We All The Same - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.


Yes, let's let these two quotes stand on their own and let them have an effect on what is happening right now.

One is one thing and the other is another and the two cannot be compared, no matter how much the oh-so-righteous world feels the need to relativise things.


On a normal October day, innocent people who did not wish their neighbours and other people harm or even death were cruelly massacred, raped and murdered. They were cruelly confronted with the human abyss of hatred by inhuman terrorists on their national territory without any declaration of war and without warning and paid for it with their lives or were abducted under horrific humiliation and torture.

No matter what happened afterwards, this stands for itself and for the inhuman hatred of Hamas, which never had any intention of living in coexistence with Israel. The aim of this terrorist organisation is to wipe out Israel. Full stop!

As part of its reason of state, Israel cannot and could not leave this unanswered. You can't negotiate with terrorists, no matter which state is responsible for such atrocities. With the only logical goal of eliminating the threat to its inhabitants and for reasons of state.

Reason of state

Striving for security and self-assertion of the state by any means

The concept of raison d'état means the pursuit of security and self-assertion of the state by any means. According to Wolfgang Kersting, raison d'état represents a "rule of hierarchy for conflicts of interest and law". This usually refers to Machiavelli's classic trinity of "voluntas, necessitas and utilitas" ("will, necessity, utility") as the legitimising factors of state actions.

In this sense, reason of state is a rational calculation of a government's interests, regardless of the form of government, and is solely committed to maintaining the functioning of the state. A more recent interpretation of reason of state is the requirement that the state must successfully assert itself against crime in order to prevent blackmail and imitation, among other things

Why are you so uncompassionate when it comes to the victims of terrorists and have so much sympathy for the consequences caused by Hamas, which also affect innocent people?

I Hate War As Only A Soldier Who Has Lived It Can, Only As One Who Has Seen Its Brutality, Its Futility,

Don't you wonder how a group of terrorists can live in Gaza uninvolved and with enormous money resources and if this hamas really wants the best for the Palestinian people then why is everyone living so precariously. It is not because of the size of the Gaza area even smaller areas where people live in confined spaces are social and economic success. So where does the money go year after year that hamas gets? Probably not in the general welfare of the Palestinian population but in modern war technology which has no benefit for the normal people.

If you look closely, you can see that other interests are being pursued here than peace for the Middle East. But that is not the issue now.

It is cruel and only we come to other things which are not comparable to the terrorism of hamas against innocent civilians.

The Palestinian people do not deserve to suffer the consequences of the reasons of state triggered by the atrocities of hamas. Human rights must be respected within the framework of the laws of war. Civilians are inviolable and this applies to both sides.

And yes, the conflict must be resolved, but I won't be making any friends. It has to hurt a lot before it gets better! In the Thirty Years' War, Catholic and Protestant warring parties killed and humiliated each other until everyone had had enough of the joint slaughter and then found peace together. The Peace of Westphalia, in which all atrocities were mutually forgiven and forgotten. This is the only way to live in peace.

Only those who recognise that it can only work together and do not see what they want, but see how far they can get away from the other so that we can live together successfully, have the solutions in their hands.


I Hate War As Only A Soldier Who Has Lived It Can, Only As One Who Has Seen Its Brutality, Its Futility,

On behalf of all those murdered, I stand here only as the face of a person whose life was far too short. Life is a human right that was denied to me.

In memory of the innocent victims

A brief history of Israel and my take on the conflict.

If you disagree and this post does nothing but make you angry, okay. Feel free to comment below. But if you want to discuss back and forth and want me to respond consistently, please message me b/c that's just easier to keep track of.

But just in case there are people out there who just don't know what they don't know, and their opinions might be changed with some facts, here are a few of those:

A Brief History Of Israel And My Take On The Conflict.

Israel is the ancestral land of the Jewish people. No group can trace its history back to Israel further than the Jews can. As far as human history can show us, they are the original indigenous people to the area.

Both the Quran and the Bible call the Jews, the "Children of Israel." There is documentation of a substantial and deep-rooted Jewish presence and nation-state in the Levant from long before there was an Arab state, and nearly two millennia before Islam was ever founded.

The land was occupied by foreign invaders, multiple times. The Jews were expelled and forced to wander in the diaspora, though some remnant always managed to stay behind, which is why there is a continuous Jewish presence in the land for thousands of years. The Romans ruled it as a vassal state which they renamed 'Palestine', meant as an insult to the Jews. Arabs eventually gained control from the Romans and ruled it in various groups and kingdoms.

Whenever Jews would return to the area, they quickly created financial and structural success. Poverty-stricken Arabs began to stream in from the surrounding Arab countries, hoping to join in the prosperity that the settled Jews were attaining. The Jews did not fight this, and instead did the best they could to live and prosper under the Ottoman Empire and then under the British.

