13 | Outreach Jobs
13 | Outreach Jobs
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1735
Warnings: fighting about Tyler, opening up more, light flirty
12. Looking for a Clue | 14. It's Human

"At least you choose to be Black Cats." I say as Enid draws on my whiskers and nose.
"Done. You look amazing." She claps her hands as Wednesday come in to change into her costume while we go out.
"I wanna take a picture with you." Enid pulls out her phone and we take a picture together.
When Wednesday comes out she didn't put whiskers on which Enid ends up okay with because Wednesday threatens her. We all take out place in and Enid smiles at Ajax making Wednesday tell her to focus. Xavier looks over eyeing me and I look away from him.
"What do we have here? The runt of the litter with the second unwanted." Bianca sees us.
"For the record, we don't believe we're better than everyone else. Just that we're better than you." Wednesday pisses her off before Weems starts the Poe Cup.
As we were rowing the other team uses it's axes making us duck. "I get no rules but that's a bit much." I say to myself.
When we get to land Wednesday and I run to get the flag while Enid makes sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat. "Later Addams!" Xavier shouts at us after getting their flag.
Wednesday gets the flag then touches the structure before falling to the ground getting a vision. "Wednesday!" I panicked because we've never passed out. "Wednesday!" I bend down to shake her and get a vision of what see was seeing but in third person view. I come back before her and see Bianca and Divian.
"She taking a catnap?" Bianca laughs before running off.
"Wednesday, we gotta go. We can find out about what that girl told you later and this place." I pick up the flag running off.
"You saw?" Wednesday runs behind me.
"I touch you and saw what you were seeing but like spectating it." I explain quickly.
We get back in the canoe and pass the Jokers because they started to sink. "Bye bye." I give them a small wave. We catch up to the Gold Bugs but I had a feeling Kent was pushing us away. "Thing..." I get his attention to jump in the water. When he gets back in the boat we catch back up and sink the Gold Bugs letting us come in first.
For when Weems gives us the Poe Cup Wednesday and I didn't exactly like having all eyes on us. As Enid is handed the Poe Cup Wednesday walks off as she cheers. She bumps me to celebrate so I do just for her.
"Where did Wednesday go?" Enid asks.
"Walked off some where." I point in the direction she went.
"You're going to celebrate with us right?" She asks me.
"Yeah." I nod my head making her more happy. She puts the cup down at a table with the other girls and goes off to find Wednesday.
"Congratulations." Xavier walks up to me. "Congratulations on losing." I give him a smile so he nods his head with a smile.
"You looked as a Black Cat. I think you should be one next year." He looks down at me.
I look up at him thinking about how in the past saying I was confused with feelings but what I think I felt for Tyler was stronger than Xavier. He we just missing something I felt with Tyler. I was still nowhere to admitting or understanding my feelings towards them but I know he was missing something.
"Maybe... It would be nice to kick your ass again along with Bianca." I look away from him.
"You're still mad at me aren't you." He huffs.
"You know the answer." I cross my arms.
"We're always going to fight about him." He scoffs shaking his head.
"I wonder whose fault that is? You could just stop but you can't get enough of it." I walk off to sit with the girls hoping he would leave me alone and he does.
I spent the rest of the day with they girls celebrating till it was late. "Thing." I see him on my bed and he tells me Wednesday found the book so I go to her room.
"Where was this secret library?" I ask walking into the room.
"The statute, you snap twice and it opens. The Nightshades are still a club. Bianca, Xavier, Kent, Divina, Yoko, and Ajax." She motions for me too look at the book, "The other half of the picture."
I look at it to see her with a man, "A pilgrim with a staff. Why are you sharing an apocalypse with a pilgrim?" I look at her.
"I want to know that too. This investigation is everywhere. Rowan raising from the dead, the monster, and this book." She huffs.
"We'll figure it out. Also Enid is slightly upset you didn't show up to hangout with us girls to celebrate." I leave the room.
Outreach Day came and I was hoping to have to work at the Weathervane so I can hangout with Tyler. As the adults pass them out Enid opens hers first, "Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I do have a natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice. What's you two get?" She asks us.
"Uriah's Heap, whatever that is." Wednesday opens hers making Enid make a face,
"It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though. Valentine?" She looks at me.
"The Weathervane." I smile.
"You get to work with your Normie. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together." She smiles over at him and I see Xavier annoyed and hear he got the same as me.
"Great... Just great." I throw my head back not wanting to deal with him about Tyler all day.
When we get to the town we had to listen to the mayor, "Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy. Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly... outreachous!" He laughs but I just stare at him.
"Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!" Weems dismisses us.
As I head to work I hear Wednesday and Enid trading making me laugh because she would be with Ajax. "Oh Mr. Galpin... I'm here for my outreach job." I walk up to the counter.
"Then let me show you the uniforms so you can find your size." He walks to the back and I follow him. "I was hoping you'd get this job." He says as I look for my size.
"I was hoping too and I did. But also Xavier has it." I make his smile drop, "I know. I'm gonna go change to work." I leave to go to the bathroom.
When I come back I see Tyler was annoyed, "How are you friends with him?" He asks giving me a look.
"I'm asking myself that lately." I agree with him.
"Not trying to start anything... but you said you were going to keep being just our friend until you know things and your own feelings. So does that mean you really don't know how you feel about him?" He asks as I get behind the counter with him.
