forthechubbies - 20's, A chubby weirdo girl loves her some kbois.
20's, A chubby weirdo girl loves her some kbois.

252 posts

The Princess And The Ghost

The Princess And The Ghost

Synopsis• Can the living marry the dead? A question the princess dares to ask after falling in love with a ghost whose past life has been long forgotten.

Duo• Princess! Reader x Royal! BTS but mainly Ghost! Jimin

Genres • Royal Au, Romcom, Horror (Boo!), and Magic

Beware! Namjoon is a slight meanie and a know it all *Rolls eyes*

 The Princess And The Ghost

At noon, In the imperial library, The moonlight sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven is elaborately recomposed on the grand piano. This dates back to the first time your ears had ever heard of such a celestial piece of music performed flawlessly. You gathered the ends of your informal ball gown, rushing to applause the skillful instrumentalist.

However, To your dismay, not a person in sight.

The following ended in the same result. How could a person disappear so rapidly in which a short amount of time? How peculiar? You asked the servants about the mysterious symphony, but their answers were the same.

"Me? Play the piano?! My humblest apologies, Your Grace, but I can only cook." Said the chef.

"My word Miss, Have you become ill? No one else is allowed in the library besides you and the king." Cried Matilda, the head maid.

That's right, Only those of the royal bloodline are permitted to step foot in the library, which you thought was appalling everyone deserves to read. Oh! The royal librarian must know or perhaps the blessing to your prayers.

"Namjoon?! Sir Namjoon?!"

"Princess! You'll wake the dead. This is a library; please be a bit more considerate." Namjoon scolded, Looking over his glasses. Why didn't you think of this before? Namjoon is not only the royal librarian, but He's also your teacher as well. The kingdom's genius surely knows how the play the piano.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon, but I have a question."

Namjoon gave you his undivided attention, setting aside his novel. "What troubles you, Princess?"

"Can you play the piano?"

He scoffed as if he were insulted. "Why, of course, I can play the piano. Do you take me for some type of buffoon?" He advanced to the piano and began to play.

You watched and listened, but it didn't sound the same. Although Namjoon's fingers danced among the keys similar to this afternoon, the melody was missing something; it wasn't right.

Either way, You praised his brilliance after his performance but left in sorrow. This afternoon you sat in the library with a spot of tea; you've been there since early this morning because of your father becoming unbearable when he's on his 'We need to a compatible successor to have my lovely daughter's hand in marriage.' streak.

That's when you witness the impossible; the piano began to play on its own. Astounded, you held your breath as a figure of a man feebly appeared at the piano. His colorless eyes had no pupils, skin of virgin snow, hair as black as night. Nothing took his interest.

The more you observe, the more solid his form appears. His plush lips faded to pale pink.

He froze, raising his head to you, and smiled.

You gently reached your hand; you wished to touch him, but before you had the chance, the doors flew open.

"Miss! Miss! Duke, Seokjin is here for brunch! He's earlier than expected. We might get you ready immediately." Matilda snatched your hand and ran towards the door.

"But wait, there's a man-" You looked back to nothing but thin air. " But he was right there!?"

"Enough, Miss, please let's go, or else; your father will have me head." She begged.

"Yes-of..oTf course."

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More Posts from Forthechubbies

3 years ago
Why Do Your Pictures Make Me Smile So Much?

Why do your pictures make me smile so much? 🥰

3 years ago
His Hair~
His Hair~

his hair~

3 years ago

Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.

Category's• RomCom, Comedy, Manhandling, Noncon Touching, Nsfw Scene ( Jungkook gets a boner), verbal abuse, and a scary possessive Jungkook.

Duos• Yandere Jungkook! X Chubby! Reader

Fun Fact, This chapter has pictures!!!!!!!

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"I felt like it!"

