frenchfriez15 - Angelfruit

Pronouns! She/they!Zodiac sign: GEMINI✨(😰)I'm a minor so nothing weird!!It's weird here, but where isn't it weird!

43 posts

Frenchfriez15 - Angelfruit - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago


SOO I wanna have a persona and basically I want to have ONE stick with me for a while- BUUUT I’ve have multiple over the years (I love all of them😭) sooo vote on one you like better!!


1: GOOBER, there’s this bug-eyed thing


2: THE HARD ONE (made this over camping, dunno what happened with the hair💀)




3: THE OG, it looks better in pencil but I whipped this up quickly (that’s why it looks bad) annnd yea


4: FLOATING HEAD, now basically I draw this when I’m reacting to one of my drawings or as a side note, it’s easy to draw, only needs pencil, and necessarily isn’t a floating head-

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6 months ago


so I’ve been working on AUs of myself for no reason- more like drawing them soo


so we got priest, Opposite, and yandere, I dunno..I guess AUs are interesting and since I was bored one day POOF “oh let’s make AUs of myself since i got nuthin better to do over summer😃” I remember sitting on the couch, making an outline of all of them, I did just like the heads..rows of heads of different AUs, and uhm- there was 35😭 I’m working on another page but haven’t started it too much yet..ALSO I haven’t really figured out a persona..(HOWEVER IF ANYONE DRAWS ME YA BASICALLY JUST MAKE A SKINNY PERSON WITH EYELASHES AND BROWN HAIR) I might go with the normal bug-eyed cutie I made in my about me- orr


This girlie (who I normally draw) this is from the MCDONLADS WIFI ANIMATION I FINISHED YESTERDAY THAT TOOK 3 HOURS AND ITS ONLY 6 SECONDS (To be fair it’s like my first actual animation but AUGHH)


Anyways I dunno who this thing is…it’s chilling in some un-finished art, just a quick sketch of the body✨

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6 months ago



TBH it’s technically my first FlipaClip animation besides the tutorial (the ball💀) ANNND OVER 3 HOURS FOR A MCDONALDS WI-FI ANIMATION?? *sprints away to McDonald’s and plays video again* SAME DIFFERENCE MCDONALDS WIFI >:(

also don’t mind Remy in the background-

pretty sure this is me easy baking or something (MY SISTER EATING DA ICING AND STUFF)>:(

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6 months ago


Has anyone ever had like, let’s say a friend that has a “crush” on them?- now I’m using this to rant but, meh-

OKAY so In my friends group there’s a male (not saying name) and he essentially started hanging out with us since he transferred to our school- THEN after a few weeks he became friends with one of the people in the group and.. well then he started hanging out with us. He was really funny and stuff then..he started to date someone in class, more-so a NICE “Stanley girl” and after a few weeks (maybe months dunno??) they broke up- no big deal right? Then after that, he started liking other girls, EVENTUALLY TO THE POINT HE STARTED LIKING ME, (and sadly I did like him..a bit-) AND THE DAY I WAS GOING TO TELL HIM I LIKED HIM…he started dating my bestie- like no offense dude but that ain’t right- THEN AFTER BREAKING UP WITH MY BESTIE WITHOUT TELLING HER!! he liked me again- at this point I felt like I was considered the “second option” for him- and after back and forth on girls and stuff- FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, I finally agreed to date him, and the first time we dated I broke up with HIM because I had a lot of things going on and felt overwhelmed, the friends group split up for a while before re-uniting again….then for some reason I dated him again (LAST TIME DON’T WORRY) then the SECOND TIME (which was over summer break) he broke up with me saying “I like someone else, sorry 😭” OVER VR??? LIKE DUDE WTH?? And WHEN SCHOOL STARTED AGAIN HE WANTED TO DATE ME AGAIN AND HE DOWNRIGHT LIED TO ME SAYING “also I didn’t actually like someone else..I broke up with you because you like Welcome Home..” IM SORRY DOUCHE BAG WTF?? WELCOME HOME IS PART OF MY PERSONALITY(he needs a new one btw) Then he continues to like me- then YESTERDAY my bestie told me he has a small crush on THE ONE OTHER GIRL BESIDES ME AND HER, SHE ABSOLUTELY DESPISES HIM!!! Ain’t no way-

