Save Our Planet - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I don't love the vidio I find it shameful for all of us, no not the music drives me mad, but the beauty of the scene and the helplessness makes me feel so sad and full of charm.

It should be a requiem, we do not watch how everything passes. So irretrievable! Our children's children will learn certain things only from stories. And whether they will believe what they hear is the question. And if they believe what is told about the past, they will ask why we did not do anything.

My answer is already now we have dealt as always only with our hatred and our differences, with influence and power.

Everybody knew it and everybody could have done something but it was always just something else!

Sorry that you will never see a glacier! Sorry for the drinking water wars..... and for the intolerability of your being.


We were the most evolved animal with the cough understanding of the universe and the formation of the earth 🌎 but we were incapable of action. Because of the ignorance of the own knowledge of the connections, the not acting.

Our house burns and we argue about who owns which room.

We are just angry apes with a high technical understanding and archaic territorial behavior.

Every action you take can change the future. 

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1 year ago
God May Just No Longer Be There, But Did He Not Create Responsible And Self-determined Beings Or Was

God may just no longer be there, but did he not create responsible and self-determined beings or was it just evolution? Anyway, not caring about your own shit when the world is turning into a really unpleasant place for future generations does not indicate the divine gift of knowledge.

Oh yes, God makes it so easy for you to act irresponsibly, isn't everything in his hands, you incapacitated people?

Your house is on fire you are discussing whether you can piss out the fire

The planet and the climate don't care, they don't have a crisis if everything changes and the temperature rise goes beyond the tipping point.

Hooray, just keep it up - in the end, every so-called advanced civilisation has been destroyed so far.

I love your so-called free will with which you keep proving yourselves wrong. Vanity and greed are my favourite things about you.

Satan more or less



Buried under the desert of greed and hate,

Dying with the flowers of gaza like in their fate.

Hopelessness in all directions but maybe a sauna in the east?

Nevermind it's a mirage for us and where kings are having a feast.

Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide all you see is a road to deathbed,

Nietzche was probably right when he said that "god is dead".

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1 year ago
What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

What a unique home it has everything ready for all its inhabitants and offers the best conditions for every form of living creature. Were it not for this one arrogant creature that has taken itself out of the ranks of all living beings and sees itself as the crown of creation.

What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

But it is the grand design joke of evolution, a naked ape with a high level of technical understanding, an upright gait and far too high a potential for aggression and ashy territorial behavior.

Everything is connected to everything else and exists in a highly complex system, but the crowning glory of creation is thinking and existing outside this system of dependencies. The word environment already shows that even linguistically it is not understood or expressed that the human being is part of a system. Russia and China are thinking of a new world order what a joke nature is shitting on everyone's table and changing the situation so that China has more people than food and Russia's forests are burning. All geopolitical games for power and influence will turn into ridiculous monkey business when climate change has reached its point of no return.

The religions always have the idea that the end of the world is a bang, far from it dear people you must know it because you can see it day by day species disappear quietly step by step without a bang and the world does not end. Your actions have already caused so many species to disappear and did you hear a bang when the last freshwater dolphin disappeared in China? No, not Armageddon. So if you don't wipe yourselves out with a bang, there is only dwindling from one generation to the next until the last one is gone.

I am the good that negates and only wants good and yet creates evil. Ultimately, greed has made you disappear and the realization of the inability to understand complex systems and their dependency.

What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

How long do you think the disappearance of humanity will take?

The oceans are full of micro plastics, your drinking water is running out, a large part of the currently still habitable planet is becoming increasingly too hot for you and so on..... by the way, one of the most stupid ideas at the moment is deep sea mining...... that just shows you have no safe word!

Satan more or less

Earth, The Blue Marble, Photographed During The Apollo 17 Mission On This Day In 1972.

Earth, the Blue Marble, photographed during the Apollo 17 mission on this day in 1972.

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11 months ago

We have one of the most beautiful habitats in the universe and what are we doing turning it into a dumping ground for human civilisations.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

none of this was a problem before the technological age and the industrial revolution.

Our maker of the past civilisation has simply been removed with erosion and the passage of time.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

But today this is no longer the case, we pollute this planet with our lifestyle crap.... what impact did a Roman clay pot have compared to a plastic bag or a plastic waste bottle?

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

nature has no safe word and will continue without us! The apocalypse is not a big bang it is a slow fall from one breaking point to another until it becomes unbearable.


Please don't fall for the false assumption that technology or AI will save us here. No, it will only make life more comfortable for a privileged few than the rest of humanity.

We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping
We Have One Of The Most Beautiful Habitats In The Universe And What Are We Doing Turning It Into A Dumping

Do you know the scientifically completely superfluous experiment with the frog and the pot full of water on the cooker?

