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We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.
586 posts
The First Is Where Jesus Calls Peter To StepOUTin Faith Of A Boat In The Midst Of A Raging Sea To Safety
![The First Is Where Jesus Calls Peter To StepOUTin Faith Of A Boat In The Midst Of A Raging Sea To Safety](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8236e15780244807dc61b8977c812f98/c1d6763e23e52bf8-04/s500x750/06c4025bb8e1b6e508c2f64ef1eddc557075de72.jpg)
The first is where Jesus calls Peter to step OUT in faith of a boat in the midst of a raging sea to safety towards Him, and the second is where God pleads for people to step INTO a boat that would save their lives from a coming storm.
BOTH involved a storm, and BOTH required STEPPING OUT IN FAITH. The small boat is the life we live, the storm is the passage of life, and the ark is the rescue from the storm once our small boat is overcome by the storm.
You see, as today’s title says, all of us must STEP AWAY of what we THINK will save us and STEP TOWARDS what appears to be foolish, but in the end remains your only true salvation. In both stories, lack of faith met their demise, but safety comes to those that keep their eye looking for their deliverance and STEP OUT IN FAITH.
Friend, in both cases you have to make a choice! Will you step out in faith FROM 'the boat' you 'think' will save you TO the only true boat that really can save you, and that is Jesus Christ? When you do, your eternal deliverance is secure.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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![There Is A Big Difference Between ALIEandBEARING FALSE WITNESS.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6fe4c8ae151542e9d0a9484ed3a1d01d/641cd35146ecc9b0-95/s500x750/2b8f341f07ef462d8bfc4a2c1de90392af8f9233.jpg)
There is a big difference between a LIE and BEARING FALSE WITNESS.
A lie is saying something to misdirect guilt or wrongdoing, or telling a story to make you 'look good,' but when you bear false witness, the goal is to deceive others by making someone else LOOK BAD.
There’s an old saying that says “everything you want to know about life, you learned in high school” - and there is a lot of truth in that! There were always certain kids in power - the Ra-Rahs, Jocks and especially the Journalism kids who in particular praised (or neglected) certain events, people or groups, and in the gossip mill these self-same kids either validated or vilified others based on their jealousy or unapproval.
Sadly we commonly see this today where slander and mocking others that they disagree with has evolved from a sport to a calculated strategy to destroy others or alter people’s perception of times and truth.
Remember friend - God is not mocked for the Bible says:
“ No one is hidden from God’s sight, but All are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must all one day give account.” Hebrews 4:13
We cannot prevent others from bearing false witness, but let us always be careful to guard our words and also the thoughts of our heart, because our grace and mercy depends on it. (Jeremiah 17:10)
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
![Are You Worried About Your Life Or Whats Coming Next? If So, Then Find Solace In Todays Scripture Because](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a3ea585125f11db6833526bf5a9cf31c/c589b3c93882b868-22/s500x750/c4e419d19034bbe2af5d323e03923f28b6b28f42.jpg)
Are you worried about your life or what’s coming next? if so, then find solace in today’s scripture because there is astonishing hope for everyone who believes in Christ! Jesus reminds us that He created the world and everyone in it and He is in control of everything. He promises eternal life to ALL people into his eternal home in heaven and you don’t have to demonstrate or demand anything to get there. Think about that!
While protestors are filling the streets demanding that “BLACK LIVES MATTER!!” - and that is TRUE - from God’s point of view He looks at the world and says THAT ALL LIVES MATTER!! Regardless of what does or does not happen on the earth, ALL LIVES will be in eternity one way or another, and nothing matters more than a person’s eternal state -- not their earthly state.
While there are major injustices in the world, we all need to understand that life here on earth is temporary. Instead of complaining about the unfairness of life in the world, instead embrace the opportunity to show kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness (and above all) LOVE for your fellow man. Rebellious behavior solves nothing and is the opposite of peace. God created man to live in harmony and peace, so instead of “If you Want Peace, Work For Justice,” turn this around and say “If you want JUSTICE, work for Peace.” JESUS CHRIST is the PRINCE OF PEACE and when you demonstrate love towards your ALL LIVES and God, He will bring justice to the world. If we do that, then all lives WILL matter.
So as tragic as some things are in the world, look at the eternal view and not just the chaotic world around us. This world is TEMPORARY but what follows is unseen. It is YOUR ETERNITY. This is what matters.
