Tboy SwagHe/Xe (any neos is fine too) DNI: racists, queerphobes, transphobes/TERF's, and any general bad peopleI am 30 years old btw so if your a minor and that makes you uncomfortable, thats 100% ok, stay safe out there mate :) this blog is mainly for trans stuff, with the occasional posts about other things, and sometimes gets a bit political (im politically neutral, but left-leaning).
584 posts
Hate How My Buddies And My Dad Always Makes Fun Of My Interests When I Talk About Them. Now I Feel Like
hate how my buddies and my dad always makes fun of my interests when i talk about them. now i feel like i cant watch or enjoy anything, even in the comfort of my own home. i have only one friend who doesnt do that shit and even so i feel like i cant tell her certain things.
rohan-kishibes-grindr-account liked this · 1 year ago
jax-the-destroyer-of-lgbtphobes liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Gay-----pisces2
Don't Fall for this scam.

Transgender community, please please please do NOT use this product! It will kill you if used, please do not use it whatsoever.
Please reblog and spread the word
Tw: transphobia, scary shit
Fucked up shit happened today yall. I was in the mens bathroom, doing my shit and whatever and all of a sudden someone starting fucking wailing on my stall door. Sounded like punches. I saw the lock started to fail. You know my thoughts immediately?
"Holy shit they know what I am (FTM trans). Their gonna kill me. If they get in, their actually gonna kill me. I'm gonna die because I needed to piss. I'm not gonna see my dad again."
And people will say trans people are the "bad guys". What the fuck. I'm human and I'm treated like some sort of freak, with someone trying to break into my bathroom stall? And I'm the monster???
We just want to piss. Please, for the love of everything, do not kill us because we needed to piss.
"what is the worst crimes you've ever committed?"
being myself.
drinking chocolate milk while eating pasta
The best response to "I'll call you (deadname) cause thats how I see you" is simply
"ight ill call you asshole cause thats how I see you"
Right-Wingers: "If your a transgender, get a better therapist!"
Translation: "If your a transgender, get a therapist that aligns with my political views!"
(personally, I believe therapists should be politically neutral so they have no biases, however its pretty hard to find neutral people, so left-wing therapists are good too! because left-wingers usually have basic human empathy, unlike right-wingers!!)