I love boys and farts with shit. I mainly stick with writing and fanfiction
41 posts
Can We Have An Appreciation Day For TjBiggz Ass

Can we have an appreciation day for TjBiggz ass
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More Posts from Gassyboybuttlover

Could you imagine how much Alam Wernik farts throughout the day. I would just love for him to sit on my face and stay there for the entire day. Also shaved holes have sloppier farts so he must have loud gas.

After constant asking and begging I had finally convinced my idol Rimo to go on a date with me. He had the best ass in the world and was pretty cute to go along with it. I can just imagine my face completely submerged in his ass, and blowing air up into it to help him produce massive farts.
He asked me about going to eat Taco Bell, but I decided not to. I instead took him to a diner. I could tell he didn't want to be there. He kept looking around and not listening to me. "So, what's your favorite food?" I asked him to get a conversation started. "Nothing really. I mean I eat a lot of beans, because of my diet so maybe that," Rimo replied lazily. He really didn't to be there, but his diet interested me. "Wait, what else can you eat in your diet?" I questioned him. He looked at me with a bored face, but still answered, "Onions mainly. Along with cabbage, apples, cauliflower, broccoli, and other kinds of fruits and vegetables with fish. I also have to eat the majority of that list raw," he finished with. This made my eyes light up. He must be gassy all the time and it must be awful smelling.
Our waitress handed us our food and we finished them quickly. Rimo had a three-bean and cheese burrito and some beer, while I had a hamburger with some fries. I asked him if he wanted anything more, and he told me that he wanted a milkshake. So, I ordered the drink and I went to the bathroom. When I got back Rimo was already half way through his shake and asked me to finish it. I took the offer and chugged it down. After that, we had left the restaurant I began to feel light headed and nauseous. I began to lose my balance and Rimo caught me. "Woah, you okay dude?" Rimo asked me, "Don't worry I'll take you somewhere, so you can rest," Rimo assured me as I fell asleep in his arms.
I was still partially awake, but I couldn't tell what was going on around me. My eyes remained closed and I couldn't move at all, but I still could sense what was going on. The car soon stopped, and Rimo dragged me out of my seat. I couldn't do anything as he pulled me up his drive way and into his house. As we went inside, the smell and air pressure was immensely different from outside. It smelled like rotten eggs mixed with hot garbage, shit, and sweat. The air was also thick and humid, and I heard Rimo take a deep breath and say, "Aww, home sweet home," he proudly boasted. "Come on, slave," Rimo yelled and dragged me by my hair.
While Rimo was dragging me I could hear keys and locks shake and doors open. In each new room it would smell worse and worse. Soon I felt us going down the stairs and the smell intensified to an astronomical state. It felt as if I was about to be suffocated in gas. I then felt Rimo stop and pick me up and strap me into a chair. He plugged my mouth shut and put a gas mask on me. "Now just wait until you wake up my little fart sniffer," he whispered into my ear.
I lied there for what seemed like hours, until I was able to open my eyes and look around. The gas mask made it hard because it was foggy, but I could still make out some things. The room had a single light that was one and it seemed as if I could see the smell. There was a window in the top corner of the room, but it was too foggy to see outside. There was hole at the bottom of my mask and a tube running from it on the floor. I could only imagine what Rimo was going to do to me.
"Finally! You're awake," Rimo exclaimed. I jumped in fear and turned towards him. He was fully naked with a bowl of some food. "I have been holding these farts in for what seemed like years," Rimo said as he walked towards me. "I honestly thought it was going be hard to get you in here, but guess not," He continued, "My stomach has been fucking with me all day! I mean what do you expect when your diet is specifically made for causing the worst possible farts? But soon I can let them loose, and I can't wait for you to sniff every last one of them," He began to gorge on the food on his plate as he walked over to where I was sitting. He grabbed the tube and stuck it up his ass and grabbed a chair. The smell just coming from his asshole was already strong and he hasn't even passed any gas. He sat backwards in it with his ass sticking out to me. His hole and ass were huge, so I could tell he has been doing this for a while. I began to get an erection while staring at his hole and ass because they were so big. Rimo then finished his bowl and yelled," Get ready!"