"He's still my friend but he's missing something." I don't look at him.
"Am I missing something as well?" He steps to stand next to me causing me to look up at him.
"I'd like to order." Ms. Thornhill speaks up making us look at her.
"Of course, Ms. Thornhill, what can I get you?" I ask her.
"A matcha latte with this doughnut." She points at one.
"I'll bring it when Tyler helps me figure out how to make that." I make her laugh.
As he shows me exactly what to do Xavier joins us. "Didn't know you were working here." He eyes me.
"Didn't ask me. Now excuse me, I'm learning." I pay attention to Tyler.
"There you, got it." Tyler gives me a smile so I take Thornhill her order and see her give Tyler a look as he was focused on something else. I was confused but let it go going back to work.
"What if I do all your work for you? You take orders and take them... and I'll make them for you?" Tyler tilts his head with a smile.
"Deal." We shake on it.
"I don't like the way he looks at you." Xavier comes up to me after some time as I clean a table.
"What?" I stand up straight to face him.
"While you work, Tyler watches you." He steps closer to me.
"Well for you to know that you have to watch him and me. That's odd." I finish the table before facing him, "Please just stop." I walk away from him going to the back to breathe.
I close my eyes letting out a breath then breathe in and out. I do this a few times before I feel someone rub up and down my arms. "Why are you touching me Tyler?" I open my eyes to see him in front of me.
"How did you know it was me?" He smiles.
"Xavier knows not to touch me... and I know your cologne." I add making him smile more.
"You know me by smell..." He chuckles, "Just ignore him, Valentine. I know it's hard especially when you're friends with him." He rubs my arms again.
"Maybe coming to Nevermore was bad for me... I hate this new me. I miss the old me. Me before all of this would have done something terrible to Xavier by now. I hate feeling things." I start to feel my eyes tear up.
"Hey, it's okay. Feeling things are apart of life." Tyler pulls me into his chest to rub my back.
I was so frustrated in my head I let him hold me as I rest my head on his chest. As soon as I feel a tear roll down my cheek, I knew I have screwed my life up. The counter bell rings making Tyler pull me back some to look at me.
"I'll help you get through this new journey in your life but don't cry over it." He wipes my tear away.
"We have work to get back to." He walks out and I follow to see Wednesday.
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12 | Looking for a Clue
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1729
Warnings: none
11. Know What I Saw | 13. Outreach Jobs

Instead of going to the hummers I end up helping Enid continue decorating the canoe. "We have to get back to the woods." Wednesday comes up to us.
"How? Weems has been watching you like a vulture circling a carcass." I look up at her so she glances at Enid.
"You want me to cover so you two can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?" Enid says still working.
"I have beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as decoy. Weems doesn't care about Valentine because she trusts her." Wednesday tells her.
"Sorry. Two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you." Enid tells her.
"Why is he mad? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan."
"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid lets her know.
"Technically, he's only a hand." Wednesday looks at her.
"Wednesday, he's our family. And Thing would do anything for us, especially for you." I add.
"Go apologizes and I'll reconsider helping you." Enid tells her so she walks off.
"That will be the first attempt to apologize ever." I laugh continuing to paint.
"Really?" Enid says surprise. "Wednesday has never said sorry to anyone." I shake my head.
Soon Wednesday comes back saying she and Thing were on better terms so Enid helps Wednesday out. I wait outside of the shed while Enid helps Enid and talks to Eugene. "Let's go." She comes out taking the lead so I follow her.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" I quietly ask her as we walk around looking at the ground.
"Anything to prove it happened. Someone had to leave at least one thing." She keeps her eyes down.
"There was no blood at the scene so I doubt they would leave something accidentally." I say walking ahead of her before we hear a dog. We both look in the direction but I'm grabbed by someone placing their hand over my mouth so I grab Wednesday taking her with me.
When the sheriff and the dog pass by Wednesday pulls me away from who grabbed me and it was Tyler. "What the hell? I never get scared and you startled me." I slap his chest.
"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick on up your scents." He explains to me.
"Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asks him.
"Uh..." He shows is coffee grounds. "Deer hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista." He puts them away.
"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Wednesday says.
"He doesn't tell me shit. You two must think it's weird I'm stalking him." He gives us a look.
"No, we consistently stalk our parents." Wednesday tells him walking off so we follow her.
"What really happened the other night at the festival? Look, I swear I won't say anything to my dad. Valentine already told me she found Rowan using his powers to hold you up against a tree. She yelled his name and he used his other hand to fling her into a tree. Then this creature showed up killing him." Tyler tells her.
"That exactly happened. I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he proceeded to use his Telekinesis to try and choke me to death. Valentine came running and he used his telekinesis to throw her into a tree. That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him." She tells him the same thing.
"You both saw it and it didn't try to kill you both?" Tyler asks so I nod my head.
"It actually saved me from Rowan, probably Valentine too. That's the part I'm trying to figure out. We came out here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that we haven't lost our minds. Yet." She says before finding Rowan's glasses picking them up getting a vision.
"What did you see?" I bend down to her.
"The gargoyle... that was Rowan. He even used his powers in Xavier in a argument. I need to find that purple book." She tells me, "Remember he said I was destined to ruin the school but also said it was possible for you too. If I don't then you do... So you're apart of this too. We need that book." She adds.
