Poll - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Feel free to share any other quirks you're capable of, that I didn't list, in the tags! (Like if you have any double joints, or extra teeth, or whatever)

Don't forget to reblog so more people can vote! :]

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1 year ago

Round 1 Match 4: Ivor VS. Louie

Round 1 Match 4: Ivor VS. Louie

Ivor, a former member of a group of legendary heroes known as the Order of the Stone became cynical and arrogant after his allies lied to the public over the truth behind their battle with the ender dragon. In an attempt to expose his former teammates as frauds he created the wither storm, an entity of pure destruction. Once his plan begins to get out of hand however, Ivor reluctantly joins forces with a new team of heroes to stop the monster he unleashed.

Louie, an employee of the Hocotate Freight Shipping company and responsible for nearly every problem in Pikmin 2 & 3, between eating a shipment that resulted in bankrupting the company, either getting kidnapped by a giant beast or controlling it and attempting to kill Olimar for no reason, nobody knows for sure, or even stealing all of another crew's rations and then spontaneously combusting. As a child, he was forced to eat plants and bugs off the ground, and still does to this day. He is also a fantastic chef.

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1 year ago

What's your favorite Thanksgiving episode of Bob’s Burgers?

Doing another holiday episode poll for Bob’s Burgers since we don't have a Thanksgiving episode this year and was this close to not doing it because of the limit of the choices of doing a Tumblr poll, but here we are since Tumblr was generous to add an added option after 10. What's your favorite Thanksgiving episode? Give a vote.

What's Your Favorite Thanksgiving Episode Of Bobs Burgers?

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hey y’all, I just wanted to say that I might stop doing this AU and change the whole thing completely. I can’t draw Mugman, Cuphead, Chai, King Dice, and Devil, so I’m don’t know if I should stop this AU and just replace it with my Friend’s OC’s starting a hotel with Seeker (based off Hazbin Hotel but not redeeming people and just… causing chaos-)…. if you are wondering, yes. Seeker is gonna be a stripper in the AU if I replace it.

I don’t know how to decide, but I feel like I’m not going to learn how to draw any of the characters without Tracing and trust me, I’ve learned my lesson with tracing. So I’m going to let y’all decide! I’m also going to talk about the AU I might replace this one with because I feel like what I said wasn’t enough info.

(EDIT: Ima just take ya’ll word for it and ima just start updating the blog.)

INFO: The new AU will be called ‘Chaos Hotel’, It’ll have

Seeker: My OC

Cremini: My friend’s oc

Thing: My Boyfriend’s OC

Trilynn: My Other Friend’s Oc

Owl: My OC

Blackout: My friend’s Oc

Puppeteer: My OC

and much more if I can remember!

The AU will start with the backstory of Seeker and Thing, then how Seeker met Cremini, and how Cremini and Thing forced Seeker into school and that’s how she met Trilynn, Owl, Puppeteer and Blackout. Everyone ended up graduating and they all started looking for a job. Fast forward to the year 2016 when something stupid happened and everyone was forced into the same apartment, they then started getting along once again and Seeker told everyone there that Her and Cremini were dating and everyone.. wasn’t surprised since seeker is a straight up bitch who has dated 18 people now and including a chicken… And then Seeker and Thing had an idea about making a hotel and everyone ended up agreeing or wanting to try it out, so 7 years later when it was finally built, all of them took on roles such as

Seeker: Manager/Stripper

Thing: Assistent Manager/Therapist

Cremini: Security

Trilynn: Chef

Owl: Worker

Puppeteer: Security

Blackout: Worker

And anyone else who I remember if gonna be a worker unless if my friends ask for a different role-

So yeah! That’s what the AU is gonna be about.

here’s where you can vote now!


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Y’know what, ima just make a poll to see if y’all agree with what i should do

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10 months ago

Thought I'd try the tumblr thing that's been going on recently

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10 months ago

It looks like voting time's nearly over. I'll draw the monstrosity when I wake up :)

Thought I'd try the tumblr thing that's been going on recently

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10 months ago
Here Is The Sans You Guys Built! I Didn't Know About Tumblr's Image Size Limit, So This File Was Originally

Here is the sans you guys built! I didn't know about tumblr's image size limit, so this file was originally 230 KB and had to be lowered to 1% quality and then compressed online to be lower than 20MB. Hope it isn't too awful??

Thought I'd try the tumblr thing that's been going on recently

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9 months ago

I’ve seen many different takes on this so…

As a lot of you know already, if you call him an idiot after sparing him, he will respond with “WHY MUST YOU BELITTLE YOURSELF…SO LOUDLY?”

there are other instances like this where a mental attack is dodged. But was he really oblivious to your intent? And if not, how much was he hurt?

I like to think in that moment Papyrus actually didn’t know, because it makes it so much funnier, but what do the majority of tumblr think?

(Please reblog for sample size)

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9 months ago

(Note that the question is HOW aware, not IS he aware)

EDIT: I think my question may have been somewhat misinterpreted based on the responses.

The "all his knowledge is just based off observation" choice implies that he has LESS deja-vu than other Undertale characters. If you think that Sans has no more and no less deja-vu than monsters like Toriel (Remembering your pie choice) and Undyne (Getting a feeling you might have been friends before), pick the second option. Choose the first option ONLY if you think he has a weaker/non-existent sense of deja-vu compared to them.

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7 months ago

Please reblog for sample size

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