Now on top of insomnia, Jungkook's begrudging tone caused your nerves to boil over. Most men have a deep animosity towards marriage, the very word may lead people to dry heave, but just your luck, Kook isn't most men. Upset and a bit drowsy, you perched on the futon(Sofa) in the living room and blankly stared at the wallpaper rerunning Jungkook's & Your squabble. How Jungkook spat at his petty reasoning for bringing you here, You fighting the itch to slap him for displaying himself as the victim but you were no saint in all this.

'The wedding night' a recalled paradise by Kook's description. A true night to remember yet you couldn't remember a thing. Is this what makes you unsympathetic to Jungkook's anger and admiration for you-? The daybreak of dawn spilled through the windows painting the surfaces in a breathtaking orange. You stepped out to catch a quick breather.

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Same clouds, the same sun, Nothing absolutely unusual but being under foreign skies hit differently, and for some odd reason or from the lack of sleep, you felt a small spark of energy. Cooking! Let's cook! You strode to the kitchen.

Yes, A big breakfast. Everyone loves a hot meal to start the day! Pancakes, Waffles, omelets, etc. Enough to feed not one but two full family reunions.

So you cooked into your heart's desires-

“Mmmph!” You jumped a little at this sudden sound of discomfort, creeping closer to the heavy snoring at see

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6


How did he-I watch him go into the beach house, and I’ve been downstairs since. Maybe there are two entrances....So this face is an idol huh?

You giggled and saw the perfect advantage point to

“Squish. Squish. Squishyyyy” You poked and pinched at his chubby cheeks. What? You're mad at Jungkook; his cheeks, on the other hand, had nothing to do with this.

“Woah! Food!” When the magic word is spoken, the other men followed in sync. Jimin’s hunger has been bugging him since his odd dream of being surrounded by the fluffiest marshmallows the world had to offer.

No questions are needed for Taehyung and Jimin, just a home-cooked blessing. You guessed they must not get home-cooked meals due to their busy schedules and how Jimin’s law unhinged to swallow a two pancake in whole.

“ Yum!”

“ Taste like heaven.”

They grinned with stuffed cheeks.

The hyung line harshly judged the two maknae, but the four men reached an agreement it's too early for scolding.

“I’m grateful you like it.” You squeaked. “ I apologize for going in your fridge without permission, but I had to find a way to thank you for sharing your home with a complete stranger.”

You're too sweet! The men clutched their chest feeling their heart squeezed to your raw kindness when it's your victim! A true angel in human form.

“ It isn't your fault,” Jin reassured. “ it's this bums fault!” He roared, slapping a rolled-up yoga mat.

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

“ I remember telling you to stay ten yards for this house while Yn is staying here.”

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Jungkook simply grumbling out of his sleep, giving a heavy-lidded look at his hyung then to you. “Good Morning, Doll,” He groped at the hem of your gown to pull you closer.

Hoseok interrupted Jungkook switching places with you. “ Ah! Loverboy, it's time for breakfast; you better enjoy it now because today, as a second punishment, your practicing twice as hard.”

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Jungkook groaned louder.

Besides the smacking of their lips, the kitchen was silent. Oddly enough, You found it rather satisfying staring at their chubby cheeks as they chewed.

Must not pinch cheeks. Must not pinch the cutest, chubbiest cheeks I’ve seen. Must resist the temptation!

Poor Jimin. Just a sitting duckling, unaware of Yn eyeing his squishable cheeks.

“ Your Korean is good.” Namjoon friendly beamed. “ Are you self-taught?”

Thankfully for Jimin, Namjoon drew your attention to himself.

“Oh, My grandfather was from Busan, South Korea, and since my grandparents raised me due to my parents passing away, Korean sought of was my second language.” You sheepishly scratched your cheek. “Although there are still some words that go over my head.”

Namjoon nodded.

“How did your grandparents meet?” Taehyung asked.

“My grandfather was a soldier during the time they first met; he was in America for a while, I can't remember why. At first sight, he fell in love with my grandmother, claiming she was the woman of his dream. Having no kin left in Korea, he decided to abandon the military and live in America with my grandmother, never returning here again. “

“Awwww!!” Hoseok shouted.

