Mha Chisaki - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

guys like hear me out

Guys Like Hear Me Out
Guys Like Hear Me Out

i feel like if the league didn't fight back against overhaul, shigaraki and chisaki would be like bffs

like they would both be germophobic and itchy and play LoL together

and like chisaki would show shigaraki what like looks cool fashion wise and shigaraki would nOT give a FUCK bc lets be fr all that man wears is black shirts and pants and then he gets a cool black coat

liek chisaki would be the weird-but-still-cool-fashion friend and try to get shigaraki to wear smth more than just black

(they both also have pants that are TOO FUCKING SHORT)

i also feel like toga and overhaul would be kinda silly together bc like toga ACTUALLY knows what looks good and would try to get chisaki to wear smth NORMAL and now a GREEN JACKET with PURPLE FUR but he'd be like ew no where the colour and toga would be like ?????? THIS IS COLOUR

twice and chisaki would be like the black cat and golden retriever type where like twice is always bothering chisaki and chisaki is like hm I should like kill him bc he's gETTN ON MY NERVES but then like twice goes away for like a mission for a few weeks or smth and chisaki kinda misses him but wont admit it when twice gets back

(but after twice gets back and starts bother chisaki again, he notices that chisaki is a little nicer to him)

chisaki also wouldn't fw mange at first but then be like hm you're alright and then they would go from like bickering all the time to just like chill and can coexist in peace

mr compress would be like the silly weird guy in the background, which intreuges chisaki at first but then he realizes that Mr compress is acutally just really theatrical and he's like grrr there's only room for one dramatic bitch and Mr compress is like grr that ones me bc I was here FIRST and they would like fight but its like friendly and they actually enjoy being around eachtoher

and finally dabi and chisaki

they would fight


shigaraki would make chisaki put dabis body back together

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4 years ago

Yo @lavander-cherry here. It took longer than I expected. Hope is not shit.

Yo @lavander-cherry Here. It Took Longer Than I Expected. Hope Is Not Shit.

"Angel?" You hummed, acknowledging his presence on the room.

You didn't know for sure if this was going to be a horrible idea or a pleasant one... well, better now than never.

The man lifted one of his eyebrows at you as he stared you down on your bed reading a book.

"No greetings brat?" He said mockingly, already expecting at least a excuse or even a simple hug of yours. He had a... quite troublesome and unpleasant day, so having your sweet scent and touch on him would be appreciated.

Instead you just blow him a kiss woth a smile and continue on your reading.


He stared a little longer before slowly making his way to dress in his night clothes... maybe when he come back you would be willing to give him what he deserve it.

Yes, deserve it. He had to attire precepts bullshit all the damn day he deserved some comfort reward.

When he came back, he cleared his throat to catch your attention from that damn book of yours.

Honestly? You didn't even know what you were reading. You were just texting how long would your stubborn and arrogant boyfriend of yours would give in to ask nicely for once for cuddles.

That was your plan, and it seemed to be working as you looked from the side of your eye the frow it was forming in his forehead at you not even looking up at him.

You stiffed a giggle of yours and looked up at him, pretending to be confused.

"Already going to sleep my devil?" You asked innocently.

"I pretend to at least." He groaned out in frustation. Maybe if he went to bed you would go as well.

You sighed sadly before closing your book, marching the supposed page you were reading, and getting up on your feet.

"Where are you going?" He asked in confusion but his tone of voice still serious as ever.

"To the living room." You pointed "If you're going sleep I'm not going to bother you while reading this." You lifted your book, showing him your point before taking some steps towards the door.

You heard him sighing in annoyance before he passed through you and quickly closed the door.

"Read in here." He demanded, you again had to hold back your laughter before singing a 'okay then' while returning your spot on the bed.

He sitted besides you and took a glance at what was so much more interesting than him apparently.

He immediately scoffed the moment he saw you were just reading about Kanji. Who the hell read it Kanji for fun? At this hour of the night no less?!

You catched his scoff and looked uo at him in wonder.

"Something wrong Kai?"

"Why. The hell. Are you reading this?" He spoke through teeth while pointing with his palm at the book in your hands.

"This is a old book I have, just wanted to feel a bit nostalgic about my times on school." You sweetly smiled up at him lying.

