gassyboybuttlover - Farts and Boys
Farts and Boys

I love boys and farts with shit. I mainly stick with writing and fanfiction

41 posts

If You See This

If you see this

If You See This

You were visited by the magic kitten of rest. Reblog to have a good night’s sleep.

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More Posts from Gassyboybuttlover

6 years ago

Mason's farts

You looked at him, with a desire in your eyes. You started at his face, then your eyes followed down to his torso, and lastly you ended at his nice round ass. His name was Mason, your cute, handsome, and muscular friend. You guys were teammates on the basketball team, and you were currently in the locker room. Mason was close with the rest of the team, but you were shy and more reserved to yourself. Truth be told, you weren’t close with the rest of the team because you were gay, and shared no common interest with them. Nobody on the team knows your secret, except for Mason. When he walked in on you watching gay porn last summer all he said was, “Dude I don’t care, in fact I’ll still give you same fart treatment I give everyone else!”. Mason’s “fart treatment” was him bending his ass in your face, while you’re sitting down, and letting a nice one rip. This worked out great, because the secret Mason still doesn’t know about you, is that you have a raging fart fetish. Every time Mason farts in your face you have to hide your gigantic boner, because how would you explain that? “Everyone,” Mason yelled, “ I have a very important announcement”. Mason waited for everyone to gather and stood on top of a bench. While he was standing, you could see the outline of the tip of his dick, through his towel. “Now that I have everyone’s attention,” Mason said, “I’d like to congratulate Travis on his first Bank Shot!” Some of the team started laughing, this isn’t the first time Mason did this to a freshman on the team. Before Travis could do anything, Mason unwrapped his towel from his waist, and in one swift motion he turned, squatted and parked his ass in front of Travis’ face. Mason’s stomach grumbled, and within half-a-second his asshole opened up and he let loose. PSHFJJJFJJGJGJGJGJGJJKKSLLSOSOXLKDKDKKFKKKKKVKKVK Travis nose wrinkled in disgust, and you could tell he was on the verge of vomiting. That is the power of Mason’s farts. You envied Travis, if you were in his position, you’d have sniffed every waft that had come out by now. You were spending the night at Mason’s so you had to wait for him to get ready. While you were waiting, you wondered what would have happened if you were in the position of Travis. What would you do with you throbbing dick in front of 30 people? Odds are one of them is bound to notice you cupping your hand around your dick. ‘Whatever,’ you thought, ‘it won’t actually happen so don’t worry about it’ You heard the stall door open and hit the wall, and Mason came out, all 6 feet and 5 inches of him. That’s another reason why you’re attracted to him, his great height. When Mason walks by you get a nice big whiff, and you can’t help notice he smells a little- musty. Fuck, you love the scent of masculinity, you just hope he doesn’t fart, otherwise you’re definitely screwed. You grab your phone out of your pocket, and click it on to see the time. It reads “11:05”. “How late does Taco Bell stay open?” Mason asks. “I don’t know, but I know for sure they’re still open” You reply. “Can we stop and get some food? I need some bean burritos to refuel if you get my drift.” He turns to you, winks, and chuckles. “Sure, but you’re paying for my food.” At Taco Bell, you’re checking this guy out, and Mason notices. “Dude go ask him out!” Mason says “He’s probably not gay.” You say dismissively. “You’ll never know unless you ask.” He doesn’t know it, but he’s the only one you want. While at Taco Bell, he orders 3 bean burritos, as expected, a crunchwrap supreme, and a nacho, but you only order 2 hard-shell tacos. “Fuck dude,” Mason says and his stomach growls, “it’s gonna be a long night for you.” You guys get in his car and you start driving along, and you start listening to music. You take the aux cord and start playing Lady Gaga. The music is so loud you can’t hear Mason fart underneath the music. It’s 20 seconds before the scent enters your nostrils, but as soon as it hits you reach for the window opener. It’s locked, by Mason. Your dick is starting to throb, you start to panic. Mason is laughing hysterically, so hard he has to pull of to the side of the road. In all the panic you aren’t even paying attention to your boner. Mason sees it throbbing in your pants. “So you like my gas? Huh?” Mason asks “Why didn’t you ever tell me you were a fag?” “Wh-What are you talking about?” “I see your boner. I knew you were gay, but I didn’t know you were a fag! You’ll get to sniff my gas all night now! Don’t worry buddy, your secret is still safe with me.” He turns and winks. You can’t take this, How did this happen? This is the most mortifying thing to ever happen in your life. You think you’re gonna pass out. *** You wake up in Mason’s driveway. “Come on, we’re going straight to my room.” You follow him, up his stairs down the hall, to the left, and now you’re in his room. The second you enter his room he shuts the door locks it, and then- PSHSJJSJJKCKKCKCKDKKCKFKKDNFMKEOAOOWLSKSOSLLS “I’ve been holding that in for 20 minutes, special for you faggot! go ahead, sniff!” You hesitate “Dude, I don’t care, I’m not gay, but I have a secret too, I’m totally turned on by domination. I have been since 9th grade, isn’t this perfect? You can be my slave, and I can be your master. Of course we can still maintain a friendship.” “Sure, but don’t you think this will make things awkward between us?” “Only if you make it awkward.” “Okay, yeah this sounds great to me.” “Then strip down and get on your knees.” You do so, and listen to your newfound master. This all just seems so surreal to you… Mason comes out of his bathroom, and he commands you over to him. Once over there he tells you to plant your face in his ass. Your nose is no parallel with his asshole. His asshole puckers and kisses your nose and then it explodes. PSODKKCKKFJCJFJKDKFKFKDKFKDKFMFKMFKFMFKKDKCKDKXKSKKAKZKSKSKKSKSKKS It lasted for 20 seconds, and it was the most rancid, pleasant thing you have ever smelt. “Lick my asshole.” He commanded. You opened your mouth slowly slithered your tongue out, and caressed the tip of your tongue on his anus. The first taste you got was sweat, then it happened- SLDLFKLFLDLDKKDKKDKLWLPPDPPHPGPLFLFLFLLSDRDPDPRDPRPDPDGHPPP You pulled your mouth away and began coughing up Mason’s fart. “You regretting letting me go to Taco Bell yet?” Mason laughed. He farted again, and again, and again. You sniffed it all, every last waft. You could get used to this on a weekly basis…………………… ************************************************************* Let me know what you all thought of my first story, I really enjoyed writing it, I hope you all enjoy reading it. If you think I should continue this story let me know

