World War 3 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

So if you guys didn't realise it yet we are in a world war specifically world war 3

I saw a lot of people talking how this thing is gonna cause world war or that thing or bla bla bla

Like you're not gonna be sitting down watching the news and the reporters will be like oh today Wednesday 28th February world war 3 will start . it started already

Because we didn't live in war before we just read about ig and we watched a few movies most of us don't realise we're in war some of us are in a denial because we're waiting for bodies to be flying over our heads dismembered and to be hearing bombs and bullets 24/7 and to be locked up in our houses while the men were forced to go fight

It's 2024 wake up that's not how the war works forget about movies

The reason why i'm stressing this matter is because no one knows which country will fall apart next . They're benefiting from the the fact that you're unware and ignorant and one day we will regret it deeply

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4 years ago
Are We Currently Experiencing The Ten Plagues Of Egypt?

Are We Currently Experiencing the Ten Plagues of Egypt?

By Author Eli Kittim


It’s possible that Old Testament allegories may be precursors of future events. If we examine and compare the series of judgments that Moses inflicted upon *Egypt* (which represents the “nations”) to the final judgments in the book of Revelation, we’ll notice that both descriptions appear to exhibit identical events taking place. In our modern comparison it isn’t so much the presence of any one of the following plagues that is significant but rather the combination of all ten simultaneously. If we pay close attention, we’ll see that what is currently happening around the world is reminiscent of the Biblical Plagues of Egypt:

1 Locusts: Ex. 10.1–20 (cf. Rev. 9.3). The terrifying prospect and food shortages currently happening in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are the result of extremely large and unprecedented populations of locusts, which Is unlike anything in our lifetime!

2 Thunderstorm of hail and fire: Ex. 9.13–35 (cf. Rev. 16.21). Mammoth tornadoes, giant cyclones, extremely violent hurricanes, massive earthquakes, huge typhoons, and fantastic superstorms have recently wiped out large human populations, coupled with large-scale conflagrations, unprecedented and unique wildfires that have devastated and literally destroyed incredibly large-areas of real estate in California and Australia, among other places.

3 Pestilence (includes animals) Ex. 9.1-7 (cf. Rev 6.8). Pestilences, such as those that come from animals (e.g. coronavirus that comes from bats), are plagues of one form or another. This includes plagues and pandemics the likes of which have never been seen before. For ex, just look at how fast the coronavirus pandemic started from China and spread around the world, causing worldwide economic shutdown and killing hundreds of thousands of people!

4 Water to Blood: Ex. 7.14–24 (cf. Rev. 8.8; 16.3-4). Consider the great earthquakes and powerful tsunamis that have spread terror of late, such as the 2004 magnitude 9.1-9.3 M that unleashed a super tsunami that killed approximately 230k ppl in 14 countries, “making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history” (2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; Wiki), literally turning water into blood . . .

5 Death of firstborn: Ex. 11.1–12.36. The deaths of our loved ones (our first-born love [including but not limited to the mysterious coronavirus illness claiming children]) during this horrendous pandemic can be seen as another pestilence coming from the Biblical arsenal of plagues. And since “Egypt” represents all the nations (Gentiles) in the Bible, it would not be inappropriate to call it a pandemic that continues to kill our most treasured possessions. Not to mention the fact that we have the highest abortion rate in human history, with almost 11 million abortions worldwide this year!

6 Flies Ex. 8.20-32. The fourth *plague* of Egypt was of creatures capable of harming people and livestock. The Torah uses the term ‘arob (עָרוֹב "mixture" or "swarm"). That’s the exact same term used by the modern media to refer to the *locusts* that are currently devastating vast areas of the earth (including agriculture and food supplies) and causing famine and great terror in their wake. Not to mention the recent sightings of an increase in Asian giant hornets (aka murder hornets) that are extremely dangerous for bee populations, and may signal the end times.