With that he contorted his face and grunted; BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! A large fart left his body and entered my gas mask. The smell was absolutely wretched and disgusting. It smelled like eggs and sweat with rotting fruit. PPPPPPPPPLOLPPLOPLOLLPPPLOP!!! He released another fart get smelled like hot garbage and skunk. I hated it at first, but I could feel my erection getting even harder. "Oh, your still hard?" Rimo said observing my dick. "Guess that means you like it and want more," and he grunted pushing out another fart. It was really humid and it fogged up the gas mask. I couldn't see outside the mask anymore. BBBBBPPPPPPPPRRRTTT!!!! Rimo ripped another fart and it felt as if I was on drugs; the smell was making me nauseous. I'm pretty sure the lack of oxygen was getting to me. But then I realized I was hard and that the smell wasn't so bad. If anything I began to find them attractive and soothing. But I guess Rimo noticed this and began to fart more into the tube. BBBBBRRRRRRPPPPPPTTT!! Another fart flies out of his ass and I really began to enjoy them. PPPPPRRRRRRTTTTT!!!! Rimo is definitely not holding back. He's pushing farts out at an all-time high and I was enjoying sniffing them up. My boner was now aching for release and I could feel this would be my biggest cumshot in forever.
"Damn it! You shouldn't be enjoying this!" Rimo yelled at me, "It's suppose to be torture!" He screamed at me in what sounded like a demonic voice. I spat out my gag and, "It is torture that your not letting me fuck that giant hole of yours while you fart." I said to him while laughing. I could tell he was shocked at my response, and there was an awkward silence between us. "Be right back," Rimo said as ran up the stairs. I waited for a while and the air from outside the mask began to flow in. It was less strong and was thinner than the one I was breathing. I despised it! I just wanted more of Rimo's smell, not the cleaner air. I heard footsteps coming back down and Rimo laughing. "This should get you to go down!" He said maniacally. I then heard him chug something and I gained a boner in anticipation to what will happen. I heard Rimo drop the jug and laugh. "This is my bomb. You sure you want to take this on?" He asked me. "Yes, but sit on my dick while you do it please," I responded with. "Deal," Rimo said back. And so Rimo sat down on my dick and put the tube up there with it. My giant cumshot was ready. I heard his stomach gurgle and his grunt and...
Rimo let out a full, straight hour of gas. Not once did he falter in his steady expulsion. The smell was so bad it was indescribable. It was like his own unique smell, that was worse than all the the rest. It felt as if the entire world was rattling from the magnitude of his fart. My dick was cumming for a solid minute, just pumping more and more into him. I could tell that Rimo was having the time of his life. My dick felt nice inside him and he was moaning so loud that all I could here was his fart and moaning.
After the hour, I was still living and sniffing it up. Rimo turned around at me in shock. His eyes were wide with delight and confusion. "You survived My signature Fart!?" He yelled amazed. "Hell, yeah. And I'll do it again." I whispered to him seductively.
Rimo took of my mask and began to kiss me ferociously, while sitting on my lap. I began to breathe in the normal house air, and I began to gag. "Uh, I hate this regular air. It's not thick, humid, or smelly enough. I need more of you," I told Rimo. "Then let me fix that," he replied. He stood up and farted even more. PPPPPPPRRRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!! BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! PLOPLOPLOPPLOPPPLOPHHHHHHH!!!! Each one filled my lungs and I was addicted. I couldn't stop sniffing them. "Here I have an idea," Rimo said as he started to release me from his chair. As he freed me he put his hand on the back of my head and began to move. We went upstairs and he got a belt lying around and strapped my head to his ass. He released farts all day long and it felt like my boner was going to fall off.
