Bts Royal Au - Tumblr Posts
into the forest - m

word count: 3.6k
genre: smut 18+ | royal, faerie, forbidden love
pairing: fae!jungkook x fem!reader | hoseok x fem!reader (previous)
summary: as the second princess of the human kingdom, you know to fear the fae, they did wage war on your people for one thousand years after all. what happens when you meet one in the forest, and they aren’t what you imagined?
warnings: mentions of war, slut-shaming (in passing), smut scenes, mentions of rough sex/spanking, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), outdoor sex, nipple play, fingering, oral (f receiving), creampie
a/n: this is my first bts fic so i hope you enjoy it! thanks to all my friends for reading it and giving me feedback, you’re the best
Never trust the Fae, that’s what everyone always told you. They’re tricksters, they’re evil, all they care about is corrupting humans, and you believed them. Why wouldn’t you? As a child you were told tales of the terrifying Fae with their leathery skin, red eyes and big black horns. You would wake in the night crying for your nursemaid, afraid that there would be a Fae under your bed.
The Fae were not of legend though, they were very real, you knew this from your family history. You were not an ordinary child; you were the Second Princess of the human kingdom. Your father and mother were King and Queen respectively, and your older sister was the prized Crown Princess. Four hundred years ago your ancestor, the then King, had ended the one-thousand-year war which had occurred between your kingdom and the kingdom of the Fae. He had agreed with the Fae King to end the exhausting warfare on the condition that neither people would breach the others’ land. Since then, each community had kept to itself, neither interacting with the other, but the horror stories of the Fae remained as a cautionary tale to the brave few who wished to seek them out and break the peace.
You were currently stressed beyond belief by the trauma that was the organisation of your sister’s marriage. As the Crown Princess, therefore the next in line to the throne, she had been betrothed to the most respectable and handsome man in the whole kingdom, Lord Kim Seokjin. Your parents decided that at 23 years old it was time for your sister to finally be wed to her fiancé, and that meant hours of planning and protocol. Being the Second Princess, you were to be the maid of honour, and the dress fittings were beginning to wear you down.
Another cause of stress was that you would be the next to be married. You were yet to be betrothed to anyone, probably because your father viewed you as damaged goods after the incident with the Chief Knight, Jung Hoseok. A couple of years ago, after too much wine at a festival ball, you snuck away with Hoseok to an inconspicuous corridor. The drink had blurred both of your minds and your lips had become entangled in a passionate kiss. You still remember his lips caressing your neck and your begging of him for more. This led to your father, the King and ruler of all, finding you with Hoseok’s hand up your skirt. He definitely wasn’t pleased.
Your father had to be held back from punching Hoseok in the face and the next morning he had the guards practically drag the both of you to a private room for a discussion. He decreed that this brief relationship was not to continue under any circumstances, and if you were caught again Hoseok would be banished. Of course, you didn’t listen, but after a few months the relationship fizzled out, the thrill of getting caught wearing thin. Now Hoseok was married to a beautiful maiden, but you remained on good terms.
Part of you wished you could’ve married Hoseok, at least then there wouldn’t be any nerves. The prospect of being married to someone you were incompatible with made you cringe and feel a little sick in your stomach. No other man had ever made you feel anything, they were either too irritating or too arrogant, and you found yourself fatigued with having to dance with a different suitor at every ball, if only you could marry yourself.
This is how you found yourself riding your beloved horse, Bramble, into the Border Forest. There was nothing better than a good ride to relieve stress. However, you must have gotten carried away as you now found yourself in a part of the forest that you didn’t recognise. The flowers were different here and you couldn’t remember if you passed the red handkerchief that you’d tied to a tree many years ago to alert yourself that you were near the kingdom border. You see, the forest was generally out of bounds as it was close to the Fae kingdom, but you bent the rules on a regular basis, always making sure to stop before your self-placed marker so you didn’t accidentally break the peace treaty. Before you had a chance to panic even more, a voice called to you.
“Lost?”. You looked up to see a tall man with a mullet of black and blue hair in front of you. “Oh, thank goodness,” you said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I thought I had wandered into the kingdom of the Fae.” The man frowned slightly. “You are in the lands of the Fae,” he replied. You froze, you must have gotten very carried away on your ride to come this far out, but the sight of a fellow human calmed you slightly. “Could you please lead me back to our kingdom?” you asked. “Our kingdom?” the man looked puzzled. “This is my kingdom.” “But you’re human?” you half-asked. The man shook his head and smiled slightly. “No, I am Fae,” the man clarified.
You suddenly felt incredibly nauseous. How could this man be Fae? Where were his red eyes or big horns? This man didn’t look like a monster, in fact he was beautiful, ethereal and enchanting. “You seem shocked,” he said. You nodded. “You don’t look like I imagined,” you replied. “You know? The leathery skin and red eyes.” The man laughed heartily. “Is that what they tell you in the human kingdom?” he asked through his amusement. “That’s funny. I look like a typical Fae. No red eyes here. I’m Jungkook by the way.” The man, Jungkook, outstretched his hand. You looked at it for a moment before shaking your head, unwilling to touch your enemy.
“I will not tell you my name, all you must know is that I’m the Second Princess of the human kingdom,” you said in a matter-of-fact way. Jungkook laughed again, much to your irritation. “Continue back the way you came, Princess,” you tensed slightly when he used your title, it slid from his tongue in the most exquisite way. “You will soon be back in the human lands. By the way, I am the Second Prince of the Fae. If you’re curious about what other lies your people have told you about mine, meet me here in two days’ time at sundown. I will answer any questions you have.” You didn’t answer Jungkook, fear of his kind still coursing through your veins. You merely nodded, mounted Bramble and rode back home. You told yourself there was no way you would meet Jungkook again, but you couldn’t deny how your heart pulled you towards the idea.

Despite your brain telling you to stay away from Jungkook, either your heart, or something else, pulled you towards him. Two days after your initial meeting you stood in the spot where you first met. He was yet to arrive, and you were beginning to feel uneasy. It was dark and the sounds of unfamiliar wildlife were putting you on edge. Then you saw a figure approaching, Jungkook. He was illuminated by a swarm of floating lights; it was a mesmerising sight.
“You came,” he said, his mouth forming a smile. “I did,” you replied, pulling your shawl tighter around your shoulders. As Jungkook came closer you noticed that his hair was behind his ears, this was the first difference you noticed from yourself, his ears were pointed. “Your ears,” you said. “They’re pointed.” “They are,” Jungkook spoke warmly as he moved closer. “It’s a Fae characteristic.” He came to a stop two steps in front of you, the lights still swirling around him. “How are you doing that?” you motioned around him. “The lights?” “They’re fireflies,” Jungkook replied. “Fae are a lot more in touch with nature than humans are, that’s how we get our magic.” He moved his hands in circular motions and the fireflies spread out around you both, illuminating the area you inhabited. “Please sit,” he said, lowering himself down on the grass. You nervously followed his lead, still questioning why you were here with your ancestral enemy.
“Will you tell me your name, Princess?” the prince asked, the use of your title giving you shivers once again. You stayed silent for a moment. “Y/N,” you replied, shuffling your feet in the grass. “Y/N,” Jungkook repeated. “I like it.” You didn’t really know how to respond, so you settled for nodding, another silence falling on the two of you. “I’m guessing you came because you have questions,” he said. “So, ask me something.” Plucking up your courage you decided on a question that had been troubling you since you had left two days previously. “Why didn’t you tell your king that I trespassed on Fae lands?” you asked cautiously. “It breaks the peace treaty and we’re enemies.” “Are we?” Jungkook asked immediately. “Unless I’m wrong, I only met you two days ago Y/N. How can we be enemies?” You shook your head in frustration. “You know what I mean, we’re ancestral enemies,” you bit back quickly. “You could’ve told the king and declared war on all humans by now, but you didn’t.” Jungkook smiled. “I didn’t tell my father because you obviously came here by mistake, and I’ve never met a human before,” he said. “You say we have leathery skin, but we say that you have no light within, that you’re a barren and cold people.” Your eyes widened. Of course, you knew that the Fae must have stories about humans, but you didn’t expect them to be so philosophical.
“Am I then?” you said nervously. “Am I barren and cold with no light within?” The prince looked you up and down in a way that gave you goosebumps. “No,” he finally replied. “If anything, you’re radiant and lush. Life courses through your veins.” A feeling you hadn’t experienced since your dalliances with Hoseok took hold of you. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you couldn’t look Jungkook in the face. “Please don’t feel uncomfortable in my presence,” he reassured you. “I want to learn more about you, and I sense you wish to learn more about me. I promise not to tell my father if you promise not to tell yours.” He held his hand out to you. “I promise,” you responded, taking his hand in yours. It was warm and soft, it was comforting. Even after letting go you could still feel a tingle where he had touched you. You were in trouble now.

Every week at sundown you and Jungkook would meet in the same place in the forest. On the fifth visit he had been giving you a more in-depth explanation of how Fae magic worked. “We draw our magic from nature,” he said softly, gesturing to the trees all around you. “We can use it to fight, but we can also use it to heal and even create.” He cupped his hands together for a moment, before opening them to reveal a beautiful purple flower. Your eyes lit up in amazement as you marvelled at the bloom he had made from thin air. “For you, Princess,” he said, holding out the flower for you. You took it from him and inhaled the fresh scent exuding from it. “Thank you,” you replied, looking Jungkook directly in the eyes. Not for the first time you contemplated how beautiful they were, like swirling galaxies pulling you closer to him.
You both stayed still for a moment, gazing deeply into each other’s eyes. You felt an overwhelming feeling of safety whenever you were with him, he was of great comfort to you, and now looking into his eyes you felt like you could float away into the clouds. Suddenly Jungkook moved his hand to cup your jaw, brushing his thumb along your face softly. “May I?” he asked. Your stomach erupted into butterflies, surely, he couldn’t be asking to kiss you? “Princess, may I kiss you?” he clarified after taking in your confused state. You nodded, dumbstruck, as he moved closer to your lips.
Jungkook’s lips were soft and warm as they caressed your own, his hand moving to the back of your neck to pull you closer. You melted into the kiss, amazed that this beautiful creature was actually in your arms. All too quickly Jungkook pulled away, taking in your flushed face and puffy lips. Before you had a chance to complain he pushed his lips against yours, more harshly this time. Gaining more confidence, you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck. Jungkook brushed his tongue against your lips and you opened them to allow him in. The feeling of your tongues intimately brushing together gave you a light feeling inside and simultaneously made you feel hot, this never happened with Hoseok.
After an unknown amount of time, it could’ve been minutes or hours, you both pulled away. “I…” you began, at a loss for words. “Thank you.” “My pleasure,” Jungkook replied, stirring feelings within your core. “Your lips are divine, as is the rest of you.” You felt a blush rise on your cheeks as you looked at the ground. “Please don’t look away, Princess,” he said as he grasped your hands. “I like you and I wish to show it. If you would rather stop these meetings then we can, but I would rather we carried on.” You looked back up to his face, he was smiling softly, and his galaxy eyes were glimmering. “I want to carry on too,” you said, pulling him in for another sweet kiss.

Each week the meetings and kisses continued, and you felt yourself falling more and more for Jungkook. Your previous ill feelings towards the Fae had vanished and you wanted nothing more than to be in the arms of your Fae lover at all times. On the twelfth visit you once again found your lips locked against his as you laid beneath him in the grass. This time it was different though, his hands were caressing your body more intensely than usual and you were beginning to feel hot.
Jungkook pulled away, foreheads resting against each other. “Y/N,” he began. “Have you ever been touched by a man?” You felt the colour drain from your face, he could probably sense you sullied nature and no longer wanted anything to do with you. “I have,” you replied cautiously. “Just one. I’m sorry.” Jungkook frowned. “Don’t apologise,” he said, softly brushing your jaw with his thumb. “I’m not pure either, but people don’t fuss over it with men like they do with women. It doesn’t matter to me either way.” Relief washed over you as you heard his words, Jungkook didn’t think you were damaged goods, he still wanted you. “May I touch you, Princess?” he whispered in your ear. Shivers of anticipation travelled down your spine as you nodded fervently.
Jungkook’s hand moved to your clothed breast as he began to massage it, a smirk appearing on his face as you let out a soft moan. He quickly untied the fastenings at the back of your dress and pulled it down to your waist. His mouth kissed where his hand had just been, eliciting louder moans from you as his tongue flicked at your nipple. As he kissed your breasts his hand moved further south, finding its way underneath your dress and on bare sex. “You’re so wet,” he murmured approvingly. “Is this okay?” he asked as he began to rub the bundle of nerves that brought you immense pleasure. You nodded quickly, moaning as he quickened his pace.
The prince stopped his movements and you let out a whine of disappointment. “Let’s get this dress off you properly,” he said, pulling the material from your body. Jungkook was still fully clothed and you suddenly felt very exposed. You reached out and he allowed you to remove his shirt, but you weren’t prepared for what was underneath. You let out a gasp at how incredibly toned and muscular he was, your hands running across his abs. “Like what you see, Princess?” he smirked. “Yes,” you purred as he laid you back down on the soft grass, positioning himself between your legs. Suddenly his mouth was on your most intimate area, his tongue lapping at your clitoris. You moaned wantonly, gripping at the hair on his head. You had never felt such pleasure in your life, and your moans became louder and more frequent as you felt the familiar coil in your core begin to tighten. Jungkook slowly pushed a finger inside you, it felt incredible. “Don’t stop Jungkook,” you cried. “More… Please…” You looked up and saw him smirk as he pleasured you. He added another finger and curled them, hitting the spot inside of you. The coil tightened and tightened until it released, and pleasure flowed through your veins and you screamed out your lover’s name.
Jungkook wiped your wetness from his mouth and began to kiss you. Being able to taste yourself on his tongue was incredibly erotic, and you found your hand travelling down to the hardness at his crotch. He suddenly grabbed your hand, stopping you. “Tonight is about you,” he said. “Let me pleasure you.” He pushed you back onto the grass and removed his trousers and undergarments, releasing his impressive length. You panicked slightly at the sight of it, he was bigger than Hoseok. “You’re so big,” you whispered. Jungkook smiled widely at the compliment. “Yes, but I know you can take me,” he replied reassuringly. “Do you definitely want this?” You nodded and he grasped your thighs, moving them apart. He lined himself up at your entrance and held your hands as he pushed inside. It stung a little as you weren’t used to his size, but after a moment you began to feel comfortable. “Please move Jungkook,” you whimpered.
He began to move within you, leisurely thrusting in and out. His manhood brushed against the sweet spot inside you and you clenched around him, letting out a moan.
“You feel so good,” he said breathlessly. “You’re taking me so well.” His compliments brought even more pleasure to you and he softly held your hands as he brought you closer and closer to orgasm. Sex with Hoseok hadn’t been like this at all, he had been more concerned with taking you roughly from behind and leaving red handprints on your derriere. Something about treating the Second Princess like a common whore had thrilled him, and you were more than happy to indulge him. However, sex with Jungkook was pure lovemaking. It was gentle and soft, you truly felt safe and on top of the world.
You felt yourself getting closer towards release, and Jungkook sensed this from your vice-like grip on his cock. He moved his hand to your clitoris and began to rub fast circles upon it. You gasped and moaned at his touch, taking in his sweaty and downright hot appearance. His mullet was beginning to cling to his forehead and his abs were rippling as he thrusted into you. “Jungkook,” you whined wantonly. “I’m so close.” The pressure in your core was becoming unbearable and you felt yourself hurtling towards release. “Let go for me Y/N,” he leant down and whispered into your ear, keeping up his pace. Your orgasm immediately washed over you, your womanhood pulsing around him as you let out a moan. His hips stuttered slightly, and he managed a few more thrusts before releasing his seed inside you.
Both of you looked at each other, beaming from ear to ear. Jungkook planted a sensual kiss on your lips before pulling away, pressing his forehead to your own. “That was incredible,” he exclaimed, brushing your hair from your face. “It was,” you gasped, still catching your breath. “Jungkook…” “Yes,” he answered. “What’s wrong, Princess?” You were silent for a moment. “I think I love you,” you said nervously, looking away from him. His fingers pinched your chin and turned you back to face him. “That’s good,” he smiled. “Because I think I love you too.”

Six more visits had transpired since the first time you made love, and each time you found your limbs entangled with his, gasping with pleasure. You were becoming more and more fearful of the concept of marrying a stranger chosen by your parents, you only wanted Jungkook. Your parents had not sensed your distress or your weekly disappearances, too wrapped up in planning your sister’s lavish wedding. However, it turned out that you had also become distracted from something of note.
One of your maids entered your chambers. “Your highness,” she said, a bundle of cloth in her arms. “I’ve brought your rags for your monthly bleed. You hadn’t asked me for them, and it slipped my mind. If I’m right, your bleed should’ve started two weeks since? Is everything okay? Should I call a man of medicine?” You could feel the colour draining from your face and nausea filling your stomach. “It’s okay,” you lied. “I got them myself two weeks ago, I was in that part of the castle.” “Oh…” your maid frowned. “Forgive me, your highness, I am glad all is well. I’ll leave these rags in one of your draws for next time.” “Thank you,” you said, relieved she has believed your terrible untruth. Your maid was right, your monthly bleed had been due two weeks ago, but it hadn’t come. The truth sank heavy on your shoulders, Jungkook’s seed had taken root and you were pregnant. You were pregnant with Jungkook’s baby. You were pregnant with your ancestral enemy’s child.
feedback is always appreciated! please don’t repost or translate my work
into the forest - m

word count: 3.6k
genre: smut 18+ | royal, faerie, forbidden love
pairing: fae!jungkook x fem!reader | hoseok x fem!reader (previous)
summary: as the second princess of the human kingdom, you know to fear the fae, they did wage war on your people for one thousand years after all. what happens when you meet one in the forest, and they aren’t what you imagined?
warnings: mentions of war, slut-shaming (in passing), smut scenes, mentions of rough sex/spanking, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), outdoor sex, nipple play, fingering, oral (f receiving), creampie
a/n: this is my first bts fic so i hope you enjoy it! thanks to all my friends for reading it and giving me feedback, you’re the best
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Primrose : YandereKing!jungkook x fem reader [ part II ] (@mingshits )
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Bow To You : King!jungkook x Queen reader [series] (@flowerwrites06 )
Love Letters : Prince!jungkook x maid reader [oneshot] (@bonny-kookoo )
Enjoying this.fic so much!
Of Ruin: Chapter 6 || KTH

(banner by @/itaeewon)
Of Ruin (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni Genre: vampire!au magic!au royalty!au, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, angst and fluff
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @/sailoryooons for betaing!!! 💕
Section Warnings: angst, hurt feelings, conflicts abound
wc: 6k