7 Frogs: Ex. 7.25–8.15 (cf. Rev. 16.13). The super storms and hurricanes have produced one of the most spectacular frog and toad breeding seasons seen in decades in places like Florida, just as we see frog population explosions in places like Vermont, the Netherlands, Jersey (British Isles), and other places . . .

8 Lice or gnats: Ex. 8.16-19. There’s a surge in black fly populations, mosquitoes, and biting gnats that are killing livestock, and deer, and have forced nature center closure in Arkansas, for ex. The super lice surge is now found In 48 US states, and has caught public attention. They have developed a resistance to the pesticides and are growing in great numbers.

9 Boils or Sores: Ex. 9.8–12 (cf. Rev. 16.2). Boils are caused by bacteria. Today, nearly 50,000 men, women and children are dying each and every day from emerging infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.

10 Darkness for three days: Ex. 10.21–29 (cf. Rev. 16.10). This is a plague that is yet to come. We have briefly experienced its effects during several blackouts in the US. But this particular darkness is related to the end times:

“For at that time there will be great suffering, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Mt. 24.21).

It is associated with the Day of the Lord:

“Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken” (Mt. 24.29).

And it lasts 3 symbolic days because that’s how long the “great tribulation” will last, namely, three and a half years (cf. Dan. 7.25; 9.27; 12.7; Rev. 11.2-3; 12.6, 14; 13.5).

It is probably caused by a nuclear war that is triggered in the Middle East (Rev. 9.14) and spills over into Israel (cf. Ezek. 38.1-9, 14-16):

“This shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh shall rot while they are still on their feet; their eyes shall rot in their sockets, and their tongues shall rot in their mouths” (Zech. 14.12).

Therefore, we can draw parallels between the judgments of Exodus and those of Revelation since they are strikingly similar! Could it be mere coincidence? I think not!



If we look around our world today, the *increase* and *intensity* of these “plagues” has definitely multiplied exponentially in the last few decades in comparison with previous times. If we also acknowledge what prophecy scholars are telling us, namely, that the *restoration* of Israel represents the greatest fulfillment of Biblical end-time prophecy (e.g. Dan. 9.24-27; Ezek. 38.8), which was also known to one of the greatest scientists that ever lived, Isaac Newton, then Jesus’ saying becomes all the more remarkable and comprehensible when taking into account these prophetic circumstances:

“this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Mt. 24.34).

Most prophecy scholars believe that Jesus is referring to the *last generation* associated with the restoration of Israel. According to Psalm 90.10, a generation is equal to 70-80 years. Thus, 2020, when the “birth pangs” (Mt. 24.8) began, lies at the midpoint of that prophesied generation (2018-2028)! Which raises a significant question: are we living in the end times?


Another significant prophetic marker is Matthew 24.6-8, a passage that is often interpreted as describing world wars, which first began in the 20th century:

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: all this is but the beginning of the birth pangs.”


Another important sign of the end times is the prophesied restoration of Israel, whose rebirth heralds the coming reign of the messiah. Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy——if its starting date is 14 May 1948 (the founding of the modern state of Israel)——culminates in or around 2020. Perhaps the ending of the Mayan Calendar (2012), Malachiae’s “Prophecy of the Popes” (2013) that seems to end with the current pope, according to the experts, and the unique Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-15 that fell on Biblical feasts and holy days are all pointing to the current crisis and the beginning of a new world order!


Are these signs pointing to increasing turbulence in the future? And are they indicators or markers of a coming apocalypse? Almost all Bible prophecy experts answer that question with a resounding *Yes* (including this author)! In fact, I’ve been predicting that something disastrous would happen by 2020 for a good ten years now. And I was right!

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4 years ago
Nostradamus And The Bible Seemingly Predict The Coming Of Putin

Nostradamus and the Bible Seemingly Predict the Coming of Putin

By Author Eli Kittim

For those of us who are skeptical of prophets and prophecies, this brief article contains certain extra-biblical predictions that are far too similar to those of the Bible to be dismissed as mere coincidences. So, let’s begin.