"You're sick." He said darkly which you only giggled and returned your 'attention' to the book.

"You're the one who plays shogi here mister."

"Excuse me?" He spoke in offense "Shogi is useful to something at least different from that... thing."

Couple of nerds...

"So then you play your shogi, and I stay with my Kanji. Okay?" You smiled up at him, giggling at the way his eye twitched.

He was this close to ripping that thing from your hands.

He sighed a bit more loud than normal, truly hopping that you catched the hint.

You didn't apparently when you only turned one page.

That's it. He didn't even care anymore. Fuck his mysophobia, fuck his dignity, fuck everthing. He needed attention.

He snapped the book from your hands abruptly making you yelp in shock.

"Kai what the-?!"

"Asshole." He groaned, towering over you, hands both on the mattress as his eyes were inches away from yours, making you feel like a prey in his hold and hot glare.

Ah shit. Your plan had gonned wrong.

He surprised you with a sweet yet passionate kiss in your lips murmuring lowly after he gained his breath back.

"Stop reading that useless book." He trailed his kisses to your jaw as his voice only lowered "and..." he nuzzled his covered noze in your neck before miserably falling down in your lap.

"Give me affection." You sweared your jaw could hit the floor from the way it had oppened in surprise.

Chisaki Kai. Overhaul. The man who was know as fearless and cruel, the one who had his mysophobia increased to a hole new level... was in your lap, demanding attention.

Holy shit. You definitely wasn't expecting that...

Your train of thought was interrupted when a low growl came from him as he miserably tried again to catch your attention placing kisses in your covered belly as his hands drawed circles on your thighs.

"Woah. Rough day my love?" You hesitantly placed your hand on his dark brow hair and scratched slightly on his scalp.

You gulped down your 'awws' when he let out a sound similiar to a purr... he had already suffered enough the poor man.

"Only now that you notice?" He asked sarcastically, irritation clearly on his voice.

You lifted your hand slightly away from his head but his own gloved one jerked in their dkrection and grabbed before putting in his head again while groaning.

"Move your hand away. Go ahead. I dare you." He said sternly but not even making you fear slightly since he only nuzzled in you even further, sighing in bliss.

Lesson learned: a touch starved Chisaki is the best thing.

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5 years ago

Hey!How about bakugo and denki (maybe overhaul???) With an s/o that draws on themselfs all the time? thanks ❤❤


look at my non creative ass making this using the same excuse 😐 oh well

My first time writing for overhaul and I went a little overboard 00pS probably didn’t write him right but send me feedback if I did 😔👊

lmao I’m probably not doing any of this right pffft— 💀

anyways this is coming out on Christmas so I wanted to let you all know...MERRY CHRISTMAS and for those who don’t celebrate it HAPPY HOLIDAYS :D I love you all and thank you for helping this account grow!! ☺️🥰


Hey!How About Bakugo And Denki (maybe Overhaul???) With An S/o That Draws On Themselfs All The Time?


— “Stop drawing on yourself idiot.”

— “Oh my god let me write that on my arm so I won’t forget.”

— he watches while you out of pettiness pull out your crayola markers and start doing some calligraphy on your arm in big warm letters saying “STOP DRAWING ON YOURSELF”

— you decorate it putting them dots all over it and add your hero symbol and smiled at him with “Thank you for the reminder, this is why I like you.” and keep it going

— he always tries to hide your pens and markers

— he would blow them up but he did that once and the ink spilled all over him

— you laughed at him after beating the mess out of him for touching your markers

— “My jiji bought those for me, baka!”

— “Y/N...get off me...your crushing my balls...and let go of my fucking leg—OW!”

— “You crushed my markers you mother—“

— he buys you new markers after patching himself up

— you inspect them with a glare “they aren’t my jiji’s limited edition watercolor markers but they’ll do.”

— he just twitches an eye but keeps it going

— jokes on you she bought them cause your jiji bought them from staples lmaoo

— “When you get sick no one is taking care of your bitch ass.”

— “Oh please my quirk isn’t going to make me sick.”

— “Your what—“

— You explain to him that when you draw on your skin it actually start to move and this is how you can plan out battle moves and he’s just

— “Hah. Lame ass quirk like it’s owner.”

