ghostreaderwazaa - Ghostreader

Aparezco como desaparezco BOO (Creo que limitaré más mis interacciones, Solo veran corazones de mi parte 🤌)

12 posts

Scenes That Describe The Despair And Sadness Of Seeing Chisaki Crying In Her Last Appearance:

Scenes that describe the despair and sadness of seeing Chisaki crying in her last appearance:

I think many of us know the Fairy Oddparents cartoon, but there is an episode that I especially like because of one scene.

"Chip's teeth" in a part where Chip is interviewed, he tries to communicate even without having teeth, and the interviewer interprets it as there is a child in a well and says he is going to save him.

Exactly that would be me. I put the dialogue that is in Latin Spanish, but I imagine that the dialogue in English is similar (I think).

-"What?! A child in a well?! I will take the child out of the well!"

Scenes That Describe The Despair And Sadness Of Seeing Chisaki Crying In Her Last Appearance:

On the other hand, I would put the Godfather scene, where Vito sees the body of his son:

-"Look how they massacred my boy..." :"(

Scenes That Describe The Despair And Sadness Of Seeing Chisaki Crying In Her Last Appearance:
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More Posts from Ghostreaderwazaa

7 months ago

I met him 3 years ago through one of the people who voiced the character. And little by little his arc in his work captivated me.

Honestly, thanks to him I watched all of Boku no Hero to understand the entire context. But mainly his way of being and his originality in history, design, motivations, hands, voice and quirk in Chisaki made me hate him but above that I also took a lot of love for him.

Furthermore, since we were in a pandemic, he was a refuge to move forward with that and other personal problems, as well as to motivate me with my studies.

If I have to thank a character for his existence, it is him. That's why I also felt very disappointed and saddened by the vague ending and poorly explained story that Hori told 😔.



Since it's been days since we've gotten to see our beloved birdman Kai Chisaki one more time in the manga, we've all let our feelings out about his ending, either you hated it or not. Felts depressed and sad.

I gotta ask all of my fellow Overhaul, Kai Chisaki stans and fans: What made you pick Overhaul as your favorite character/ Villain in MHA?


What made him draw you in?

Fascinate you?

Fall for him so hard, he drew you away from your previous anime/manga husband or wifu?

Where you a manga or anime only before his handsome villainous yakuza birdman came into your life?

Was it is character design? Mannerisms? His powerful quirk? His plan to erase quirks, his serum and determination to restore the Shie Hassaikai into power? His godly voice by both Kenjiro Tsuda and Kellen Goff?

(Pst, honestly, I love it all ;) His man's got my heart is a death grip; even if, he's competing with Trafalgar Law for my attention and affection, and now Dabi.)


Instead of throwing around all the hate surrounding this man. Let's send him off with a bang! Love, support, the whole she-bang, even if, you still high disagree with his actions towards Pops and Eri.


(If every seems out of order or all over the place, I'm sorry! Please be, patient with me, and thank you!)

I've give my personal thoughts on Kai Chisaki, Overhaul. My yakuza birdman husband here! (huge breakdown/ summary, rant about this man; spoilers ahead!) Not like, I haven't been doing that the whole time, I've been on here XD I've talked with other Overhaul/Kai stans and fans on here, giving my two cents, which I love and appreciate to everyone who's talked and fangirled/boyed with me!

Be warned that I might to ramble, and this whole thing might now make sense, or is all over the place, again, I'm sorry! But if you don't mind, I thank you!


I started off as an anime only, and watched on my own time. Even if I heard AFO's introduction, and All For One's and All Might's battle at Kamino Ward and All Might saying goodbye One For All in subbed first; my husband was watching it the living room while I was on my laptop watching a different series. The music drew me in and I couldn't look away, watching the whole battle with baited breath until it was over.

Then I watched the series by myself since I couldn't sleep months after. Cheering for Deku, smiling and crying with hm.

I watch in dubbed first, since it's hard to focus on subbed while having a toddler running around. XD Then rewatch it in subbed form.

Anyways, at the end of season 3 we get a tease of Overhaul's introduction. His voice, golden eyes drew me in, hook line and sinker.


I've always been a sucker for bad boys and I love a man that wears a suit. lol So it gave Overhaul some brownie points. I know it isn't just me! Don't lie, haha.