The Bible seems to point to Russia as the birthplace of the last-days Antichrist (see Ezekiel 38). In order to understand the historical reasons for tying the Ezekiel narrative to Russia, see The Magog Identity article by Chuck Missler:
Chuck Missler reviews the historical roots of the modern day Russians and the peoples to which Ezekiel referred when he prophesied about tha

During the early part of the 20th century (1917) Russia became the world's first constitutionally communist state on the face of the earth. Similar to the “red dragon” in the Book of Revelation, it’s fiery red flag became the symbol of its power (cf. the red horse of Rev. 6.3-4). Five years later it incorporated other territories and became the Soviet Union. It was the rise of a new superpower on earth whose famous symbol, the sickle, is peculiarly associated with the “harvest” of the end-times in the Bible (see Joel 3.13; Rev. 14.14-19)!

The famous French 16th-century seer named Nostradamus offers us some interesting prophecies that parallel those of the Bible. For example, when we look at the third seal in the Book of Revelation, we are told that there’s “a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand” (Rev. 6.5). Scales are instruments for weighing things. Curiously enough, Nostradamus offers us a sign, similar to the “scales” of Revelation, through the use of a cryptic aphorism: “the Dragon’s head in Libra” (Epistle to Henry II). What is of interest is that the symbol of Libra is also depicted as a *scale*, thus tying this astrological sign in the Zodiac to the “scales” in the Book of Revelation! Moreover, the symbol of the “great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns” (Rev. 12.3) can also lend itself to an astrological interpretation that seems to demystify the identity of the little horn (i.e. “the Antichrist”; cf. Dan. 7.8, 11, 20; 8.9)! So, on another level of interpretation, the 7 heads and 10 horns could signify the 7th day of the 10th month. Astoundingly, that happens to be the birthday of Russia’s sitting president, Vladimir Putin (i.e. 7 October), thus indicating that his astrological sign is indeed *Libra.* But there’s more. Elsewhere, Nostradamus says:

“Peace and semblance the spy will simulate” (Century 9, Quatrain 88).

Astoundingly, Putin was a KGB spy for 16 years, who rose to the rank of Lieutenant *Colonel.* In another Quatrain, Nostradamus writes:

“A colonel with ambition plots,

He will seize the greatest army”

(Century 4, Quatrain 62).

Similarly, Daniel 8.23 calls the Antichrist “a master of intrigue,” while Daniel 8.25 refers to him as “a master of deception,” obviously implying that he’s trained in secret plans, underhand plots and schemes. In short, a spy! And in a parallel passage with the Bible, Nostradamus writes:

“The year 1999 [666?], seventh month,

From the sky will come a great king of terror”

(Century 10, Quatrain 72).

Astonishingly, Putin came to power at the turn of the century, in 1999 (666), which marks the end of a thousand-year period. This important timeframe coincides with a Biblical prophecy in which the Antichrist will not appear “until the thousand years . . . [have] ended” (Rev. 20.3, 7-8)! Daniel 11.21 suggests that he’s originally appointed, not elected, and that he starts off with a small following (cf. v. 23):

“In his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.”

Putin fits that description perfectly since he was initially appointed by Boris Yeltsin, not elected, and was virtually unknown. With a small following, he came “in a time of peace” and appeared to “seize the kingdom by intrigue.”

To summarize, all these parallel Biblical and extra-Biblical passages point to one particular person who is today probably the most powerful man in the world, if not the richest. He was actually born on October 7th (7 heads, 10 horns [Rev. 12.3]), his astrological sign is Libra (the “scales” of Revelation), and he is “a master of deception,” given that he was a former intelligence officer (spy) and a colonel, who appeared on the world stage in 1999—-appointed, not elected——precisely as foretold, namely, the notorious autocrat and incumbent Russian President, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! In fact, the year that he came to power (1999) may be a cryptic reference to the number of the beast, namely 666! Now that’s extraordinary, given that the prophetic clues from the various spiritual traditions all point to him, and him alone! Coincidence? I’m afraid not!

