ghoulyghoulsblog - 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗

Ghoular / 21 / Slytherin

917 posts

8 | Making Enemies

8 | Making Enemies

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1657

Warnings: playful friendship

7. Returned the Favor | 9. Boys...

8 | Making Enemies

For Wednesday's session with Dr. Kinbott I go into town with her and Weems. "Dr. Kinbott's office is in the second floor. Other Nevermore students and your sister swear by her." Weems tells her as we pull up. 

"You'll be here until I'm done?" Wednesday asks. 

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Weems suggests to her. 

"Principle Weems, this feeble attempt at binding is beneath you. And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade." Wednesday gets out of the car. 

"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." Weems lets her know. 

"I wish you luck." Wednesday shuts the door. 

"Can I go to the Weathervane?" I ask Weems. 

"Yes, you may." She says so I get out.

When I enter the café I see Tyler working on the espresso machine so I walk up to him. "Since it's the espresso machine that means I still can have my hot chocolate right?" I say with a smile then watch him stare at me, "Can I talk to you?" I get serious. 

"The machine is broke. I have to fix it." He waves the manual. 

"Tyler, please." I give him a sad look. He walks over to the side so it can be slightly private. "I'm going to keep being just yours and Xavier's friend until l know things and my own feelings." I explain leaning against the wall as he leans on the wall across from me with his arms crossed. "I'm not good at understanding myself when it comes to feelings. Others it's easier because it's like reading a book but I'm unreadable. I'm not used to them. Especially these kinds so I would appreciate it if we can keep being friends." I mess with my fingers again nervously.

He sighs uncrossing his arms, "I don't wanna lose you as a friend, you're the first person to understand me. So I want you to know I'm completely okay with with us just being friends till you understand your feelings. But I do want you to know if you end up not feeling the same way, I still don't want to lose you as a friend. My shitty life got a little better when you showed up." He steps closer to me. 

"I don't wanna lose you as a friend either because you seem to be the only person who has gotten me to open up to without a court order." I chuckle some getting off the wall, "And you're also the only one who really wants to get to know all of me." I give him a smile.

"I gotta get back to work, now." He gives me a smile. 

"Go try to tame that beast." I play shove him back to the front. 

"I can't read Italian though." He looks back at me. 

"I can."

"Do you want to help a friend out?" He motions for me to follow him. 

"Free drinks for two weeks." I eye him. 

"I already give you free drinks." He laughs going to mess with the machine while I make myself a hot chocolate. "Excuse me, you don't work here." He looks back at me for a second. 

"Well, you're busy and the only other person working is busy as well." I give him a smile.

"Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" I hear Tyler so I turn around to see Wednesday. 

"It's more of a hobby." She tells him. 

"New to Nevermore, I see." He eyes her. 

"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency. It's four shots is espresso." She tells him. 

"Somebody snuck out the bathroom window." I walk over to stand by Tyler.

"Of course." She looks over at me so Tyler looks between us. 

"Yeah, I...I know what a quad is, but spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have I drip." He tells her. 

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." She says so we watch the man put it down and walk away. "What's wrong with your machine?" She asks Tyler. 

"It's a temperamental beats with a mind I'd it's own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian...And you won't help me." Tyler tells her then turns to face me annoyed. 

"You never agreed to my request so that's your fault." I tell him as Wednesday comes around to fix it. 

"I need a Tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter Allen wrench." She reads the manual shocking him. "Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you are going to make my coffee and call a taxi." She tells him. 

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?" He suggests to her. 

"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a salve to technology." She tells him as he works in the machine.

"Then you're out of luck. Where are you going anyways?" He watches her. 

"That's on a need to know basis. What about trains?" She asks. "Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." He tells her. 

"You have a valve issue. I've seen it before." She tells him as I get myself a snack. 

"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?"

"Steam powered guillotine. Built it when she was ten. We wanted to decapitate our dolls more efficiently." I speak up covering my mouth as I ate. 

"Wait, this is your sister. I should've known that... it's quite obvious now that I look at you both." Tyler turns to look at me. 

"She's the older twin." Wednesday says as she fixes it. 

"Wow. Thanks. I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need to know basis too?" Tyler asks her so she eyes him. 


"I tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, and help a friends family out, how about I drive you to Burlington?" He suggests to her. 

"Perfect. Put that quad in a to go cup." She tells him so he says he can't until another hour. She ends up trying to bribe him with $40 dollars but he says he can't be bought so she just had to wait. She huffs walking to a booth while he makes her drink and I go around to wait to give it to her. 

"You two are similar yet very different." He chuckles. 

"Yep, especially with me being here. She knew I've changed. She hates it. Called me weak for falling into the trap. I promised to keep an eye on her but I know my sister so I'm not going to stop her from leaving." I lean on the counter.

I take her drink and my stuff over to the booth she was sitting in. "You really have changed. You have friends and not just one." She eyes me as I sit down. 

"Yeah, six to be exact then four acquaintances." I eye her as well. 

"What are you going to tell Principal Weems for when I leave?" She changes the topic. 

"Well of she doesn't see me with you; say I don't know anything. If she sees me; I tried to stopped you but failed. If you don't get away today and get caught; say you told me the session ended early to day." I tell her so she nods her head.

After some time Tyler's ex friends show up talking about how we're in their booth. "Why as you three dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asks them. 

"We're pilgrims." The taller one says. 

"Potato, po-tah-to but they work at Pilgrim World." I show her the flyer. 

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She tells them. 

"My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who you calling stupid?" Lucas gets pissed. 

"If the buckled shoe fits." She tells him. 

"Guys, back off." Tyler comes over to us. 

"Stay out of this, Galpin." Lucas tells him. 

"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday stand up to stand in front of Lucas. 

"So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" He asks her. 

"I've never found one that could handle me. Boo!" She scares him making the other two jump in. While Wednesday handles the bigger one I jump in to handle the taller one.

We look at the three laying on the floor in pain, "You still got it." She smiles at me. 