The fact that Overhaul straight up challenged Shigaraki for the spot as the next King of the Underworld, pointing out his mistakes and lack of motivation once more; the same as Stain had in the previous hard, showing that Overhaul himself had been in the game a bit longer than Shiggy.

Overhaul while insulting the younger villain was indeed asking the right questions. Shiggy had misused and lost his powerful NPC's during the Training Camp attack with the Vanguard Action Squad, Muscular and Moonfish.

He had every right to question his motives.

Overhaul is blunt and spoke the truth about Shiggy's leadership skills, even if it ending with Magne's death. As sad as it was she did attack him first when if she was defending her belief's and the league, she didn't have to die. Compress didn't have to lose an arm.


The confrontation and damage done on both side makes you see that Overhaul is a dangerous man, with an equally dangerous quirk on top of being able to bring someone back to life if he wanted to, showcasing the quirk erasing bullets. We hadn't really seen an onscreen death before then, or at least, not that I remember.

Overhaul is cold blooded and driven, but calm and calculated; he's a man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty when he needs to, despite his quirks drawback and hate of the aftermath.


When we meet him again with Shigaraki at the Shie Hassaikai underground meeting room, and the bits given by Sir Nighteye, it's clear that Overhaul has the means to til the scales of Villain and Hero society, if he was given more time and wasn't fighting against the clock. He still needed more funding and man power to mass product both sets of bullets.

Had he succeeded and gotten away with his arms still intact, despite losing Eri to the Heroes, we might have seen him and the right bullets again down the line, but it wasn't in the cards.


(We finally get to see Kai, our birdman unmasked and his poor man get's done soooo dirty! First it's his stoic and impressive, criminally handsome face, then Shiggy took his hard work, him and Mr Compress tag-teamed taking his hands away, leaving him quirkless, helpless, in despair and he's terrified! Not for himself, but because without his quirk he can't reverse the damage he's done to pop's, he can't wake him up or talk to him again.)

Underestimating the Heroes, The League, and being overly cocky and arrogant played a major part of his own fall. His isolation from others and seeing his subordinates and closest friend as pawns to be used and thrown away didn't help, yet the men closest to his inner circle were indeed the most loyal of his followers.

It wasn't outright said, but shown that Overhaul himself was forgiving and understanding when Chrono or Nemoto made mistakes, he didn't scold them or yell at them.

( If I missed anything in this summary, let me know. XD )


He's a well written character and villain. A man possessed and obsessed with fulfilling his goals, repaying Pops, the man who took him in and gave him a home, a place to be himself.


The way Pops found Chisaki as a boy, alone, covered in filth and I imagine he was hungry, always made me feel as if we were missing something from his past. He wanted more than anything to replay the man who saved him and rebuilding the Shie Hassaikai's former glory and reputation along with returning people quirkless.


Might have saved so many lives who were eventually lost, but at the end of the day, he still choose the darkest route and solution.

If the Quirk Doomsday theory we've heard about and snippets we've seen so far. Different combinations of quirks are getting stronger and stronger, people like Touya who's bodies destroys itself while using his fire. There may come a time where not even support items could save a person from their overly strong and destructive quirk.

Could you imagine what he could have done with his quirk, if he was a doctor?! He could have replaced recovery girl's position as UA's school nurse or even a Doctor since healing quirks are so rare.

Of course, I'm not saying what he did was justified by any means.

Kai Chisaki, Overhaul is practically The Fullmetal Alchemist in MHA without the use of Equivalent Exchange! Yes, he threw away his human name, becoming, "a demon with no heart" as Pops says.


As we see him fuse with Nemoto and Rikiya Katsukame, each fusion he becomes more monstrous, a much more darker version of himself; fulling giving into "Overhaul," his villain persona, not carrying who he has to hurt to get his way.

I will admit that I'm down bad for Kai/Overhaul and his Monsterhaul form, Nemoto version, but the giant monster form, lol


Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Knowing about him being in Dr Garaki's/AFO's orphanage and that Shigaraki has a copy of his quirk. They more they parallel each other so much more after that reveal.

It explains so much about his character!


