gawdwitthesauce - Art straight from the Sauce
Art straight from the Sauce

Gawd / Sauce | 21 | ♑ | 12 · 27

88 posts

Roadhog, Because Im Obsessed With Overwatch And The Outback Bois

Roadhog, Because Im Obsessed With Overwatch And The Outback Bois

Roadhog, because I’m obsessed with Overwatch and the Outback bois

Desired to do mask off Mako

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6 years ago

I need more people to play Overwatch with.

Add me on PSN: Reapers_Thighs

6 years ago
Project I Was Working On. You Know What's Up
Project I Was Working On. You Know What's Up
Project I Was Working On. You Know What's Up

Project I was working on. You know what's up

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6 years ago


Name: Allegra Nickname: N/A Age: Early 20s Gender: Female Height: 6ft 7in Weight: 150blk

Occupation: Police Trainee (Eden-5/AGE: 16), Maliwan Security (Unknown Maliwan factory location/AGE:17), Maliwan Shipping (AGE:18), Hyperion R&D (AGE:19), Vault Hunter (AGE: 19+)

Appearance: Allegra is 6ft 7in. She has dark skin with glowing purple patterns throughout her body. Her eyes are glowing purple as well. She has white medium length hair. Her first layer of clothes are a top that looks like a bra and wrappings that cover her legs. Her second layer of clothes are something like a half shirt that’s ended by a belt. The belt has bullets on it and it’s where she has her Grenade. Her pants are ripped on the sides (That’s where you can see her under layer of wrapping) Her pants has 2 belts on it and a sash that drapes down. The belts hold her ClassMod, Grenade, and Sheild and the buckle has a Vault Symbol on it. Her Pistol and SMG is held on her side. Her Sniper, Shotgun, and Assault Rifle is located on her back.

Parents Mother: Cheif Alogana. She was 1 of the Cheif’s of Aegris. She led a small group of Savages. Her group lived in a cave for years. They have made a society from what they could scavenge from what was already inside the wreckage in the cave. With her leadership she made small advances for her people. They learned to farm and make do with their hunting skills. They learned how to make trapped. They advanced to the point that there society became like Hallow Point.

Father: Commander Jessup. He was head of the Eden-5 Police Force and Leader of the Inter Galactic Research & Exploration Federation (I.G.R.E.F) He would travel to other planets to research the different wildlife, people, and culture. His team had to make a stop to Aegris. They were going to research the bacteria and other resources of the planet in order to make better antidotes and medicines for the police force that travels other galaxies