6 years ago

Whoever this guy is, just please sit on my face. I want to eat that dirty, swampy ass right now and I'll become your diaper. You would never have to sit down to shit because I will be right there strapped into that ass for a millennia. I can already hear and feel the mighty farts coming out of that sexy ass and the whole world just shaking from the magnitude of the methane and sulfur leaving this man's huge ass. Just...


gassyboybuttlover - Farts and Boys
6 years ago

Omg. New favorite tumblr. I just want to suck the farts from outside those jeans. And for him to leave those pants permanently stained brown

gassyboybuttlover - Farts and Boys
6 years ago
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass

Can we have an appreciation day for TjBiggz ass

Tags :
6 years ago

Smell of meeting the parents

Smell Of Meeting The Parents

I feel both completely embarrassed and extremely comfortable at the moment. I’m in my high school girlfriend’s parent’s house, sitting in a lazy boy, and only wearing a fluffy robe that’s a few sizes too big for me. Today I was going to take Kira, my girlfriend, to Dave & Buster’s for our date, but my car died on me a block from her house and it was raining. I was soaking wet when I reached her house; she took me in and gave me a robe to wear while she tossed my wet clothes into the dryer. After that she and Davis, one of her two adoptive fathers and a mechanic, went to tow my car into their garage. He said he’d have it fixed and us on our way within the hour. Kira tells me that they’ll be back soon and that her other dad, Hank, is down stairs working out and he knows I’m here.  That worries me. I’ve been dating Kira for a month and I have yet to meet Hank. All I know is he’s a huge bodybuilder, with multiple endorsements, and is very protective of his little girl. Kira gives me a kiss and then they’re gone. And that’s how I find myself here.

