gingeredmink - ✖✖

Rayn ✘↑18 aro/ace non binary [any pronouns]Chronicically sleep deprived + headache + BPD

782 posts

Have This Weird Personal Phenomenon Of Hearing Some Remix And Getting Sucker Punched By The Lyrics/vocals

Have this weird personal phenomenon of hearing some remix and getting sucker punched by the lyrics/vocals and finding out the original is a Bring Me The Horizon song. every. single. time. have never listened to Bring Me The Horizon.

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More Posts from Gingeredmink

2 years ago

ooooooh how come you think the chaser is a genuine friend? since she shows up places where tatsuki seems to find comfort/friendship (purple princess, before lefias room) I thought she was probably someone who kepts tatsuki away from recovery, esp since with purple princess, the princess gets trapped with thorns and tatsuki gets surrounded by chasers, I figured that means she had sort of extorted the both of them to cut contact

Would say am more 50/50-ish but go back and forth. Like believe both equally but also lean more towards one at times if that makes sense. For a while mainly thought she [calling her Kubinashiko/Kubi for convenience and thats name on wiki] was someone that pretended to be nice but was emotionally manipulating Tats.

Think it's mainly due to all the places she's in make her come off as lonely, like her sitting in the faces canal and spot underwater. The underwater one especially since she herself is looking down and isolated. Probs need to double check this but feels like she's more often than not on her own/away from other npcs, thus the connect due to loneliness thing. Course this could also be a sign of her trying to isolate Tats by always having them away from others.

Huh, didn't realize chasers in that event were Kubi. Always thought they were the lil black guys running around area and that it was supposed to be the princess getting tired of Tats and cutting them off; the princess herself was a case of friendliness is a face. Esp with how the princess's face gets covered if you use the upside-down effect. That's a really good theory though °◇°!

Ooooooh How Come You Think The Chaser Is A Genuine Friend? Since She Shows Up Places Where Tatsuki Seems

not entirely relevant but when going back to check noticed the purple princess smiles when you have the beast effect active which is kinda interesting since thats the scare npcs effect. course she smiles at the mouse so maybe she just likes animals heh. before this thought she was just smiling cause uh ratsuki's cute [she's right and she should smile]

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2 years ago
Boyfriends Hoodie. Or Smething Dunno Was So Sleep Deprived When Thinking Of This [and Still Am] Words
Boyfriends Hoodie. Or Smething Dunno Was So Sleep Deprived When Thinking Of This [and Still Am] Words

boyfriends hoodie. or smething dunno was so sleep deprived when ‘thinking’ of this [and still am] words were kinda just happenin regardless if  they made sense or not

+ a 200% more whiny follow up cause gotta thing for oversized hoodies [who doesnt?]

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2 years ago

btw I picked up debris bc of u, it's super interesting so far! the only real like. lore thing I've seen is a girl and like. a Masada/enderman type guy in the sort of planty hallway with all the lilies


Am really glad you like it! ꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ

Btw I Picked Up Debris Bc Of U, It's Super Interesting So Far! The Only Real Like. Lore Thing I've Seen

You mean these two? Heh am curious what your take on them is since you called em lore. Always found this room really interesting [it almost feels surreal but in a ghibli or ps1-era adventure game way if that makes sense] but have zero idea what to make of it or them.

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2 years ago

sleep paralysis sucks fr

Had a weird dream a few days where i was stuck in the warehouse again and then being chased by a person/thing before i manage to forced myself awake at 4 am or something

So I hope you do get a good night sleep

gonna be honest am genuinely scared of getting it at some point, it sounds horrifying and heart goes out to those that get it frequently.

Wow, that sounds not fun at all. Though guess in a sense you got away via waking up since it can't really chase you out of the dream. But still having to wake self up like that sounds awful.

Thank you, actually felt 'woken up' as opposed to the usual 'brought back from dead' so would say it was pretty good. Hope you're able to get some rest as well!

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2 years ago

silly au scenario thats been goin through head pertaining to whole tatsuki/soutarou thing but don’t have mental capacity to put it on canvas atm. 99% sure its been mentioned on here but have loose feel-good lighthearted concept of an au where Lefia’s a real person and Tats moves in with Sou.

Nate’s [blonde chaser from MM] chatting with someone who’s also friends with the two dreamers and doing the whole, “Come to think of it, have you ever seen the two in the same room together?” Conversation partner’s just, “...Do you really think they’re the same person? Are you serious.” Bit of back n forth banter of same nature and on cue Sou n Tats walk into room arguing about something stupid [personally imagine Tats commenting on how doll absolutely looks like Lefia and Sou retorting that he’s not judging them for that, he’s judging how they spent 30 minutes trying to get it + ended up getting it only because other MM chaser happened to be there when they could’ve just taken a picture or something]

Nate’s just ○♢○ while other person side eyes him like, “Told you.”

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