— you know he got his shit rocked for that lmfaoo his stupid ass💀

— he can’t even get irked at you whenever you draw on yourself cause it’s your quirk damnit

— sometimes he likes to draw on you lol

— “Hypocrite.”

— “Shut, the fuck up.”

— you made sure to get your soft bakugou pictures in without him not

— it’s very therapeutic yknow you just sit in a t-shirt while he doodles on you and watches them come to life

— hes actually pretty good at it

— “Yeah shitty lady I’m good at everything.”

— “Apparently not cause if you were you’d be good at shutting the fuck up.”

— “OOP—“

— one time while you were getting ready to hop in the shower you happened to glance down at your calf and see an ‘I love you’ written inside a heart

— of course you took a picture of it

— of course you sent it to him

— of course he denies writing it but you know better

— “That’s not my fucking handwriting.”

Hey!How About Bakugo And Denki (maybe Overhaul???) With An S/o That Draws On Themselfs All The Time?


— look at bakagou i fell in love again UGH

— you guys are so bad omg

— like it’s terrible

— “Babe lets draw dicks on your arm.”

— “Absolutely.”

— “I don’t think I like where this is going.”

— honestly should have been the first warning

— he doesn’t really care about you doing it cause he sticks things into sockets

— you draw on your arm

— potato potato oh well not much y’all can do

— till one day he just gets curious as to why you draw on your arms so much and your just like

— “Kami do you not pay attention?”

— “Huh?”

— “’s a part of my quirk.”

— poor pikachu is just 🥴??¿ but you just stare at him and put your quirk into motion

— you think it’s kind of lame but basically your skin is like paper and whatever you draw on it if you wish becomes reality

— he’s still confused until you just draw a detailed apple on your arm in record time and pick it up

— and he watches as it just peels off and becomes real

— and poor boy is shook

— “Here, eat it.”

— and he bites into it and just screams and drops it

— your just like poor apple


— “Yep.”


— “I know.”


— “Should have finished it.”

— “Y/N H-HOW—“

— “Kaminari wait—“


— “How the hell did you say that out loud—oh wait shit Kaminari don’t go stupid—“

— after this poor boy is so amazed at you

— “Draw me!”

— “Kaminari I can’t draw living things.”

— he gets so excited over it

— constantly shows off your drawing skills too

— “Look at what Y/N can draw! Isnt it so cool?”

— “Kaminari I love you but please baby stop showing me off.”

— he likes doodling on you lmaoo

— sometimes he draws the weirdest things while other times it’s cheesy pick up lines that you find yourself reading during a lecture

— he tried to make himself AirPods and they came out looking exactly like the drawing he drew

— he cried in the corner like an idiot while you sighed and Yayorozu patted you on the back and handed you a pair

— damn rich kids wksksk

— it isn’t until days later he comes up to you and asks whatever happened to the dicks he drew on your arm

— you just 🥴, pat his head and send him on his way lmfaooo

Hey!How About Bakugo And Denki (maybe Overhaul???) With An S/o That Draws On Themselfs All The Time?


— ugh his name just gives me the shivers I love it

— also this is my first time writing for beak boy so don’t come after me oOP

— y/n are you out of your goddamn mind

— “Absolutely not.”

— “hUh?”

— the first time he catches you he just takes the markers

— he thinks drawing on your skin is a way of you dirtying it and that’s a big no no

— “You are making your skin dirty, and you know how I feel about dirty things.”

— “That’s not what I get when we’re behind the bedroom doors.” you mumble annoyed

— he just shoots you a look but hides them anyways

— you have to be cleaner than Mr. Clean himself you understand?

— and Mr. Clean is very clean there’s a reason why his head is so shiny and his clothes are so white

— so some time passed and you just continue on

— till you’re playing with Eri one day and she has markers and your just like 😶 cause those are your markers

— meaning one of his henchmen gave it to her due to her either being good or not being able to calm her down

— but either way it doesn’t matter because she’s happy and when she sees you her eyes red eyes just shine like rubies

— “Y/N, come draw with me!”

— so happily you give in and you guys are drawing

— until you uncap a marker and smirk

— “Wanna see something cool?”