The books of Daniel (chs. 2 & 7) and Revelation (ch. 17) also suggest a revived Roman Empire (Russia), described as 10 toes (kings) that seemingly arise out of the eastern leg (of iron) of the Roman Empire (Byzantium). In retrospect, that would be Moscow (Russia), which was called the Third Rome: see

If you check out the Soviet leaders up to the present time, they are 10, with Putin being the 11th, just as the Bible predicted (see!

And Russia is currently at war with the west, making nuclear threats, supporting and defending Syria & Iran militarily, controlling the Middle East, building Iran’s nuclear plants, and is allied with many Muslim nations, while forming a strong partnership with China and North Korea!

Most Bible prophecy experts agree that Ezekiel 38 is talking about an end-times global conflict that will be instigated by Russia! In fact, Ezekiel 38.2 calls the Antichrist “the Prince of Rosh,” which the Septuagint renders as ἄρχοντα Ῥώς, or Prince of Ῥώς (i.e. Rus' = Greek: Ῥῶς), a contraction of the term Ρωσία, the Greek name for Russia! Moreover, Revelation 13 and 18 point to a one-world government that may come at the heels of a global economic collapse, which in turn may be triggered by a long-drawn-out world war!


It is rather extraordinary that all the prophetic signs from both Nostradamus and the Bible match perfectly with the historical facts pertaining to Vladimir Putin and Russia (see!

Therefore, the next major event in the prophetic timetable seems to be a global conflict that will be spearheaded by Russia!

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1 year ago
The Gospel Of Kittim

The Gospel of Kittim

Eli Kittim’s Prophetic Gospel

1. The Gospels are nonhistorical theological documents. Only the Epistles——which are the more explicit and didactic portions of the New Testament——give us the “Real” Jesus! It appears, then, that the theological purpose of the Gospels is to provide a fitting introduction to the messianic story beforehand so that it can be passed down from generation to generation until the time of its fulfillment. It’s as though New Testament history is written in advance (Isaiah 46.10)!

2. The New Testament Epistles comprise revelations and “prophetic writings” (Romans 16.25-26; 2 Peter 1.19-21; Revelation 22.18-19). They give us the actual timeline of Christ’s only visitation at the end of the age (Hebrews 1.2; 9.26b; 1 Peter 1.20; Revelation 12.5)!

3. Second Peter 1.16-19 demonstrates that the so-called “eyewitness accounts” of the gospels were actually based on visions & prophecies that were then written down as if they had already happened proleptically. Similarly, Acts 10.40—41 says that Jesus’ resurrection was a vision because it was only visible “to witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God.” Revelation 19.10 also declares that “the testimony to Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

4. There is only one coming of Jesus in the end-times (1 Peter 1.10-11; emphasized especially in 1 Peter 1.20)!

5. The birth of Jesus occurs at the consummation of the ages (Galatians 4.4; Ephesians 1.10; Revelation 12:5). Acts 3.19-21 implies that the Messiah will not be sent to earth “until the time of universal restoration.”

6. Jesus’ death and resurrection occur “once in the end of the world” (Hebrews 9.26-28; see Zephaniah 1.7-18 in which the sacrifice or death of the Lord takes place during the day of the Lord)!

7. The resurrection of Jesus occurs during the consummation of the ages (Daniel 12.1; Isaiah 2.19, 21; 1 Corinthians 15.22-23; & he conquers death at the end of the world in 1 Corinthians 15.54, 57).

8. Jesus is the first horseman of the apocalypse (he’s the restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2.7; cf. Revelation 6.2; 19.11).

9. Jesus represents the two witnesses of Revelation 11 (Jesus is the Witness in Revelation 1.5; 3.14; see also 1 John 5.7-9, & verse 11 where the anointed witnesses declare the testimony to Jesus). The 2 witnesses represent the 2 messiahs of Judaism (king/priest) which in the NT are conflated into one person: the Son of God (Hebrews 7.1-3).

