18. cisfemale American. she/her, they/them. straight, but who knows at this point. Irish Portuguese Catholic
216 posts
Gabsterhealer - Gabby - Tumblr Blog
not enough credit is given to Yasmina Ait Omar and her makeshift hoodie hijab.

look how proud she looks of herself.

too cool for school, literally.

the hair can go inside the hoodie too. good choice.

she’s judging others for judging her ability to rock a hijab.

in conclusion, Yasmina says 👋🏽 to Antwerp’s racist and Islamophobic hijab policy for public schools and is gonna flaunt her hoodie hijab instead. what a Queen.
I’m honestly kind of happy that Zoë apologized. She’s been tense since the beginning of the season. While I am upset that everyone is apologizing to Kato (and when Kato “apologizes”, she doesn’t mean it), I also feel like it was something that Zoë needed for herself because she has been mean (even if we are on her side). Letting Zoë apologize and out of this mindset will hopefully get her back in her normal one and (I’m hoping) will allow her to call out Kato for her bullshit for the right reasons that isn’t partially fueled by this jealousy side plot.

#you like my hair? gee thanks just bought it
aye all those cishet boys who say “I iDeNTiFy aS An aPAcHE atTAcK hELoCoPtEr” better be drafted first since yall already wanna be a military tool
yeah and I am one of those history nerds!! 😆😎🤓

Yes! And I love just watching y'all in the GC, and sometimes I chime in. That is my dose of SKAM Austin positivity whenever I feel like it!! So thanks I guess for being such a great fanbase however small.. lol
(also I'm in the minority of this part of the fanbase, being that I'm a white cisgender teenage girl - so in the privileged majority of society - [and constantly questioning my sexuality and the queerness of it all] but that doesn't mean I don't love this show as much as everyone else ❤️❤️😍💕)
skam austin tag is literally like:
cross tag; cross tag; meta post; cross tag; post from one of seven people; cross tag; cross tag; @megfloresprotectionsquad ranting about shay and megan again; cross tag

Tilda Swinton risked arrest waving a rainbow flag in front of the Kremlin in violation of Russia’s new homosexual propaganda bill. And she wants everyone who can to reblog it in solidarity.
Guys please reblog this, it won’t ruin your blog, this is important

![[Bi Fear]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8854d5d4f8664712695328b1e55af08f/7506df9947ed3ef2-db/s1280x1920/4d4cda46e0236c3ac3d8d1d0b1ac2665643c9f98.jpg)
oh my gosh I almost forgot about that!! Yes yes yes this is yet another reason, though trivial, to have Skam Austin season 3!
skam austin has to have a third season because i HAVE to know poonam’s thoughts on frozen 2
😭❤❤❤ that friendship tho!!

amira: *breathes* cris:

Ravka’s ranks have been devastated since the civil war and the Grisha Triumvirate need your help. They have been desperately searching for more Grisha and finally, they have found you.
There is no greater destiny than to fight in the ranks of the Second Army and now you have the chance to be a hero.
reblog this post
follow the second army
follow the Sun Summoner and The Darkling
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Grishasworld is an inclusive network designed to bring together fans of Leigh Bargudo to create content and have a safe community to enjoy her books. We hope to see you soon!
My insta post for the #renewskamaustin challenge today:

Guys if you want to see the first Skam WLW POC season please please go to Twitter/insta/the Facebook group, wherever you think Facebook Watch might notice it. Use the hashtag #renewskamaustin and maybe #skamaustin too. Tag some of the actors or at least the official skam Austin insta and Facebook watch. Even if you haven’t watched Austin or never plan to or maybe even didn’t get it. I’m American and I can promise they were doing a good job representing our hs experience. When all the other remakes are over you might find yourself wanting another one and finally sitting down to watch Austin and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the two most important seasons. Also Austin in general has more diversity than a lot of the versions and America NEEDS IT. We still have so far to go in this country (especially now under Trump’s presidency) please please support us even if you haven’t watched Austin yet! Forever grateful. Please reblog this if you don’t want to do any of the insta/twitter actions
My intention isn’t to BOSS people around. But people who don’t create on tumblr really have to understand that if creators stop posting here, you won’t have anything else to like but maybe memes. If you want content to circle around to your dashboard... you have to pay it forward and reblog. That is why this website is dying. The Ban is not the only reason.

Please please please Skam fans!! Whether you like Skam Austin or not, Shay and Zoya's stories need to be told and shown. These conversations are necessary because there is more than just a single story that makes up a person's identity. I've learned something new or been made more aware of some pretty important things just by watching several of the Skam remakes! When a character that you feel that you know and love says something really impactful and insightful, it really really does mean something to you. We have all felt that. So please let's get Skam Austin renewed!!!

#RenewSKAMAustin / 12/22/19 / 9am PST
This is not a drill. We need to show Facebook that we won’t be giving up anytime soon. Tomorrow, join Kennedy Hermansen (Grace) and other fans in promoting the hashtag #RenewSKAMAustin. Use this on all platforms especially Twitter and Instagram!! We want a renewal for Shay & Zoya and we have the power to get one, if we use it.
really though!!?! 😆👍😎😘🧡
at this point can they just confirm is skam austin is dead or not,,,, piss or get off the pot y’all i’d feel better if y’all said anything over just keeping silent for 7 months
And save Skam Austin too, I guess ?question mark?
Now that netflix is saving skam italia i hope they also heard about 7 other versions that could use funding and a home 👀 imagine all 8 versions streaming on netflix with subs in your home language. Imagine skam nl being saved. Imagine skam austin officially getting another season. Imagine it not being on facebook watch so they can actually curse and use explicit songs.

@sixofcrowsnet heist: tropes
A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost Grisha, a Suli girl who had become a killer, a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.
"You're stressed again, aren't you? What remake is this today?" - My therapist, since 2015
Read this and save a life - YOUR OWN
From a surgical nurse and certified CPR teacher:
Please pause for 2 minutes and read this:
1. Let’s say it’s 7.25pm and you’re going home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.
2. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated.
3 Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up in to your jaw. You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home.
4. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far.
5. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy who taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
6. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE? Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
7. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
8. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
9. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
10. A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail kindly sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life.
11. Rather than sending jokes, please... contribute by forwarding this mail which can save a person’s life.
12. If this message comes around you... more than once… please don’t get irritated... You should instead, be happy that you have many friends who care about you & keeps reminding you how to deal with a Heart attack.
please take the time and boost this post by reposting it and sending it to those you love because we all need to understand how to quickly deal with heart attacks

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