“Jungkook is from Busan,” Jimin observed. “ Your beauty must especially charm Busan men.”

There goes that look again...How does his guy have the energy to flirt this early in the morning.

" I wouldn't go that far. " You muttered, fanning at Jimin's flattery.

Taehyung smirked, looking next to you. " So what should we call that then."

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6
 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Nearly caught redhanded, Kook shifted his eyes, taking an interest in the woodwork. He's been ogling at you for the past five minutes, half wishing he could scoop you up in his arms and pressed your soft doughy body against his athletic one and the other half glad you're getting along with your new brothers-in-law.

“Mr.Jeon, You haven't eaten anything.”

You see it as giving Jungkook the cold shoulder; Jungkook sees it as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Either way, You're adorable in his eyes.

Jungkook joined in on the breakfast club. “ I just had to take a shower first-”

“ Why would you take a shower first?” Your eyes shot to the droplets dripping off his ends. “You’ll catch a cold going outside with your hair like that.”

“I will be fine. My immune system is strong,” Jungkook boasted shoving scrambled eggs in his mouth.

Jungkook flinched at the sudden warmth of a towel lowered on his head. You massaged Jungkook’s damp hair until you were satisfied; Jungkook’s doe eyes gazed at your face. If you looked close enough, you could see his pupils form into hearts.

“ Here.” You dropped the soaked towel on his lap.

The men observed you're motherly action, understanding why Jungkook is so hostile and protective of you. You cared about the little things-

“Um? Namjoon? It's five-fifteen; I thought you guys had practice at six.”

Namjoon eyes widen. “ Aish!”

The men began to run about the house like headless chickens, showering, yelling about where one’s mislay belongs..well, except for one, can you guess who?

Jungkook graced the delicate skin of your knuckle with pepper kisses, following up your forearm.

He wants attention. If you react, you're bounded to repeat the previous night. Just ignore him, and he will get the gist.

“Jungkook, Get up here!” Once again, Jin to the rescue. Jungkook clicks his tongue upset he couldn't find himself to disobey his Hyung.


“Everyone ready to head out?” Namjoon asked but only got groans as a response.

It took a curious hobi to bring up the subject of their new guest. “ What about Yn? She might get scared being here’s a pretty big place.”

“It's too dangerous taking her with us,” Yoongi added.

“But it may be dangerous leaving her here,” Jiminie explained farther. “ Most the time, our managers will come here to check on us, and what if they arrived and thought Yn broke in.”

The boys nodded.

Taehyung snapped his fingers, possessing a brilliant idea. “ We will dress her up like a boy that way; everybody will guess she's one of our background dancers just headed with us to practice!”

Jin high five Taehyung for thinking on his feet.

Namjoon silently agreed to Taehyung’s plan even clapped. Have to give credit where credit is due.


Everyone made a contribution to your 'disguise.' Jungkook brought the oversized shirt and sweatpants; Jimin has the tiniest feet, somewhat close to your size, so he provided the sandals and the topping on the cake, A black mask to hide your face (Yoongi), A bucket hat stolen from Jungkook (Taehyung).

The others added a few accessories. Jin made you a lunch encase you get hungry watching them; Hobi gives you his favorite sun toy encase you get nervous around other people, and as for Namjoon, he safely escorted you into their van.

And yes, They are well aware of them being an hour later, but better safe than sorry.

The boys spoke among themselves, leaving you be in this cramped van oddly enough, squeezed up against the window had its advantages-You admired the architecture of cities you passed and adored the rain thumping on the roof of the truck.

“ Ahhh..” You softly yawned. The boy's voices faded away as your eyes finally closed.

“Babe....Babe....Babe” Jungkook doe eyes pierced into yours. He's so close..too close. “We’re here.” He led out his large hand for you to take, and you did.

Perhaps it's the restlessness, or you just crazy, but Jungkook's eyes have changed since that night. His eyes were murky and frigid like he wanted to gobble you up, and just now, they warm and friendly like a puppy after its master comes back after leaving the room for a couple of seconds.

