This Is A Pretty Minor Gripe In The Grand Scheme Of Things And I Don't Know Much About The Subject So
this is a pretty minor gripe in the grand scheme of things and i don't know much about the subject so i could definitely just be wrong, but. i've never understood this exchange. does margery kempe not famously have one book??

(sidenote: i don't see it spoken about nearly often enough that diana reid's favourite authour is a woman who, if she was alive today, would likely have been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. i can't speak extensively on that parallel because i'm not especially familiar with margery kempe—i did some research on her after first watching this episode because i was curious if there was a connection, and found that out. i'm unaware of any other parallels, but if anyone more familiar with her has more insight i will love you forever if you share)
bellablack38 liked this · 9 months ago
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reid going "excuse me, sorry" and then shoving this woman out of her desk is so funny to me. it's a pretty light shove, he honestly more pulls her out of her chair than anything, but. why is he like this. it's like that moment when he crouches by a body, clears his throat so the other person there will move out of the way, and then smirks. he's such a bitch sometimes i love him

cant take this man anywhere he'll say shit like "betwixt" in casual conversation

on a more serious note. this can very much be an autism thing. here are a couple bits from my psychological report when i was diagnosed with autism myself featuring my not great censoring skills:
![[deadname] uses a very formal vocabulary and speech structure.](

(not saying "reid speaks very formally, ergo he's autistic" but "reid displays a lot of autistic traits and speaks very formally, and so that might also be an autistic trait in him")
morgan's reaction to hearing that elle has been shot. god. goddd. their relationship is so incredibly underrated they were such good friends.

headcanon that at some point in reid's early childhood (prior to his dad leaving and probably when he was too young to really understand what was happening), diana spent some time in a psychiatric hospital for one reason or another. (a suicide attempt, a severe episode, a time when she couldn't care for herself, etc)
this has occurred to me before but it popped back into my brain because i listened to my mom by kimya dawson (i love them) and the chorus. its devastating in any context honestly:
My mom's sick she's in a hospital bed I've got a word for all you ghosts in her head And all you skeletons in her closet Leave her alone Leave her alone Leave her alone, please Because my mom needs you gone My mom needs you gone As long as she is haunted she'll never get strong My mom needs you gone
the way reid treats maggie lowe after disarming her makes me. i know i say this a lot but it makes me need to lay down.

(not pictured: between this image and the next, you hear the sound of what i believe is reid turning the safety on, and see him lower the gun)

i might come back to this later im struggling with wording. but something about the way reid treats mentally ill unsubs. hhh. do you think he sees his mother when he looks at them.
(please dont misunderstand me ! emphasis there is on the "mentally ill" not the "unsub." i think if we got a victim with severe mental illness reid would behave very similarly. im talking about unsubs because we see that a lot more because of the whole. you know. premise. i think reid can't help but picture his mother when he sees people in crisis, even when theyre different kinds of crisis, and a lot of his responses in those situations are him falling back on what he learned as a child)