"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asks us. 

"Our uncle taught us. He spent five years in Tibetan Monastery." I look at Tyler, who stood next to me. 

"Was he a monk?" He asks confused. 

"Prisoner." Wednesday adds. 

"Dad." Tyler sees him come in so we all turn to look at him. 

"Tyler, what the hell's going on in here?" He asks him. 

"They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place." Tyler explains so his dad eyes Wednesday and I, 

"These little things took down tree boys? Did you help them?" He asks making us eye him. 

"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler tells him. 

"We told him to stay out of it." I add with a smile.

"Apologizes, sheriff. This one slipped away from me but I see her sister found her. Come on, Miss Addams, both of you, time to go." Weems comes in so we go over to her. 

"Wait a minute, hang on." The sheriff stops us, "You're both a Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He asks so we nod our head, "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing the apples don't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you both." He points his finger at us and stares me down. 

"Okay." Weems grabs Wednesday as she smiles and I follow out waving bye to Tyler.

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More Posts from Ghoulyghoulsblog

1 year ago

4 | Changing?

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2149

Warnings: opening up, self evaluation, confusing feelings

Last: Knock it Off | Next: Conflicted

4 | Changing?

"Don't you usually come in here after the session?" Tyler asks as I walk in. 

"I want a drink for the session." I walk up to him so he makes my hot chocolate then takes my money this time. 

"My dad said a bear apparently killed a woman last night. I over heard it was bad."

"I've been in those woods many of times and never seen anything that shows bears around. And I've hibernated with Grizzly's. I know signs of bears." I take my cup from him. 

"You keep surprising me with new bazar facts about yourself every time we talk." He tilts his head smiling. 

"Gotta keep you on your toes."

"Just be careful out there." He tells me so I time to face him at the door, 

"Where's the fun in that?" I give him a little smile leaving.


"Miss Addams." Kinbott smiles as I come in taking a seat. 

"What shall we discuss today?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. 

"How about your relationships at school. Staff and students." She takes her seat as I yawn tired. I barely got sleep having a nightmare about some ugly monster. 

"Fine by me." I yawn again. 

"Didn't sleep well?" She asks me. 

"Nightmare. Well, nightmares aren't really nightmares to me like to others. Just had this monster in it. Now my relationships?" I motion for her to go on. 

"How many friends do you have?" She crosses her legs. 

"Six; Yoko, Enid, Xavier, Tyler, Ajax, and Eugene. I don't count Rowan, Divina or Kent as friends but I talk to them at times. Then Bianca is a frenemy. We're very competitive against each other." I explain to her.

"And the faculty?" She asks. 

"Principal Weems cares about the school very much. She's nice but you can tell sometimes it's an act. I've noticed she compares me to my mother a lot in a sweet sour tone. Which lets me know she has something against my mother. I'm not close to any of the teachers. Ms. Thornhill is a good teacher. Tries to connect with the students. I like her but sometimes she seems too nice. I feel like she hides something behind that smile." I put my cup on the table next to me.

"How's your friendship with Tyler? Since you only see him when you come into town? Is it the least connection compared to who you see everyday at school?" She sits up more. 

"No, I would say it's the strongest actually. We have similar things we can relate to and talk about. You seeing him as a court order as well, you know what I mean. There's just something about him that draws me to him. There's more to him than he shows which makes me interested. I want to get to know the whole Tyler...both sides of him."

"You've had a boyfriend so you know what's it like to like someone in a romantic way. Do you feel that for him as well?" She asks making me blink at her, 

"No." I feel my heart kinda skip a beat which I hated. "As I told Xavier yesterday, You have to prove you're worth my time. And it takes a lot to melt my semi ice cold heart." I tell her as she watches me closely. 

"Why did you have to tell him that? Does he like you more than just a friend?" She makes me laugh, 

"He was telling me his ex things there was something between us. I told him I see him as a friend and I don't date."

"You think perhaps he might developed feelings for you? Or maybe Tyler as well with you? They're the two boys you're closest to." She makes me laugh, 

"I don't know why they would. I'm not exactly people's type." I take another sip. 

"They might see something in you that you don't see in yourself." She sits back some. 

"That would be odd since I know myself very well." I look away from her. 

"Can you see yourself falling for one of them? Or both?" 

She makes me close my eyes to imagine me with both. I reopen my eyes to see her waiting for a response, "No." I lie to her. 

"Remember everything we say stays in here. There's no need to lie. Today is about relationships."

"I never imagine with Xavier but closing my eyes and actually picturing... did. Tyler lately has been making me melt inside some when he smiles. Hell, Xavier's smile too." I rub my face annoyed with these feelings, "Why can't I be more like my sister in the department of feelings?" I groan. 

"Your sister doesn't do feelings for people?" Kinbott asks. 

"Hell, no. Not even 100% with family. She's very true to her words. Won't fall in love, won't get married and have a family. She refuses to be like our mother." I lean back in my seat. 

"Do you want all that? Love, Marriage, Family?"

"Unlike my sister yes but it's hard to find someone can put up with me, that can handle me, that can match my energy, or at least add to it. Won't judge me for things either." I explain to her feelings a bit defeated. 

"Valentine, I'm sure there is someone out there that will be perfect for you. Look, you finally found a school that understands you and you've made friends easily. You even have a therapist that has cracked yet." She smiles, "So believe me when I say there's someone out there for you. Maybe you already met them and don't fully realize it yet." She tells me and we end our session early.


I walk to the Weathervane thinking about what Dr. Kinbott told me about finding someone. I mean she was right about the school, friends, even herself. Was I turning even more softer being here? Nevermore was really changing me as a person. I was so in my head I just take a seat at a booth and pull out the sketch book Xavier gave me. While being in my own little world I didn't notice Tyler brought me a drink and snack. I guess he realized so he didn't try talking to me.

"You know if you wait any longer that hot chocolate will be room temperature chocolate." Tyler finally snaps me back to this world. 