"Well, I don't know what purple book you're talking about. I don't see what you see." I stand up then start remember something when I got a vision from him. "But I know where the book is... Sorta."
"Sorta?" She stands up.
"I bumped into him and had a vision of him looking for a book in a library I've never seen." I explain to her and she walks off.
"Bye, I guess." Tyler waves making me giggle some.
"Thanks for helping us not get caught. I can't believe you scared me." I shake my head.
"Sorry, again." He apologizes.
"I'm guessing you two had a shitty moments that made you stalk him?" I say staying with Tyler.
"Yeah. Upset I don't tell him what I talk to Dr. Kinbott about. I told him we talk about mom because he won't." He looks down at the ground.
"If you ever want to rant to me... I'm here for you." I smile backing away from him, "See you, Ty." I wave going back towards the school.
I thought after sometime I was off the clock while laying in bed listening to music but I was wrong when Thing pops up telling me I was needed and needed to follow him. I groan getting up following and Wednesday tells me we were sneaking into Xavier's room to look for the book to see if Rowan left it behind. We wait outside the window till Xavier goes into the bathroom after his run.
"Start investigating." She tells Thing and I.
"So bossy." I look through things.
"Why draw me?" I hear Wednesday say under her breath then flip more pages, "You, you, you, you, you. He's obsessed with you." She looks over at me.
"That's a bit odd for me." I continue to look around.
I hear her find something under Rowan's bed and pulls out a mask, "Lets go." She tells me as there was a knock at the door.
We both quickly hide under each bed. I think I was lucky I wear black because if I was in Enid's clothes, you would 100% see me under Rowan's stripped bed. "You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier pulls Bianca into his room.
"Good to see you too."
"How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" He says not really wanting to see her.
"Not while wearing this. Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once? I came to see how you're doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." She tells him.
"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?"
"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Wednesday. Isn't that what you've been following her like an eager-eyed puppy? Or is there something more? More like not wanting anything to happen to her because it would affect her sister? What do you see in Valentine? You have a thing for goth girls who are psychos deep down?" She follows him over to his desk.
"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me." He tells her and see Wednesday look over at me.
"I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me. You two fight and she will go days without talking to you and you can't get enough." Bianca tells him annoyed.
"What are you still fixated on Valentine?" He asks. "
Because she thinks she's better than everyone else and her sister is the same. I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch their werewolf roommate and friend crumble. It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember."
"I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier tells her.
"My game's already started. I like to win. Is that wrong?" She tells him making me wonder what has she done.
"And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier tells her.
"You used to love my killer instinct. We were good together, Xavier." I watch her take his hand.
"Were we? Is that just how you wanted me to feel?" He makes her back away.
"Trust me, Valentine Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmares." Bianca leaves and Xavier goes back to the bathroom so we rush to leave.
"How do you feel?" She asks me as we head to her room.
"Shut up." I tell her as we go through her window.
"Where have you two been? I'm literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko and Eve are in the infirmary because of a Garlic bread incident at dinner. They both had a major allergic reaction and are both out is the Poe Cup. I don't have a co-pilot or another teammate." Enid paces around.
"It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it. And remember I said I would fill in if something was to happen." I try to calm her down.
"The three of us are going to take her down tomorrow." Wednesday lets Enid know.
"Wait. You're joining the Black Cats too? You're willing to do that? For me?" She looks at her.
"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defy burns in her throat." Wednesday tells her.
"Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid asks so Wednesday turns away from her asking how Bianca keeps winning so Enid explains to her.
Before heading out to get some sleep I grab Enid's arm, "As much as I would love to beat Bianca at her own game and see her pissed off... Unlike my sister, I am doing this because you're a good friend and I said I would." I whisper to her making her hug me. I stand there for a second before hugging her back.
"Thank you, Val. You're the best." She lets go of me excited.
23 | It's Him
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1573
Warnings: death, falsely accused of murder, betrayal
22. You Sound Ridiculous | 24. My Theory

After everything I gave up on what Wednesday was up to and just stayed with Enid hoping to get the image of Dr. Kinbott out of my head. I helped her move everything back into her room with Wednesday since she wanted to go back.
"Why are you with me instead of your boyfriend? I'm sure he would distract you so much better?" Enid says looking at her nails laying in her stomach.
"He's not my boyfriend." I look over at her.
"You want him to be." She looks back at me with a smile.
"Maybe." I say making her sit up and turn to face me,
"You two would be so cute as an official couple. His Golden Retriever energy with you're a Black Cat energy." She says making me laugh agreeing with that. "Where's Wednesday?"
"Probably going to accuse Xavier now." I say as her phone goes off so she reads it.
"Val... Xavier was arrested for the murders. They found Rowan's and Kinbott's belongings in his possession." Enid looks at me sadly.
"What?" I get off her bed rushing to find Wednesday and see the police lights so I run over. "What the hell?" I ask her.
"He had Rowan's glasses and Kinbott's necklace. Not to me the painted her with claw marks across her face just the same as you saw. I'm sorry but he's the Hyde." She explains to me.
"He could've been set up." I don't believe it. He couldn't be the monster.
"Then explain the painting and don't say he saw it in his dreams. He had nothing to say when I revealed it. He's guilty."
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to believe, and my head was killing me with all theses emotions. I slowly back away and go where my feet take me ending up in town to see Tyler.