True to his word, Prince Taehyung shows up at your door about an hour after you and Namjoon clean up dinner.
After your self-pity-nap, you’d showered and come out fresh. You’d ordered hot tea and buckled down to work, starting to make your way through the thick texts you’d brought from the university, looking for counters that might be relevant to this case.
So, luckily, instead of a puffy-eyed, half-asleep wreck, the prince finds you clean, and caffeinated, and hard at work. Your image remains intact. Hooray for small victories, you think.
“I know your day hasn’t been ideal,” he says sheepishly, hands clasped behind his back. “Do you think a visit to Potato might make you feel better?”
Cute, you think.
“Potato?” Namjoon asks, baffled.
“His amarisca,” you explain. “I sort of fell in love yesterday.”
Your face heats as soon as you’ve said the words; you hope they both know that you mean with Potato, that it’s not a reference to your illogical, absurd, and frankly embarrassing crush on the beautiful, otherworldly prince. Luckily, it seems both men are oblivious to your near misstep.
“You’re welcome to come, too,” the prince offers, turning to Namjoon. “I was just going to walk to my private stables and give her - Potato - some treats. I thought…” he trails off, eyes on your face, like he’s gauging your reaction. “I thought maybe Y/N might benefit from the walk and the fresh air. But of course you’re welcome, too.”
Namjoon’s face goes funny, like he’s doing those puzzle pieces again. “Thank you,” he says slowly, looking at you, not the prince. “But I’ll stay here. I can finish up writing what we were discussing. I agree, the walk will do you good.”
You want to snap at both of them, you don’t know what’s good for me, but you know they don’t deserve it. And you do want to see the amarisca again.
“Let me get shoes,” you murmur, and head for your room. You return with sneakers in hand and in a thicker sweatshirt; the sun has been down for some time and you know the sea air will be chilly.
Prince Taehyung leads you the same way he had the previous night, both in cloaks that you hadn’t noticed him holding until he handed one to you. You clock that Sateul trails you at a respectable distance - close enough to see you, too far to hear you, if she was human. Probably, since she’s not, she can hear every word.
“This feels like a pity walk,” you admit a bit sourly.
Prince Taehyung gives you an indulgent smile. “I feel like you got hit twice today,” he says. “First, my mother frightens you, and then… it can’t have been easy to find out… what you did. That, combined with your little accident the other night… I honestly can’t believe you haven’t packed up to leave already.”
“I thought about it,” you say dryly. But the truth is, you want to work on the curse. You want to see more of the palace, of Infracticus. You want to spend more time with the prince.
“I’m glad you didn’t,” he says quietly.
You wonder if it’s only because he needs you to break his curse. A foolish thought, one that has no place amidst everything else swirling around your head. But still, the thought persists.
Outside, the fresh air soothes you immediately, the temperature is just right, and you can hear the waves and the gulls in the distance. You do feel better, just walking silently side by side. The tension melts from your shoulders, tiny bits at a time.
“This is nice.”
“I’m not such terrible company after all?” he teases, a mischievous smile growing sideways across his face.
You scowl at him playfully. “It wasn’t about you. Today… really sucked. Sorry. But, I think I wanted to just retreat to my space and sulk for a while.”
He takes this in silently for a few strides and then offers, quietly, “I’m sorry again about my mother. I know my promises can’t mean much to you at this point, but her intentions weren’t to hurt you. She felt your magical signature - we all can - and was just curious. She wanted to know how strong it was. She’s… used to just taking what she wants, as I’m sure you can imagine. It didn’t occur to her that it might be frightening or unpleasant to you. I know that’s no excuse, but I hope you’ll forgive us.”
You listen seriously. You’ll forgive him, you think, if only because he is so damn earnest, and his skin looks pretty in the moonlight.
“Thank you,” you murmur, which isn’t an answer, but he lets it slide. Your magical signature. You hadn’t even known you’d had that. You still don’t know what exactly it means.
You walk together a little further, your footsteps joining the shrill gull calls.
Eventually, Taehyung’s stride slows, and he leans his elbows against the stone balustrade, looking wistfully up at the deep purple sky. The periwinkles and violets of the early afternoon have faded to a deep mottled purple, the color of a third-day bruise. You can see that you’re very close to the staircase he’d helped you down the previous night, the ones that lead down to the sand.
The stars literally take your breath away. Taehyung turns to you, grinning.
“Better than above, right?” he asks, pride evident in his tone.
“There are so many,” you whisper, eyes scanning the sky above you. It seems like every time you look away from a spot and then back to it, the number of stars doubles.
You stand side by side in silence, both leaning on the stone wall, eyes on the stars far above you. Finally, Prince Taehyung turns to look at you, frowning just slightly.
“May I ask you something?” he ventures. “I don’t want to upset you… but I’m curious.”
You smile a little wryly at the irony of this admission. You see the pattern from the Queen earlier to the prince now - admitting he may upset you, but entitled to the answer anyway. At least he has the decency to ask first.
“Go ahead,” you tell him. You’re feeling less on edge out here under the stars, with the cool breeze and ocean’s song. Whatever it is, you’ll face it.
“You really didn’t know?” There’s clear disbelief in his voice. Then, he clarifies, “About your magic.”
You shake your head, a stone skipping and sinking heavy in your stomach. “Had no idea,” you say with a sigh. “I really thought… I really thought I earned being good at breaking curses. I thought it was hard work, grit, that kind of thing.”
Understanding dawns on the prince’s face. “Ah,” he says, and then says nothing else.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Ah, what?”
He gives you a guilty smile. “I didn’t understand why you were upset. I imagined any human would be excited to learn that they were… more, that they had more.”
You eye him stonily. “Being human,” you say evenly, “is enough. It isn’t less.”
His eyes widen comically. “No,” he says quickly, waving his hands between you. “I didn’t mean that. It came out wrong. I just meant -”
“I know what you meant,” you mutter. “No, I wasn’t excited to learn that I’m… I don’t even know what to call myself now.”
He presses his lips together and regards you silently. Then, he says tentatively, “Your accomplishments are not erased by this, you know.”
You look sideways at him, listening.
“Having a natural magical ability doesn’t mean you didn’t work hard. Your magic is inherent in you the same way your strong will is, your natural intelligence. They are facets of what makes up who you are. How you wield these things - that’s how you earn your accomplishments. You should not discount it.”
“I guess,” you mutter, but secretly, you consider this. “It’s just going to take some getting used to, I think.”
The prince seems to sense that there’s nothing more to gain from pursuing this topic. He starts towards the steps, helping you down as he had the night before.
At the stable, he places a carrot in your outstretched hand, smiles wide when you let Potato eat it from your flat fingers, her lips tickling your palm. When you press your other hand gently to her snout, her fur soft and warm under your hand, it doesn’t feel like losing a dream, as you’d feared. It feels like stepping into it. Prince Taehyung watches you, eyes twinkling the whole time.
After, you stand at the fence that creates a paddock in the sea, meant to let Potato swim but not too far. The waves crash just feet from you, and you worry absently about your shoes.
Prince Taehyung leans his elbows on the fence next to you. “How was it going, before I interrupted? I could see that you were working.”
You shrug. “I feel like we’re near the end of what we can do with the information we have. Unless you let me observe you while the curse is working -”
He glowers. “I gave you my answer about that already,” he says tightly.
“- or unless I run some rituals with you… there’s not more to find. We’ve got all we can from the texts we brought, too.”
This makes him look at you, something sharp in his gaze. “Do you need to research more?” he asks, tone lightening, like he’s excited to help. “We have a dozen libraries in the palace - I never spend much time there, but I’m sure you’d find something helpful.”
This makes you smile a little. “I can’t imagine being alive for hundreds of years and not using it to read everything I could get my hands on.”
He laughs at this, nose wrinkling as he says defensively, “I have other interests!” As his chuckles die away again he adds, “Reading puts me to sleep. I never get past the first page.”
“What do you do instead?” you ask, genuinely curious.
His grin turns a bit self-deprecating. “Eat, drink, and make merry,” he jokes.
“Seriously!” you scold.
“I mostly am being serious,” he admits. “I socialize. I dance. I’m fond of music - I play many instruments. Sometimes I look at art, sometimes I try to make my own. I have duties as Prince, of course, but generally I find them interesting. I spend my time quite happily.” His expression turns a bit darker and he adds, “Or, I did. Until this.”
You look at him carefully for the first time since you’d first arrived. You’ve only known this version of him - tight-shouldered, a bit serious. You wonder if he was different before the curse - freer, lighter, happier. You imagine he must have been.
“We’ll fix it,” you promise, though you have no guarantee you’ll keep it. Going back to his original question, you add, “I’d like to see the libraries, if we could. A lot of curse-breaking is looking at precedents, seeing what’s worked before.”
“What exactly are you looking for?” he asks. “I don’t know much about the process, to be honest.”
You grimace. “I probably should have explained it to you better from the start. Like I said yesterday - my first step is to uncover each thread of intention in the original curse. Then when you’ve identified every thread, it’s kind of a game of finding the simplest, shortest amount of steps to counter them. Then, of course, actually casting it correctly can be challenging, too.”
He’s quiet for a long time, and after a bit of silence - broken only by the crash of waves - you reach out and gingerly rest your fingertips atop his forearm. Like yesterday, when he’d held your hand down the steps, you thrill at the touch.
“They called me for a reason,” you tell him seriously. “I’ve never failed. Sometimes it takes me a while, and sometimes I have to try more than once - but I’ve never not been able to work it out, eventually.”
He doesn’t say anything, but you watch his throat work as he keeps his eyes on the distant horizon.
“We’ll fix it,” you say again, more determination in your voice this time. “I’ll fix it. Okay?”
Eventually, he sighs and places his other hand on yours, covering it completely. “I have faith in you,” he says, something open in his voice. Like you’ve struggled through the underbrush in the woods and stumbled across a path, the way forward suddenly clear. “I trust you.”
You stay like that a bit longer, acutely aware of his hand on yours, until he sighs and withdraws it, casting a baleful look at the palace above and behind you. “It’s nearing midnight,” he says sadly. “I’d better get to where I belong.”
“Can someone walk me back to my quarters?” you ask, a little embarrassed. “I don’t know the way.”
He furrows his brow at you and reaches for your hand. “Someone?” he repeats, as if offended. “I’m walking you back.”
As if you should have known. As if there were any other option he’d accept.
You aren’t sure what’s happening here. You aren’t sure the purpose of it, the sense of it. But his wavy hair hangs over his browline, his deep eyes are on your face, and that hint of a smile flirts in the corner of his mouth as he waits for you. So you put your hand in his and let him lead you home.
In the morning, when Sateul comes to collect the dishes from breakfast, she informs you, “Prince Taehyung has asked me to accompany you to one of the private libraries today.”
You get ready quickly, though Satuel waits patiently outside your doors, at attention. The walk to the libraries is longer than the ones you’ve been accustomed to, and you notice you’re mostly headed up. In fact, the journey ends with a spiral staircase that almost gives you vertigo; you hold the wall gingerly as you take each step carefully.
This particular library must be at the top of a turret. The view from the windows, peeking between bookshelves, is so phenomenal that you almost forget about your research.
“I’ll be at the bottom of this staircase,” Satuel tells you. “Please call if you need something.”
“I need an ice bath,” you grumble, massaging your aching calves. Beside you, Namjoon shoots you a sympathetic smile.
You spend the whole day there, perusing the bookshelves, pulling out tomes that might prove useful. Satuel brings you lunch at midday, and shortly after the three of you trek halfway across the palace to the nearest bathroom, just to go right back up those same damn stairs when you’re done.
But it’s worth it; it takes all three of you to carry back the books you and Namjoon select, about an hour before dinner will be served.
When you drop the books gently onto the low table in your quarters, Satuel heads back to her post in the corridor, and you and Namjoon look down at your haul.
“Not bad,” you muse.
You settle in, picking up books at random and flipping through to find parts that might be relevant, scanning indexes. When dinner time rolls around, you both put in your order, stopping to eat when the food comes, and then getting right back to work.
Somehow, you aren’t surprised when the prince arrives at your doors, even though he hadn’t promised to come by, not like yesterday.
“I was going to ask if you made it to the libraries,” he says, smiling wryly, “but I can see that you have.”
You can’t help it - you beam. “I want to live up there.”
His smile turns into something playful. “That’s what you said about the seaside, too.”
You consider this. “I would like my seaside home to have a turret library,” you finally declare.
“I’ll work on it,” he teases. Behind you, Namjoon quietly closes the book he was looking through.
“Anyway,” Prince Taehyung says, clearing his throat a little. “Was it fruitful? Are they helpful?”
“I think so,” you say, looking at Namjoon for confirmation. “We’re working through the books we found, writing down the parts that are useful. It’ll take a while, though. We found a lot.”
“Good,” he says, nodding. “Good. I’m glad you’re making progress.”
You think of his silence by the ocean last night, how you’d felt the need to protect him, to reassure him.
“We are,” you say solidly.
He looks at you, tilts his head just slightly. “Can you afford to take a break? I was going to the stable. Namjoon, as always, you are more than welcome. You haven’t seen the amarisca up close, have you?”
“I haven’t,” Namjoon admits. “But I hate to say, I’m not as drawn to magical creatures as Y/N clearly is.”
You press your lips together, wondering if he’s including the prince in that list of magical creatures.
“I’d like to go,” you venture timidly.
You feel a little guilty - this isn’t part of the job, it’s adding nothing to your research, you’re leaving Namjoon behind and he’s looking at you with that knowing gleam in his eyes.
But when you get outside the palace and look at the stars and smell the ocean, and Prince Taehyung holds your hand tightly as you make your way down sea-worn, stone steps… it makes all the bad parts quieter. The fear, the uncertainty, the homesickness, the grief you’ve experienced over the last few days… they don’t seem to cut as deeply when his brown eyes find yours.
And as long as you don’t let yourself think too much about how pointless that is, how he’s crown prince of a land that’s not your home and you’re a nobody from a tiny university town… as long as you don’t think about that… the distraction is nice.
This time, when he leads you down the stairs, his hand feels familiar and right as it closes around yours.
You press a hand gently to the amarisca’s muscly, teal neck, stroking the soft fur there. Prince Taehyung puts his hand atop yours, guiding it down her neck and to the top again, his body pressed close behind yours. You look over your shoulder at him in wonder, and the smile he gives you seems tinged with a sadness that you don’t understand at all.
This time, on the way back, you stop and stare at the stars, and he leans close, close enough that your arms touch as you both look skyward.
This time, as he leads you back up the damp stairs towards the palace, you tug on his hand.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask. Something in you aches to know the truth. “You don’t have to babysit me, you know. I learned my lesson the first day.”
“I told you,” he says, brow furrowing, “I’m invested in your well-being. If you’re unhappy enough to leave, then I’ll never get better.”
You don’t know if you believe him. You wish you would believe him. The alternative is just sad - you’re not stupid enough to think a six hundred year old Infracti with a crown on his head would be interested in a nothing human.
Focus, you think. Focus on why you’re here.
When you return to your rooms, Namjoon looks half-asleep on the couch, the lights low.
“How was your field trip?” he asks, stretching and starting to rise. You realize he’d waited up for you. You’re not sure how you feel about this.
“I feel like I’m spinning in circles,” you admit. “Like I can’t remember what I’m really here for.”
“He’s charming,” Namjoon says carefully, pausing on his path to his bedroom.
You choose not to answer that. “We’ll get to work in the morning,” you say finally. “We’ll see what we can come up with, and we’ll work on getting home.”
You wait until Namjoon’s behind his bedroom door, and you bend down to rifle through the books you’d brought from the library until you find the one you’d hidden in with the others.
Beginner Spells and Magical Theory, something you’d never really studied. Something you’d never thought you needed. Something you hadn’t known was a part of you.
You take the book into your bedroom and sit on the edge of your bed holding it, but you don’t crack it open. Eventually, you slide it under your bed and head for the bathroom.
You’re not ready. Tonight is not the night.
Then, like a switch flipped, the prince stops coming to check on you. You don’t see Prince Taehyung - or any of the royal family - for the next two days. You and Namjoon stay in your rooms, books spread across the floor, papers on every surface. On the second day, Satuel takes you to the turret library, saying she has the prince’s permission to let you go there for a change of scenery. But he doesn’t come check in either night.
It’s the morning of the third day of solitude (well, solitude with Namjoon) when you roll dramatically over onto your back, the stone floor cool and solid beneath you, and bemoan to the wooden ceiling, “I think my brain is soup.”
“Soup sounds good,” Namjoon says from his spot about six feet away. Books are open in a full circle around him; he has no path out. It seems like an apt metaphor, you think.
“I’m going to be honest about something,” you say, eyes still on the ceiling.
“When are you ever not?” he quips, but pushes the book he was reading a few inches away and turns to look at you, ready for whatever you’re going to drop on him.
“I think we have everything we’re going to have at this point,” you say, and then struggle to sit up so you can see his reaction.
He frowns at you. “Why does that not sound the same as I think we’re ready?”
You sigh. “I don’t think we’re ready. I don’t think we have everything. But as far as asking the prince questions and researching what we have… I think this is it. We aren’t getting any further.”
Namjoon looks around the books nearest him, still frowning. “What do you suggest?”
You shrug, even though you do have a few ideas. “I think we should try with what we have,” you say. “I can usually get a read from the first attempt - I can tell if we’re on the right track, going in the right direction. I get a good feel for if we need to remove anything, and sometimes I can press for more.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows shoot up. “You want to try a counter-curse? Already? Do you think that’s safe?”
You tap your feet against the stone floor, thinking. “It’s not unsafe,” you say. “It just might not… seem very productive. But, to me, it’ll help. I just need everyone’s trust, I guess.”
He shakes his head. “I trust you… I’m not so sure about the King and Queen. You can’t just cast on the crown prince willy-nilly and hope something comes of it.”
“Willy-nilly,” you repeat with a scoff. “Very academic of you.”
He tosses a pen at you and you let it clatter to the floor after it bounces off your kneecap.
“It’s not willy-nilly,” you defend. “The benefits outweigh the risks, Namjoon. I need some direction, and the magic will point me. What are we going to do otherwise, keep spinning our wheels down here while life carries on without us back home?”
He frowns more deeply, but drops your gaze. Finally he asks, “How confident are you that it won’t hurt him? Or, worse, put you out of commission? You know I can’t do this by myself.”
You ignore this last part. “I’m very confident that at worst one or both of us will need to rest for a day or two. Nothing worse than that.”
You stare at each other in silence, both doing calculations in your heads - risks, benefits, all of it.
“My grandfather put you in charge,” he says finally, and you know a victory when you see one. “If you think that’s the best step, I’ll support you.”
Hours later, after you’ve picked up all the books from the floor, after you’ve compiled all the paper you’d scribbled on and made just one cohesive list of counter-threads, after you’ve showered and changed into something presentable, you stand in a mostly empty room of the palace.
The King and Queen are seated. Namjoon stands just behind your left shoulder, ready to help if things go very wrong. Prince Taehyung stands across from you, looking drawn and nervous.
He can’t be more nervous than you are, you think. Under the King and Queen’s gazes, you feel like a spectacle.
“I would like to reiterate,” you say, holding up a finger, “that I very much do not expect this to actually break the curse today. However, it should cause no serious harm to try, and I expect that when we are done I’ll know if we’ve miscalculated anything, and a direction on what might still be missing.”
“No serious harm,” Prince Taehyung mutters, and you can’t help but smile across at him.
“You’ll be okay,” you promise. “It just might not be… pleasant.”
He grimaces, but remains quiet this time.
You glance at the paper on the small podium to your right, recounting the steps, mouthing the incantations to yourself as if you’re rehearsing.
“Okay,” you say finally, holding up a palm for the prince. “I’m ready when you are.”
He seems to need to collect himself, then presses his palm up to yours and waits, anxious eyes on your face, pretty mouth turned down into a frown.
You begin reciting the opening incantations, the ones that call up your magic - the magic you used to think you pulled from the world around you, that you’re now learning comes from deep within you.
You know when it works, you always do; the feeling is electrifying, thrilling, a euphoria you’ve never felt from anything else. Magic running through your veins like blood makes you feel alive in ways you didn’t know you could before you’d started practicing counter-curses. Now, the electricity runs stronger, as if the magic is magnified by the Infracti touching you.
It occurs to you that this might be exactly the case.
You move onto the next counter-threads, speaking slowly and clearly as you try to untangle the pain, the confusion, the suppression of self that Prince Taehyung experiences each night.
You concentrate on the incantation, but you close your eyes and let yourself feel - little flickering flame-fingers of magic reaching out and tentatively poking at the mess of magic inside the prince, trying to locate each single thread, ready to tug each one and - ideally - unravel the whole ball.
You know it’s doing something when he flinches, then carefully presses his palm more firmly against yours, like he’s afraid he’s broken the connection.
The tendrils of your magic report back - you can feel where each thread of your countercurse connects to a thread of the curse, ready to pull them out. You can feel just how much is left unconnected.
There’s so much there that your magic hasn’t touched.
The magic sings to you: not enough, it’s not enough, it isn’t enough, it’s not -
The connection breaks as Prince Taehyung’s eyes flash to fathomless black and there’s a split second where you’re afraid you did the opposite of what you intended, called forth the beast. But then his knees buckle and he starts to drop.
The Queen shouts and stands, but your reflexes are fast, too. You have the prince by the elbows and you sink to the ground with him, gently. You feel rather than see Namjoon move closer, ready to help.
By the time you’ve lowered you both to your knees, still clutching his elbows and using all of your core strength to try and hold him upright, he’s back - blinking human-looking eyes at you, fingers twitching and then clutching your arms back.
“That,” he mumbles, “did not feel nice.”
“I know,” you whisper, just for him. “I’m sorry. It’s over now.”
Namjoon makes it to you first, having been standing the closest, and he helps both of you clamber unsteadily to your feet. The King and Queen approach, and you gingerly let go of the prince’s elbows, watching to make sure he’s staying on his feet.
“I suppose it didn’t work,” the King says drolly.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea where to go from here,” you say, and you do. But the prince is unsteady on his feet, fighting to keep his eyes open and alert. To him, you say, “It’s my professional opinion that you need to rest. You aren’t sleeping at night, and your body needs to recover from what happened here.”
“Then I expect an update tomorrow,” the Queen says coolly, and helps Prince Taehyung to the door, where he finally succeeds at waving her off and heads down the hallway, alone.
The King follows his wife to the door and they depart as well, without a look back, let alone a goodbye.
You turn to Namjoon, who is shaking his head at you. “That went well,” he says sarcastically.
“We’re missing threads,” you tell him, certain. “There’s a lot we haven’t uncovered yet. What we have is good - but there’s a lot more. I felt it.”
“So how do we figure that out?” he asks, voice a little rough with frustration.
You miss Dr. Kim. Namjoon has certainly held his own down here, but you and Dr. Kim had a partnership, mutual trust. His expertise outweighed yours - he would have at least had a suggestion at a time like this, not scorn.
“There’s a ritual I can try,” you say, thinking out loud. “If he’ll let me.”
“Considering you just tried to knock him out,” Namjoon says dryly, “I don’t think he’s going to be very agreeable.”
“I’m going to try to convince him anyway,” you say decisively. “And I think I should go by myself.”
“Of course you do,” Namjoon says easily, and your temper flares.
“Another person’s energy will affect the reading,” you snap. “I’ll get your energy instead of his. I don’t care what you think - I know this will work, so I’m going. I’ll see you later, at home.”
You leave abruptly, pissed off, not even registering that you’d called your little rooms home.
Dansoo and Satuel are thankfully just in the corridor, as always, and you request to be taken to the prince’s wing. Satuel brings you, walking in silence ahead of you. When you reach the prince’s doors, she waits with you while one of his personal guards slips inside to ask if he’ll see you.
You’re honestly surprised when she returns and invites you in.
You find Prince Taehyung on the same couches you’d sat on your first night here, after Jimin had brought you to these rooms.
“I knew you wouldn’t rest,” you say, and he turns to look at you. His face is unreadable, blank - even his humanlike eyes give nothing away.
“This is resting,” he says evenly.
You shake your head. “You should try and sleep.”
He turns away again, a defeated slump to his shoulders. “I can’t seem to,” he admits.
You frown, watching him carefully. “May I sit?” you ask. He holds out a hand towards the empty couch opposite him but doesn’t look at you.
You sit gingerly. “I’m sorry for what just happened,” you tell him seriously. “I know it was unpleasant.”
“It was,” he agrees, his voice tight and measured.
“What did it feel like?” you ask.
His shoulders tighten. “Like I could feel you poking around behind my ribs,” he says shortly. “And then it hurt.”
“I’m sorry it hurt you,” you murmur. You want to reach out and touch his arm, as you had a few nights ago next to the sea and under the stars, but something stops you. “I want you to know that it wasn’t my doing. The curse… protects itself, let’s say.”
This makes him turn to look at you. “The curse caused that,” he paraphrases, clearly unconvinced.
You nod. “I could feel my counter-threads connecting, and I could feel the threads we hadn’t made connection to yet,” you explain slowly. “But magic knows to protect itself. When I started trying to feel for those unconnected pieces of the curse, it - sort of kicked me out?”
He frowns. “Was it a waste of time, then?”
“Not at all,” you say quickly, encouraged. “What we just did confirmed which threads we identified correctly, and that there are some more to uncover.”
He takes this in silently for a few minutes. Then, he asks, “And, can we uncover the rest?”
“That’s why I came,” you admit. “There’s a ritual I’ve done… its purpose is to identify what’s in there.”
He scowls. “Why didn’t we do that from the beginning?”
You purse your lips, then try to explain. “Rituals like this… are always inherently risky. It’s better to figure out what you can with logic and magical theory before resorting to this.”
“Risky,” he echoes flatly. “Is it going to hurt again?”
You grimace. “It hurt a lot, huh?”
His jaw juts, just a bit. “Enough that I’m not eager to experience it twice in one day,” he says, a bit of haughtiness coming into his voice. He’s his mother’s son, indeed.
“It won’t hurt you,” you say quietly. “But there does need to be a level of trust - of allowing my magic to poke around, as you put it.”
He doesn’t answer this. He seems to wobble where he sits. Then, he lifts his tired eyes to you. For a moment, he lets you see the exhaustion, the fear, the hopelessness. He looks desolate, nearly frail.
Then, something closer to anger slides onto his face, replacing the vulnerability you were sure you were seeing. “I haven’t slept in many days,” he says, not answering your question at all.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur. “You should try. You need to rest.”
He blinks heavily, shoulders sagging. When he opens his eyes to look at you again, they’re wet and black, no longer magicked to seem human. Something hard takes over his voice, and he asks, “Can you help me? Can you make me sleep, venefici?”
“Yes,” you whisper, rising. “I can at least try.”
He closes those black eyes again, leans sideways until he’s laying down, knees bent.
You place your hands on his elbow and close your own eyes, feeling the magic rise up to you. Small spells like this were not your area of study, but you think you can manage. You at least know what to do.
It takes no time at all - less than a minute. His breathing deepens, his fingers twitch once. He is so beautiful like this, it’s hard to look at him. You remove your hand carefully and step away.
Prince Taehyung just called you witch.
Namjoon is waiting for you when you return.
“How’d it go?” he asks, sounding like he means it, even though you’d sort of argued before you left.
“I told him about the ritual,” you say, sinking onto the couch and dropping your head into your hands, emotionally spent. “He’s considering it.”
He looks at you appraisingly. “You don’t sound very happy about it,” he observes.
You sigh. “He’s just… not feeling great, from earlier. It’s fine.”
You sit there for another minute, your eyes on the ground, while he watches you, as if he might get more information out of you if he just waits it out. Finally you mutter, “I’m gonna get ready for bed,” and you slink off to your private rooms.
It’s ironic. After using your magic to help the prince find sleep for the first time since his curse began, you lay awake, unable to help yourself at all.
<- Prev

hi there! thanks for reading!
i'm going to take a week off of posting this series, so there will be no update on friday, january 8th. instead, chapter 7 will post on friday, january 19th. thanks for understanding!
Maybe in another life - Masterlist

synopsis: A trip to Seoul ends up transporting you 300 years in the past. How will you survive the Palace life that you surprisingly end up in? Or will the King kill you?
pairing: king!jungkook x timetraveler!reader
type: historical au, royal au
genre: fluff, smut, hella lot of angst
updates: every monday and friday, starting on the 26th of February
words: 28.6k
PS. This is me trying to make up for not posting Christmas Jungkook 😅
Reply to be added to the tag list 😄

Episode 1 - Happy birthday to you
Episode 2 - Joseon doesn’t treat you nice so far
Episode 3 - Painting in 1600
Episode 4 - Back at it again
Episode 5 - A night with the King
Episode 6 -“I’m from the future"
Episode 7 - Under the same Moon
Episode 8 - Scared
Episode 9 - Little Prince
Episode 10 - Lose
Episode 11 - Head held high
Episode 12 - Home…?

Synopsis : He doesn't want anybody but you.
Pairing : Yandere prince Jeonjungkook x servant reader
Genre : smut, royal au
Warnings : 18+, Profanity, kissing, smut, nipple play, YANDERE AND OBSESSIVE themes, bathtub sex, BDSM, fruit juice licking off body kink (what the hell I know)
Disclaimer : I do not own BTS, this is PURE FUCKING FICTION, ty!
Jungkook lazily opened his eyes to find just another concubine snuggled in his embrace. His mood turned sour! What a way to ruin someone's morning! He shoved her away and sat up.
He was the next in line to aquire the throne-he was the crown prince. He was pretty much a king himself as his mother and father had already passed away. It was the rule that when a prince succeeds to the throne and officially inherit the title of the King, he must either have a wife or bedded someone already, only then will he be able to proceed with the coronation.
What an ass of a rule!
Thanks to it, endless ministers have tried sending in their daughters to warm up his bed and win the chance to be the queen's father but none of their daughters could properly engage in the explicit activity because Jungkook made sure no lady touches his body covered underneath his clothes.
Except one lady.
Your father was no minister, it was obvious that a commoner like you can't even pass the screening test to enter as an eligible candidate. Jungkook knew it so he even offered your father the spot of a minister.
Your father was a smart man unlike other farmers of your village, he knew that Jungkook must has his motive behind it. Ofcourse he knew that nothing in the world comes for free.
So when Jungkook chuckled and revealed his true intentions, he outright turned the offer down, your mother had eloped with a minister, a man of the palace. There was no way he would send his daughter to a place he hated with every fiber on his body.
Jungkook scoffed, "what a foolish man!" As he ordered his men to find dirt on your father and if they didn't find any then they must put the dirt on him.
And just like that your father was imprisoned and you were going to be brought to the palace today as a servant.
When he stepped out of the pearl room (room meant for non married king/prince to sleep with a female), his servants bowed in greeting.
He looked over them with unbothered eyes but they instantly sparkled up the moment he spot you in the back, head held down like the rest of them.
"Raise your heads!" His voice commanded.
"Your Highness--" "Eunuch Kim." Jungkook cut off the Eunuch in mid sentence.
"Yes, your highness?"
"You know well that I only allow one Eunuch to dress me up and assist me to the bath right?" He raised his eyebrows towards the Eunuch.
"Y-yes your highness. That is me." He said.
"Today onwards those tasks will be performed by my new servant." He smiled.
"Yes Highness. Hwang Y/N please come forward." The Eunuch called out.
Your ears perked at your name and with head still held down you went near them.
Jungkook exhaled, this was finally happening and he can't wait anymore.
You went inside his dressing chamber, a little nervous. You have never undressed anyone in your entire life except yourself, let alone a man.
"Don't be afraid Y/N, it's easy. Wait let me demonstrate, bring the clothes here. " And you obeyed him.
You carried the fresh undergarments and the red robe and kept it on a wooden stand next to him.
"Great! Now this is how you undress." He took your hands in his which obviously surprised you so you instantly looked up only to look down at the very next moment.
"Y/N focus here." He giggled as he found your shyness cute.
"Y-yes your highness. " And you hesitantly looked up while his hands were tangled with yours untying his robe.
"Just like that untie my vest." He said as he let go off your hands. You untied the vest and looked away in an instant once again as his bare chest was visible.
He tried his best to hold down his chuckle, gosh how could one be so fucking cute was beyond him.
"Why are you looking away Y/N?" He asked you with a bunny smile. "The s-servants are not supposed to see your highness' bare body." You told him.
He held your shoulders, "These rules are for other servants, you are mine. If you are going to dress up your ruler, you should look at him to not make any mistakes, isn't it?"
Right, you were doing a servant's job, you should do it properly.
You looked at him, eyes flickered at his six packs for a millisecond, which obviously didn't go unnoticed from Jungkook's eyes.
He had an evil grin.
After having such a weird morning, you were supposed to go back to the Maidservant as she would assign you other tasks.
All the servants had the breakfast and then you approached the Maidservant.
"Why?" You looked at maidservant in question.
"What do you mean by why? If his highness ordered you to only serve him, how can I tell you to do other tasks. Go now! Prepare his highness' bathtub and clothes, he will return from the palace hall after an hour." With that said she went away.
You brought the clothes from the maids and prepared the bath with water of adequate temperature with rose petals floating in them.
You heard someone step in, you instinctively turned to see who it was only to turn your head away in a jiffy.
Why the fuck was he entirely naked?
He smirked.
He stepped into the water and sat down with his eyes closing in relief. Then he called your name, "Y/N why aren't you doing your job?" Ah right, why were you sitting at the edge instead of preparing his accessories.
You bowed quickly, "Ap-apologies your highness. I will right away prepare the ornaments." You hurriedly stood up to run.
"Halt!" Your feet froze on the spot as his voiced boomed throughout the big bathroom.
You gulped and slowly turned towards him.
He was amused, "I was talking about your job to clean me."
You blinked, was there a job like that?
"Step in here with the soap and clean my body like you clean yours." He said.
Your eyes fluttered after listening to it but you had to do it afterall. You stepped inside the large bathtub (your clothes getting wet, which was a given).
You rubbed the soap on his arms one by one while he kept looking at you, your nipples perking up at the sensation of water, his mouth was filling up with his saliva as well!
Then you rubbed on his neck, oh how he wished you would choke them instead, then you rubbed his chest, oh the things you were making him feel, then you moved to the back, oh how he wanted to you backhug him with your perked nipples instead.
Then you cleaned his legs one by one (making sure that you don't touch his groin), oh how he wanted you could kiss them instead!
You started washing him when he raised his eyebrows, "Y/N you forgot that part." He pointed his finger towards his dick.
Your eyes went wide, was he serious!? "I-im sorry your highness I will ask the Eunuch to do it." You said but he grabbed your arm and pulled you closer, "Don't fucking dare you disobey me or your father won't see the next sunrise because I will fucking gouge his eyes out. " his aura had taken a 180 degrees flip from a mere seconds ago.
Those words made you sick to your stomach. You gulped down your sobs, "Yes your highness."
And then you rubbed the soap on his crotch, your hands going up and down his dick definitely aroused him so quickly that you hated doing it. "Lovely! Just like that." He threw his back in pure heavenly feeling.
This was hell, your innerself screamed.
Because from the next day you had to wear a flimsy dress he gave to you to wear before stepping into the water, he could now clearly see your soaked breasts because of the dress material going absolutely transparent.
A week later he started to clean you as you cleaned him by rubbing soap on your breast with one hand while the other was underwater, two of his fingers sliding inside and outside your clit to the point that you would cum but sadly he couldn't lick it because of the soap water around.
In the night he would tell you to change into another flimsy dress because he would point at his dick and say, "Y/N it's hurting here, won't you help out your ruler?" And with that you had to go to him while he quickly undressed you and you two would make out throughout the entire night.
One day you were walking through the balcony, your shoulders all sored up. You were rolling it when you heard two servants gossiping among themselves, "Hey I am so excited for tomorrow I can't wait!!" One of the two chirped.
"Yeah me too! It's gonna be so much fun I can't wait." The other chimed in. You became curious, was there a party or something?
"What is there tomorrow?" You asked them and they turned towards you. "What Y/N you don't know? Do you live under the rocks? But then again we don't even know where you sleep." One of them chuckled as she said it.
The other girl spoke, "Ah then the rumors of Y/N sleeping with the prince must be false since she doesn't even know this." You raised your eyebrows, what did they mean? "What?"
"Uh.. I mean you were not coming back to our quarters to sleep that's why everyone assumed that you were sleeping with his highness." She sighed, "But no one thinks like that anymore because Concubine Young Hae-in is confident that she will be sleeping with his highness tonight because tomorrow is his coronation."
You thought for a second, smile already creeping on your face. "Hey look at her smile! I knew Y/N wasnt sleeping with him haha" the first girl chuckled.
You smiled as you realized that finally he was going to let go off you, finally.
Jungkook was looking at you from afar, his heart beating fast at your angelic smile,, it's been so long he had not see you smile like that, the very smile he saw when he saw you for the first time ploughing the fields with your father under the Sun. He was making a tour in disguise to analyze the agricultural growth of his Kingdom.
That day he saw you beaming, saw you wiping that glistening sweat off your forehead, the way your chest heaved from the hardwork and the way you followed your father to greet him with a wide smile, you might have forgotten him but he could never forget you, he was madly in love with you.
During the night everyone was making the preparations for the ceremony and you enthusiastically piped into the preparation, it was not just a consummation night for the prince and his concubine but also a celebration night for you.
Oh you couldn't wait to deliver these fruits to his chamber and say goodbye forever to his bedroom which reeked with both of your filth everytime you were there.
You entered behind the servants that bought in plates of fruits in Jungkook's bed chamber as he was half-lying while supporting his head by keeping his left arm underneath.
You raised your head just a little to see where was the concubine, who was not there yet. Was she running late?
"Everyone except Y/N leave my bedroom." Everyone hurriedly left as he ordered while you kept standing at the same spot with head held down. He smirked.
"Y/N come here." He said in a happy manner.
You took a few steps forward with head still bowed down. "Look at me Y/N." You slowly raised your head.
He pat on his bed, "Come sit here, you are going to feed me the grapes."
You gulped as you carried the bowl of grapes and sat next to him.
He sat up as well. "Aaa" he opened his mouth and you fed him a grape. He hummed, "This isn't that delicious. Feed me another one." He said and you took another grape to his mouth.
To your surprise he bit the grape halfway which resulted for the juice to trickle down your hand.
Your eyes went wide, the juice shouldn't ruin the expensive bedsheets which was going to be used tonight for the consummation so you quickly turned to wipe it off with a cloth but he held your wrist just in time.
"These are grapes imported from Egypt, they are not to be wasted in any means." And after saying that he took your hands and licked your fingers all the way to your elbow while you watched him horrified.
He licked his lips, "That tasted better. Wait, I think I know how these grapes can taste sweeter!" He took a grape from your bowl and bit it in half. "Y/N come closer." He commanded.
You were already so close, how much more close did he wanted for you to shift?
You still hesitantly shifted few centimeters and he held your chin, catching you off guard. He took the other half of the grape and rubbed the juicy side on your lips as elegantly as possible. Your lips were quivering.
"Alright, that grape juice isn't to be wasted either! Let me clean it up." He leaned in and sucked your lips, licked the juice clean. He pushed his tongue inside which played with yours.
He tore your dress from behind with one hand while he held your nape from moving away with the other. Then he opened his own violet silk robe.
Both of your chests were naked pressed to one another. Then without breaking the kiss he took a handful of grapes, brought his hand in between the narrow gap in between your bodies above the chest and crushed them. All the juice running down in both of your front bodies.
He brought the hand covered in juice down to your left nipple and rubbed on them roughly as if he was cleaning his hands on a tissue paper.
After kissing you like a maniac he detached himself and pressed you down on the bed while he hovered above you.
"Y/N let me first clean the juice off you." He sniffed the scent on your neck and went down in between your chest licking the stain off.
This had to be a dream, why on Earth was the prince obsessed with doing such things with you? You were brought here as a servant, not a sex slave. And why the fuck was he doing it just few hours before he was supposed to have sexual intercourse with his concubine?
He pinched your right nipple and you moaned, tears welled up in your eyes, not because of the pain but because of your losing dignity.
He bit your nipple making them hard and he licked, sucked and bit them clean one by one. He threw his head back in satisfaction. What a bliss yet again!
He then looked at your face and leaned in to lick off the tears, oh wow! Sweet and salty, what a brilliant taste combination he had!!
"Oh no the grape juice dried on me as well, need to take a bath.. but as said earlier these shall not be wasted in any manner. Y/N your responsibility is to lick me clean." He smirked once again while he lied down on bed.
You sat upon him, lord this position made him madly excited, you dominating him in bed will be the end of him!
You leaned down to lick his chest, since they were dried a little, you had to use more pressure to completely lick them up. "Fuck" Jungkook moaned.
He wants you so so bad, he would go insane at this point. He looked at your face while you licked his chest, he loved this, absolutely!
"Good job Y/N." He praised but you only felt nauseous.
He was a beast, your beast because he would look at your intimate parts like a hungry beast.
He got up from the bed and told you not to move, then he brought his crown and broke it.
"Tomorrow I will wear a new crown" He took a thin broken piece of his crown with a golden sphere at one end, he at once thrusted it into your vagina earning him a scream from you. "And tomorrow you will wear your crown as well love." He laughed like a maniac and lapped his tongue over your clit.
You cried, "i- weren't you supposed to have your consummation night tonight?"
He pulled out the piece of crown then inserted his dick inside you, "That's what we are doing my princess." Your hips arched at the sensation, this isn't what you thought would happen, you thought you would become free from his clutches but instead he made you his forever.
"And my Father-in-law will come out of the prison as a minister. " that was a forced title, you knew it very well.
"And from tomorrow you will be the Queen, this nation's Queen, MY QUEEN-but no one- no one will dress you up in the morning and undress you at the night except me!" He laughed, his laugh echoed the entire room.
And you knew, you were doomed.