"Sorry." I put my sketchbook down. 

"Your session ended early today." He takes a seat across from me. 

"Yeah." I drink my drink. 

"What was today about?"

"Relationships at school. Students and faculty. My friendship with you. Is it considered one of the weakest since I only see you when I come to town compared to people at school." I add. 

"And you said?" He waits. 

"I would say it's the strongest actually. We have similar things we can relate to and talk about. There's just something about you that draws me to you. There's more to you than you shows which makes me interested. I want to get to know the whole you...both sides of you."

"There's something about you too, Valentine. You're a very interesting person and when I say that I mean it. I'd like to know the tad unique psychotic side and the unique soft side of you." He gives me a smile. 

"That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me." I smile back. 

"I gotta get back to work. How long are you staying today?" He gets out of the booth. 

"When I feel like walking back. I walked here today because Weems was busy." I tell him going back to my drawing. 

"I could give you a ride when I get off? I don't work long today." He suggested. 

  "Sure." I answer making him smile as he goes back to work.

The entire time till Tyler got off I just drew him working putting in a lot of detail in the background and him. "Okay, and I'm done for the day." He sits across from me. 

"Me too." I show him what I drew. 

"Wow. That's amazing, Valentine. You never mentioned you're an artists." He looks at it closer. 

"Half of my work is really gruesome so I normally don't go around showing it because people don't see the art like I do." I close up my book. 

"I'd like to see it sometime. I think I can handle it with my dad being the sheriff. I saw the crime scene photos from the bear attack this morning. You probably would've liked it." He chuckles. 

"Maybe." I agree.

"Okay, you ready to go?" He asks so I get out and we head to the door. 

"I want you headed home." His dad shows up. 

"I will after I give Valentine a ride back to Nevermore." He says so the sheriff eyes me. 

I've never had a conversation with the sheriff but I knew he was Tyler's father. "Sheriff." I give him a head nod. 

"She's a friend?" He asks his son ignoring me. 

"Yes, I am." I answer for Tyler. 

"Dad, I'll go straight home after dropping her off. I don't want her walking back alone after someone was killed by a bear, that hasn't been caught." Tyler says as his dad looks at me. 

"Unless you want another body in the morgue, I'm fine walking back to school. It would be a good way to go out. I can imagine how it would feel and the horrific screams I would be letting out as it's claws rip into my flesh and it's tear pulling apart my body." The sheriff just stares at me while Tyler tries not to laugh.

"Home right after." He points at his son. 

"Got it." Tyler nods his head. 

"Nice meeting you, sheriff." I wave following Tyler out.

"The look on his face when you started describing your death to him." Tyler laughs as we walk to his car. 

"I could have gone dark." I say as he opens the passenger door for me. 

"Oh, I bet." He says as I get in then goes around to his side. 

"I appreciate this even though you don't have to." I look over at him as he drives. 

"We get to spend a little more time together." He glances over at me. 

"Since I started at Nevermore and we first met, have you seen a change in me?" I ask him wanting to know his view on me. 

"I've seen you have some character development. You're not as cold as you first were but you still can be. Why are you asking?" He tells me.

"In my session today... Dr. Kinbott asked me do I ever see myself in love, marriage, having a family. I said unlike my sister yes but it's hard to find someone can put up with me, that can handle me, that can match my energy, or at least add to it. Won't judge me for things either. And she said she's sure there's someone out there that will be perfect for me. Since I finally found a school that understands me and I've made friends easily. I have a therapist that has cracked yet. So that got me thinking since she was right about everything she said... Am I turning even more softer being here? Is Nevermore really changing me as a person."

"Maybe going to Nevermore has changed you a little or just helped you become a better you without realizing it. You finally find where you belong and feel comfortable being yourself without being judged. Like you found a second home and family... I wish something like that can happen to me. I hate being stuck here. My relationship with my father has been distant since my mother passed. He never wants to talk about her which makes me think he never loved her. I have no other friends. I dropped the only friends I had because that reminds me of the me I don't want to be and they wouldn't be any help to change. Sorry, I made this all about me." Tyler stops his rambling.

"No, it's fine. Remember I said I wanted to know the whole you and that means you thoughts and feelings. But you're right about me finding a second home and family at Nevermore... And having not friends isn't that bad, I never had any before coming here. Like Kinbott told me about people, things, and places for you... I'm sure you'll find whatever that makes you feel better and at home. I can't help you with the whole relationship with your father but I am a hell of a loyal friend." I say as we pull up to Nevermore. 

"You're the only person besides a therapist that listens to me. Thank you."

"Welcome, and never tell anyone I was this caring and open to you or you'll regret it." I give him a glare.

"Cross my heart." He laughs.

1 year ago

17 | Under Arrest

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2283

Warnings: none

16. Rave'N | 18. Birthday, Yes

17 | Under Arrest

All week I've been considered about Eugene in the hospital but I knew he would be okay. I saw it so I had to keep reminding myself and his moms about my powers. This weekend was parent's weekend so I was kinda looking forward to seeing everyone. "There they are." Our father tries hugging Wednesday as we walk over to them. 

"Hi, Father." I give him a hug then our mother then Pugsley. Wednesday goes on to tell them about Thing then they ask her how's it been. 

"Since you've abandoned me here with Valentine, I've been hunted, haunted, and a target of an attempted murder." She tells them. "

Ah, Nevermore. I love you so." Our father smiles.

Weems ends up taking Wednesday and our parents to her office to talk so I spend time with Pugsley outside. "How has it been here for you?" He asks as we sit at a table. 

"Good, until Wednesday showed up dragging me into finding a monster with her." I laugh, "I think you would like it here honestly. You'd make friends easily. I'm surprised I have friends." I tell him. 

"You have actual friends? You?"