If you throw the frog into the pot of boiling water, the frog tries to escape its death by boiling by jumping.

However, if the same frog is already in the pot and the water is pleasant and is slowly brought to the boil, the frog remains in the pot and is cooked without even realising that it is being cooked.

So dear frogs of the next and next generations, I'm sorry that we ultimately didn't understand cause and effect and all these complex systems in order to do something in time.

However, in our defence I will mention that we were always killing each other or doing some other crap that had something to do with power and influence.

But I want to emphasise that we have always signed declarations of intent with good will but without binding measures.

Then again quietly sorry.....mod

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10 months ago

It's interesting how all the conservatives and the right-wingers are working on the term woke, a real culture of excitement is being spun around the term.

It's Interesting How All The Conservatives And The Right-wingers Are Working On The Term Woke, A Real

What kind of bullshit has anyone of the woke people prevented the conservatives and right-wingers from their twisted world view or disturbed them in their daily propaganda?

Does woke interfere with anyone's shopping or daily life?

You get upset about it but climate change being a real threat to future generations is not an issue to get upset about!

Yes, there are criticisms of woke but these are minor compared to the real challenges facing societies.


And what is that supposed to be?

Awake, Not Woke

A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology

Mindfulness, woke and kindness is not an ideology but a realisation from the deep love for people and their form in societies to contribute together to the happiness of all.

And should be the basis of business ethics.

And this is the crux of the matter: in the context of globalisation, woke would be a nightmare for many global corporations and also for their shareholders. They have to eliminate injustice in the form of exploitation and environmental destruction at all levels, which would be good for the world, but not in the sense of the highly praised profit maximisation.

This is the real background to the uproar that is being staged against wokeness.

The Christian religion has proven throughout its history that it is anti-woke. Witch burnings, slavery, persecution of those who think differently, absolute obedience to dictatorships (see the Russian Orthodox Church), hatred of everything foreign - the entire Bible Belt in the USA can tell you a thing or two about it. All conquest in the name of the church, religious wars and so on and so forth.

So stop eating chalk, you haven't even begun to understand the principle of humanity that Jesus preached.

It's actually religious abuse and unfortunately that counts for everyone who sees humanity as a weakness. It is not the strongest who survive but the most co-operative.


What does "woke" mean? - Meaning and origin

"Woke" - being aware of discrimination

"Woke", also known as "wokeness", comes from the English and means "awake" or "alert". Today, the term is used colloquially to describe attentiveness (vigilance) or sensitivity towards people from minorities and moments of discrimination. The wokeness movement focuses primarily on issues such as racism, sexism and similar forms of discrimination. However, the term is also often used to describe supposedly general structural and political grievances.

Origin of the term "woke"

The term originated in the mid-20th century in the African-American movement as an expression of awareness of social or racial oppression. One of the earliest uses can be found in a 1962 article by author William Melvin Kelley, which lists African-American slang expressions and is about white beatniks appropriating black slang. The term was taken up again more strongly with the start of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013, which brought it back into the public consciousness.

Since June 2017, the word can be found in the Oxford English Dictionary . The OED has since described the term "woke" as follows:

Originally: well informed, up to date. - Now mainly: vigilant against racial or social discrimination and injustice; frequent use: "to remain vigilant"

Criticism of the woke movement

Despite the need for "wokeness" in society, the term "woke" does not only have positive connotations. Especially in conservative circles, it is also used in a derogatory way, criticising the woke movement itself. The main criticism is usually that "woke" people are too sensitive. At the same time, however, this also automatically raises the question of whether those expressing criticism are not themselves too insensitive or too insensitive, which sometimes leads to the formation of camps. The main criticism is that

1. being woke is only based on criticism

A frequent criticism of the woke movement is that being woke is often only based on criticising others for not being woke enough. This was also the case for Barack Obama when he said in an interview with the New York Times in 2019 that the activism of young people today is based on pillorying other people. This creates a black-and-white view that lacks room for dialogue and education. This is a problem because all people have more or less faults. Excessive polarisation is a pattern that is particularly evident in social media.

2. premature development of a cancel culture

Another consequence of a culture of discussion that would only consist of criticism would be a hasty development into a cancel culture, in which certain people or groups would be completely shunned in order to deprive them of a platform. The fear is that people or groups who otherwise do good things will be cancelled without giving them space for dialogue and development. Quirks would be penalised too much.