This lasted for years. I even had an ass supply whenever he had to leave the house. He got an oxygen tank and filled it with his own gas, so I could sniff and lick that when he wasn't home. He fed me real food, but I mostly relied on his ass to supply those needs. He never uses his bathroom, and rather just goes where ever he must in the house.
And for me, this was paradise. Being in Rimo's ass all day is a dream. It's absolutely magical, but sniffing and eating whatever he has to offer me. Nothing and I mean nothing! Can be better than this.
Omg. New favorite tumblr. I just want to suck the farts from outside those jeans. And for him to leave those pants permanently stained brown

A Faceful at Vidcon
Entry 1
Dear Diary,
Hi, I'm Drake Smith. I'm a tall and muscular black man that has a few secrets. One, is that I'm a shape-shifter who can change his appearance whenever I feel like it(except for my natural appearance, and I can only stay as someone for so long, I will get excruciating cramps and pains). Two, is that I have a certain crush on a youtuber with a big ass and three is that I have a fart fetish. The only problem is that the youtuber(Josh) is straight, so I will have to transform into a female to get him. And that is if I get a chance to even talk with him. Anyways wish me luck.
Entry 2
Dear Diary,
It was the first day of Vidcon and I transformed into the woman. I became short with the classic hourglass figure. I have big ol' tits and a hot ass with a tiny was waist. I didn't get to see him actually. He apparently wasn't here today, but I did get to meet some of his friends, Tyrone, Elliot, Elijah, and Moses. I think they will soon hook me up with him, since they know I'm interested.
Entry 3
Dear Diary,
It was day two of vidcon and today I finally got to meet Josh! He was shorter that I imagined, only 5' 7" and he had bad acne, but he said it only lasts a little bit. Elliot then commented "If your whole life is just a little bit; then yeah, I would say that's accurate,". We all laughed but I saw that Josh blushed out of embarrassment. I think he blushed because of me because we were in an empty corner of vidcon, so I was the only odd-ball. Regardless, tomorrow is the last day to sleep with Josh and I say that I have a pretty good chance.
Entry 4
Dear Diary,
I have to write this quick, because I invited Josh over to my place and he will be here in ten minutes! So, what happened today was just regular "at vidcon stuff" but it was just me and Josh. It wasn't grew because he made me walk in front of him. Probably checking out my ass, but I wanted to look at his, but getting a day with him wasn't all that had either. We bought merch, went to panels, and we went to Chipotle afterwards. He asked me what I wanted, but I needed him to eat foods that would make him gassy. So, I ordered two burritos with extra beans. At first they denied but I swayed the cashier a little bit and he made it happen. After we got out food I took a bite and said that it wasn't good and passed it to Josh and he ate one and saved the other for later. My plan was going perfectly, so I made my move and invited him to my hotel room. He agreed and he is now on his way!
*Out of diary*
After I finished the passage I began to have cramps, "Shit! Why now body," I said to myself. The cramps meant I will have to transform back, but they weren't suppose to come up until tommorrow. Then the worst happened. I heard a knock at my door and look through the peephole and it was Josh! "Hello, is anyone in there?" He said excitedly while the finishing the burrito from earlier. I began to run around and panic but he could hear me. "Hello, I can hear you running around in there," he said. I had no choice but to open the door.
"Hi," he said and hugged me. I quickly reached down and grabbed his cheeks. They were so soft and squishy and felt like a water bed. He was suprised when I did that but I looked at him and smiled. "Come on in," I said. He walked in and his butt just jiggled so beautifully and elegantly. Sliding in between each other.
"Wow! Nice room!" He said to me. "Unlike me. The guys pulled a prank on me and I was booked in a 1-star hotel that was complete shit. I couldn't even go in the bathroom cause the water was broken. I haven't taken a shit in a while, and I poop like twice a day!" He turned around at me with his gorgeous sea blue eyes. We stared at each other for a little bit until cramps hit me. "Uh, I'm sorry," I said trying to hide my cramps. "Don't be, it wasn't your fault," he said back to me. "So, you want to start?" I said to quickly get it over with. "Sure," Josh eagerly said back to me.
