fuckmeupjackson - Doing Shit
Doing Shit

I'm just here to post about stranger things.  Cause it's cool.  Also my user has no significance it's completely random lol

254 posts

Fuckmeupjackson - Doing Shit - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

THIS COMMENT IS EVEN FUNNIER HELP MIKE IS ELEVENSEXUAL JSKDNSKCNS they’re so mad that bylers voted off milkvan help

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1 year ago
image of a frazzled abstract figure with swirls and lightning and spiders around it that says what do you do where do you go when your whole body feels unsafe

what do you do where do you go // riley asteroid

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1 year ago

the entire of hawkins be like:

The Entire Of Hawkins Be Like:

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1 year ago
1 year ago

PLAYLIST SONGS ASK GAME: stranger things mike and vecna theme and personal jesus -> requested by anon

the mike and vecna agenda is heavy i think

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1 year ago

Oh and also when el breaks into the snowball and lifts vecna in the air, she turns him around to face her! Like who's the monster now bitch aha🤪

Turn Around
Turn Around

turn around 🎵

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1 year ago

True, our early ancestors were probably less likely to have enjoyed the presence of cats given that they mostly had to be afraid of giant ones, so it's fair a categorization at least. Whooaa unintended pun😂 "cat"-egorization

Your Daily Dose Of Cat Memes

Your daily dose of cat memes

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1 year ago


Pride Sword Pins // Dnd Dice On Etsy
Pride Sword Pins // Dnd Dice On Etsy

Pride Sword Pins // Dnd Dice on Etsy

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2 years ago

this is mike getting vecna'd-- foreshadowing i know it

This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It

i know someone else has most probably spotted this before, but I just noticed this a while back and haven't seen a post on it so here it is. Choking is a common imagery this season/throughout the seasons so that's what sparked this connection in my head. Sorry if this has been said before i just posted this cause haven't seen it posted.

This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It

Argyle's Arm = The Vine

El = Vecna

Pizza = Vecna's Hand lol

Mike = Max // which makes since given how much they've paralelled each other this season.

Plus Max looks through the "window" of Vecna's mind and immediately sees a memory of Lucas. This = Will watching thru the window.

This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It
This Is Mike Getting Vecna'd-- Foreshadowing I Know It

u can just imagine will saying "but I'm right here" in his head. man.

Not to mention there is a blue + yellow box right in front of El in the frame; Since El is the person doing the "vecna-ing" here, what it means is the union of Mike and Will through Byler (represented by blue + yellow coming together) is what's scaring Mike the most, it's his monster, it's Mike's inner fear and shame (that Vecna would love so much to prey on), it's what Mike does not want to try, just like the pizza. Haha good job, self, you got that one *pats self on the back*. Oh, and you know what? Since it's kind of in Will's line of sight, I think it shows that the idea of Byler is Will's "monster" too. The thoughts of his love for Mike probably haunt him at night just much as Mike's love for Will haunt Mike, but for different reasons. For Mike it's his fear of being queer and for Will it's a little more about the devastating feeling that he'll never be loved back by Mike.

Oh damn and also the lights right in front of Will are off, the ones that are separating the two of them. Probably maybe symbolizing how Will is being left in the dark, Mike is ignoring the light that Will provides for him? The light is dead because Will thinks he lost Mike. And the blinds are closed and a dark shade of grey, showing just how "blinded" mike is being in the scene.

OR WHO KNOWS maybe Mike looked at Will when the shot moved away from him, the directors just don't want us to know.

Now 1 more thing, TBH, i don't actually think it's positive that Vecna will be "Vecna-ing" people in season 5 in the exact same fashion he is in season 4. Maybe that's a hot take idk lmao. He changes his tactic every season, and I just know whatever new strategy he chooses will be very different because 1. he has to come back from the dead with a new body and 2. he needs to use a tactic that brings him closer to Will/El than ever before. Closer to their minds probably. But that doesn't mean he won't be use his mind-manipulation strategies on Mike at some point, i think he will, or at least Mike's struggles would somehow reveal his love for Will.


Sooo basically this parallel I've posted here COULD be foreshadowing a Vecna scene just like Max's to come for Mike s5, OR this parallel could actually just be a signal to the viewer, like symbolic imagery, that Mike is hiding just as much, if not more, than Max as of season FOUR, and he's going to have to face the consequences just like she has so far. He's going to have to let the truth show in one way or another, regardless of how. If anything this shows Mike is actually falling behind Max in her journey of revealing the truth:

--Max's internal conflict has been revealed to the audience; Mike's has not.