I walk through the door with tears running down my face because I swore it couldn't have been Xavier. Some one had to set him up since Wednesday was so set on believing it was him.
"We're closed." Tyler says cleaning with his back facing me.
"Tyler..." My voice cracks making him tune to face me quickly.
"Don't cry, please." He walks over pulling me into his chest making more tears come out. "I'm sorry. My dad told me what happened with Xavier. He always seemed so normal. You know, for an outcast." He rubs my back.
"I-I just can't believe it still. I swore he was innocent. I saw him get attacked by his own painting... He wouldn't have done that on purpose would he? I thought... he was someone I could believe in and trust." I rest my head against his chest.
"What can I do to help you?"
"I don't know... This just had to get dumped on top of me dealing with what happened to Kinbott. I thought hanging out with Enid would help distract me and it sorta did because she brought up my calling you my boyfriend." I let out a tiny chuckle.
"How did you respond to that?" He rests he chin on top of my head.
"You're not my boyfriend and she said I want you to be."
"And your response to that?" He asks so I look up at him,
"Maybe." I give him a tiny smile, "Just for the record my maybe means an embarrassed called out yes." I make him smile.
"So does that mean we're official now?" He tilts his head with a grin so I lean up to kiss him and he kisses me back.
"Does that answer your question?" I bite my bottom lip smiling causing him to bring his hand to my face pulling me into a passionate kiss.
Kissing him made me forget about everything going on outside this stupid cafe but it was ruined by a vision I wish I never got. It was Kinbott attacked then the Hyde turn back into himself and it being Tyler. Now you and him made so much since since I talked about Tyler more than anyone.
"Valentine are you okay? He looks at me worried as I lay on the floor.
I just stare at him feeling so many things. This was the main person I trusted with my life and he's the freakin Hyde. But then again being the Hyde... I felt the split personality. I know he has no control since Hyde's are unpredictable. I also knew part of him felt bad about what he does. My heart started to hurt as I just stare into his eyes. I felt betrayed and normally I would get back at him by trying to kill him but I couldn't even think to do that because I fell in love with him. Did he really have feeling for me? Was it a distraction? Was it the master's plan?
"Val." He waves his hand in front of my face making me tear up again. "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulls me to sit up so I scan his face.
"I have to go. I'll text you later. I just have to go." I get up from the floor.
"Val..." I hear the pain in his voice. "What did I do? Please tell me. I love you." I hear him say to himself making me cry more.
"Would you ever hurt me?" My voice cracks before I head to the door to leave.
"Why would I ever hurt you? I could never. I fell in love with you, Valentine Addams." He walks towards me and I don't back away from him.
"I fell in love with you too." I give him a kiss before leaving and once outside I run back to the school.
I didn't really want to tell anyone Tyler was the Hyde because I loved him but he killed innocent people and Xavier was falsely accused. I guess I was still the same messed up me since I didn't hate Tyler. I was hurt but I didn't hate him. After all he had a master against his will that forced him to become this killing monster.
"Tyler's the Hyde. I got a vision of him killing Kinbott while kissing him." I spit out to Wednesday out of breath from running rushing into her room.
The next day Wednesday gets a group of us to gather together to question Tyler. To get him to show up Wednesday took my phone pretending to be me saying I needed him to meet me about why I had to leave in a rush the other night.
"This is the right thing, Val. I understand you fell for him but he's murdered people and framed your friend." Yoko says as we wait for Tyler to show up.
"I know but..."
"You feel slightly guilty because you love him and trusted him. You still wish deep down he's the boy you opened up to." Bianca walks over to me.
"Kinda, it's because I'm hoping that part of him hates what he does since he has no control. I want that feeling I got once from him to be real. I want him to have split personality. And if all that is real that's why I feel bad."
When Tyler shows up I had the guilty feeling as Wednesday walked out confusing him since he was expecting me.
"Where's Valentine? She texted me to meet her about the other night." Tyler looks around for me as the rest of us watch hidden out of sight.
"Xavier warned me and Valentine about you, but we didn't listen." Wednesday crosses her arms staring him down.
"Ironic now, huh? Where's your sister or did you steal her phone lying again to get me here?" Tyler crosses his arms now.
"Ironic would've been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away." She tells him ignoring the second half of his question.
"Wait... you don't think-,"
Wednesday cuts him off, "I don't think. I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions. So she unlocked you. Why'd you kill her? I thought Hyde's were typically loyal to their masters."
"Wednesday, this is nuts."
"On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house. Did Kinbott send you to spy on me? The night at the Rave'N you knew I was originally was going to go to your cave in the woods with Eugene. You warned Kinbott and Eugene probably saw her torching it. Then she sent you to clean up her mess. I have to hand it to you, Tyler. Wounding yourself that night at the Gates mansion, that was a masterstroke of misdirection." She tells him everything. "Kinbott told you to get Valentine to fall for you so she would never suspect it was you. You've just been using her."
"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now? For one; I would never use your sister. I truly fell in love with her. Two; I'm not a monster. A.. And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?" Tyler has enough of her.
6 | Wednesday
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1854
Warnings: family reunion, Wednesday being disappointed in her sister
Last: Conflicted | Next: Returned the Favor

I was to meet my parents and Wednesday then take them to Weems. As I see our car pull up I start to get excited to see my family again because it's been so long. "My midnight." My dad rushes over to give me a hug and I hug him back. "Look at you. You're not as dull in the face." He cups my face making me laugh,
"Nope." I give him a smile.
