This world is just a canvas to our imagination. Everything you can imagine is real. .....It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.......What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.
641 posts
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We have one of the most beautiful habitats in the universe and what are we doing turning it into a dumping ground for human civilisations.
none of this was a problem before the technological age and the industrial revolution.
Our maker of the past civilisation has simply been removed with erosion and the passage of time.
But today this is no longer the case, we pollute this planet with our lifestyle crap.... what impact did a Roman clay pot have compared to a plastic bag or a plastic waste bottle?
nature has no safe word and will continue without us! The apocalypse is not a big bang it is a slow fall from one breaking point to another until it becomes unbearable.
Please don't fall for the false assumption that technology or AI will save us here. No, it will only make life more comfortable for a privileged few than the rest of humanity.
Do you know the scientifically completely superfluous experiment with the frog and the pot full of water on the cooker?
If you throw the frog into the pot of boiling water, the frog tries to escape its death by boiling by jumping.
However, if the same frog is already in the pot and the water is pleasant and is slowly brought to the boil, the frog remains in the pot and is cooked without even realising that it is being cooked.
So dear frogs of the next and next generations, I'm sorry that we ultimately didn't understand cause and effect and all these complex systems in order to do something in time.
However, in our defence I will mention that we were always killing each other or doing some other crap that had something to do with power and influence.
But I want to emphasise that we have always signed declarations of intent with good will but without binding measures.
Then again quietly sorry.....mod
galerymod liked this · 11 months ago
More Posts from Galerymod
How many dicks does it take to fuck Ted Cruz, honey?
One, darling!
Really honey, which one?
The one from Trump, darling.
Sad but true, honey. that one old creepy cock is enough.
Satan and his bad girl friend
Accidit in puncto, quod non speratur in anno.
Life is a bitch and then you die!
Satan more or less
If life is a bitch why you don't fuck her?