Friend, fix your eyes on the ultimate security and fulfillment that already awaits you because of the work Jesus did for you on the cross. All lives do indeed matter, but in God’s eyes Your Eternal Life Matters. Work towards God and you shall have both PEACE now and ETERNAL LIFE latter.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
![God Tells Us In His Word That There Will Be Many Trials And Tribulations In Our Lives, And If You Have](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f9531d3fad7d9d0ca5c5803eb5583697/5437c672c5cd4484-84/s500x750/a5bb6e3d85c5a5e70996a4460a4ac9071a133c70.jpg)
God tells us in His Word that there will be many trials and tribulations in our lives, and if you have lived long enough you know this to be true. Sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be a solution to a problem or it may not seem to ever end. You may even be a Christian who prays your heart out to God, but He doesn’t seem to hear you or care what you’re going through. What do you do then?
That’s where the test of faith comes in! There are all kinds of formulas we may have heard about how to move the hand of God, yet God’s hand will move only when He is ready and usually when we have been tested. He is not a glorified butler but He is God Almighty who instead is training His children through trials to trust Him.
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” That is, Hope is the Desire to find the answer to the problem and Faith is Knowing the answer will be fulfilled.
Don’t become weary when you are going through a trial in life. Be patient and watch to see what God is doing in and through you. This is when the Spirit of Faith is operating:
“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, I believed and therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore speak.” 2 Corinthians 4:13
Belief in God and what He WILL DO must always come first, so when you pray for the answer make certain you believe in your heart without doubting that God will come through because having Faith in HIM (and not in OUR faith!) will produce results.
God loves it when His children live by faith, fully trusting in Him and knowing the good He has for you is just around the corner. He wants you to live in great expectation. He is working behind the scenes putting people, things or situations in place for your good. Wait with patience and expect your answer to be His good and perfect will of you.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
![Marriage Is A Great Blessing, But At Times Can Also Be A Great Trial. The Difference Between The Two](https://64.media.tumblr.com/710e38d9cf09678276daa0299fdda943/183c85cd75dd7087-dd/s500x750/bba2ae16c5492b947d52b98b761fa3642df82b55.jpg)
Marriage is a great blessing, but at times can also be a great trial. The difference between the two depends on the Presence -or- Elimination of SIN and there are three simple ways to do this.
First is affirming each other by the simple but powerful words of “I LOVE YOU.” When we pause to remember how special your spouse is and honor them with the same heart and emotion as you did the first time you said that to each other, it is a regenerative balm to the bond of your relationship and refreshes anew the LOVE between you. As the Apostle Peter wrote:
“Above all, love each other deeply, Because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8
Remember…saying “I love you” keeps love fresh and new!
Next, when we sincerely say “I’M SORRY,” the grace of God will fall over the problem and bring a healing balm of forgiveness over a difficult situation. Every time you say “I’m sorry,” it strengthens the covenant between both of you and does not allow bitterness and resentment to enter in. It is like a soothing, cool summer breeze that reminds you that you truly love each other and causes you to enjoy the fruit of restoration and blessing.
Lastly marriage is meant to always 'Be There' for each other just as the vow you made to “nourish and cherish” each other just like Christ does for us. It’s a matter of being consciously aware of each other’s needs asking, “HOW CAN I HELP YOU?” A stable marriage requires us to have open lines of communication with PATIENCE by listening attentively and reacting without irritation. This is something most of us need to work on. There is no other relationship as intimate as marriage and for the sake of it, we must be willing to be vulnerable to expose our heart, to share our weaknesses and to ask for help from each other whenever it is needed.
If you are married (or plan to be) keep these three things in mind. When you do, a marriage full of love for your spouse - and your spouse’s love for you - will resonate with the love and grace of Christ centered between you.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
![This Message Is About As Simple As It Can Possibly Be, Because Both The Title And The Scripture Both](https://64.media.tumblr.com/636a7779a6775f56d216fbd1147aeb08/3035da4703c6cfa7-30/s500x750/c9654b0c94436479a03e2272b009321d208ae1d6.jpg)
This message is about as simple as it can possibly be, because both the title and the scripture both ask and give the answer.
You are a SPIRIT, that has a SOUL, that is (currently) inside of a BODY. While the body will most certainly die, the soul and spirit are most certainly ETERNAL. The question is, where will your spirt and soul be in eternity?
If you’re not sure, re-read the today’s title and John 3:15 again. The answer 'How' is found in the next verse, which is the most commonly quoted one in the Bible:
“For God so loved the world (that includes YOU!) that He gave His only begotten Son, (to die for our sins on our behalf) that Whoever believes in Him Should not perish but Have everlasting life.” John 3:16
What you BELIEVE (or don’t believe) is where you will go in ETERNITY...and where that will be is entirely up to YOU.
To Which “Eternity” do you choose to go?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You