ANYWAYS sorry for me ranting I just REALLY WANNA WHACK HIM- and he’s still “in” the friend group but..(ME AND MY BESTIE AND OF COURSE MY SECOND BESTIE THE ONE HE HAS A CRUSH ON NOW, WE DONT REALLY LIKE HIM!!!) ALSO all of this was happening with drama added on from a new friend group member who was BEING MEAN TO EVERYONE- (NGL I legit snapped at her for using my second besties pronouns as an it, like MA’AM THOSE ARENT HER PRONOUNS AND YOU REFERENCED THAT IN AN OFFENSIVE WAY😡)


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6 months ago


send this weird AU of myself to “HOLY” your friends-

(or whoever doesn’t matter)

they have to send it to someone else to “UNHOLY” them or smth (I DUNNO WHY IM DOING THIS😭)


and yes this is on her shirt I wanted her to have a meme on it:


This is the Priest!AU in case you were wondering!

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6 months ago

About me

A few things to know about me and all that jazz

Age: minor! Not comfortable with sharing exact age

favorite color(s): Cobalt blue, jade green, mint blue, and more shadow colors!

Favorite number: 15!!

pronouns!: she/they(I prefer those!)

favorite singers: Sodikken, Jack stauber, miracle musical, the living tombstone, hazbin hotel soundtrack, most vocaloid stuff, mean girls musical soundtrack, Olivia Rodrigo, Penelope Scott, Taylor swift, and Sabrina carpenter(ITS A WEIRD COMBO I KNOW)

fandoms is in!!: Welcome home, DDLC, kinitopet, miraculous, gravity falls, helluva boss, Hazbin hotel, Hatsune Miku, FPE, Murder drones, poppy playtime, BNA, Bea and puppycat, Komi can’t communicate, muppets, gorilla tag, VR chat, Sesame Street, Wednesday, Taylor swift(💀), animal crossing, ANYWAYS there’s a lot😰😭

hobbies: DRAWING!!! Until I feel like I have carpal tunnel😊, collecting Mee Meows(I LIKE CATS OKAY!!!), drawing online, chilling with my friends, talking to myself, taking to my stuffies, wanting to go to boxlunch and hot topic, listening to music, laughing at nothing!, and looking at memes!

FACTS!!!: anyone I follow on tumblr is who I basically consider my idol, besides Clown (Creator of welcome home, @partycoffin CAUSE LIKE OBVIOUSLY HES LIKE MY #1 IDOL✨) are other good(AWESOME) artists I hope to one day be as great as! This consists of @up-above-in-the-clouds, @i-ate-your-dog-srry, @the-doodle-cave, @lumashiki, @qep0ermint, @frillsand, and @sketchquill !! There’s a few more but I think these people are awesome, yes I know I’m weird for barely knowing these awesome beings and considering them idols- BUT ITS ALL WEIRD HERE!, another fact I HAVE TICS! Not Tourette’s but a few symptoms!, I have bad social anxiety!! And just regular anxiety, paranoia, overthinking, my mom thinks I have ADHD(??), annnnd I might be bipolar??, my birthday is June 8th!, I love winter!!, I’m in California!!(but super pale somehow 🥲), I like watching LaurenZside! And a few GT YouTubers..and animators!, I play VR!! Mostly Yeeps hide and seek, Gorilla tag, and sometimes VR chat!, I LOVE KETCHUP, I have too many fictional crushes🫡, and I have a BESTIE(S) you should sub to her since she really wants to go live! Her YouTube is @WhiteKnees123(she deleted her old YouTube channel which was @Me_potato23! But now she has one video so..meh she’s still awesome though! I got her into Flipaclip and she’s been animating since so YAY✨)pretty sure I’m maybe Asexual?? I’ll have to wait and see! Also maybe Demi-girl and non-binary!