3. political correctness

The term "woke" is also controversially discussed in connection with "political correctness", which actually aims to strengthen the interests of minorities, especially through the appropriate use of language, and thus avoid discrimination. It is criticised for creating new norms that are sometimes perceived as censorship. Critics fear that freedom of expression will be undermined by a kind of moralism. However, even the freedom to address discrimination is criticised.

Most recently, the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, spoke of "woke indoctrination in schools", which must be tackled. The term indoctrination describes vehement, one-sided, distorted teaching that does not allow for discussion, which is a central method of propaganda, especially in dictatorships. The extent to which the two terms can be connected at all remains questionable.

4 Woke washing and woke capitalism

We speak of woke washing and woke capitalism when brands, institutions or even individuals speak out against discrimination or grievances, but at the same time act in the opposite way or not at all. The criticism here is that companies in particular create a progressive self-image that is nevertheless subordinated to ruthless profit maximisation behind the woke façade. The image of a sustainable and equal corporate culture thus becomes a marketing strategy instead of an authentic identity.

Here is a simple definition of the rights for example (more of a fight call than a definition probably didn't pay attention to the definitions at school)

"Woke": definition and meaning

"Woke" means to be awake and committed and is a left-wing ideological term of struggle. Under the guise of "anti-discrimination" and the demand for "social justice", our liberal social order based on Christian bourgeois values is to be fought against at all levels and replaced by a socialist order.

Swiss political activists with a clear enemy image

And now a short definition from everyone who gets to the point (has probably understood what a definition is without propaganda and call to arms)


Definition: What is "wokeness"?

Wokeness is the attitude and movement of alertness and vigilance. It is the act of paying attention to what is happening in the world and wanting to remove anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, violence, environmental destruction, factory farming and other evils by raising one's voice in the mass media and on social media, on the streets and in the squares, in schools, universities and companies. In English, "to be woke" means "to be vigilant" against injustices of all kinds.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel

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9 months ago

It gives a deep insight into the great primal fear of the so-called beast, the fear of the most brutal creature that has ever existed on earth, human beings, of being eaten by a fish threatened with extinction.


It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal
It Gives A Deep Insight Into The Great Primal Fear Of The So-called Beast, The Fear Of The Most Brutal

I think the outrage would be enormous if there were cut-off arms and feet dangling up there.

I always hope there is no parallel universe in which a cruel species cuts off the arms and legs of a species of humans out of pure indulgence and superstition and then puts them back on the ground to die.


I am in favour of sustainability in fishing - you can only take what can grow back.

If you kill a living creature to distort it, you have a responsibility to ensure that the creature has led a species-appropriate life until its death. And the absolute responsibility that its life is ended with maximum efficiency and with the least possible resources.

At the same time, the living creature must be completely utilised as food only in this way is it sustainable.

I am not against the consumption of meat, but it can be reduced to a minimum.

By buying only high-quality and sustainable meat from your local environment.

By the way, I don't make the completely nonsensical distinction between meat and fish because the meat from fishermen is substantial.

It's just an immoral distinction so that you can say: I don't eat meat! Which is factually wrong and an untruth.

If you really must eat meat do it with great humility and consider the luxury of the gift.

And eating sharks is real rubbish for morons who also eat the rhino horn from the rhino horn because they are addicted to the superstition that it makes them more potent.

Sometimes it's hard to believe how stupid people can be and how unscrupulous others can be to make money out of their stupidity.


galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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9 months ago
250 Eintrge!

250 Einträge!

The world is full of topics, good bad, beautiful and exciting things happening everywhere whether it's just political, social, cultural whatever it is I was made aware of by you and wrote a post about, thank you!

in the end, even if it's just a like or a reblog, the goal is achieved, we have reached someone out there in the anonymous.

Thank you all whoever and wherever you are.

250 Eintrge!

I wish us a pleasant life in peace and freedom for all people at the price of understanding.


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8 months ago

How can you save the world on a voluntary basis when others are destroying it full-time?

How Can You Save The World On A Voluntary Basis When Others Are Destroying It Full-time?

By organizing all of us and building a new utopia.


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7 months ago
Dear Friends Of The Oceans,

Dear friends of the oceans,

UN World Oceans Day 2024, which has been around since 2008 and dates back to the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. The aim is to draw attention to the threat to the world's oceans and their importance for life on our planet.

United Nations World Oceans Day - In celebration and support of the life and livelihood that the ocean sustains, UN WOD 2021 will feature ke
In celebration and support of the life and livelihood that the ocean sustains, UN WOD 2021 will feature keynotes, panel discussions and pres

This year, the motto of the World Day is “Awaken New Depths”. Because, according to the UN: “The knowledge about the catastrophic state of the ocean is clear. Yet we are not listening. To create broad momentum for the ocean, we need to awaken new depths." Last year's UN World Oceans Day was held under the more positive motto “Tides are changing”.