"Yep. Enid over there is a werewolf. Yoko my roommate is a vampire. Eugene is in the hospital recovering from an attack. Ajax is a gorgon so his hair is snakes. Kent and Divina are sirens. Xavier is up there watching us, he still haven't apologized for being a jerk last weekend. And Tyler is in town working at the Weathervane right now."

"I can't believe you have friends. What happened to people suck and you will never have friends again since you can't trust anyone?" He tilts his head. 

"As you can tell I've changed some being here. Which still sorta scares me because I'm not used to it." 

"Well hearing what mom says about you and what you tell her... I like this new Valentine as well. I mean you're still the same person deep down just with new updates." He laughs. 

"I've missed you." I lean across the table to mess up his hair.


When the three come back we're told we have to do family therapy while their here. I was not looking forward to that the entire drive into town. In Dr. Kinbott office it was awkward as we all just sat there in silence. "So, who wants to start?" She asks us. 

After some few words from our parents and brother Wednesday stands up with the police file Tyler gave us. "Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?" She gets straight to to point. 

"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man." Our mother tells her. "Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced." She tells her.

"Wednesday, stop." I give her a look because I felt like family therapy wasn't the best place to bring it up because it wasn't Kinbott's business to know all of this to me. 

"Your sister is right. This is neither the time nor the place." Our mother stands up. "Actually, this is exactly the place. These sessions are-," 

Our mother cuts her off, "Doctor. This does not concern you. And I refuse to debate a decades old witch hunt with you right now." They end up glaring at each other making Wednesday tell her she will find out on her own.

"What did happen that night?" I ask my father as mother walks back to us as Wednesday walked away. 

"We will not discuss it right now. It was in the past and your father did nothing wrong." My mother tells me. 

"We have a right to know still. The sheriff doesn't like us because of whatever happened and won't listen to us when we talk about the monster." I tell her. 

"Someday but not now." She tells me.

"I'm going to see Tyler. I'll see you at school." I walk away from them wishing they would just tell us to get this over with.

"Family therapy?" Tyler sits across from me giving me a drink. 

"Didn't go well, of course. Wednesday showed them the police report and demanded to know why our father was accused of murder. Our mother wanted no talk of it whatsoever." I rest my chin in my hand. 

"At least they still went in a therapy session with you two. My father just isn't comfortable talking family stuff to a complete stranger." He huffs. 

"Does he think it's easy for us to sit there and talk about our crap?" I scoff. 

"That's exactly what I told him." He looks up at the ceiling signing. 

"I like it here at Nevermore but lately I use want to escape from everything and everyone. Go somewhere where I don't have to deal with people, feelings, anything..." I sigh doing the same and close my eyes. 

"I know exactly what you mean."

"Let's just drive until we can't drive anymore." I joke making him chuckle. 

"I'm all in but I still don't get off for a few more hours." He plays along. 

"Damn, just ditch. I mean we're running away."

"Well, we need money to run away. You don't have a job so I have to provide for us to do so." He makes me laugh more. 

"I can rob a bank and get away with it. I've done it before." I tell him and he didn't know if I was lying or telling the truth.

 "Really or?" He looks at me. 

"Shh." I put my finger over my mouth.

"Sadly, we're stuck here. Well, I am. You get to leave when school is over." He looks out the window. 

"You could always come visit me. I could have Lurch come get you." I suggest. 

"You want me to come visit during the summer?" He looks at me. 

"Why not?" I smile. 

"I'll think about it. I gotta get back to work." He gets up. 

"I should head back to school anyways." I get up as well.


Back at school when we were all eating except Wednesday because she was still annoyed with our parents. "Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?" I hear Weems and look over to see him and other officers. 

"Mom..." I look at her as Galpin walks towards us. 

"Gomez Addams." He calls out dad's name. 

"How can I help you, Sheriff?" Father stands up. 

"You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates." He tells him making us all stand up. 

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." He hands cuffs him walking him off.

While Wednesday goes to visit our father I stay with our mother. "Wednesday told me she saw you laying a rose on Garrett Gates grave earlier today. Who was he? And what happened?" I ask her hoping she would be honest with me. 

"Garrett was infatuated with me. Took my kindness for interest. His infatuation turned into obsession and he started stalking me. The police didn't believe us because his family were the oldest and richest here. His grandfather was an outcast hater. He was furious that I had accused his only son." She explains to me looking at the floor. "What happened?" I ask her. "It was the night of the Rave'N Dance. Your father and I stepped out. Garrett had broken into the school. You could see in his eyes he had murderous intent. I told your father to run away but Garrett wouldn't stop chasing him. They had a sword fight out in the rain were construction was being done. It was all self defense, he was unstoppable but the thing is... your father didn't kill him, I jumped in to save your father." She explains to me.

"He took to blame to protect you because he loved you..." I say and she had tears in her eyes. 

"Of course he did. I always knew this would come back and haunt us." She sighs. 

"I can't believe Sheriff Galpin arrested father. I know as soon as Tyler says something about it his father will just give him shit for being my friend." I sigh as well. 

"Do you like this boy?" She changes the topic. 

"I still don't fully know feelings... and I've developed new ones I've never felt before until I met him. He makes me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I explain to her making her smile. 

"That means you really like this boy, dear."

"I know but... I'm not supposed to feel things like this. Since I started here at Nevermore, I've changed mother. I care more about some people, I've opened up to others, I sorta care about how others see me, and like being around friends." I make her chuckle.

"You're not changing that much dear. You just feel comfortable here and that's what I was hoping for." She pets the top of my head.

I was spending time with Pugsley when Wednesday told us she needed to borrow me for a bit. She tells me we're going to dig up Garrett Gates then adds the other details to why we needed to dig him up. 

"This reminds me of when you two got your first grave-digging kit. Wednesday, you were so happy you nearly smiled. And Valentine it was the first time you ever smiled." Our mother tells us as we dig. 

"Are you sure don't want to join?" Wednesday stops to look at her. 

"Uh...mmm... No, that's okay, darling. I don't want to spoil your fun." Our mother looks at her nails before we reach the box. 

