Roadhog - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Overwatch Sketch Cards Will Be On Sale This Coming Saturday, March 18th At 12pm EST!

✨Overwatch Sketch cards will be on sale this coming Saturday, March 18th at 12pm EST!✨

Elizabeth B.

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8 months ago

Это прекраснейшее, что мне доводилось видеть по Овервотчу

Overwatch Dating Headcanons!!

Characters: Junkrat, Roadhog, Reaper, and Lucio

Junkrat 💣💥

Junkrat would be a very interesting partner.

He may not know how to show it without being more than his usual self.

When he first asks you out, he’s honestly very nervous. “You know, being a criminal and all!” He would say.

If you say yes, he will be overjoyed.

Literally more hyper than an sugar induced D.Va.

He will give you tiny explosives as a form of showing his love.

Once he gets to know you more, he’ll be even more cuddly than he already would be.

Laying in bed reading? He’ll drape himself over you and try to get you to stop reading. Sitting on the couch? He’s using your legs as a pillow.

PDA will be a 50/50 with him. It depends on the area really.

If he spots at least one person flirting with you, he’s planning on embarrassing them to the extreme. Only to have it backfire and embarrasses himself.

He doesn’t mind much since you comfort him back home about it.

Never will you wake in the same position you fell asleep in.

Roadhog 🥓🪝

Roadhog will be very gentle with you in the long run but at the beginning, he makes it very hard to communicate.

At first he would intimidate you but slowly warms up to you and you to him.

When he asks you out, he’s blunt. No corners, no second guessing. He’ll just ask if you want to see a movie or something.

Once you two are fully dating, he’s more gentle and communicative towards you.

If you’re tired, he’ll pick you up and carry you around. No questions, no nothing.

When you’re cuddling with him, he has one arm wrapped around you comfortably.

If he’s in a teasing mood, he’ll hold you close before tickling you. That’s the most he does to you.

When sleeping, he will have you tucked to his side or on top of him.

Reaper ☠️🦉

This man will honestly try to push you away.

Especially if he knew you liked him before he liked you.

Starting off, he would punish himself by purposefully making you upset.

If that doesn’t work, he’ll simply watch your back for now on. Even though he already was but will deny it if someone asks him about it.

He would be somewhat romantic as his affection for you grows.

Roses on your nightstand, random compliments that seem passive aggressive in a way,

If you agree to date him, he would take you to random places he thinks you’d like based on what he’s observed about you.

At night, whenever you go to bed, he will hold you close and not let go whatsoever. Almost like he’s afraid to loose you.

He definitely would be one to smack your ass as you walk around your shared room and show affection but once you’re outside, he rarely shows it.

His way of protecting you.

He will keep you on top of him as you sleep, listening to you breathe. It soothes him.

Lucio 🐸🎵

This dude will definitely be wholesome in everything he does.

Once he starts to like you, he’ll be head over hills over you.

Always flirting no matter the situation.

Getting shot at? Comes up with some pickup line after saving you with that smirk. Got hurt? He’ll make a joke that Winston would very much approve of.

Once the two of you are dating, he is not afraid to declare it.

He even made a song about the two of you and it’s gotten millions of views.

In public, the most he’ll do is wrap an arm around your waist and kiss your cheek.

In your shared room, he will lay with you on his chest or do the same as Junkrat and use you as a pillow.

Will often fall asleep curled around you somehow.

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1 year ago
Some Rough Sketches Of The Cutest Biggest Boi (had Some Downtime Between Classes )

Some rough sketches of the cutest biggest boi (had some downtime between classes 🫣)

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7 years ago
The Best Drawings Tonight. These Are Going To Be Cleaned Up And Turned Into Prints. Hopefully.
The Best Drawings Tonight. These Are Going To Be Cleaned Up And Turned Into Prints. Hopefully.

The best drawings tonight. These are going to be cleaned up and turned into prints. Hopefully.

