Sola (she/her) | 27 | A journey of fitness and self love.
232 posts
Accountability Post: 12 September 2022
Accountability Post: 12 September 2022

Finally got myself back in the gym. I ended up going after dinner. This is going to take a while for me to get used to, as I, usually, prefer morning workouts.
Anyway…today was leg day!
This consisted of:
1. A two-minute warmup on the stair master (it would have been three minutes, but I was already starting to struggle at the 30-second mark lol I’ll get there eventually)
2. 18 minutes of weights (I usually aim for 15 to 20 minutes of weight lifting)
3. A 20-minute hill workout on the treadmill, followed by a five-minute cooldown
I didn’t go as hard as I would have liked to, but at least I did something. That’s enough for me 🤷🏾♀️
Now I’m going to go make some tea, read, and then head to bed. Good night, ya’ll!
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Accountability Post- 2 January 2022
I completed my first workout of 2023 today. Pretty proud of myself. I, almost, didn’t go to the gym. I’m really glad I did.
I decided to restart my slightly modified version of the tik tok famous 12330 workout. Last year, I mentioned this in a post where I, briefly, discussed what I had been including in my workout routine. So, the 12330 workout is a treadmill workout that was created by a social influencer named Lauren Giraldo. Basically, you walk on the treadmill on an incline of 12, speed of 3, for 30 minutes. I do a 10330 (Incline 10, speed 3, for 30 minutes). For some reason, in my head, an incline of 12 seems too intimidating (Honestly, an incline of 10 is still a lot for me, but I did it lol).
Cardio-wise I’m still going to be doing the hill workouts I was doing last year (whenever I actually worked out). I think I’m just going to alternate between them and the 10330...just to add some variety, so I don’t get too bored.
Anyway...on to today’s workout...
Today was leg day (my fave):
1. 3-minute warm up on the stairmaster
2. 18 minutes of weights
3. 30 minutes on the treadmill (Incline 10; Speed 3) + a 5-minute cool down after
I’m feeling pretty great (and tired lol). Now, I’m going to read a couple of chapters of the first book in my 2023 reading list (All About Love by Bell Hooks), then I’m off to bed.
Here’s to starting the year off strong :)