10. The day of Christ (1 Corinthians 1.8; 3.13; Philippians 1.6; 2.16; 2 Thessalonians 2.2) or the Revelation of Christ (Luke 17.30; 1 Corinthians 1.7; Colossians 3.4; 1 Thessalonians 1.10; 2 Thessalonians 1.7; 1 Timothy 6.14; 2 Timothy 4.1; Titus 2.13; 1 Peter 1.13; 5.1; 1 John 2.28) occurs once in the end of the world!

11. Jesus is Greek (Isaiah 46.11; 61.9; Amos 9.12; Revelation 1.8-9; John 7.41-44, 52; 8.48-49; 4Q120; that’s why all the messianic types of the OT are depicted as Gentiles: e.g. Joseph/Moses/Cyrus).

12. Jesus is born in 1960. The key to solving this puzzle is found in Matthew 1.17. Notice that there is a constant repetition of 14 generations throughout the foregoing lineage. We also know from Scripture that a generation is equal to 70 years (Psalm 90.10). One final clue: the calculation does not begin from the time of Abraham but from the time of David who alone represents the Messiah! So, let’s work out the calculation. Matthew tells us that there were 14 generations from David to Babylon. Each generation is equal to 70 years. Thus, 14 x 70 = 980 years from David to Babylon. And there were 14 generations from the exile to the Messiah. Therefore, 14 x 70 = 980 years. So, from David to the exile are 980 years, and from the exile to the Messiah are another 980 years. Hence 980 (+) 980 = 1960, the year of the Messiah’s birth! The 70 weeks of Daniel are based on the birth of the Messiah, which is another way of saying the rebuilding of the heavenly Jerusalem (Daniel 9.25). That’s probably why Sister Lúcia Santos did not reveal the third secret of Fátima but sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until 1960, when “it will appear clearer."

13. Jesus is born in August. Luke 1.26-27 tells us the month of Jesus’ birth. In Luke 1.26, the angel was sent “in the sixth month.” That’s the clue! That’s the key. Simple and to the point. The sixth month (in the Jewish religious calendar) is called Elul. In the Gregorian calendar it falls on the month of August. Thus, that’s the month that the Messiah is born!

14. Jesus, who is the first horseman of the apocalypse, is revealed in 2025 or thereabouts (see Genesis 5.21; Dr. Chuck Missler agrees that something happened to Enoch, who is a type of Christ, when he was 65 years old). After that, Christ will be slain (Hebrews 9.26). Since the 70 weeks of Daniel are based on the birth of the Messiah——which is depicted in scripture as the building of the heavenly Jerusalem (Daniel 9.25)——then it follows that AFTER 62 years, “the Messiah will be cut off” (Daniel 9.26)! Don’t forget Irenaeus’ argument that Christ was a much older man, and that the promise to Abraham, a messianic type, was fulfilled in his old age! Theosophist Alice Bailey also predicted Christ’s appearance in 2025 (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy).

15. World War 3 begins in the latter half of the 2020 decade! Notice that there are 21 judgments in the Book of Revelation, and that the Messenger of God (in Daniel 10.13-14) was withstood for 21 days from coming to earth, with regard to the vision of the latter days. This would suggest that the Messiah——who is elsewhere depicted as Eli (which means “God”; Matthew 27.46)——will come to earth in the 21st century, just prior to “the great and terrible day of the Lord” (Malachi 4.5).

16. The general resurrection of the dead begins in the latter half of the 2020 decade, right after Jesus’ resurrection (Daniel 12.1-2; 1 Corinthians 15.22-23).