"Moment of truth." I move for Wednesday to open the coffin.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" An officer walks over to us. "Guess there's gonna be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight. You're all under arrest." She tells us so we put our hands up. 

In lockup our parents wouldn't get off each other. "I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two. Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to." Wednesday tells them and I go take a seat. 

We learned Garrett Gates was dying from Nightshade poisoning before our mother stabbed him. As Wednesday goes to get the finger from our mother as she was kissing father she has a vision. 

"What did you see?" I ask her. 

"The night Garrett died, he had a bail of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school." She tells us.


The next morning we go see the mayor to get him to clear the charges and tell him we know he covered up the truth about how Garrett died. After we got our deal Wednesday and our mother talk about her visions so I just listen standing to the side. 

"Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are. Given my disposition, my visions tend to be positive. That makes me a Dove." She explains to her. 

"And for someone like me? Who sees the world through a darker lens?"

"You're a Raven. Your visions are more potent, more powerful. But without the proper training, they can lead to madness. If I could help you, I would, Wednesday. But we're not trained by the living. Somebody from our bloodline reaches out from the beyond to help us when we're ready." Our mother lets her know.

"Goody has. I've seen her before." Wednesday tells her. 

"Be careful, Wednesday. Goody was a witch of great strength, but her vengeance pushed her too far, and even she couldn't save herself." Mother adds. 

"How are yours?" She turns to me. 

"Mixed, good ones and bad ones." I let her know making her seem slightly worried since I was between two.

I leave the two and go wait for father to be released. "My little fallen angel." He smiles as he comes out with Sheriff Galpin. 

"Sorry about all of this." He tells my father. 

"I don't hold grudges, only blood debts." Father tells him. 

"He's not lying. I did the same thing from the age six to ten." I nudge my father with my elbow. 

"Your daughter and my son have become... close." He tells my father looking at me. 

"I pity any boy who gets caught in her viper's gaze, but he must be a good egg. She wouldn't tolerate anything less." My father smiles at me. 

"He has his mom to thank for that." Sheriff sighs. 

"Tyler's great... He's the first person I opened up to and felt comfortable around." I smile at both of them. 

"You have a great daughter..." They shake hands before the sheriff walks off.

"Dad. I've missed you so much!" Pugsley hugs him as we join the rest of the family and have a group hug but Wednesday just stands there with her arms to her side. 

Back at school parents weekend comes to an end and we say our goodbyes. "Don't be scared of changing because you're still you, darling. And don't be afraid of your feelings. I understand some are very new for you but you'll get them. Don't be afraid to act on them... especially romantic ones." My mother kisses the top of my head going to talk to Wednesday.

"Look at this." Wednesday comes over to me when our parents left. 

1 year ago

15 | Asking...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1518

Warnings: conflicted feelings, arguing about a dance

14. It's Human | 16. Rave'N

15 | Asking...

Enid and a few girls decided we should all go dress shopping for the dance. They wanted us to wear white to match the theme but there was no way I'd wear a white dress. While I went to look at dresses with the girls, Wednesday whet off to see the sheriff. Barely into the shopping I got bored so I left to go to the Weathervane. 

As I walk in Tyler bumps into me on the way out, "Val." He smiles. 

"Tyler." I smile back. 

"What are you doing in town today?" He asks as we walk outside down the sidewalk. 

"A few girls are dress shopping. I got bored of watching them." I shrug my shoulders. 

"For the Rave'N this weekend. It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today." He says as we come to a stop. 

"Wow, everyone is really obsessed with this dance." I shake my head. 

"So, you're not going?" He asks. 

"Actually, I was forced to ask someone because of Wednesday." I roll my eyes still pissed at her. "

Sure, that happens. Who is it?" He asks eyeing me. 

"Xavier..." I watch his whole face change. 

"Got it. Hope you two have fun." He starts to walk away.

"Why are you upset? I literally said I was forced." I make him turn around. 

"I have a reason to be upset because you keep giving me these signals. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this because you were forced?" He looks at me with so many different emotions. 

"Wednesday put me on the chopping block because he almost caught us snooping around his shit. She made something up on the spot and threw me under the bus she was driving. I didn't want to ask him to the stupid dance. If I was going to ask anyone it would have been you." I start to get frustrated. "I told you Xavier was missing something so that meant I don't like him more than a friend." I run my hands through my hair getting even more frustrated. "I still don't fully know feelings because I'm developing new ones I've never felt before until I met you. You make me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I feel myself wanting to cry which I hated was a thing now when I feel super frustrated. 

Tyler walks up to me and stops right in front of me looking down at me, "You make me feel like I'm losing my mind as well." He takes a hold of one of my hands. 

"I'm sorry." I take my hand back and walk away confused wanting to run to the train station and lay down on the tracks.


I just end up walk back to school to clear my mind. "Miss Addams, a gift from your mother has arrived today. I sat it on your bed." Ms. Thornhill smiles at I pass her in the hall. 

"My mother sent me a gift? Thank you." I got to my room to see a box on the bed with a letter on top.

My dear, Valentine. I know the Rave'N will be coming up soon around this time. I have a feeling you'll end up going with a certain person or maybe just a friend. So I've taken the time to find you a perfect dress you would love. I didn't send your sister one because I know she would never go. And if I did send one she would even more think I was trying to change her. Love you my sweet little black rose.

I didn't want to open the box quite yet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I end up calling my mother with the crystal ball to thank her for the dress but I don't want to look at it till the dance. She was happy I was going but I told her Wednesday wasn't going to go which she had a feeling.

"We're going for a walk." Wednesday walks into my room. 

"A walk where?" I eye her. "The woods. Eugene is leading the way." She leaves so I get up from my desk following her. 

We end up at a cave that had the same circle spiral in the rocks. "It's definitely a match. What were you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him. 

"Collecting specimens. This place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths. You think it's in there?" Eugene asks. 

"Only one way to find out." She walks up to it and we go in. We see the floor covered in animal bones. 