Tysm for reading, twas my first mature content T_T feedback(pls give) is HIGHLY appreciated mwah 💖
Hiraeth | Part I
Jungkook x reader

Hiraeth: A longing for a home you can’t return to, or that never was.
Summary: It was confusing, the whole ordeal was. But no matter how many times you told yourself to go back, he was always there, taunting you to stay. Royalty AU
Genre: Smut, angst, minor fluff, some violence
Warnings: This is a multi part series that includes sexual themes and mature content.
“How much for admission?”
“25 today, ma’am.”
She smiled, pulling out a 20 and a 5 from her wallet before handing it to the ticket clerk. He took them gently, replacing them with a wide blue and gold ticket for the museum. She thanked him before gathering her things and turning to walk inside.
She had always admired museums, though she never had any time to actually go. She had been quite a few times as a child with her parents, but now that she was older, and miles away from her family, work eventually caught up with her, and museums just seemed out of reach.
Regardless of that fact, art was something she could find solace in; she was a writer herself. She understood the lengths of time and energy one had to put into a piece of work, and that gave her a great sense of comfort as she walked inside.
Despite it being a Saturday morning, the building was fairly empty, with the exception of a few families here and there checking the pre-historic exhibits. She had her eyes set on the literature displays, which she desperately wanted to write about since last year when that section of the museum opened.
Clutching her notebook and pen close against her chest, she proceeded to follow the direction of the pamphlets map, trying to weave her way around the statues and memorials of artists.
She had been tasked with the assignment of writing about the new piece of writing found in the museums archives. Something about a hefty donor who had initially donated the piece after he discovered it on a backpacking through Europe trip with his friends. The rest of the story somewhat varies from source to source, and little to none is actually known about the piece of writing.
Finally stepping into the large vicinity of the literature department, she found herself smiling, allowing her eyes to trail over the scrolls dating back from England in the 15th and 16th century, and over some of the more modern pieces. A book perched on a stand under a glass casing caught her eye and she mindlessly gravitated towards it.
“Careful with that.”
She gasped, taking a step back and clenching her fist around her book-bag. Though the sight of the middle aged man standing before her caused her to let out a long sigh, wincing as she awkwardly laughed.
“Sorry, you really scared me there.”
His eyebrows furrowed together, “My apologies, you were just looking too close. Please make sure you’re outside the red tape.”
Red tape?
And then she looked down.
Oh, red tape.
Her feet took two steps back, until they were finally behind the displays limit.
“Sorry,” she smiled shyly.
“Ah it’s alright, it’s just that this one’s fairly new. Last week’s shipment.”
She let her eyes hover over the book again. It was closed, sadly, the contents of whatever was inside maybe never to be exposed. The cover was a red mahogany, which splayed the three letters of J.G.Q.
It was strange to say the least, an author she had never once heard of. Granted, she wasn’t a literature fanatic, and she certainly didn’t enjoy boasting about her supposed knowledge on books and authors but, she had at least prided herself on her remembrance of important novels and their creators.
This one had to have some importance if it was here.
“Is that the author?”
He nodded, taking a closer look at the book, “Not really sure what it’s about, just know that it’s pretty expensive.”
“How much was the bidding?”
“Ah,” he clicked his tongue, “Somewhere around the 70 million mark.”
“What? Yea, I’d say that’s pretty expensive,” she nearly choked. If she could recall, that was nearly as much as Van Gogh’s Starry Night, and that was a painting.
“Yea, we’ve had other museums try to claim it but the owner really wanted it displayed here,” he shrugged, leaning on the disinterested side.
She clasped her hands together in front of her jacket, smiling kindly at him, before thanking him for the information. He quickly got the hint and waved a goodbye, before leaving her alone with the book.
This was it, this was the one, the one she was purposed to write about. A gleaming shimmer of anticipation shone through her eyes as she quickly pulled out her notebook to write.
“Ma’am? Excuse me, ma’am?”
Her body shook unexpectedly at the source of the quiet but urging voice. Locking eyes with the security guard, she began apologizing profusely, shaking her head at the sight that he had unfortunately caught her in.
She had managed to fall asleep in the middle of writing, pen still locked in hand, and body tiredly slumped against one of the stone benches near the book casing. It was covered now, blocking her view from the piece that lied underneath.
“Oh, it’s alright ma’am,” the guard started, his lips turning to the sides to expose his teeth, “It’s quite late though; the museums about to close soon.”
She hymned an okay, swallowing to coat the inside of her dry throat so she could properly speak to him.
“I’ll leave right now. Again, I’m very sorry,” she found purchase onto her bag, holding it up as some figurative shield against his scrutiny. He seemed kind enough however, and merely held up a hand to ease down her nerves.
“No need to apologize. We’ve had plenty of people doze off here. Art can get quite boring.”
Her brows knitted together, yet before she had any time to open her mouth to rebuff his statement that art was simply not boring, he had already sauntered off down the hallway, gesturing to the exit door across the room.
She followed his ushering, leaving quick without another word. How could someone work at a place full of art and mosaics and still have the audacity to call it boring. It rubbed her the wrong way, but she shrugged it off without a second’s remorse. Some people were just like that.
The notes she had taken hadn’t gotten too far either, and she bit her lip at the thought of returning again sometime next week, presumably after the guard could forget her face. She didn’t want the embarrassment of an encounter again.
Eventually, digging through her bag, her fingers found her car keys, and she sluggishly drew them out, making way to the parking lot on the other side of the building. But suddenly, the night’s gentle hush was crudely interrupted when a harsh scraping echoed from her right.
Better judgement called out to her, pleading for her to just continue onwards to her car but goddammit, she was too stubborn. Hugging her keys at the base of her chest, she neared the side of the museum, peering past one of the concrete pillars and into the alley where the trash bins were placed.
There, in the short distance of where her eyes were able to scan, were two darkly dressed men, hauling an oversized trash bag over their shoulders. They must’ve been taking out the trash.
Releasing a long breath of air she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in, she finally tore her eyes away from them, turning on her heel to get to ready to leave before her keys slipped past her fingers. With a clichéd clank, they hit the ground, captivating the attention of the two men.
“Hey! You there!”
Shit shit shit.
Her jaw hung open, tongue continuously flicking over her teeth to find any words to say but they never seemed to come out. One of the men had already bolted in her direction, and while her heart sped up dangerously to breaking point, she couldn’t find the fight or flight response to move anything. They had both failed her and instead, she just froze.
“What did you see?” One of them harshly whispered, whipping his head back and forth to survey the area. She could only muster a small shake of her head. Nothing, I saw nothing.
“Relax man, you obviously scared her,” another gruff voice boomed from behind him. They both looked older, probably mid-thirties, and both had the same tired look over their faces.
“She saw us hauling around the bag!” He hissed at the other, clutching at her arm to keep her steady in place.
“I don’t…I don’t,” the stuttering mess tumbled out innocuously. The lesser of the tense two crouched down to her eye level, letting out an exasperated sigh before waving his hand at his partner.
“Just do it quick then.”
“What?” She yelped, clenching both her fists in an attempt to take control over her arm again.
One of them slugged off to the black trash bag, opening it casually before reaching deep into its contents. Her eyes widened at the sight of the red book being tugged out from the bag, before he walked back over.
“You’re going to do it with that?” The one still gripping her arm asked, his voice dripping venom. The one standing shrugged, “It’s the only thing that looks hard enough. You should’ve brought your bat.”
Everything they were saying seemed to go in one ear and out the other, an unfamiliar ringing replacing their bickering instead. The thumping of her heart beat pulsated to her face and she felt herself ready to combust with panic. But before those feelings could even settle within her, the standing man drew the book back past his shoulder.
She stared at him, anticipating the blow, until he finally fulfilled her worst thought and whipped it forward against her head, the last sight her eyes caught were the bold letterings of “J.G.Q.”
The fogginess soon cleared from her mind, a daydream like essence washing over her instead as she tried to take in whatever surroundings her eyes would let her. They struggled to adjust to the dim lighting but eventually, they roved over the room.
A layer of dust seemed to coat almost everything in sight, like a thick blanket, hiding the interiors of simplistic furniture. This room had to have been forgotten, or at least, drawn away to be forgotten.
She stood up, wincing at the painful throbbing in her head, and she raised an arm to tightly clutch around her forehead, trying to suppress a whimper.
“What the hell…”
It didn’t dawn on her before, but this certainly was not the alleyway behind the museum building. Though she had a fair history with panicking under strange and foreign circumstances, she used whatever strength was left in her to ease herself, at least until she could figure out exactly where she was and how she got here.
How long had it been since she was knocked out? How much did it induce her to forget? And what had she gotten herself into yet again?
Mentally thanking herself for never once loosening her grip on her book-bag, she pulled out its contents, double and triple checking if everything she had left her house with was with her now. The notebook, the pen, a couple of candy wrappers, her headphones and finally her cellphone, which she whipped out in an attempt to call whatever authorities she could.
Except, the time was off.
Surely it had to have been later on in the day, or at least week. But both the date and time were exactly the same as when she had checked leaving the museum. A string of muttered profanities escaped her lips as she tried desperately to dial any number, yet to no avail. Of course.
Pursing her lips, she shoved everything back into her bag, tightly zipping it shut before slinging the strap over her shoulder. There was no way she’d find answers in here, so without a pause for thought, she opted to leave the dusty room and proceeded towards the single wooden door.
Her heart nearly stopped when she found a long corridor extending to a large spiral staircase. This certainly did not look like any building structure she was familiar with. Everything felt too elegant, it felt too, old.
The hallway comprised a series of doors, each further than the last. One however, on the left side caught her eye. It was the only set of double doors in the hallway, probably for something or someone important. Every ounce of her being somehow felt it would’ve been wrong to stumble into that room, but she couldn’t shake off the curiosity within her.
Licking her lips, and holding her bag just a tad bit closer, she gently paced over to the doors, careful not to attract any attention to the light taps of her feet across the red carpeted floor.
When she finally reached the doors, she squeezed her eyes shut and took in a deep breath, reminding herself that she had to do this if she wanted to find out how on earth she wounded up here.
So she latched her hand on the knob and quickly pushed it open.
It was darker than the hallway, and with proper assessment, she concluded it had to be night passing by now, judging by the dark blue skies beyond the window across the room. Upon further inspection, and after walking inside, she swallowed thickly as she realized this was a bedroom.
An incredibly large one, might she add.
To the right, a queen sized bed was pushed against the wall, meeting its head-post. Four long pillars extended from each corner, holding up some kind of…tapestry? Drapery? It was hard to tell. To the left, a white sheer glossed door was closed, and right beside it, a folding wardrobe.
Drifting towards the accordion styled doors of the closet, she mindlessly opened one side, peering inside. It held men’s clothing, of various hues and gradients, yet the article that caused her blood to run cold, was the coat at the very end.
Embedded with a sequin of dazzling emblems and glitter, it carried some kind of regal feel to it. Almost as if this didn’t belong in her hands, or in anyone’s for that matter.
And then the door to the bedroom rattled and she froze dead in her spot, darting her head to the handle. Her body remained firmly glued to the ground, but her mind screamed at her to move, to hide, to do something. The sweat trickled over her forehead and if it weren’t for the rush of adrenaline coursing through veins, she would’ve cried. But there’s no time for that.
Tugging at her legs with her arms, she practically threw herself inside the closet, shutting it quick before sinking down in the farthest corner behind a rack of black lace trimmed boots. She cradled her head in her arms, whilst pulling her knees closer to her chest as she tried to steady her breathing to a complete halt.
The door opened. She could hear it. A grunt followed after.
Her body trembled in the darkness, silently waiting for the stranger to leave so she could escape. But she didn’t even know what she’d do after that. Who would she turn to? Who could she call? Not even her phone was functioning properly here and surely this wasn’t someplace where she was welcomed.
It couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes, mindlessly waiting inside the closet, praying to whatever higher being that whoever was inside the room would not open the doors to reveal her hiding body. The sliver of light beneath the closet suddenly flickered out, and some shuffling could be heard on the other side.
Whoever it was, had gone to sleep.
She waited just a little bit more, hoping to make her escape sooner than later. Crawling over the boots, to the front, her hand carefully gripped the underside of the door, sliding it just crack open so she could slip out.
Eventually, her entire body finally made it out, and she shut her eyes, the concern too highly concentrated in her brain. Hands flailing over the carpet of the ground, she pushed herself upright, making sure not to breathe a single loud puff. It would be too risky.
But the universe had already made a point in proving she had the worst luck imaginable on earth, and while she was straightening out her clothes, the body in the bed adjacent to her sat up tiredly, bringing a hand to rub at their eyes.
She could only stare, hot pinpricks dotting all over her face until the body in the bed gasped.
It was a man. And he was gawking at her, angrily.
As soon as he could comprehend her presence and release a loud halting demand, she was running straight out of the room, with him on foot close behind.
Part II
So I'm looking for a Yoongi X reader fic and I believe it's also a Jungkook X reader fic. It's a royalty au based off of The White Princess. Can anyone help me find it?
Maybe in another life - Masterlist

synopsis: A trip to Seoul ends up transporting you 300 years in the past. How will you survive the Palace life that you surprisingly end up in? Or will the King kill you?
pairing: king!jungkook x timetraveler!reader
type: historical au, royal au
genre: fluff, smut, hella lot of angst
updates: every monday and friday, starting on the 26th of February
words: 28.6k
PS. This is me trying to make up for not posting Christmas Jungkook 😅
Reply to be added to the tag list 😄

Episode 1 - Happy birthday to you
Episode 2 - Joseon doesn’t treat you nice so far
Episode 3 - Painting in 1600
Episode 4 - Back at it again
Episode 5 - A night with the King
Episode 6 -“I’m from the future"
Episode 7 - Under the same Moon
Episode 8 - Scared
Episode 9 - Little Prince
Episode 10 - Lose
Episode 11 - Head held high
Episode 12 - Home…?
This is one of the best stories I've read of late, I'm so happy I stumbled on it!
The world-building is refreshing and consistent. The plot and political aspects are believable - everyone is playing their game and being bad is a matter of perspective (for some 👀). The OC is knowledgeable but goes on a journey and so do we and it's amazing and rewarding. The romance is believable, especially because enough time is given for things to evolve and personalities to match perfectly 💜
There's mystery and a plot twist to the freaking last line and I admire that! I couldn't put this down and I know I'll be reading it again!
When do we get a spin-off? 😋
Of Ruin || KTH || Masterpost

(banner by @/itaeewon)

Title: Of Ruin
Status: complete - all chapters now posted
WC: 85k total, 16 chapters
Rating: NSFW - minors DNI
Pairing: KTH x reader || platonic Namjoon x reader friendship!
Genre: supernatural!au royalty!au magic!au || s2l || angst fluff smut trifecta
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
Warnings: language, casual drinking, lots of vampire warnings such as scary situations, vampires hunting/biting/feeding/killing, magic and magical fighting, magical world politics, eventual smut but not a lot dont expect too much, EXTREMELY slow burn even for me DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YOU, chapters will have individual warnings
Author’s Note: Although the worlds, rules, characterizations, and plot are very extremely different, I have to say that I was inspired to write this after reading @/kth1fics Black Ravens series. Thank you to Maggie for being so gracious when I asked if she’d be okay with me trying a vamp!tae fic of my own.
Big thank you to @sailoryooons for the quick, thorough, and masterful beta job, and for letting me ask questions, shout and scream, and send endless screenshots as I worked on this for the last six months! Thank you also to @eoieopda, @jeonqkooks, and @yoongiphoria for accepting an ungodly number of screenshots as well. There would be no fic without y'all, I mean it!

Series Teaser:
He’s on you in an instant, so quickly you don’t see him move. Your back hits the wall behind you and you let out an audible grunt.
He sniffs at you, fangs displayed and ready. Your heart pounds desperately, and beneath his inhumanly strong hold, your muscles shake. Your body knows you are about to die, even if your mind still wants to lie to you about it.
He laves at a spot near the base of your neck, giving a happy hum as your pulse thunders against his tongue. You close your eyes, feeling your whole body shudder in terror.
“Taehyung,” you whisper, eyelids fluttering.

Chapter 1 || wc: 5.7k
Chapter 2 || wc: 5.9k
Chapter 3 || wc: 5.1k
Chapter 4 || wc: 5.5k
Chapter 5 || wc: 4.6
Chapter 6 || wc: 6k
Chapter 7 || wc: 5k
Chapter 8 || wc: 4.8k
Chapter 9 || wc: 4.3k
Chapter 10 || wc: 5.2k
Chapter 11 || wc: 4.7k
Chapter 12 || wc: 4.8k
Chapter 13 || wc: 6k
Chapter 14 || wc: 6.3k
Chapter 15 || wc: 5k
Chapter 16 || wc: 5.1k

Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Original Female Character(s), Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character(s), Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Min Yoongi | Suga/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Bangtan Boys | BTS Ensemble Additional Tags: Merman Kim Namjoon, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, University Student Kim Namjoon | RM, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Merman Kim Taehyung, taehyung is a prince, King Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook is Whipped, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Min Yoongi | Suga are Best Friends, Alpha Kim Seokjin | Jin, University Student Park Jimin (BTS), Cute Park Jimin (BTS), Fucking, Jungkook TOTALLY doesn't have a crush on his best friend, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Kim Namjoon | RM Has a Big Dick, Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Mentions of TXT, Smut, Mentioned Choi Soobin, Kim Namjoon | RM is Whipped, Prince Kim Namjoon | RM, Prince Kim Taehyung | V, King Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alternate Universe - Magic, Siren Kim Namjoon | RM, Black Character(s), Original Character(s) Series: Part 1 of RoomMates Universe Summary:
Liyana is 22 year old college student in Atlanta, Georgia. She spends most of her time outside of school chilling with her best friends Yoongi, Jungkook, and Rena. Everything is going just fine for her until one day a new student shows up. He's everything she's ever dreamed of. But with every great thing comes a price. He's hiding a dark secret from the world and from his new roommate. What will happen when she finds out?
The Princess And The Ghost
Synopsis• Can the living marry the dead? A question the princess dares to ask after falling in love with a ghost whose past life has been long forgotten.
Duo• Princess! Reader x Royal! BTS but mainly Ghost! Jimin
Genres • Royal Au, Romcom, Horror (Boo!), and Magic
Beware! Namjoon is a slight meanie and a know it all *Rolls eyes*