You did as Namjoon introduced, ‘Keep your head down and follow close behind us.’ It wasn't what you expected; You thought it to be like how it is in the movies, rude paparazzi hounding them down, but there were only two men who greeted them at the door.

They attempted to catch a glimpse of you, not before you were tugged behind Jin’s broad shoulders.

Once inside you marveled at the spacious room filled with award-winning album covers and pictures of the boys.

"Aww. How cute. BTS debut..2013” You giggled at their baby faces, especially Taehyung.

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

“If you think that's cute.” Jimin startled you by popping out the blue. “ Look at this one.” He led you to the far left of the wall. “Tada.”

 Mrs. Jeon Vol.6

Double Aww! Look at those eyes! Too bad he's insane now.

“ Jimin, We're starting.”

“ Coming, Hyung."


Sweaty, exhausted, and famished, On the ride to their luxury dwelling, the roles reversed; the boys were sound asleep, and you were the one awake. You don't recall the ride being this long, or maybe it's because your sandwich between a sweaty and sticky Jungkook and Taehyung.

I am no longer a human being for now until the end of time; I shall be known as a pillow because... this is the third time I'm being used as one!

Jungkook’s muscular arms laced your chubby waist and found satisfaction in using your chest as a headrest while Taehyung snaked his legs on your lap as well as managing to find space for his arms around your waist, but his head rested on your shoulder.

Quite literally a day ago, you were a kindergarten teacher drowning in adorable babies and fingerpainting, and look where your life is now- A slight poke at your thigh irritated you too high heaven what is that? Jungkook’s phone? Wallet?... You took it upon yourself to crane your neck to found out without waking the flowers, and boy, you wish you hadn't.

You swallowed your screams.

" Guys, Your home."

You were the first one out of the car and rushed to Jungkook's room without looking back. Is it possible to be surrounded by too many handsome men? Yes! Sweet mother of Korea, This position is taking a great toll on your heart.

I need to relax...A Bath! Yes! Let's take a nice hot bath-

Knock Knock

“Yn? Are you alright...Are you sick?”

Oh, It's Namjoon. He sounds like a worried father.

“ I'm fine, just um tired. I haven't been to sleep since I got here.”

There was a short pause for a while, but Namjoon simply replied.

“Oh, please rest well then and...lock your door just in case.”

I heard his heavy steps walk away from the door...Is he referring to Jungkook when he said to lock the door? Either way, I'm not taking his advice lightly. Ok, door locked, and hot water running.

Finally, A nice bath. I can feel all my problems melting away, but they surface when I realized that this reality... A trillionaire man, Jungkook, kidnaps me after I left him..and apparently, we're married, but I can't remember a thing past me agreeing to date him. Crazy isn't the word to describe the mess I'm in...But you know who would love this Lily...Lily!

Lily might be worried sick (Although she literally handled you over to Jungkook.) There are a couple of things I’ve been missing since I got here; My phone! My glasses!...My sanity! Maybe they fell in the grass outback. I need to call Lily.

One Bath Later

Carrying the hem of my gown, I tiptoed downstairs, avoiding the conversation in the kitchen.

"She should be hungry by now." Jin gazed at the staircase.

"She had a long night, and I heard her cooking way earlier this morning." Taehyung picked at his sticky white rice.

Jimin hummed in agreement. "That breakfast was to die for, though.”

Namjoon bit his bottom lip and frowned his brow. “I hope she's not sick. After we arrived from practice, she fleed to Jungkook's room and locked the door.”

“No kidding?” Hobi stood up to head towards the stairs, but Yoongi grabbed at his shirt. “ I just want to-

“Put yourself in her shoes-”

“We can't. Her feet are so tiny and cute.” Jimin added, making Taehyung snicker.

Yoongi glared at Jimin and back to Hobi. “ Anyway, Put yourself in her shoes; this is all new to her being surrounded by seven famous men because the baby decided to kidnap her due to the fact he's fallen in love with her.”