"Check this out." Eugene flashes his light on shackles nailed into the wall with scratches marks around it. 

She walks towards something else while I touch the shackles. "Stop! Please leave me alone! Don't come near me! No!" A distorted voice screams getting deeper and their blurry body becomes the monster.

"Valentine, what did you see?" Wednesday looks at me. 

"That's the thing, I couldn't really see or hear. It was blurry but the person who's the monster didn't want to change they were forced by someone." I explain to her as she holds a claw. 

"I need to go back to the shed. I need something to compare this too. You don't look well. Eugene make sure she gets to her room okay." Wednesday leaves us so Eugene helps me.

As I lay in bed after taking something for my head I kept thinking about how there was two people we needed to find. Why would someone force someone into that monster? There was banging at the door making me jump in bed. "What the hell?" I get up walking to the door opening to see Xavier. 

"Did you only ask me to the Rave'N because you and Wednesday think I'm the monster? She heavily believes I'm the monster because of all those things I painted of the monster." He brushes past me coming into the room. 

"I don't think it's you." I tell him truthfully. 

"I don't know if I can believe you." He shakes his head. 

"All I want to know is how did you get the scratches and why paint all those? You're my friend Xavier, you can tell me. I was confused to see all that but I still don't think it's you." I walk away from the door.

"The creature has been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out but I can't. So I just paint it. The recent one, the claws reached out and took a swipe at me." He sits on my bed. "See that makes sense to me." I take a seat next to him. "You're sister doesn't think so." He messes with his hands. 

"Do you care what she thinks?" I laugh. 

"No, I care what you think." He looks at me. 

"Well, I still don't think it's you. I only will if there's hardcore evidence to support it." I chuckle. 

"You didn't want to ask me to the dance did you? You only did it to cover up you two were in the shed." His eyes scan my face so I nod my head, 

"She cornered me into asking you but I'll still go with a friend if you want me to. If you're upset about the whole thing I get it." I let him know.

"I'm hurt you didn't want to ask me originally but I was going to ask you, so yeah, I still want to go to the dance with you." He smiles. 

"Great, because my mom sent me my dress today but I don't want to see it till I get ready for the dance." I clap my hands and he leans over kissing me making me freeze in place. 

"Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." He leaves my room. 

"I just called you a friend, dude." I wipe my mouth as I was left alone.


"Whose your date for the dance?" I ask Enid as we hangout in her room. 

"Lucas." She smiles, "It's to make Ajax jealous." She rolls her eyes. 

"But out of everyone, Lucas?" I give her a look. 

"He approached me to get back at someone too so why not." She shrugs her shoulders. 

"Your dress matches the theme." I say as she shows me her dress. 

"What dress did you end up getting?" She asks me but Wednesday jumps in. 

"She's not going to the dance anymore." She says making me look over at her. 

"Why do you say that?" I ask her. 

"Because Xavier knows the truth that you were forced to ask him." She turns to face me.

"I'm still going with him. And my mother sent me a dress. I still haven't looked at it. I want to be surprised when I put it on tonight." I tell both of them. 

"Why still go with him?" Wednesday asks me. 

"He's a friend still. Have fun doing whatever you and Eugene plan to do." I leave their room to go do whatever in my room.

1 year ago

14 | It's Human

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1639

Warnings: none

13. Outreach Job | 15. Asking...

14 | It's Human

"You rang?" Tyler asks her making Xavier look at all of us then scoff.

"Want the usual?" Tyler asks.

"And help. Valentine, go change. You're coming with me." She tells me so I go to do that.

As I come back out Tyler tells me she's outside waiting for me so I rush to follow her. "So what's so important about this old meeting house?" I ask as we make our way through the woods.

"I don't know but I'm hoping to get something." She keeps it short.

"You know, I would love it if you kept conversations going for a bit longer." I sigh as Thing comes out of her bag. A homeless man back talks Wednesday so Thing scares him away. "By the looks of it... there's nothing here." I look around at the walls that were barley standing.

"No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously." Wednesday tells Thing so he tells her to ask our mother making them bicker.

I walk off as she touches random things to prove Thing wrong. "You two bicker so much." I say as Wednesday and I each open a door getting a vision.

We both see each other confused and an angry mob pushing a girl around from her other vision. The girl ends up being Goody Addams being accused of Witchcraft. We see a whole barn full of people considered an outcast before they set the building on fire but Goody escapes. I wake up and see Wednesday still out before for gets up.

"So the girl you're seeing is our ancestor, Goody Addams." I stand up then help her up. She hears a noise going to check it out but see no one. "Could it be the man from earlier?" I ask her as she looks again but the monster shows up making her back into me.

"Come on, come on!" She runs after it.

"You're crazy!" I follow her as she follows the footprints.

"The monster's human." She looks up at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xavier randomly shows up.

"We were following the monster." She stands up.

"You saw it? It's here? Do you two have a death wish or something?" He looks around.

"Maybe." I think about the positive side of dying.

"What are you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him.

"I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house. It's lucky I showed up when I did." He looks around again.

"We did learn one thing. The monster is human. It's tracks turned from monster prints to human ones." I tell him so he asks to show him but the rain got rid of them.

Xavier scoffs making us look at him. "We know what we saw." She tells him.

"I'm trying to keep an open mind." He tells us.

"Oh, so suddenly now it's okay to have an open mind. Why? Because you're still pissed I don't care what you think because Tyler believes us?" I see a certain look in his eyes.

"Grow up." I leave the two walking alone in the rain. Back in town it was sunny so I started to dry off from the rain.

We all gather, Nevermore and the town, to celebrate the monument of Joseph Crackstone to celebrate his memory. I make a face at people celebrating him but remember Wednesday's plan Thing told me about. I smile watching the rope on fire lead to the fountain. Everyone runs as the explosion happened while Wednesday just stayed and played a song. As she finishes, I stand up to applaud her.