At noon, In the imperial library, The moonlight sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven is elaborately recomposed on the grand piano. This dates back to the first time your ears had ever heard of such a celestial piece of music performed flawlessly. You gathered the ends of your informal ball gown, rushing to applause the skillful instrumentalist.
However, To your dismay, not a person in sight.
The following ended in the same result. How could a person disappear so rapidly in which a short amount of time? How peculiar? You asked the servants about the mysterious symphony, but their answers were the same.
"Me? Play the piano?! My humblest apologies, Your Grace, but I can only cook." Said the chef.
"My word Miss, Have you become ill? No one else is allowed in the library besides you and the king." Cried Matilda, the head maid.
That's right, Only those of the royal bloodline are permitted to step foot in the library, which you thought was appalling everyone deserves to read. Oh! The royal librarian must know or perhaps the blessing to your prayers.
"Namjoon?! Sir Namjoon?!"
"Princess! You'll wake the dead. This is a library; please be a bit more considerate." Namjoon scolded, Looking over his glasses. Why didn't you think of this before? Namjoon is not only the royal librarian, but He's also your teacher as well. The kingdom's genius surely knows how the play the piano.
"I'm sorry, Namjoon, but I have a question."
Namjoon gave you his undivided attention, setting aside his novel. "What troubles you, Princess?"
"Can you play the piano?"
He scoffed as if he were insulted. "Why, of course, I can play the piano. Do you take me for some type of buffoon?" He advanced to the piano and began to play.
You watched and listened, but it didn't sound the same. Although Namjoon's fingers danced among the keys similar to this afternoon, the melody was missing something; it wasn't right.
Either way, You praised his brilliance after his performance but left in sorrow. This afternoon you sat in the library with a spot of tea; you've been there since early this morning because of your father becoming unbearable when he's on his 'We need to a compatible successor to have my lovely daughter's hand in marriage.' streak.
That's when you witness the impossible; the piano began to play on its own. Astounded, you held your breath as a figure of a man feebly appeared at the piano. His colorless eyes had no pupils, skin of virgin snow, hair as black as night. Nothing took his interest.
The more you observe, the more solid his form appears. His plush lips faded to pale pink.
He froze, raising his head to you, and smiled.
You gently reached your hand; you wished to touch him, but before you had the chance, the doors flew open.
"Miss! Miss! Duke, Seokjin is here for brunch! He's earlier than expected. We might get you ready immediately." Matilda snatched your hand and ran towards the door.
"But wait, there's a man-" You looked back to nothing but thin air. " But he was right there!?"
"Enough, Miss, please let's go, or else; your father will have me head." She begged.
"Yes-of..oTf course."
aus + quote drabbles

send me an au + quote
all of these will most likely be ot7 poly hehe

vampire!au | “why would i do that?”
mafia!au | “you killed her. you took her from me”
prequel “won’t you smile for me?”
soulmate!au | “i love the taste of your lies”
prince!au | “you shouldn’t be here”
halloween!au | “i’ll be there for you”
mafia!au | “it’s you, it’s always been you”
florist!au | “don’t ever come here again”
mafia!au | “don’t you dare lay a single hand on her”
royal!au | “please don’t listen to them”
neighbor!au | “why are you in your underwear?”
soulmate!au | “you are so short i can’t even kiss your head without bending down”
ceo!au | “how many times do i have to tell you guys not to do this in the file room?”
mafia!au | “you’re ours and we’re yours. that’s just how the world works babe”
badboy!au | “why do you love me”
mafia!au | “where are you hurt?”
ceo!au | “i need to recharge so let me hug you”
vampire!au | “i don’t care what you are, i love you for you”
mafia!au | “can i kiss you”
part 2
greek gods!au | “i don’t think this is how it works”
pocket sized!au | “um baby…that’s not how that works”
soulmate!au | “you are never alone, we are here for you, you are our heart”
demon!au | “i’d take all the pain and sadness in the world if it meant you’d all be happy and free”
supernatural!au | “i know that we’re stuck together now…but can you not sleep shirtless?”
badboy!au | “you’re so sweet you give me cavity”
dragon!au | “you’re the only one we love”
fantasy!au | “i know we put you through hell but please, this isn’t you. what happened to you?”
badboy!au | “you’re it for us, you know?”
soulmate!au | “i really thought you were going to abandon me for her”
royal!au | “your parent wouldn’t approve”
demon!au | “you’re always safest with us, remember that”
mafia!au | “please come get me, i’m scared”
mafia!au | “i missed you”
boarding school!au | “i brought him here. we’re gonna settle this once and for all”
sugar daddy!au | “i’m not going anywhere”
vampire!au | “i know it hurts but it’ll get better. baby you need to feed and it’ll get better, i promise”
prince!au | “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more”
prince!au | “wah you’re so small. don’t worry we will protect you”
mafia!au | “they won’t get away with this”
part 2
mafia!au | “you’re not fine, you need to rest”
prince!au | “you deserve to be with a beautiful princess, not just some daughter of a selfish rich familiy
greek gods!au | "don’t cry, pretty one”
soulmate!au | “in every life, we’ll always find you”
badboy!au | “let sombody look after you for a change” “we’ve always noticed you”
mafia!au | “it kinda hurts not gonna lie”
badboy!au | “i thought we agreed on keeping the relationship a secret for now”
werewolf!au | “don’t worry, i’m okay”
mermaid!au | “please be careful, you might hurt yourself”
badboy!au | “do that again”
mafia!au | “come to bed”
part 2
mafia!au | “now it’s my turn to protect you”
fallen angels!au | “the stars were never enough for me”
mafia!au | “that’s not fair! kookie and tae cheated!”
bodyguard!au | “hold my hand babygirl”
mafia!au | “it’s okay to fall, i will be there to catch you all”
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
badboy!au | “i don’t think i can be alone tonight”
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
a thousand springs

— summary: when poison threatens to take your life away from them, they only wish they had more time with you
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, fluff, poly!au, historical!au, royalty!au
— word count: 11.4k
— warnings: poison consumption, talks of death, reader gains illness from poison that has the potential to take her life, injuries, hurt and comfort (happy ending)
— rec music: listened to jimin & ha sung woon - with you while writing this