--Max actually looked through the window while being vecna'd, and she heard Lucas, but Mike didn't even look at Will through the window while being pseudo-vecna'd.

--That combined with all Mike's sunglasses/black-out glasses [which happened RIGHT before this scene in the pizza shop] imagery is a yikes lol. He can't see his truth. Gawd poor boy is in trouble. Alexa, play Blind by SZA please.

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2 years ago

ok guys i found something

and by guys i mean my pornbot followers. Ladies buckle up cuz i found a st parallel.

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2 years ago

Fish uses Water Gun

2 years ago
2 years ago

When I knew Will was gay in 2016, during the first party scene, it wasn't because of some stereotype. It wasn't anything he said or the way he looked or his mannerisms or whatever.

There are just certain behaviors that a queer person can recognise for what it is. That simple act of telling Mike it was a seven behind the party's back told me all I needed to know.

Because as a queer person, I've done that.

I've looked for that extra attention, that special connection, that idea of 'us two against everything else', even our other friends. Especially at that age, when you didn't even know yet what it meant.

And sure, it could be nothing, there could technically be another explanation. But ultimately it's a clear as day sign of young love as Lucas and Dustin stalking Max. Specifically, young queer love, which looks slightly different from heterosexual crushes.

So yeah, when straight people are able to 'tell' whether a person is queer it's usually based on stereotypes, because they could never get it, but that doesn't mean it's the same for queer people. That's ultimately what 'gaydar' has always been - recognising behaviors that make you go "oh they're like me" not the typical "oh they're wearing this" or "floppy hands" or whatever. Not "oh they cuff their jeans!" or "finger guns!".

That's why 'Byler is the gay ship for gay people' - queer people recognise their behavior for what it is. That's why the GA can't connect with Mike.

They can't fathom the fact that Mike wouldn't call Will at all if he had a crush on him. But as a queer person, you recognize how figuring out your feelings often means distancing yourself from them. Both because you're fighting your queerness and because it just hurts to be around them, even - especially - if they are your best friend.

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2 years ago

Its embarrassing but I am highkey someone who did not think byler was going to happen until I started reading about it on tumblr. I was like oh? What is this information? Why is there such strong evidence i missed? Byler makes so much sense but I never thought it would be endgame until i gave it thought thanks to people on the internet... of course I knew will was gay but I was low-key shocked to think it would be requited. It's crazy. Idk how the writers are doing it but they're somehow leading a strong compelling setup for byler while also concealing it with m*leven and with their non traditional approach to will and mikes relationship that incorporates unaddressed repressed homosexuality.

I'm glad it was obvious to anon lol but believe or not there are people as blind as me out there! Keep converting them, bylernation! haha

Plus analyzing byler does not come without analyzing the whole show, I've discovered so much about the show's meaning while analyzing byler, they really built this show around them! So the discussion around them isn't meaningless, any analysis is good!

I don't usually participate on the ST fandom, but Bylers are so funny, especially the ones trying to like, really explain why M*leven doesn't make sense, and how Mike' relationship with Will parallels and brings up the problems within M*leven as a couple and they truly go on and on on how the ship could have been written so much better and they would even ship it if it was well written.

Hons, you don't have to explain anything about Byler. It won't convince any person who hasn't already figured out where Mike's heart truly is because it's not about it being a complicated thing to understand it's the fact that they don't want to see it, because they don't like the truth.

I'm definitely guilty about going on and on about how the middle earth ship could have been better if it was well written and paralleling byler to them but I overall agree with this because like it is rather funny how so many of us bylers sit here and talk over things we've gone over a million times since s4 aired. we aren't the ones blind to it but some of us are sort of beating a dead horse by constantly bringing the same things up over and over again. I think it may be because it's simply frustrating to still see people deny what's right in front of their eyes. but you're right. it won't convince anyone who hasn't already figured it out. people who are ignorant are impossible to argue with because they'd rather stay blissfully ignorant than actually think about things because they don't want to feel "stupid" for being wrong.

we really shouldn't have to explain byler at all. I mean the proof is in the fucking pudding. it's simply the fact that it's mlm than ppl choose to ignore it's obvious signs.