At least, They understand and care about me and don't see me as a homewrecker. Ok, ok glasses..glasses..glasses. It doesn't look like they're out here may be closer to the gate-

“What are you doing?”

I spun around on my heels just to see Jungkook standing behind me a few inches away. Oh great, I don't feel like dealing with his craziness right now. I'm going to simply tell him, looking for my glasses and phone.


“You're trying to leave me again.” He said firmly. “ Why can't you be a good little wife for once?!”

I recoiled on the counts of two things him yelling suddenly and being called a little wife.

Jungkook thrust forward to clutch my wrist in his hand. “You're not leaving again! Ever!”

I can feel the bruises forming on my wrist. “Ouch! Let go!”

Tags :
4 years ago

What's Wrong With Secretary Park?!

Synopsis• If balancing work and a stubborn ex-husband isn't hard enough, Let's add the boss’s seven sons falling head over heels for her to mix.

Category's• Romcon, Comedy, Office Au.

Duos• BTS X Reader

A spin-off of the original series ‘ What's Wrong With Secretary Kim’ Bangtan Edition! Starring the Handsome, Seo-Joon Park as the Ex husband.

There will be more parts but I didn’t want the title to be to long.


EP. One Two

“ Mrs. Park, Good Morning!”

“Mrs. Park, What does my schedule look like today?”

“Mrs. Park, Your coffee keeps me alive.”

In case you haven’t noticed, Park Yn, I’m the secretary to Jeon Sung-ho, the CEO of Dnd Parmatech, 85 percent of the time, newly build hospitals or centers use our funds as kickstarts. Daily I make schedules, appointments, filing documents, answering calls, and blah blah blah.

Is it boring? Yes, I know. However, quite refreshing coming from my hectic marriage. Once upon a time, I was wedded to the marvelous actor Park Seo-Joon for three years. I sat in the limelight and even had the privilege to play the part of his wife in movies. Sigh. Although the attention and riches were grand, no amount of expensive counseling could save our marriage. We never saw eye to eye on anything, and his short temper wasn’t helping.

Knowing my worth, I packed up and left without a doubt in my head. However, The documentation of our separation wasn’t finalized due to a certain one refusing to sign off on the divorce agreement. So physically, I’m still Mrs. Park but ain’t no piece of paper telling who I belong too.

Whatever! I have too much to focus on already! Game on, Game on! First, I got to get these papers approved and signed by Mr. Jeon then-

Buzz Buzz Buzz!

Who’s calling-


Speak of the devil. I could have sworn I deleted his contact a long time ago! “ What Seo-Joon? I’m busy-“

“ When is this little temper tantrum going to end? Darling, I think you made your point.”

“My point?! Listen here, You slimy son of-” Now, Now Yn calm down calm down don’t let him get a rise out you that just what he wants. A quick exhale should do the trick. “ Seo-Joon, I believe we reached an agreed on no type of communication unless it revolves around the settlement for the divorce.”

How is it possible I can physically see his snarky face?

Seo-Joon stretched out his list of complaints.” It’s been over a year. I miss your kisses, soft skin, that cute birthmark on your-“

“ You will not talk about such embarrassing things over the phone!” Thank goodness, Nobody was around to hear me shot like that.

“Why is this divorce still an issue?!” There goes that temper again-How whinny can one man be? “ If you don’t stop this, I will take matters into my own hands.”

I laughed. “ Ha, Seo-jerk, I’m not scared of you! Do your worst because It doesn’t matter if you drag me back home; it doesn’t subside the problem being over our marriage.” I feel like a broken record at this point. “ If this isn’t about the papers, this conversation is over, Mr. Park; please refrain from calling me again, goodbye.”

He chuckled and mumbled something along the lines of, “ Your cute acting cheeky like this.” The rest he continued louder “ Those delicate hands of yours were made to indulge in the finest silk and satin I can obtain, not working nine to five at whatever job hired a housewife with zero work ethic. I just know I haven’t touched your side of the room since that night- I love you, Mrs.Park, I always will.”