Since I came in, I heard the continuous clanking of heavy weight lifting coming from the basement. It soon comes to a stop and I hear heavy footsteps traveling up the stairs. A door across the room opens up and I press myself back into the chair. I watch as the most muscular man I’ve ever seen steps into the room. This must be Kira’s other father, Hank. His skin is sheen with sweat, and the only thing he’s wearing is a small, black pair of compression shorts. My eyes widen as starts walking towards me and his gray eyes are focused on me. He stops in front of me and I get a whiff of his strong and sweaty musk.

“H-Hello sir, I-I’m Kira’s boyfriend K-Kyle” I stutter. He jumps straight to the point, “What are your intentions with my daughter?” I don’t feel too bad as I lie to the guys face, “I have nothing but the best intentions for your daughter. Tonight I’m taking her out to eat and after we might catch a movie. W-We haven’t even kissed yet.” In reality we’ve had multiple intense make-out sessions and tonight we’re going all the way. Hank looks a bit friendlier and offers me his big hand for a shake. I grin and shake it, but I wince as his light grasp on my hand turns into a vice grip. He’s now sneering down at me.

“You know what, you little punk? You’re so full of shit. You’ve earned this for lying to my face” He tosses his leg over our grasped hands, and turns around, pointing his big muscular ass at me. He tugs on my arm, pulling me of my chair and onto my knees, and my face meets his sweaty, shorts covered ass with a wet smack. I let out a surprised cry from the action, but my voice his muffled by his big ass. Sadly my mouth is open when…


I’m stunned as he rips 3, 4 second farts into my nose and open mouth. The taste and smell of rotten eggs and garlic overloads my senses. I try to struggle and get away but the guy keeps a strong grasp on my arm and I can’t pull back. I hear the guy laugh.

“You’re going nowhere you piece of shit. And speaking of shit… UGH!”  I hear the guy grunt.


I thrash with little success as 2 more of his noxious farts wreak havoc on my sense of smell. My muscular tormentor sighs in relief.

“Ah I hope that fart smelt as good for you as it did for me releasing it. But I don’t think you’ve gotten to smell the full brunt of my farts. I can fix that”

My huge tormentor lets go of my hand but I wince as he immediately and harshly grabs a handful of my hair. He roughly pulls my head away from his ass, and everything is kind of blurry from the tears. His farts and the sweat from his shorts are really burning my eyes. But I can make out him reaching back with his other hand and grasping the waistband of his compression shorts. He pulls the sweaty material down to his ankles, revealing his big and hard, muscle ass drenched in sweat. My tormentor’s next three words, makes me whimper.

“In you go” He roughly shoves my head into his ass, and my face sinks in between his big and sweaty ass cheeks. I hear him grunt and…

FFFfffwwwooooosssss- BBbbppppsssss

2 wet sounding farts are fired out of his asshole and into my nostrils, only a few inches away. I start coughing as the eggy stench fills my lungs. I wiggle and try to get away but his strong grip is keeping me there, and I can hear him laughing.

“Ha-ha I’m starting to like you kid; I think I’ll start inviting you over for my own personal use. Usually my family exiles me from the house when I need to rip one of my notorious protein shake farts. But with you here I can rip them all I want and you’re the only one who’ll have to suffer. I hate to break my little girl’s heart, but I think you and my butt are a match made in heaven ha-ha. UGH!”  


My tormentor rips three monster farts back to back, with my face still forced in between his big and sweaty ass cheeks. In a desperate struggle to get free, I smack his hard ass cheek and that turns out to be a big mistake. He pulls me out of his ass and glares down at my face covered in his butt sweat.

“You want to play rough with me kid? Then let’s play rough” he growls down at me and a feeling of dread washes over me.