History: Allegra was born on the planet Eden-5. Her mother was from Aegris and her father from Eden-5. At the age 3-12 she had a normal childhood. She attended private schools. She was always surrounded by wealth. Having people watch her all the time. Her mother didn’t like that but her father didn’t want her around other people. She was obviously different from the people of Eden-5, having more of her mother’s characteristics than her father’s. She was never targeted by anyone. Allegra always had good leadership abilities and she was vary smart. She had a interest in science and technology. Being surrounded by cops and researchers all her life, she took a big interest in guns and eridian research. At the age 14 she began studying Eridian Technology and later learned of The Vault. Her father began giving her tottering so she can further the knowledge. Her mother on the other hand did not understand and taught her how to use witchcraft. Allegra continued her study of Eridian research along with her witchcraft lessons for 4 years. During the 4 years she got her first job with her father on the police force and the age 16. Little did anyone know she made extra steps into her research. She began learning how to assemble and disassemble guns. Around the age 17 she left her job at the police force to work for Maliwan. She always wanted to learn how to get a elemental effect into a gun. She later learned that it involved putting crystals into weapons. Under cover she would disassemble Maliwan guns and take the elemental crystals from inside of them. Once she got the crystals she wanted to use the element without the gun. She began harvesting the crystals. She would ground them up into powder than mix them with other chemicals in order to make them into a liquid substance. She would inject the liquid elements into her body. At first her body rejected the chemicals. She would feel burning, shock and corrosion in her body for a limited time. She did this everyday for a year. This didn’t just change her body, it worked well with her witchcraft abilities. She kept this up till the age of 18. She left Maliwan because she had no more use from them. She already learned how to use elements without the guns. She than got offered a Job at Hyperion. She worked with Research and Development (R&D) there she learned and got her hands on Slag. She also found a hidden element called Cryo. She learned that Cryo was ice and involved having Methane, which could only be found on Elpis (The Moon). She tested Cryo on herself and she didn’t expect what would happen. Her veins froze and she felt cold throughout her body. She did this every 2 days for a week till the methane adapted to her body. As a scientist she knew that dangers of Slag and knew that she had to be vary careful and cautious of it. She would fill small vials with Slag and hide it in her pants. She would bring them to her office home. There she did various tests with her blood and element crystals with the Slag to see the reaction it had with eachother. She would slowly inject herself with it. Many nights she would find herself unable to move or walk straight due to all the chemicals in her body. This did not stop her. She would lock herself in a chair (Set with a timer) with tubes of Slag injected into her while she slept. She later overheard some scientists talk about going to Pandora in order to get Eridium for new guns. She asked around for information about the new gun types. She was called in by a friend of hers. She learned that the new weapons were powered by Eridium and were called “E-Tech” She relished in the information. She waited vary patiently for the development of E-Tech. She finally got some. She had 3 full stones of Eridium. Went to her room and began researching. She concluded that the needed raw - unrefined Eridium. The refine Eridium worked but it wasn’t as strong. She kept this up for a while. Later she was disassembling some E-Tech guns. She was vary sneaky about getting the guns but she was later found out and was forced to leave Hyperion. She was going to be killed but escaped by sneaking in a ship with other scientists going to Pandora. She made it safely to Pandora. Once out she checked her areas. She and the other scientists landed in Tundra Express. Celebration quickly turned into Fight For Your Life. Immediately they were surrounded by Psychos and Bandits. Allegra knew this was bad. She watched as her fellow Scientist were shot and killed by the bandits. She was being shot at too but no bullets touched her. Noticing that on the ground was corroding bullets on the ground, she knew what was happening. Her body built a protective shield around her. Once bullets came in range they would take a elemental effect and either be stored in her body or just be effected and drop. She fled the battle as quickly as she could. She made it to a old broke down farmhouse. It looked abandoned. She made her way into the house and downstairs to the basement. There she caught her breath and tried to make a plan for herself. Normally things did not scare her. This made her terrified. She’s never been shot at or attacked before. She sat there for a while. Her head started hurting and visions was appearing in her head. She kept seeing a symbol of a upside down “V” in a circle. She kept seeing pathways back and forth, on and off. Her headache grew worse. She felt the effects of the Eridium hit her. She tried relaxing for a bit. She looked around the farmhouse basement for things. She found Bedding and caned food and a computer and she saw a vending machine. She read it “Marcus Munitions?” She examined it and it was so different. She saw a fast travel. She told herself that it wouldn’t be vary good for her to leave just yet. She made herself a makeshift bed and layed there for some time. She said out loud for herself “Day 1: Welcome to Pandora” she closed her eyes and fell to sleep. After that she wakes up the next day feeling a lot better and continues her research. She trys to make the computer work. It works but it’s hard to use. She hooks the computer up to the Vending Machine. She over rides the Vending Machines programming and gets standard common guns. She gets a Maliwan Shock pistol, Hyperion Sniper Rifle, and a Tedior Pistol. Allegra starts to disassemble all three guns to make her own gun. It took her roughly 15-20 minutes take them apart and put them back together. She specially designed a Hyperion Sniper with 100% accuracy. Every time it shoots it comes out a different elements and that reloaded like a Tedior. The rest of the parts, she creates 2 more weapons. She then climbs the latter and locks the latch. She breaks into the Fast Travle system and makes it so that she can only accesses this location and transport items through there. After that she equips herself with her weapons and starts wondering Pandora. She makes her way to The Dust and finds a house covered in sand. She finds a way in and borders up all entry. She makes a fast travel only accessible by her. She makes this her home and laboratory. She leaves and continues to wonder around. Later she was hired as a assassin by people who needed protection. She worked for them in exchange for Eridium, Guns, Sheilds, or Information about The Vault. She worked for a long time. She continued her research on The Vault and she also found out many interesting things about Pandora. She learned that her Cryo powers worked amazing in Tundra Express and Three Horns Divide. Places like The Dust didn’t have good results. Every day in her research she looked into the sky and would see a floating city. Asking around she met people like Ellie and Loggins, who in fact - gave her information about the floating city and she gave her clear access to the city via Fast Travel. Allegra used the Fast Travel to get into the floating city. She learned that it was called Sanctuary. She met with other people. Talking to the citizens of Sanctuary, she learned that their leader was Lillith. She spoke to Lillith and informed her that she posed no threat to them and that she would be conducting her research on The Vault and that she would assist them with anything that they needed. She became a Citizen of Sanctuary. She still goes to The Dust and Tundra Express Farmhouse to conduct her research. She does this in secret and still tests on her body.

