Misandry - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

yeah, you get called a transmisogynist the moment you talk about men's issues. It's ridiculous and the whole community needs to do better.

when you aren't even human and have the no empathy disorders (trademark), but manage to do a better job at being a decent 'person' than the anti misandry and anti transandrophobia crowd.

oh by the way, read the tags, thanks!

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7 months ago

the experience of being harassed for believing in misandry has convinced me of one thing: some of the 'feminists' on this platform (and others) don't actually care about equality. They want, like, some sort of reversed matriarchy where women are on top and honestly? that sucks. Because while the rest of us bring nuance about gender issues and want to eradicate every last bit of sexism all genders face, as well as fight for, you know, actual equality rather than the one gender is superior bullshit, there are people who think poking fun at stuff like male suicide rates is acceptable (yes, I am still not over that). It reminds me of when I was 10 years old and going through my own 'kill all men' phase; it's a fucking miserable way to live and solves absolutely nothing. It's very immature.

As for transandrophobia, you get called stupid in the least, and a transmisogynist at the most if you dare bring up the fact that it exists, because some people on this platform really hate men and want to make it the rest of the world's issue. I would never, EVER make fun of what women go through, not because I'm scared of being 'canceled' but because I have basic tact and maturity. But these people? As long as it's men being talked about it's fair game to them. Absolutely disgusting that this is even a remotely accepted behavior, and the fact that simply saying 'hey, men have issues too' will put you in the line of fire of people who cannot accept that their worldview is not much better than an incel's is horrific.

The gender discrimination discussion is not all about women. Multigender people exist. Male issues exist. And those things can exist without making women's issues less important! I implore you to grow up, if you even got this far into the post with the belief that only women face shit for their gender identity, because I dare say you are a thorn in the side of the feminist movement.

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7 months ago

stop using lesbianism as an excuse to hate men. Stop using feminism as an excuse to hate men. You just hate men, full stop.

stop using being gay as an excuse to hate women. You just hate women, full stop.

Get over your hatred and grow as a person.

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7 months ago

If you're serious about gender equality, you're gonna have to become okay with men talking about, and having words for, their issues real fast. Because coming to a woman's aid for suffering but pushing a man further to the edge just makes you a hypocrite. Going after a man for being vocal about his issues doesn't fix the issues women face, it only makes suffering a competition... and that helps nobody.

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7 months ago

I think this all just highlights a bigger issue within our community. For all our "love" and "inclusivity," we exclude men and hate, or rather, have a bias against masculinity.

At least in the online queer space, it feels like fem presenting individuals are the only one's that receive credit for just being themselves. Even I'm guilty of being slightly disappointed when a guy (trans or not) happens to be especially masculine— but that's because I find feminity pretty and enjoyable.

Men have done terrible things; but, Women and NBs have done terrible things. When we actively supress or discourage masculine self expression, or push guys away (because they're not trying to be your pretty pink boyprincess) , we contradict the supposed inclusive nature of this community.

We can't, as a community, say that we love everyone and want inclusivity, while he disregard our own problems and exclude people that don't express themselves how WE want them to.

Trans men didn't sign up for exclusion when they transitioned. They signed for being themselves. Or, now that it suits you, is being trans suddenly a choice? That would make this shitty take a lot better for you, wouldn't it?

If the LGBTQIA+ community can't treat masculine identifying individuals with the same care and consideration we afford fem identifying people, it needs to drop the whole "gender roles" and "gender stereotypes bad" thing, because it starts to sound contradictory.

I hate that we're supposed to be a community that celebrates individuality but we've normalised condeming straight white cis guys. We place femininity and androgyny on a pedestal while expressing indifference or outright distaste for masculinity.

I hate that we're such a mess because one day a TURF or far right figure head with more than 2 brain cells will find an audience, and when they do, they're going to point at these real problems— none of the manufactured bullshit. This "community" will fall apart in seconds.

You know why tomboys have an easy time in right leaning places? Misogyny. They're aligning closer with masculinity and are thus less womanly. Why do femboys have an easy time in our community? It seems like misandry. We're just a reflection of what we supposedly despise.

tried to vent in a trans space about how, as a trans man who’s been on T for a long time (over 7 years now), i have noticed that the more i pass as a man, the less welcomed i am in queer spaces unless i go out of my way to feminize myself. and how that sucks! and it’s isolating!!! and it feels horrible to see ppl who used to like you and be close to you drift further and further the more masculine (& therefore more comfortable in urself) u become…

only to get ppl replying to me and saying “well if you dressed more fem then ppl wouldn’t be intimidated by you. you signed up for this”

i’m sorry but i didnt sign up for social isolation when i transitioned, i signed up for gender euphoria and comfort in myself and my life. and i had hoped that the ppl in my life would be able to see how much joy that brings me and continue to love me.

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4 months ago

TERFs aren't welcome here :D

also misogynists and misandrists

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9 years ago

You are not oppressed. You insult every single human being that has ever had to live under real oppression when you claim that men in the western world oppress women. 

I’m so confused when men say they can be raped like no you can’t oppress us and then claim we have power over you

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7 months ago

part of the reason i love how bell hooks talks about masculinity is that she shows real compassion towards men suffering from the effects of toxic masculinity. she was conscious of how we need to unlearn the ways we talk about men + masculinity just as much as we need to unlearn the same for women + femininity. so many times ill see someone talking about toxic masculinity like (hyperbolizing here but only slightly) "these FUCKING STUPID BABY BITCHES won't MAN UP and go to a therapist!!!" and like. i get the anger. but you see feminists recreating patriarchal manhood by only promoting good behaviors through patriarchal frameworks. any use of the term "real men" is bad because it reifies the idea that manhood is a special title you must earn, and it is something possible to fail and fake. & as important as it is to promote sexual equality + the pleasure of non-cis-men, lots of people are essentially still working with the idea that men need sexual prowess to have worth but just shifting it slightly so there is more emphasis on women's pleasure. but I want cis men to think about their partners' pleasure because they care about their partners, not because they need to check a box in order to keep their man card. and don't get me started on small dick jokes– and the absolutely pitiful excuse people will use that "well, I don't believe it, but misogynistic men get upset when I say it, so it's okay!"

basically bell hooks is so fucking right. in order to create loving men we need to love men, simply for being alive, whether or not they are performing. as much as we need to actively unlearn misogyny (and we do), it's equally vital we unlearn patriarchal ways of seeing manhood. we can't just assume that taking a feminist perspective automatically means there is no work to be done there.

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