You stare at the budding flowers in the garden, feeling a sense of serene as the gentle breeze allows you to get a better wisp of the smell, melting your tense shoulders almost instantly.
“They’re almost ready to be picked,” you say into the comfortable silence as you crouch down to gently reach out to one of them as if giving attention to a child. You’re so soft, so gentle with them, and when you turn over to look up at the man behind you, the tender smile on your face softens his hardened features. “Don’t you think so, Jungkook?”
“Seems that way,” he says, and although you both know he has no clue about the flowers at hand, the way you giggle in response to his short answer makes him smile discreetly.
“It has a strong sense of calm to them,” you say as you return your focus back to the blooming flowers. “I think it’d help Namjoon a lot. Ah and speaking of, Jimin and Taehyung should be back soon, shouldn't they? I assume Taehyung will probably go on a ramble about how annoying his missions are so I should prepare some calming tea for him, and Jimin will probably knock out the second he returns. By the way, Jungkook,” he falls at your every attention the second you call for him, holding a hand out to help you up without a word. “Seokjin mentioned he was running out of ink the other day, do you think you could accompany me to town later?”
He nods at your request while you continue rambling.
“Maybe I should get him a new brush as well. The man really loves his writings so he’s probably quite particular about what sort of brush he uses. Maybe I should ask him about it. But then again I sort of want it to be a surprise. He’d like that wouldn’t he?” Jungkook nods again. “Then, do you think you can help me?”
He nods once more, already preparing to leave when you stop him by the tug of his sleeve.
He turns around, wondering why you had suddenly stopped him when you reached up to pick something from his hair.
“Looks like Spring is faring well,” you say with a sweet giggle as you reveal the pink petal plucked from his hair. “When the castle calms, we should go on an outing to enjoy the cherry blossoms.”
“If it’s what you want, I’ll mention it to Namjoon.”
“Hey now, you’re making it sound like I’m the only one who wants this. It’s high time you relax as well, Jungkook, enjoy yourself a little more.” When he shakes his head, you sigh with a small pout. “You boys are always running all over the place, never taking a moment to calm down. One day you’re going to regret taking up my offer. Can’t you do it? For me?”
“My missions..”
You frown when he says so, an upset expression forming upon your features. “Argh, you’re always so busy, aren’t you? If it wasn't for the fact that you have to remain as my bodyguard, I know you would have definitely gone with Jimin and Taehyung. It kind of breaks my heart thinking about it.”
Seeing the conflicted gaze in his eyes, you laugh aloud. “Just kidding. Of course, I know your missions take priority so don't worry too much about what I just said. I’m sure when the time comes, you’ll—”
“M-My lady! Master Jungkook!”
The two of you turn at the retainer whose feet carry loud and heavy.
“Come now, Wen, why’re you in such a h—”
“Master Taehyung is heavily injured!”
The second he announces those words, you can physically feel your heart dropping and Jungkook, who had been silent all this time, quickly hurries to carry you so that when he takes off, it only takes a few moments before you arrive at the main hall where a heavily injured Taehyung is carried with support from Jimin.
Your breath hitches at the sight of their bloody bodies, both hands coming up to cover your lips as you stand there, trembling.
“I’m fine,” he dismisses your concern with a cold remark as Yoongi and Hoseok rush to the scene in order to help the two ninjas.
You walk over, brows arching with distress. “Clearly not.”
“I’m talking fine, aren’t I?”
God, why does he always have to be stubborn when it comes to his injuries? Still, you know you can’t do much except give the man his space as he gets carried off to his chambers with the doctor following right behind.
At times like this, you know you’ll just have to wait it out until the fatigue hits him and he doesn’t have any more energy to get upset about the mission. It doesn’t hide the fact that it hurts seeing him in such a state, however.
“Y/N, will you help Jimin?” Hoseok asks with a hand on your shoulder when you stood there, looking after Taehyung’s disappearing body.
You turn around at the older man, brows pressing together as you take a look at Jimin. He’s injured as well, not as bad as Taehyung but injured still.
Once Jimin is settled in his private chambers, you get to tending through his wounds without a moment of rest, knowing that you’d rather keep yourself busy than fret over other things. Whatever happened during their mission, they’ll have to eventually report to Namjoon but for now, all is quiet as you sit before Jimin, the sun already down as you watch over his cuts and bruises.
“Hey,” he breaks the silence after a while and you feel a hand holding you under the ear in order to tilt your head up to look up at him. “Taehyung will be alright,” Jimin assures, a gentle yet transient smile resting on his face.
Your expression breaks slightly. “Why does he always have to be stubborn?”
“You know how Taehyung is.”
“I just wish he’d let me care for him during times like this.”
“He just doesn’t like you seeing him in his weakened state.” You frown when he says that, eyes looking down once more to return your focus back on wrapping Jimin’s arm.
“That stubborn brat,” you mumble under your breath, causing him to chuckle lightly when the doors slide open and Hoseok walks in. “How is he?” You’re quick to ask.
“He’s just fine. It took some time but his stubborn ass finally decided to rest,” Hoseok reports with a sigh as he finds a space on the floor beside the two of you. “Jungkook’s watching over him.”
“Does this mean the mission was a fail?” You turn to Jimin, concern filling your features.
He sends you an apprehensive look. “It’s too early to say. Namjoon will probably have me and Jungkook return to the scene to pick up after my and Taehyung’s work.”
“But you just returned injured and look at what happened to Taehyung.”
“This is to help the Clan, Y/N,” he reminds you solemnly and you sit there, not wanting to hear the truth. Seeing as the bandages are all wrapped securely on his arm, Jimin reaches up to gently stroke your hair. “Come on now, don’t give me that look. We’ll be fine.”
“I know what to do now,” he assures. “We just foolishly fell into the enemy’s trap but I won’t make the same mistake again.”
“How can you be so sure…” You mutter, still refusing to accept this despite knowing it isn’t your place to voice out such an opinion. You may be the Lady of the Clan but even then, any details that have to do with the ninjas’ missions will always go deaf to your ears.
“Because we have you waiting for us back at home.” He states it so surely you almost fall for the smile Jimin sends you but you know better than that. After all, despite the many years you’ve spent with them, it still worries you to no end when they run off to do some dangerous task.
Your heart will never be settled as long as you are the wife of highly skilled warriors.
Hoseok takes your hand in your silence and gives you a gentle squeeze. “They’ll be fine,” he says gently and you know you can’t do much to refute that.
Days later, Jimin and Jungkook disappear without a trace, most likely off to the said mission.
You can feel it when Jungkook’s eyes are no longer on yours. After all, he always watches over you whether in person or somewhere hidden in the air, so when you can no longer feel a watchful gaze, that’s when you know he’s gone off to do a mission.
The castle has gotten busy ever since that night.
“Are you coming to bed soon?”
Namjoon keeps busy at his desk with his brush rushing through the stack of papers before him even as he answers you. “Head to bed first, alright? I’ll join you soon.”
You know that’s a lie because one time you woke up in the middle of the night and there he was still at his desk, busying away.
Upon your silence and unmoving body, Namjoon looks up with a rueful smile once he spots your frown. “If you’ve gotten that lonely sleeping on your own, why don’t you join Taehyung?”
“Do you think I haven’t tried? He kicked me out as always,” you say with a huff as you stand from the bed and crawl on over and sit yourself by his side, eyes scanning over the complicated papers he has to read and write. “Want some help?” You ask as you look up at your husband, the Lord of the Clan.
He chuckles lightly at your offer of assistance and brings his hand to ruffle your head. “You haven’t the slightest clue what’s written on these pages, do you?”
“If you teach me, I can play my part.”
“I’d love to do that,” he says, pausing, “on another day.” You frown. “Go on now, stop being stubborn and catch up on your rest.”
“You should listen to your own advice,” you say as you crawl away but only to show up behind him, arms wrapping around his waist with your chin plopped onto his shoulder.
“What’re you doing?”
“I miss you,” you confess, nuzzling further into the cloth of his hanbok.
Namjoon says nothing to that and simply returns to his work, but from the corner of your eyes, you can see a small smile curled along his lips. He probably misses you too but has to unfortunately put his work before you.
That’s just what the head of the Clan has to do. Above all, throw his desires away to make sure things are okay in the Clan again. After all, Jimin and Jungkook are off busying themselves on a mission. He can’t slack off.
You take ahold of the brush at hand, brows furrowed in concentration as you stroke a finger upon the hair in order to get a feel of what Seokjin likes.
How does one tell what’s a good brush and what isn’t? Jungkook was supposed to get the intel for you but now that he’s away on a mission, you have to take matters into your own hands. It’s hard though, you have to admit, because no matter how many times you brush your fingers over the hairs, you still have no idea what you’re looking for.
Perhaps the shop owner will have a better say in the field. You can just ask him instead. And besides, Seokjin’s probably a frequent visitor so they’d be likely to easily point out which brush it is that he likes best.
Yeah, you should do that.
“Y/N, what’re you doing here?”
You quickly put the brush back in its place before the doors slide open and Seokjin walks in, frowning slightly at the sight of you in his private chambers.
“I thought you enjoyed unexpected visitors,” you say as you stand to walk over to his side and help him carry a few scrolls in.
“You’re not exactly unexpected though.”
You sigh when he says that. “Ah, by the way, I was planning on heading to town to pick up a few things so—”
You blink at his quick reply. “Huh?”
“You’re not allowed out or go anywhere by yourself now that no one’s here to watch over you,” he states as he takes a seat before his desk. You place the scrolls down with a slight frown.
Duties, duties.
You’re basically stuck here now.
Ah, what good is being the Lady of a Clan when you can’t even go anywhere without an escort?
With your knees pressed up to your chest, you wrap your arms around them, cheek laying against your knees as you look out the open window upon the pretty cherry blossoms that stand just outside the doors. You know sitting like this isn’t very ladylike but for now, you don’t care as your eyes yearn for the outing you mentioned to Jungkook that one day.
Seems it won’t be happening this year either.
Soon enough the cherry blossoms will have all fallen and you’d be stuck watching them from the castle once more, unable to have the viewing and picnic you so yearned for ever since you were wed into the Clan.
“Don’t look like that.”
You turn back to Seokjin with a forced smile. “Like what?” The least you can do is pretend to not sulk over small things like this when they’re over here busy with castle work, just trying to maintain a good system.
You can’t be selfish.
Seokjin sighs knowingly and pauses in his readings in order to hold a hand out for you. “Come here.”
You don’t hesitate to walk on over and take a seat beside him, eyes eagerly looking up at the attention he’s finally giving you. He reaches a hand out to stroke your head, a gentle expression on his face. “Soon, things will calm down. Just wait a little longer, alright?”
Soon there will be no cherry blossoms to look at.
“I can wait as long as you’d like, don’t worry about me.” Still, you speak those words from the bottom of your heart, knowing that your selfish desires will only burden them.
Seokjin understands your heart and frowns slightly because he knows he can’t fulfill them. “I’ll be alright,” you say, and he leans in to press a gentle kiss on your lips.
You take what you can get, smiling into the kiss.
A soft melody resounding into the silence of the night, Yoongi’s ears perk up at the sound, knowing just who is playing such a beautiful melody.
His feet carry him towards the sound and there he finds you sitting on the veranda, playing the flute as you would whenever you can. Most nights you’ll play it for them when things are less busy, on other nights you’ll play it in the loneliness of the night, the sound of the flute keeping you company.
He watches you for some time, just standing there as the moonlight brightens your beauty, closed eyes, fingers lightly pressing on the holes of the flute ever so often, your lips blowing air into the wooden thing.
How long has it been since he’s sat in your presence and simply listened to you speak?
You must be so lonely now that everyone else has gotten so busy.
So he silently takes a few steps forward and takes a seat right beside you. The music falters a little when you feel his presence but quickly picks back up when you realize that it’s him. Yoongi lays his head on your lap and rests his eyes, feeling the fatigue finally get to him now that he’s taken the time to settle down after such a busy day.
When the music dies down and you put the flute down beside you, he feels your fingers run through his hair in a gentle manner.
“Finally taking up my offer to rest, huh?”
Yoongi holds a hand out, flexing his fingers until you give him your hand. “There’s still so much to do but at least Jimin and Jungkook are returning soon.”
You gasp at the news. “Really?”
Yoongi nods. “We got a letter this afternoon.”
“That’s great news! I can finally go into town now.”
“Ah, is that what you’re excited about?”
You giggle at his lazy response. “I previously asked Jungkook to accompany me to town in order to grab a present for Seokjin and now that I think about it, maybe I should pick some things up for Taehyung as well. He’s still as stubborn as ever, refusing to allow me into his private chambers. Isn’t it rather unfortunate? Why does he choose to remain cooped up in his bed when he could be roaming outside, looking at the pretty cherry blossoms? Soon enough, the petals will all have fallen and we’ll have to wait a whole other year to see them again.”
When you look down at the man on your lap, you frown slightly at his closed eyes, breath slowing down. “Hey, are you even listening?”
“Mmn,” he hums. “Keep talking, I like listening to your voice.”
“Oh.” Well, you hadn’t expected that response.
“It’s soft and gentle, like a spring breeze. Though in honesty, nothing compares to having you here like this, not even your voice.” He looks up at you with a gentle squeeze to your hand, smiling softly.
“I…” You can feel your cheeks slightly heating up. “I like your voice too…” You say, gently, and Yoongi chuckles lightly as he sits up.
He puts a hand beside you, resting his body against it as he crowds you in, and before long, you feel his soft lips on yours.
Yoongi’s kisses are sweet and gentle, unlike his more serious and stern side whenever he’s on the battlefield or speaking during war council. This is the hidden and soft side only you and the guys get to witness, no one else.
You feel so lucky.
“Okay, this time, maybe he won’t kick me out.” You steady yourself with a tray of tea prepared in your hands, prepping yourself up because you know it takes effort to try and get Taehyung to open up. How many days has it been since he returned with his injuries? It’s been some time now so maybe he’s feeling a bit friendly today?
One can only hope.
Taehyung’s a stubborn man who doesn’t like to show you his weaknesses, getting rather upset and angry if you were to push his buttons because he’d rather be upfront and strong when he’s around you.
It’s dumb when you think about it but what can you do? He’s too stubborn to listen to your reassuring words otherwise.
As you round down the hall, a glimpse of a familiar structure catches your sight and your eyes are quick to brighten.
He’s strolling down the hall, his formal wear a bit exposing his chest due to the bandages that wraps all around his right arm. He rests them inside his clothes, letting them prop up against where the belt of his formal wear resides, and when he looks up at your call, Taehyung’s hard expression doesn’t change.
“Taehyung, I have tea for—”
He turns to slide open his door and walks right in, slamming it closed without a word spoken to you.
Your heart falls at his refusal, tray almost tipping over if you hadn’t been quick to keep a steady grip on it before it can do so.
Another day, another rejection.
Maybe if you talk to Namjoon, he can get the man to open up, but Namjoon’s a pretty busy man as well. Hoseok, perhaps? No, everyone’s busy.
As you turn around to make your way back to the kitchen, you feel dejected at the events of things.
Guess I’ll just have to wait until Jimin and Jungkook returns. Which shouldn’t be long.
Your lips press together into a tight smile as you give yourself a nod, confident things will work out again soon. Taehyung will be bound to show his presence once Jimin and Jungkook returns, he’d have no other choice.
You can bombard him then.
You giggle thinking about it when someone calls your name.
“Lady Y/N!”
You turn at the call to find a familiar retainer walking up to you.
“Good afternoon, Chan. How can I help you?” You greet with a smile.
“Well actually, I’m here to give you this,” he says, presenting a small jar of something green and herbal.
“What is it?” You ask as you take the jar, eyes scanning over the dried leaves. “Tea?”
“Yes, they have quite the strong calming effect.”
“Really?” Your eyes brighten a bit at his words.
“Yes. They’re quite rare to attain right now, my lady, but I know you love to seep tea ever so often so I’m sure it’d do you well to keep them rather than them staying with me.”
“No way, they’re that rare?” You gasp before looking back at him. “Thanks so much, Chan! I’ll be sure to make good use of them.”
“Of course, my lady.”
With that, you’re off to the kitchen in the annex that gives you personal space.
You set the tray you had in hand down onto a table before examining the jar you were just given.
Tea that has such a strong calming effect is hard to come by these days so you’re thankful to be given some and quickly get to work to begin seeping the tea leaves. While keeping your hands busy, a soft smile falls on your face as you think of your boys.
It’ll help them during this time and the other two ninjas will return soon so that’ll be even better.
You take a look outside at the gardens to find a cherry blossom tree just a few yards away, hoping and praying that maybe you will have time this year.
Just maybe.
“Surely this year will be the year,” you mumble to yourself as the tea is ready and take a small sniff of the content.
It smells like the forest, calm and crisp.
You take a sip of the drink and your eyes brighten at the taste.
“Great! Now to send it over to Namjoon and the rest.” You take a stand when all of a sudden, your head falls heavy and your vision begins to blur.
You try to speak but your throat constricts, each breath harder than the last as it begins to burn and the tray falls from your grasp.
Why can’t you speak?
Unable to get a grasp on what has been done to you, you rush to the inner kitchen where the maids and cooks should be, panic settling in your chest as your heart beats rapidly in ways you’ve never felt before. Something strange is happening to you, something painful, but you know you can’t just collapse right now, not before it’s too late.
As soon as you hear the voices of the maids and cooks, the world pitches over one last time and your vision goes black. Needles of pain lance your arm, then your cheeks, and it is not until you feel the cold on them that you know you must have fallen.
Desperately, you try to move your arm, to drag yourself across the ground despite the fearsome cold that is overtaking you.
But no matter how you scream for him in your mind, no words come out, and soon enough, you lose your consciousness completely.
“Hm?” Namjoon’s head jerks to the side. For a moment, it almost seemed as if someone was calling for him but the only ones in his chambers are Jungkook and Jimin who just returned from their mission, bowing forward formally with their lips sealed.
“Namjoon?” Jimin looks up, confused upon his Lord’s silence.
“Nothing, I just…I thought I heard something,” he says, brows furrowed in confusion.
Must’ve been the wind.
However, just as he is about to address the two ninjas once more, frantic footsteps race closer and closer to his door. Jungkook stands up to slide open the door, a frown on his face.
“Milord..! It’s Lady Y/N! She..she’s collapsed!!”
In an instant, the three of them are out the door like a shot, reports and business all thrown out the door as the only thing that falls on their minds are of you.
“I have done what I can for her, but now all we can do is wait and see what happens.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?!” Taehyung stands with rage as he takes the collar of the doctor with the one hand that seems to still be working well. “Do something, dammit!”
The doctor trembles in fear. “I-I’m sorry, milord, but she is in a very precarious position. There is nothing I can do.”
“Taehyung, calm down, getting angry isn’t going to help anyone.”
“Dammit!” He curses under his breath at Seokjin’s words, throwing the doctor off balance with a forceful push before falling to the floor as he stares at your stilled body resting on the bed.
Seokjin turns to the doctor, sighing as he helps the man up. “Thank you for your help, you may leave now.”
“Y-Yes milord.” He doesn’t hesitate to rush out the door, almost bumping into the three who had just walked in.
Namjoon’s brows furrow at the sight of the doctor rushing away, knowing what he had just heard, and almost freezes at the sight of you lying in your bedding.
Your breath is shallow, or perhaps already gone, he cannot tell, with eyes sealed tight. You aren’t struggling nor do you look like you’re in pain, you’re just…lying there as still as a corpse, barely clinging onto life at best.
“The maids found her unconscious near the entrance to your private annex,” Yoongi reports, a furrow in his brows. “She was brewing up some tea, probably meant to send it to one of us.”
“Tea?” Jimin asks, confused.
“It appears the culprit slipped poison of some sort, masquerading as a rare herb of sorts,” Hoseok states as he hands Namjoon the jar of the dried leaves.
Jungkook settles himself at your bedside, his eyes wavering as his hands tremble at the sight of you.
“What did the doctor mean by Y/N being in a precarious position?” Namjoon asks as he watches you from where he stands.
“Whether she lives or dies…is entirely up to Y/N herself.”
Silence fills the room as they can do nothing but stare at your still body.
Letting out a shuddering breath, Jungkook lays his hand against your cheek. He timidly strokes it, his strength gone at the feel of your skin, clammy and cold as if the blood has already frozen your veins. In spite of it all, the maknae breathes warmth onto his palms and presses them to your face, desperate to keep you warm.
Ah, so cold.
Why is it so cold?
You shudder at the feeling, teeth chattering uncontrollably as you hug yourself to seek some sort of warmth. Usually, your hanboks are enough to keep you warm but why aren’t they doing their job right now? Seokjin always made sure your hanboks are warm and filled when the weather gets a little too cold, always overprotective and looking out for your well-being.
Even during his busy times, he won’t ever forget to look after you.
But why is it so cold today? And so dark?
Something flies past you, a breeze, a warm breeze against your cheek, so you lean towards it, gasping lightly at the warmth.
It leaves for a moment then returns warmer than before, then slowly turns cold once more before the process repeats again and again.
No, you want it to stay. To keep you warm.
You take a step forward, reaching out, but nothing changes, so you run towards the warmth, desperate in your steps, until finally, something bright and white shines through the darkness of your consciousness.
“Y/N.” Someone calls you.
“Y/N.” It calls again.
The voice comes closer and closer as you run towards it, towards the light, until finally, you recognize its uncanny gentleness.
You open your mouth to answer him but for some reason, your voice refuses to leave your throat. All you can feel is the warmth against your cheeks, which you desperately cling to with little else you can do.
Why does he sound so sad? You can’t have that, you need to get back to him.
In an instant, your consciousness floods back, as if that warmth has yanked your body forcefully from the freezing water.
When your eyes flutter open, right in front of them is Jungkook, his face close, terror and concern marking his features.
Jungkook? What’s wrong?
Your heart aches so keenly at the sight and as you open your mouth to call for him, nothing comes out, nothing but its shallow breaths opening and closing.
You can’t speak.
Terror fills you as you reach out to place your hand over Jungkook’s warm ones, and in an instant, his once lost and distant eyes come back to life as they greet you.
“Y/N!” He pounces forward in a gasp, the loudest he’s ever been with you, alerting the rest of the men in the room.
“Someone call the doctor,” you hear Namjoon command and feel a shudder through your veins.
Cold, you want to say, but nothing comes out.
Yet they seem to hear you as you feel Seokjin tuck the blankets up to your neck, a gentle hand coming to graze your cheek.
“You’re alright now, you’ll be alright,” he whispers as if casting a spell.
Someone takes your hands, breathing warm air into them, while someone else brings warmth with a touch on your forehead.
Ah, so warm.
It was the poison that took your voice away and unfortunately it won’t end there. According to the doctor, soon enough through the passing days, you’ll lose strength in your arms and legs as well, forcing you to remain at your bedside until eventually, the poison will take your heart if the antidote doesn’t run through the veins in due time.
You have a chance to meet death and you’ll do it in a slow, painful manner.
“Here, ah.”
Right beside you, Hoseok sits with a bowl of porridge in his hand, a spoon ready to feed you. You let him do the job, opening your mouth to take the food in before turning to your paper and brush to begin writing something down.
“I haven’t lost the strength in my arms yet. I can feed my own self.”
“Don’t be stubborn and let me take care of you.” You pout slightly and he laughs. “Seeing you like this almost reminds me of Taehyung. If only you could speak,” he says with a rueful smile as he reaches up to stroke your hair.
Not hearing your voice must be really hard on them as well.
Your brush dances over the paper again.
“Don’t you have a Clan to help run? You don’t have to stay here to help me, I’m fine on my own.”
“And if you’re that worried, my maids can help aid me so—”
“I’m not leaving your side,” he states, taking your brush away before you can write any further. When you’re forced to look up at him, Hoseok’s eyes are filled with concern and worry. “We’ll find the antidote,” he promises. “We’ll find it and things will return to normal again so please…please don’t push me away.”
You realize that he’s scared. Scared to lose you.
Chan had already taken his own life before anyone could get to him so your report on the matter didn’t matter so much. Currently, the castle is looking into his background, trying to find any link to anything, and although you’re not really sure what’s going on, something tells you they’re coming up empty.
Which is why every day, someone new stays at your side, taking care of you. They can afford one less person in the castle if it means staying by your side.
You’re doing okay for now but soon enough, they know you’ll lose the strength from the rest of your body if they can’t find the antidote.
They have to work fast.
A few soft knocks and in just a few seconds, the door slides open to reveal Taehyung in his usual attire.
He looks down at you with an emotionless expression. “What’re you doing walking around?” He frowns your way and when you beckon to the tea at hand, Taehyung lets out a sigh and walks back into his room.
This time he doesn’t close the door behind him. This time he doesn’t push you away.
A bit sad it has to resort to this but you take what you can get and follow him into the room, foot sliding the door closed before you walk on over to settle by his bedside. You set the tray down, seeping the tea in silence, before handing him a cup.
Taehyung takes it without a word, his stare piercing as he stares at you even while bringing the cup up to his lips.
“I didn’t poison it.” You bring a paper up as if it had already been prepared beforehand and he scoffs.
“I don’t take you as one brave enough to do that to me,” he mutters and you frown in response as if asking ‘what is that supposed to mean.’ He laughs inwardly to himself as he leans back into his bedding, body pressed up to the wall so that he’s still sitting as he drinks his tea.
You crawl forward to his side and he watches from the corner of his eyes as your eyes wander at the bandages on his arm.
A hand reaches forward, not before you look up to ask for permission. When he says nothing in response, you take that as permission and press a gentle hand on his injured arm. There is a furrow in your brows as you examine his arm, lips pouting slightly before you take something from your hanbok and show him another prepared paper at hand.
“Does it hurt?”
He shrugs. “It’s useless now.” Your eyes bulge out when he calmly sets the cup back down without saying anything further until you tug at his sleeve, begging him to speak more. Taehyung sighs. “I’ve permanently broken it so I can’t use it anymore. It still hurts a bit but the pain’s subsiding as if it’s no longer part of the body anymore.”
You sit there remaining in silence — it’s the only thing you can do — but when he observes your expression, it twists with pain and he sighs as he sits up straight once more, hand reaching out to wipe away the tears that have fallen.
“This is why I didn’t want you around. I knew you’d cry seeing me in pain.” You cry more and he frowns. “I know, I know, but I was going to eventually let you in once my body decided to no longer associate this arm as a part of them.”
“Stupid,” he sees your lips form out those words and chuckles ruefully.
“I get it, I get it. Now stop your crying.” Taehyung wraps his one arm around your figure and pulls you in close so that you can let your tears soak his bare chest. He gently strokes your hair as you cry silently into his chest until you can no longer cry and the tears have worn you out.
You lay there in his arms, body rested up against him, eyes falling a bit sleepy. Even then you keep your eyes open because you don’t want to sleep just yet. With your brush and paper off to the side, you use your hand to write invisible letters upon his chest.
He laughs. “I know, you’ve already told me that.”
“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.”
“If that’s all you’re gonna write, I’ll kick you out.”
You look up at him with a disbelief stare, mouth gaped open before you huff and turn to leave his arms. If he doesn’t want you here then you’ll give him just that.
“Wait– oh come on, I was kidding,” the ninja says as he pulls you back in with his overpowering strength. You can’t compete with that, how can you ever? “I promise I won’t kick you out so just stay a little longer, alright? It was getting a bit lonely here.”
You look back up at him with a narrowed gaze before opening your mouth. “Stupid.”
Taehyung sighs and you press a hand to your mouth as your shoulders tremble.
He watches the smile on your face, missing the way it was so easy to hear your giggles resounding into the air. But right now he can hear nothing. Nothing at all. All that is are your pleasant smile, a hand over your mouth, and trembling shoulders.
No sound of music to his ears.
He misses your voice but he doesn’t say it, knowing you have it tougher than he does.
In the silence of the night, Yoongi lays on your lap, eyes closed as nothing is heard except for the cicadas. You sit on the veranda, his warm overcoat draped over your shoulders as you play a soft tune on the flute.
Your voice may have been taken away from you but that doesn’t mean you can’t blow wind into the flute. So you play it softly for Yoongi, knowing just how much it relaxes him.
“Y/N.” When you hear him call for you, you stop playing in order to look down at him, a questioning tilt to your head. Yoongi opens his eyes, staring at nothing before him as you run your hand through his hair. “Are you afraid?” He asks and you pause in your ministrations for a moment.
Admittedly, you give him a nod before returning to play with his hair.
“Right, of course you are.” When he says that, his field of vision suddenly turns dark as you lean forward to press a kiss on his forehead, as if telling him that it’s alright because you trust them. You’re afraid because it’s a natural thing to feel during grave times like this, but you trust them nonetheless.
“I love you,” he whispers into the night and you smile gently, mouthing the words back to him.
Jungkook watches you steadily from the back as you stroll through your garden, a soft smile on your face with a spring in your steps. You haven’t lost strength there just yet but he still worries as he keeps his eyes on you, ready to catch you if you were to fall at any moment.
When you turn around to catch his attention, he’s at your side in a split second. It’s gotten so quiet between the two of you now that you can’t talk. Jungkook’s a quiet man, after all, and you always filled up the silence but even though your voice doesn’t work as it normally would, the things you do as if you can still speak makes up for the silence.
You point down at a bush of flowers, mouthing out “ready” for him so he hunches over at the flowers, taking out the pruning shears that you weren’t allowed to hold because they didn’t want you to accidentally get hurt.
You crouch down beside him as you point to one of the flowers and he gets ready to cut the flowers but not before you tug at him to grab his attention.
When Jungkook looks over, you have a paper with instructions written on how to properly cut a flower off its stem. He reads them thoroughly, turning to the flowers to put them into practice with you guiding him along the way.
One after another, he cuts and cuts until you have seven flowers in your hands.
When he sees that bright smile on your face as you hand him one of the flowers, Jungkook knows he’s done a good job.
“For you,” you mouth out the words and he takes it in his hand.
It’s beautiful, pretty, though not as pretty as the smile you give him. So these flowers were grown for them. You took care of them so diligently that he always wondered why. When he brings the flower up to his nose and looks at you with a soft expression, he wishes he could hear your laughter resonating through the gardens.
As you and Jungkook walk through the halls of the castle with you holding onto the six remaining flowers, you hear loud voices coming from somewhere down the hall.
Familiar voices.
“What the hell do you mean you’re going to march there yourself? You’re still healing, Taehyung.”
Brows furrowed, you look up at Jungkook who meets your eyes, his expression hard to read but you both know the voice belongs to Namjoon.
“I’m doing this for Y/N!”
“You’re doing this for yourself! Stop being selfish and stand down. If you march there now, you’re bound to fall into the enemies’ trap once more. Think logically, Taehyung.”
“Do you think we have time to think? We’re running out of time.”
“I know but if you just barge right in there, we’re not only going to be losing one of us but the rest of the Clan as well. I can’t risk that.”
Suddenly the doors slide open and Taehyung, who had opened the door abruptly, freezes at the sight of you who’s standing right in the doorway and silence fill the room.
Face still marked with anger, Taehyung lets out a noise of frustration before walking out the doors and down the hall, not caring to calm down even as you stand there, watching after him.
You look up at Jungkook who gives you a nod and heads down the hall to catch up to the older man.
“Y/N.” You look back into the room as Namjoon calls your name, his face filled with fatigue and exhaustion but even still, he flashes you a pressed smile. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
You walk into the room, sliding the doors closed as Namjoon settles himself back behind his desk, eyes concentrating on the tasks at hand and as you watch him, you can feel your heart aching at the sight of his weariness.
He looks so tired yet he’s still doing all that he can to find your antidote.
When he feels your presence beside him, he puts the paper down to turn your way. “What is it?” He asks and when he finds the flowers you have in hand, Namjoon gives you a small smile. “Are those for us?”
You nod.
“How pretty,” he says when you hand him one. “They’re the flowers you grew in the garden, aren’t they?” You nod. “I hope Jungkook helped you cut them and you didn’t do it yourself.” Another nod and he puts a hand on your head, ruffling it gently. “That’s my good girl.”
You wish you can help him in other ways but this is the only thing you can do for him as your heart aches, him not being able to keep the conversation up while you sit there frowning, hating the fact that you can’t do anything more.
War is coming soon.
They’ve found the story behind who Chan was associated with and it links right back to the mission the three maknaes had been dealing with for some time now. The same people who took Taehyung’s arm away poisoned you.
As you sit there in your room, you stare at your hands which seem to hurt a bit whenever you would flex them. Soon enough you won’t be able to hold a brush and write to them. Soon enough you won’t be able to walk.
But for now, you can still do things moderately.
“Is something wrong?” Namjoon gazes down at you with concern as he takes the hand you had been flexing. “Does it hurt?”
You shake your head in response, putting on a smile for them.
“You can tell us if something’s wrong, Y/N,” Jimin says as he pulls up from your other side, his eyes kind and gentle.
You’re scared.
You’re scared because they have to leave soon, off to the battlefield in hopes of taking that antidote from the enemy, but who’s to say how much time you have left?
War doesn’t take a day or two. It takes weeks, months, but do you have the time?
When you take the brush into your hand, ready to write down your every worry, your every concern, you suddenly find yourself stopping.
You can’t.
If you tell them, they’ll worry and it’ll cause them more grief than relief.
“What’s wrong?”
The more you worry, the more concerned Namjoon and Jimin look, even reaching up to stroke your hair.
I’m scared, you want to say but don’t have the heart to. You hate the fact that you can’t speak but take their hands and meet their gazes.
“What is it?” Namjoon prompts.
They look so exhausted.
You take up your brush again, intending to tell them that you’re alright, that they don’t have to worry too much, but that in itself is a lie and even though you don’t want to tell them the truth about your feelings, you also know that you can’t lie.
They don’t deserve that.
But you also don’t wish to tell them all it is that is in your heart. You’re scared, terrified, and time only seems to be speeding up. Even your own hands are slowly beginning to lose their strength and soon enough you’ll be forced to remain lying in bed.
Your body feels so weak.
The brush refuses to move, leaving a dark blot of ink in the center of the paper.
“If you have something to say to us, it’s alright, just tell us,” Namjoon whispers against your hair, pressing his hands against your shoulders. Even that gesture alone threatens to tear you apart so you set your brush down, and look at him again. “Mmn. What is it?”
His voice sounds so gentle that whatever it is that’s happening seems like the stuff of nightmares, fading into obscure nothingness.
You wish you could fix all of this, that time would reverse back and you hadn’t been foolish enough to take the dried tea leaves Chan had given you. You wish him and Taehyung weren’t fighting, you wish you could make it all better.
It’s your duty as their lover to make sure the relationship is alright again once a fight breaks out between any of them. But, even when you open your mouth to speak, the words refuse to come.
You’re only growing weaker and weaker by the day and you’re scared to lose any of them. What if they don’t get the antidote in time and it strains their relationship? You don’t wish any of that to happen.
“Namjoon.” You want to call out his name, to make it all better, but there is nothing but silence. “Namjoon…”
Gently, his hand moves to rest against your cheek as Jimin takes your brush to set it down, then Namjoon lightly kisses you.
“I know,” he whispers. “I know what you want to tell me, Y/N.”
You feel Jimin’s hand on your other cheek and nuzzle into his warmth. They embrace you so tightly it almost hurts but if it means being in their arms is the last place you’ll be when your eyes close forever, you’d rather it hurt forever.
War council ends today with a tense atmosphere as the retainers all leave the main hall with grim expressions on their faces.
What remains of the room are your seven boys and just as Taehyung is about to get up and leave, you walk right in to steal their attention.
“Y/N? What is it? Do you need something?” Seokjin asks when they all look your way.
You present them a piece of paper, flashing it in front of you with a smile.
“I want to see the cherry blossoms,” it states. They notice the change in the font, lines a little more squiggly than usual, some of the letters faint, some more bold, and when they find your features marked with such a serene and calm expression, how can they say no to that?
“Careful, you might trip.” You look up at Taehyung with a slight pout and he rolls his eyes. “If you run off and fall on your knees, I’m not picking your ass up.”
“It’s not like you can with your one—”
“Oh, you wanna bet?”
You quickly shake your head with a silent laugh and instead take his hand despite his words, running off further towards the cherry blossoms which stand in a straight line, creating a beautiful path of pink petals right in between. The brightness in your face shines as you let the wind flow through your hair, loving the feel of the cherry blossoms against you.
When you shudder slightly at the cold, Namjoon has an overcoat draped over your shoulders, his hand gentle as he strokes your head.
“Don’t be too reckless now.”
You nod happily at his orders and quickly rush off elsewhere, leaving the two of them alone in silence.
“Seems someone’s finally found her smile. Do you really love the cherry blossoms that much?” Hoseok asks as he takes a petal from your hair while you look down, writing something despite struggling a bit.
“I love you spending time with you all more than anything.”
“Ah, so that’s what this was about?”
“The cherry blossoms are pretty though.”
“Of course. Though not as pretty as you.”
Your face flushes with red as you glare up at him. “Hoseok…” You word out and he laughs.
A harsh breeze passes by, causing a flutter to the pages of your paper so you hurry to press a hand on them, making sure they don’t fly away, but in doing so forget the overcoat over your shoulders as it flies off into the wind.
You gasp inaudibly and turn on your heels to reach out and grab for it before it can get even further when suddenly you feel pain in your legs.
In the next moment, you fall on your knees, papers and brush falling into the wind, too weak in the legs to remain standing and in a split second, they’re right at your side.
You hunch over in pain as tears prick the corners of your eyes, a sharp needling pain stabbing at your legs. Terror crawls over them at the sight of your silent tears crying inaudibly.
Seokjin picks you up without effort and as they begin to head back with you in his arms, in spite of the pain jabbing into your legs, when you lay against the strength of your oldest lover, you can feel his body trembling in fear.
Namjoon sits behind his desk, elbows propped over as his hands intertwined right in between, his leg jerking with anxiety.
They have yet to hear news of your wakening. You’re still breathing, still alive, but for how much longer? There are only two days left before they have to march to the front and it’s a relief, it’s a relief because soon he’ll have the antidote in hand but even then, he knows it will take some time before he finds it.
War doesn’t last for a few days after all, so once he leaves, will he even be able to see your eyes again before he returns? And what if it’s too late by the time he returns? What happens then?
He’ll be marching off to battle without having to see your precious eyes again.
Maybe he could hold it out for a few days, wait for you to open your eyes again.
No. He can’t.
He can’t delay it any further because he has to get the antidote.
The antidote.
“I’ll stay.”
Namjoon looks up at the unexpected voice, his eyes widening a bit as he stares at Taehyung who had just spoken those words. “..What?”
“My arm will hold us back anyway, so I might as well take over the duty of protecting the castle,” he states, eyes falling off to the side. “I haven’t trained hard enough with one arm to walk into the battlefield ready so just let me stay. It’ll be better than leaving Y/N alone.”
Namjoon hesitates for a moment. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” the younger one nods. In his eyes, there are regrets of not getting himself out there to train harder but even then, he falls determined to remain defending the castle and staying by your side while the rest of them marches off to the battlefield, fighting upfront to obtain the antidote to cure you.
Seeing that determination in his gaze, Namjoon nods. “Alright.”
When you wake up again, there is no one but Taehyung in the room, his back leaning against the wall as his head turns to the side, eyes mindlessly looking out the window. It’s a gentle breeze but still, you shudder and he’s quick to look back with widening eyes.
“You’re finally awake,” he breathes as if he had been holding his breath for some time now. When Taehyung walks over to your side with worry marking his features as he tugs the blanket more up your neck, you wonder how long you’ve been unconscious to make him look like that. “How do you feel? Are you alright? Do your legs hurt?”
You shake your head lightly but frown when you realize you can’t feel them nor can you feel your hands.
You can’t move them.
“What is it?” He asks when you look as if you’re about to burst into tears at any second.
“Hands,” you mouth, and with a solemn expression, Taehyung takes your hand from underneath the blanket to give it a gentle squeeze.
You sense the touch it just the tiniest bit.
Where are the others? You want to ask as you look around, frowning at the lack of presence in the room. Are they busy preparing for the war? But then why is Taehyung here in his usual wear without looking the slightest bit busy?
“They’ve already marched to battle,” he answers your unspoken question, causing your head to quickly jerk back with a flash of alarm in your eyes. “You’ve been unconscious for a week, Y/N. They wanted to stay until you opened your eyes but…your antidote takes priority.”
They’ve gone.
They left without saying goodbye.
You didn’t get to say goodbye nor did you send them off as you usually would. What if something happens to you? What if they’re too late? You’ll never get to see them again and the last time you ever saw them was during the cherry blossom viewing where you had collapsed and Seokjin carried you back home.
“Hey, Y/N, don’t look like that.” You feel Taehyung’s gentle hand against your cheek. “It’ll be okay, you’ll see them again,” he says, a promise made to the wind. In spite of how afraid he is, he still smiles for you, a gentle smile so soft and sweet you can hardly tell it’s Taehyung for a moment.
Why do you look like you’re about to cry?
You want to reach out, to hold his face, to comfort him, but your arms won’t move a muscle and as you struggle against your inner thoughts, Taehyung wipes an unknowing tear that had fallen from your eyes.
“Don’t cry,” he whispers. “Everything will be okay.”
Terror wants to take control of you but Taehyung doesn’t let it. It’s as if he knows, as if he understands your frustration to want to help him, so he pries open the blankets and crawls in. It takes some effort because of his lost arm but eventually, he wraps his arm around you, a gentle kiss pressing to your forehead.
“You don’t have to cry anymore, alright? I’m right here.”
You look up at him as he wipes away the tears that are blurring your vision. You press a kiss to his collarbones then lean up, wanting to kiss him.
Taehyung chuckles lightly because you can’t reach up so he leans in to give you the honors.
It’s a gentle and sweet kiss, one you wish you shared with the rest of them before they left.
“Why am I getting a report that you aren’t taking your meals?” When Taehyung walks in through the doors, his expression is hard and grave. You can sense the anger in them but turn from his glare to look off to the side.
He takes a moment, breathing in slowly before letting it out in order to calm his nerves.
“Y/N,” he sighs, and takes the porridge from the maid’s hand. She excuses herself without a word, closing the door behind her as she leaves, while Taehyung sits himself on your bedside, a frown in his expression. “Do you not have an appetite? Is that why?”
When you don’t answer him, he puts the bowl down to take your hand. “Look at me, please. Please, Y/N.”
With the desperation in his voice, you turn to look at him, pouting slightly while he looks at you with fear in his eyes. “Tell me what I can do for you,” he says, voice barely audible as he squeezes your hand, his head lowered. “How can I help, Y/N? What can I do? If you won’t take your meals, I…how is your body going to heal?”
It won’t heal, you want to say, not without the antidote.
“Please Y/N…please eat. Please? For me? The boys are out there fighting to get your antidote. Don’t you want to welcome them back with a smile?” He sounds so desperate, filled with so much pain as he watches you from where he sits, hating himself for not being able to do anything for you.
Your heart aches as you look at him, knowing just how much he’s blaming himself, and it’s during times like this when you wish you had a voice the most. You want to reach out and tell him that none of this is his fault, that he has no control over this, but you can’t.
You can’t.
So you let him help you up, let him press your body up to lean against his chest. He’s careful when he holds you, letting you use his body for support, as he reaches out to grab the bowl of porridge.
It’s hard because he has only one useful arm but he makes it work. He rests the bowl on his dead arm, steadying it carefully so that it doesn’t fall, while using his other one to hold the spoon.
“Eat for me, yeah?”
You open your mouth to let the spoon in, tears falling from your eyes, your heart aching, and despite how much it hurts to see him do this all for you, you open your mouth for all the spoons he feeds you until there is nothing left in the bowl.
When you finally finish, the bowl clatters to the floor and he lets out a sigh, letting his arm press against the floor behind him so that he can lean his weight onto it.
You rest there in his arms as he lets you listen to the beat of his heart. In the silence of the room, Taehyung presses a kiss to your head before resting his cheek right there. It is only until you fall asleep again does he let his own tears fall.
He doesn’t remember doing this for quite some time now. When was the last time he cried? Probably years ago, before he even met you. It’s been so easy to let his walls build up, sealing his heart from others, shutting you out even when you thought you were already in.
He wishes he hadn’t pushed you away so easily. He wishes he showed you more care, more love.
Why is it during the most crucial moments when people realize their mistakes all too late?
He wishes he had more time.
You struggle in your sleep once more, a retainer rushing to the private of his chambers where he sat behind his desk, looking over some documents. The second his attention is called in concern about you, Taehyung forgets the papers and rushes to your side.
You awake the castle once more in your wake of suffering and as you whimper and cry in your silence, he can do nothing but watch as the doctor tends to you, doing all that he can to at least postpone some of your sufferings.
When are the others going to be back?
“Feeling a little better now?” Once the room clears out and it’s no one but the two of you, Taehyung sits by your bedside once more, stroking your hair gently as he looks down at you with dark bags under his eyes.
You nod tiredly from where you lay and open your mouth to speak. He reads your lips so easily now.
“Is there any letter?” You ask and he reaches into his pocket to take out a piece of folded paper.
“We haven’t gotten any personal letters from anyone but the messenger stated that things seem to be going well for the time being. Maybe we’ll hear from them soon.”
“I want to see the cherry blossoms.”
He gives you a rueful smile. “Sorry darling, but they’re gone now. Summer’s in just a few weeks.”
Summer? Already? It feels just like yesterday the eight of you were walking under the cherry blossoms.
“Next year?”
He puts the letter back into his pocket to take your hand. “Yeah,” he squeezes, his voice soft and tender, “let’s go see them next year and the year after that, and the year after that. Until you tire of the cherry blossoms.”
“I won’t tire of them.” You shake your head and he chuckles.
“Then, we’ll keep seeing the cherry blossoms until a thousand more Springs to come.”
You nod in response, a sleepy smile resting on your face.
“Go to sleep, you deserve it after tonight.” You feel his hand stroking your cheek when your consciousness slips away.
“Y/N. A letter’s come.”
Your eyes light up. “Letter?”
“That’s right. So eat well, alright? And then we can read it together.”
You never get to read that letter, because halfway through your meal, you’re throwing up the contents, body trembling hard as your face scrunches up in the same, familiar pain he’s seen on your face during so many nights.
We’re coming home.
Taehyung reads the same words over and over again and the more he reads it, the more his vision blurs to keep him from reading any further.
You’ve lost consciousness once more, having yet to wake even after three days. He had wanted to wait to read the letter with you but being as you have yet to open your eyes, he decided to go on to read it by himself.
The words Namjoon displays should have relieved him, to release the tensions that have been weighing heavily on his shoulders ever since the moment you had first lost consciousness, ever since they left him alone to care for you. Working around the castle all on his own while taking care of you is a hard task but he doesn't regret ever offering himself to Namjoon when they knew they needed someone to stay at the castle for you.
They’re coming back, finally, meaning they've gotten ahold of the antidote. He sits there in your room, the windows closed because you’ve gotten much too sensitive to the cold. It’s Summer but even then, your body temperature doesn't get any better. Your breath is shallow, barely there as you lay in your bedding, body as still as a corpse, almost like the first time they saw you when you had initially taken in the poison.
But unlike that time, it almost feels as if you really won’t open your eyes again, as if he’s losing you, as if he’s already lost you.
“Milord! They’re back!”
With a glance your way, Taehyung takes a moment before rushing out the doors, his feet taking him faster than he’s ever run before.
Once he’s right at the entrance of the castle gate, he can see the horses from afar, running straight for him with Namjoon leading the herd.
Ah. They’re back.
They’re actually, finally back.
“Taehyung! How’s Y—”
At the sight of the ninja’s tears, they freeze up in an instant, breath held against their throats, hearts as frozen as ice.
“Go,” he whispers. “Go before it’s too late.”
They rush to your room where you lie, eyes closed, body frozen in place with a moving beat. At the sight of you, they can instantly tell why Taehyung was so frightened he had cried before them, something he’s never done unless the situation was actually grave.
But you’re still breathing.
Still breathing.
Namjoon takes the antidote out and carefully spills the blue liquid in between your lips. Your face is as cold as ice when he touches you, trying his best to not let the antidote pour out.
“You’re going to be okay now, my love. You’re going to be okay,” he speaks in prayers, a wish made unto the heavens.
They hope they aren't too late.
You feel a gentle hand grazing your cheek, one that you haven’t felt in a while. It’s warm and tender, filled with strokes of love as you feel your eyes slowly opening. Once your vision comes into view, you find Namjoon right above you, his brows arched with relief and anguish all the same.
Why are you crying? You want to ask.
“Hey, little darling, finally awake now, are you?” Jimin plays with your hair, his fingers gentle upon your head.
They’re back, you realize, but they don’t seem to be in their armors so maybe it took some time for your body to gain consciousness once more? The last thing you remember was throwing up the meal the maids had prepared for you, happily eating for some time because you wanted to read the letter that came for you and Taehyung.
You never got to read the letter.
How many days has it been since you lost consciousness?
It doesn’t really matter now does it? Because you’re awake now and feel a bit lighter on your body.
“How do you feel?” The doctor asks you moments later once they give the two of you space so that he can examine you.
You open your mouth to try and speak but still, nothing comes out.
“Seems it will take some time for you to regain your strength, my lady. Can you feel your legs?” You shake your head. “How about your hands?” You shake your head again.
“Has the antidote not worked?” Yoongi asks, his voice filled with worry.
“It’s working well, my lord. Her face is already regaining color as you can see, but you will have to give it some time before the lady can move again.”
“And her voice?”
“It may return with time. For now, make sure she takes her medicine and rests well. She will have to do some physical training on her body once it regains its strength but make sure she doesn’t push herself too much. Unfortunately, her body will remain weaker than before as a lasting side effect of the poison but that shouldn’t hinder her from doing her usual activities. Just make sure she doesn’t ask too much of herself.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
“Hear that?” Seokjin turns to you when the doctor leaves, his smile soft. “You’re okay now, love.”
You’re okay now.
You’re okay.
“Were you scared? You must’ve been so scared. But everything’s alright now so there’s no need to worry about anything else.”
“Welcome home,” you mouth and their expressions soften.
“Mmn. We’re home.”
Promise Me This