ANNNND that about sums it up!! Sorry there was a lot in there! But that’s about me ig?? ✨✨

About Me

And here’s Kinito judging me!!

About Me
About Me
About Me

And a few more😬

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6 months ago


….I guess I’m satan-

tag game!

Your last emojis are your gender



@erikaskblog @fymo-blogs

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6 months ago

Thank you for your kind response, kindly consider donating any little amount please to enable me purchase insulin🙏

No problem! Hope everything goes well! :D

6 months ago

Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Ifrah Abdullahi Mohammed from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.

Hope it gets better for you ^_^

6 months ago

𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮- 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓽𝓸𝓸

frenchfriez15 - Angelfruit
6 months ago


So I like to day that I have my own AUs- and I got a modded gatcha life so I’m just gonna make them on their and possibly edit them on Flipaclip- so here’s the Opposite AU, (angry or jealous) Lovesick AU, and the Priest AU-


And then not gonna lie- I can’t decide the AU for this one so give me ideas-


It’s like a possessed old timey puppet thing-



Angel AU coming soon- and btw priest and angel AU are besties-

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6 months ago


So- I’m kinda bored today so thought I should say some stuff that happened-


So on Wednesday night I had REALLLLY bad lower right stomach pains- so the next day I go to the doctor- they think I have appendicitis, I go to the E.R.- and after they drew blood and gave me an I.V. (DO NOT RECOMMEND THEY SUCK) gave me an ultrasound, C.T. Scan- I guess I have a 2.5 cm Cyst on my right ovary- 😬

isn’t life fun? Heh- anyways I was bored so thought I should say- also sorry I haven’t been posting lately I’ve been busy with school-

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6 months ago
My Fandoms And My Fandom Neighbors!
My Fandoms And My Fandom Neighbors!

My fandoms and my fandom neighbors!

TODAY, August 12, 2024, The Animation Guild begins negotiations with the AMPTP to win a new contract for animation. This is a huge fight with severe stakes for the future of the Animation Industry in the US, and the guild needs your support!

TAG is fighting, Right Now, to stop exploitative practices that are weaponized against animation professionals across the globe, and working hard to ensure this industry has a future here in the states.

If you are a fan of animation, whether it's major or independent studios, eastern or western, tv or movies, we need you to get LOUD in support of The Animation Guild. The crews who work so hard to bring these works to life are struggling to pay their bills, if they can find work at all, while studio CEOs are getting multi-million dollar raises to cancel projects and gut streaming libraries.

We can win this fight, but we need public outcry and support. If you work in animation, if you've ever dreamed of working in animation, or if you just love animation, please stand with TAG and support the union effort to keep animation a viable career and a valuable medium!

Check out the Website Here: #StandWithAnimation

AnimationWorkersIgnited Twt / LinkTree

AnimationGuild Twt

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6 months ago

HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES TO FINISH I SHALL STAY- also I was busy and couldn’t have my phone during the ask box opening- SO WHEN I FINALLY COULD IT SAID “ask box closed” (by our lord and savior our beloved clown- 8 minutes ago-) actually me: 👁️👄👁️ c’mon 8 MINUTES?? A bit disappointed but it’s fine!


I have two Questions (If you can only ask One that’s okay ^_^)

1. Are you going to do a livestream/where would you live-stream if you did?

2. How much of Welcome Home is finished (percentage wise)

Hello!!! (Your questions are A-Okay! Happy to answer both!) 1. I'm not sure about how to do a Live stream, to be honest! (Picarto was so easy, haha) Twitch is very confusing too! I am a subscriber to a few folks on There and there is a diamond next to my name sometimes, I don't know what it Means! But if I do, I'll let us all know! 2. Ah! I had to look up what I said last time to let us know! If we are talking about how much has been completed and shown to everyone, it is probably 6%. Last time I said 5%- I remember! It's silly to say, but I feel It reached it's peak in its infancy, as everyone arrived before we had fully dived into Welcome Home itself. The story is large, but it has its direction complete. There is a story to feel, I imagine it will take long to present it to its end. Still, even as we fall to the wayside (Or maybe we still have eyes! I think we do!), I'm intent on finishing it! I'll stay in this home as long as I can!