Back at school though we both had to sit in Weems office. "That was a disaster. The mayor is furious! I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents. They want answers and so do I." Weems points her fingers at us.

"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home." Wednesday tells her.

"Miss Addams... you're already on thin ice. Wafer-thin ice." She stares at her.

"I had nothing to do with this. I was with Enid before we all gathered together. I just didn't run away because I don't get scared easily and I stayed to watch my sister play. If you don't believe me, ask Enid." I tell her.

"I believe you, so you may leave now." She says so I leave the office going to my room to lay down.

Ty: My dad is getting on me about you and your sister because of what happened.

Val: I had no part of it... I just stayed because it didn't scare me and I wanted to see my sister play.

Ty: I believe you. I saw you and Enid walking around chatting and taking pictures.

Val: So I have an eyewitness for my alibi.

Ty: Yes, you do. But sadly he still won't care.

Val: I know. Talk to you later because I have to go help Enid pick out an outfit for her date tonight.

We and when I mean we, I mean mostly Enid, spend a few hours going through all her clothes to find the perfect outfit. "Enid, you have been modeling your clothes for hours and I told you the one you have on now is cute." I say laying on her bed with different article of clothes on top of my legs.

"Is this one too much?" She picks up a different shirt.

"Enid!" I throw my head back.

"Okay, this outfit it is. I'm so glad I have my date with Ajax tonight. Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine." Enid rants on.

"What a tragedy." Wednesday speaks up as she types her story.

"What kind is twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?" Enid asks making Wednesday and me look at each other.

"You're going to be late." Wednesday adds.

"Wish me luck." Enid takes her jacket I hand to her.

"If he breaks your heart, I'll nail-gun his." Wednesday tells her.

"I'll hold him down for her." I add as she leaves the room. "Finally." I move the clothes off me to get up and put them away for her. "I'll leave you to your writing my dear sister." I leave the room.


After taking information from the morgue about the past victims Wednesday found a little pattern of the killer was taking parts of their bodies. I felt bad for Enid because she couldn't handle looking at the photos which made her pass out. I told Wednesday to stop showing her the pictures and told Enid to avoid looking across the room. At the moment we were in Thornhill's class and I was dozing off. The starts to giggle making me rub my eyes to wake myself up.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here." Thornhill tells the class so some students get up.

"What you're not going to volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spicked punch? There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz." I hear Xavier ask Wednesday as I get up from my seat to go over to her.

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. I'll probably do that anyway." She tells him as I get to her.

"Or you can invite someone. That would be fun." He chuckles and I see scratches on his neck.

"A word." She gets up grabbing my hand dragging me with her.

"You saw the scratches too?" She eyes me.

"Yeah, I was going to ask him about them but you dragged me away." I tell her.

"We need to keep an eye on him." She tells me.

"Do you think he could be the monster? No way." I laugh thinking about it.

"We can't be so sure. We need to dig deeper."

We end up following Xavier to his art shed so she could find something since he was hiding something. Once inside turning the light on we see he's drawn and painted the monster several times.

"How does he know what it looks like if he hasn't seen it?" I look at all of them as she picks up two papers.

"Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." She takes them with her as we leave.

"Addams." We both stop and turn to see Xavier as we walk away.

"Xavier." We both say his name.

"What are you doing?" He walks up to us.

"Nothing." I smile. "I just saw you come out this way and asked Valentine where you were going. She said to you little private art studio so I wanted to see it. Why don't you give me a tour?" Wednesday asks.

"Not right now. It's a total mess." He tells us.

"We shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. We're not easily fazed." She adds.

"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?" He asks her confused.

"Because my sister here wanted to ask you something." Wednesday gives me a look confusing me.

"No I didn't..." I look at her.

"Yeah... About a certain dance that makes me want to poke needle into my eyes." She gives me a look staring into my soul.

I look at Xavier smiling at me and I was screaming on the inside. "Thanks for the spotlight... Would you like to go to the dance with me?" I ask him.

"I would love to go to the dance with you. Thought you'd never ask." He smiles even bigger.

Neither did I... "Great." I laugh then drag Wednesday away with me, "I hate you so much right now." I growl at her.

1 year ago

13 | Outreach Jobs

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1735

Warnings: fighting about Tyler, opening up more, light flirty

12. Looking for a Clue | 14. It's Human

13 | Outreach Jobs

"At least you choose to be Black Cats." I say as Enid draws on my whiskers and nose. 

"Done. You look amazing." She claps her hands as Wednesday come in to change into her costume while we go out. 

"I wanna take a picture with you." Enid pulls out her phone and we take a picture together. 

When Wednesday comes out she didn't put whiskers on which Enid ends up okay with because Wednesday threatens her. We all take out place in and Enid smiles at Ajax making Wednesday tell her to focus. Xavier looks over eyeing me and I look away from him. 

"What do we have here? The runt of the litter with the second unwanted." Bianca sees us. 

"For the record, we don't believe we're better than everyone else. Just that we're better than you." Wednesday pisses her off before Weems starts the Poe Cup.

As we were rowing the other team uses it's axes making us duck. "I get no rules but that's a bit much." I say to myself. 

When we get to land Wednesday and I run to get the flag while Enid makes sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat. "Later Addams!" Xavier shouts at us after getting their flag. 

Wednesday gets the flag then touches the structure before falling to the ground getting a vision. "Wednesday!" I panicked because we've never passed out. "Wednesday!" I bend down to shake her and get a vision of what see was seeing but in third person view. I come back before her and see Bianca and Divian. 

"She taking a catnap?" Bianca laughs before running off.

"Wednesday, we gotta go. We can find out about what that girl told you later and this place." I pick up the flag running off. 

"You saw?" Wednesday runs behind me. 

"I touch you and saw what you were seeing but like spectating it." I explain quickly. 

