Confusin - Tumblr Posts

Fenn Milone
Madrigal: Lets name him Fennbirn
Two Dark Reigns: It’s a common name for boys, for the island they are named.
Me: But the islands a goddess
Three dark Crowns: yes
Me: What?
These aren’t the actual lines from the book
My mom was eating some food from a local Chinese restaurant for lunch. She found a screw- (yes a screw) in her food. I have so many questions. Like how...? Why...? What peculiar series of events led to a screw in the food?? Were they trying to build the Great Wall over the moo goo gai pan? Why would they need a wall? Are they segregating the chicken and the vegetables?? My mom said we will not be going there again...
As much as I don't wanna write this, I just need to get it out somewhere...
I do struggle with love. Both in loving myself and anyone else. I want affection just like everyone else, but it doesn't come to me. When it does, it's fleeting and I'm unsure if it will ever remain.
Maybe I haven't actually learned to love myself, but I don't know what else there is to love. I've learned to love what others see, I've embraced the darker parts of myself, and want to improve myself always. I don't know how more self-love I can give.
I want something I can't give myself.
And it hurts to think I'll always only love myself and no one will feel the same.
hey tumblr, i have a question.
Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?
the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why
hey tumblr, i have a question.
Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?
the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why
hey tumblr, i have a question.
Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?
the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why
Ok, so I just found out about something...
If people see Monkey King as Mk's dad, and Monkey King sees RedSon as his nephew...
Then doesn't that make RedSon and Mk cousins??
Ever since I watched Lmk, the Macaque Episode has always bugged me a bit.
In the Pilot, it shows us that Mk has been documenting SWK's WHOLE LIFE, which means he probably knows the entirety of JTTW.

Then why didn't he know about Macaque??
Macaque LITERALLY tells Mk his full name "The Six Eared Macaque"

How did Mk, Monkey King's successor, The person who keeps Monkey King's stories documented in a book, not know one of the most popular chapters???
Does the Macaque Chapter just not exist or???
Mi cerebro esta confundido, por que lo he visto muy seguido, se me pasara si no lo veo aunque sea... por algunos dias.
Estoy ebria y drogada no te vo'a mentir.
No sales de mi cabeza.
Otro día sin dormir.
Después de todo tú estás viviendo con ella y yo... viviendo con ansiedad.
Guys !
We just realised. Our Paladin is follower of an evil god. Does it mean he is an anti-paladin? But he haven't broken any oath, since it was always his deity. Or a cultist? But he doesn't try to bring him on this realm, and he don't do pact with others demon, on the contrary. We are confused. And curious.

The world is in a constant confusion.
And for some reason I find there's nothing wrong.
I look at myself in utter confusion.
And all I think of is a random song.
I keep on going every day.
Wondering what everyone 'll say.
Just to find that there is none.
A whole world of confused friends 'll stay.
And then we'll bid farewell at the end of day.
Wondering where this all begun.
So what's to see.
In this endless violet sea.
In this existential void.
I've been surrounded in to constantly avoid…
This endless feeling of falling.
Not bad or good, just a feeling that I never could.
This endless never-ending confusion.
That everything is worse than it should.
This constant feeling of utter confusion.
When will all the questions just fade away.
This never ending wall of confusion.
Stop looking like that, I swear, I'm okay.
Praise Kink Induction
So my partner and I had an idea yesterday: Could you hypnotize someone with a confusion induction that’s just one long, run-on sentence of praise? I really want to try this sometime and know whether it works. Something like this, except a bit more drawn-out? Just telling someone that they’re such a smart pretty attentive lovely interesting nice creative attractive wonderful person, who is also cute, amazing, intelligent, sensitive and so very good at so many things, such as writing, empathy, or getting praised, so that it’s really nice to spend time with them whenever possible because they’re so great and it’s so good to just tell them all this because they react so well, and it’s so worth praising their many talents and it’s so lovely when they just drop.
Again, I have no idea whether this would work, since I’ve only ever hypnotized someone twice so far. If anyone happens to know how feasible this would be, tell me!
I don't know if this is real, but I want it.
I've never had goldfish, do they taste good?
The cracker or the fish?
As someone who's native language is English, the problem with the English language, to put it simply, is that it is not a language; it's three languages in a trenchcoat.
The English language stole words from other languages and made them its own, most of which are words with french and latin roots.
I completely understand why non native speakers have a hard time learning the language. The language is very inconsistent and makes no fucking sense most of the time.
Teaching French to English Speakers:
French lesson: The word "sur" means "on" English speaker: Okay. French lesson: For example, The vase is [on] the table. The house is [on] the right. I read this book [on] his recommendation. Bring me the file [on] copyright licensing. English speaker: Right. Got it. "Sur" means "on."
Teaching French to Chinese speakers:
French lesson: The word "sur" means "on." Chinese speaker: Okay. French lesson: For example, The vase is [on] the table Chinese speaker: Right. Got it. "Sur" means "on." French lesson: The word "sur" also means "towards." Chinese speaker: Eh? French lesson: For example, The house is [towards] the right. Chinese speaker: Oh...kay. French lesson: The word "sur" also means "because of." Chinese speaker: What? What? French lesson: For example, I read this book [because of] his recommendation. Chinese speaker: Why does this one word mean all these things? Don't y'all have any other words? French lesson: The word "sur" also means "containing information pertaining to." Chinese speaker: Stop fucking around with me. French lesson: For example, Bring me the file [containing information pertaining to] copyright licensing. Chinese speaker: What the fuck is wrong with this language?