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Gerstein03 - Gerstein03 - Tumblr Blog
Cersei: they spent days with the goldsmith getting the details just right
Jaime: days?
Cersei: better part of an afternoon

Perfect Skyeward song is imo She Will Always Hate Me by James Blunt

skyeward as songs from ‘ you’ve unlocked a weakness in me ‘ - a spotify playlist. for amanda, for putting up with my chaos. 🖤
Literally me every time someone online bitches about people engaging with media. Like fuck you you're not edgy and cool because you don't care about fictional characters
“imagine caring so much about fiction” imagine being so lame that you scoff at the timeless human practice of falling in love with art and stories
They were a pretty miserable couple that made each other unhappy. They didn't understand each other and couldn't be what the other needed for each other
Zutara this, Zukka that

scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~
scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife
I know it was when the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded and I know it happened because the dumbass scientists overlooked the faulty O-Rings
Please reblog to increase sample size, I am trying to find out how much normal people know about this because I am Not Normal and my assumed baseline of knowledge cannot be trusted
I could write so many essays about what a nightmare of a father Ozai is

Zuko going into an angst coma because he made the right decision.
Homegirl made her feelings known they were not respected and the guy who did it was rewarded by the story
Bryke really did tell on themselves didn't they?
I think we don’t give enough credence to the fact that Katara was canonically confused about/ considering her feelings and even VOCALIZED IT.
Reblog if you’ve ever watched a movie
I'm picturing his car as the impala from Supernatural
I feel like modern au zuko can drive, is very good at it, has his license, and will get you where you need to go but like. with very dangerous efficiency. he drives like Evel Knievel. he drives like a bat out of hell. he whips the wheel hard as fuck and you will see Jesus even if the drive is from your house to the corner store. his car is used and like 10 years old but she is strong and loyal just like her master and wont break down for anything. she'll tear over anything in her path. zuko has given iroh so many mini heart attacks while driving him around (<- because iroh does NOT have his license). worst of all is that zuko does NOT talk or road rage ever when he drives he's DEAD SILENT and simply blasts the radio. and its always either terrifying Chinese opera or crazy shit like Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
A story within a story where a mother sits her rowdy children down and tells them a story about a the world's sweetest, kindest mother who never lost her temper, never cursed and never yelled at her children, no matter how rowdy they could get. She would only gently, kindly told them to not do the dangerous things. One day she sweetly, kindly told her children to not go play at the riverbank, because it's dangerous and they might slip on the rocks, fall into the water, and die. Her children do not listen. They go play at the riverbank, where they slip on the rocks, fall into the water, and die.
And the sweet perfect mother of the story comes to the riverbank, sees that all her children drowned, and starts crying so bitterly that angels overhear her, and the angels say to each other, "she does not deserve this, this woman has never done anything wrong in her life, this should not have happened to her", and feeling great pity for her, bring her children back to life, and after that they always listened to their mother and lived happily ever after.
And the storyteller's children, who at this point are familiar with the concept that these stories are supposed to have some sort of a moral or lesson in them, interject to point out that their mother hasn't always done everything perfectly, she isn't always sweet, curses a lot, and as a matter of fact loses her shit at her kids all the time. She isn't like the mother of the story at all.
And their mother agrees: Her children are correct. She is not a perfect mother who has never done anything wrong. Angels will not have pity on her, and they will not bring her little shits back to life if they go to the river and die. So they better fucking not go get themselves killed in the first place.
The college bookstore is where I pick up the textbooks I never use. The college library is where I go to play dnd
Everything said here is true
Also the dinner gun does go on the right
making fun of americans is pretty much always ok if youre not doing it in an edgelord “you guys have so many school shootings” way or acting like we’re the only country that has racism. but like posts about americans and hamburger get me every time
This person is probably from some alternate universe where everyone talks like Yoda
i cant believe americans on tv really say rock paper scissors like???? its paper scissors rock omg do u irl americans actually say rock paper scissors????
Hearing aids. They so conveniently Bluetooth to my phone. It's great
Normalize not forgiving people who wronged you just because society says forgiveness is more "healthy"
personally i think katara is completely within in her right to be angry at and never forgive the man that killed her mother and in turn zuko is also within is right to be angry at and never forgive his abusers who gaslit manipulated scapegoated maimed banished and tried to kill him multiple times and neither of those things would make katara and/or zuko lesser than or bad people
i just saw someone describe a disabled person as "someone with beautiful abilities" i cannot do this anymore
Reblogging because I've seen discussion about this recently and I think it needs saying more

“Lord Chen, Her Royal Majesty will see you now.”
“Her?” Lord Chen repeated.
“Master Katara is receiving petitions alone today,” replied the steward.
Lord Chen smirked. “Really? Well that will make this almost too easy.” Smoothing his hands down the front of his robe, Lord Chen stood and entered the throne room.
“Isn’t Lord Chen the one who used emergency aid funds to build himself a beach house instead of repairing homes damaged by floods?” asked an attendant.
The steward nodded, the slight twitch of his lips hinting that he hid a smile behind his professional facade. “Her majesty is going to eat him alive.”
A lot of anti-Zutarians use the argument that it’s demeaning to have Katara rule over the nation of the people who killed her mother/ attacked her people. And like… nah. Can we talk about what a power move? What up, your Fire Lord almost wiped out my tribe, but instead my friends and I took him down, put a new Fire Lord on the throne whose heart I captured, and now I’m your queen and together we’re going to push a lot of social justice and reform while being super in love and happy bow down to Her Royal Majesty, Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, Queen Consort of the Fire Nation.
♥ Please do not repost. If you like it and want to show people, share a link to this page instead. Thank you!
Even if she had colonization trauma, I don't see how that makes Zutara morally reprehensible. Like I'm sorry how is a woman of an oppressed people becoming the fucking queen of the nation that oppressed her people and working to enact change and better the world for her people not the most badass thing in the world. People act like her being Fire Lady would relegate her to being just a trophy wife and that's just not in character for her at all (*side eyes LoK*). Katara as Fire Lady would be at the center of reform, bettering the world for the Southern Water Tribe and the commonfolk of the Fire Nation and putting stuck up close minded Fire Nation nobles in their place
I think it needs to be reiterated: The Water Tribes weren’t colonized. Katara does not have “colonial trauma”, as one post suggests. The Water Tribes were never claimed by anyone else and were left completely alone besides The Fire Nation enacting genocide. If we are going to discuss “zutara colonization discourse”, then please do it right. Especially if y’all are gonna write long essays about it, given that all that time writing would end being partially for nothing since the thing you’re focusing on isn’t relevant to what anyone is saying.
I think it is imperative for people to listen to this song because I think It perfectly encapsulates one of my favorite Zutara dynamics
Yeah I was thinking the same like I can ride a horse and have done so before but I'm not skilled enough that I could canter or gallop on my own