But they wanted to be free to live in their land under their own rule. As antisemitism around the globe grew, the idea of a Jewish State in their historical homeland gained traction: Zionism. The Mandate for Palestine specified that the Jews could create a national homeland on both sides of the Jordan.

The Arabs complained. They too, wanted a state of their own within the Mandate. So the British carved away 78% of the Mandate, which they’d promised to the Jews, and gave it to the Arabs for their own national homeland, which was called “Transjordan” and later renamed “Jordan.”

The Arabs were still not satisfied with this plan. They wanted all of the land, even though they were being offered the massive majority of land. They wanted the Jews gone entirely. The UN came up with the Partition Plan. The Jews accepted this compromise. The Arabs did not and once again became violent.

The Jews declared statehood. Seven Arab armies attacked, hoping to annihilate the Jews and believing they could do it quite handedly. Before they attacked, they told the Arabs living in the land to leave for the duration of the war. The idea was that the displaced Arabs could come back once they'd successfully ethnically cleansed the Jews.

While peace was offered by the Jews, it was soundly and violently rejected by the Arabs, and the resultant chaos, displacement, and deaths that this led to is referred to as the 'Nakba'. The Nakba was the end result of the Arabs' continuous and unwavering opposition to any form of peaceful coexistence.

Since that time, the UN has granted refugee status to the Arabs who left Israel, and extended that status to apply to their offspring, although as mentioned above, many of these refugees left of their own free will, at the behest of the surrounding Arab nations. Once the Jews were wiped off the map, they were promised, they could return.

That didn't work out for them. The Jews won the war. Now, what has each side chosen to do with their time and money since then? It's not hard to spot the difference:

Since 1948, the Jews have accepted in the Jewish populations of Algeria, Syria, Jordan, Qatar, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, and more; because those countries don't want or accept Jews in their intolerant societies. Meanwhile, most of those countries have refused to accept in Palestinian refugees themselves.

The Jews have built a society where Arab Israelis are afforded equal rights, vote, serve on the supreme court, are elected into the Knesset, work as doctors, lawyers, etc.; and are allowed to openly practice their Islamic religion. Meanwhile in the surrounding Arab states and in Gaza/the West Bank, there is no such equality, and Jews are persecuted, if they are tolerated at all.

The Israelis have spent their money on improving their society with education, defense, and a vastly developed infrastructure; whilst the Arabs have spent their money on maintaining a rather consistently non-stop terror campaign. The Palestinians receive $1.15 billion of foreign aid a year - more than any other group in the world - but they squander it.

Given these differing choices, it is not hard to see why one group is doing quite well, whilst the other flounders.

Due to the Israelis defending themselves with intelligence, counter offensives, and the iron dome, they've managed to remain on the map.

Despite all of the Arab violence, Israel has tried to negotiate a peace settlement with the Arabs over and over and over again (1948, 1949, 1957, 1978, 1979, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2020). But the Arabs have a firmly proclaimed "3 no's" policy of "no recognition," "no negotiation," and "no peace." They reject every single peace plan and instead constantly engage in terror attacks against the Jews.

At this point, antisemitism is deeply embedded in Arab culture of the Levant. Progressive Western values for things such as gay rights, women's rights, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and religious freedom are routinely accepted by the Israelis and routinely rejected by the Arabs, who's leaders continue to espouse intolerance, and continue to jail, torture, and execute dissidents - thousands of their own people.

Perhaps most tragically of all, the Arabs are led by Hamas - a terrorist group whom they elected into power and who have little if any interest in doing what's best for the Palestinian people. The priority of Hamas, as is openly stated in their charter, is to eradicate both Israel and all Jews worldwide. They use their own people as human shields, preventing evacuations and operating militarily out of areas such as schools, apartment buildings, and hospitals. The Gaza ministry is currently going on television and telling people of Gaza not to evacuate when they get the warnings. This is unconscionable.

Yet, the Jews are still willing to cede massive swathes of territory, to try to compromise over and over and over again, and to attempt to get along with people who are different from them. Meanwhile those same people refuse to settle for anything less than all the territory, Jew-free. The qualitative difference between these two groups and how they operate is glaring.

I do want to mention that while it is true that many Arabs living in the Levant are deeply and culturally antisemitic at this point, many of them are not! Many of them are just good people who have been unlucky enough to be born into an unfortunate conflagration of geography, religion, and culture, and cannot control that they are stuck living in the side that perpetuates death, terror, destruction, and intolerance.

These Arabs are victims, and they deserve to live prosperous lives free of terror, suffering and death. Unfortunately this will never happen so long as they are held hostage by an evil group like Hamas.

I'm not religious, but if you are, then:

Please pray for a short war and minimum civilian casualties.