— and Eri who doesn’t get to see much is absolutely happy with this and agrees immediately

— so you pull off your jacket and start doodling on yourself and as soon as your hand moves away the drawing on your skin practically comes to life

— it runs up your arm and jumps around and dances almost as if it were an animation

— and Eri is just mind blown lmfaooo she’s so curious to how you did it

— and your explain to her that your quirk allows you to animate the drawings on your skin but only on your skin

— it doesn’t matter because she thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world

— so you happily roll your pants up and let her doodle all over your exposed skin and your both having fun watching the animations move

— till Kai walks in on you both and it’s like tires screeching to stop

— at first he sees the markers and then his eyes go from the box to the paper to you laying on the floor with your clothes rolled up and Eri drawing on you

— poor girl is trembling on your leg

— and he’s about to say something when he just stops and watches the deer you drew run across your arm and hop underneath your sleeve

— your just like “oops 😬”

— but he just stares at you with an unreadable expression and just walks out the room and your just 😐 cause your just like “am I in trouble??”

— later when you guys are alone he just pulls up your sleeve and stares at the deer

— and it’s silent as he watches the deer jump and move around like it’s a normal animal

— your scared of what happens next but he just takes his glove off and gently touches where the deer is

— “Kai—“

— “It’s so real...”

— “Uh...yeah...”

— your just silent as his cold fingers brush against the deer until his eyes just move up to you

— “It’s...incredible. Just like you.”

— you turn scarlet at his words and move to pull away but he refuses to let you go, simply admiring the deer in the shadows of your bedroom

— and his touch is absolutely soothing

— so soothing you end up falling asleep looking into his eyes

— later on in the day your doing some cleaning when your sleeve goes up and you see a soft black heart on your shoulder and you smile softly at it

— “I love you too, Kai.”

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5 months ago

Give a random headcanon for any character

That is SO vague, but okay

Mha headcanon, WOO!

Chisaki (aka Overhaul) has his minions deep clean the shower every time before he showers, and he showers twice a day; right when he wakes up and right before he goes to sleep. He uses latex gloves in the shower, and when he gets out he uses 4 towels: 1 to put on the floor so his wet feet don't have to touch the floor, 1 to dry his body, 1 to dry his private parts, and 1 to dry his hair.

Once he accidentally forgot to shower before bed and he woke up at 4am crying because he felt so disgusting

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2 years ago

Some Au of Good Dad Overhaul :0 from MONTHS ago

Please I'm cringing alot but ignore me please

ALSO the third one is very very inspired by @//meru90 on Twitter and tumblr

Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago

Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago
Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago
Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago
Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago

More sketches I just really like overhaul ^^'

Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago
Some Au Of Good Dad Overhaul :0 From MONTHS Ago

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8 months ago
I Have An Interest In Cherub/guardian Angel AUs. Anyhow, Overhaul Be Upon Ye.
I Have An Interest In Cherub/guardian Angel AUs. Anyhow, Overhaul Be Upon Ye.

i have an interest in cherub/guardian angel AUs. anyhow, overhaul be upon ye.

I Have An Interest In Cherub/guardian Angel AUs. Anyhow, Overhaul Be Upon Ye.
I Have An Interest In Cherub/guardian Angel AUs. Anyhow, Overhaul Be Upon Ye.

also, my shop is officially started—two products are listed so far. i'm also accepting ko-fi sketch commissions, if you're interested.

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6 months ago
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September

PRE-ORDERS for these keychain charms on now open and available in my shop! They are open until September 30th. Please make sure you read the description thoroughly, thank you! Let me know if there are any problems.

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7 months ago

Scenes that describe the despair and sadness of seeing Chisaki crying in her last appearance:

I think many of us know the Fairy Oddparents cartoon, but there is an episode that I especially like because of one scene.

"Chip's teeth" in a part where Chip is interviewed, he tries to communicate even without having teeth, and the interviewer interprets it as there is a child in a well and says he is going to save him.

Exactly that would be me. I put the dialogue that is in Latin Spanish, but I imagine that the dialogue in English is similar (I think).

-"What?! A child in a well?! I will take the child out of the well!"

Scenes That Describe The Despair And Sadness Of Seeing Chisaki Crying In Her Last Appearance:

On the other hand, I would put the Godfather scene, where Vito sees the body of his son:

-"Look how they massacred my boy..." :"(

Scenes That Describe The Despair And Sadness Of Seeing Chisaki Crying In Her Last Appearance:

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