Those who live in a world must also participate in it and maintain it. Selfishness is great here, who wants to live in a burning house that is completely full of rubbish?

No one shits where they live! To put it in plain language.

Everyone can contribute a part to the whole, no matter how small it is. All parts together create a gigantic picture of a better future for us all.


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7 months ago

First of all, thank you for the great example of a topic that has been highlighted here on reblog from several sides.

One thing we all know is that start-ups often don't really have a business model because they are sometimes ahead of their time. But often they become subscription models where the user has to pay a monthly fee to use them which is really nothing new. In all the different areas in which they operate, whether it's just AI, streaming services, social platforms and so on, it's a tough battle for market share in order to satisfy their shareholders and generate new capital for new projects and products once they are listed on the stock exchange.

What does not appear in the equations at all or is deliberately not made visible to users is that all this technology generates a gigantic demand for energy and this will increase exponentially in the future.

Every time a teenager somewhere uses a social platform for hours, writes to an AI platform to generate a picture or answer another request, immense computing power is required. And this is just a tiny list of the demands on global computing power.

Yes, all these technologies will change our future and have changed our past, but the gigantic usage only shows that these technologies will and have a mega impact on the environment.

There is no such thing as green IT, it's just a marketing ploy to greenwash the issue.

We currently have a climate change and we don't want to discuss it here, it is happening, every glacier shows us every day.

So what do we do when such a gigantic wave of future energy demand comes our way?

Mankind is beginning to turn old concepts into new ones.

Nuclear energy is what we are all being told, but why are we ignoring what was. Nuclear energy has proven to be cost effective for the consumer, not that the risk of this technology can be managed.

Small power plants are the solution says a very old and conservative industry whose only interest is their continued existence. Even though they have generated immense costs for taxpayers all over the world.

No, it is not the solution to our energy needs. To make the model of no power plant profitable they have to be mass produced. Such a series would only be profitable from a quantity of 3600 per lsnd.

The major pioneering project for this has just been scrapped in the USA due to the exponential increase in costs without any real progress on the project.

SMR technologies in the USA are suffering setbacks. A study advises against further investment. Small modular reactors (SMRs) are a beacon of hope for the nuclear power plant industry, whose share of global electricity generation has been declining for years. The idea is that the mini-reactors are prefabricated centrally due to their modular design and only need to be assembled at the respective site. The hope is that this could significantly reduce construction costs. However, a flagship SMR project in the USA has now been buried - that of the Nuscale Power Corporation. Six of the new nuclear power plant modules, each with an output of 77 megawatts (MW), were actually to be built in the state of Idaho in the north-west of the USA. However, the developer Nuscale and the electricity company Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (Uamps) have now announced that they are terminating the jointly planned “Carbon Free Power Project”. This is due to significant cost increases from an estimated 5.3 to 9.3 billion US dollars and financing problems. The companies had planned to build the small reactors in series by 2029/2030 and use them to take over the power generation that was previously provided by coal-fired power plants in the region. This will now apparently come to nothing due to the high electricity prices calculated for the SMRs. According to the US think tank Ieefa, it has risen from the 5.8 US cents per kilowatt hour still targeted for 2021 to 8.9 US cents per kilowatt hour, despite tax subsidies on nuclear power being included.

Several dozen different types of small nuclear power plants are currently being developed around the world, with some of the concepts going back to reactor designs from the 1950s.

Wow concerts in 1950 and of course the same risks. What a privilege to save an antenna technology or its revival. Old school lobbying, nothing to say against it but is this really the concept to solve our future energy needs?

Many countries are active

Most of this is financed at state level: In addition to the USA, Canada is also one of the most active countries, according to the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management. Pilot projects are also underway in China, South Korea and Argentina.

And then always the pre-financing by the state somehow socialist or your free market preacher.

All other technologies such as solar energy and wind power are ultimately not really green because they require raw materials that cause immense environmental damage during extraction.

So what can we do?

Everyone here will not like to hear it, but we can't go on like this. We don't have enough raw materials, water and food to meet all our needs. If all the citizens of this world really do use all this technology every day, farewell and good night Marie!

Now it's getting nasty:

for 150 years, capitalism was sold as a solution for a better world. And yes, it really has improved people's quality of life, but it has also proven that it has created the worst crises in human history. Which is ultimately proof enough that it doesn't work, and not for the good of mankind but only for the good of a few. We do not condemn him much of us live really well in him in the first world.

But is it really forward-looking or even sustainable for solving all the challenges that humanity is facing?

We say no it is not it needs to be transformed but into what?