He hung up. You know, after he finished insulting my new lifestyle and calling me a useless housewife, the ‘ I love you’ bit at the end sounds sincere, but he is an actor! Of course.

Hmph! Just because I’m working for myself for one doesn’t mean I’m miserable. I’m actually in love with my job, It pays well with benefits, and I sat on my butt all day. If that pompous little bedazzled turd thinks making me the butt of his jokes will get me back in his arms, he has another thing coming!

“Um, Mrs. Park?”

“ What!” I snapped. “ Oh, Hoseok, I’m sorry!” I bowed my head; the poor thing nearly jumped out of his shoes.

Hoseok beamed his warm heart-shaped smile at me. “ Oppa is having a family meeting today; I guess I’m the first to show.”

I wasn’t informed about a meeting today from Mr.Jeon, maybe because it’s a family affair.

“Tada!” He cutely squeaks. A tasteful package breakfast alongside a tall cup of what I presume is a coffee from..’ Thanks Nature’!

“Oh my- Hobi, this cafe is across town-”

“I overhead Oppa scolding you for skipping meals one day and I’m here to do the same, don’t skip meals or else We will be hurt if something happens to you.” Hoseok pointed at the pack. “ Eat every bit.”

Hoseok displayed a small heart using his index finger and thumb, hopping off to his father’s double doors.

What's Wrong With Secretary Park?!

Mr. Jeon has seven sons in all. The man is a true saint; men like him and his sons are why I still believe not all men are dogs. After losing his wife to heart cancer, He just about went bankrupt, donating all he had to have found cures to multiple diseases hoping nobody else had to suffer his same heartbreak.

Love found him again in an orphanage just north of here, ‘Seoul Children Home.’ His first son, Kim Seokjin, at the time Jin was already in his teenage years, making it difficult for him to find a family due to the high demand of couples wanting a single-digit child. His birth family mistreated him, but he was beaten everywhere except his face to keep his handsome appearance. The family decided to put his money-maker to fair use and attempted to sell him. Seokjin saw his opportunity and high-tailed, landing himself in the orphanage where he happily lends a helping hand every chance he got. He learned how to read, write, cook, clean, and even tend to the tots when the nuns were busy.

This is how he met his slightly younger brothers, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, and Kim Namjoon; when being chosen for adoption, Seokjin refused to live without his baby brothers by his side.

“ Hello, Noona!”

Oh, Look just in time, “ Hello, You’re father is in his office.”

Namjoon eyed my edible gift from Hobi and raised his eyebrow as well as a question. “ So this is why Hyung left so early in the morning for-and I hope you’re having a good morning, Noona.”

I’m not older than them. Why do they call me Noona? Do I look old!?

“ Yn, Good morning! How are you!” Jin greeted me with English this morning. He must have been practicing with Namjoon lately.

“ I’m Fine. Seokjin.”

“Chu.” He blew a kiss my way. “ You’re not fine. You’re amazeing.”

What's Wrong With Secretary Park?!

“Amazing.” Namjoon corrected for the sidelines.

“Same thing.”

“Pronunciation is everything, Hyung.”

They stopped halfway from their dad’s office. Jin grinned. Wait, I know that smile; oh no, here comes a dad joke.

“ Hey, Namjoon-You know the reason I took the elevator instead of the stairs?”

Namjoon sighed. “ No, why?”

"I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something." Jin burst out laughing and clapped his hands.

I giggled not from the joke, but Jin has a contagious laugh.

“See, Yn has good taste.”

A slow deep groan entered the office belonging to Yoongi, lagging. “ I heard that terrible joke from the elevator.” Yoongi waved and leaned against my desk. “ Good Morning.”

“Good Morning.”

There was an awkward pause before Yoongi tapped my desk and pointed to his dad’s office from walking that way.


He turned back towards me.

“ I have something for you. I packed it up on the way here.” Getting off my butt, I walked up and gave him a bottle of his favorite black ice coffee. Ew. I don’t know how he drinks it with no cream or sugar.

