Shane Madej - Tumblr Posts

I’m D B Cooper, a mystery man, get me a bourban

oh em gee its db cooper
This isnt a theory this is fact
Ryan and Shane from Buzzfeed Unsolved are Crowley and Aziraphale in the modern year 2019 after Armaggeddidn't in this essay I will......

Who you gonna call?

The Bois are back at it again 👻
I find it interesting that this whole watcher situation has brought out the fact that a majority of the fandom that came over from unsolved massively preferred the unsolved content from their watcher equivalents
And don’t get me wrong, I love ghost files and mystery files, and it’s great that they really get to show off how good their videography and the like is, but the files shows lack the rewatchability that unsolved has.
All of the comments are in agreement that all us as fans need is Ryan and Shane in a poorly lit room, some slightly uncomfortable chairs, and a stained table with something vaguely interesting to talk about and we will watch it.
I think creating a series sort of like are you scared or too many spirits but lower production value, to essentially act as a money making, rewatchable, nostalgic for unsolved series would be a great move for the company financially and for the fans.
I love ghost files and mystery files, but unsolved just has superior rewatchability. It’s like trying to rewatch an intense drama show vs a funny little sitcom
Things I would’ve done if I ran watcher before putting up a paywall
Super low patreon tier for like $1 a month purely for support, like next to no benefits just for fans who want to support but don’t have heaps of spare income
Create a show that was simply to pander to the audience and generate revenue - literally put Ryan and Shane in a room and have them talk about a certain funny thing. Make it super low budget and super unscripted to be extremely rewatchable. Bam instant hit
Not hired new people whilst on the verge of supposed financial collapse
Streamline video making process (what do you mean it took 13 people for one 3 minute video???)
Not start a show with the premise of spending ludicrous amounts of money (esp. in a recession)
Watcher should make a show where Ryan and Shane sit at a table and give out advice/react to situations sent in by the fans. I feel like it’d be so fucking funny and have that unscripted and rewatchable vibe of unsolved
I know it’s not super topical anymore, but like what sort of financial decisions have the watcher team been making that a YouTube channel with 3 million subscribers, Adsense, sponsors on most videos and a patreon can’t operate as a company?
Like, The Sorry Girls have had their channel run as a company for YEARS, a majority of that time with under 1m subs, although they currently have 2.2, and have NEVER made any illusion to the fact that their company is struggling financially. And this is a design/room makeover channel - so arguably very expensive videos to make
I know it’s not a direct comparison given content and location differences (but TSG is in Toronto so still very expensive) but holy fuck what financial decisions have lead to this?
Also go watch The Sorry Girls
I’ve been head empty no thoughts but it’s been a good ride
ghoul boys,,,, it has been a privilege not solving crimes with u

just a few of the talented performers featured in PUPPET HISTORY!!!!
watcher situation overall is so interesting to me for many reasons but if you're personally gonna take anything from this i think it should be that yesterday people were saying they were never going to recover and fans would never trust them again and today people are saying they have one of the best apologies on youtube. regardless of what you think of that it's a pretty clear "even a big fuck up isn't an end of the world fuck up" lesson to me.
My Introduction to Tumblr

Hi everyone!! So I've been posting over on ao3 for a few months now, but figure I should branch out a little - this is my first time using Tumblr, and I'm still working everything out, so go easy on me!
I'm Elouise, and I write fan fiction in my free time. My main project at the moment is a Shane x Female OC Stardew Valley fic, but I have a new multi fandom fic in the works that I'm super excited to share!
I'll do a proper intro/a little profile with more about myself if I get a following on here, but for now, just wanted to say hi and that I'll start posting things over from my ao3 soon while I get used to a new site. And of course, I will be posting on my ao3 still, so if anyone sees this and is interested, please feel free to check it out :)
One of the best stories
ive watched this video 5 times in the last two days and it always makes me laugh til i get a headache & i wanted it on my blog but didnt find it anywhere so guess i gotta do it myself
Love Survival Mode
shane's just like me fr

This was the highlight of the episode
Shane screaming about the bat