17. The Antichrist is here as well. He is Russian (Ezekiel 38). Daniel 8.25 calls him a “master of deception,” which is another way of saying “a spy.” Daniel’s 4th kingdom with 2 legs was Rome. The western Roman Empire was sacked in the 5th century AD. Then, in 1453, the Turks sacked Constantinople (the eastern part of the Roman Empire) and most of the Byzantine elites fled north to Moscow, where Moscow became the third Rome. Astonishingly, Putin came to power on the last day of the year 1999 (666), which marks the end of a thousand-year period. This important timeframe coincides with a Biblical prophecy in which the Antichrist will not appear “until the thousand years . . . [have] ended” (Revelation 20.3, 7-8)! The seer Nostradamus also predicted the coming of Antichrist in 1999 (Century 10, Quatrain 72).

18. The 10 Kings of Daniel 7.20 & Revelation 17.12 are the 8 leaders of the USSR plus the 3 leaders of the succeeding Russian Federation since its formation on December 25, 1991, with Putin being the 11th horn (the 11th king) of Daniel 7.20, “to make room for which three [kings] . . . fell out” (emphasizing the last 3 leaders of the new federal republic that arose out of the former USSR)!

19. The Great Tribulation (Nuclear War/WW3) will begin in the latter half of the 2020 decade.

20. We are living in the prophesied end-times! Revelation 22.20: “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

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5 years ago

The world we live in..

You know whats absolutely terrifying? The fact that our world is literally DYING and damn near half our population dont even care. Like for example, Australia is on fire. 2.5 MILLION acres have been damaged by the bushfires. An estimated total of 1 BILLION animals have died because of it. And we have our “great and wonderful” president trying to start a world war. Rather than focusing on Earth, the only planet thats capable to hold life, people want to focus on money, or fighting, or discriminating against each other.

Its insane how this isnt as urgent to others as it is to me.

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5 months ago

The Kids Aren't Alright

* ~ I'm sorry for making this ~ *

Doomers & Fatalism

Regardless of your age, you need a reason to move forward. You need hope. Yet, it's hard to find hope for teens and young adults.

Not a year goes by without an update on the planet's decline (at our hand), wealth is only feeling more unstable and unequally distributed, a pandemic destroyed any hope of sociability for some, and social media does more harm than good when it "connects" people.

There's no true community, nothing to take pride in, there's hardly motivation for ambition or wealth. Hell, we grow up being told we'll be a generation of renters, because it's a statistical improbability than any of us will EVER afford a home without working 3 jobs into our grave.

I can't speak for America, but I know my government haven't made any real effort to prevent renter's from taking that news and slowly inflating rent costs each month.

I'm a part of the generation that is thought to deal with the broadest range of mental health concerns; however, I'm also part of the generation that's most likely to be told to "deal with it," or "grow up," by the people perpetuating our suffering, or the peers that fell victim to toxic hustle culture— enabling the shitty circumstances.

When you start adulthood with so many problems that directly impact your life, most of which come at no fault of your own, you'd hope for help in addressing those matters, but it never comes.

We're told we're lazy, we don't try hard enough, and we've got it easy (which is a demonstrable lie). How is it any surprise we became hopeless doomers? At some point you just get the idea that we were destined to fail.

Threats of War

Now we're told to be ready for World War 3 and I'm struggling to understand why. What values am I defending? Why should I die for a country that doesn't care about me?

Sure, Ukraine and Palestine are in shitty situations, but saying that doesn't require me to do anything. Though they demonstrate something: the government will risk our lives for money, and turn a blind eye to genocide if it suits them.

All that matters is that we're made to feel like our interests align. They don't represent us. They represent themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I don't support either conflict, and I sympathise with the aforementioned nations; however, I am not willing to die for them— I don't think you are. So is it even fair for us to bother complaining? It's not like diplomacy has done a thing so far.

Whether we're roped into a war or not, it doesn't feel like we'd have a choice.

Hobbies and Corporations

Normally I'd propose finding an outlet for everything. I'm not sure that's ideal anymore. Commonplace hobbies like gaming, sports, martial arts, reading, and art, they require 3 things: time, motivation, and effort.