Yoongi smiled his gummy smile. “ Thank you for thinking of me.”

“You’re welcome.” And off he goes into the office as well.

Yoongi isn’t the biggest fan of human interaction, but he put forth an endeavor towards me, whether it’s a light ‘ Hi or Hello” or the simplicity of a wave. I admire his gusto. Sidenote, He’s so adorable-I know I know I shouldn’t be gushing over my boss’s son, but his chubby cheeks and almond eyes melt my heart like butter on toast!

Ahem-I better get back to answering those emails and drink this beautiful cup of expensive mud before it gets lukewarm. Yummy, The delectable taste is a boost of serotonin! I really should get to work buuut Hobi did command me to get every last bit and technically he is my boss through some type of weird relative aspect. He is the boss.

Just in a moment of seconds, The breakfast and drink was trash. Something that good should be sinful. I feel terrible I should have saved some for the babies; they would have some, especially Jungkook.

The babies should be here any minute.

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3 years ago

Our Little Wife

Genres• Romcom, Nsfw!, Blood (Jungkook cuts himself on accident), Body shaming, and Lingerie

Duos• Poly!Mafia!BTS X Chubby! Reader

 Our Little Wife

Next ->

“ There you are, my little creampuff.”

This is Jungkook; He goes by many known aliases, Kookie, Bunny boy, Golden Maknae, International Playboy, but his favorite is your boyfriend. Yep, it's touching five years you sweethearts have been together, and Jungkook loves every moment of it.

“ Kookie, Please-not outside.” You begged him to crease the public display of affection. He kept a grip on the curve of your rump, ignoring your weak endeavor to keep him at bay and silent the assault of his pepper kisses on the crook of your neck. “ Y-You asked me to meet you here for a reason.”

That stopped him. “Right!” He frantically fiddled in his pockets. “ Shoot! Where did it go?” Wait, Wait, now he remembers, he didn’t want to put it in his pocket because of the hole, so he put it- “ Ah-ha!” Stretching the elastic in his joggers dug in the front of his pants.

“Kookie!” You blocked the front of him in case of prying eyes.

“Ugh, Here!” A velvet purple box? Why in his pants of all places?!

Oh lord, It's warm.

Jungkook held tight for your reaction.

“Kookie it’s not my birthday or anything-“

Feeling deeply insulted, Jungkook sneered. “ Creampuff, I don't need any holiday or special events to tell me when I should give you the love and support you deserve.” He snatched you into his arms. “ Now, Open it”

A diamond ring!? You always asked yourself how Kookie could afford such lavish trinkets and materials and when you asked, he would hush over the question with a kiss to your lips.

“Kookie, it's quite dazzling but-”


You gazed in his doe eyes with a troubled look. “ I can't take this and keep a clear conscience.” You gently placed it back into his hands. “ You might thing get the idea I’m only with you for your money but I love you as you are, Kookie.”

He smirked, taking the ring out the box and dangle it above his head. “ This measly rock is worthless compared to you...See.” Jungkook attempted to crush the ‘rock’ in his fist, but when he uncurled his fist, the diamond was still intact, yet the skin on his palm not so much. “Stronger than I thought.”

“Your bleeding!” You rampaged through your purse, retrieving the small first aid kit you keep for..well, Jungkook. He often turns up with nicks and scratches on him somehow. “ I will wear the ring just no more trying to break diamonds.”

“You're a peach, Puff.”

 Our Little Wife

“You want more tattoos?” The meat hissed as you tossed it into the full greased pan.

“Yea. I think I look more badass.” Jungkook ogled at your apron, squeezing the plush around your waist, growing envious of its frilly pink lace straps. “ Don't you agree?”

He pressed your back against his chest, admiring the sweet smell of your hair. Your hips molded perfectly for his large hands. So soft and squishy.

“At this rate, You’ll be more tattoo than man” You had a point; Jungkook's left and right arms were already engulfed in black ink. “But whatever your decision is, I'm always behind you.”