Prompt: "fighting against all odds, I know we'll be alright this time"
Summary: Being inlove with the crown Prince wasn't supposed to make your life easier, however when he is just as inlove with you things can get even harder. Although you both wish to live happy with each other, some things are just not meant to be, promises and all. This is a story of a future King of a nation and his undying love for the Queen of his heart.
Pairing: Crown Prince! Jimin X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst. Royal!AU, Medieval!AU.
Wordcount: 3.9K
Warning: Oral (Female receiving), kind of public sex. Shsjsjs😳
A/N: um yeah this is a new story of mine. Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. Hoping that you guys enjoy it enough for part 2? Let me know please so haha anyways have a nice day 💜💜
You groan as you stretch your neck and massage it, an empty basket that had contained dirty laundry prior perched on your hip.
Saying you were tired would be an understatement, everyone was. Every worker in the palace has been working for hours and hours these past week preparing for the welcoming of Walcott Kingdom Royal Family who were a close ally to the much larger Royal Park's.
Not only were your tired beyond words, you were also crestfallen. There was talks of marriage between the eldest son, the future king and Walcott's princess. And any person would be joyful regarding the union that would bring together two nations but you, as much as you’ve tried to, you have failed.
Park Jimin, the future King. He was loved by many, as a king, as a family member, as a person, as a man. But for you, he was your other half and you were his.
It was odd. Not even how the both of you came from two completely different worlds. But how you met too.
Growing up, Jimin spent all his days copped up in the castle, especially during daytime. He was thought to believe that he could die and that his hair would turn black if he walked in the sun although he would later learn that it was a simple lie and tactic to keep the boy sitting the castle walls during the time of war but then he met you.
This was when your mother was still alive and you were sent to the castle gardens to pick some rare herbs to help treat the many wounded.
You were running a little late because you were in a daze, you loved gardens so you couldn’t help but do more than just dutifully pick herbs and leave so quick. You admired the endless floras, you had never been in any of the palace gardens and who knows when you would have the chance to witness such beauty again, so you seized the opportunity to take your time.
Jimin had stumbled across you in there and you were terrified when you turned to face the direction of where the sound of twigs cracking under the pressure of his feet came from.
He had reassures you that he was just a guard. He wore a hood and in the moonlit night, you couldn't make out his face although the peeking shimmering luminous locks that told you perhaps he was not just a guard. He seemed too unique, the aura he exuded light and strong, humble and authoritative at the same time . Still he managed to follow you to the site of the tents with the injured soldiers and residents like a little lost puppy, trailing you from behind. Every time you glanced over your shoulder he would stop abruptly as if caught, twinkly wide eyes looking back at you from under the hood. It was comical and you enjoyed doing it, just to catch him off guard. You were beginning to think he was reacting that way on purpose. There’s no way someone would react as flustered as the first time after over 10 times of sneaky turns. You would later learn that he did in fact pretend to be surprised, he only wanted to listen to the little laughter you would let out as you would shake your head and resume your walk.
He was petrified, angry and sad as he looked at the people with clenched fist and you were confused but you didn’t pay much mind to it then. No-one would like to see people in pain and suffering. He came everyday for 2 weeks and helped as much as he could before he disappeared. You were sad and after anticipating his presence for a while, you told your heart to be still and forget about him.
Until one day he came not a commoner but as a prince in armour into the tents, seeking for only you to treat his injuries. To say you were shocked was an understatement, but still you patched him with your mouth sewed shut as he observed you closely.
You don’t remember much because your feelings were all over the place that night, except that that was the night of your first kiss with him or any man and that that marked the first night of your blossomed love.
You still remember your first secret rendezvous with him. You were terrified and you almost couldn't sleep at that inn that night but with his arms around you, all your worries ceases to exist.
But it’s at moments like this you realise that you are deluded, there's no way someone like you could actually end up with someone like him. You were after all a mere peasant and he was now a crown Prince for goodness sake, not just a Prince. He was 100 steps away from You before but now? Maybe about 300? 1000? You knew the endings of your type of forbidden love stories all too well, and none of them were favourable. One of the queens had all her husbands concubines executed the morning after she married Jimin's ancestors. But still you stayed with him.
Because you believed that Jimin was different. Jimin loved you, and he told you that often. He showed it to you as well. He was a nice person, the way his eyes would glimmer and his cheeks would expand as he talked about a new kingdom under his rule. A kingdom where no-one would have to be ashamed by their upbringing, a kingdom where everyone is equal and no-one had to suffer because of where they came from. A kingdom Jimin wanted to create with you.
You're brought back into the cruel reality when you are grabbed by the arm and pulled into a dark alley.
You’re about to scream and attempt to strike the offender you couldn't see well in the dark in what you assumed would be the face but they grab your wrist.
“Hey, Relax,” he chuckles as he muses you aggressiveness and your eyes go wide as you frantically look around.
“Your Majesty what do you-" you begin to whisper shout but he places a finger over your lips to hush you and you stand down.
“I wanted to see you.” He smiles as he cups your cheek and grazes the heating skin.
“You saw me yesterday, Your majesty.” You furrow your brows recalling having had a small walk with him in the town down below , particularly the rather scandalous kiss he had stolen which had earned him a snack on the chest to which he simply chuckles at while you tried to hide your embarrassed face, afraid to look around and see if anyone had seen however Jimin could be an ass, finding it convenient to intertwine your hands. He was on a mission by his sick fathers order and you had seen him around, sending each other shy glances as you pretend to be interested in the fruits the seller was trying to sell to you and Jimin subconsciously ignores one if the knights explaining something to him.
He had also seen you the day before, right after the announcement of the incoming guests was announced. He had reassured you not to worry and to not listen to what anyone was saying regarding the supposed marriage arrangements between him and the princess as he held your bare body against his in his silk sheets. You had smiled at him, taking in his sweet comforting words. Though your heart still had doubts and worries, so you had held onto him tighter than ever as you fell asleep over his beating heart.
Jimin sighs as he backs away, taking your hand in his before he starts walking and you panic.
“W-where are we going?” you stutter as Jimin leads you down the moon lit empty hallway without a word. You knew this route to be a restricted route and although Jimin has shown you many secret passage ways and what not in the castle when you two made your secret rendezvous, you’ve never once used this way.
“Somewhere.” He grins cheekily as he glances at you over his shoulder and you sigh as you roll your eyes to the heavens and follow him mindlessly.
You observe the back of his head, the way his silver locks glimmer and twinkle under the moon light always amazed you, it was so beautiful. Like his eyes that changed colours often. They were usually a light ashy grey but they could turn pitch black when he was angry or aroused.
You are too busy admiring him to realize you have reached your destination.
“Here,” Jimin chirps as he stops in front of a semi in door garden.
Your jaw drops as your eyes scan through the beauty ahead.
Jimin grins proudly as he places a hand on the small of your back and guides you further into the garden. He knew you would like it.
How could you not? It was everything you loved in this world, all types of flowers were sprawled across the grassy floor and on the concrete fences up to the slightly hazy dome glass high ceiling, and grassy floor, and through that you could see the bright moon perfectly pouring down all it’s light into the otherwise dark room and bringing life to the flowers and plants as they danced with the crisp clean wind. The stars never seemed so bright against the deep night sky.
“Jimin this is beautiful,” you breathe out as you marvel around you once more and Jimin wraps his hand around your waist and pulls you into his side.
“You like it?” he asks and although he already knows the answer, it makes his heart full to see you nod enthusiastically as you eyes glimmer and reflect the stars as you turn to look him in the eye.
“There's a fountain there,” he motions over your shoulder and you quickly turn, running towards the vine decorated fountain you didn’t notice before and leaning over it to look into its clear water.
You see your reflection that glimmers against it’s self, especially because of the coins that littered the floor of it.
You were curious, so you squint as you try to make out the different currencies you recognised to be from many different nations and some you’ve never seen.
You gasp as your hand slips and you almost fall in but Jimin is quick to catch you, firm hand holding your waist and stopping your from dipping in head first into the pool of rusty iron, gold and copper coins.
“Be careful,” Jimin chuckles once he pulls you into his chest, his breathe tickling your ear and you immediately flush, feeling embarrassed and flustered.
“Sorry, I just got so excited.” You croak out and Jimin smiles, hand rubbing up and down your arm to comfort you and melt into his touch.
“It’s okay. I know you would be.” He reassures and you giggle.
“Y/N, do you still have the coin I gave you before ?” Jimin asks and you nod. You always kept it with you. It was something special to you, and you knew it was special for Jimin too. You remember Jimin telling you that it was his mother’s and she didn’t make a wish with it in the Fairies Fountain before she died and gave it to him. Every royal family was entrusted with one. She told she had everything she wished for and so she gave it to him to give it to someone important to him and he had given it to you.
“This fountain, is the fairies fountain. My mother told me about it when I was a child though she never told me the exact location. But I finally found it and I had to show it to you.” He explains and you nod.
“Every wish you make here will come true if you throw this blessed coin in here and make a heartfelt wish. It’s a dangerous thing so the location was kept secret. There are people with evil hearts in this world.” Jimin says and you can tell he’s getting emotional because his hold on your arm tightens.
“Jimin,” you coo as you softly place your hand over his to calm him down.
“Let's make a wish.” He blurts out and you furrow your brows first, but you nod.
You reach for the coin that was always perched in between your breasts as a necklace and flash it at him with a grin, making Jimin chuckle as he reaches for his around his neck for his chain and gets his too.
“You first.” He motions towards the fountain as he steps back a little and gives you space.
You gulp as your mind begins racing, while you fiddle with the coin in your hand. What could you wish for ? Wealth, health, eternal youth, not having to move? You look at Jimin over your shoulder and you lock eyes, he give a you a soft smile which you return before you look back into the water.
You knew what to wish for.
You say your wish in you heart and toss it in before making for way Jimin with a smile as he comes to stand next to you.
Jimin tosses his coin in in less than 30 seconds and you look at him surprised.
“I already knew what I wanted to wish for.” He smirks and you chuckle as you shake your head and sit down at the edge of fountain.
“Remember, you can’t tell anyone your wish, at least until it comes to reality. Or else it will never come through.” He warns softly as he joins you and takes your hand in your lap in his.
You nod and Jimin smiles, abruptly placing a quick peck on your lips.
You stay there stunned, lips slightly tingly as you cheeks get heated.
“I've been wanting to that for so long. I missed you so bad Y/N,” he confesses, voice suddenly a whole baritone lower as your faces are merely a centimetre part, lips brushing as his breathe tickled your face.
“Is that all you’ve been wanting? A quick peck?” you respond with a challenging raised brow while you look into his dark eyes and the corner of Jimin's lips twitches as he places his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to him.
“I’ve been wanting to taste you Y/N, every part of you. I’ve been wanting to touch you, hear you scream my name as I pound into your tight little cunt while you beg me for more.” He breathes, beginning to trail kisses down your neck up to the swell of your breasts that were enhanced by your tight bodice and you shudder under the change in his tone, suddenly so deep and raspy.
“Jimin,” you moan as your hands weave into his silver locks, knees wobbling as his fingers trail down your body and creep into your dress his light touch leaving a trail of fire on your skin the higher he goes.
“What do you want beloved?” He asks as he smirk against you collarbone and begins suckling on your sweet soft and you gasp as his hands rest on your inner thigh, so close to your pulsing core.
“Touch me, please,” you breathe out Jimin pulls away with a serious but blank look that has you pressing you thighs together but Jimin's firm grip on your flesh restricts you as he puts on a scowl and you writhe under his stern eyes.
“Lay down.” He firmly orders and you immediately oblige, leaning back onto the cool concrete and staring at the blinking stars past the open ceiling above.
Jimin slowly raises your dress higher and higher up your thighs and soon enough you flinch as you feel the cold air hit your centre when he slides down your underwear.
You don’t hear any sound of movement from Jimin so you furrow your eyebrows and try to meet down at him but just as soon as you try to, he runs his tongue up your slick slits to collect you juices before he sucks your swollen clit and you arch your back as you buck your hips into his face but Jimin looks up at my with dark stern eyes as he pulls away and holds you down firmly by the hip.
“Please,” you beg and Jimin stares at you for a while before dipping back into your dripping core and sucking up all your juices with a lewd squelching sound and your cheeks flush, thinking about the plants and stars and moon who are the witness to the lewd act by two forbidden lovers. You think about how his ancestors spirits are watching with disapproval and you gasp as he lunges his tongue into you, thumb working to massage your clit roughly, coaxing you to the edge of your sanity.
“Jimin oh my god,” you moan as you hands come down to merge with his locks and you push him further into you as you roll your head back in pleasure.
“Jimin, I'm close,” you pant and as soon as he hears that he pulls away and you whimper.
Jimin hovers above you, connecting your lips into a heated wet kiss and you feel light headed as extreme heat rises to your head at the feeling of tasting your self on him.
Jimin hooks a hand under you thigh and motions you to wrap your thighs around his waist.
You gasp as he lines himself at your entrance say your entrance, his leaking too rubbing against you throbbing cunt.
“Are you ready?” He breathes out as he looks into your eyes for permission and you nod, wrapping your hands around his neck.
Jimin kisses the corner of your eyes before he thrusts into you and you clench around him.
“Fuck Y/N,” he hisses in pleasure as he pulls back before ramming into again.
He continues thrusting into with one hand around your waist to keep you from falling into the water.
“J-jimin, i-" you gasp at every sharp snaps of his hips, angled so well for his tip to bump into your itch that's dying to be brushed by him one more time until you finally come, head rolling back in pleasure as you vision goes white and you go limp under Jimin.
“Y/N, I’m close.” Jimin grunts as you still clench around him while you buck your hips up against him and he rams into you a few more times before he releases into you, warm milky seeds painting your walls as you milk him out completely.
He slumps into your neck as he breathes in short pants, similar to you.
“Y/N,” he suddenly gets up as he looks down at you with wide eyes and you furrow your brows.
“What’s the matter Jimin?” you asks as you smooth down his hair.
“Y/N, I came in you. You know what that means...” he trails off as he carefully watches your expression contort into that of confusion into a small smile. He furrows his brows at you, puzzled.
“I won't get pregnant Jimin, not now at least. I'm on this medicine the court herbalist helped me get.” You chuckle as you cup his cheek and lean up to peck his lips.
Jimin evidently relaxes as he shuts his eyes and sighs in relief.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to carry my children or anything, I just don’t want you to be scared and overwhelmed because of the timing of it happens.” He explains as kisses forehead and pulls you closer into.
“I understand.” You smile into the crook of neck as you look at the stars, your vision as your lids slowly close and you unknowingly fall asleep.
“But promise me this, if anything happens. If you do get pregnant, promise me that you’ll tell me and we'll go through it all together. I’ll take care of you and the little one, I promise.” He says lowly into it neck and you nod languidly.
Jimin pulls away after a while, getting up and fixing his clothes and yours before he carries you into his room.
He sets you on his bed, turning on a candle because he knows you tend to get frightened when you wake up in a dark room in between your sleep.
Jimin sits next to you on the bed, small smile forming on the curve of his lips as he brushes a piece of hair off your face.
His eyes trail down to your lightly tainted chest, his doing, heaving up and down. He narrows his eyes at the glimmering empty chain trapped in between your breast.
He reaches out to gently to pull it out and tracing it with his thumb.
He gets up and heads to his vanity as a thought pops into his mind , one of the drawers he pulls out a blue velvet case with silver flower decorations and flowers that mimicked stars.
He opens it and takes out the two diamond encrusted silver rings in it, putting one is his own chain before he heads to you and slips the other pair into yours. When he was younger his mother told him that the diamonds on the rings were actually frozen stars, Venus and Jupiter.
“I can't leave this empty can I? There should still be a sign of our promise to each other,” he smiles as he takes your hand in his and places an gentle kiss on your knuckles.
Just then there is a knock on the door and Jimin sighs.
“Come in,” he commands and two guards walk in, bowing before standing up straight.
Jimin quirks a threatening brow when their wide eyes land on your sleeping figure in their kings bed with, a scandalous site.
“Why have you come to bother me at this time of night?” Jimin lowly scold and the guards gulp.
“I-its the king. He wishes for your presence at his death bed as he reads out his final will.” The timid guard stutters and Jimin freezes.
“What do you mean?” Jimin croaks out in disbelief, voice cracking slightly as he feels a lump in his throat.
“The King, is dying.” They say apologetically in unison and Jimin feels his knee give out and his vision blur.
“Take me to him,” Jimin simply lowly says as he tries to suppress his emotions, trying to keep his stinging eyes open.
The guards nod as they lead him to the King's chamber and Jimin looks over his shoulder one last time at you before walking out of his room.
Keke 😳 tell me how you liked it and if you want a part 2 ! I don't want to shove it down your throats when no-one is interested:") anyways Thanks for reading ~ 💜
Promise Me This {2}