He was fast at taking off his clothes. He had his underwear off by the time I was just taking off my pants. I still had my make up on so I asked if I could take it off real quick. He said, "Go on ahead. I can wait," I really wasn't taking off my make up I was looking for my pain killer medicine perscribed to me by the agency I work for. They weren't there and I could see in the mirror that Josh was looking at me stroking at his already hard cock. It was bigger than I expected, probably around eight inches, but his ass was the real star of the show with me being able to see his perfectly smooth ass making a butt groove into the bed sheets.
This is where I thought I should make my deal. "Josh, I want you to do something for me while we are... doing it." I started off with. "What? I will do... a lot of things for you," he replied with. "I have a fart fetish and I want you to fart in my face," I said that while looking down and when I looked up at him his face was pure confusion yet excitement. "Oh, okay," he finally said after thinking about it for a minute or two. "Just warning you I haven't shit in a few days, so whatever comes out, comes out." He finished with and I was so excited.
Then all of a sudden a huge cramp hit me rendering me paralyzed for a second and falling to the floor. I screamed in pain and Josh came over to aid me. "What's happening?!" He yelled at me. "My medication is in the drawer on the right of the bed," I told him and he went to look for it, but it was too late.
I transformed slowly back into my normal self and I stood up holding the thong that I was using, to cover up my now-present dick. Josh was still around looking for the medication and his ass was so sweaty from panicking. I then stood up, all 6' 4" of muscular, me. I quickly for an erection from seeing Josh's ass. It was so hot and thick, even when bending over I still can't see his hole.
"Hey, I think I got them," Josh said as he turned around. He looked up and was me in all my glory and bolted towards the door. I caught before he could reach it and threw him on to the bed. "Who are you?!" He questioned. "I'm Drake. The girl you were dating. I'm a shapeshifter I diguises myself as her, so I could fuck you." Josh looked extremely confused and tried to get pass me, but it failed. He then ran into the bathroom and told me stay quiet for a while.
I then admitted defeat and sat on the bed next to Josh's butt groove and began to smell it. It was musky and smelled awful, but I loved it and I began to get hard again except for my cock looked longer. It was once eleven inches but now it looked more like twelve.
Josh than stepped out and saw my face in his butt groove and how big my cock was. "Hey, even though you lied. You are still pretty hot as a boy." He said. "I thought you were straight," I replied to him with. "Want to find out for sure?" He said back to me.
I quickly scooted on to the bed and he turned around and backed his ass on to me. "You ready?" He asked. "Yes," I said. His ass was only an inch away from my face and the smell was already bad. I still could not see his asshole, and it smelled as if he never cleaned his ass in his life. And then it began.
Josh let out the worst smelling fart in history, and it was loud too. The gas had immediately filled my lungs with toxins that I loved. He began to blow me and me cock seemed to be growing. It now felt like thirteen inches and he was going pass the mid-point of my dick and he kept farting with me blowing through a load every time he does.
"Here comes a big one," he said to me with my dick in his mouth.
It sounded wet and disgusting, like bubbles were coming out of his ass. Ten whole minutes of pure delight.
"Watch out this might be a turd," Josh warned me. He then grunted.
And he was right. The biggest shit I've ever seen come out of a human being, has left his ass. It seemed to split his ass right down the center and was soft and mushy with some consistency to stay solid. It was propelled by large amounts of gas behind it and it landed directly on my face. It was completely covering my face. My penis grew even more to fourteen inches and I decided to pay there eating at the pudding-like shit for a while until moving the shit to the side. "Josh get your ass on my dick now!" I ordered him. "Okay." He sounded as if he was up to something. Josh lifted his ass and then sat down with all his force straight on to my face, completely submerging me in his ass. And he let out the most rancid, raunchy, and toxic fart into my face suffocating me in it. The fart lasted for three minutes, and was solid expulsion into my nose, mouth, and eyes. It felt like I was about to pass out and my dick grew to fifteen inches. And he got up and squatted over my dick and sat down.