I find myself thrown onto the ground with this muscle-bound titan falling on top of me. He manhandles me, as we’re both on the floor. I wind up trapped in his reverse head-scissor hold, with my face inches from his hard and sweaty ass.

“You nice and comfy down there kid?” He asks as he flexes his muscular thighs, making me wheeze, “Great to hear buddy. Now let’s get back to business”   He flexes his quads around my neck again and grunts. When he relaxes his hold I take a deep breath and at the same time…


He rips a 30 second, mammoth of a fart in my face. The putrid smell is almost unbearable. I’m so busy coughing and gagging on his butt fumes, that I fail to realized that he has repositioned us, at least till I catch my breath. He’s now laying on his stomach, as am I, but I’m lying between his legs, and my face is in between his ass cheeks. And I feel his big and heavy paw on the back of my head.

“Oh man that was a big one, wasn’t it little buddy. Let’s see if I can top it. I’m sure we got a few more minutes before my husband and daughter, are finished with your car”


He rips 2 short but loud farts in my face. I grimace at the powerful odor streaming up my nostrils. My muscular tormentor pulls me out of his ass and I take big gasps of fresh air. I then notice he’s looking back, over his shoulder, at me with a sneer.

“P-Please sir let me go. I promise from n-now on I’m going to treat your d-daughter like a p-princess” I stumble over my words as I try to say anything that will appease this overprotective and  gassy, bodybuilding father.

The sadistic bodybuilder feigns a sadden face, “Why would I let you go and stop this now? I can feel that my next fart is going to be one of the biggest of the night. And besides, you should be thanking me. With all these farts I’ve been feeding you, you’ll only need to buy my daughter’s meal since you’ll be full. Speaking of which I think it’s time for dessert. And what’s better than a face full of thick cake. And…”

He presses his hand on the back of my head and my face sinks back in between his sweaty, bulbous ass cheeks. The last thing I see is his devious smirk as everything goes dark.

“In you go. Ugh!” I hear him grunting again and a gurgling sound coming from his bowels.


A 2 and a half minute fart roars out of his ass, bombarding my face. The fart blasts into my open mouth, ballooning my cheeks and echoing down my throat. The stench of rotten eggs and musk is overwhelming. On the 2 minute mark, things start to go fuzzy and my eyes roll back into my head. And I’m out like a light.

I wake up with a start as my face is splashed with a liquid. I’m still on the floor, on my back, looking up at my muscular tormentor. He’s standing over me, in just a towel, and he’s wrenching his sweaty compression shorts over my face. Another sheet of sweat rains on my face as he twists his sweaty shorts again. I spit and cough as a mouthful of sweat lands into my open mouth. As I sputter, he reaches down and pulls me up by the collar of my robe. He tosses me back into the lazy boy and lets his towel drop to the floor. I look away but for an instant I get an eye full of his big cock and bull balls. I hear my muscled tormentor nearing in on me.

“I think they’ll be back soon, so I want to make one thing clear. Tonight, whatever you do to my baby girl, I’m going to do to you. And since I’m pretty sure you’re going to kiss her tonight, pucker up buttercup” he says with a sinister chuckle.

Before I can make a move, I feel his big mit on the back of my head. He turns my head and I come face to face with his huge ass. He slams my face against his hard ass, lifts his leg slightly, and… pppssss

I hear nothing but a horrendous smell hits my nose and I realize he just ripped a sbd fart onto my face. The smell is far worse than any of the other ones I’ve smelt today. He let’s go of my head, and I fall back into the chair gagging and retching. Kira’s twisted, bodybuilding dad, walks away naked and laughing. He throws the towel he was using to cover up, at my face and tells me to clean myself up. I do, even though the towel reeks of his sweaty musk. And I see my dried clothes on an end table nearby.

I get dressed and not a moment too soon. Kira and her sane father enter the room. They both grimace at the smell but they don’t comment on it. I guess they’re used to it. Kira hugs me and says, “Sorry about leaving you alone with my father, but my parents are getting me a car next month and I never miss a chance to learn about car maintenance from my dad.”

