
-Missie lives in the swamp with any of her babies, but also has free reign of the ground floor.
-Has incredible alcohol tolerance
-Technically a High-Functioning alcoholic
-(Great Potential for Hurt/Comfort)
-Blorbo from my Shows. I want to squeeze him like a stress ball.
When you were talking about Loui headcannons you said one of the more magically inclined states, I think that implies there are more with magic
If so, who are these states?
Of course! I’ll have to explain what the States’/Personifications’ magic really is, first!
All Personifications have a little bit of magic, usually focused on their Do-Not-Notice-Me thing and their immediate environment (Emotions affecting temperature and overall mood of surrounding humans, things like that). Some of them have more magic, some have less, and no one really knows why.
The magic is stored partially within their blood, and they have a second ‘heart’ that stores and pumps the magick through their bloodstream. This ‘heart’ does not show up in X-Rays, nor when a State is cut open, and leaves no residue when a personification dies.
Loui is one of the States that is more magically inclined…though I suppose it’s better to say he’s one of the States with the most practice.
All States can do small things, like bringing a cup or the remote to them without getting up, several use it to help along with paperwork by filling their mugs or fetching a pen.
Loui has enough practice to do other things, such as spell casting, voodoo, and speaking to spirits.
Other States that are similar include:
Massachusetts, being the most practiced of all States. He can do a little bit of everything but enjoys doing things to inconvenience his enemies the most.
Oklahoma, just because I feel like it. His focus is on herbs and naturally grown remedies. So if you don’t want to take actual medicine, he’s got ya!
Oregon, he uses those healing/protection crystals and natural oils but they actually work. They work really well.
Nevada, she uses tarot cards and all the fun stuff people charge $30 for at carnivals or in back alleys. He’s the family psychic.
Robin and Adam. They change the land around them to better suit their needs (They don’t do it often and usually its minor. They don’t want to hurt the States!) They can move things around in their environment, either subtlety or really noticeable if they want to. They can turn something, like a pencil, into something else, a knife.
They see spirits if they actually focus on them (they’ve gotten used to them, honestly), and are living wards against evil, supernatural entities. They’ve also brought humans back from the dead on occasion!
Other personifications could do this sort of stuff too if they practiced, but most either don’t want to or don’t care all that much, while some want to learn but are afraid or don’t know where to start.
All in all, personifications are weird and Very Fun to think about. I want to squish them all like stress balls.
Hello. Have a little Body Temperature Headcanons for my Departments, States, Adam, and Robin.
The Departments have a relatively regular body temperature, internal and external. The kind that won’t make a doctor look twice. They are a few degrees colder than most humans though. About 95 F.
The States basically match whatever their State’s temperature is. A common hc, but it works. If they are sick, though, they’re either really cold or really warm.
Adam’s internal body temperature is a mess, basically all of the state’s current temperatures (weatherwise) mixing like watercolor paint. Most Thermometers don’t work on him for this reason, because they never give a concrete number. His external temperature is always the opposite of whatever climate he’s standing in. Like, could cause ice in a desert and melt snow in Yakutsk. When he’s sick he’s usually incredibly warm no matter what the outside temp is.
Robin is either extremely warm, extremely cold, or has no temperature at all. There is no in-between. Her internal temp is always boiling hot— not hot enough to immediately kill whoever she swallows alive, but enough that within a few agonizing hours their skin will be boiling off. When she’s sick she gets cold— like causes frostbite if a human touches her cold.
Hello again. Which state do you think would hurt themselves in a really dumb way but not in a dumb and stupid enough way that there’s no disappointment
Hmmmmmmmmmm. There are. Many ways. I will only give three right now, tho.
Utah, Alaska, and Hawai’i.
Utah: would likely get hurt doing something normal, to be honest. Maybe he falls off his riding lawn mower— we all know he has one— because he didn’t take proper precautions. Not really dumb, but also? Kinda dumb.
Alaska: Poor boy would walk right into a wall at full speed and break his nose😔 he didn’t notice it, honest.
Hawai’i: She’s a smart girl, she’s very independent and capable. She also regularly swims with tiger sharks (well-known for attacking lone swimmers, along with eating anything) and shakes coconut trees until they fall (coconuts kill 150 people on average annually)