"Valentine, my dear." My mother gives me a hug now.
"Mother." I hug her back. "Has things been still going well for you?" She asks placing her hands in my shoulders.
"Nevermore is still perfect." I let her know. "Pugsley is going to wait in the car while we go to Weems. So you can see him after words." She lets me know.
"Sister." Wednesday says in her cold tone.
"I've missed your cold soul." I give her a smile before leading them to the office.
"Hello, again Morticia." Weems says as we all come in.
"Valentine, you're welcome to stay in here with your family." Weems lets me know so I stand next to my mother as she sits. "Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day of the week you were born?" Weems asks her.
"I was born Friday the 13th. Valentine and I are twins." Wednesday tells her.
"Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, Wednesday's child is full of woe." Our mother explains her name.
"You always had a unique perspective in the world, Morticia. Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" Weems tells her and I didn't even know that. That really helps with her not like our mother.
"And you graduated with your sanity intact? Impressive."
"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years. Catching up to your sister I see." Weems looks at her paper.
"Yes. They haven't built one strong enough to hold me. I bet this place won't be any different." Wednesday tells her.
"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity. I'm sure she will learn to love Nevermore like her sister." Our father tells Weems.
She goes to say they don't usually accept students mid-term but Wednesday is an exception. "Larissa, and Wednesday's therapy sessions, court orders as well... Will she's see the same person as Valentine?" Mother asks.
"Yes. Two days a week as well." Weems lets her know.
"Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You're in excellent hands." Father tells her.
"We'll see is she survives the first session."
Weems glances at me before signing, "I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm. Ophelia Hall, just like your sister." Weems tells Wednesday.
"Refresh my memory. Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" Wednesday looks at our mother who nods her head with a smile.
"Should we go meet your new roommate?" Weems smiles and we all follow her.
When we get to the room the three were disgusted by the colors Enid had up. "It's so... vivid." Father eyes the room.
"Howdy, roomie." Enid comes over excited.
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair." Weems introduces her.
"You feeling okay? You look a little pale." Enid says worried.
"She always looks half dead. More than me." I laugh.
"Right, you're sister. Welcome to Ophelia Hall." She tries to hug Wednesday but she backs up, Not a hugger. Got it." She nods her head.
"Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to color." Our mother tells her.
"Oh, wow. What happens to you?" Enid asks.
"I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday says making her make a face.
"Luckily. We've special ordered your uniform like your sister." Weems smiles at Wednesday.
"Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule. And give her a tour along the way." Weems says so Wednesday turns to leave and Enid skips behind her pulling me to go with them.
"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcast, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here." Enid says as we walk through the school.
"You can save sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long like my weak sister." Wednesday tells her glancing at me.
"Oh, I'm weak for staying here? I'm not sorry I actually found a place where I feel comfortable for once outside of home." I roll my eyes at her.
"Our parents have been looking for and excuse to send us here. It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan to turn us into a version of themselves. I won't give in like the weaker twin." Wednesday eyes me.
"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up. Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off." Enid says as we walk again.
"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting." Wednesday walks ahead.
"You sisters scare me at times." Enid looks at me because we follow. "Welcome to the quad." Enid smiles.
"It's a pentagon."
Enid just looks at her, "The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene." Enid walks and gives her the run down.
"I'm guessing Scales are sirens?" Wednesday looks over at the three.
"You catch on quick. And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately. Thanks to your sister. She used to date our resident torturer artist, Xavier Thorpe. But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown." Enid says then looks at me.
"I'm still not telling why they broke up." I say making her huff before talking about her vlog is the source for gossip.
"Yo, Enid! You're or not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate. She eats human flesh. Totally chowed down that kid she murdered. You better watch your back. And you got competition, Valentine to be the most creepiest." Ajax show up so Enid steps out of the way to show Wednesday.
"Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." She says making him frozen.
"Ajax, this is my new roommate, Wednesday. Valentine's sister." Enid smiles.
"Wow. So you're whole family is black and white like a living Instagram filter." He stares at us.
"I'll give you a second to walk away." I stare him down so he turns to leave. "I'm going to go see our dear bother." I rush off.
"Valentine!" Pugsley rushes over wrapping his arms around me.
"How have you been?" I hug him back.
"Not the best. Still picked on. That's why Wednesday is here now. She put piranhas in the swimming pool." He lets me know what she did.
"Not a bad idea." I nod my head with her decision.
"Val, dear." Mother motions for me so I go over to her. "Please, keep an eye on your sister. She will try to run away from this school. I'm hoping Nevermore can help her like it did with you. I can tell you've changed finding yourself even more." She take my hand into hers.
"I promise to watch out for her. She's already called me weak for staying here but I really love it here." I say making her smile.
"I love hearing that." She smiles more.
"I love you, mother." We do air kisses before I tell father and Pugsley goodbye.
As I go in I pass Wednesday going out to our family. I go back out to the quad going over to Xavier, "Not bad." I joke with him.
"Now you want to talk to me after walking away from our conversation yesterday?" He continues to work.
