In kahoots with my pals @waningwizard and @mixer-endo. This is my meme blog. My art blog is @elise-l-is-a-terrible-artist and my personal is @frasers-reblogs. Just leaving this bio here, but most of those blogs are dead tbh
87 posts
Words Cant Express How Much I Love The KLK TV Tropes Page

Words can’t express how much I love the KLK TV Tropes page
More Posts from Fraserpoppy

I made the masterpost we all needed.
What an legend.
If you say things like “All men are awful people” and “All men deserve to die”, I’m sincerely concerned about you. That’s not a joke and it’s not sarcasm, I legitimately don’t understand how you could hold that opinion and feel justified with yourself.
I hope whatever pain you’re going through eases soon and I hope you’re okay. I hope, in the future, you realize the world isn’t black and white the way you think it is. I hope you find someone who can show you, through kindness, that you’re wrong.
You would think that a community like Tumblr would try to stop prejudice against people because they were born a certain way, but unfortunately, you’d be very, very wrong.
Please don’t let hatred into your heart, please.