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2 years ago

Why have I never seen a mike wheelzowski fanart I thought this would happen by now

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2 years ago

offline friend asks what getting prev tagged feels like and i say not everything feels like something else

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2 years ago

if you want a job just go down to the port and approach the captain of any merchant vessel for one. he’ll laugh because you’re barely a lad of 14, and he’ll ask if you can handle a mop. you will say “aye sir and i can cook some, too.” the first night a fell wind blows. the waters rise over the decks to take you. it’s the first foul omen on a cursed voyage. these days, you can be 25 and if you go down to the wharf the captain will tell you “we only take applications online now” “have you a need for a navigator?” you’ll ask. but they do that with computers too

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2 years ago

All the ST characters tell the truth outright, actually. They are open. Take a look at this scene. Hopper literally said he and Joyce are friends so that must mean there’s no way he has feelings for her! Guys, I swear, there’s no thought put in the script of ST at all 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬

All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper
All The ST Characters Tell The Truth Outright, Actually. They Are Open. Take A Look At This Scene. Hopper

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2 years ago

😳 <- this emoji but without the blush or romantic connotation. im not blushing im staring you directly in your fucking eyes

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2 years ago

The echoing effect of misunderstandings in Byler's relationship s4 is cool, also could it be a romeo juliet parallel??

Anyone else feel like the romeo and juliet metaphor could kind of a little. bit actually apply to byler s4? I mean I don't fully remember the book at all but... ( skip to the paragraph directly after the numbered list if it's too much to read or if you want to get to the point faster)......

1. At the start of s4, Will doesn't completely know whether or not Mike is still interested in talking to him, given that they didn't fully resolve their s3 conflict and he might still feel betrayed by Mike, so he waits for Mike to make the first move by calling him first when he moves to Lenora. Will doesn't get the calls, which he doesn't know is actually because of Joyce's telemarketing job, so he mistakenly thinks Mike's uninterested. So Will continues not to call him still.

2. Mike doesn't get called by Will despite all of his unseen attempts. Next thing Mike knows he's getting a letter from El suggesting Will might be interested in a GIRL! What a betrayal after all this time of no communication from Will, all the desperate attempts with no success! Mike is so hurt and probably a little confused about his feelings and where he stands with Will.

3. Mike doesn't want to get more hurt. So when he goes to visit him in California he acts like he couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything he does (or paints). He acts like he doesn't see him lingering behind him and El meanwhile he's the only one he's got his eye on all that ttime.

4. Will is clearly offended by Mike's (faked) aloofness and carelessness, but tries to play it off so he doesn't make a fool of himself and make the pain of rejection even worse. So he stays silent and yet again, doesn't talk to Mike thinking Mike doesn't want to talk to him. He's still confused, and has pent up anger+ frustration. Mike is also confused still. And has pent up hurt.


I have no idea if this is gonna make any sense, but it's kind of like the romeo and juliet "i thought you died so i killed myself, then you woke up and killed yourself seeing that I was dead" except it's "i thought you didn't want anything to do with me so I didn't talk to you, then you genuinely became offended and didn't want to talk to me either" and Will and Mike both do this to each other repeatedly, actually they do it like double the amount of times R & J do it.

Also the reason Juliet pretended to be dead was so that Romeo could come visit her and she didn't have to marry that other guy. You could say that Will doesn't call Mike thinking Mike will call him, but Mike just ends up getting hurt by it, kind of like how Romeo (Mike) doesn't get his happy ending with Juliet (Will) because he takes her fake death (silence) too seriously (not knowing what her plan was? or maybe he did idk) and kills himself too (feels extremely hurt+ ignores Will at the airport/is silent too). Does that check out? I have no idea xddd.

thanks for reading <3 back to homework I go ahhh


Mike is the one leading on the idea that he doesn't love Will (like juliet pretending she isn't alive) so that he doesn't have to confess, but Will takes it as a sign to push El and Mike together (a version of his own death) but then it's echoed even further by Mike confessing his love for El (which is also a form of his own death bc it's him lying to preserve his relationship with El, like Juliet pretending to be dead... actually idk where I'm going with this but whatever i detail it below if you want to keep reading it)

Van SCene:

Will thinks Mike loves El even though all Mike does is vent about how dysfunctional their relationship is. But being the poor selfless boy he is, Will does it... he tells Mike that El will ALWAYS love him and Mike and El DESERVE to be together forever, they belong together! At least that's what he implies. But Will decides to communicate this through his OWN veiled love confession, ouch.... pouring his deepest love into a river that's rapidly flowing in the worst direction, and he'll never see it again.... this hurts so bad, it feels like he's killing himself, poisoning his heart. He looks to the window for an escape. But here's Mike being, per Finn's words, "CLUELESS," and taking this as a sign that Will genuinely thinks he should be with El, that Mike telling her he loves her is the RIGHT thing to do.. and also, why would Will tell him these things if Will was in love with him? Couldn't be possible... (the parallel being romeo thinking juliet is dead /// mike thinking will's love for him isn't real. But actually it goes even further than that for byler bc will only said all of this because he thought mike didn't love him first and it's like an infinite story/parallel when you trace it back of misunderstandings and false assumptions like when you hold up a mirror to another mirror and wow it's confusing sorryy).

They go to save her...

Pizza Shop:

El is struggling in Vecna's mind, and Will commits his second metaphorical suicide (or a continuation of the first one) thinking it will save her, he grabs his friend's shoulder and says "you're the heart, mike!" as he gives his own heart away to Mike and his relationship with El. Mike honestlyy looked genuinely confused as hell at this part which kinda cracked me up, but he turns and... he gives his heart to El... he says "I love you, El!" Will's pained face is seen (El's is too but that's for another time). But we can only imagine... Mike feels like he's dying inside. This is Mike's metaphorical suicide? Maybe? He thought Will didn't love him so he goes and tries to give his love to someone else, even though it's probably Will that he truly loves. But here he goes suppressing it just as always. He must be feeling crazy honestly because he's lying for El to survive thinking it's what she wants to hear, he's lying to appease Will, he's lying to uphold what he thinks society/everyone else expects of him... i feel like at some point he can't help but wonder if there's any reason why he should tell the truth, if there's anyone to reveal his true feelings to that wants to hear them... anyways....

They crossed out their hearts for each other because they couldn't see the reality of their love. Mike couldn't see that Will's heart was still alive and beating for him, and only for him, and Will couldn't see how alive Mike's heart was when he was with him, they couldn't SEE that their hearts only beat for each other! They're emotionally killing themselves, and EL, by not being truthfullllll with each otherrrrrr

Either way though the writers were supperrr smart to have this sort of echo or domino effect where one lies or hides from another, or at the very least there is a misconception about each other and it keeps going back and forth where they assume things about each other, and then they react in a way that causes them to hurt one another even more until they're both fully convinced that they couldn't possibly be in love with each other.

It's cool.

ok idk im done being delusional and rambling, analyzing potential parallels that don't really help me predict anything for season 5 goodbye and thanks heehee

anyone has any thoughts confusions or disagreements feel free to tell me!!!

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2 years ago

if he's straight... i don't even know if I'll be really mad at first. I'll just wanna know what the fuck his problem is. Like okay you're straight... so you did that all to your girlfriend and best friend for WHAT?! for WHAT?! Why were you the only character in s4 who we didn't know what the FUCK was really going on in your head?! If you're not queer then what the FUCK are you hiding?!?!?!?!?! What secrets do you have why are your inner conflicts so unexplained?! whaaaaatttttt

i'd be pissed at the duffers that's what. so yeah I guess I'd be mad lol

i love mike with my whole heart but i do find it hilarious how that is a conditional love based on whether he’s gay or not.

like, we all agree that if mike is straight he’s really just a jerk, a horribly written character, and no one would really care if he died in the end.

but if he’s gay… well then he’s the best written character in the show, he’s pookie and babygirl, he and will were destined for each other, and his death would be absolutely DEVASTATING.

gay or straight, mike wheeler is a social experiment istg

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2 years ago

"Mike is the 'excuse me, he asked for no pickles' boyfriend" "No, Will is."

Counterproposal: They are both the 'excuse me, he asked for no pickles' boyfriend together.

Mike talking to the customer service boy: Excuse me

Will: I asked for no pickles

Mike: Yeah, he asked for no pickles.

"Mike Is The 'excuse Me, He Asked For No Pickles' Boyfriend" "No, Will Is."
"Mike Is The 'excuse Me, He Asked For No Pickles' Boyfriend" "No, Will Is."

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2 years ago

in hindsight, i cannot believe s4 gave us a storyline that completely isolated mike and will from the primary plot and all but forced them to stew in their feelings for one another. we were spoiled rotten.

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