Rayn ✘↑18 aro/ace non binary [any pronouns]Chronicically sleep deprived + headache + BPD
782 posts
I Also Picked Up Debris Because Of You! Really Enjoying It So Far :D
I also picked up debris because of you! Really enjoying it so far :D
Happy to hear you're enjoying it!!
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boyfriend’s hoodie. or something.
dunno am too sleep deprived to think [6-8 hrs in 3 days heh] to think. words are kinda just appearing. am going to bed.
wouldve sent this sooner but I fell asleep, but what are your roommate's cats names? what are they like?
gonna be honest reason for answer being so late is same, was tired.
The longer one is Oreo and kinda never learned or got down a name for the one curled up so call her either Mocha or Squeakers [she'll meow so fast she cuts herself off]. Oh man theyre both really talkative and affectionate, the kind you could wink at from across the room and they'd run over meowing. It can be a bit much at times when you need to get out of bed but someone's laying on your arm and hes very vocal about not wanting that to change heh
while we are on the topic, what's your interpretation of what happened during the endings of Mikan Muzou? 👀
Soutarou was taking life stuff pretty hard, it really got to his head [am so sorry, am a horrible person for this 。◠⸜⸝◠。]
obv spoiler warnings
Brief general theory about Soutarou: He was in some way involved in the death of the girl seen on in the slums [refuses to use more violent/gross effects in her area + the two knew each other based on there being childlike chalk drawings. Theorize she was the child of the woman that appears in the ending; one possibility is the two were a couple and thus the little girl was Sou's daughter.]. This haunts him and he has a guilty conscious [jail area, 'binding effects' such as the chains and case] which is why he refuses to go outside, or is afraid of facing the consequences of his actions.
Ending 1: He finally gets courage to go outside. Not a whole lot going on with this one.
Ending 2: Same as 1 except when doing so is confronted by someone that makes him break down.
Ending 3: Gonna be honest here, have absolutely no idea what to make of this. He is confronted while attempting to leave, panics, and tries to escape punishment by jumping [either by suicide or maybe hoping to make fall and get away as he seems hesitant, leaning more towards first one tho]. The woman had tracked him down seeking revenge for the little girl and ???? am thoroughly perplexed by this one. Since the woman doesn't have a weapon maybe she tried to help him but he snapped, 'swallowed his guilt', and went on a rampage hence tentacle things. Dunno, watched it several times and it's just, "Um, what just happened??????" every time.
True Ending: Same for 3 except this time the woman is truly coming to make sure he's dead and pays for crimes.
Interesting thing to note is while the bgm in Debris have more creative names Mikan Muzou's is mostly just "oto". Except the song that plays for the ending is titled Salvation which really makes it stand out. Believe it is named this as Soutarou is absolved of guilt and can rest as is crimes are paid for, granted it did cost his life. It could also be the woman finally feels relief for same reason.
irrelevant but in Debris's bgm folder there's a 4 minute long song called kaiteiremix thats a remix/mix of the underwater songs and it is really good. Salvation is 2:24 and also a good song, it really fits Soutarou's character and the overall mood of the game.
silly au scenario thats been goin through head pertaining to whole tatsuki/soutarou thing but don’t have mental capacity to put it on canvas atm. 99% sure its been mentioned on here but have loose feel-good lighthearted concept of an au where Lefia’s a real person and Tats moves in with Sou.
Nate’s [blonde chaser from MM] chatting with someone who’s also friends with the two dreamers and doing the whole, “Come to think of it, have you ever seen the two in the same room together?” Conversation partner’s just, “...Do you really think they’re the same person? Are you serious.” Bit of back n forth banter of same nature and on cue Sou n Tats walk into room arguing about something stupid [personally imagine Tats commenting on how doll absolutely looks like Lefia and Sou retorting that he’s not judging them for that, he’s judging how they spent 30 minutes trying to get it + ended up getting it only because other MM chaser happened to be there when they could’ve just taken a picture or something]
Nate’s just ○♢○ while other person side eyes him like, “Told you.”
btw I picked up debris bc of u, it's super interesting so far! the only real like. lore thing I've seen is a girl and like. a Masada/enderman type guy in the sort of planty hallway with all the lilies
Am really glad you like it! ꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ

You mean these two? Heh am curious what your take on them is since you called em lore. Always found this room really interesting [it almost feels surreal but in a ghibli or ps1-era adventure game way if that makes sense] but have zero idea what to make of it or them.