Absolute nerdLove music
33 posts
Ghostofnoonesworld - Anything And Everything - Tumblr Blog

Shane: I can't believe there's a cat somewhere in this haunted house. Amazing feeling. Love cats. And he's here, in this house! Somewhere! And I may encounter him! What a treat.

A summary of Ryan and Shane
Shane screaming about the bat

This was the highlight of the episode
Love Survival Mode
shane's just like me fr
One of the best stories
ive watched this video 5 times in the last two days and it always makes me laugh til i get a headache & i wanted it on my blog but didnt find it anywhere so guess i gotta do it myself

#The holy trinity of queer agony

reblog if you love women

Meditation by Yoong Bae
Very much so especially the monthly hyper fixation

There are two types of Vikings fans:
1. Those who supported Ivar in killing Sigurd
2. Those who did not
Honestly so true
Me: watches a new show/ reads a new book/ watches a movie
My brain: alright we're rebranding. You are going to adopt the personality of one of the characters, completely rework your wardrobe, and post about this and only this for the next week.
Me: why? It seems like so much effort.
My brain: ya just gotta.
I always find it funny that dean calls Sam a nerd. But Dean pops off with references to Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, Harry Potter, DnD, etc. So while Sam may be a informational nerd, Dean is a fantasy Geek.

THE X-FILES | 2.15 — “Fresh Bones”
Do you want to celebrate Halloween by watching The X-Files, but don’t know where to start?
Here’s a thread that groups episodes together based on different horror genres 🎃👻👽🤡🔪🩸