"I'm going to keep being just yours and Tyler's friend until l know things and my own feelings." I explain making him stop to look at me, "I'm not good at understanding myself when it comes to feelings. Others it's easier because it's like reading a book but I'm unreadable." I lean against the wall next to where he was working, "I'm not used to them. Especially those kinds so I would appreciate it we keep being friends." I mess with my fingers as I look at him through my eyelashes.
He mimics my stance doing the same next to me, "Whatever makes you comfortable, V." He gives me a smile.
"Thanks." I give him one back.
"I heard your sister is starting today." He goes back to working.
"She's here already. Saying goodbye to our parents right now. Not very happy to be here. I promised to keep an eye on her so she doesn't run away." I watch him work.
"Good luck with that." He chuckles.
"I might not even try." I laugh standing up straight.
"Wanna contribute to this? Might finish it faster." He motions to the tools.
"Are you serious?" I ask surprised.
"Get your ass over here and help me." He chuckles so I join him.
After some time later in the day, I go to check on Wednesday to see how she's settling in. "Enid, gonna be upset." I see her removing the color from her side of the room in the window.
"It's my half so I don't care." She continues to scrap.
"Why are you so against giving Nevermore a try?" I sit on her bed.
"Because I refuse to be someone they want me to become. You fell into the trap, sis. Look at you. You look slightly more alive instead of half dead like you used to. Growing up you've always wanted to give this a place a look from stories while I never cared." She gets up turning to face me.
"I've change, I know that. I've come to realize that over time because of feelings." I admit that.
"See, feelings. You barley used to have any unless it came to family. I refuse to become like you and mother. We have our similarities being twins, but you've always been like mother in some way. It's developing more being here." She crosses her arms at me.
"I don't care if you try running away. I promised to keep an eye on you but I know my own sister, my twin to be exact. I know you don't want to be here. I know you don't want to be like our mother. And I'm not going to force you to change or stay here. I'll do what I can to help you try to get away. I'll do anything for family remember. Especially you, Wednesday." I tell her meaning it all.
"At least you haven't turned into an entirely new person." She smiles some before Enid comes in asking what did she do.
"That's my cue to go. Night Sis, night Enid." I leave their room.
5 | Conflicted
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1593
Warnings: a kiss bc of a dare, confusing feelings, Tyler jealous of Xavier, little conflict over a kiss
Last: Changing? | Next: Wednesday

"Why did I agree to that damn bet?" I groan as Enid goes through her clothes looking for an outfit to put me in for the whole day.
"Because you got cocky with Bianca and lost which meant I won our little deal." She stops for a minute to give me a smile before diving back in. "Perfect!" She shouts then hands me some of her clothes. "I can't wait till everyone see you." She claps her hands.
"Everyone in town is really going to think I'm crazy." I huff going to change and hated it.
"Let me see!" Enid says excited so I show her and she explodes with happiness.
"I'm picturing how I would kill you slowly and painfully." I glare at her.
"As long as you don't actually act on it, picture it all you want." She smiles as I head out while she gets ready now.
"I think you stick out wearing Enid clothes more than your own." Xavier walks up to me in the quad.
"If you say anymore I will cut your hair while you're sleep in the night." I don't look at him.
"Got it." He nods his head.
"My family would have a heart attack if they saw me right now." I look down at myself.
"I'm surprised you haven't broke out into hives." He chuckles so I look at him,
"That's my sister if it's not black, white, or gray." I tell him.
"If it helps any, you don't look terrible in pink. But I do prefer your normal style." He nudges me so I stare at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckles eyeing me.
"Picturing you with a shaved head." I lie to him before walking away to join Enid and Yoko.
"You know he so has a crush on you." Enid giggles looking over a Xavier.
"You really want me to kill you, don't you?" I glare at her before we get on the shuttle.
Once in town we all go to the Weathervane to get drinks and sit in a booth. As I walk up to Tyler he tries not to laugh at me, "Quad over ice." I tell in not in the mood today.
"I didn't think you drank anything other than hot chocolate." He eyes me more.
"I normally don't wear this either but here we are." I say with no emotion.
"Why are you dressed this anyways?" He asks while he makes my drink.
"Lost a bet to Enid." I look over at her chatting with Yoko and Divina, "I have to wear this all day." I roll my eyes.
"I don't like it. It's not you." He hands me my drink.
"Thank you." I go join the girls.
As we were all talking Bianca comes to join us, "Well look at you. Wish you weren't so cocky now, huh?" She sits next to Divina making me get a idea to piss her off,
"Xavier said he like it." I give her a smile and the smirk on her face leaves.
"Let's play a little game. Truth or Dare, Enid?" Yoko asks her.
"Dare." She smiles.
"I dare you to go over to Ajax and put your hand out to him and saying nothing. You can't leave until he gives you a high five." She giggles.
"Really? Ajax?" She huffs so I move for her to get out of the booth. We watch Ajax be confused till Xavier tells him a high five then she walks back embarrassed.
The girls do a few rounds then Enid says my name, "I'm not playing." I tell her.
"Backing down?" Bianca smirks.
"I dare you to go kiss Xavier. You can make Bianca more mad." She whispers in my ear.
"What you don't wanna do it?" Bianca eyes me so I get up from the table going over to Xavier and Ajax's table.
"Hey, Valentine." Ajax smiles as I come up.