Action Skill: Allegra’s Action Skill is called FRAMES and is unlocked at lvl 5. Her skill allows her to gain Invincibility for 8 seconds. The cooldown is 15 seconds (When activated, a purple outline will appear around her)

Skill Trees: Allegra’s Skill Trees link to her her major skills. Skill Tree 1 (Left/Green) Is called “Elemental Processing”, Skill Tree 2 (Middle/Blue) Is called “Savage Assassin”, and Skill Tree 3 (Right/Red) Is called “Infiltration”

ELEMENTAL PROCESSING: This Skill Tree focuses on Allegra’s Elemental abilities. 1. A SONG: Fire and Cryo damage increases by 30% 2. WHEN HE’S ANGRY: Slag and Corrosive Damage increase by 30% 3. TRIAL AND ERROR: Shock and Explosive damage increase by 30% 4. YOUR MOVES: Your melee attack does 50% fire damage and after using your melee you gain increases speed and jump for 10 seconds [Send your enemy’s flying] 5. XV: When FRAME is activated you and your friends will be covers by a AOE circle. If you and your friends stay in the circle, you all will gain elemental invincibility for 10 seconds [Your friends will love you for it], If 1 of your friends leave this AOE circle, you all loose elemental invincibility and enemy’s elements do extra damage for 10 seconds [You will hate them for it] 6. BENDER: When shooting with a non-elemental weapon you have a 10% chance of that bullet being a elemental shot 7. MY HERO: When using a Cryo gun, you have a 5% chance of one of your bullets getting a fire elemental effect and vice versa 8. UNO: This Skill allows you to get a Stack of UNO. For every UNO stack you get, your elemental damage increases by 5%. This can stack up to 100. If done right, every elemental shot will do 500 damage. Shooting a non-elemental gun will get rid of all UNO stacks 9. MULTITASKING: When FRAME is activated pressing L3 will release 12 bubbles (2 for each element) that bounce around and explode when in contact of a enemy, shot by a bullet, or effected by a grenade (Bubbles do 75% damage)

SAVAGE ASSASSIN: This Skill Tree focuses on Allegra’s Egridian Witchcraft and Sniping abilities 1. SOLID: Increases fire rate by 10% (Snipers Only) 2. MORTAL: For every shot with a Sniper Rifle, you get health back depending on how much damage the enemy took from your shot 3. HIT: When attacking a enemy from behind, your melee attack damage increases by 25% 4. : If a enemy gets in close range of you they will be cursed (You have a 15% chance of this happening) 5. CREED: When crouching you have a 10% chance of walking past enemy’s undetected 6. POOL: 20% chance to shoot through walls and gaps 7. SKILL: When using a Sniper rifle you have a 5% chance of getting a headshot when not aiming at the head [Its like the enemy has a bigger hitbox or something] 8. BLUE BLOODS: When FRAME is activated this allows you to see enemy’s behind walls for 5 seconds 9. HONOR: When FRAME is activated all enemy’s in your sight will be cursed for 10 seconds (Slowed down, Slagged, Health Draned, and Electrocuted)

INFILTRATION: This Skill Tree focuses on Allegra’s Hacking abilities 1. GOOD OFFENCE: Increases gun damage and fire rate by 10% 2. GREATER DEFENSE: Increases shield capacity by 20% 3. IS COMING: Action Skill cooldown decreases my 5% 4. STEADY: When shooting accuracy increases by 30% 5. ONE STEP AHEAD: Pressing L3 (When not in battle) let’s you see the enemy (Nomad, Suicide Psycho, Badass, ext) gun type, gun company, accuracy, and weapon damage 6. JUST IN TIME: When entering the first 5 seconds into battle, quickly press L3. Allegra will release a shockwave eliminating all enemy shields 7. MALFUNCTION: When in close range, all Loaders will turn on each other for a limited time 8. DON’T LET THEM HURT EACH OTHER: When FRAME is activated all enemy’s (Not Loaders) will attack each other 9. DAYLIGHT SHADOW: When FRAME is activated all enemy’s cannot use their weapons on you for 10 seconds




GRENADE - MALIWAN: Chain Lightning

CLASS MOD - MALIWAN: Legendary Savage (Savage) (OC ClassMOD)

RELIC - ERIDIEN: Blood Of The Witch Doctor (OC Relic)

JOINING GAME - I am here - Looks like you need my help - Good choice

IDLE - What’s taking so long? - We need to go - Hurry up - I didn’t come to Pandora to wait for you to be done - What are you doing for so long? - Roses are Red, Violets are blue, I’m sick of waiting for you - I’m sure it doesn’t take you this long - I hope your not “Borderlands & Chilling”

ATTEMPTING TO TRAVEL WHEN OTHERS ARE BUSY - Leave them - Your friends are holding us back - I can go alone SCORING A CRITICAL HIT - Had to do it to em - Thank you for staying still - Stop, Daphne! - You cannot get your hit point back - Oh well then

THROWING GRENADE - Catch! - Grenade thrown! - Look! a whale!