Five minutes later, we’re driving off and Kira’s sane dad is waving goodbye to us from their front door. As we drive down the street, her other father’s words echo through my head and send a shiver down my spine. ‘Whatever you do to my baby girl, I’m going to do to you’


I close the door as the kids drive out of view. I turn around and glare at my husband Hank, as he comes down the stairs in only a pair of tight grey underwear. He wears an innocent expression but I’m not buying it. I shake my head and sigh as he comes towards me.

“I smelt your farts in the room and that kid looked terrified every time your gaze fell on him. Do all of our daughter’s boyfriends have to endure your fart torture?” I sarcastically ask as I walk past him.

I don’t get too far before I feel his strong arms wrapping around my waist and pulling my back into his ripped abdomen. He walks backwards until he falls into the chair and I fall into his lap. He reaches down and grabs my bulge making me moan. With a rumble in his voice he asks, “Are you sure you’re mad at me for farting on that kid, or are you jealous of him? If you’re jealous, there’s no need to be” he says as he grinds his crotch into my ass, “With our daughter gone, I’ve reserved you some private time in my swamp crotch and then in my swamp ass. Afterward I’ll be treating you to a nice Dutch oven. And finally I’ll take you up to the bedroom and fuck you until you pass out. What do you say to that babe?” He asks me as he slowly grinds against my ass one last time.

I say nothing. I instead slide onto my knees and bury my nose into his crotch. I take a deep breath enveloping myself in his sweaty, manly musk. Hank moans over me and says, “Yeah, that’s it, breathe in that scent. This big fella is going to have you limping tomorrow morning” He says cockily as he pushes my face into his crotch. I take in a few more deep breaths of his swamp crotch, as his cock hardens while pressed against the side of my face. Hank soon pulls me away from his crotch.

“Enough of that, time for you to get into my swamp ass. I just need to get it ready for you” He lifts his ass off the chair and pulls his underwear down. He’s now bare-ass in all his muscular glory, “In you go” he says as he shoves my face into his taint with a wet splat. His potent and foul aroma immediately hits me. Hank then gets my attention as he says, “Lets kick this up a notch and keep you in my swamp ass, as I turn this in to a Dutch oven” He grabs a quilt off the arm of a couch nearby. He throws it over his lower half and me, with my nose in his taint. He wraps his muscular quads around my head and says, “I hope you can handle this babe”


“Ah that felt good”


“Have some of that”


“That’s it babe, breathe in the stink of your man”


“Oh you enjoyed that butt bomb? Well have another”


“mmmm I love the sound of you gagging on my butt fumes”


Hank’s ripping one fart after another and I’m huffing it all up. I’m sniffing the full brunt of it as my nose is buried in his swamp ass. And in this Dutch oven, under the quilt, the stench isn’t dissipating anytime soon. He’s become a farting machine with the amount of gas he’s releasing. And with every fart he rips, the air around me becomes more and more toxic. It’s a labor just to breathe and I’m starting to see black spots. I hear a gurgling sound coming from Hank’s stomach, and him groaning.

“Uh-oh babe I feel the mother of all farts coming. You better brace yourself for this one… UGH!”


Hank blasts my face with a 3 minute long fart. If his thighs weren’t squeezing my head, I think his fart would blow me across the room. It’s like my face is trapped in a never ending hurricane of methane. As his fart comes to a sputtering end so does my conscious state.

I come to a few moments later, to an upside view of Hank’s muscular, big, bare ass, as he walks up the steps with me thrown over his shoulder.




With every step he takes he rips a small poot in my face. I let out a groan making Hank laugh.

“Ha-ha I was hoping one of my mini-farts would wake you up. I still have one more promise to keep, but no worries. Me and Hank Jr here, are going to put you right back to sleep ha-ha” he tells me in an arrogant tone.

We enter the bedroom and Hank successfully knocks me out with another body part. What a man.