This Is A Pretty Minor Gripe In The Grand Scheme Of Things And I Don't Know Much About The Subject So
this is a pretty minor gripe in the grand scheme of things and i don't know much about the subject so i could definitely just be wrong, but. i've never understood this exchange. does margery kempe not famously have one book??

(sidenote: i don't see it spoken about nearly often enough that diana reid's favourite authour is a woman who, if she was alive today, would likely have been diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. i can't speak extensively on that parallel because i'm not especially familiar with margery kempe—i did some research on her after first watching this episode because i was curious if there was a connection, and found that out. i'm unaware of any other parallels, but if anyone more familiar with her has more insight i will love you forever if you share)
bellablack38 liked this · 9 months ago
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i love this line and this scene in general so much. they're trying to figure out what "hour be none" means and reid walks in and gives the answer (with some mostly unnecessary but endearing additional info) and elle responds so affectionately. i really loved their dynamic, however you view it.

bonus (cropped from the next shot):

GARCIA: If I may ask, sir, I don't know your name. [looks back to read his ID] Nathan. The thing that I don't get it, our team's there. Why can't we go to Langley? Do I look like a threat to national security to you, seriously? NATHAN: Your name is on a list. GARCIA: A list? What list? I work for the FBI and you're telling me I'm on a list that says I can't go to the CIA? NATHAN: You're on a list. [Garcia's screens change to show she's been given access to the CIA's database] JJ: Uh, Garcia? [Nathan starts doing something on the computer] GARCIA: [whispering] You do know what this means? JJ: What? GARCIA: We'll be able to find out whether Princess Diana's death was really an accident. JJ: I think that's exactly the kind of thing that got you on their list.
JJ: What do you suppose this is all about? REID: Call me cynical, but considering it's 2:00 AM, I doubt it's good news. JJ: You are a genius.
HOTCH: What is it? What's wrong? What's the matter with you? GIDEON: I...I just have nothing left. HOTCH: Yeah, I'm tired, too. GIDEON: No, no, no. I needed a place where I didn't have to know what was out there. Where I could just close my eyes and not see bodies torn to pieces or hear children calling out for help. That cabin was the only thing I had left, and this guy took it away from me. HOTCH: Jason... GIDEON: Maybe I'm out of gas.
rewatching criminal minds causes me zero agony (lie)
i think this might be the first mention of reid graduating highschool at twelve? because this line is clearly said for the audience, im sure gideon knows this. im a little surprised it's this late in the season honestly

also. i am Clinging to parker dunley in the hopes that there was One Person in reid's high school who didn't treat him awfully. i got the sense from this scene that they weren't friends (reid seems awkward hugging him, but to be fair he's always awkward) and parker's reaction to seeing him ("look at you! nothing's changed!") to me implies he hasn't seen him since he graduated. but like. acquaintances perhaps. a person who treated him like a human being perhaps. thank u parker dunley for being implied to be a normal person. what was going on with the rest of your school.