Thanks to hustle culture, holding 3 jobs, running a drop shipping business, and abandoning any meaningful social life is considered just enough and reasonable. That doesn't leave time for personal hobbies, entertainment, or time to actually live. A life like that is no life at all. You're an animal operating on the exclusive goal of survival. You're alive, but you're not living.

Among those of us too physically or mentally scarred to work like our peers, we compassionately took to pen and paper, or software and devices, writing stories, drawing and animating worlds, or making music.

I fear that pocket of joy is getting smaller. AI image generation has already impacted artists, AI voice recreations are already being used in place of some voice actors, and we've all seen the AI voice covers for songs— claiming "you don't need to learn to sing." It didn't take long for me to see "generative AI" being proposed as a source for track samples and stems in music production.

Considering such things, it's hard to motivate yourself to put your work out there. You struggle to justify spending time creating anything, and you're probably not ready to put the effort into producing enough algorithm optimised works per day. After all, no one will see it. No one cares.

That's how it feels.

Social Media

Maybe we still have digital spaces? Really. Are cespools like Twitter spaces you can enjoy? Even Tumblr is quite detached, with small accounts struggling to get so much as a couple likes— nevermind a reblog, and god forbid you get a comment or DM.

That's minor though, it's the relationships that bother me. The ability to lock someone out of your life, within 5 seconds, for the slightest of perceived infractions. You're sensitive and a snowflake if you need boundaries, and you're "rude" and "mean" when you're pushed too far for not establishing them.

You can join a fandom or community and run into those issues, but do you really need more trouble? Ive hung around with furries since I was 13 or 14. It wasn't a furry that SA'd me, and I've never been groomed. But as a child online, I was labelled as a dog fucking groomer (at 15), because I was in a furry community discord server. I don't like to think about how that made the young adult owner of the server feel.

Social media is good for "satirical trolls," who take pleasure in hurting as many people as they can, and then claiming it's OK because they're joking, and you should've known. Is it really worth the effort for anyone else? You know, us "normal people," not bogged down by million strong fanbases, actively managing parasocial relationships and morally questionable stalking.

Closing Statements

I'm not entirely sure why I wrote this post. I guess I'm just another girl crying on the internet when I should save it for the therapy I can't actually afford.

I want to be hopeful, to feel like there's something attainable to desire, or even just things to look forward to. It's been a long time since I woke up and felt there was a good reason to be awake or even alive.


- The Girl That Doesn't Exist

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5 years ago

So, with all the chaos going on right now, I got some dark inspiration.  This is a warning, if I may, to the world, although I don’t know if it’d be seen by many.  I know WWIII might just be a meme, but at this point I still want this out there for whenever the world’s on edge about a war.  Would you want children begging for these tales? Begging an old water woman, the last remnant of the old world. 

Water Woman

Water woman, o water woman, tell us your ways Tell us of a past that was before our days 

Tell us of a pure earth where the skies were unclouded Tell us of lands with guns not sounded

Tell us of clean water and tell us of light Tell us of a time where our futures were bright

Tell us of a peaceful world, before all this hate Tell us of when fighting was not part of our fate

Tell us of people who would never kill Tell us of a time where none fought against their will

Tell us of laughter that was without pain Tell us of living without war as a chain

Tell us of lands not laid to waste Tell us of freedom, so that we have a taste

Tell us of tools not used for bloodshed Tell us of children whose parents aren’t dead

Tell us of love that was never met regret Tell us again, so we may never forget

Tell us of songs, not ones with melancholy Tell us of joy, of happiness and folly

Tell us of a time, a time long gone. Tell us please, please sing us your songs.  

Water woman, o water woman, can’t you hear our request? Tell us, please tell us, so hope doesn’t become dead.   ~T. N., on what WWIII would mean for the future

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5 years ago

yeah and I am one of those history nerds!! 😆😎🤓

gabsterhealer - Gabby

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The world has got no chill. What next? An alien invasion?

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