Please pray for air strike warning notices to be heeded and evacuations facilitated.

Pray for Arabs to choose to govern themselves democratically and to spend their money constructively.

Pray for the Israeli forces to use good judgement and abide by the international rules of war while this conflict plays out.

Pray for Arabs to escape their Hamas oppressors and find safety and shelter as this war runs its course.

Pray for coexistence, and for religious tolerance.

Pray for the swift and utter destruction of Hamas.

A Brief History Of Israel And My Take On The Conflict.

Again, feel free to leave whatever comments you like below. I know a lot of people get furious when faced with opinions and facts refuting their own viewpoints. I welcome any arguments or counter evidence you want to link me to in the comments and promise I will read/watch it.

But if you want to engage in a back and forth discussion with me, messaging is just easier for me to keep track of it.

And please signal boost this post by reblogging! The point is to try and give some fact-based perspective to the pro-Hamas supporters.

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1 year ago

Peace activist Vivian Silver killed in Hamas massacre on 7 October

Peace Activist Vivian Silver Killed In Hamas Massacre On 7 October

The Israeli-Canadian peace activist Vivian Silver was killed in the attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas on 7 October.

Peace activist Vivian Silver is dead.

Whoever murders the allies of the Palestinian civil society in Gaza is not the friend of the Palestinian people!

The 74-year-old's body has been found, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem announced. Silver was at times thought to be among the hostages taken to the Gaza Strip. She last lived in Kibbutz Beeri. The German ambassador to Israel, Mr Seibert, called the news of Silver's death "devastating".


Silver campaigned for peace with the Palestinians and was honoured with numerous awards for her work. She launched aid programmes for residents of the Gaza Strip and helped them to receive medical treatment in Israel. In 2014, she was involved in the founding of the peace movement "Women Wage Peace", which now has more than 45,000 members.

Her friends, family, and supporters all agree that Israel's current attack on Gaza is not what Silver would want. 

Hatred is only the road to destruction.

Always remember not to confuse cause and effect..... whoever sows wind will reap storm.

Hamas is the enemy of Palestinian civil society in Gaza and of the Palestinian people.

Hamas has challenged Israel, what did you think would happen afterwards?

I don't really like what's happening but it's all caused in the name of what Hamas did.

But I am not playing a role here, time will judge what is happening, but what happened on 7th October has no room for interpretation, it is a crime against humanity in the name of Hamas. An atrocity equal to any war crime in the history of mankind.

Best of all, it has been very well documented by the hate-filled ideologically entrenched crimes of hamas and their helpers in their self-absorption. Welcome to the prosecution cell if you're lucky.


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1 year ago

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.

George Orwell

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

George Orwell

The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.

Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.

George Orwell

Good idea that the next ones are still smarter, but unfortunately the approach is total rubbish.

Climate change is unstoppable and everyone is watching. If you throw a frog into a pot of hot water, it immediately jumps out to save its life.

If you put the same frog in a pot of cold water and then heat the water until it boils, the frog stays in the pot and dies.

The entire society of this world sits in the pot and the water is slowly heated.

Action and not a declaration of intent can save the frogs!

Anyone who only feels facts and doesn't believe science really deserves that their own future family pulls the frog story to the bitter end.

The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.
The Very Concept Of Objective Truth Is Fading Out Of The World. Lies Will Pass Into History.

I would never have thought that humans are descended from frogs, but with the perceived facts and truths I have to realise that it is true.

Sometimes I regret my scientific knowledge, it would be so nice to walk around freely through the world of populist propaganda manipulation strategists as a voting livestock.

Why scrutinise everything and compare it with facts from different sources and form your own opinion on this basis. When there are nice populist opinions that always provide someone to blame.


galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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1 year ago

We have one of the most beautiful habitats in the universe and what are we doing turning it into a dumping ground for human civilisations.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

none of this was a problem before the technological age and the industrial revolution.

Our maker of the past civilisation has simply been removed with erosion and the passage of time.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

But today this is no longer the case, we pollute this planet with our lifestyle crap.... what impact did a Roman clay pot have compared to a plastic bag or a plastic waste bottle?

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

nature has no safe word and will continue without us! The apocalypse is not a big bang it is a slow fall from one breaking point to another until it becomes unbearable.


Please don't fall for the false assumption that technology or AI will save us here. No, it will only make life more comfortable for a privileged few than the rest of humanity.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

Do you know the scientifically completely superfluous experiment with the frog and the pot full of water on the cooker?

If you throw the frog into the pot of boiling water, the frog tries to escape its death by boiling by jumping.

However, if the same frog is already in the pot and the water is pleasant and is slowly brought to the boil, the frog remains in the pot and is cooked without even realising that it is being cooked.

So dear frogs of the next and next generations, I'm sorry that we ultimately didn't understand cause and effect and all these complex systems in order to do something in time.

