franticraven - vworp vworp
vworp vworp

★ Max/Raven ★ she/it ★ 18 ★ 🇪🇸 ★ 1# Eleventh Doctor Defender & Bowtie Boy Enjoyer ★ Markiplier, Doctor Who, Dead Boy Detectives, Matt Smith, Good Omens, Trigun .. pfp by @chandlerjoed on twt!

281 posts

Oh My God

oh my god

I love when the show treats real world issues while still maintaining the characteristic tone it has for everything else. For example, with racism. In this episode it's capitalism. Having to pay for oxygen is perfectly dystopic, and ordering the suits to kill employees when they're not good enough anymore is an amazing way to round it off

All of it really tested Bill's trust on the Doctor. He always tells jokes to alleviate the bad things that are coming, and in that moment when he didn't, she had to assume it wouldn't go well. But he always has a plan. And sometimes, a lot of the times, not saying it out loud is a vital part of the plan. Just another reason for her to trust him, believe it'll be alright, hope.

Nardole's apparent presumption towards the doctor makes him really fun. He doesn't fully want to be here, he's only putting up with it all because he has to make sure the doctor does what he has to do, protect the vault (why or what, I've got no idea, but I'm hoping we'll get there). He's both silly and cheeky and I just can't help loving him jdnfjd

Seeing the Doctor blind made me worried, like genuinely scared. I trust him to a certain degree but that felt like a low punch. Especially knowing that he'll reject help, any help to his person, if he can.

So I'm not sure what to expect anymore hhh excited

  • liselke
    liselke liked this · 1 year ago

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