"You okay?" Xavier asks looking at me.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." I say before leaning down to kiss him taking him by surprise. Then he took me by surprise kissing me back so that's when I pulled away going back to the table where Bianca wasn't anymore. "Watch out tonight." I let Enid know.
As I sit I notice Tyler glance over at me at times with an annoyed look on his face. While the girls get up to leave I go over to Tyler, "Normally the look on your face is my thing not yours." I eye him.
"When did you start dating Xavier?" He asks while working.
"I'm not dating him." I laugh.
"Why did you kiss him then?" He turns to face me.
"Because it was a dare to piss off Bianca. I couldn't turn down that opportunity. Especially with her being his ex and me being one reason they broke up." I explain to him before get annoyed with how he was acting, "Why do you care if I kiss him anyways?" I cross my arms.
"Why do I care? For starters the dude hates me." He walks to the side so I follow him,
"I can't kiss because he hates you... That makes perfect sense, Tyler. That has nothing to deal with me." I let out a breathy chuckle.
"You give mixed signals, you know. that" He stands in front of me.
"Mixed signals? I'm being nice to you-,"
He cuts me off, "So for the past months you've only been nice to me as a friend?" He stares me down.
"Tyler... you know it's not easy for me." I start to feel conflicted.
"Val, you're gonna miss the bus." Enid rushes in grabbing my hand dragging me out. "You okay? You look worse than your normal self." She sits next to me.
"I'm confused about things." I look out the window.
"Well you can talk to Dr. Kinbott in your session tomorrow." She gives me a smile.
Back at school Weems wanted to see me in her office, "I didn't do anything." I sigh walking into her office.
"You're not in trouble Miss Addams. I have some news to give to you." She smiles as I take a seat in front of her.
"Good or bad?" I tilt my head some.
"I believe you you'll fine it as good news. Starting tomorrow, your sister will be starting at Nevermore. So tomorrow your session with Dr. Kinbott is cancelled. She thought it would be nice for you to spend the day with your sister and see your family. Plus she's reading up on her as well since she'll be seeing her on different days." She explains to me and didn't know how to feel. Apparently I don't know anything today...was it Enid's outfit clouding my mind or what?
"Guess my parents had no other opinions. I know she's not thrilled whatsoever."
"I'm putting her in Ophelia Hall as well. She'll be roommates with Enid." She adds.
"Oh, she's really going to hate it here." I laugh before she lets me go.
"Hey." Xavier walks up to me.
"Great." I groan, "Enid dared me." I walk past him to go out to the woods and he was still following.
"You did it to piss off Bianca." He walks next to me.
"Precisely, Thorpe." I glance over at him.
"I know you wanna ask me." He chuckles.
"Why don't you just tell me? Why make me ask?" I stop walking to turn to face him.
"I know it was a dare. It was obvious because of Enid earlier." He puts his hands in his pockets.
"Then why did you kiss me back?" I ask like he wanted me to.
"To piss Tyler off like you did with Bianca. I knew he was watching. His eyes are always glued to you when you're in there." He says keeping eye contact with me.
"I get it you both hate each other but why kiss me to piss him off?" I ask annoyed I was doing this with him now.
"Don't play dumb Valentine. You aren't blind. He likes you more than just a friend." He raises his voice some.
"Yeah, I kinda know that... but why do you..." I start to think why he has a problem with Tyler liking me other than just hating him from what he did to him. "Xavier..." I sigh thinking I get why, "You boys are killing me." I turn walking away going to my dorm to change to give Enid her clothes back.
"Here." I toss the clothes in with her other dirty clothes.
"Talk to me, Val. You look hurt." She pats the spot on her bed next to her so I sit down,
"No vlogging." I put my pinky out to her so she promises taking in with hers. "I never thought I would have boy trouble in my life." I lay back.
"Boy talk!" She gets excited, "Tell me everything. Tyler? Xavier?" She shakes my arm.
"Both." I groan causing her to gasp,
"Both? More details, girl." She shakes me more.
"Tyler said I'm giving mixed signals. And Xavier kissed me back during the dare." I sit back up.
"Who do you like?" She asks me. "Both... I think. Yes, I understand feelings and can read them but when it comes to me and my feelings... I don't know shit. It takes time." I throw myself back.
"Then just keep being their friend until you know your feelings. You're going through some self changes so take time." She rubs my arm.
"Thanks for being a good friend, Enid."

15 | Asking...
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1518
Warnings: conflicted feelings, arguing about a dance
14. It's Human | 16. Rave'N

Enid and a few girls decided we should all go dress shopping for the dance. They wanted us to wear white to match the theme but there was no way I'd wear a white dress. While I went to look at dresses with the girls, Wednesday whet off to see the sheriff. Barely into the shopping I got bored so I left to go to the Weathervane.
As I walk in Tyler bumps into me on the way out, "Val." He smiles.
"Tyler." I smile back.
"What are you doing in town today?" He asks as we walk outside down the sidewalk.
"A few girls are dress shopping. I got bored of watching them." I shrug my shoulders.
"For the Rave'N this weekend. It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today." He says as we come to a stop.
"Wow, everyone is really obsessed with this dance." I shake my head.
"So, you're not going?" He asks.
"Actually, I was forced to ask someone because of Wednesday." I roll my eyes still pissed at her. "
Sure, that happens. Who is it?" He asks eyeing me.
"Xavier..." I watch his whole face change.