Prompt: "fighting against all odds, I know we'll be alright this time"
Summary: Being inlove with the crown Prince wasn’t supposed to make your life easier, however when he is just as inlove with you things can get even harder. Although you both wish to live happy with each other, some things are just not meant to be, promises and all. This is a story of a future King of a nation and his undying love for the Queen of his heart.
Pairing: Crown Prince! Jimin X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst. Royal!AU, Medieval!AU.
Wordcount: 7.4K (Sorry;_;)
Warning: Major character death. Brief mentions of bleeding.
A/N: Here is the second and last part friends! Again thank you so much for the response on the first part! I hope this is just as good and y'all like it although the ending is quite... let's just say it's half a happy ending BUT anyways enjoy and have a nice day 💜🤘🏽 sorry for the wait also apologies for those who are on mobile because the read more option doesn't work on the app sorry 😭 😳💜☄
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and you had try to search for Jimin the for the whole day after you sneak out of his room successfully after you had quickly change in the workers rooms and head into the kitchen but you didn’t see any signs of him.
The days goes on quiet, it’s as if some thing is missing but it’s still quite hectic.
You only end up seeing Jimin a few days after when everyone is called to the court room. He is sat at the throne and you furrow as you observe him from the crowds of people, he looked cold and distant. His expression is dark and blank at the same time. He looks tense but relaxed on his father's seat, the one that would be his one day.
“The King is dead.” One of the court men next to Jimin announces after the room is in complete silence and the room erupts into gasps.
Your eyes immediately fly to Jimin in concern and he looks stoic as the man continues.
“His Royal Highness Park Jimin will be crowned king in a few months. His coronation will take place before the arrival of the Walcott’s. That is all for now. You all have many to prepare for so return to your posts. You are all dismissed.” He ends and the crowd begins dispersing. You look at Jimin one last time, hoping he would look at you but he doesn't before you join the crowd.
You flinch when you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around to come face to face with one of the guards.
“The Crown Prince has ordered that you stay behind. His majesty wishes to speak to you.” He whispers and you furrow your eyebrows, nodding.
You stand there until the court is empty, not missing how the last few people give you strange looks and whisper to each other before the large wooden doors shut with a loud thud that echoes and it's just the two of you in this room.
You turn around, eyes trained on the ground as you come to stand at a respectable distance from him, afraid that you might have already caused rumours to be spreading at this very moment for being in the most prestigious room in the whole castle alone with the silver haired future king.
You hear Jimin shuffle and your grip on your dress clenches.
He ascends from his throne to pull you into a tight hug and you gasp, arms immediately flying around his shoulders as he begins trembling.
“Jimin, I’m so sorry,” you croak out, voice shaking as you smooth down his locks and Jimin holds you tighter, making it hard for you to breathe but you don't refute.
“It’s okay, you can cry your heart out,” you coo as you rub his back and Jimin sobs into your neck making your neck go wet and sticky and warm.
After a while he pulls away and you cup his plump cheek, you feel your heart drop to your feet as you look at how puffy and red his eyes were as he sniffled.
“I don’t know what to do Y/N,” Jimin says, stuttering slightly and you smile sadly as you wipe the dried tears off his sticky cheeks.
“Of course you do Jimin. You can do it, you were born ready to be king. You'll make a fine King, that's what I’ve always believed and it’s true.” You reassure and Jimin takes your hand on his cheek on his.
“I always thought I would be able to do it. With you. I believe I can if you’re there by my side, to be my queen but-" he begins but you shush him with a quick peck on the lips.
“Don't worry my love, I will join you one day. For now, please be strong and wait for me, okay?” you smile as you rest your arms over his chest and Jimin nods, a faint smile forming on his lips and you pull him into another hug.
For the second time that day and for God knows how many times this last couple of weeks alone, you had to abruptly leave your chores and run to the nearest bush to vomit. And after that you fall limp on the grass, feeling completely drained before you head back into the kitchen, dragging your feet like the most lifeless zombie on earth.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” one of the older ladies who treated you well suggested while you were folding duvets and you immediately burst into laughter, regretting it as you feel your tummy ache and you clutch it.
“There's no way,” you dismiss as you shake your head and the older ladies sigh.
“You've better get it checked Y/N dear, so you know for sure. What if you are and you only end up torturing yourself and the little child that could be in your womb.” she says as she places a hand on your shoulder and it dawns on you that you really should not take it lightly.
“We don’t mean to frighten you but the rates of infant mortality is high because women don’t know that they are pregnant until they bleed in between their legs and because they weren’t able to take care of themselves and the other human being in them while they were still pregnant,” another explains sadly and you begin shaking as you clutch your stomach. You need to check, you could be pregnant or you could not be.
Suddenly the painful memory of your mother’s life before she died as she went through 2 miscarriages after you resurface in your memory and your eyes tear up.
“Y/N, you have the luxury of visiting the court physician for a quick check, that’s not something a lot if women have access to. Please use this chance,” another younger lady who you remembered to be 4 months pregnant just about a month ago but is now flat tummied almost beg as she takes your hand in hers and squeezes.
“I’ll do it,” you croak as your tears finally fall and the ladies pull you into a group hug while you cry in their arms.
The coronation day comes closer and you make sure to steer clear from Jimin at all cost.
At least until you figure out whether or not you are pregnant you will be staying away from him, afraid that you would end blurting it out by accident and Jimin would begin speaking nonsense about how you should get married at that very moment behind everyone’s back because he knew you would definitely never agree to a royal wedding in this situation or even worse, abandon the throne to elope with you and it's scary thinking that you would fall into his charm and go with him willingly, leaving a whole kingless kingdom behind.
And considering the rumours spreading within the cattle regarding the young future king sleeping with a maid going around, you can’t risk anything at the moment.
The Walcotts end up arriving earlier than expected, just a few weeks before the coronation and you thank God you were excused to miss their arrival because you knew very well of the history between the Princess Felice and Jimin and seeing them interact wasn’t something you wanted to out your self through.
It was something that was still the talk of the castle before you met Jimin. This is when kind of despised him before having even met him because he had a reputation for being a playboy at such a young age.
However unfortunately, you are one of the maids assigned to assist her during her stay and although she was very beautiful and graceful, you couldn't help but detests her a little at times when she would talk small of everyone below and her speak as if she was sure to be the queen. Privileged and very confident. How ‘fit to be a queen’ as she would say.
She doesn’t like how the maids are often absent to prepare for the coronation, often complaining through out the days of her stay in the castle and the day where you would snap was bound to come.
“I’m just as important as your future king am I not ? If I request that all 8 or more of you be here at all times and I’m given a mere...4 to serve me? How dare you disobey your future queen?” she spits as she paces back and forth the hall way, she wanted to scold you right where busy employees were passing by trying to do their duties to embarrass you but you were more angry and livid than embarrassed.
“You, come here.” She points to the older lady next to you, whose eyes go wide as she points to herself in surprise.
“Yes you, you fool, now come here.” She motions ahead of her as she rolls her eyes and you clench your fist.
The lady stands in front of the angry princess and she scoffs .
“I could have all of you executed. With the snap of my pretty little finger.” She laughs lowly and you feel a shudder run down your spine as you glare at her. The lady standing to your right looks at you with worried eyes and shakes her head, motioning for you not to react.
“You know what. Maybe I should take things slow, I should be generous as your feature queen should I not?” she smirks and the terrified lady nods, hope of mercy glimmering in her glossy eyes.
Your eyes widen in horror as she raises her hand so far the back of her head with a cruel smile.
You can’t let this happen.
“Enough!” you roar, fists trembling as your voice echoes through the hall, everyone shopping in the tracks to look at the source of the sound.
“Who do you think you are?” the raven haired princess saunters to you as she narrows her eyes at you.
“You have no right to strike her.” You say through clenched teeth as you glare at her, throwing the courtesy of having your eyes low when in front of a royal out the window and she scoffs.
“I can strike whoever I want to you peasant,” she seeths as her taller slim figure hovers over you but you don't flinch.
“Strike me then.” You shrug and she stares at you in disbelief before she nods and huffs.
“I like that,” she smirks before she raises her hand over her head and you look at the ground.
The moment her palm comes into contact with your cheek you are almost thrown across the room as you fall limp and you feel your ears ring while your cheeks sting.
“You know what, that wasn’t good enough.” She muses as you furrow your eyebrows and your eyes almost pop out your socket as she lands a hard kick on your stomach. You fall to lay helpless on the ground.
She kicks you again and again until you don’t hear the sound of people crying in horror as they could do nothing but watch you get beaten, consciousness slowly drifting away.
But there’s one sound you heard as a blurry silver haired blob comes into your blurry view as you cough out blood.
“What the hell is going on here !?!” he booms, and the whole room goes silent.
The prior cold and cruel brave princess is now nothing but small in front of the future king who glares at her.
When he looks past her and his eyes lands on your limp figure, his nostrils flare.
He takes slow steps towards her trembling self, eyes dark and empty while his anger shaking body shows a different emotion , unimaginable anger.
“Felice, I hear by forbid you from entering my kingdom. Any sign of you even near the border will mean a cry for war. I do not wish to see your face anywhere near my palace or Kingdom. The treaty will still go on as proceeded however I wish you no part in it or else I will decline. I stress my words, any sign of you and you will be executed also there will be war.” He sneers lowly as the dark haired princess trembles his stoic black gaze and he rolls his eyes before he walks past her, kneeling down straight you.
“Escort her out of the kingdom.” He motions for his guard and they immediately oblige.
The corner of your eyes sting as blood trickles down the corner of your lips Jimin carefully hooks a hand under your waist and knees before lifting you up.
The last thing you feel before your vision fades onto blackness is Jimin kissing your forehead and blood dripping down your legs.
Jimin manages to get to the court physicians workplace without any hindrance despite whispers from nosy parkers because the people parted as he walked down the hallway.
“Ah miss Y/N, I was expecting you today, I have your results ready!” he beams from a dark corner of the candle lit heavily herbal scented room before revealing himself and gulping when he see’s a very stern looking Jimin who obviously has no time for the physicians usual shenanigans.
“She's hurt and in a lot pain, please make it stop. She just stopped moving, and I don't know what's going on.” He almost pleads as his eyes get glossy but he remains his stoic scowl.
“Yes of course, Your Majesty. Please set her on here.” He says as he motions to the makeshift bed in the centre of the room. Jimin quickly and carefully walks there, laying you down and soothing your hair down as the physicians shuffles around before finally tending to the table with a couple of glass bottles.
“May I ask what happened, Your Majesty? ” He asks as checks your pulse which is present but slow and barely there.
“Felice, she hurt her. I don’t know what else she did but- when I got there she was kicking Y/N like she's not a even human, like she’s a sick unwanted dog. I’ve never felt so angry in my life.” Jimin fumes, nearly breaking the bamboo handle of the bed as it begins to crack under his tightening grip.
The century physician freezes. Kicked ? Oh no.
His eyes trail down to blood that runs down your exposed calf and his eyes go wide.
“What's going on, what is it?” Jimin furrows his brows, getting frustrated and impatient.
“Your Majesty, I don’t know if I have the right to tell you this.” He gulps and the Jimin is not having it, glaring at the physician who fares to keep anything away from his king.
“I demand you tell me right now because my patience is currently absent and void however for you I will make an exception this once. Tell me now.” He commands and the court physician sighs.
“Your Majesty, you see Miss Y/N. She was pregnant.” He sighs as he keep a his eyes trained on the ground.
Jimin narrows his eyes at the older man before the words hit him again and again like an echo in his head and he stumbles back a little as he feels his lungs failing him.
“She.... was ?” He asks lowly as he looks down at your beaten up figure.
“Yes. You see miss Y/N, she has a very weak womb and I’m afraid the aggressiveness administrated towards her had caused ... a miscarriage.” he finishes and Jimin feels anger, confusion and pain rise slowly but surely in his entire being as his heart drops.
This can't be happening.
Your eyes slowly peel open, adjusting to the bright light from the warm sun and the room erupts into sobs of joy and sighs of relieves.
“Call him, she’s awake!” you hear a women you recognize say faintly from the distance before the room slowly empties out as the door shuts.
The door then goes open again, and you hear the soft clicks of someone’s boot approach you as the room clears out into silence and the bed dips as the blurry figure takes a seat on the bed next to you.
“Good Morning Y/N,” he smiles as he takes your hand over your belly in his lap and runs his thumb over your knuckles.
“Jimin,” you croak out, voice hoarse and throat feeling dry as sand paper.
“Shh, you don’t have to say anything.” He reassures as he cups your cheek lightly and places a kiss on your knuckles.
“Jimin, my body hurts so bad. And I feel so empty inside. What happened?” you ask as you voice cracks and tears start spilling down the corner of your eyes and you don't even know why but your heart is in so much pain.
“Don't worry about it now. Just rests first. Please don't cry.” He says with a forced smile and you furrow your brows, wiping away a tear that falls unknowingly. There is something he’s not telling you.
“Jimin tell me what’s-ow.” You groan as you feel a sharp pain shoot through your body and specifically in your womb as you try to get up. Jimin sighs as he attempts to places you back down but you refuse.
“Y/N, I don't know how to tell you now. I- it hurts even me so much and you’re already in so much pain and I want you to recover first.” Jimin tries to plead but you shake your head.
“No, tell me now Jimin. Please.” You beg as you grasp his hand for your dear life and Jimin sighs, pulling you into his embrace softly as he massages your back.
“Y/N, when... because of what happened 2 weeks ago. Something very bad had occurred.” He begins, voice low and you furrow your brows, you've been out of consciousness for two weeks?
“When I took you to the court physician. He said he had your results ready, he said you were pregnant.” Jimin says and you grip onto him tighter as your heart swells in your chest with joy but as you process the words he had said your shoulders slump and you feel numb. You were pregnant. You were pregnant. You were once.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry I couldn't protect you and the baby. I swear I- Y/N, please forgive me.” He finishes as his shoulder begin trembling and you freeze.
“What do you mean?” you laugh lowly. This can’t be true.
“Y/N, we had a miscarriage.” He says apologetically with so much pain and you stare at the wall blankly as tears stream down your face, body going limp as you feel like your falling down an infinity long black hole.
You stay in the room for most of the week, pretending to be asleep when someone visits you, even Jimin.
You couldn't possibly face him. Because of your foolishness this had happened, because of your selfishness. If you had told Jimin of your doubts and concerns perhaps it could have been prevented.
You groan in the bed as you clutch out stomach and grab the can on the bedside table and empty the contents of your pretty much empty stomach.
You still had morning sickness and the court physician explained that because your body hasn't fully processed your loss, you could still remain with the pregnancy symptoms for quite some time.
You stare out the window before you decide to get up and slowly walk towards it and peek out.
The courtyard looked beautiful and colourful and so lively. They had finished setting up the stalls and building the little entertainment booths while you were unconscious it seems.
Children ran around and played in joy while merchants brightly sold their goods.
Tonight was the Princess coronation.
And you knew how much he needed you there. You look over the mountains where the sun sets in orange hues against the deep blues and the moon and her stars on the opposite end.
The ball would be starting soon.
Just then there is a faint knock on your door and a fellow young maid walks in.
Great timing.
“Y-your, um... The King instructed that you be in bed at all times.” She croaks out as her mind begins to race at what sort of punishment she could get for not looking after you well enough as the tray in her hand shakes.
“Don’t worry about it, I'll make sure nothing happens.” you smile softly as you walk back to the bed and sit on the edge.
The girl visibly softens up as her cheeks tint and she places the tray on the bedside table near you.
“Please eat up,” she smiles as she stands with her hands clasped behind her back and you laugh.
“Will you eat with me?” you ask as you tilt your head and offer her a piece of cream filled bread.
She licks her lip before she clamps her mouth and apologises non stop while she bows.
“It’s fine, please. Sit with me and eat with me." You smile as you pat the spot next to you and she nods before she sits down and she shyly takes the bread from you and starts devouring it.
You take the glass of water and sip.
“What’s you name?” you ask and she whips her to you and you giggle when you see that her mouth is stuffed with bread. You hand her a glass of juice so that she can ease the food down her throat.
“Claudia,” she says with a smile once she’s done.
“Claudia, that’s a beautiful name.” You muse and she blushes.
“I’m Y/N,” you smile at her and she grins knowingly.
“Of course you know, everyone knows who you are.” She giggles as she munches on her bread, slower this time and you furrow your brows but you dismiss the thought now floating through you head.
“Claudia, I need your help.” You whisper as you eye the door carefully and Claudia nods.
“I want to attend the coronation ball,” you whisper again and her eyes go wide slowly.
“I'm- I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Unless you tell the king specifically and I'm sure he would listen because it’s you but considering your health I don’t think he'll let you out Miss Y/N, especially not tonight.” She stutters as she laughs nervously.
“We won't tell him. Or anyone. It’s going to be a surprise. But I need your help, please.” You plead as you take her hands in yours and she sighs before she gives in.
“Fine. What can I do?” she asks and you straighten up.
“First off, I’m going to need you to help me avert the guards attention outside. And then I'm going to need you to get Matilda and her friends to wait for me in the cooking chambers.” You explain and she nods.
“Thank You.” You sigh in relief and she shakes her head and whispers lowly, not loud enough for you to properly catch.
“Anything for you, our Future Queen.”
Sneaking out is easier than you thought. You end meeting Matilda and they help you get ready and prepare.
You have on a deep blue dress with silver decorations, your hair let down into a half up half up braided hairdo. Your jewellery is simple, a pair of glimmering earrings and the ring pendant, both which were gifts from Jimin.
“Good Luck Y/N, have fun.” The older ladies wish you before they hand you your masquerade mask, one that matches your dress.
You give them one last smile before you are heading to Jimin.
You know that he is not at the main venue and instead at the garden he had shown you before.
You get there slightly out of breathe and true enough you find him there, looking into the starry sky with his hand clasped behind his back, hair twinkling and glimmering.
“Jimin?” you call out as you approach him slowly and Jimin whips around and looks at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N, what are you doing here ? You need to rest up.” He says with concern as he approaches you and takes your hand in his.
“I wanted to see you. I missed you. And trust me I’m fine now. I also said I'd be next to you at this moment right?” you smile as you cup his cheek and Jimin nods, resting his forehead on yours.
“Y/N, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” He suddenly says after a while of silence and you nod, encouraging him to speak on.
He backs away slightly, falling down onto one knee as he takes a glass box from behind him and reveals it to you.
“Jimin,” you gasp as your eyes tear up.
“Y/N, will you marry me? Will you be my queen?” He asks with a smile and you stare at him disbelief.
“Jimin, I would love to but, I don't know if I'm fit to be Queen. As of now, I might never be able to give you a child again and i-" you begin rambling as your vision blurs but Jimin gets up and cuts you off, cradling your face in his hands gently.
“I don't care. I love you and you're the only person fit to be my Queen, nothing else matters.” He smiles as he cups your cheek and pulls you into a kiss.
“Yes,” you say in between the kiss and Jimin furrows his brows.
“Yes I will marry you silly,” you giggle as you playfully smack his chest and Jimin chuckles.
He takes your hand and slips the slim ring onto your ring finger with a satisfied smile.
“Y/N, I love you.” He confesses again and you smirk, pulling him into a hug.
“I love you too.”
2 years later
“What do you mean?” Jimin asks lowly as stops pacing around the throne hall but his voice is laced with so much anger and impatience.
The sky is dark and the air is still at that time of the night in the kingdom, truly and ungodly hour but everyone in the castle is awake. And it shall stay that way until things are fixed, by the King's order.
“There is no sign of the Queen within the castle walls.” The guard repeats with his head low, him and all his subordinates who mirrored his action afraid to the meet the eye of the distressed raging king.
“Search again. Even outside the castle walls. No-one shall rest tonight until she is found.” Jimin sneers as he glares at the armoured knights and guards before walking out of the throne hall.
The guards move soon after and Jimin also goes off to look for you.
When he stirred in his bed earlier, you were not by his side. Which is very strange because you never left the room without informing him first, scared to walk down the grim looking hallways especially during night time. Also, perhaps it was the fact that you were nearing your predicted due date and you were nervous more than he could ever be as a future father, but you have been very dispirited and quiet these days. He could sense your apparent sorrow and woe.
He was warned about this condition and advised to stay by your side especially at these times because you will begin to doubt yourself and feel despair and melancholy and it could lead to you harming yourself or something alike. He spends most of his time with you although he is very busy, he joins you during your nap time, he helps you shower because you had said that it’s gotten harder to stretch and clean properly, he would help massage your feet whenever they were swollen, he did all that and so much more.
But he is afraid, as even while he walks down the vast castle and searches as well, he can’t find you.
Where could you be?
He begins to think that he’s lost all hope of finding you he remembers something.
Without wasting time he runs to where he hopes you could be, where his heart believes you could be.
His feet carry him there swiftly down the turns and corners of the dark hallways, his body still recalls the way to the forbidden place.
As he sees the opening that gives a glimpse of the beauty that thrives within the forbidden garden, he picks up his pace, heart beating fast as the incoming wind blows strands of his silver hair out if his face.
He stops.
Will he find you here?
Taking a deep breath he steps in, heart calming as soon as he sees you standing there in your thin night gown barefoot near the fountain and he immediately takes off his warm coat to run to your shivering figure and wrapping it around you.
You don’t budge. He stands close behind you with his hands resting on your hip as his eyes follow your gaze that is trained on the ground.
A bed of all your favourite flowers over a pile of rocks. And as he realizes what it is, a lump forms in his throat. A grave.
As the realisation dawns on him he notices that your shoulders weren’t trembling because you were cold only, but because you were crying.
He can do nothing but wrap his arms over your chest and pull you into him, placing a chaste kiss on your neck as he shuts his eyes and pain slowly rises in his heart.
“Jimin?” you call out voice low and barely audible, and Jimin hums in response into your neck.
“I don’t think my wish will come true.” You confess with a shaky voice, clutching your tummy tighter and Jimin feels his heart drop to his feet seeing you beaten down and sad like this.
Jimin attempts to pull away to have you face him but you stop him, briskly grasping his hand over your chest.
“Y/N, don’t say that of course it will.” Jimin reassures as his thumb massages the top of your shoulders and you let out a strangled sob.
This time Jimin manages to pull away and have you face him with his firm hands on your shoulder despite your protests and as he sees your ear stained face he feels his throat get tight and his heart ache. You try to pry his hands off you, not wanting him to see you in such a torn state.
“Y/N, everything is going to be okay. I prom-" he begins to reassure, wanting to calm you down but you cut him off.
“Don’t promise me anything. It won’t work. It never does.” You almost beg as your tiny hands clench around over the fabric of his sleeves and Jimin furrows his brows.
“Jimin I love you.” You suddenly say as you sniffle and look into his eyes. Jimin is taken aback but he responds softly.
“As I do you Y/N, I love you too. What’s the matter?” Jimin smiles gently as he caresses your cheeks and wipes away an incoming tears with his thumb.
“I- the wish I made cannot come true. I know it and I feel it.” You say again, avoiding his gaze and Jimin still doesn’t understand. He feels himself get even more puzzled by the second. Just what was going through your head?
“So please, if there’s anything I need you to promise to me it’s this. If you love me then you should at least make half my wish come true.” You finally lock your gaze and Jimin nods.
“Of course, anything for you my love.” He smiles as he plants a kiss on your forehead and pulls you into him, mindful of your large bump.
“Promise me this, if it comes down to it that you'll save our child. That if a choice has to be made, it will be that our child’s live in my stead. Promise Me this will you?” You say into his chest and Jimin freeze, his blood running cold. He doesn’t know what to say and you’re scaring him.
“Promise me this, in front of the grave of our first born and your ancestors, in front of this fountain that held our wishes along with that many others, under the moon and her stars, that you will make what little of my wish come true and that you will raise this child and love them truly and dearly, unconditionally as you have loved me from the start. That you will never ever spite the child, because this child shall be of you and me. And you love me so, just as you will our child.” You beg and sob into his chest as you grip his silk top.
There is silence in the cold night as Jimin feels every being of his body go numb, save for the sound of your cries muffled out as you let your heart out as if it would be your last into his chest.
“I promise.” Jimin finally says and you pull away to look up at him through your sticky lashes and blurry vision.
He smiles at you, hooking a finger underneath your chin and bringing your face to meet his, lips softly moulding.
The kiss is soft and sweet, but also harsh and bitter, needy and desperate as Jimin's tongue finds its way into your mouth and he explores the extent of your mouth like never before. He pulls you in by the neck to taste every inch of you better and deepen the kiss as you wrap your arms around his, fingers tangling in his silky locks.
You feel wetness spread on your cheeks and you open your eyes for a second.
A tear had fell from his eye. Jimin was crying.
Closing your eyes once more you savour the moment as your own tears begin to fall also as the heavens witness the silent exchange of many last words between the two of you that night.
For the next day, you would pass away during childbirth with your husband sitting on his throne next to an empty seat where you should have been say on the other end of the castle, heart cold and empty.
He couldn’t possibly have faced you during your last moment knowing that your death was a choice he made. Knowing that the last thing you felt as your would departed was the incomparable pain of labour and childbirth.
The sounds of you screaming in pain fills the whole castle for the entire day and he wants to run to you and help comfort you so much but as much as his heart bleeds knowing that you are suffering, he doesn’t. He can't. He doesn’t deserve to.
He has never felt so incompetent in his life. First he couldn’t save his child before and now he can’t save you.
When your cries cease and all he can hear is sound of a baby crying, he feels as if his ancestors are smiling at him, enjoying the despair and sorrow that spreads through his being. They are mocking him, for marrying some one he is forbidden to. But he managed to because of his wish, because how of how much it meant to him and how much he loved you. But why did it have to come to this? Why did you have to taken away from him like that? Why?
He looks over to the throne next to his, the one you sat on the day you two got married and would continue sit on beside him for many days to come. Alas the days where you would guide him through his legacy as king has come to an end and the seat is cold as ice, empty. It want supposed to be like this.
Jimin is brought out of his thought as the large oak door creaks opens slowly, as a lady walks in.
A midwife. And she carries his child. Jimin blankly stares at the older lady who approaches him on his throne with her head low before standing in front of him.
Jimin looks at the heavy blanket the child is covered in.
The lady offers the child to Jimin and Jimin flinches for a second as he eyes the lady who smiles gently at him.
He relaxes, taking the child in his arms and the first thing that he feels is that it is warm.
Still stiff he takes he child in his arm fully as the midwife stands back but close enough to be able to assist him should any complications occur.
Jimin feels a tug in his heart as he stares down at the child.
Beautiful. Like you. Your child. His child. The result of your love for each other.
Unknowingly tears begin to form in his eyes as he looks down at the baby in his arms. Plump rosy cheeks and a head full of deep steel locks that glimmer like it holds the stars, eyes shut as little fists try to fight the air. His heart is swelling with happiness and joy and light, taking away from the dark cloud that had formed over his head prior. He feels like all the weight in his life has been lifted off his shoulder as warmth spreads all over his body to the tips of his fingers. He smiles.
He holds the child closer to his chest, trying to shield the small fragile infant from the world he has known to be so cruel and merciless.
He places a soft kiss on child’s forehead, making a vow he is sure the child doesn’t understand but still he does.
“I promise to protect you with all my heart, forgive what I couldn't do for your older sibling and mother. I'm really sorry.” He heart clenches as he brushes it’s plump cheeks with his pinkie and as the child wraps it’s weak fingers around his smallest finger that still seems so big in his arms and clasps it, as if to comfort him, a fond loving smile grace his features.
“I promise to love and protect you, Wish.” He smiles and his heart leaps as the baby softly smile and a toothless grin etches across it’s little face.
He recalls a conversation you had years ago with him that he shall never forget for the rest of while even if he dies along with many others.
“Wish.” You beam up at Jimin who furrows his brows at you.
The two of you were sitting under a large oak tree over cool grass , you had meet up to star gaze but somehow the stars were discarded and you were talking about random things with your head resting on his lap as he leans against the bark of the tree. One of the random things include what name you would give your future child.
At first your eyes had shot open as you peer up at him with flushed cheeks which made Jimin chuckle. The two of having children together? You barely just became an adult a year ago and although the thought has crossed your mind many times and you have even imagined your little family with Jimin, having him ask you this had you flustered. You quickly tore your gaze and cleared your that as you shut your eyes again, thinking before something came in mind.
“That’s a strange name for a child don’t you think?” Jimin laughs lowly as he brushes a piece of hair out of your face and you pout at him.
“It’s not strange, I think it’s very nice. Cool if you will.” You defend your self and Jimin raises a brow.
“Think about it,” You sit up getting excited to explain and Jimin smiles at you, loving how enthusiastic you get when it comes things like this.
“When our child is born, it would be like ‘Wish has been brought to life.’ Or ‘Wish came true!’ My wish, our little Wish, quite literally. Just thinking about it makes my heart swell Jimin, it’s all I want in life.” You sigh as excitement overwhelms you and you grin silly imagining the scenario in your head.
“That’s genius, you always amaze me Y/N.” He nods in agreement and you glare at him.
“Anyways, it would be nice if at least one wish in my life could come to life. That would be nice.” You exhale, scooting closer to Jimin and resting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes.
The both of you stay in silence, taking in the cool breeze and crisp air.
“Y/N?” Jimin calls and you hum in response, slowly peeling your eyes open.
He reaches into his pocket and you furrow your brows.
He pulls out a coin that catches the light from the stars and you examine it. It’s hard to stare at it for too long because even in the night, it’s almost blinding.
“What is this?” you ask curiously. Jimin simple smiles, taking your hands and placing the cool metal on your palms.
“This is yours.” He closes your palm softly and you look at him confused.
“Mine?” you say out loud, puzzled and he nods.
“Have you ever heard of the Fairies Fountain?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Well, it’s a secret but I will tell you because I have no-one else to tell.” He teases and you click your tongue rolling your eyes as you bite the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from smiling.
“Tell me,” you playfully hit his chest and Jimin laughs.
And so he told you.
The story of the fountain and it’s magic. This is the same story he would come to tell his child when she reached the age 16 as he handed her two coins. The same story she would tell her lover and children in the future. The same story her children would tell their lovers and their children. And the tale would go on and on.
Promises and wishes through generations that would eventually come true, because as long as your heart is in it and there is love in your being, even the odds can be beaten, even if it’s just half of it.
Hehehe 😭 I'm.... How did you guys like it ? Was the ending good ? Did it continue on well? Please let me know and thank you for your time ~ your feedback is very appreciated!💜☄
Those Eyes Ch:2 ||KTH

»chapter 2: Connection access (Masterpost)
»genre: romance,fluff,angst,smut (might add some if requested later,or else,it has non rn)
»summery:it's a mystery how two pair of eyes finds solace in each other when they are strangers and when they are not. can they solve the mystery their eyes behold and explore beyond the horizon of their workaholic life?
»wc: 4.0k