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5 months ago

this is so silly I love it hehehe

I Wrote This Dialogue A While Ago (prob Back When Biker 76 Skin Came Out) & Decided To Sloppily Draw
I Wrote This Dialogue A While Ago (prob Back When Biker 76 Skin Came Out) & Decided To Sloppily Draw
I Wrote This Dialogue A While Ago (prob Back When Biker 76 Skin Came Out) & Decided To Sloppily Draw

i wrote this dialogue a while ago (prob back when biker 76 skin came out) & decided to sloppily draw it now... featuring some very random and uninformed s76 characterization

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4 years ago
xxcrelisexx - Uh oh Spagghettio
xxcrelisexx - Uh oh Spagghettio

AU where the Junkers are Ghost Hunters

Roadhog staring at Junkrat for doing stupid stuff most of the time.

AU Where The Junkers Are Ghost Hunters

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7 years ago
INKToBeR #16 - HoG WiLD

iNKToBeR #16 - HoG WiLD

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR: iT’S oCToBeR aND You KNoW WHaT THeY SaY? iTS “oCToBoaR” 🐗 i MeaN… “iNKToBeR” MoNTH!

DaY 16 Y'aLL KNoW WHoSe “FaT” GuY oWNS THiS TaTToo.

iNKToBeR, iNKToBeR. 🐽 THiS THiNG DeSeRVeS a CoLoR! 😈 JuST LooK aT THaT!? i FfFfFfFf… iNG 😎 NaiLeD iT!! 🙌

P.S. You CaN CHeCK/VieW MY DeViaNTaRT GaLLeRY FoR MY oTHeR iNKToBeR 2017 eNTRieS 😋

INKToBeR #16 - HoG WiLD

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4 years ago
Happy Early Halloween!!! (((i Dont Even Play Overwatch :] )))

Happy early Halloween!!! (((i dont even play overwatch :] )))

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1 year ago
Hello Everyone, I'm Bored So I Was Wondering If You Guys Wanted To Ask Me Questions Such As A Q&A And

Hello everyone, I'm bored so I was wondering if you guys wanted to ask me questions such as a q&A and I will surely answer them. And if you have any art requests I will surely do my best. I do TF2 stuff and I do OverWatch stuff as well. OverWatch I'm not 100% familiar with but I do know a few things, TF2 however is what I mostly know.

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1 year ago

Person: "Hey what's your type?"

Me: "What's my type? Could you please be specific?"

Person: "Your favorite comfort characters I guess?"

Me: "Oh! You mean these guys as my comfort characters?"

Also me- *Chooses the weirdest comfort characters ever.*

Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"
Person: "Hey What's Your Type?"

I feel like I always choose the weirdest comfort characters ever. Like, how would I even describe my type in all honesty because it's weird?

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1 year ago


Junkrat makes a new friend

-Returns to Overwatch Main menu screen - Junkrat appears and laughs

My 3 yr old Sister: “Is that you?”

Me: “No that’s junkrat.”

Sister: “His hair is on fire.”

Me: “Yup.” 

Sister: “ Does it hurt him? Is he otay?”

Me: “No it doesn’t hurt, He’s ok it happens.”

Sister: “What is that? Is he a turtle?” 

Me: “No that’s his tire he uses it to blow people up.”

Sister:  “ I like him, he’s my friend. Can you take my picture with him?”


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1 year ago

Look at this cute fanart my little brother made of me, Roadhog, and Junkrat!

Look At This Cute Fanart My Little Brother Made Of Me, Roadhog, And Junkrat!

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10 months ago

ALRIGHT LET'S GO! Here's how I view people from OverWatch

ALRIGHT LET'S GO! Here's How I View People From OverWatch

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6 months ago



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8 years ago

*sweats nervously*

Fusion Junkers
Fusion Junkers

fusion Junkers

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8 years ago


I wanted to voice the fusion of the Junkers, Roadrat™ Art is from here!


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