However, in our defence I will mention that we were always killing each other or doing some other crap that had something to do with power and influence.

But I want to emphasise that we have always signed declarations of intent with good will but without binding measures.

Then again quietly sorry.....mod

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1 year ago

A simple question: How could it come to the point that considerate living together on the basis of friendliness and understanding by people always discussing all topics in dialogue together in order to find the best possible compromise is no longer possible?

A Simple Question: How Could It Come To The Point That Considerate Living Together On The Basis Of Friendliness

How can it be that for some social groups insults, open hatred, violence, so-called political incorrectness in the form of open verbal violence is part of the accepted norm?

Characteristics of the political system that lead to regression and ultimately to a dictatorship of the so-called good. Because only they know what is good for everyone, i.e. for themselves, here every individual in a society does not really play a role.

Parents and schools have a responsibility to turn children into responsible social adults who realise that the world is complex and that everyone should find a place in society that makes them happy. However, this is only possible if everyone in a society works together to shape it in such a way that the best opportunities are created for everyone, regardless of religion, educational level, skin colour or sexual orientation.

In order to then advance civil society as a whole and ensure the happiness of all. And not just the interests of a few.

To meet the challenge of the future, societies need every head on their shoulders - this is the only way to avoid a creeping catastrophe.

The eternal preoccupation with ourselves as humanity in the form of wars, conflicts and any irresponsible behaviour for individual interest groups is fatal for the next generation.

What if we concentrated on the really important issues?

If your house is on fire, you should put it out and not get angry about your woke neighbour.


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11 months ago
You find the picture repulsive and believe their judgement is more important than the freedom of the artist! 
Wrong view of things

A self-determined life in any form of freedom includes respecting the boundaries of others and enjoying the boundlessness of Equals.


You find the picture repulsive and believe your judgement is more important than the freedom of the artist!

Wrong view of things....

You have to be able to withstand the freedom of others in a democracy.

Freedom is when one stands up for the freedom of others to achieve and defend the equality of self-determination for everyone in any sociological-cultural-economic environment of a society.

What I don't like is not the measure of things, but what I don't care about.

In times like these, there is a great deal of attention being paid to the culture of agitation for the sake of agitation, not in order to advance issues that are really important.

Little things are blown up by propaganda without any substance in the name of a protagonist who feels absolutely right.

Facts are felt and stylised into truths to the point of grotesqueness. It's no longer about togetherness but about "whoever doesn't think like us is the enemy" and not across national borders but the enemy's feelings in their own society. This has the potential to destroy states without an enemy from outside.


Unity makes small things big, discord makes big things small.

Always recognise the intention behind a supposed message - this only works if you gather facts from different sources and get a complete picture. The world is not black and white or zero and one, it is a place of complex interrelationships combined with facts about causes and effects. And not simple propaganda with simple finger-pointing.

When a burglar breaks into a museum at night with just a torch. 🔦 then comes across a large painting by Picasso and focusses the cone of light from the torch on just a section of the painting. He only sees part of the picture and could claim that the painter only painted feet.

The whole picture gives you a view of things and always consider where it is hanging and why.


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8 months ago

This year, as every year, there was the World Ocean Day with an online conference in which everyone could participate.

What was presented there was thought-provoking and full of potential. Scientists described what humanity will face if certain tipping points are reached, and they also presented measures on how the political systems and society can be transformed to avoid reaching these tipping points and triggering a cascade that can be reversed. This would have a positive impact on life on the entire planet!

But what can we say? It doesn't seem to be particularly important for those currently responsible in politics and business.

So no matter what we do ourselves for personal reasons, just cycling, shopping sustainably or supporting small projects that are sustainable in action or by helping out, it's just a drop in the ocean.

We do what we can here and annoy our leaders with emails, petitions, elections and whatever else is in our power.

But creatures that are only around eighty years old are probably not in a position to think ahead into the future to understand what really needs to be done to preserve a species and indeed itself.

As long as we believe that we are the crown of creation and do not want to recognise that we are only a small particle in a mega complex system, we will unfortunately fail completely in the long term. But there is hope! We can change our perspective and start thinking about the bigger picture.

It is so important to remember that the more pieces of the puzzle we remove from the whole system, the more we will affect it when the puzzle stops working.


If you're affected by extreme weather, don't cry!

It's just Mother Nature doing her thing.

If you're feeling the effects of climate change, don't fret! It's just God's way of testing us.

If you're feeling the effects of droughts, high water, and other climate-related challenges, don't worry! It's just God's way of showing us that we need to be more mindful of our impact on the planet.

Have fun with God's punishments and remember that if God does everything, he probably invented science to bring us closer to him.

As an addendum, we call him, her, it * God because we don't care what you call him exclusively.

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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