"Got it. Hope you two have fun." He starts to walk away.
"Why are you upset? I literally said I was forced." I make him turn around.
"I have a reason to be upset because you keep giving me these signals. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this because you were forced?" He looks at me with so many different emotions.
"Wednesday put me on the chopping block because he almost caught us snooping around his shit. She made something up on the spot and threw me under the bus she was driving. I didn't want to ask him to the stupid dance. If I was going to ask anyone it would have been you." I start to get frustrated. "I told you Xavier was missing something so that meant I don't like him more than a friend." I run my hands through my hair getting even more frustrated. "I still don't fully know feelings because I'm developing new ones I've never felt before until I met you. You make me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I feel myself wanting to cry which I hated was a thing now when I feel super frustrated.
Tyler walks up to me and stops right in front of me looking down at me, "You make me feel like I'm losing my mind as well." He takes a hold of one of my hands.
"I'm sorry." I take my hand back and walk away confused wanting to run to the train station and lay down on the tracks.
I just end up walk back to school to clear my mind. "Miss Addams, a gift from your mother has arrived today. I sat it on your bed." Ms. Thornhill smiles at I pass her in the hall.
"My mother sent me a gift? Thank you." I got to my room to see a box on the bed with a letter on top.
My dear, Valentine. I know the Rave'N will be coming up soon around this time. I have a feeling you'll end up going with a certain person or maybe just a friend. So I've taken the time to find you a perfect dress you would love. I didn't send your sister one because I know she would never go. And if I did send one she would even more think I was trying to change her. Love you my sweet little black rose.
I didn't want to open the box quite yet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I end up calling my mother with the crystal ball to thank her for the dress but I don't want to look at it till the dance. She was happy I was going but I told her Wednesday wasn't going to go which she had a feeling.
"We're going for a walk." Wednesday walks into my room.
"A walk where?" I eye her. "The woods. Eugene is leading the way." She leaves so I get up from my desk following her.
We end up at a cave that had the same circle spiral in the rocks. "It's definitely a match. What were you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him.
"Collecting specimens. This place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths. You think it's in there?" Eugene asks.
"Only one way to find out." She walks up to it and we go in. We see the floor covered in animal bones.
"Check this out." Eugene flashes his light on shackles nailed into the wall with scratches marks around it.
She walks towards something else while I touch the shackles. "Stop! Please leave me alone! Don't come near me! No!" A distorted voice screams getting deeper and their blurry body becomes the monster.
"Valentine, what did you see?" Wednesday looks at me.
"That's the thing, I couldn't really see or hear. It was blurry but the person who's the monster didn't want to change they were forced by someone." I explain to her as she holds a claw.
"I need to go back to the shed. I need something to compare this too. You don't look well. Eugene make sure she gets to her room okay." Wednesday leaves us so Eugene helps me.
As I lay in bed after taking something for my head I kept thinking about how there was two people we needed to find. Why would someone force someone into that monster? There was banging at the door making me jump in bed. "What the hell?" I get up walking to the door opening to see Xavier.
"Did you only ask me to the Rave'N because you and Wednesday think I'm the monster? She heavily believes I'm the monster because of all those things I painted of the monster." He brushes past me coming into the room.
"I don't think it's you." I tell him truthfully.
"I don't know if I can believe you." He shakes his head.
"All I want to know is how did you get the scratches and why paint all those? You're my friend Xavier, you can tell me. I was confused to see all that but I still don't think it's you." I walk away from the door.
"The creature has been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out but I can't. So I just paint it. The recent one, the claws reached out and took a swipe at me." He sits on my bed. "See that makes sense to me." I take a seat next to him. "You're sister doesn't think so." He messes with his hands.
"Do you care what she thinks?" I laugh.
"No, I care what you think." He looks at me.
"Well, I still don't think it's you. I only will if there's hardcore evidence to support it." I chuckle.
"You didn't want to ask me to the dance did you? You only did it to cover up you two were in the shed." His eyes scan my face so I nod my head,
"She cornered me into asking you but I'll still go with a friend if you want me to. If you're upset about the whole thing I get it." I let him know.
"I'm hurt you didn't want to ask me originally but I was going to ask you, so yeah, I still want to go to the dance with you." He smiles.
"Great, because my mom sent me my dress today but I don't want to see it till I get ready for the dance." I clap my hands and he leans over kissing me making me freeze in place.
"Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." He leaves my room.
"I just called you a friend, dude." I wipe my mouth as I was left alone.
"Whose your date for the dance?" I ask Enid as we hangout in her room.
"Lucas." She smiles, "It's to make Ajax jealous." She rolls her eyes.
"But out of everyone, Lucas?" I give her a look.
"He approached me to get back at someone too so why not." She shrugs her shoulders.
"Your dress matches the theme." I say as she shows me her dress.
"What dress did you end up getting?" She asks me but Wednesday jumps in.
"She's not going to the dance anymore." She says making me look over at her.
"Why do you say that?" I ask her.
"Because Xavier knows the truth that you were forced to ask him." She turns to face me.
"I'm still going with him. And my mother sent me a dress. I still haven't looked at it. I want to be surprised when I put it on tonight." I tell both of them.
"Why still go with him?" Wednesday asks me.
"He's a friend still. Have fun doing whatever you and Eugene plan to do." I leave their room to go do whatever in my room.