We get back in the canoe and pass the Jokers because they started to sink. "Bye bye." I give them a small wave. We catch up to the Gold Bugs but I had a feeling Kent was pushing us away. "Thing..." I get his attention to jump in the water. When he gets back in the boat we catch back up and sink the Gold Bugs letting us come in first.

For when Weems gives us the Poe Cup Wednesday and I didn't exactly like having all eyes on us. As Enid is handed the Poe Cup Wednesday walks off as she cheers. She bumps me to celebrate so I do just for her. 

"Where did Wednesday go?" Enid asks. 

"Walked off some where." I point in the direction she went. 

"You're going to celebrate with us right?" She asks me. 

"Yeah." I nod my head making her more happy. She puts the cup down at a table with the other girls and goes off to find Wednesday. 

"Congratulations." Xavier walks up to me. "Congratulations on losing." I give him a smile so he nods his head with a smile. 

"You looked as a Black Cat. I think you should be one next year." He looks down at me.

I look up at him thinking about how in the past saying I was confused with feelings but what I think I felt for Tyler was stronger than Xavier. He we just missing something I felt with Tyler. I was still nowhere to admitting or understanding my feelings towards them but I know he was missing something. 

"Maybe... It would be nice to kick your ass again along with Bianca." I look away from him. 

"You're still mad at me aren't you." He huffs. 

"You know the answer." I cross my arms. 

"We're always going to fight about him." He scoffs shaking his head. 

"I wonder whose fault that is? You could just stop but you can't get enough of it." I walk off to sit with the girls hoping he would leave me alone and he does.

I spent the rest of the day with they girls celebrating till it was late. "Thing." I see him on my bed and he tells me Wednesday found the book so I go to her room. 

"Where was this secret library?" I ask walking into the room. 

"The statute, you snap twice and it opens. The Nightshades are still a club. Bianca, Xavier, Kent, Divina, Yoko, and Ajax." She motions for me too look at the book, "The other half of the picture." 

I look at it to see her with a man, "A pilgrim with a staff. Why are you sharing an apocalypse with a pilgrim?" I look at her. 

"I want to know that too. This investigation is everywhere. Rowan raising from the dead, the monster, and this book." She huffs. 

"We'll figure it out. Also Enid is slightly upset you didn't show up to hangout with us girls to celebrate." I leave the room.


Outreach Day came and I was hoping to have to work at the Weathervane so I can hangout with Tyler. As the adults pass them out Enid opens hers first, "Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I do have a natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice. What's you two get?" She asks us. 

"Uriah's Heap, whatever that is." Wednesday opens hers making Enid make a face, 

"It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though. Valentine?" She looks at me.

 "The Weathervane." I smile. 

"You get to work with your Normie. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together." She smiles over at him and I see Xavier annoyed and hear he got the same as me. 

"Great... Just great." I throw my head back not wanting to deal with him about Tyler all day.

When we get to the town we had to listen to the mayor, "Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy. Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly... outreachous!" He laughs but I just stare at him. 

"Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!" Weems dismisses us. 

As I head to work I hear Wednesday and Enid trading making me laugh because she would be with Ajax. "Oh Mr. Galpin... I'm here for my outreach job." I walk up to the counter. 

"Then let me show you the uniforms so you can find your size." He walks to the back and I follow him. "I was hoping you'd get this job." He says as I look for my size. 

"I was hoping too and I did. But also Xavier has it." I make his smile drop, "I know. I'm gonna go change to work." I leave to go to the bathroom.

When I come back I see Tyler was annoyed, "How are you friends with him?" He asks giving me a look. 

"I'm asking myself that lately." I agree with him. 

"Not trying to start anything... but you said you were going to keep being just our friend until you know things and your own feelings. So does that mean you really don't know how you feel about him?" He asks as I get behind the counter with him. 

"He's still my friend but he's missing something." I don't look at him. 

"Am I missing something as well?" He steps to stand next to me causing me to look up at him. 

"I'd like to order." Ms. Thornhill speaks up making us look at her. 

"Of course, Ms. Thornhill, what can I get you?" I ask her. 

"A matcha latte with this doughnut." She points at one. 

"I'll bring it when Tyler helps me figure out how to make that." I make her laugh.

As he shows me exactly what to do Xavier joins us. "Didn't know you were working here." He eyes me. 

"Didn't ask me. Now excuse me, I'm learning." I pay attention to Tyler. 

"There you, got it." Tyler gives me a smile so I take Thornhill her order and see her give Tyler a look as he was focused on something else. I was confused but let it go going back to work. 

"What if I do all your work for you? You take orders and take them... and I'll make them for you?" Tyler tilts his head with a smile. 

"Deal." We shake on it.

"I don't like the way he looks at you." Xavier comes up to me after some time as I clean a table. 

"What?" I stand up straight to face him. 

"While you work, Tyler watches you." He steps closer to me. 

"Well for you to know that you have to watch him and me. That's odd." I finish the table before facing him, "Please just stop." I walk away from him going to the back to breathe. 

I close my eyes letting out a breath then breathe in and out. I do this a few times before I feel someone rub up and down my arms. "Why are you touching me Tyler?" I open my eyes to see him in front of me. 

"How did you know it was me?" He smiles. 

"Xavier knows not to touch me... and I know your cologne." I add making him smile more. 

"You know me by smell..." He chuckles, "Just ignore him, Valentine. I know it's hard especially when you're friends with him." He rubs my arms again.

"Maybe coming to Nevermore was bad for me... I hate this new me. I miss the old me. Me before all of this would have done something terrible to Xavier by now. I hate feeling things." I start to feel my eyes tear up. 

"Hey, it's okay. Feeling things are apart of life." Tyler pulls me into his chest to rub my back. 

I was so frustrated in my head I let him hold me as I rest my head on his chest. As soon as I feel a tear roll down my cheek, I knew I have screwed my life up. The counter bell rings making Tyler pull me back some to look at me. 

"I'll help you get through this new journey in your life but don't cry over it." He wipes my tear away. 

"We have work to get back to." He walks out and I follow to see Wednesday.