Let's take a look at all the utopias that have been set against capitalism have failed because of the human factor. We will not go into this in detail - history has revealed it.

So what is the question? Where is the utopia of the present that will inspire the next generation?

All utopia are dead why?

Where are the thinkers of the new world not in the technological sense there are enough who are driven by the motivation of fast money. Which we do not judge or condemn.

In the sense of new social models of social and economic coexistence geared to the challenges of the future.

Most people privatize in the first world retreat into the pleasant perception bubble or they expand into the unpleasant excitement culture without really wanting a big and whole solution approach for all.

You live in your tech bubble, your culture bubble, your social media bubble and you work to generate money to enjoy or master daily life.

But do we even take the responsibility we always preach about? Are we really responsible in the sense of the word? Well, really for ourselves and those we love, but for the world, isn't that too much for the individual?

No, we say, responsibility must be lived, must be learned, must be taken on.

So this is our call to take responsibility for creating a new utopia from the smallest to the largest. Live it in your tech start-ups, in your families, recognize the potential of the smallest cell.

Why does a company need a boss? When it can organize itself unit by unit, everyone does their part and takes responsibility.

The overestimation of management is omnipresent. Simply question how old caste systems can be broken down in order to meet new challenges with new approaches.

So let's develop and try out new utopias - it certainly won't be worse than capitalism.

Yes, we only needed your topic to build on the fact that technologies are not really the solution to our problems but only a substructure that must be used responsibly to avoid bringing even more inequality into this world.

If you are only interested in making money, have fun, hope you don't have children because their children's children would be really angry with their ancestors about the future state of the world.

no matter what you do, we all have to change in so many areas because continuing like this will only lead to the failure of the next generations.


Whatever you believe or think, in a complex system everything is connected to everything else. If more and more parts disappear from such a system full of dependency, the system will unfortunately change in such a way that all biological organizations living in it will be affected.

And not to the benefit of biological organisms. The planet does not need us, but we need the ideal conditions that this planet offers us in order to live comfortably.

However, you technology believers, Mars is not an alternative. Who would move from a loft with everything to a basement room without water and light.

And This, Friends, Is Why The AI Boom May End Following The Path Of The Metaverse Boom And The NFT Boom.

And this, friends, is why the AI boom may end following the path of the Metaverse boom and the NFT boom.

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7 months ago

Why do we as humans think that we can exploit the oceans without remorse? Oceans are part of a global system that allows us to live in a time of balance. Which has hardly had any temperature fluctuations since mankind appeared on the scene.

We take and take from them and use them as our global dumping ground.

They are an important part of the fight against man-made climate change.

If the oceans reach a tipping point, and there are several, there will be a chain reaction that is irreversible.

How do politicians and people not care so much about the issue of marine protection?

We need to tell a story to get the issue into everyone's heads.


galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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7 months ago

This year, as every year, there was the World Ocean Day with an online conference in which everyone could participate.

What was presented there was thought-provoking and full of potential. Scientists described what humanity will face if certain tipping points are reached, and they also presented measures on how the political systems and society can be transformed to avoid reaching these tipping points and triggering a cascade that can be reversed. This would have a positive impact on life on the entire planet!

But what can we say? It doesn't seem to be particularly important for those currently responsible in politics and business.

So no matter what we do ourselves for personal reasons, just cycling, shopping sustainably or supporting small projects that are sustainable in action or by helping out, it's just a drop in the ocean.

We do what we can here and annoy our leaders with emails, petitions, elections and whatever else is in our power.

But creatures that are only around eighty years old are probably not in a position to think ahead into the future to understand what really needs to be done to preserve a species and indeed itself.

As long as we believe that we are the crown of creation and do not want to recognise that we are only a small particle in a mega complex system, we will unfortunately fail completely in the long term. But there is hope! We can change our perspective and start thinking about the bigger picture.

It is so important to remember that the more pieces of the puzzle we remove from the whole system, the more we will affect it when the puzzle stops working.


If you're affected by extreme weather, don't cry!

It's just Mother Nature doing her thing.

If you're feeling the effects of climate change, don't fret! It's just God's way of testing us.

If you're feeling the effects of droughts, high water, and other climate-related challenges, don't worry! It's just God's way of showing us that we need to be more mindful of our impact on the planet.

Have fun with God's punishments and remember that if God does everything, he probably invented science to bring us closer to him.

As an addendum, we call him, her, it * God because we don't care what you call him exclusively.

galerymod - Galery mod more than art

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4 years ago
Small Steps To Help Save Our Home...

Small steps to help save our home... 🌍😌

(and yes, I've been vegan for 8 years 🤣)

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