Kai Chisaki won't flat out say it or address it, neither has Horikoshi but its clear that he was heavily traumatized and abused as a kid before Pops found him.

Oh yes, the trauma bucket! Like our beloved characters in the series doesn't have enough trauma as it is. Let's see how far that habit hole goes for Kai? -_-

The lack of remorse for his victims, justifies his action, manipulative, lack of physical response to violence, deception, and hostel, his acts are usually well planned in advance, irritability and aggressive behavior when provoked, reckless disregard for safety of others - antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.

Lack of empathy, believes he's special and the only one who can cure the world, need for admiration from Pops, his abandonment and self-worth issues go hand-in-hand with his fear of his father figure throwing him out of the Shie Hassaikai with his final ultimatum of dropping his plan.

Out of everything, we only get sprinkles here and there that Kai had done before snapping.


You can see it, the way he tenses and his hands ball into a fists, no doubt, surprised, shocked, hurt even before redirected into anger and violence.

Putting his father figure into a coma, and taking matters into his own hands. Become the villain, we all know and love, adore, praise, however you see him as.

Before becoming "Overhaul," Kai used to get into brawls with anyone who dared disrespect the Shie Hassaikai, and wants to help the boss; protecting the honor of the yakuza and protecting them from being called, "Villains." (Classic delinquent behavior, I imagine he did it in high school since we've seen him do it as an adult.)

We see him wear normal clothes: black dress pants, blazer and purple dress shirt, no gloves and a black duster mask over his face. (I'd honestly, love to see Kai in more civilian, classy outfits! More unbuttoned shirts and all, please!)

Even if Pops scolding him and explaining that they must protect civilians instead of hurting them, the old man still affectionately pets the top of his head and praises him for protecting their honor. Which in itself is a kind gesture, but something I think he took a little too much into his heart.

The scolding for doing something dishonorable, but praised for his intentions has overtime been taken form into the most cold and logical extreme actions.

Nobody can deny that Overhaul's got drip! XD


Overhaul's more professional outfits: the red and gold plague doctor's mask, and white gloves. Borrowing inspiration from All For One, he uses his quirks name as his alias, his Villain name and quirk ability, the idea for his quirk erasing and serum, as "Overhaul", he can kill and wants to change the world.

To preserve the past, he must engage with the present and became a villain out of necessity.

What's the difference?

The differences between a young Kai standing up for his father's honor and the snarling demon he has become. All of it against a world that had clearly outgrown him and the old ways of the Yakuza, but he refused to accept it and to protect his only family and most precious person, Pops.


As we've been in the latest chapter of MHA, without his quirk, without his arms and plague mask, and the last time we saw him. Kai Chisaki, inside is still a boy who wants to make his father figure proud and wants attention and praise.

As Pop's said before he took things too far again, shoving the older man's wisdom and wishes aside, taking action into his own hands, not only crossing the line between the gray that Pop's held against the Villains' and Heroes, Black and White, Kai instead, erased the line and jumped over it, making his own line and walked into a dangerous and dishonorable path.


======= What I missed last minute, sorry guy's.... I'm almost done, I swear! =======

It's clear, that he's smart and well educated, he could have studied as a medical student, read medical journals during his free time or just because he was a huge science and medical geek, we will never know.

My bet's on the ladder, practicing how to control his quirk and for the fun of it. He's the type of person to obssess with something and run away with it, a concerting amount.

You can't tell me that Pop's didn't walk in to Kai's room or living room, seeing Kai asleep on the couch or floor with a book either on his face or on his chest! Or Kai geeking out over a first edition or rare medical journal he found or Pop's and Hari had given him as a birthday present!

The birdman is such a workaholic that he's no doubt forgotten about his birthday, if Pop's or Hari didn't plan something for him!


If Kai is such a health nut and germ, wash your hands after every speck of dusk lands on your hands, then I need to know his skincare routine!

Do you think his hands is soft?

We know he works out from how jacked he is from his back and abs, fuck, I'd gladly claim him like a tree X////////////x


I'm not the only one who wanted him to have those traditional tatts, right? Of course, it's optional and traditional, but come on! I excepted to see the Shie Hassaikai's embalm, sakura or at least, a raven something! Anything! Hell, all three! Well, in my fanfic he does.

