I'm tired, so I might not post much. please read the pinned post before submitting Asks.
45 posts
Huh?? Tumblr Are You Ok???
Huh?? Tumblr are you ok???

More Posts from Foxi-gi
Okay! So! 50% of all voters (of like...5 people (yes, I know it's tecnicaly 6 but only because I dropped my phone on voted on accident)) voted for the comic to be released first!
And if I did the math correctly (which I most likely didn't), nearly an equal amount of people wanted me to release the fanfiction!
So, what if I tried to do both somehow?
What do you think? If any of you have ideas, how I could do it, in a way you'd like to see, please let me know!
I'll write a teaser soon, so you all get to see what a chapter would look like.
Thank you for everyone who voted!
I will post the teased at drawing very soon! And I'm already working on the Comic ^^
Have an amazing day!

A sketch for my time keeper OC (TK)!

Happy Halloween!!
Have this random drawing I made a while ago!
Hi! This is my first post, I wasn't sure what do share so I'll just share a picture of a tiny terrarium in a jar that I made the other day.
A worn called greg lives in this jar as well, but I'm not sure if it will survive since j may or may not have accedentally damaged it when digging it up.
Sketches, sneak peaks, and art coming soon!

Something nice and colorful.
I'm not sure why I made this, so please enjoy!