AFFECTED BY ELEMENTAL DAMAGE - Not my choice of starter (Shock Damage) - Slag! - Owchy! - (Unattractive Screaming) DEALING ELEMENTAL DAMAGE - Do Et! (Giggling) (Shock Damage) - Stop! Collaborate and listen (Cryo Damage) - Up, Down, RT (Corrosive Damage) - Return to Sender! (Fire Damage) - Shrinking not included (Slag Damage) - He scours (Explosive Damage)

SPOTTING ITEM - Spare Parts? - For later research - I hope they don’t mind - Vary useful

COMPARING ITEMS IN MENU - What parts are not required? - What parts are useful - Math? - They all look so good

REVIVING DOWNED ALLY - I’m here to help - Don’t worry - I need extra EXP - Stop being so dramatic! BEING REVIVED - Much appreciated - I would have just respawned - A tactical error on my part

KILLING ENEMY - You will be replaced - You can’t be rebuilt (When killing Loaders) - Just stop already - (laughter)

KILLING MULTIPLE ENEMY’S IN SUCCESSION - Where’s your healer now? - My enemy’s always die! - They all fall! - Tango Down (With Melee attack)

KILLING A ENEMY BY RUNNING THEM OVER - No child on Pandora - GO GO - Your Uber is here - Knowledge CRASHING VEHICLE - Darn! - I never got my license anyways - Oops! - You didn’t see that!

ENTERING SECOND WIND - Not like this! - I still have so much to do! - Keep it dark - The bar is running out

GETTING SECOND WIND - You took too long - You won’t be getting a second wind - What stopped you? - Don’t run now!

OUT OF AMMUNITION - Not now! - Sheesh! - Can you not! - Looks like I gotta switch

LEVELING UP - As Expected - No stopping now - So much more to learn - Always growing - Strive for greater things - I cannot be stopped ISSUING A DUEL CHALLENGE - Let me test my new weaponry - Let me test my witchcraft - Let me test my elemental power - Its time to Duel

ACCEPTING DUEL - Challenge Accepted - Your loss - The outcome will be your defeat

WINNING A DUEL - If I had a dance emote. I’d using it - This was no curse - Let me guess… Lag? - Lagging again… bro? I’m never saying that again - Your moves were weak - 7 does not exist in my craft

LOOSING A DUEL - Never speak of this again - You got lucky - My miscalculations - Let’s just finish our mission - This was a waste of time - This was a stupid idea TYING A DUEL - What just happened? - Replay that back - Interesting - Further research is needed - Did I make a miscalculation?

SKINS ORIGINAL: Allegra’s Shroud ORIGINAL: Savagery ORIGINAL: Avatar ORIGINAL: Hacker ORIGINAL: BM121 BANDIT: Burning Sensation BANDIT: Danger BANDIT: Apocalypse DAHL: Hunter DAHL: Shadow DAHL: Commander HYPERION: Personnel HYPERION: Leader HYPERION: Legend JACOBS: Old Time JACOBS: High Noon JACOBS: Showdown MALIWAN: Fear MALIWAN: Power MALIWAN: Respect TEDIORE: Classy TEDIORE: Lady Like TEDIORE: Common Courtesy TORUGE: Crash and burn TORUGE: Pedal To The Metal TORUGE: Need For Speed VLADOLF: War Crimes VLADOLF: Bear Wrestlers VLADOLF: Detonation VAULT VETERAN: Seeker VAULT VETERAN: Been There, Done That VAULT VETERAN: Victorious HEADS ORIGINAL: Allegra ORIGINAL: 021959 - Prime - Healer - Seeker - Sender - Dismantle - Tiki - Egridian King - Solidarity - Cosmos - Hijacked - Prototype - Molecular Atom - Commandant - Blade - Nutshell - Pearl - War Crimes VAULT VETERAN: Krom Stabber

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6 years ago
Finish Results. I Really Love How It Came Out. I Wish I Had A Better Smoke Pattern Though, It Looks Like

Finish results. I really love how it came out. I wish I had a better smoke pattern though, it looks like puffy dust stuff and its not my favorite thing but blah, meh, its whatever

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