Also, Lady Nagant, you lucky woman, getting to touch and dress Kai!


Wish, I could trade places to pamper and comfort this man.

Screw you, AFO, Kai comes first.

I don't care if Kai comes off as stuck-up, spoiled rich brat, a bubble bath princess, narcissist and a asshole. If given the change to rock this man's world and fuck his brains out, you bet your ass I would!

If he could put up with my ditzy, clumsy, sassy, way too honest and smart-ass mouth, then fine. Baby needs to laugh more! I wanna see him smile!


Well, it's almost 2am and I'm going to be. XD If you've had to through my rant/rambling of Kai. Share your thoughts with me... again, sorry for it being too long and wayyyyy all over the place.

Of course, I always forget something...... XD


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7 months ago

Only for curiosity

Only For Curiosity

Just out of curiosity, what would it be like to fuse with Chisaki? I mean, not a fusion where he has control, but one where both minds merge and the rest... will it be Steven Universe type? Would it be easy or difficult to defuse? Would thoughts or memories be shared? Would there be any change in each person's psyche after that? many questions... very few answers...

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7 months ago

Ideas to save my child from the well xD

Ideas To Save My Child From The Well XD

Okay, I was thinking... if they left a vague ending for Chisaki, why not expand it to give him one where he can have his redemption?

Honestly, I have my own idea that I really liked but I have barely developed it Xd, and risking possible criticism... I share it with you but in a good summary :>

Firstly, Chisaki stays in prison for several months, being regularly scolded by his father... Chisaki completely loses his hope and questions everything, and also feels reliving his past traumas of being locked up.

During all this, a heroine and her team (of several) belonging to an agency outside of Japan, become interested in him because of his quirk. Since Chisaki's quirk is multipurpose and quite useful as a counter to the dangerous quirks that several of this agency have.

This heroine visits Chisaki and offers him the opportunity to be on parole, as well as to receive psychiatric treatment and help him in the possibility that Chisaki can activate his quirk without depending on his hands, and therefore recover his arms, taking the risks that the project does not work.

However, unlike Chisaki, this heroine has enough hope that everything will turn out well and that Chisaki can rehabilitate himself and do good for society to compensate for part of his crimes.

And although pops feels this opportunity towards Chisaki is unfair, the latter accepts... and, at first he planned to get his way and escape to plan something with the aim of getting Pops to forgive him, but... little by little he allows himself to be softened by this heroine who shows him patience as hope to move forward... Finally he is convinced and decides to change and truly realize his mistakes...

For the first time, Chisaki feels that he is doing something right... his insecurities, phobias and past traumas are gradually overcome, and although the guilt of his actions prevails, he feels the support of the heroine to do good for the rest of his life, building a strong emotional bond over the years...

We can leave it there, and if the idea is a bit vague, I didn't develop it completely because... I dont know I'm too lazy, but that's the general idea... however, we could add that both stay together in the end 🥺

Ideas To Save My Child From The Well XD

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10 months ago

Chisaki theories:

(First of all, if there is something that is not understood in my publication, my apologies 😭 but English is not my first language)

I'm quite excited to know what else is revealed in the manga regarding Chisaki.

And reading various entertaining and tragic theories about my boy's possible past, I thought... what if Chisaki's adoptive father is some kind of relative of All For One? I find AFO's resemblance to Pops and Eri curious. On the other hand, and perhaps more far-fetched, let's not forget the similarity of the horn of the mother of all for one with that of Eri.

There are many particular things around this topic, and I think that maybe Pops is not a bad person, and knowing what AFO did with the orphanages, he dedicated himself to rescuing children and making them part of the shie hassaikai (except for the precepts of death who It was Chisaki who integrated them into his group, and in a certain way imitated that "compassionate" behavior).

Likewise, I think that Pops accepted Chisaki as he was (thoughts and phobias) because of everything he suffered as a child, and also, despite being disturbed when he found out what Chisaki was planning with Eri, he offered him a second chance to meet the right path, but from there we know that Chisaki put him in a coma.

And speaking of which, what is Pops' quirk? I think it's something that was never revealed. Finally, and being my own wish, I hope that Chisaki does not die and has a redemption by doing the right thing 😭🤚

Chisaki Theories:

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