My dick was five inches pass his cheeks until it finally reached the asshole. And then Josh sat down all the way, and I was balls deep in him and he let out the biggest moan I have ever heard. I soon felt something deep within him. I told him about this and he replied with, "You really thought I was done with the shits?" And Josh started bouncing up and down on my dick and soon the poop was at his hole and he was at the top of my dick and as soon as he started sitting, he covered my dick. Wow, Josh is on my dick and covered it all with shit and began to bounce again. I think I grew again to sixteen inches inside him and I told, "Let's do doggie style. I want to do the work," and Josh obeyed staying balls deep and I began to break his ass and Josh's low moaning became huge, loud and frequent. All I could here was Josh moaning, his ass clapping, and me grunting after going through my twelfth load of the night. Josh said he began to shit again and I felt it and it came out around my dick again.
This went on until dawn and when we were finally too tired to carry on. Josh said "Last one," and I dove for his ass completely blocking everything out and getting to his hole. It was dark, humid and full of shit and I heard him grunt and it was smelliest, loudest, and longest one yet.
Lasting for a whole hour and all I saw in his stretched out hole was a big, brown turd. When it hit me, the thing went everywhere in me. It went into my mouth and nose and I could hear the muffled laughing of Josh. The smell was too much and I passed out. When I awoke Josh was gone, but there was a note in my hand. It was a number and it said, "Call me."
First Time With Him
“Hey babe you ready for tonight?” Your new boyfriend Tony texts you.
You and Tony have been waiting for tonight, because tonight is the night that Tony and you would finally have sex with him. But the only thing you could think about was trying to hide your secret fetish from him. Your secret fart fetish. All you wanted was for him plow his giant ass on your face and fart. They probably smelled like rotten eggs or even hot garbage that had been left out in the hot sun for days. But you wouldn’t know cause he never seemed to fart around you.
“Yeah, I am,” you finally text back to him. “Got any ideas of what’s going to happen? Like if you want to be adventurous and try new things?” You text him trying to see if Tony was interested in trying farting in your face.
“Nah, it’s just our first time. No need to be adventurous. We will have loads of next times to try stuff.” He quickly replied to you with.
Disappointed you decided to just lie in bed and nap, but even just the remote thought of Tony farting kept you awake with an aching boner.
You finally fall asleep, but you’re woken up by something.
A fart had been laid right on top of your face with an ass suffocating the entirety of your head.
An even larger one erupted out of the stranger’s ass; with this fart packing even more of a kick.
You decide to finally stop enjoying this and buck whoever this is off of you. But as you start, you can hear them laughing and you the person say, “Aww, baby you don’t like that? Too bad!!! There’s a hell of a lot more coming!” He grinds again and
The longest one yet and even more smelly than the earlier ones. It soothed you but you still needed to get him off of you. So you keep bucking but than the man says, “Come on babe, you never could never beat me wrestling, what makes you think you can win now?”
That’s when you recognized his voice. The man was Tony, and the discovery of this soothes you, but it also turns you on.
You push his ass off of your face, finally, and you look at him. He also turns back and looks at you over his huge shoulder. You then look slowly down Tony’s hot, muscular, sweaty back and you come down to the prize. His ass was colassol and his hole was beautiful.
You look back up at him and he asks “Ready for more?” His stomach than gurgled with pain, he was holding in some bad gas.
You nod.
And with that he grunts and releases help into your nose.
They were some of the loudest farts you have ever heard and the worst ones you have ever smelled. And the best part was that they were all going into your nose and mouth.
Each one followed with his own loud grunt and panting. It took a lot of energy to push out those farts, so he is probably going to have to fill up on beans later so you guys can do this all over again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on til he runs out of gas (which is never happening).
“Last one of the night. I promise to make it good,” He groaned loudly and a while minute of horrid, putrid, rancid ass fart came from his glorious butt. And he fell over to his side.
Oh boy, can't wait to that tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on.