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7 months ago

paper dragon

so I wanted to make a paper dragon for the first time and I watched a 10 minute tutorial but it ended up being 20 cause of me pausing it and rewatching it just to make the base- but it’s my first one and it looks like this..

Paper Dragon
Paper Dragon
Paper Dragon

I’m sorry I had to do the puppet tongue- but yeah it looks weird but it’s my first one and it looks fine I guess- I haven’t made lore or anything for it yet but so far it’s non-binary

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7 months ago

my gender is not a gender


Type "my gender is" on your phone and let your phone finish the sentence, then tag your moots to keep the chain going, I'll go first.

My gender is a little bit more intense than I thought I could have done

@mirukosbitchywife @get-junpeid

7 months ago


so remember that one picture in the Welcome home website and on the bottom corner people think it says “DO NOT PRINT”


yeah that- well I may or may not have uhm- printed it on a T-shirt..heh


I dunno if this was a bad idea but- I HAVE IT- and no I didn’t buy this somewhere!

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7 months ago
Like To Charge, Reblog To Cast

Like to charge, reblog to cast

7 months ago


so um..I’m not in the Fundamental Paper Education fandom but since i know what it is…I made Wally Darling- yes the beloved puppet himself- I kinda maybe turned him into one of the teachers? Maybe..? I dunno it looks okay and I JUST tryed out this art style but I feel like it looks…decent..? I dunno let me have anyone’s opinions please! And I dunno if someone already made this an AU or already drew this but…HERE IT IS-


It’s my first time with this style no hate please 😭

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7 months ago

/insert gibberish, OH MA GAWD HES MORE PRETTY🫣😭

Also I did not expect a response i am giggling even more now😭 FOLLOW THIS AWESOME PERSON


ahem- may I give something to dreamscape wally? If yes….

Ahem- May I Give Something To Dreamscape Wally? If Yes.


Ahem- May I Give Something To Dreamscape Wally? If Yes.
Ahem- May I Give Something To Dreamscape Wally? If Yes.

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7 months ago


I guess where I am right now there’s a big fire and I might have to evacuate, just had a 10 minute breakdown🥲 I guess I’m freaking out cause I went through a wildfire in kindergarten but- I’m freaking out either way cause there’s a big a** smoke cloud 60 feet long and if wind starts blowing west it’s coming towards my house😭

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7 months ago

Welcome Home OCs✨

This is ONE of my Welcome Home OCs, her name is Adelle, but her friends call her Addy, and even though not too many people see my posts, fell free to draw her or put her in any art with your own OCs! She also gets along with Barnaby.

Welcome Home OCs

She’s a magician, and I found out how many apples her high is and it’s 16 apples tall AKA 4 feet, I have no idea why I wanted to make an OC but here we are, it’s a few months old though- Hope anyone who sees it likes it! 🙏😭

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7 months ago


I’m just gonna be posting my art on here cause, WHY NOT? Not like people will actually find it, and I’d doubt they would like it- anyways…


Why’d I put the Shrek pin there😭 but I really like Welcome Home because I like puppets and it awesome✨ also thanks to my friend for making the paper Wally✨

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7 months ago

don’t mind me-

just a random person making art but have no drawing tablet or drawing app so it’s just me and my sketchbooks🥲🙏 (And whiteboard✨)

Dont Mind Me-
Dont Mind Me-
Dont Mind Me-

Don’t mind the bees on the first one my friends drew that-

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