We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.
586 posts
Several Years Ago, I Was Called For Jury Duty. Upon Checking In, I Received My Juror Number, Was Directed
Several years ago, I was called for jury duty. Upon checking in, I received my juror number, was directed into a large room of a hundred people and told to come forward when my number was called.
After almost an hour of waiting, a clerk came in and announced: “Number 153”
Nobody stirred, and I assumed someone was not paying attention.
“Number 153?” The voice cried out again in a slightly louder note, and again no one answered. Then an exasperated cry of “Number 153!” and I realized that I WAS 153!
After I answered the call, I was one of the jurors selected, however if I wasn’t listening or chose to ignore the call, I could have NOT been “Chosen.”
God’s call to you is exactly like being in that room full of people. It’s easy to get preoccupied in this room of life, but Jesus is calling your name. As He said, 'many are called' - but in order to respond you must listen and pay attention to hear His voice.
Friend, this is true for you too. God is calling your number right now! Your name has been selected for heaven and eternal life as you read this, and the question is:
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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'THE DOOR' that Jesus is speaking about here is the entrance to heaven and eternal life. We all have an opportunity to go through that door, but for a variety of reasons some do not choose to do so.
Some say, 'I don’t believe that door goes anywhere I want to go', or 'I’m going to go through a different door', or best (or worst yet!) 'I’ll go one day (…but I have plenty of time.)'
However as today’ scripture says, some will come to the door too late and then it will be closed and locked. At that point the worst thing that you can hear when knocking and pleading outside the door to eternal life is Christ to walk away and say I DON’T KNOW YOU!
Friend, ALL of us have an invitation to go through the door to salvation and eternal life, but if you tarry or refuse to enter, once it closes no matter how much you stand knocking on the door it will remain closed forever. So friend accept Jesus’ invitation to be in eternity by simply asking you to forgive you of your sins. When you do He will lovingly reply, “Come To Me…and I will give you rest.” [ Matthew 11:28 ]
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
We love our little dog Missy, however she’s never really been house trained and as many times that we let her out to water the yard, she seems to decide at random times to baptize the carpet or couch with a touch of yellow to our aggravation and frustration. Nevertheless after a little 'time out,' her mommy and daddy forgive her and she is once again back in our good graces .
Likewise when we disobey God, he too gets frustrated with us - but here’s the thing, His FORGIVENESS is always available to us because the Bible promises us that...
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to Cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ” 1 John 1:9Just as our little dog occasionally makes mistakes - so do we - but it still is no excuse to keep on doing wrong. So just as we forgive and love our little dog over and over again, even more so God will likewise always forgive us over and over again too...and He is even More Forgiving than us! Despite our mistakes and disobedience, He is always there to pick us up when we fall down and love and forgive us.
So if God can forgive US, and We can forgive our DOG, then We also need to practice the same repeated forgiveness and love towards OTHERS.
So next time somebody does a 'boo-boo' on your life...FORGIVE THEM!
Can people choose to step back from 'god', 'christ' & 'truth' even when they experience it first hand?
Three striking examples of this were Thomas, Peter, and Judas when each of them at a crucial moment stepped back from what they knew as true in dramatic fashion.
Although Thomas personally experienced many of Jesus’ miracles, he DOUBTED the miracle that Christ rose from the dead unless he had proof it was true. Peter - at a key moment that was going to embarrass him for being a follower of Christ - DENIED and even cursed the fact he even knew him. Lastly Judas, once a friend in Jesus’ inner circle became a DEFECTOR who decided to align himself with those that hated Christ and all that he stood for.
If you are not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, then YOU are one of these three types of people.
You either DOUBT who Christ is, DENY and are ashamed to associate yourself with Christ, or are a DEFECTOR and enemy of God and all that he stands for.
Friend, the choice to be a DOUBTER, DENIER, DEFECTOR, or instead a DISCIPLE of 'GOD','CHRIST' & 'TRUTH' is entirely up to you.
Which one of these four types are you?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Do you know anyone famous who was born on your birthday?
The famous actor John Wayne was born on May 26, 1907 and died June 11, 1979. Everyone has lived through a June 11th and through all the other the 364 days in the year. One of those days is the day you were born, and the other is the day you will die, but which day is it? Have you ever thought that you have lived through that day many, many, times and never knew it?
So we all have two very important days; the day that we arrive in this life, and the day that we depart from this life. The most important question is; what happens after that second date? Do you know?? If you do not or are unsure, READ ON...
Here is the thing...you have to make a decision about some key important beliefs. For example, do you believe that God Almighty - the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob - sent Jesus Christ to die for your sins, and that believing and accepting of what he did will save your soul?
That’s it...the ball is in your court! You have 100% freedom to either reject or accept Christ. Now when that day of the year comes around and your time on earth expires, are you ready to accept your eternal fate? Don’t just think about it - ACT!
That calendar day will come...(someday). Please be ready and do not delay.
Make that decision TODAY, because the day you ASSUME will happen tomorrow may never come, and as Hebrews 9:27 urgenly concludes and warns all says:
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Being 'Woke' is popular today, but the first people in history that were truly WOKE were Adam and Eve and they fell for the same lie from the same deceptive serpent that like today represents nothing that is good. Once Adam and Eve accepted Satan’s lies they were faced with the consequences of their choice for embracing 'wokeness' — and the same exact consequences that destroyed their world are also destroying our world today.
The first lie is when the snake said, “Did God really say that?” Likewise those that espouse WOKENESS question everything that is true and good and are replacing this with a “NEW TRUTH” that openly rejects what they claim are false traditions of 'truths' of manipulative lies to control and suppress people.
The second lie is the same error that Eve made. She reasoned that because something appeared to be “good...and pleasant to the eyes” that therefore it was OK to partake in it. Likewise today many foolishly think that whatever is thought that brings one pleasure and partake in is perfectly fine, not matter how weird, colorful, or bizzare. 'Life' is as each person defines it, not as natural law, common sense or biology dictates. Consequently in the past what had been considered honorable, holy or righteous has now been rejected as evil or obsolete, and ANYTHING that was previously considered wrong is now perfectly OK.
But the biggest consequence of walking in 'wokeness' is a divorce from all that is good. This means from GOD, from EDEN (the world that He intended for us to live), and from EACH OTHER.
When Cain slew Able conflict between people raged and people were scattered into tribes and became DIVERSE, which literally means to SEPARATE.
WOKNESS SEEKS DIVISION OF PEOPLE, defining people in classes of haves and have-nots, those superior and those inferior and NOT in the bringing of humanity together in unity.
My friend, 'WOKENESS' is not 'new truths' but an old lie from the month of the same snake. Don’t fall for this same old lie which promises a new world order of man-defined justice! Instead:
“Depart from evil, and do good!” Psalm 34:14
In Christ — and in Him alone — comes truth, unity, and pure AWAKENING light.
Will you choose to be AWAKE TO CHRIST or AWAKE TO WOKENESS?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You