Your eyes flicked open,startled by the voice.
"The heck, why are you here?" the grumble within your tone radiated nothing but annoyance as the owner of the voice not only ruined the moment but also yelled at you,hoe?
"Because ma'am we are running late. Don't tell me,you planned to sleep off the whole day?" the same voice said calm yet angrily.
You looked at the clock as it showed 12:30 and then you shift your gaze to her with a tsk still lying on the couch eyes half open,"Yeah? So what?Its not like we are going any-" you face palmed jumping from the couch and sit up as realization hit you.
"Shit,I totally forgot,"you sheepishly smile & scratch your back.
"Now you are awake sweetie" Auri flashed you a thin smile. Silence before storm,"Now get ready in twenty minutes before I kick you to Antarctica!"
You look at her in annoyance as you drag your body to stand up. "Hey, sleepyhead!" a loud voice startled you as your eyes shifted to the other side of the couch,"Jae-ah? Why are you here?"
You felt a smack on your head as you yelped rubbing the aching area, "Thank her. She cleaned your dirty ass room which's been a representation of a trash bin,for I dunno, maybe the day you rented this apartment?" Auri decided to get on your nerves today.
"Sassing are we? You need to pay me for ruining my so realistic dream. Do you know how dreamy that dream was. I had my-" you started fangirling over your enchanting dream but got cut off,"I have no interest in listening to your perverted dream specially when we are running late. And dreams are supposed to be dreamy my love." she is really in a mood of sassing with you.
A blush crept on your cheeks as you realized what would happen next with him if you didn't get woken up.
"Kim Auri. For the love of God,it wasn't perver-" Auri threw a towel on your face as your voice got muffled before you could finish.
"Make sure to wash all your sins too sweetheart" she cooed.
"It wasn't a wet dream!"
sort of. but she doesn't need to know that.
You stomped your feet whining as Auri and Jae-ah chuckled seeing you pout like a baby. "You did moved a bit,you know-" Jae-ah shifted her gaze on you nervously fiddling her fingers awkwardly, "-oddly" she flashed you a eye smile.
You scoffed throwing the towel on your shoulder,taking steps towards the kitchen.
You didn't even utter the main evil's name yet the evil is right before you handing you a cup of coffee which was very much needed after all this mess as you entered the kitchen yawning, ruffling your messy hair, "The entry code was too easy to not barge in" she piped,mouthing a half hearted 'sorry'.
You rolled your eyes not even surprised as you sipped your coffee. Gosh Mirae made the best coffee.The sweet taste lit up your mood but the mixed of bitterness came after making you realize something, "Don't tell me, shin-"
"Hey sweethearts,I thought its better if a beautiful girl like me heads with you all?You might even get some free passes." you had no doubt who that screechy voice belongs to.
Mirae glanced at you with an uninterested face , "Speak of the devil." she pointed nonchalantly with her thumbs pointing to the door shrugging. You also tried to avoid the high pitched sounded woman roaming all over your house.
Its even worse than your house getting infested with rats,you swore.
"What a nightmare of a voice" Mirae scrunched her nose sipping her coffee. "Nightmare! How can I forget to tell you?" you excitedly yelled startling Mirae.
Thank God she was finished with her coffee,"What? You had one? What's so exciting though? Isn't it supposed to be scary?" she frowned.
You couldn't stop squealing at the thought of him. "No,I had a dream. You won't believe,I had my-"
"Ouch,let go,what the fuck?" you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your left ear as it got pulled by none other than the devil Auri Kim. "I told you to make it as quick as possible.But you're still not over your stupid dream talk." she scolded as her voice almost got your ears feel numb.
"My oh my, look at you Y/N,you haven't even properly brushed your hair, correction, you didn't brush your hair at all, you're not planning to go like this, are you? you scoffed at Shina, struggling to run from Auri as you glanced at Mirae with a 'help'.
Mirae chuckled coming between you & Auri, "Auri,let her go. she just woke up its been only five minutes!" Mirae glared at Auri playfully.
"No its been seven minutes!" Mirae rolled her eyes over Auri's strict time maintenance.
She turned to face you with a strict smile,"And you.I will never say no to your dreams and I'm eager to know what happened cause you seem a bit too excited than usual" she smirked as you smiled widely;you knew she would never say no to your anything.
"But now is really not the time.We have the whole day for this but we don't have even half an hour to get ready,so sis you needa hurry up." you pouted as she looked at you apologetically.
"I didn't walk all this way for shopping Shina."
"Oh c'mon,it's gonna take less than twenty minutes,I promise" she pleaded to Mirae who had her hands folded against her chest with raging anger. "Listen,the more we get late-" Jae-ah tried to calmly state but got cut off, "The less fun we can have!" Mirae yelled,finishing.
"I totally agree with her.It still will take ten minutes to reach that peculiar amusement park. And if we spend twenty minutes here it will take a total of thirty minutes. Oh my gosh and then it will take a solid ten minutes to get all our tickets cause of it's a holiday. And then each rides take approximately-" Auri was cut off as she felt a pat on her shoulder,
"It's okay, breath Auri-ah" you laughed as she finally exhaled. "Bro Seoulmusement ain't peculiar,it's beautiful and fun,mostly mysterious & mythical."Mirae scoffed as Auri rolled her eyes.
"Listen.Shopping is fun.Slow down there.We have a lot of time.It doesn't matter if we waste some,right? Look at all these discounts!" Shina squealed smiling fondly but coughed nervously as she got no response from her friends. So she had to go all 'sweet Shina mode'
Mirae felt two hands snaking from behind towards her shoulder, "They're selling the best brand of edgy cloths and accessories with them are free!" Shina cooed smirking; she knew what can temp Mi. You had to scoff at how Shina went for her next pray as if she is the predator here.
"You don't wanna lose the chance of buying the latest shoes in half prize do you? Also I heard they are giving branded purses here." She whispered as Auri gulped,eyes glowing.
"And," Shina clapped gaining Jae-ah's attention,"Jae-ah you wanted to buy some branded makeup items,right? This is the right place,I swear." and Jae-ah had to be the first to enter already,almost running.
"Er.. just twenty minutes k? What do you say Auri-ah?" Auri nodded slightly looking at Mirae as she couldn't leave Jae alone. She had plenty of edgy clothes so Shina didn't really temp her but she let it slide.
Shina looked at you, "Oh yn-ah you can-" you cut her off placing your palm between you & her, "Sorry but you can't tamp me" you smiled and looked at the other two, "Let's go,make it quick" they all laughed uncomfortably sensing your distaste as they entered.
As you were entering you saw something crash at the narrow area beside the huge mall, almost unnoticed. You decided to shrug it off as you were going to push open the door but another loud thump was heard. Loud enough for you but not for the busy people walking on the street.
You felt curious & concerned as your legs led you there, "Is anybody there?"
It only felt creepier as you stood in the middle of that small narrow path. It was so silent unlike the noisy street and it felt chillier here.
"Is anyone in trouble? Should I-" a large body collapsed with yours as you both fell on the ground behind several abandoned blue plastic drums.
"Ouch..hey-" it took some moments to get your senses back as you yelled at the huge human who apparently seems to think it's funny to play ninja games?
Ninja games yes; cause he was hiding behind the big drums, holding you tightly against his chest.
"Miss I'm sorry but don't talk please,I'm in a mission" you had to scoff at this 10 y/o brain.
"Mission? Mister I'm literally dying from a headache? You don't even know how to apo-" he pressed his palm on your mouth letting go of his hold as your eyes met with his for the first time.
"You're so talkative. I'm fighting with life and death here" he whispered lowly as he quickly averted his gaze.
Eyes concentrated on the street before him anxiously fear written on his face.
You could not think straight the moment your eyes met with his.
Mesmerizing beautiful eyes. Unrealistic yet so real. Any earthly word is not enough to describe it.
He had a plain black mask on so you could not quite make out his face. But his eyes gave it all. Those eyes. It had to be. You just knew it.
"Look." There's a hint of urgency in his deep baritone."I'm so sorry for dragging you here, although you chose to be a curious cat. But I really need to go. So, bye." He shook you breaking your trail of thoughts as you looked startled and almost red for the undying thoughts and his little logical accusation. Before you could properly utter a word,much less defend yourself,he was already out of sight.
What just happened?
You didn't lose your way back to the mall but you sure as hell nearly lost your mind and didn't even know what you were doing,"The hell why are you pulling the door? It says push it." You got startled looking at Mirae with a 'huh..uh' look.
"Oh my, don't tell me all this time you were pulling it?" Shina tried her heart and soul preventing herself from laughing but did she really.
"Oh gosh you look so pale!" Mirae panicked. "Yet feel so warm! How?Wait fever?" Auri gasped placing her palm on your forehead checking your temperature.
"Best shopping ever" a cheery Jae-ah exited the mall but her face fell looking at your horrible state,"Did something happen? You look like you got haunted by some ghost?" She cried.
"Hey,what's the matter? Did something happen? Where were you!?" Mirae shook you once again looking disturbed.
"A lot" you finally uttered looking at her with your widened eyes.
"So you're telling me,you were oh so lost into his eyes for you to recognize his actual face?" you swore to God you never saw Auri talking so loud and add sarcasm all these years; its much of something Mirae would do.
Whatever this that Auri was having fun with got on your nerves. She was enjoying it more than anyone expected. Making fun of you and all the things that happened today.
She glanced at everyone laughing so hard that tears glistened at the corner of her eyes as she glanced at you once again, "And you bumped into the same guy?Is this your Disney world? " She threw her head back laughing holding her belly tight.
"I said it might be him. And Auri Kim aren't you being too much? Hallucination & things like pre-recognization exists.They are scientifically proven; you believe or not nobody cares."you snapped not believing how she is taking her jokes so far. "Yeah for dreamy girls like you it might be. Like c'mon y/n-iie-"
"Enough Auri-ah,you are being too much. It can be true. There's always fifty percent chances of everything becoming true if a person strongly feels it. Its true or not I'm loving it! Its been decades y/n & i haven't talked like this. So don't dare to come between us. Since morning she is trying to tell me all this but everytime you are laughing it off! Like this isn't funny to me anymore. She is now a grown up & her words carries the same weight as ours. This jokes you're pulling are actually turning very much disrespectful. If you are not interested just sit there zipping your mouth shut until she is done with her story,alright?"
Mi finally huffed a long breath after finishing up realizing how maturely she handled the matter. You chuckled seeing her heart swell with proud.
Auri gulped already shutting her mouth. She realized she was overreacting.You weren't surprised nor mad honestly because you knew this is Auri Kim,your soulmate. Who else right?
"I'm so sorry. I really shouldn't have gone this far. We all have our own imaginations and thinking. I shouldn't have questioned yours. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it that way. I really am sorry y/n." Auri pouted looking at you and you sure as hell already melted for her cute face as Mirae was smiling proudly.
Auri apologizing is rare but genuine which both of you respected her for.
You chuckled,"Of course I wasn't mad in the first place!"
Auri let a sigh of relief placing her palm on her chest,"Thank God I can't see my soulmate being mad at me for even one second.I love you!"
Her sudden cuteness made all of you chuckle as you all shoved another spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. It has always been like this with her. No matter how mad you both get and no matter how many silent treatments you both end up giving each other in the end you both miss each other.
Today was so fun despite all the mystical weird things happening to you. Although you got the best friends in the universe who absolutely made you forget all these disturbing events during this whole time but the memories kept coming back. Yet you told your brain a 'not today' to not ruin these rare moments.
You sure as hell was a dreamer, not loving the reality that much but when reality included your best friends and fun you couldn't but put it first despite the fact that every little details of those moments made you think of it. When you guys went for the roller coaster ride Mi was so shocked how you didn't even flinch for once as you were so in your thoughts. You really did feel like any of your muscles didn't move an inch.
You knew these are nothing but overthinking yet you couldn't help but smile at those memories which is still so freshly present in your brain. You legit felt his touch when you were getting ready, you felt him smiling the whole way to Seoulmusement & you felt so lost for that bloody hell boy that bumped into you. It has to be him.
You couldn't stop thinking that to but again it can't be it's just the dream that controlled your brain for too long and you saw those eyes in the masked boy. You decided to take it that way to convince yourself and not look anymore crazy. But again you bumped into some other guys as well yeah the clumsy girl you are; but you didn't feel the same at all. You didn't even feel anything at all.
Mirae seemed to have the same theory as yours about this whole thing & she was very much excited about it when you & Mi walked the whole way to Seoulmusement leaving the others behind as they weren't interested; you could be so talkative when it came to telling everything that happens to you everyday. It's just how you love to share your thoughts about the little things that happens & takes you to another world of thoughts. Auri absolutely loved that side of you,so did Mirae. They loved how you look so cute letting your thoughts out to them.
You couldn't fix the puzzles of all these yet. This is so saddening how you can't remember any other thing of both guys or maybe the same guy other than the eyes. You sighed taking another spoonful of Ice cream as the cold feeling hit you & a loud voice pulled you out from your trail of thoughts,"Hey, Y/n what do you see in my eyes? Are you psychic? I'm so curious for real I swear! I mean how about we test you!? You must have some incredible powers? I mean who knows right." Shina laughed ignoring Mirae's whole speech she gave just a sec ago absolutely getting on your nerves as always.
"For once act like an adult will you?" Mirae snapped.
You could see that she didn't enjoy how everyone is treating you. You smiled at her, "It's okay mi I'm not bothered, you know these assholes were and will forever be like this."
Mirae laughed a historical laugh as the others pouted except Jae-ah who looked so deeply in her own world as she suddenly clapped her hands in the air,"You know what, this whole dream thing can actually be true? Like I had something similar to this! I saw a hand-"
"Shouldn't we already head for the maze?" Mirae announced standing up from her chair completely ignoring the copy cat sitting beside you as you had to scoff at Jae-ah too.
Everyone one around the table let out a groan throwing their heads back. "Oh please what's so fun in there? It's nothing but a never ending path with thousands of ways,I ain't going!Auri whined.
"Thousands? Miss there's just eight different paths! And that is what makes this game interesting!" Mirae argued excitedly.
"Game? what is so game like there? Huh!? It's just a way of getting lost in a park like a 2 years old kid. It is a headache finding the way back."Shina fought back.
"That is why it's called 'maze' okay? It needs brain. And guess what? You don't have one." Mirae sassed losing herself as she felt heartbroken pouting & turning at you & Jae-ah.
"Um..Mirae-ah I love how wild & free you are but this idea seems a bit well uh too wild,tiring and you know uh what I mean" Jae-ah sheepishly flashed Mi a smile.
You weren't very much fond of her idea as the last time you guys got out of that hell after sunset. Even the memories haunts you and you know all feels the same except Mi the wild & free girl of course.
But you didn't want to turn her down & make her upset after all she has ever done to you. So you felt determined to sacrifice, "Um yea-" and you couldn't thank the power high above more as you felt your phone vibrate in your purse.
You excused yourself pulling your phone out checking the caller ID. You jumped from your sit squealing like a five years old, "Oh my God!"
Auri grinned at your sudden cute squeals, "Who's it? S-?" Mi with sudden awakwardness roughly held Auri's arms stopping her as Auri yelped.
Clearing her throat she asked chimming,"Who? Who?!" without thinking twice of her weird behavior you squealed further, "It's dad! I haven't heard from him for so long,I can't believe this."
"Bish pick up and stop flashing us those bunny smiles! I'm melting"Mi yelled pretending to get attacked putting her palms on her heart. You chuckled at her picking up the call excitedly,
"Hello dad,I missed you! It's been so long,how are you doing?How's your health!?-"
"Good God, y/n ah-"
"How's mom? Are you guys doing good in busan? It is so hot in busan right now? Isn't it? Does the Ac work alright?Mom isn't overworking, is she?"
"y/n ah calm dow-"
"Oh and how's Aiden? He is still that naughty kid, isn't he? I'm sure he gets in trouble time to time? It wasn't something too big,was it? Oh and dad? Dad? Hello?
you checked the connection and found it well secured.
"My daughter is still the spritful human being huh?"
he suddenly chuckled from the other line making you release a sigh of relief.
"You scared me!"
"Why? you thought I died huh? well that is very much possible though when someone hears you talk non stop"
"My voice ain't that scary!"
"Not at all. It's too beautiful to be scary. I wanted to hear it for so long. I still remember how your voice drifted me off to sleep every night . Those beautiful memories are so majestic yet so short."
"Hey dad,now I didn't tell you to flatter me & make me cry. I already miss you guys an awful lot! Will you tell me how are you all already?"
"Everything is just fine here my daughter, don't you worry at all.Your mother can't stop telling the neighbors how much of a genius and intelligent professional her daughter is."
"Not surprised at all."
"Aiden seems to respect you a lot. He wants...same"
"Dad? Hello?" you checked out the connection as it showed weak network.
You were really eager to hear about Aiden and the weak connection was getting on your nerves. With a groan you slapped the screen.
"Please just this once. It's so fun! Why are y'all suddenly being such grumpy lazy aunties?" you looked at your friend trying to convince everyone around the table for you don't know how long.
But none of them seemed to move a muscle at Mirae's plea. You checked for the connection pacing back and forth around the cafe but no sign,not even a little. Sighing you went back to your table, "Guys the connection here isn't stable. I'm gonna head out for a bit to get some network access. Go on." you sympathetically grinned at everyone but mostly Mi seeing her struggle. You mouthed an 'its okay' to her before leaving.
You went for the exit,walking fast and holding your phone close to your ear as you tried calling him again. As you were about to pull the gates a firm hand pushed it at the same time. You stared at the silver handle for a sec thinking how you were going to embarrass yourself by pulling it when it says 'push'.
You looked up at the person who just opened the door thinking it might be the security but rather it was a tall enough guy face completely hidden behind a mask and a cap.
You could faintly see his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks as he looked down at you. His black mask hid half of his face and his long cap hid another half. His brownish locks were slightly touching his eyelashes trying to hide them too. His clothes were casual although you had no intention of checking him out. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt under his half red & half black jacket. All oversized. And maybe casual navy jeans.
Goodness he isn't mysophobic, is he? You were so stunned at how he protects his face. He can't be an Idol, is he? Whatever his reason is you had no mood to judge.
Connection access. You reminded yourself. Just as you were thinking to let him step out first you saw a hand gesturing you to step out first almost in a 'lady first' manner as his other hand held the handle preventing it from closing. You slightly looked up at him as you stepped out bowing your head , "thanks" and hurriedly tried to call your dad again. It was ringing as you let out a sigh of relief. It was the fourth ring but he wasn't picking up yet and you took that moment to admire the pinkish sky above you.
It was cloudless yet splashed with purple and orange hues in between. As if the pink sky let her friends make a miraculous portrait on her. It looked so peaceful around at this time.
Everybody went to the nearby cafes to take a break after a long bright fun day. Your eyes roamed around the area filled with lovely colorful flowers and large trees filled with leaves giving you spring vibes. And just as you turned your head the other side you saw the same guy scrolling his phone just beside you. He seemed to have the same problem of network as you saw him struggle placing his phone close to his ear and then again tapping on his phone aggressively. He looked so familiar yet unfamiliar now that you see him so closely.
Could he be- No. Y/n don't go insane again. You'll end up being a clown.
Your eyes couldn't stop but roam on his navy jeans and the first thing you noticed is the shinchan key ring hanging loosely with several keys on his belt chain. You squealed inside finding your shinchan mate yet chuckled outside seeing how gorgeous he was looking with it. The belt chain made him look ten times hotter yet the key ring made him look so adorable.
You averted your gaze before he caught you staring, smiling to yourself. See dad! I'm not the only one. As if your father read your mind from Busan to Seoul he picked up,
"So? Do you still watch shinchan?"
You were so surprised & shocked at the same time for asking you about the thing you were thinking just now teasingly.
"Yah! The first thing you ask is this? Can't you just ask why the call got cut!?"
"What is there to ask about? It can happen! Now answer me? Do you still watch your idol?"
"Of course I do. He is forever my inspiration. I learnt a lot about life for him."
You felt the guy turn & tilt his head slightly to you as you blushed. Please don't listen.
"Yeah whatever you say. My daughter is rebellious. Never will win."
"Now you know"
"A..y..wa...s, said"
Why does this bloody network have to act like this whenever dad talks about Aiden.
"Hello? Dad? Hold on.Let the connection get better" you walked faster stepping out from the small yard of the cafeteria going forward where your feet was taking you to.
He had to remove his other ear phone too now to hear your voice clearly. It was better than the song he was mindlessly hearing. Your voice was something he craved for decades it seemed. It sounded excitingly beautiful and soothing.
He couldn't but stare at your every movements amused as you were excitingly talking to your father. He was feeling frustrated when he didn't get a better connection and chose to leave yet the girl beside him was the same one who he opened the door for smiling to himself at your cuteness. He decided to stay for some more time as his mind told him to admire you.
Stupid you don't even know her. You're just here to get the goddamn network access.
Yet he could not control himself from melting for you cute smiles,laughs,frowns,grins & chuckles. He found you every habits cute including the foot stomping. He loved the way you talked to your father so dearly as if you missed him for so long.
Earlier he was amazed seeing you admire every little details of the nature around. He could see it in her eyes how she didn't miss a single detail. The sky above sure looked mesmerizing but he was busy admiring the art before him. Still now he can't stop capturing her every details with his eyes and saving it in his heart. He couldn't understand why he felt so drowned neither he wanted to understand.
The frown on your face was back as the connection went weak again. Funny how his mind was urging to bring her the strongest connection of the world just to see your face light up again. Just as you were leaving, something dropped from your shorts pocket. Without thinking much he called for you,picking up, "Miss!? You dropped something! Hello?"
He called for you but the dreamy girl you are, he knew you won't hear him. As your only motto for now was 'getting the connection back'.
He stood up picking up the neatly folded handkerchief as his smirk grew wider behind his mask eyes slightly squinting tilting his head, "Is this why you were staring at my pants so dearly miss? So shinchan didn't go underrated after all huh?"
He smiled again running to find the beautiful owner of this plain white handkerchief with shinchan's famous smiling face printed on the corner of it.
You can win a marathon. You run when walking so what do you do she when you run. Probably drive yourself? He thought thinking how thoughtless he sounds. He is confident about which way you went but there was no trace of yours. He could see a silhoette coming from the right turn as he followed the path. Turning he saw you far from him still unable to reach her father.
"Miss!You dropped this!"
Finding it of use he ran again as he saw you enter some garden absent mindedly. Without thinking much he finally reached infront of it too about three minutes after you.
Needa workout again boy!
He breatheheavily holding his knees for a second and entered the garden too, totally forgetting his important call.
Wait but is it really a garden?

The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Areum’s P.O.V
I let out a slight giggle hearing Hoseok’s huffs and his struggles to make it up the hill. For a big buff mafia man you’d think he could walk thousands of miles but he could get out of breath just by opening a jar of pickles. “Come on Muscle Man. Just a few more feet to go.” I teased earning a hearty chuckle back from him. “You gotta remember that I hauled your ass for like 3 miles.” He poked my head gently but still managed to make me flinch. “Scaredy cat, ah, there it is.” Hoseok’s P.O.V
Oh thank goodness, I was about to fall face down out of exhaustion, It’s been hours that I’ve been on my damn feet. The large garage was right behind the abandoned mall aka the drug trade. I leaned against the concrete wall showered in explicit graffiti. Taking out my phone I dialed the driver’s number. I took Areum’s hand and pulled her closer to me “Stay close, the crackheads lurk.” The phone then picked up and he said his usual phrase “Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun bangtan sonyeondan hwanggeum maknae jeon jungkook imnida” “Where are you.” I asked him bluntly, too tired to deal with his absurdness right now. “Ahh, I’m in the garage.” The sound of the engine rumbles in the background making it hard to decipher what he was saying “I’m with Cynthia and we are on the fifth flight!” Letting out a low groan, I sure didn’t have it in me to walk five flights up. My legs would surely give out or possibly crack in half. “Drive the car down, the damsel in injured.” Areum crossed her arms as her cheeks puffed out like two balloons “Why do I have to be the damsel? Do I look like I’m in distress? Why can’t I be the hero or the even the black widow!” she went on and on but her words begun to blur out. I was only focused on how to get into that damn car and get back to the house as fast as we humanly could. “I can’t boss, someone might catch us!” “Jungkook that’s a demand not an order. If anyone sees us then we’ll just send an assassin out or something.” “Ah! Quiet down boss. I’m comin I’m comin. You’re gonna get us caught one day.” he then hung up on me which made me slightly irritated. “I should’ve never hired that damn maknae.” Areum slouches next to me but she still with held the smile lurking on her lips. Times like these, it gets comforting to see especially from her. “How do you do it huh?” I chuckled a bit and took her wrist, pulling her closer to me so we could warm each other up in this cold weather. “How do you manage to smile in the most fucked up situations?” “Well, as long as I’m with you the situation isn’t that bad. Besides, I like to see you struggle.” She jokes with a slight laugh giving me the answer I should’ve anticipated.
“Ha ha.” I sarcastically laugh along, ruffling her hair up with my rough fingers. Then, the car finally arrived. It was a old and dirty truck which suits this place very well. I opened up the back door for Areum to go in first. If anyone saw us pull up in a brand new red convertible they would know something was up. Jungkook then put his foot on the gas and pulled off rather very fast. Areum rushed to put her seatbelt on while everyone else just sat there exhausted. It was just the wee hours in the morning, nobody was on the roads so Jungkook cranked the windows down. As long as nobody recognized Areum or me, we should be good. We took the back roads just to make sure. Jungkook turned on the speakers to his favorite songs then spoke loudly “How’d your little getaway go!” Cynthia, the co leader of this mafia, turned down the speakers to allow Areum and I to rest. “Jungkook, why do you have to be so loud all the time?” I knew Cynthia every since I inherited this whole mafia business. She’s always been like a sister to me. She was there whenever I needed her and whenever I didn’t.
I put my hands behind my head and let out a long sigh “It was nice until someone called the damn cops on us.” I let the wind cool me off as I closed my eyes “That part really spoiled the whole entire thing.” Areum hummed to the country music playing in the background. “But it wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle! Right Hoseok?” “Mmhm.” I felt myself falling into a deep sleep. My energy to perform anything at this point was drifting away.
Areum’s P.O.V
I took a cover from the floor and draped it over Hoseok he looked like he was passed out. I couldn’t blame him. “I’m sure Hoseok took good care of you... as always.” Cynthia sighed to herself. My face scrunched up as I felt slightly offended, I tried to calm myself down, trying not to get that stuck up princess attitude I always tend to have... I’m working on that. I am. “I guess.” I felt my leg start to sting a bit. The adrenaline was running out and the pain was setting in. Letting out a quiet grunt I held my leg close “I got bit and scratched by dogs.” Jungkook turned back to see the blood beginning to drip down my leg again. I must’ve injured it when I got back up to walk. “Yikes.” Jungkook spoke “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” He passed me a box of tissues “Here”.
Cynthia looked at me then back to the road “You have to stop being so careless whenever you’re around him.” “Careless?” I took the tissues and started to wipe off as much blood as I could. Once I saw the cut, it only stung even more. I couldn’t think of a smart response because of it. It hurts like hell but I wanted to keep my composure.
Strong women don’t cry right?
Besides, I wanted to be strong for him. I wanted to be strong to Hoseok and to prove everyone that I deserve to be here.
As we drove up to the big mansion where the mafia resided in Jungkook parked the car and I was cared for immediately getting escorted to their little medical room by her assigned nurses. Out of the corner of my eye she saw Cynthia caring for Hoseok, walking him back inside with one of his arms draped around her shoulder. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a hint of jealously inside my heart. Ever since I’ve met her she’s always given me ‘Oh, I’m better than you’ vibes but I’ve been trying to brush it off. I don’t want my own jealousy to get in the way of Hoseok and I. I never did. I looked up to a girl with a silver necklace hanging down her neck. It was Lisa, Hoseok’s sister.
“Follow me” she hums as she takes the mysterious criminals hand. They were rough and she noticed that they were also tatted. She couldn’t get a full glimpse but it looked like part of a dragons tale. The man spoke up as the princess led him through the endless maze of twist and turns.
Hoseok’s P.O.V
“Why are you helping me?” This could be a big trap but then again I have no choice. If it wasn’t for her I’d be surrounded by this damn kingdom and if she pulled anything stupid I have a gun right on my hip and I’m not afraid to shoot little miss princess. A person who gets anything and everything under her fingertips. People like her is the whole reason why me and my family rebelled. People like her enforced the stupid laws society has, People like her ruin everything I’ve worked for but here I was holding her hand. Her grip was tight so it wasn’t like I could let go. “Because I want to help you.” She hums with a slight smile “Besides the castle needed a little action.” We then came to another dead end, this time we were surrounded by vineyards of roses and fine grapes. “And you do realize that you are helping the number one felon in Korea right now?”
Before the princess could respond she ripped the bottom half of her expensive dress off so she could have more freedom in her strides which threw me off a bit. Her thighs are now fully exposed and she had not problem with that. “So?” She took the fabric and tied it along her thigh “You do realize that the wealthiest girl in Korea is helping a felon out right?” She echos. “Do you have a knife?” I pulled out a pocket knife and handed it to her, even though I probably shouldn’t of. This was getting pretty interesting and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know where it was going. The princess went up to the vines and cut them open. I chuckled as she did so “Very smart princess, but wouldn’t they follow us inside-” After she was done cutting the vines a door was revealed. She twisted the golden knob and it led us inside what seemed like to be a small bedroom, with a tv, bed, and a large bookcase. There were paintings on the wall but they seemed like they were either drawn by her or someone else.
The princess pressed on a red button and the vines attached to one another again as if nothing even happened. The princess smiled at me, feeling proud of herself for helping a person like myself out. “You’re welcome.” she beams I scoffed to myself and looked around her mini hideout “You led me to a bed. I’m not interested in making out with you right now, I need to get back to my base.” “Make out?” She crosses her arms and a light blush appears on her face “I wouldn’t t-touch you with a ten foot pole!” I looked down at her hand still attached to mine but she quickly let go of it. I sighed as I started to look around. Thinking about how I could ever get out of here without getting caught. I didn’t want to escape in the morning because that’s when small children flood the maze. It wouldn’t be a good look for a grown man with a gun attached to his hip be in it with them. And besides, I’m on a time schedule.
The princess spoke once again, her arms not leaving her chest “Who says I don’t have a way for you to get out!” “Look sweetheart.” I took out my gun and pointed it towards her head, I really didn’t have a choice. “Stop playing games, get me out of here now or I will shoot you.” She froze once I pulled out my gun but the same smile appears onto her face. What was this girl? Some type of psychopath? “You wouldn’t kill me Mister. If you did you’d spend more time in prison or possibly the dungeon than you’d intend to. Ah, who am I kidding they’d possibly put you to death.” I didn’t drop the gun but she did make a point. I know at some point in my life that I was going to go to jail or die but it’s too soon in the game. I plan to hold my father’s legacy until I die. “Show me the exit now.” My voice rose to stir more fear in her but it failed.
“Not until you tell me your name.” She looked me straight in the eyes. “I.. I want you to be my friend.” “I’m not a good friend.” I chuckled at the how naive this woman was. “I’ll tell you what. You show me the exit and you get a name. Deal?” She thought it over for a moment, lowering her arms she nodded and walked to her bookcase. she pushed it aside and there was a window. It seemed to be led to the woods. I wondered why there was even a such thing in a whole kingdom. Why was she the only one who knew about this. “Can I get-” Before she could say another word I pushed her to the floor, causing her to loose her balance and fall. She shouted at me before I made a run for it. I should’ve killed her. The window was already unlocked to that made it easier for me. Did I feel bad about it?
No, I didn’t.
It was my sister’s birthday and I’m already running late. I checked if I still had the necklace in my pocket and it was still in it’s pretty velvet box. -
Areum’s P.O.V
Lisa helped me onto a bed then got her gloves on. She was very careful not to hurt me anymore than I already was. I trusted her, so I allowed my eyes shut. She was a certified nurse even before this whole mafia deal begun. Lisa accessed the bite and scratches “That dog left a pretty big mark on you.” She informs as she sterilizes her equipment before she uses them. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I chuckle and look down at her “You sound so cool when you say that.” She gave me a smile as she starts to apply alcohol which stung even more. I winced but held in my pain. “You can scream if you’d like. I’m not here to judge.” Lisa hummed.
Well, If I had her permission...
Hoseok P.O.V
“Where’s Areum?” I asked as I held onto Cynthia’s shoulder. I didn’t even notice that we were already to the quarters. I must’ve fell asleep. “She’s getting treated.” Cynthia laid me on my door post allowing me to catch my composure again. Cynthia sighs as she dusts off her red dress that she always wears whenever she’s going out. Unlike me, she could go out whenever she pleases. Her identity hasn’t been given out yet so that’s why she’s our lurer. She lures people with her “charm” so we could eventually handle business with them. “You know.” She walks a little closer to me, feeling my cheek to make sure that the small cut would be okay “If she keeps getting you in danger like this then I’m not sure if she’s the perfect cut for this mafia.” “Cynthia.” I sighed and pulled away from her fingers. “Not this again. Areum is just as deserving as you are.” “What Hoseok, we all know it. She can’t even fend for herself. What makes you think she could fend for you? You’re only putting her in danger, not only her us! The whole mafia empire.” She got a bit mad but she soon calmed down by the look I was giving her. “I’m tired alright, can’t we talk about this some other time?” Cynthia gave me one last look before she went her own way. She had a mission this morning but I had a whole bunch of overdue sleeping to do until I get back on my feet again. I went inside of my room, not even caring to turn on the lights. I just kicked my shoes off and threw my body on the big master bed awaiting me. It felt amazing but yet so empty without Areum lying by my side. As I wrapped myself in the covers I couldn’t help but to think about Cynthia’s words. She was right, if people found us out then it would be over for us as we know it but...
I guess I’m a sucker for her love but I know that this chapter will soon come to an end. It’ll take a miracle if it’s a good one. ~
I hope you guys enjoyed, if you want me to add something more spicy my dms and asks are always open :) Please like this so it gives me motivation to go on! Also, do you like the cover work?
Your friend,
make sure you check out 1 and 2 before you read this one :)
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Falling onto her bloody knees on the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
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The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
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