Dinner is served. The delicious spread whiff about your house while the food occupies Jungkook you took the opportunity to clean the kitchen.



“Why aren't you wearing the lingerie I brought?” You could tell Jungkook’s cheeks were full. “You don't like it?”

Why would you wear lingerie just to cook dinner? “ I thought it was for special occasions-”

“Again, with this special occasion nonsense, Puff.” Jungkook sighed, “Can I please see you in it? Pleaseeee!” He begged; you can practically see his puppy dog eyes through the thin walls.

“Alright...Al-alright.” Where did you put that godforsaken thing? One day, Jungkook came home with yet again another present. I mean, don't get me wrong, your always grateful Jungkook keeps you in mind, but lingerie doesn't suit your fancy. It's discouraging when you don't look as good as the models.

Ah-ha! Found you! do you put this thing on?

Going on twelve minutes now, Jungkook sat in the dining room alone. Did you hurt yourself? Maybe he should go check-

Click Clack

Purple see-through lace has never looked so good. The loosened straps fall off your shoulders gracefully, the gown stopped mid-thigh, although he could see your panties, he can't see your bare breast...matter of fact, He can't really see you in detail. You were standing in the dark part of the staircase.

Jungkook squinted. “Creampuff, You need to step in closer...Come here.”

“it's cooler over here.” You lied. A lie Jungkook is too intelligent to fall for.

“ Your so silly, Puff. No, seriously, come here.” Jungkook pats his lap, inviting you to sit. “Or do you want me to chase-”

“No! You can see me perfectly fine from where you are- I'm going to go change.”

Something's off; Jungkook grabbed your waist before you even dreamed about heading upstairs. He pulled into the light to see a heartbreaking discovery; your eyes were red and puffy, and your face was flushed. You've been crying.

“My creampuff was wrong!?” Jungkook held your face in your hands as if you were glass. “Don’t cry. What's the matter?”

“I look ugly.” You sobbed, “I’m all fat. I could you love a whale-like me.”

Jungkook's eye twitched. “ You know how I feel about you using the F word.” Effortlessly, He picked you up to carry you to the dinner table and sat you on his lap. “Who said you were ugly?”

“ I did.”

“ You did?”

You shooked your head.

“Well, that's no good.” He kept his hand on your hip. “Because I think you're gorgeous. My extremely breathtaking Creampuff that I kiss. “ He pecked your cheek. “ And hug” He wrapped his arms around your chubby waist. “ And I will happily fucking rail on this table.” He growled in your ear.

“ Kookie!” You gasped.

He grinned before attacking you're exposed chest with kisses.

Knock Knock Knock Knock!

“Who could that be at this hour?”

“Ignore them.” He mumbled in your chest. “ If they were important, they would have a key-”

“We smelled Yn’s cooking for outside.” Jimin swaggered in, dropping his duffel bag on the floor. “ Hi, Sweetheart” He leaned over to planting a kiss on your lips.

“Mmm-mwah, Hello, Jiminie!”

Pissed off Jungkook snapped. “ Who's we?”

“Honey, I'm Home.” Taehyung smiled at Yn. “Honeybee!”

You jumped up. “ Baby Bear!”

Taehyung picked you up and spun you around. “I missed you!”

You pinched his cheeks and pecked his nose. “ How was work?”

“Same old same old, but it's a lovely surprise to see you all dressed up for me when I get home.” Taehyung's hand rested on your ass and gave it a quick squeeze.

You giggled but screeched after thrown into Jimin’s chest.

Jungkook bumped foreheads with Taehyung. “ Creampuff is dressed up for me until you and Jimin-hyung came in.”

“Sharing is caring, Young one.” Taehyung gave him an eat-shit grin.

Meanwhile, in the background.

You whispered to Jimin. “You're my favorite, Jiminie.”

 Our Little Wife

Did I forget to mention the seven husbands you have!? Must have slip my head.

Stay tuned.

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